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Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides “Small Colony” (MmmSC) is responsible for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) in bovidae, a notifiable disease to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). Although its origin is not documented, the disease was known in Europe in 1773. It reached nearly world-wide distribution in the 19th century through the cattle trade and was eradicated from most continents by stamping-out policies. During the 20th century it persisted in Africa, and it reappeared sporadically in Southern Europe. Yet, classical epidemiology studies failed to explain the re-occurrence of the disease in Europe in the 1990s. The objectives of this study were to obtain a precise phylogeny of this pathogen, reconstruct its evolutionary history, estimate the date of its emergence, and determine the origin of the most recent European outbreaks. A large-scale genomic approach based on next-generation sequencing technologies was applied to construct a robust phylogeny of this extremely monomorphic pathogen by using 20 representative strains of various geographical origins. Sixty two polymorphic genes of the MmmSC core genome were selected, representing 83601 bp in total and resulting in 139 SNPs within the 20 strains. A robust phylogeny was obtained that identified a lineage specific to European strains; African strains were scattered in various branches. Bayesian analysis allowed dating the most recent common ancestor for MmmSC around 1700. The strains circulating in Sub-Saharan Africa today, however, were shown to descend from a strain that existed around 1810. MmmSC emerged recently, about 300 years ago, and was most probably exported from Europe to other continents, including Africa, during the 19th century. Its diversity is now greater in Africa, where CBPP is enzootic, than in Europe, where outbreaks occurred sporadically until 1999 and where CBPP may now be considered eradicated unless MmmSC remains undetected.  相似文献   

The successful reconstruction of an ancient bacterial genome from archaeological material presents an important methodological advancement for infectious disease research. The reliability of evolutionary histories inferred by the incorporation of ancient data, however, are highly contingent upon the level of genetic diversity represented in modern genomic sequences that are publicly accessible, and the paucity of available complete genomes restricts the level of phylogenetic resolution that can be obtained. Here we add to our original analysis of the Yersinia pestis strain implicated in the Black Death by consolidating our dataset for 18 modern genomes with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data for an additional 289 strains at over 600 positions. The inclusion of this additional data reveals a cluster of Y. pestis strains that diverge at a time significantly in advance of the Black Death, with divergence dates roughly coincident with the Plague of Justinian (6th to 8th century AD). In addition, the analysis reveals further clues regarding potential radiation events that occurred immediately preceding the Black Death, and the legacy it may have left in modern Y. pestis populations. This work reiterates the need for more publicly available complete genomes, both modern and ancient, to achieve an accurate understanding of the history of this bacterium.  相似文献   

Over the past decade genomic approaches have begun to revolutionise the study of animal diversity. In particular, genome sequencing programmes have spread beyond the traditional model species to encompass an increasing diversity of animals from many different phyla, as well as unicellular eukaryotes that are closely related to the animals. Whole genome sequences allow researchers to establish, with reasonable confidence, the full complement of any particular family of genes in a genome. Comparison of gene complements from appropriate genomes can reveal the evolutionary history of gene families, indicating when both gene diversification and gene loss have occurred. More than that, however, assembled genomes allow the genomic environment in which individual genes are found to be analysed and compared between species. This can reveal how gene diversification occurred. Here, we focus on the Fox genes, drawing from multiple animal genomes to develop an evolutionary framework explaining the timing and mechanism of origin of the diversity of animal Fox genes. Ancient linkages between genes are a prominent feature of the Fox genes, depicting a history of gene clusters, some of which may be relevant to understanding Fox gene function.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) causes a chronic, lifelong infection in >60% of adults. Multiple recent vaccine trials have failed, with viral diversity likely contributing to these failures. To understand HSV-1 diversity better, we comprehensively compared 20 newly sequenced viral genomes from China, Japan, Kenya, and South Korea with six previously sequenced genomes from the United States, Europe, and Japan. In this diverse collection of passaged strains, we found that one-fifth of the newly sequenced members share a gene deletion and one-third exhibit homopolymeric frameshift mutations (HFMs). Individual strains exhibit genotypic and potential phenotypic variation via HFMs, deletions, short sequence repeats, and single-nucleotide polymorphisms, although the protein sequence identity between strains exceeds 90% on average. In the first genome-scale analysis of positive selection in HSV-1, we found signs of selection in specific proteins and residues, including the fusion protein glycoprotein H. We also confirmed previous results suggesting that recombination has occurred with high frequency throughout the HSV-1 genome. Despite this, the HSV-1 strains analyzed clustered by geographic origin during whole-genome distance analysis. These data shed light on likely routes of HSV-1 adaptation to changing environments and will aid in the selection of vaccine antigens that are invariant worldwide.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The Escherichia coli species contains a variety of commensal and pathogenic strains, and its intraspecific diversity is extraordinarily high. With the availability of an increasing number of E. coli strain genomes, a more comprehensive concept of their evolutionary history and ecological adaptation can be developed using phylogenomic analyses. In this study, we constructed two types of whole-genome phylogenies based on 34 E. coli strains using collinear genomic segments. The first phylogeny was based on the concatenated collinear regions shared by all of the studied genomes, and the second phylogeny was based on the variable collinear regions that are absent from at least one genome. Intuitively, the first phylogeny is likely to reveal the lineal evolutionary history among these strains (i.e., an evolutionary phylogeny), whereas the latter phylogeny is likely to reflect the whole-genome similarities of extant strains (i.e., a similarity phylogeny). RESULTS: Within the evolutionary phylogeny, the strains were clustered in accordance with known phylogenetic groups and phenotypes. When comparing evolutionary and similarity phylogenies, a concept emerges that Shigella may have originated from at least three distinct ancestors and evolved into a single clade. By scrutinizing the properties that are shared amongst Shigella strains but missing in other E. coli genomes, we found that the common regions of the Shigella genomes were mainly influenced by mobile genetic elements, implying that they may have experienced convergent evolution via horizontal gene transfer. Based on an inspection of certain key branches of interest, we identified several collinear regions that may be associated with the pathogenicity of specific strains. Moreover, by examining the annotated genes within these regions, further detailed evidence associated with pathogenicity was revealed. CONCLUSIONS: Collinear regions are reliable genomic features used for phylogenomic analysis among closely related genomes while linking the genomic diversity with phenotypic differences in a meaningful way. The pathogenicity of a strain may be associated with both the arrival of virulence factors and the modification of genomes via mutations. Such phylogenomic studies that compare collinear regions of whole genomes will help to better understand the evolution and adaptation of closely related microbes and E. coli in particular.  相似文献   

Europeans have been the focus of some of the largest studies of genetic diversity in any species to date. Recent genome-wide data have reinforced the hypothesis that present-day European genetic diversity is strongly correlated with geography. The remaining challenge now is to understand more precisely how patterns of diversity in Europe reflect ancient demographic events such as postglacial expansions or the spread of farming. It is likely that recent advances in paleogenetics will give us some of these answers. There has also been progress in identifying specific segments of European genomes that reflect adaptations to selective pressures from the physical environment, disease, and dietary shifts. A growing understanding of how modern European genetic diversity has been shaped by demographic and evolutionary forces is not only of basic historical and anthropological interest but also aids genetic studies of disease.During classical antiquity, writers such as Herodotus chronicled the expansion and contraction of empires, as well as the traditions of the peoples associated with them. Julius Caesar''s memoirs from the Roman conquests of Gaul detail his encounters with foreign tribes such as the Helvetii and the Belgae. Such accounts were fascinating to peoples of that era as humans lived largely in ignorance of other cultures beyond their relatively small geographical vicinity. In the modern world, the barriers to acquiring knowledge of other contemporary societies are small; we can now easily learn about populations from across the world through an abundance of sources. Instead, the major challenge is to discern whom the peoples of the past were. From the perspective of genetics, we are especially curious about how past demographic and evolutionary events influenced the genetic diversity in humans today. However, peering into the past poses major challenges, and, in some ways, we stand much like Herodotus and Caesar, trying to piece together an understanding of distant populations from limited contact and partial experiences.For geneticists, Europe represents a uniquely well-studied region of the world. On the one hand, it has a richness of accessible sources. We have already mentioned historical accounts beginning with the ancient works of Herodotus; there has also been an abundance of archaeological, anthropological, and linguistic studies. More recently there has been substantial interest in understanding the genetic history of modern Europeans. Indeed, many of the largest studies of the genetics of human populations have taken place in Europe. This is, in large part, because of the availability of European universities and biomedical centers, which have provided the infrastructure for such “big science” studies that other regions have traditionally lacked. On the other hand, European human diversity has at various times been highly politicized, which has led to deeply misguided perspectives on the subject of genetic superiority and some of the most atrocious abuses to human life—the genocides and eugenics of the first half of the 20th century.Contemporary genetic studies in Europe still work under the shadow of such views that are now understood as being scientifically without merit as well as ethically wrong, and, as today''s scientists, we must be sensitive to the potential future misuse of findings regarding genetic diversity. That said, the field has been reinvigorated during the past approximately 50 years as perspectives on human diversity, both cultural and genetic, have matured. Scientifically, it is now appreciated that the genetic differences among humans are, in absolute terms, small as first identified by Lewontin (1972) (also see Chakravati 2014). Simplistic notions of genetic determinism have also fallen aside as most human traits are now thought to be driven by complex interactions between multiple environmental and genetic factors. Culturally, there is a wider appreciation that diversity makes a positive contribution to society. And finally, it is now recognized that understanding background patterns of genetic diversity is an essential component for combating heritable and infectious diseases.Thanks to the growing interest in human population genetics, the scale of recent studies of European genetic diversity has grown to a staggering extent. Studies involving Europeans are some of the largest to have been performed in any population, regardless of the species. As a result, research on genetic diversity in Europe is of interest not just to scientists examining other human populations around the world but to all students of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Comparative RFLP analysis was for the first time performed for 21 variola virus (VARV) strains of the Russian collection with 20 amplicons covering the total VARV genome. The amplicons were synthesized in the long polymerase chain reaction. A database useful as a reference for identifying VARV strains was generated. VARV strains isolated in different geographical regions were compared and proved to vary mostly in variable genome regions. Each of the dendrograms constructed included three clusters of African, Asian, and VARV-alastrim isolates. The VARV-alastrim isolates differed to the greatest extent from the other strains. VARV strains isolated during an ecdemic variola burst in Moscow (1960) grouped with Asian isolates. Polymorphism of VARV strains was for the first time observed for a single variola burst with a few affected patients.  相似文献   

Salmonella Newport has ranked in the top three Salmonella serotypes associated with foodborne outbreaks from 1995 to 2011 in the United States. In the current study, we selected 26 S. Newport strains isolated from diverse sources and geographic locations and then conducted 454 shotgun pyrosequencing procedures to obtain 16–24 × coverage of high quality draft genomes for each strain. Comparative genomic analysis of 28 S. Newport strains (including 2 reference genomes) and 15 outgroup genomes identified more than 140,000 informative SNPs. A resulting phylogenetic tree consisted of four sublineages and indicated that S. Newport had a clear geographic structure. Strains from Asia were divergent from those from the Americas. Our findings demonstrated that analysis using whole genome sequencing data resulted in a more accurate picture of phylogeny compared to that using single genes or small sets of genes. We selected loci around the mutS gene of S. Newport to differentiate distinct lineages, including those between invH and mutS genes at the 3′ end of Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 (SPI-1), ste fimbrial operon, and Clustered, Regularly Interspaced, Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) associated-proteins (cas). These genes in the outgroup genomes held high similarity with either S. Newport Lineage II or III at the same loci. S. Newport Lineages II and III have different evolutionary histories in this region and our data demonstrated genetic flow and homologous recombination events around mutS. The findings suggested that S. Newport Lineages II and III diverged early in the serotype evolution and have evolved largely independently. Moreover, we identified genes that could delineate sublineages within the phylogenetic tree and that could be used as potential biomarkers for trace-back investigations during outbreaks. Thus, whole genome sequencing data enabled us to better understand the genetic background of pathogenicity and evolutionary history of S. Newport and also provided additional markers for epidemiological response.  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus (BTV) is a midge-borne member of the genus Orbivirus that causes an eponymous debilitating livestock disease of great agricultural impact and which has expanded into Europe in recent decades. Reassortment among the ten segments comprising the double-stranded (ds) RNA genome of BTV has played an important role in generating the epidemic strains of this virus in Europe. In this study, we investigated the dynamics of BTV genome segment evolution utilizing time-structured data sets of complete sequences from four segments, totalling 290 sequences largely sampled from ruminant hosts. Our analysis revealed that BTV genome segments generally evolve under strong purifying selection and at substitution rates that are generally lower (mean rates of ~0.5–7 × 10−4 nucleotide substitutions per site, per year) than vector-borne positive-sense viruses with single-strand (ss) RNA genomes. These also represent the most robust estimates of the nucleotide substitution rate in a dsRNA virus generated to date. Additionally, we determined that patterns of geographic structure and times to most recent common ancestor differ substantially between each segment, including a relatively recent origin for the diversity of segment 10 within the past millennium. Together, these findings demonstrate the effect of reassortment to decouple the evolutionary dynamics of BTV genome segments.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, ancient genomics has been used in the study of various pathogens. In this context, herbarium specimens provide a precious source of dated and preserved DNA material, enabling a better understanding of plant disease emergences and pathogen evolutionary history. We report here the first historical genome of a crop bacterial pathogen, Xanthomonas citri pv. citri (Xci), obtained from an infected herbarium specimen dating back to 1937. Comparing the 1937 genome within a large set of modern genomes, we reconstructed their phylogenetic relationships and estimated evolutionary parameters using Bayesian tip-calibration inferences. The arrival of Xci in the South West Indian Ocean islands was dated to the 19th century, probably linked to human migrations following slavery abolishment. We also assessed the metagenomic community of the herbarium specimen, showed its authenticity using DNA damage patterns, and investigated its genomic features including functional SNPs and gene content, with a focus on virulence factors.  相似文献   

Comparative RFLP analysis was for the first time performed for 21 variola virus (VARV) strains of the Russian collection with 20 amplicons covering the total VARV genome. The amplicons were synthesized in the long polymerase chain reaction. A database useful as a reference for identifying VARV strains was generated. VARV strains isolated in different geographical regions were compared and proved to vary mostly in variable genome regions. Each of the dendrograms constructed included three clusters of African, Asian, and VARV-alastrim isolates. The VARV-alastrim isolates differed to the greatest extent from the other strains. VARV strains isolated during an ecdemic variola burst in Moscow (1960) grouped with Asian isolates. Polymorphism of VARV strains was for the first time observed for a single variola burst with a few affected patients.  相似文献   

Mammalian genomes contain numerous evolutionary harbored mobile elements, a part of which are still active and may cause genomic instability. Their movement and positional diversity occasionally result in phenotypic changes and variation by causing altered expression or disruption of neighboring host genes. Here, we describe a novel microarray-based method by which dispersed genomic locations of a type of retrotransposon in a mammalian genome can be identified. Using this method, we mapped the DNA elements for a mouse retrotransposon, intracisternal A-particle (IAP), within genomes of C3H/He and C57BL/6J inbred mouse strains; consequently we detected hundreds of probable IAP cDNA–integrated genomic regions, in which a considerable number of strain-specific putative insertions were included. In addition, by comparing genomic DNAs from radiation-induced myeloid leukemia cells and its reference normal tissue, we detected three genomic regions around which an IAP element was integrated. These results demonstrate the first successful genome-wide mapping of a retrotransposon type in a mammalian genome.  相似文献   

Genomic diversity and past population histories are key considerations in the fields of conservation and evolutionary biology. In this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Prasad et al. (Mol. Ecol. Resour., 2021) examine how the quality and phylogenetic divergence of reference genomes influences the outcomes of downstream analyses such as diversity and demographic history inference. Using the beluga whale and rowi kiwi as examples (Figure 1), they systematically estimate heterozygosity, runs of homozygosity (ROH), and demographic history (PSMC) using reference genomes of varying quality and phylogenetic divergence from the target species. They show that demographic history analyses are impacted by phylogenetic distance, although this is not pronounced until divergence exceeds 3% from the target species. Similarly, their results imply that heterozygosity estimates are dependent on phylogenetic distance and the method used to perform the estimates, and ROHs are potentially undetectable when a nonconspecific reference is used. This investigation into the role of divergence and quality of reference genomes highlights the impact and potential biases generated by genome selection on downstream analyses, and provides a possible alternative in cross-species scaffolding in instances where a conspecific reference genome is not available.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are maternally inherited symbiotic bacteria, commonly found in arthropods, which are able to manipulate the reproduction of their host in order to maximise their transmission. The evolutionary history of endosymbionts like Wolbachia can be revealed by integrating information on infection status in natural populations with patterns of sequence variation in Wolbachia and host mitochondrial genomes. Here we use whole-genome resequencing data from 290 lines of Drosophila melanogaster from North America, Europe, and Africa to predict Wolbachia infection status, estimate relative cytoplasmic genome copy number, and reconstruct Wolbachia and mitochondrial genome sequences. Overall, 63% of Drosophila strains were predicted to be infected with Wolbachia by our in silico analysis pipeline, which shows 99% concordance with infection status determined by diagnostic PCR. Complete Wolbachia and mitochondrial genomes show congruent phylogenies, consistent with strict vertical transmission through the maternal cytoplasm and imperfect transmission of Wolbachia. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis reveals that the most recent common ancestor of all Wolbachia and mitochondrial genomes in D. melanogaster dates to around 8,000 years ago. We find evidence for a recent global replacement of ancestral Wolbachia and mtDNA lineages, but our data suggest that the derived wMel lineage arose several thousand years ago, not in the 20th century as previously proposed. Our data also provide evidence that this global replacement event is incomplete and is likely to be one of several similar incomplete replacement events that have occurred since the out-of-Africa migration that allowed D. melanogaster to colonize worldwide habitats. This study provides a complete genomic analysis of the evolutionary mode and temporal dynamics of the D. melanogasterWolbachia symbiosis, as well as important resources for further analyses of the impact of Wolbachia on host biology.  相似文献   

Potato virus Y (PVY) is a major agricultural disease that reduces crop yields worldwide. Different strains of PVY are associated with differing degrees of pathogenicity, of which the most common and economically important are known to be recombinant. We need to know the evolutionary origins of pathogens to prevent further escalations of diseases, but putatively reticulate genealogies are challenging to reconstruct with standard phylogenetic approaches. Currently available phylogenetic hypotheses for PVY are either limited to non-recombinant strains, represent only parts of the genome, and/or incorrectly assume a strictly bifurcating phylogenetic tree. Despite attempts to date potyviruses in general, no attempt has been made to date the origins of pathogenic PVY. We test whether diversification of the major strains of PVY and recombination between them occurred within the time frame of the domestication and modern cultivation of potatoes. In so doing, we demonstrate a novel extension of a phylogenetic approach for reconstructing reticulate evolutionary scenarios. We infer a well resolved phylogeny of 44 whole genome sequences of PVY viruses, representative of all known strains, using recombination detection and phylogenetic inference techniques. Using Bayesian molecular dating we show that the parental strains of PVY diverged around the time potatoes were first introduced to Europe, that recombination between them only occurred in the last century, and that the multiple recombination events that led to highly pathogenic PVYNTN occurred within the last 50 years. Disease causing agents are often transported across the globe by humans, with disastrous effects for us, our livestock and crops. Our analytical approach is particularly pertinent for the often small recombinant genomes involved (e.g. HIV/influenza A). In the case of PVY, increased transport of diseased material is likely to blame for uniting the parents of recombinant pathogenic strains: this process needs to be minimised to prevent further such occurrences.  相似文献   

Retroviruses are unusual amongst animal viruses in their capacity to integrate into host genomes and be transmitted vertically to host progeny. Vertebrate genomes contain numerous and diverse retrovirus-derived sequences reflecting a long co-evolutionary history during which genome invasion has occurred repeatedly, with wide-ranging evolutionary consequences. Over the past 10 years, a detailed picture of retroviral diversity throughout vertebrate genomes has emerged, revealing striking and informative patterns that differ markedly across species. The power of these data to deliver far-reaching insights into the biology and evolution of retroviruses has been significantly advanced by recent studies identifying ongoing genome invasion in wild populations, and by the characterisation of conserved mechanisms of innate antiretroviral defence.  相似文献   

Nearly two decades since the first retrieval of Neanderthal DNA, recent advances in next-generation sequencing technologies have allowed the generation of high-coverage genomes from two archaic hominins, a Neanderthal and a Denisovan, as well as a complete mitochondrial genome from remains which probably represent early members of the Neanderthal lineage. This genomic information, coupled with diversity exome data from several Neanderthal specimens is shedding new light on evolutionary processes such as the genetic basis of Neanderthal and modern human-specific adaptations—including morphological and behavioural traits—as well as the extent and nature of the admixture events between them. An emerging picture is that Neanderthals had a long-term small population size, lived in small and isolated groups and probably practised inbreeding at times. Deleterious genetic effects associated with these demographic factors could have played a role in their extinction. The analysis of DNA from further remains making use of new large-scale hybridization-capture-based methods as well as of new approaches to discriminate contaminant DNA sequences will provide genetic information in spatial and temporal scales that could help clarify the Neanderthal''s—and our very own—evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Phytoplasmas are a group of bacteria that are associated with hundreds of plant diseases. Due to their economical importance and the difficulties involved in the experimental study of these obligate pathogens, genome sequencing and comparative analysis have been utilized as powerful tools to understand phytoplasma biology. To date four complete phytoplasma genome sequences have been published. However, these four strains represent limited phylogenetic diversity. In this study, we report the shotgun sequencing and evolutionary analysis of a peanut witches''-broom (PnWB) phytoplasma genome. The availability of this genome provides the first representative of the 16SrII group and substantially improves the taxon sampling to investigate genome evolution. The draft genome assembly contains 13 chromosomal contigs with a total size of 562,473 bp, covering ∼90% of the chromosome. Additionally, a complete plasmid sequence is included. Comparisons among the five available phytoplasma genomes reveal the differentiations in gene content and metabolic capacity. Notably, phylogenetic inferences of the potential mobile units (PMUs) in these genomes indicate that horizontal transfer may have occurred between divergent phytoplasma lineages. Because many effectors are associated with PMUs, the horizontal transfer of these transposon-like elements can contribute to the adaptation and diversification of these pathogens. In summary, the findings from this study highlight the importance of improving taxon sampling when investigating genome evolution. Moreover, the currently available sequences are inadequate to fully characterize the pan-genome of phytoplasmas. Future genome sequencing efforts to expand phylogenetic diversity are essential in improving our understanding of phytoplasma evolution.  相似文献   

Most studies on PRRSV evolution have been limited to a particular region of the viral genome. A thorough genome-wide understanding of the impact of different mechanisms on shaping PRRSV genetic diversity is still lacking. To this end, deep sequencing was used to obtain genomic sequences of a diverse set of 16 isolates from a region of Hong Kong with a complex PRRSV epidemiological record. Genome assemblies and phylogenetic typing indicated the co-circulation of strains of both genotypes (type 1and type 2) with varying Nsp2 deletion patterns and distinct evolutionary lineages (“High Fever”-like and local endemic type). Recombination analyses revealed genomic breakpoints in structural and non-structural regions of genomes of both genotypes with evidence of many recombination events originating from common ancestors. Additionally, the high fold of coverage per nucleotide allowed the characterization of minor variants arising from the quasispecies of each strain. Overall, 0.56–2.83% of sites were found to be polymorphic with respect to cognate consensus genomes. The distribution of minor variants across each genome was not uniform indicating the influence of selective forces. Proportion of variants capable of causing an amino acid change in their respective codons ranged between 25–67% with many predicted to be non-deleterious. Low frequency deletion variants were also detected providing one possible mechanism for their sudden emergence as cited in previous reports.  相似文献   

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