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ABSTRACT In Arizona, USA, Allen's lappet-browed bat (Idionycteris phyllotis) forms maternity colonies in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) snags. There is little information on the roosting habitat of males. We used radiotelemetry to locate 16 maternity, 3 postlactating, and 2 bachelor roosts and combined data with unpublished data for maternity roosts (n = 11) located in 1993–1995. Most (96%) maternity roosts were in large-diameter ( ± SE: 64 ± 2.7 cm) ponderosa pine snags under sloughing bark. Models that best predicted the probability of a snag's use as a maternity roost indicated bats selected taller snags closer to forest roads than comparison snags. Maternity roosts averaged 11 bats per roost (SE = 2, n = 15; from exit counts) and were an average distance of 1.6 km from capture sites (SE = 0.3, n = 17). Bachelor roosts were in vertical sandstone cliff faces in pinyon-juniper (Pinus edulis-Juniperus spp.) woodlands approximately 12 km from capture sites; these and other capture records in Arizona indicated sexual segregation may have occurred during the maternity season. Of 11 maternity snag roosts located in 1993–1995, only one continued to function as a roost. Resource managers should maintain patches of large-diameter ponderosa pine snags with peeling bark to provide maternity roosting habitat for Allen's lappet-browed bat.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Declining bat populations and increasing demands on forest resources have prompted researchers to investigate tree roost selection of forest bats. Few studies, however, have investigated different spatial scales and landscape pattern as criteria for selection of tree roosts. In 1999 and 2000, we radiotracked 23 eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) to 64 day roosts. Using univariate and multivariate comparisons, we tested roost tree variables with random tree data at 3 circular spatial scales: roost tree, plot, and landscape. We found 15 variables that were entered in a stepwise discriminant analysis to best differentiate between the roost and random samples; 11 (73.3%) were landscape variables measured with a geographic information system. On average (x̄ ± SE), red bats roosted in deciduous trees (42.0 ± 2.1 cm dbh) that were located in plots with more (3.1 ± 0.1 m2) basal area, higher (84.0 ± 1.3) percentage of canopy closure, and lower (27.2 ± 2.2) percentage of groundcover than random plots. At the landscape scale (by percent magnitude), red bat buffers (1,000-m-radius circle) had significantly less development (81.6%), less feeding operations (70.4%), more deciduous (52.9%) and pine forest (63.8%), and fewer local roads (5.4%) but more trails (94.1%), open water (61.4%), wetland areas (80.4%), and stream areas (63.1%) than random buffers. Red bat roost trees were significantly closer (χ2 = 22.0088, df = 1, P < 0.001) to trails (106.2 ± 13.3 m) than to streams (279.4 ± 28.5 m). Our results suggest that red bats in our study area select roosts in mature riparian forests near trails, open water, and wetlands. The high percentage of landscape values in the discriminant analysis lends support to using landscape metrics as an investigative technique of resource selection. We recommend that managers consider landscape factors when protecting red bat day-roost habitat.  相似文献   

Roost requirements of most North American forest bats are well-documented, but questions remain regarding the ultimate mechanisms underlying roost selection. Hypotheses regarding roost selection include provision of a stable microclimate, space for large colonies, protection from predators, and proximity to foraging habitat, among others. Although several hypotheses have been proposed, specific mechanisms likely vary by species and geographic region. Rafinesque's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) commonly roosts in trees with large basal hollows in the Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States. Our objective was to weigh evidence for hypotheses regarding selection of diurnal summer roosts by Rafinesque's big-eared bat at 8 study sites across the Coastal Plain of Georgia, USA. We used transect searches and radiotelemetry to locate roosts and measured 22 characteristics of trees, tree cavities, and surrounding vegetation at all occupied roosts and for randomly selected unoccupied trees. We evaluated 10 hypotheses using single-season occupancy models and used Akaike's information criterion to select the most parsimonious models. We located 170 tree roosts containing approximately 870 bats for our analysis. The best supported model predicted bat presence from cavity size, interior wall texture, and number of entrances. Because large cavities allow bats to fly and smooth walls impede attacks by terrestrial predators, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that bats select roosts that allow them to evade predators. However, data on predation rates are needed for a conclusive determination. Because trees suitable as roosts for Rafinesque's big-eared bat are rare in the landscape, protection of suitable forested wetland habitat is essential to provide current and long-term roost tree availability. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Roosts are important sites for shorebirds in non‐breeding areas at night and during high tides. How the spatial configuration of food and risk of predation and disturbance influence roost site use in tropical locations remains poorly known. We analysed the locations of nocturnal roosts of Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus in mangroves of Sanquianga National Park, Colombia, with respect to variation in spatial variables related to food resources and risk of predation and disturbance. We contrasted characteristics of all 13 known nocturnal roost locations with those of all other mangrove islands (n = 209) within the limits of the park. We estimated the distance from roosts and other mangrove islands to foraging sites, and sources of predators and human disturbance. Larger areas of feeding habitat surrounded nocturnal roosts than other mangrove islands, and the average distance to individual feeding patches was shorter. Roosts were also more isolated than other islands, but proximity to sources of human disturbance did not differ. We conclude that Whimbrel roost site use in Sanquianga was best explained by a combination of access to feeding territories and isolation from potential sources of mainland predators, but not by avoidance of human disturbance. Beyond identifying factors influencing roost site selection, the large aggregations of individuals in single locations may suggest that presence of conspecifics itself also plays a role in the formation of Whimbrel roosts. We highlight the interaction of food and risk landscapes with intraspecific attraction on the roost site selection by Whimbrels and the importance of mangroves as roosting sites in tropical regions.  相似文献   

Roosting is an important component of wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo; turkey) ecology as roosts provide security from predators and inclement weather. Males call (gobble) from roosts during the reproductive season, and roost locations are important for maximizing access to females and transmission of calls across the landscape, while also minimizing predation risk. Spring hunting of male turkeys occurs during the reproductive season, and hunting activity influences male behaviors and calling. Because roost sites are important for wild turkey ecology, we evaluated roost site selection and fidelity of male turkeys relative to land cover types, vegetative characteristics, and the presence of hunting activity during 2017–2018 in Georgia, USA. Prior to onset of hunting, males selected roosts nearest to hardwood and pine (Pinus spp.) forests. Roost site fidelity was low and distances between roosts were large. After onset of hunting, males selected pine forests less and exhibited greater plasticity in roost selection while fidelity remained minimal, suggesting that males may have altered selection to mitigate risk from hunting while maintaining the strategy of moving about their ranges and roosting at different sites on consecutive nights. Future research should examine potential effects of hunting-induced shifts in resource selection on other aspects of male turkey behavior and ecology. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Roost microclimate plays an important role in the survival, growth and reproduction in microbats. Entering torpor is one of the main energy saving mechanisms commonly used by microbats. The use of torpor is affected by roost microclimate and seasonally differs between the two sexes in relation to their reproductive condition. Consequently, thermal properties of male and female roosts should differ. To test this hypothesis, we compared temperature parameters of two anthropogenic day roosts of Daubenton’s bats with a different structure of the population inhabiting them. In accordance with our predictions, the roost occupied by a male-dominated colony was colder and more fluctuant than the maternity roost with a female-dominated population. However, using of the two roosts changed during the season in response to changing energetic demands of the two sexes. While males were almost absent in the warmer maternity roost during pregnancy and lactation, they appeared in this roost during the post-lactation when mating starts. In contrast, females did not use the colder (male) roost until the time of weaning of juveniles, i.e., the time when their thermoregulatory needs change and they may benefit from using colder roost. Our study provides the evidence that the same roost may be used by individuals of different sex and reproductive state in different periods of the year. Generalizations about roost selection without knowledge of temporal variation in roost use and microclimatic conditions should be taken with caution. Anthropogenic roosts may be advantageous to Daubenton’s bats as these can provide a variety of suitable microclimates and/or more space for roosting than tree cavities.  相似文献   

Many aspects of animal behaviour are affected by real‐time changes in the risk of predation. This conclusion holds for virtually all taxa and ecological systems studied, but does it hold for bats? Bats are poorly represented in the literature on anti‐predator behaviour, which may reflect a lack of nocturnal predators specialized on bats. If bats actually experience a world with minimal anti‐predator concerns, then they will provide a unique contrast within the realm of vertebrate ecology. Alternatively, such predator‐driven behaviour in bats may not yet be fully understood, given the difficulties in working with these highly mobile and nocturnal animals. We provide a wide‐ranging exploration of these issues in bat behaviour. We first cover the basic predator‐prey information available on bats, both on potential predators and the ways in which bats might perceive predators and respond to attacks. We then cover work relevant to key aspects of bat behaviour, such as choice of daytime roosts, the nature of sleep and torpor, evening roost departures, moonlight avoidance, landscape‐related movement patterns, and habitat selection. Overall, the evidence in favour of a strong influence of predators on bat behaviour is equivocal, with the picture clouded by contradictory results and a lack of information on potential predators and the perception of risk by bats. It seems clear that day‐active bats run a considerable risk of being killed by diurnal raptors, which are able to capture bats with relative ease. Thus, bats taking advantage of a pulse of insects just prior to sunset are likely taking risks to gain much‐needed energy. Further, the choice of daytime roosts by bats is probably strongly influenced by roost safety. Few studies, however, have directly addressed either of these topics. As a group, insectivorous temperate‐zone bats show no clear tendency to avoid apparently risky situations, such as activity on moonlit nights. However, some observations are consistent with the idea that predation risk affects choice of movement paths and feeding areas by temperate‐zone bats, as well as the timing of roost departures. The behaviour of tropical bats, on the other hand, seems more generally influenced by predators; this is especially true for tropical nectarivores and frugivores, but also for insectivorous bats. Presumably there are more serious predators on bats in the tropics (e.g. specialized raptors or carnivorous bats), but the identity of these predators is unclear. More information is needed to assess fully the influence of predators on bat behaviour. There is much need for work on the ways in which bats perceive predators via auditory, visual, and olfactory cues, and whether bats have some knowledge of the risks posed by different predators. Also needed is information on how predators attack bats and how bats react to attacking predators. Difficult to obtain, but of critical value, will be information on the nature of the predation risk experienced by bats while away from roosts and during the full darkness of night.  相似文献   

In summer, many temperate bat species use daytime torpor, but breeding females do so less to avoid interferences with reproduction. In forest‐roosting bats, deep tree cavities buffer roost microclimate from abrupt temperature oscillations and facilitate thermoregulation. Forest bats also switch roosts frequently, so thermally suitable cavities may be limiting. We tested how barbastelle bats (Barbastella barbastellus), often roosting beneath flaking bark in snags, may thermoregulate successfully despite the unstable microclimate of their preferred cavities. We assessed thermoregulation patterns of bats roosting in trees in a beech forest of central Italy. Although all bats used torpor, females were more often normothermic. Cavities were poorly insulated, but social thermoregulation probably overcomes this problem. A model incorporating the presence of roost mates and group size explained thermoregulation patterns better than others based, respectively, on the location and structural characteristics of tree roosts and cavities, weather, or sex, reproductive or body condition. Homeothermy was recorded for all subjects, including nonreproductive females: This probably ensures availability of a warm roosting environment for nonvolant juveniles. Homeothermy may also represent a lifesaver for bats roosting beneath loose bark, very exposed to predators, because homeothermic bats may react quickly in case of emergency. We also found that barbastelle bats maintain group cohesion when switching roosts: This may accelerate roost occupation at the end of a night, quickly securing a stable microclimate in the newly occupied cavity. Overall, both thermoregulation and roost‐switching patterns were satisfactorily explained as adaptations to a structurally and thermally labile roosting environment.  相似文献   

Many North American bat species hibernate in both natural and artificial roosts. Although hibernacula can have high internal climate stability, they still retain spatial variability in their thermal regimes, resulting in various “microclimates” throughout the roost that differ in their characteristics (e.g., temperature and air moisture). These microclimate components can be influenced by factors such as the number of entrances, the depth of the roost, and distance to the nearest entrance of the roost. Tri‐colored bats are commonly found roosting in caves in winter, but they can also be found roosting in large numbers in culverts, providing the unique opportunity to investigate factors influencing microclimates of bats in both natural and artificial roost sites. As tri‐colored bats are currently under consideration for federal listing, information of this type could be useful in aiding in the conservation and management of this species through a better understanding of what factors affect the microclimate near roosting bats. We collected data on microclimate temperature and microclimate actual water vapor pressure (AWVP) from a total of 760 overwintering tri‐colored bats at 18 caves and 44 culverts. Using linear mixed models analysis, we found that variation in bat microclimate temperatures was best explained by external temperature and distance from nearest entrance in both caves and culverts. External temperature had a greater influence on microclimate temperatures in culverts than caves. We found that variation in microclimate AWVP was best explained by external temperature, distance from nearest entrance, and proportion from entrance (proportion of the total length of the roost from the nearest entrance) in culvert‐roosting bats. Variation in microclimate AWVP was best explained by external temperature and proportion from entrance in cave‐roosting bats. Our results suggest that bat microclimate temperature and AWVP are influenced by similar factors in both artificial and natural roosts, although the relative contribution of these factors differs between roost types.  相似文献   

We studied the roosting ecology of the long-tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) during the springautumn months from 1998–2002 at Hanging Rock in the highly fragmented landscape of South Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand. We compared the structural characteristics and microclimates of roost sites used by communally and solitary roosting bats with those of randomly available sites, and roosts of C. tuberculatus occupying unmodified Nothofagus forest in the Eglinton Valley, Fiordland. Roosting group sizes and roost residency times were also compared. We followed forty radio-tagged bats to 94 roosts (20% in limestone crevices, 80% in trees) at Hanging Rock. Roosts were occupied for an average of 1 day and 86% were only used once during the study period. Colony size averaged 9.8 ± 1.1 bats (range 2–38) and colonies were dominated by breeding females and young. Indigenous forest, shrubland remnants and riparian zones were preferred roosting habitats. Communally roosting bats selected roosts in split trunks of some of the largest trees available. Selection of the largest available trees as roost sites is similar to behaviour of bat species occupying unmodified forested habitats. Temperatures inside 12 maternity roosts measured during the lactation period were variable. Five roosts were well insulated from ambient conditions and internal temperatures were stable, whereas the temperatures inside seven roosts fluctuated in parallel with ambient temperature. Tree cavities used by bats at Hanging Rock were significantly nearer ground level, had larger entrance dimensions, were less well insulated, and were occupied by fewer bats than roosts in the Eglinton Valley. These characteristics appear to expose their occupants to unstable microclimates and to a higher risk of threats such as predation. We suggest that roosts at Hanging Rock are of a lower quality than those in the Eglinton Valley, and that roost quality may be one of the contributory factors in the differential reproductive fitness observed in the two bat populations. The value of introduced willows (especially Salix fragilis) as bat roosts should be acknowledged. We recommend six conservation measures to mitigate negative effects of deterioration of roosting habitat: protection and enhancement of the quality of existing roosts, replanting within roosting habitat, provision of high quality artificial roosts, predator control, and education of landowners and statutory bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract: Natural resource managers and agricultural producers are seeking innovative tools to minimize damages caused by rapidly expanding feral pig (Sus scrofa) populations. One tool that has received little scientific inquiry is the use of exclusion fences to protect economically and ecologically sensitive areas. Our objectives were to evaluate the ability of electric fencing to minimize feral pig movements in a captive setting as well as in rangeland and agriculture land. In captivity, we tested a 1-, 2-, and 3-strand electric fence. In our captive trial, we found 65% fewer intrusions (F2,18 = 20.46, P < 0.001) for electric fences (x̄ = 12.4, SE = 2.8) compared with nonelectric fences (x̄ = 35.6, SE = 6.9). We found no difference (F2,9 = 1.85, P = 0.212) for 1-strand (x̄ = 28.1, SE = 7.8), 2-strand (x̄ = 14.2, SE = 3.2), and 3-strand (x̄ = 16.9, SE = 4.3) electric fences. However, we found 50% and 40% fewer crossings for the 2- and 3-strand fences, respectively, compared with the 1-strand fence. In our rangeland trial, we found 49% fewer intrusions (F2,18 =4.39, P = 0.028) into bait stations with a 2-strand electric fence (x̄ =4.1, SE = 1.8) compared with no fence (x̄ =8.1, SE = 2.4). Finally, in our agriculture trial, we found 64% less damage (X22 = 5.77, P = 0.016) to sorghum crops with a 2-strand electric fence (x̄ = 4.48, SE = 0.01%) compared with no electric fence (x̄ = 12.46, SE = 0.03%). Furthermore we found no (X11 = 3.72, P = 0.054) wildlife pathways in areas with an electric fence (x̄ = 0.0, SE =0.0) compared with no fence (x̄ = 2.4, SE= 1.3). No electric fence design we tested was 100% pig-proof However, we found electric fencing restricted feral pig movements. Combining electric fencing with other damage control methods in an integrated management program may be the best method for alleviating feral pig damages.  相似文献   

Knowledge of roost selection by northern yellow bats (Lasiurus intermedius) is limited to a small number of known roost locations. Yet knowledge of basic life history is fundamental to understanding past response to anthropogenic change and to predict how species will respond to future environmental change. Therefore, we examined male northern yellow bat roost selection on 2 Georgia, USA, barrier islands with different disturbance histories. Sapelo Island has a history of extensive disturbance and is dominated by pine (Pinus spp.) forests; Little Saint Simons Island has a limited disturbance history with maritime oak (Quercus spp.) forest as the dominant cover type. From March–July 2012 and 2013, we radio-tracked 35 adult male northern yellow bats to diurnal roosts and modeled roost characteristics at the plot and landscape scales. We located 387 roosts, of which 95% were in Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) hanging in hardwood trees. On both islands, bats selected roost trees with larger diameters than surrounding trees and selected roost locations with greater open flight space (i.e., low midstory clutter) underneath. Roosts were located farther from open areas on Sapelo and closer to fresh water on Little Saint Simons compared to random locations. Lower availability of hardwood forest on Sapelo may have resulted in small-scale roost site selection (i.e., plot level) despite potential increased costs of commuting to water and open areas for foraging. In contrast, greater availability of hardwood forest on Little Saint Simons likely allowed selection of roosts closer to fresh water, which provides foraging and drinking opportunities. Our results indicate that mature hardwood trees in areas with low midstory clutter are important in male northern yellow bat roost selection, but landscape-level features have varying influences on roost selection, likely as a result of differences in disturbance history. Therefore, management will differ depending on the landscape context. Further research is needed to examine roost selection by females, which may have different habitat requirements. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Ho YY  Lee LL 《Zoological science》2003,20(8):1017-1024
Patterns of roost use by Formosan leaf-nosed bats (Hipposideros armiger terasensis) were studied from November 1998 to April 2000. Structural characteristics, microclimates, and disturbance levels of 17 roosts used by H. a. terasensis and 15 roosts either used by other bat species (2) or not occupied by any bat species were compared. Roosts used by these bats were significantly larger in size and had greater areas covered by water compared to unused roosts. Entrances of active roosts were more likely to be east-west oriented. Hibernacula had lower entrances and ceilings than did roosts used only in summer. Higher temperatures were recorded in non-breeding roosts than in breeding roosts, but temperature gradients in these two types of roosts did not differ. In winter, hibernacula were warmer, and the temperature fluctuated less than in non-hibernacula. The relative humidities in summer roosts and hibernacula were nearly 100%. Disturbance levels were significantly higher in non-breeding roosts than in breeding roosts, and in non-hibernacula than in hibernacula. These results suggest that the Formosan leaf-nosed bats are selective of their roosts, but the pattern of their roost selection differs from those reported for bats of temperate regions. The reasons for such differences may be related to differences in body size, behavior, and reproductive strategy of the Formosan leaf-nosed bats living in a subtropical climate in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Abstract: Eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) have been found to overwinter in areas that can experience severe fluctuations in temperature. We examined the red bat's use of winter roosts in southwest Missouri, USA, for 2 winters (2003–2005). We found tree roosts in eastern red cedars (Juniperus virginiana) and hardwoods. Tree roost sites were located on the south side of trees, and we found roost trees on south-facing slopes. Roost sites occurred more frequently in the location with least canopy cover. Bats switched from tree roosts to leaf litter roosts when ambient temperatures approached or fell below freezing. We found habitat characteristics and aspect to be determining factors in the selection of leaflitter roosts. Management of overwintering red bats requires a diverse forest structure, including canopy gaps, stand-density variation, and leaf-bearing trees, including oaks (Quercus spp.).  相似文献   


Lesser short‐tailed bats (Mystacina tuberculata) have recently been translocated to Kapiti Island in an attempt to form a new population of this threatened species. However, the island's vegetation is regenerating, and there was doubt that the forests provided enough large trees with cavities for bats to roost in. This study measured the availability of tree‐trunk cavities of the right size for potential roost sites on Kapiti Island, and assessed if habitat restoration would be required to increase the translocation's chance of success. first, trees with cavities accessible to us were sampled in six of Kapiti Island's forest types. Size variables known to affect roost site selection by lesser short‐tailed bats at the tree and cavity level were measured. Trees were classified as containing cavities that could potentially provide suitable roosts if their values for all variables measured fell within the range of roosts used by lesser short‐tailed bats in natural populations. Roosts were classified as suitably sized for solitary bats or for colonies, using measurements from both types of roosts in natural populations. Second, the density of these potential roost cavities was calculated. Cavities of a size potentially suitable for colonies were found in four of the six forest types at densities ranging from 3.2 ± 3.2 Se to 52.4 ± 14.0 trees per ha. density of potential solitary roosts was much higher. Not all potential cavities will be suitable because they may be damp, poorly insulated, or have an unsuitable microclimate. Nevertheless, our estimates indicated that the two most extensive forest types each contained thousands of potential cavities of a size suitable for colonies of lesser short‐tailed bats. In addition, there were tens of thousands of cavities large enough to shelter solitary bats. Roost habitat restoration appears unnecessary to assist translocated Mystacina tuberculata on Kapiti Island.  相似文献   

Theodore H.  Fleming 《Ibis》1981,123(4):463-476
This study presents data on the roosting and feeding behaviour of Pied Wagtails around Oxford, England. During the winter of 1977–78, from two to 1200 wagtails roosted in a Phragmites reed-bed. Use of this roost was greatest during mild, windless weather and the birds apparently used alternate roosts during harsh weather. Movement between roosts sometimes occurred between sunset and sunrise. Morning ‘departure group’ size, number leaving per unit time and diversity of departure directions increased with roost size. Wagtails quickly left the vicinity in the morning. In the afternoon, they joined one or more pre-roost gatherings before entering the roost for the night. Behaviour upon arrival at the roost was variable: birds might enter the reeds quickly or circle in large groups before landing. Aerial revolutions and generally ‘restless’ behaviour often accompanied increases in roost size. Wagtail feeding rates varied significantly between and within habitats. Number of wagtails feeding on the flooded Port Meadow, located 2–3 km south of the main roost, varied from about five to over 60 on different days; these numbers were not correlated with feeding rates. In contrast, the number of birds feeding at a sewage farm was nearly constant all winter. Some wagtails show high fidelity to feeding areas but others do not. Five short-term food supplementation experiments indicated that wagtails knowledgeable about a dense food source are not followed in the morning by naive birds. Results of this study are discussed in relation to the predation, physiology and information centre hypotheses that have been suggested to explain communal roosting in birds. I conclude that the communal roosting system of Pied Wagtails has physiological and anti-predator functions. Wagtails appear to choose certain roosts because of the protection that they provide from adverse climate and predation.  相似文献   

The decision where to live has far-reaching fitness consequences for animals. In contrast to most other mammals or birds that use sheltered nest sites, female Bechstein's bats frequently switch day roosts during one breeding season, and therefore must often decide where to spend the day. Selecting the right roost is important, because roost quality, e.g. microclimatic condition, influences survival and reproduction in bats. Although thermal factors are very important for the quality of roosts occupied by bats, whether bats base their day roost selection directly on roost temperature has not been tested in the field. Over one summer, we examined and tested the roost choice of 21 individually marked female Myotis bechsteinii living in one maternity colony. In a field experiment, we allowed the bats to choose between relatively warm versus cold bat boxes, while controlling for site preferences. We expected females to exhibit a preference for warm roosts during pregnancy and lactation to accelerate gestation and shorten the period of growth of their young. Roost occupancy over 160 census days reflected significant temperature differences among 89 surveyed roosts (14 tree holes and 75 bat boxes), and preferences changed with the season. Females significantly preferred cold roosts before parturition, whereas post-partum, they significantly favoured warm roosts. Temperature preferences were independent of the roost site, and thus roost selection was based directly on temperature. Boxes with significantly different daytime temperatures did not differ significantly at night. Consequently, bats would have to spend at least 1 day in a new roost to test it. Information transfer among colony members might facilitate knowledge of roost availability. Access to many roosts providing different microclimates is likely to be important for successful reproduction in the endangered Bechstein's bat.  相似文献   

Small passerines were the principal prey in pellets from Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus communal winter roosts in Breckland and the New Forest. Skylark Alauda arvensis remains predominate in the pellets from Breckland. Dunnock Prunella modularis and Greenfinch Carduelis chloris were also important. The contents of New Forest pellets reflected the position of each roost. In pellets from a roost on the northern edge of New Forest heathland and close to farmland, Skylark was by far the predominant prey. Wren Troglodytes troglodytes and Linnet Carduelis cannabina were the next most important passerines. Pellets from the more extensive heather heathland in the south of the New Forest showed greater dependence on the heathland community of insectivorous passerines, with Wren, Dartford Warbler Sylvia undata and Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis occurring as prey in that order of frequency. Pellets from a roost in northwest New Forest heathland with less heather and closer to farmland contained mainly a mixture of farmland-and heathland-feeding passerines. The directions of arrival and departure at roosts indicated that the Breckland-roosting harriers hunted mainly in arable fenland and the New Forest edge-roosting harriers in arable downland. Counts of the principal passerine prey species in roost catchment areas indicated that Greenfinch and Linnet were most abundant in arable fenland and arable downland squares, respectively, and the Wren was most abundant in the New Forest catchment area as a whole. The influence of the distribution of weed species on the species of seed-eating passerines in prey was investigated. Proportions of passerines in pellets from the Breckland and New Forest edge roosts were positively correlated with the proportions of “grey” males. Proportions of finches in both the Breckland and the New Forest edge-roost pellets declined sharply after January. There was a shift toward lagomorphs in the diet after January and a suggestion that this was positively correlated with the proportions of ringtails at the Breckland roost. Factors affecting prey composition and selection of foraging habitat, the effect of harrier predation on Dartford Warbler numbers and the implications for differential distribution of the harrier sexes in winter are discussed.  相似文献   

Although roost choice in bats has been studied previously, little is known about how opposing roost colours affect the expression of torpor quantitatively. We quantified roost selection and thermoregulation in a captive Australian insectivorous bat, Nyctophilus gouldi (n=12) in winter when roosting in black and white coloured boxes using temperature-telemetry. We quantified how roost choice influences torpor expression when food was provided ad libitum or restricted in bats housed together in an outdoor aviary exposed to natural fluctuations of ambient temperature. Black box temperatures averaged 5.1 °C (maximum 7.5 °C) warmer than white boxes at their maximum daytime temperature. Bats fed ad libitum chose black boxes on most nights (92.9%) and on 100% of nights when food-restricted. All bats used torpor on all study days. However, bats fed ad libitum and roosting in black boxes used shorter torpor and spent more time normothermic/active at night than food-restricted bats and bats roosting in white boxes. Bats roosting in black boxes also rewarmed passively more often and to a higher skin temperature than those in white boxes. Our study suggests that N. gouldi fed ad libitum select warmer roosts in order to passively rewarm to a higher skin temperature and thus save energy required for active midday rewarming as well as to maintain a normothermic body temperature for longer periods at night. This study shows that colour should be considered when deploying bat boxes; black boxes are preferable for those bats that use passive rewarming, even in winter when food availability is reduced.  相似文献   

We studied roost structure, modification, and availability in Lophostoma silvicolum (Phyllostomidae), an insectivorous gleaning bat, on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panamá. Collection of nest material beneath termitaria and infrared video filming indicated that males of L. silvicolum excavate and maintain cavities inside active termite nests. A binary logistic regression analysis showed that to be suitable as roosts, termite nests have to be larger than 30 cm in diameter and taller than 30 cm, well shaded, with few transecting branches, and freely accessible from below. Use of active termite nests as roosts may provide several benefits to L. silvicolum, including reduction of competition for roost sites with sympatric bat species, reduced parasite load and a suitable microclimate. A comparison of number of all termite nests in selected forest plots with number of termite nests that are potentially suited as bat roosts and number of termite nests that are actually used by bats suggests that L. silvicolum may not be roost‐limited on BCI in spite of its highly specialized roost choice.  相似文献   

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