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By using data on the age-specific annual fecundity and catches-at-age by each fishery in a chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) population in the Pacific Ocean off Japan during 1970 to 1992, we evaluated the long-term fluctuation in impacts of two types of fisheries on the chub mackerel population. The purse-seine fishery consistently had a larger impact on the population than did the dip-net fishery, mainly because the catch by the former was much larger than that by the latter. To evaluate impact per unit weight in catch, we calculated the average reproductive value per unit weight over individuals caught by each fishery as an indicator of efficient use of bioresource. Because the proportion of immature fish caught by the purse-seine fishery was usually larger than that by the dip-net fishery, the impact per unit weight in catch by the purse-seine fishery was not always less than that by the dip-net fishery.  相似文献   

The Illex illecebrosus fishery in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean is a trawl‐based fishery. Illex illecebrosus normally lives <1 year, thus managing the fishery using a standard stock assessment approach is difficult. Real‐time management is an attractive option. The purpose of this study was to investigate the utility of data on size composition reported by commercial vessels for application in real‐time management in the I. illecebrosus fishery. Observations were collected from fish processors for 1996–98 and from fishing vessels directly reporting in 1999–2001. Mean size of I. illecebrosus increased more or less steadily through the fishing season in each year. Apparent growth rates, determined by evaluating the change in mean size in the catch, varied considerably between years. Apparent growth rates appear to be reasonable expressions of true growth rates because either the bulk of the squid entered the fishery at the beginning of the fishery and remained with the fishery for the duration of the season, or the squid on the outer shelf, available to the fishery, represented an emigrated portion of a larger coherent offshore population. Depth exerted only a minor influence on the size of squid caught, whereas the size–frequency varied significantly with latitude. Largest squid were caught at the southern and northern extremes of the study domain. Refrigerated seawater (RSW) trawlers consistently caught smaller squid than did freezer trawlers. The complexity of I. illecebrosus size structure revealed by this study indicates the necessity of obtaining a dispersed data set, in space, with a degree of temporal detail to elucidate trends. Such a data set is conceivably obtainable from fishing vessels reporting information as they fish providing that the sampling design addresses issues concerning the dispersion of vessels across latitude, the appropriate composition of the reporting fleet, and the collection of sufficient observations per tow to adequately resolve the range in size as well as the mean.  相似文献   

A genetic stock identification (GSI) study was undertaken in a fishery for Atlantic salmon Salmo salar to determine the effects of restrictive fishery management measures on the stock composition of the fishery, and if accurate and precise stock composition estimates could be achieved on the small geographical scale where this fishery operates, using a suite of only seven microsatellite loci. The stock composition of the Foyle fishery was shown to comprise almost exclusively of Foyle origin fish in the 3 years after restrictive measures were introduced in 2007, compared to 85% the year before. This showed that the restrictive measures resulted in the Foyle fishery being transformed from a mixed‐stock fishery to an almost exclusively single‐stock fishery, and showed how GSI studies can guide and evaluate management decisions to successfully manage these fisheries. Highly accurate and precise stock composition estimates were achieved in this study, using both cBAYES and ONCOR genetic software packages. This suggests accurate and precise stock composition is possible even on small geographical scales.  相似文献   

The limnological characteristics of the Gambia River have resulted in a seasonally dynamic fish composition and a complicated artisanal fishery. The estimate of catch (2700t year−1) for the fishery during 1980 is low compared to potential yield as predicted by empirical relations with river channel length, drainage basin area, floodplain area, and the morphoedaphic index. A decrease in catch per unit effort was weakly correlated to increasing effort during March-July in the lower river. For the overall Gambian fishery, however, temporal changes in catch per unit effort were not correlated with changes in effort. Predictions of yield are consistently higher than catch estimates for the fishery and suggest underexploitation of the stocks. Many assumptions of the predicting techniques, however, are unsatisfied, and the year-to-year variability of the Gambia River catch is unknown. Consensus seems to emerge if only crude evaluations of a fishery are needed, but the predicting techniques do not provide the degree of resolution required for most management decisions.  相似文献   

This fishery was examined utilizing public records, stakeholder interviews, and operational site visits to describe the fishery for the Puerto Rico Coral Reef Advisory Committee as a first step toward development of policies for the effective management of these natural resources. The fishery is not large, including fewer than 20 licensed fishers operating primarily on the west end of the island. Only three operators export product, with the remaining fishers providing specimens to the exporters based upon customer orders. Most collection of coral reef species occurs over hard rubble zones mixed with relic reef structures and rock, or on the sides and frontal areas of active reefs. Other species are collected from among mangrove prop root zones, tidal flats, and seagrass beds. Collections are made using simple barrier and dip nets for fish and motile invertebrates such as shrimp. Invertebrates such as crabs, starfish, and sea cucumbers are commonly collected by overturning small rocks, gathering the specimens, and then replacing the rocks in their original positions. Specimens are carried to the boat and transferred to individual cup holders to maximize survival. Although statements concerning former use of chemicals to assist capture were noted, no evidence of current chemical use was observed. Specimens are held in re-circulating seawater systems onshore until collections are aggregated and shipped. The fishery strives to operate with mortality of<1%, as mortalities of>3% are described as unacceptable to customers. More than 100 fish species are collected in this fishery, but the top ten species account for >70% of the total numbers and >60% of the total value of the fishery, with a single species, Gramma loreto (Royal Gramma), comprising >40% of the numbers. More than 100 species of invertebrates are collected, but this fishery is also dominated by a handful of species, including anemones, hermit crabs, turbo snails, serpent starfish, and feather duster polychaetes.  相似文献   

A post‐hoc analysis on the decline of the European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) population in the Elbe River was performed for the end of the 19th century. A modeling approach was applied to determine the role of various factors potentially impacting the population. Using an age‐structured population model developed for European sturgeon, the estimates of fishing efficiency in the Elbe were verified. Catches reported from 1850 to 1920 were used as a basis to identify the population size, dynamics of the decline and the impacts contributing to the population decline. According to results of the model, the historic population size of the European sturgeon in the Elbe River exceeded 450 000 individuals. The population revealed a significant response in abundance of adults towards the fishery directed at spawning migrants, even at low fishery effort. Unsustainable fishery was the initial cause of the population decline, while increasing pollution and habitat degradation revealed significant impacts after 1860. The results represent a good example for the fisheries ‘hyperstability’ phenomenon. In the case of the Elbe fishery, an increasing fishery effort was masking the actual population decline while temporarily maintaining the overall yield. The results indicate that, for sturgeons and other species with similar life history patterns, the use of fishery data for the assessment of population dynamics and fishery sustainability has to be applied with due caution, as it might produce false images of the population size and dynamics.  相似文献   


This article focuses on measuring and explaining noncompliance in federally managed U.S. fisheries. Novel measurement techniques are used to characterize the extent and patterns of noncompliance in the northeast groundfish fishery. According to the authors’ estimates, noncompliance increased substantially in 1986 and remained high through 1988 in the groundfish fishery. On Georges Bank during 1987, a quarter to a half of all groundfish vessels were identified as frequent violators, committing closed area violations on about one‐third of their trips and using illegal mesh on nearly all trips. Illegal earnings by a typical frequent violator operating in the groundfish fishery on Georges Bank amounted to $225,000 per year in 1987.

A theory of compliance in fisheries is developed and applied to explain the trends and patterns of noncompliance in the northeast groundfish fishery. Biological and economic forces are shown to be dominant causes of the recent deterioration in compliance. Other contributing factors include weak sanctions and insufficient enforcement resources. The article concludes with a prognosis for the fishery and recommendations for improving compliance.  相似文献   

Free access to a common pool of resource in a country may lead to over-exploitation and sacrifice future opportunities of harvesting. As such, the protection of a common fishery resource is worth investigating. In this paper we develop a two-period model and a multi-period model to analyze the optimal inter-temporal utilization of a finite resource of stock and propose to impose a tax on the harvest rate as an efficient mechanism with an aim at economic sustainability by incorporating the future opportunity of harvesting into the models as a major component of social objectives. The sensitivity analysis of the two-period model shows that (1) labor inputs for harvesting in Period 1 should be reduced, the biomass of fishery stock will increase, but the harvesting in Period 2 should be amplified and the biomass of fishery stock in Period 2 will not be affected if the current generation owns a higher valuation on the future opportunity of harvesting; (2) a higher internal regeneration rate leads to higher harvesting in each period and a higher level of fishery stock in Period 1, but an uncertain level of fishery stock in Period 2; (3) with a higher discount rate the harvesting in Period 1 should increase, but the harvesting in Period 2 should fall and the level of fishery stock in each period will be reduced; (4) a higher fish price in Period 1 leads to higher harvesting in Period 1, but reduced harvesting in Period 2. As a consequence, the level of fishery stock in each period will be reduced; (5) the effect of a change in fish prices in Period 2 on the harvesting and the level of fishery stock in Period 1 is uncertain, but the change in fish prices in Period 2 gives a positive effect on harvesting in Period 2 and a negative effect on the level of fishery stock in Period 2; (6) higher labor wages in Period 1 lead to lower harvesting, but a higher level of fishery stock in Period 1. This encourages an increase in harvesting in Period 2 and leads to a higher level of fishery stock in Period 2; and (7) a change of the labor wage in Period 2 affects the harvesting and the level of fishery stock in Period 1 indecisively, but it gives negative effects on the harvesting in Period 2 and positive effects on the level of fishery stock in Period 2.  相似文献   

Ichthyoplankton sampling and otolith chemistry were used to determine the importance of transient spawning aggregations of snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Sparidae) in a large embayment, Port Phillip Bay (PPB), Australia, as a source of local and broad-scale fishery replenishment. Ichthyoplankton sampling across five spawning seasons within PPB, across the narrow entrance to the bay and in adjacent coastal waters, indicated that although spawning may occur in coastal waters, the spawning aggregations within the bay were the primary source of larval recruitment to the bay. Otolith chemical signatures previously characterized for 0+ year C. auratus of two cohorts (2000 and 2001) were used as the baseline signatures to quantify the contribution that fish derived from reproduction in PPB make to fishery replenishment. Sampling of these cohorts over a 5 year period at various widely dispersed fishery regions, combined with maximum likelihood analyses of the chemistry of the 0+ year otolith portions of these older fish, indicated that C. auratus of 1 to 3+ years of age displayed both local residency and broad-scale emigration from PPB to populate coastal waters and an adjacent bay (Western Port). While the PPB fishery was consistently dominated (>70%) by locally derived fish irrespective of cohort or age, the contribution of fish that had originated from PPB to distant populations increased with age. At 4 to 5+ years of age, when C. auratus mature and fully recruit to the fishery, populations of both cohorts across the entire central and western Victorian fishery, including two major embayments and c. 800 km of coastal waters, were dominated (>70%) by fish that had originated from the spawning aggregations and nursery habitat within PPB. Dependence of this broadly dispersed fishery on replenishment from heavily targeted spawning aggregations within one embayment has significant implications for management and monitoring programmes.  相似文献   



Scuba diving fishing, predominantly targeting sea cucumbers, has been documented to occur in an uncontrolled manner in the Western Indian Ocean and in other tropical regions. Although this type of fishing generally indicates a destructive activity, little attention has been directed towards this category of fishery, a major knowledge gap and barrier to management.

Methodology and Principal Findings

With the aim to capture geographic scales, fishing processes and social aspects the scuba diving fishery that operate out of Zanzibar was studied using interviews, discussions, participant observations and catch monitoring. The diving fishery was resilient to resource declines and had expanded to new species, new depths and new fishing grounds, sometimes operating approximately 250 km away from Zanzibar at depths down to 50 meters, as a result of depleted easy-access stock. The diving operations were embedded in a regional and global trade network, and its actors operated in a roving manner on multiple spatial levels, taking advantage of unfair patron-client relationships and of the insufficient management in Zanzibar.

Conclusions and Significance

This study illustrates that roving dynamics in fisheries, which have been predominantly addressed on a global scale, also take place at a considerably smaller spatial scale. Importantly, while proposed management of the sea cucumber fishery is often generic to a simplified fishery situation, this study illustrates a multifaceted fishery with diverse management requirements. The documented spatial scales and processes in the scuba diving fishery emphasize the need for increased regional governance partnerships to implement management that fit the spatial scales and processes of the operation.  相似文献   

As well as serving valuable biodiversity conservation roles, functioning no-take fishery reserves protect a portion of the fishery stock as insurance against future over-fishing. So long as there is adequate compliance by the fishing community, it is likely that they will also sustain and even enhance fishery yields in the surrounding area. However, there are significant gaps in scientific knowledge that must be filled if no-take reserves are to be used effectively as fishery management tools. Unfortunately, these gaps are being glossed over by some uncritical advocacy. Here, we review the science, identify the most crucial gaps, and suggest ways to fill them, so that a promising management tool can help meet the growing challenges faced by coastal marine fisheries.  相似文献   

Freshwater fishery management is treated as a dynamic system comprising environment protection and improvement, fishing, fishery resources allocation, fish stocking programs and marketing policy. The aims of the plan are to increase the economic value of the catch and to protect the professional fishery. Fisheries statistics, catch per unit effort data and other material were collected during 1972–1976. The total allowable catch (TAC) for the most important fish species was estimated with MSY and population analysis models. The results of fish stockings were studied by tagging and population analysis calculations. Fishing of vendace and non-valuable species (perch, roach, smelt) can be increased, but the fishing pressure on other species should not be raised above the present level. Restrictions on whitefish fishing are needed in some areas. A balanced multispecies fishery is desirable, and suggestions are given for the composition of the fishing gear. Fish stocking can make possible a larger and more valuable catch, but at present its profitability is rather low. The stocking results are strongly affected by the fishery and the gear composition.  相似文献   

Energy Consumption in the Danish Fishery: Identification of Key Factors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies based on life-cycle assessment (LCA) in Denmark and Sweden have shown that the fishery is the environmental "hot spot" in the life cycle of certain fish products. Within the fishery, fuel consumption is one of the most important factors addressed by LCA. The present study reveals that there are great differences in fuel consumption between fisheries targeting groundfish or shellfish and those targeting pelagic fish or industrial fish. Here, I show that fuel consumption per kilogram of caught fish varies considerably as a function of fishing gear and vessel size, even considering the same target species. I argue that these differences need to be addressed in the search for a fuel-efficient fishery. Improvements in fuel efficiency may be consistent with other objectives, such as reduced impacts on seafloor habitats and reduced discard.  相似文献   

The translocation of the marbled African lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus into Lake Baringo created a new fishery for the local community, who capture them primarily in a bottom-set long line fishery. Its introduction, development and current fishery status in the lake are documented. Annual catch data were obtained from the District Fisheries Office, while catch and effort data of the long line fishery were recorded at one active fish-landing site between February and October 2001. Lungfish comprise a significant component of commercial landings, sometimes exceeding catches of the Baringo tilapia Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis as the most landed species by weight. Daily catch rates and effort varied considerably, ranging from 5.51–15.18kg day?1 and from 50–590 baited hooks day?1, respectively. Daily catch per fisher ranged from 0–35.72kg, while the overall mean catch per unit effort (CPUE) was only 0.003kg per hook-hour. This study provides the only baseline CPUE data for a lungfish long line fishery that the authors are aware of, for comparison with future studies in this or other lakes where lungfish are similarly exploited. Recommendations for improved management and the maintenance of a viable lungfish long line fishery in Lake Baringo are presented.  相似文献   

刘金立  陈新军  李纲  李思亮 《生态学报》2014,34(17):5040-5051
西北太平洋柔鱼是中国大陆、日本及中国台湾鱿钓船队共同开发的主要经济头足类之一,如何兼顾鱿钓船队的渔业利益,并综合考虑生态效益、经济效益和社会效益,科学制定渔业管理目标是确保柔鱼资源可持续利用的重要研究内容。根据中国大陆、日本及中国台湾鱿钓船队的渔获统计数据及相关经济参数,构建基于多船队的生物经济模型,模拟了50年内(1997—2047年)各捕捞船队开发柔鱼资源过程中的动态变化,并探讨了在10种不同的管理方案下各船队捕捞努力量、柔鱼资源量、渔获产量及其渔业利润随时间的动态变化。结果表明,在所有设计方案下,随着捕捞努力量的动态变化,资源量在前10a均呈急剧下降趋势,随后经长期波动后逐渐趋于稳定并维持在较低水平。从长期效益来看,方案9(提高中国台湾船队捕捞系数)的累计产量及累计利润中等,但能兼顾各国或地区船队间的经济利益和社会效益,可建议以方案9作为柔鱼渔业的参考管理目标;从柔鱼资源保护角度来看,方案4(提高中国大陆船队作业成本)的资源量保持最好,可以对方案4进行适当的优化作为参考管理目标,即提高中国大陆船队作业成本,同时适当降低日本船队的可捕系数,可确保柔鱼资源量保持在更高的水平上。  相似文献   

海洋溢油污染不仅关系到天然渔业资源、海鸟等生物、海域环境、海岸线生态的破坏,而且对渔业、捕捞业、旅游业都会造成巨大损失,甚至会直接或间接地危害人类的健康。短期来看,一方面石油、燃料油等进入海洋后,对海洋生物资源造成影响;另一方面会危害附近海区的海洋环境,侵害海洋生物以及海鸟赖以生存和栖息的环境。长期来看,持续的海洋污染会导致的生态环境失衡,海洋的生产力也随之下降。溢油事故中的渔业资源损失评估作为追究污染事故责任,尽快恢复海域资源与环境的重要一环需要不断改进创新。为了定量确定海洋溢油事故发生后渔业资源的损失程度,将传统的评估模式与现代科学技术相结合,通过海洋动力学、流体力学、海洋生物学、环境化学等多个学科交叉融合,将流场风场模型、溢油模型、海域调查监测、卫星遥感技术、毒性效应和渔业资源的损失评估方法相结合,形成一种渔业资源损失评估的数值模拟评估模式,以完善溢油事故中渔业资源损失评估体系。在溢油事故现场监测数据的基础上,运用数学计算理论选择相对应的溢油模型,结合具体溢油事故案例的潮流数据和风场数据,模拟海上溢油污染的时空分布情况。采用卫星遥感技术根据不同油品在海水中不同的亮度表现,处理得到溢油油膜信息,与模拟得到的油膜信息进行比对验证,并对模型进行修正,通过模拟得出污染海域油浓度分布与溢油污染范围信息,结合溢油污染对不同海洋生物的毒性效应,得到渔业资源的损失程度,为溢油事故的渔业资源损失评估提供一种思路,为溢油事故发生后的损失评估和事故处理起到一定的参考辅助作用。  相似文献   

中国海洋渔业水域环境研究现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔业水域环境是水生生物赖以生存、繁衍的最基本条件,优良的渔业水域环境是海洋渔业持续发展的物质载体与必然条件。近年来中国海洋渔业水域环境状况日趋严峻,依据海洋渔业水域监测数据,分析了中国海洋渔业水域环境的现状;概括了中国海洋渔业水域环境面临的主要问题及破坏原因;综述了海洋渔业水域环境保护及修复对策的研究现状,并对今后的研究工作提出了方向与内容上的展望。  相似文献   

Overfishing, pollution and other environmental factors have greatly reduced commercially valuable stocks of fish. In a 2006 Science article, a group of ecologists and economists warned that the world may run out of seafood from natural stocks if overfishing continues at current rates. In this paper, we explore the interaction between a constant proportion harvest policy and recruitment dynamics. We examine the discrete-time constant proportion harvest policy discussed in Ang et al. (2009) and then expand the framework to include stock-recruitment functions that are compensatory and overcompensatory, both with and without the Allee effect.We focus on constant proportion policies (CPPs). CPPs have the potential to stabilize complex overcompensatory stock dynamics, with or without the Allee effect, provided the rates of harvest stay below a threshold. If that threshold is exceeded, CPPs are known to result in the sudden collapse of a fish stock when stock recruitment exhibits the Allee effect. In case studies, we analyze CPPs as they might be applied to Gulf of Alaska Pacific halibut fishery and the Georges Bank Atlantic cod fishery based on harvest rates from 1975 to 2007. The best fit models suggest that, under high fishing mortalities, the halibut fishery is vulnerable to sudden population collapse while the cod fishery is vulnerable to steady decline to zero. The models also suggest that CPP with mean harvesting levels from the last 30 years can be effective at preventing collapse in the halibut fishery, but these same policies would lead to steady decline to zero in the Atlantic cod fishery. We observe that the likelihood of collapse in both fisheries increases with increased stochasticity (for example, weather variability) as predicted by models of global climate change.  相似文献   

保水渔业对千岛湖食物网结构及其相互作用的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为预防千岛湖连续暴发了2a(1998—1999)的蓝藻水华和改善千岛湖水质,于2000年起在千岛湖开展了以人工放养鲢鳙和控制凶猛鱼类为主要措施的保水渔业试验。作为试验的主要研究内容之一,通过构建1999和2000年千岛湖生态系统的Ecopath模型,比较分析了实施保水渔业对千岛湖生态系统食物网结构及其相互作用的影响。结果表明:实施保水渔业,使千岛湖中的银鱼和鲤生物量减少,而鲌类(主要是蒙古鲌)、鲴类和大眼华鳊等增加;使各种鱼类的捕食者和食饵生态位重叠指数下降;各主要鱼类的相互作用中,鲢、鳙对鳡、鲌的促进作用增强,鳡对鲌的抑制作用及鲌对虾类、银鱼和鲤等以及银鱼对浮游动物的抑制作用减弱,鳙对银鱼、大眼华鳊对鲤的抑制作用增强。这些影响,使千岛湖食物网结构更趋合理,如底层碎屑食性鱼类如鲴类等的增加,有利于营养物的再循环和再利用,从而增强了水体对营养物的净化作用。  相似文献   

Sperm depletion in males can occur when polygynous species are intensively exploited under a male-biased management strategy. In fisheries involving crabs species, the effects of this type of management on the reproductive potential is far from being understood. This study tests whether male-biased management of the principal Chilean crab fishery is able to affect the potential capacity of Metacarcinus edwardsii males to transfer sperm to females. Five localities in southern Chile, recording contrasting crab fishery landing, were selected to assess the potential of sperm depletion triggered by fishery. Seasonally, male crabs from each locality were obtained. Dry weight and histological condition of vasa deferentia and the Vaso-Somatic Index (VSI) were determined in order to use them as proxies for sperm depletion and male reproductive condition. A manipulative experiment was performed in the laboratory to estimate vasa deferentia weight and VSI from just-mated males in order to obtain a reference point for the potential effects of the fishery on sperm reserves. Sperm storage capacity is significantly affected by fisheries; during the mating season vasa deferentia from localities with low fishery intensity were heavier than those from high intensity fisheries, and these differences were even more evident in large males. Histological section showed that this disparity in vasa deferentia weight was explained principally by differences in the quantity of spermatophores rather than other seminal material. VSI was always higher in males from localities with low fishery intensity. Males from localities with high fishery intensity showed little capacity to recover sperm reserves and the VSI of these males remained below the values of the just-mated males. Detriment in the capacity of males to transfer sperm is the first step to sperm limitation in an exploited population, thus detection of sperm depletion can be an alert to introduce changes in the current management of crabs.  相似文献   

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