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North Atlantic right whale mortality rates range from 2% to 17% over the first four years of life. Sources of mortality in this population include ship collisions, entanglements, and natural causes. A combined analysis of stranding data, entanglement records, and photographic information indicates that approximately one third of all right whale mortality is caused by human activities. Anthropogenic sources of right whale mortality may be a significant factor inhibiting growth in the North Atlantic population.  相似文献   

We surveyed pup survival in Mediterranean monk seals ( Monachus monachus ), at Cabo Blanco Peninsula (Western Sahara-Mauritania) colony from May 1993 to December 1997. This species breeds and hauls out on beaches inside two main caves. During the study period we detected a total of 93 pups that died or disappeared. The survival rate of 84 pups through the age of first moult (approximately two months) was 0.47. This value is similar to those reported for other pinnipeds breeding in caves but lower than for those breeding on open beaches. Mortality varied seasonally and appeared to increase as a result of storms, large ocean swells, and high tides. Mother-pup pair separation (and resulting pup starvation) and physical injury caused by impact against the rock walls of the cave and cliffs were established as the causes of most deaths. Beach surface area inside the caves also appeared to be a mediating factor in the effects of sea conditions. High pup mortality may be a limiting growth factor in this population, although cave dwelling protects the population from predators and human disturbance.  相似文献   

Age-specific mortality is measured to characterize the costs of reproduction in the beetle Callosobruchus maculatus, providing explicit details of the timing, duration, magnitude, and acceleration of mortality. We experimentally manipulated reproductive effort in four cohorts of 200 individually housed females by controlling exposure to males and to an artificial oviposition substrate. We demonstrate that (1) early reproduction produces long-term increases in age-specific mortality; (2) egg-laying effort affects the onset of age-specific mortality but not its shape or rate of change; and (3) mating with subsequent reproduction increases the rate of change in age-specific mortality relative to virgins. Accelerated senescence is defined demographically as an increase in the rate of change of age-specific mortality. Our results challenge the hypothesis that reproductive effort accelerates senescence but provides evidence that mating itself may have this effect.  相似文献   

Adult female sea otters ( Enhydra lutris ) were instrumented with implanted radio-transmitters in Prince William Sound (PWS), Alaska, and survival rates were estimated for their dependent pups. Overall, 94 of 141 (67%) of the pups studied survived to a minimum age of 120 d and were assumed to have successfully weaned. Survival of pups in six cohorts ranged from 53% to 88%. The mean interval between successive visual observations was 12.5 d. For these calculations, the assumption was made that pups were successfully weaned if they accompanied mothers for at least 120 d. Estimated survival rates were different when this assumption was changed to either 90 d or 150 d (73% and 52%, respectively).
Females were palpated for pregnancy when instrumented. Of 19 believed to be pregnant, 17 were subsequently seen with young pups giving a detection rate for births of 89.5%. When the above observed survival rate of pups was adjusted for undetected births, the estimated overall survival rate for the study population was 60% (120 d minimum dependency).
Survival rates of pups in PWS and a population at Kodiak Archipelago (KOD) (Monson and DeGange 1995) were compared with that of pups in the population in California (CA, four studies). These data did not support the hypothesis that survival rates were lower in California (CA: 103/160, Psurv. 0.64; PWS: 94/141, Psurv. = 0.67; KOD: 19/23, Psurv. = 0.83; pairwise comparisons, X2, P > 0.05). Comparison of pup survival rates among studies was hindered by small sample sizes, methodological differences, and lack of detail about assumptions underlying estimates.  相似文献   

香港乡土树种幼苗在次生林下生长的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过苗木移植试验,测定了21种香港乡土树种在次生林下的成活率及生长状况。结果表明,大多数种类的幼苗具有一定的耐荫性,可在林下生长;只有极少数种类表现出极耐荫或极不耐荫,导致林下先锋树种幼苗死亡率高的主要原因是荫蔽或因荫蔽而生长不良受病虫害致死。在香港次生林演替中占优势的种类通常具有生长快、稍耐荫,或生长稍慢但耐胁迫等特点。这是对香港退化土地长期适应的结果。鸟播植物在香港次生林中占有重要地位,建议加  相似文献   

Elevated mortality appears to be the main reason for both sluggish growth and periods of decline in the threatened California sea otter population. We assessed causes of mortality from salvage records of 3,105 beach-cast carcasses recovered from 1968 through 1999, contrasting two periods of growth with two periods of decline. Overall, an estimated 40%-60% of the deaths were not recovered and 70% of the recovered carcasses died from unknown causes. Nonetheless, several common patterns were evident in the salvage records during the periods of population decline. These included greater percentages of (1) prime age animals (3–10 yr), (2) carcasses killed by great white shark attacks, (3) carcasses recovered in spring and summer, and (4) carcasses for which the cause of death was unknown. Neither sex composition nor the proportion of carcasses dying of infectious disease varied consistently between periods of population increase and decline. The population decline from 1976 to 1984 was likely due to incidental mortality in a set-net fishery, and the decline from 1995 to 1999 may be related to a developing live-fish fishery. Long-term trends unrelated to periods of growth and decline included a decrease in per capita pup production and mass/length ratios of adult carcasses over the 31-yr study. The generally high proportion of deaths from infectious disease suggests that this factor has contributed to the chronically sluggish growth rate of the California sea otter population.  相似文献   

Critical conservation decisions often hinge on estimates of population size, population growth rate, and survival rates, but as a practical matter it is difficult to obtain enough data to provide precise estimates. Here we discuss Bayesian methods for simultaneously drawing on the information content from multiple sorts of data to get as much precision as possible for the estimates. The basic idea is that an underlying population model can connect the various sorts of observations, so this can be elaborated into a joint likelihood function for joint estimation of the respective parameters. The potential for improved estimates derives from the potentially greater effective sample size of the aggregate of data, even though some of the data types may only bear directly on a subset of the parameters. The achieved improvement depends on specifics of the interactions among parameters in the underlying model, and on the actual content of the data. Assuming the respective data sets are unbiased, notwithstanding the fact that they may be noisy, we may gauge the average improvement in the estimates of the parameters of interest from the reduction, if any, in the standard deviations of their posterior marginal distributions. Prospective designs may be evaluated from analysis of simulated data. Here this approach is illustrated with an assessment of the potential value in various ways of merging mark-resight and carcass-survey data for the Florida manatee, as could be made possible by various modifications in the data collection protocols in both programs.  相似文献   


The harmful bloom alga Aureococcus anophagefferens Hargraves et Sieburth can survive prolonged darkness, which could facilitate overwinter survival and dispersal by anthropogenic vectors such as ballast water. Experiments were conducted to examine the biochemical and photosynthetic changes in cells during dark storage. Cells were stored in the dark for periods from 2 to 14 days and were sampled at days 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, and 14. Samples from days 2, 7, and 14 were monitored during a recovery period of 4–5 days. Physiological and photosynthetic parameters were measured during the dark storage and recovery periods. Cultures resumed growth quickly when returned to light, and bacterial counts remained constant during the dark storage period but increased rapidly during recovery periods. Cellular protein, carbohydrate, and lipid concentrations declined slightly during the dark period. There were no changes in chl a per cell or in RUBISCO per cell during 14 days of darkness. The data therefore suggest that A. anophagefferens is able to maintain its photosynthetic apparatus during dark storage periods of at least 2 weeks and relies on cellular reserves until it is returned to light to resume photosynthesis. During the recovery period in the light, the cells are able to acclimate rapidly to current light levels and resume growth.  相似文献   

We used 742 beach-cast carcasses to characterize age- and sex-specific sea otter mortality during the winter of 1990-1991 at Bering Island, Russia. We also examined 363 carcasses recovered after the 1989 grounding of the T/V Exxon Valdez , to characterize age and sex composition in the living western Prince William Sound (WPWS) sea otter population. At Bering Island, mortality was male-biased (81%), and 75% were adults. The WPWS population was female-biased (59%) and most animals were subadult (79% of the males and 45% of the females). In the decade prior to 1990-1991 we found increasing sea otter densities (particularly among males), declining prey resources, and declining weights in adult male sea otters at Bering Island. Our findings suggest the increased mortality at Bering Island in 1990-1991 was a density-dependent population response. We propose male-maintained breeding territories and exclusion of juvenile females by adult females, providing a mechanism for maintaining densities in female areas below densities in male areas and for potentially moderating the effects of prey reductions on the female population. Increased adult male mortality at Bering Island in 1990-1991 likely modified the sex and age class structure there toward that observed in Prince William Sound.  相似文献   

If immune functions confer obvious benefits to hosts, life-history theory assumes that they also induce costs, leading to trade-offs between immunity and other fitness components. However, whether substantial fitness costs are associated with immune systems in the wild is debatable, as numerous factors may influence the costs and benefits associated with immune activation. Here, we explore the survival cost of immune deployment in postfledging birds. We injected Eurasian collared dove nestlings ( Streptopelia decaocto ) with antigens from Escherichia coli , and examined whether this immune challenge affected survival after fledging. To assess survival, birds were fitted with radiotags and the fate of each individual was monitored regularly. Our results show that mimicking a bacterial infection in nestlings lowered their survival prospects after fledging, in comparison to controls. The main identified cause of mortality (by examination of dead birds) was presumed to be predation. This study provides experimental evidence that immune activation may entail dramatic survival costs in a free-ranging vertebrate, and emphasizes the potential role that environmental factors such as predation may play in this interaction.  相似文献   


Two incidences of mass mortality of fish were recorded in two saline waterbodies (Swartvlei estuary and Rondevlei) in the Wilderness National Park. Species affected were the Knysna seahorse (Hippocampus capensis) and longsnout pipefish (Syngnathus acus) in the Swartvlei estuary, and Cape stumpnose (Rhabdosargus holubi) and white steenbras (Lithognathus lithognathus) in Rondevlei. Comparison of water quality parameters during fish mortalities to past ranges and reported species tolerances indicated that the probable causes for the mortalities were high water temperature in the Swartvlei estuary, and low dissolved oxygen concentration in Rondevlei.  相似文献   

急性缺氧和缺氧习服对鼠足冻伤组织存活面积的影响   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
本工作观察了急性缺氧和缺氧习服对Wistar大鼠左后足冻伤组织存活面积的影响。急性缺氧冻伤组和平原冻伤组大鼠冻足TSA分别为57.68%、60.25%和67.77%、66.88%,损伤程度基本相同,表明大鼠模拟6000m高度急性缺氧8h不加重冻伤引起的组织损伤。大鼠模拟6000m高度减压缺氧习服14d或28d后再作-15℃或-20℃冻伤,冻足TSA仅为14、84%-23.91%,明显少于急性缺氧冻  相似文献   

Re-sightings of photographically identified individuals were used to estimate survival rates for a free-living population of Hector's dolphins Cephalorhynchus hectori , a species endemic to New Zealand waters. Most individuals were identified from injuries to the dorsal fin. Consequently, the photographic catalog contained very few young individuals. Our analysis included no newborn calves or yearlings, and provided estimates of survival rates only after the first year of life. We used two complementary methods for calculating survival rates: a modified Jolly-Seber model, and a simpler method which corrects in a more explicit way for individual dolphins being alive but not sighted. Selection of the most reliable subset of the data had a greater effect on computed survival rates than did the difference between the two methods. We conclude that careful inspection of resighting data before analysis, and, if necessary, selection of a subset, is very important in studies of this kind. Survival rate estimates came from a population which was subject to relatively heavy mortality from gillnet entanglement. Standard errors of the survival rate estimates have been used to assess the conditional probability of population decline given three fertility scenarios. The high probability that the Banks Peninsula Hector's dolphin population was decreasing during the study period (0.78 to 0.99) suggests that gillnet entanglement constituted a serious risk to this population.  相似文献   

Butterflies have distinctively large wings relative to body size, but the functional and fitness consequences of wing size for butterflies are largely unknown. I use natural and experimentally generated variation in wing surface area to examine how decreased wing size affects flight and survival in a population of the western white butterfly, Pontia occidentalis. In the laboratory, experimental reductions in wing area (reduced-wings manipulation) significantly increased wingbeat frequencies of hovering butterflies, whereas a control manipulation had no detectable effects. In contrast, behavioral observations and mark-release-recapture (MRR) studies in the field detected no significant differences in flight activity, initial dispersal rates, or recapture probabilities among treatment groups. Estimated selection coefficients indicated that natural variation in wing size, body mass, and wing loading in the population were not significantly correlated with survival in the two MRR studies. In two mark-recapture studies with manipulated butterflies, survival probabilities were not significantly different for reduced-wings individuals compared with control or unmanipulated individuals. In summary, experimental reductions in wing area significantly altered aspects of flight in the laboratory, but did not detectably alter flight or survival in the field for this population. The large wing size typical of butterflies may reduce the functional and survival consequences of wing size variation within populations.  相似文献   

Benthic algae survive passage through the digestive tract of different types of grazers, either regenerating new tissues or releasing protoplasts and swarmers which act as accessory means of reproduction to generate new individuals. The ecological importance of this phenomenon is evaluated here by studying spores and fecal pellets. Alga fragments egested alive inside fecal pellets have some ecological advantages over free propagules. In intertidal habitats, the sticky nature of the pellets permits attachment to the substratum while protecting the contained algae from desiccation. In subtidal habitats, the pellets sink 8–22 times faster than the fastest sinking algal propagule. Quantification of swarmers and protoplasts released from algal fragments in the fecal pellets indicates densities of about 217 germlings·cm?2 and values of 300–700 propagules per pellet. Extrapolation of these results to field conditions based on number of grazers and pellets suggest production figures varying from 0.5–3.5 × 105to 1.3–1.5 × 106 propagules·m?2·12 h?1. These values are within known density ranges of settling spores in the field. The ecological significance of the phenomenon may be especially important at seasons when the density of grazers increases and the normal reproductive activity of the algae being consumed decreases.  相似文献   

The incidental catch of northern sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) in the walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) joint-venture fishery in Shelikof Strait, Alaska, was studied during 1982–1984 to assess the nature and magnitude of the catch. Data were obtained by placing U.S. observers on foreign processing vessels. Dead sea lions recovered from trawl nets were counted, sexed and measured, teeth were removed for age determination by dental laminae; and stomach contents were analyzed. Although the fishery has continued to expand both in number of boats and estimated total catch (74,136 metric tons [t] in 1982 to 171,539 t in 1984), the estimated incidental catch of northern sea lions has declined (ranging from 958 to 1,436 in 1982, 216 to 324 in 1983 and 237 to 355 in 1984). Of the sea lions processed, 73 percent were caught between 2000 and 0500 h, probably during net retrieval. Most caught sea lions were females ranging in age from 1–25 yr with a mean age of 6.43 yr; 79 percent of the females were sexually mature and probably part of the reproducing population. Males had a mean age of 4.8 yr and only 12 percent were old enough to obtain and defend territories. Analysis of stomach contents showed that the sea lions consumed pollock the same size as that taken by the commercial fishery. The impact of the incidental catch on the Gulf of Alaska sea lion population is unknown.  相似文献   

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