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The role of disulfide bonds in directing protein folding is studied using lattice models. We find that the stability and the specificity of the disulfide bond interactions play quite different roles in the folding process: Under some conditions, the stability decreases the overall rate of folding; the specificity, however, by yielding a simpler connectivity of intermediates, always increases the rate of folding. This conclusion is intimately related to the selection mechanism entailed by entropic driving forces, such as the loop formation probability, and entropic barriers separating the native and the many native-like metastable states. The folding time is found to be a minimum for a certain range of the effective disulfide bond interaction. Examination of a model, which allows for the formation of disulfide bonded intermediates, suggests that folding proceeds via a threestage multiple pathways kinetics. We show that there are pathways to the native state involving only native-like intermediates, as well as those that are mediated by nonnative intermediates. These findings are interpreted in terms of the appropriate energy landscape describing the barriers connecting low energy conformations. The consistency of our conclusions with several experimental studies is also discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) is a four disulfide-bonded protein that adopts partially structured conformations under a variety of mildly denaturing conditions. At low pH, the protein is denatured but compact, with a high degree of secondary structure and a native-like fold. This is commonly referred to as a molten globule. A variant of alpha-LA, in which all eight cysteines have been mutated to alanine (all-Ala alpha-LA), has been studied using NMR spectroscopy. At low pH all-Ala alpha-LA is nearly as compact as wild type alpha-LA. Urea-induced unfolding experiments reveal that the residues that remain compact in the absence of disulfide bonds are those that are most resistant to unfolding in the wild-type alpha-LA molten globule. This is particularly remarkable because this stable core is formed by segments of the polypeptide chain from both the N- and C-termini. These results show that the overall architecture of the protein fold of alpha-LA is determined by the polypeptide sequence itself, and not as the result of cross-linking by disulfide bonds, and provide insight into the way in which the sequence codes for the fold.  相似文献   

The values of the thermodynamic parameters characterizing the association of the subunits of reduced ricin have been determined from equilibrium studies in the analytical ultracentrifuge. van't Hoff analysis indicates that the Gibbs free energy change for subunit association is predominantly of entropic origin. The positive values for the entropy and enthalpy changes suggest that hydrophobic forces may play a dominant role in the association. The association is characterized by values of Ka of 1.72 X 10(6) M-1 at 22 degrees C and 5.66 X 10(6) M-1 at 37 degrees C. The association was not affected by the presence of 20 mM lactose. Toxicity studies demonstrated that reduced ricin at a concentration where it was 52% associated had a toxicity equal to that of native ricin at that same concentration. At higher concentrations, reduced ricin was even more toxic than native ricin. Diethyl maleate, which reduces intracellular glutathione levels, blocked the toxicity of ricin but not the toxicity of reduced ricin. The disulfide bond linking the A and B subunits appears to play no role in toxicity other than to hold the two subunits together at low concentrations.  相似文献   

Chaudhuri AR  Khan IA  Ludueña RF 《Biochemistry》2001,40(30):8834-8841
Cysteine residues in tubulin are actively involved in regulating ligand interactions and microtubule formation both in vivo and in vitro. These cysteine residues are sensitive reporters in determining the conformation of tubulin. Although some of the cysteines are critical in modulating drug binding and microtubule assembly, it is not clear how many of these normally exist as disulfides. The controversy regarding the disulfide bonds led us to develop a disulfide detection assay to reexamine the presence of the disulfide linkages in purified alphabeta tubulin and explore their possible biological functions in vitro. The accessible cysteine residues in alphabeta tubulin were alkylated with an excess of iodoacetamide to prevent artifactual generation of disulfide linkages in tubulin. After removal of excess iodoacetamide, tubulin was unfolded in 8 M urea. Half of the unfolded tubulin was treated with dithiothreitol to reduce any disulfide bonds present. The aliquots were then treated with iodo[(14)C]acetamide and the incorporation of radioactivity was measured. We also used the same approach to detect the disulfide linkages in the tubulin in a whole-cell extract. We found in both cases that the samples which were not treated with dithiothreitol had little or no incorporation of iodo[(14)C]acetamide, while the others that were treated with dithiothreitol had significant amounts of (14)C incorporation into tubulin. Moreover, the reduction of the disulfide linkages in tubulin resulted in inhibition of microtubule assembly (29-54%) and markedly affected refolding of the tubulin from both an intermediate and a completely unfolded state. All these data therefore suggest that tubulin has intrachain disulfide bonds in the alpha- and beta-subunits and that these disulfides assist in correct refolding of tubulin from the intermediate unfolded state or help to recover the hydrophobic domains from the completely unfolded state. These disulfides also regulate microtubule assembly and the stability of tubulin in vitro. Our results suggest that tubulin disulfides may play a role in tubulin folding and that thiol-disulfide exchange in tubulin could be a key regulator in microtubule assembly and dynamics of tubulin in vivo.  相似文献   

The malignant trophoblastic cell line JAR was used as a model system to study protein folding in intact cells. We have used this model previously to identify conformational intermediates in the production of an assembly-competent form of the human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit (Ruddon, R. W., Krzesicki, R. F., Norton, S. E., Beebe, J. S., Peters, B. P., and Perini, F. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 12533-12540). The earliest biosynthetic precursor of the human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit detectable in JAR cells pulse labeled for 2 min is p beta 1, a form that lacks half of the six intrachain disulfide bonds observed in the fully processed dimer form of beta and that does not combine with the alpha subunit. p beta 1 is rapidly (t1/2 approximately 4 min) converted into p beta 2, which has a full complement of intrachain disulfide bonds and does combine with the alpha subunit. In this study, we have identified the three late forming disulfide bonds involved in the transition of p beta 1 into the assembly-compete form, p beta 2. The last three disulfide bonds to form are those between cysteines 9 and 90, 23 and 72, and 93 and 100. These were identified in JAR cell lysates that had been pulse labeled with [35S]cysteine for 2 or 5 min followed by trapping of the cysteine thiols with iodoacetic acid before immunopurification of the beta subunit forms. Immunopurified p beta 1 was treated with trypsin under nonreducing conditions to liberate [35S]cysteine-containing peptides from the disulfide-linked beta core polypeptide. These tryptic peptides were then separated by high performance liquid chromatography and sequenced to determine the location of the carboxymethyl-[35S]cysteine residues. The three late forming disulfide bonds are most likely the ones involved in stabilizing the conformation of the beta subunit that is required for combination with alpha to form the biologically functional alpha beta heterodimer.  相似文献   

To assess the respective roles of local and long-range interactions during protein folding, the influence of the native disulfide bonds on the early formation of secondary structure was investigated using continuous-flow circular dichroism. Within the first 4 ms of folding, lysozyme with intact disulfide bonds already had a far-UV CD spectrum reflecting large amounts of secondary structure. Conversely, reduced lysozyme remained essentially unfolded at this early folding time. Thus, native disulfide bonds not only stabilize the cfinal conformation of lysozyme but also provide, in early folding intermediates, the necessary stabilization that favors the formation of secondary structure.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) glycoproteins (E1 and E2) are released from the polyprotein by signal peptidase-mediated cleavage and interact to form a heterodimer. Since properly folded subunits are usually required for specific recognition and stable oligomer formation, the rate of stable E1E2 complex formation, which is low, may be limited by the rate of HCV E1 and/or E2 folding. In this study, the folding of the HCV E1 and E2 glycoproteins was monitored by observing the kinetics of intramolecular disulfide bond formation. The association/dissociation of E1 and E2 with calnexin was also examined, since this molecular chaperone appears to play a major role in quality control via retention of incompletely folded or misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. Our results indicate that the disulfide-dependent folding of E2 occurs rapidly and appears to be complete upon cleavage of the precursor E2-NS2. In contrast, folding of E1 is slow (> 1 h), suggesting that this step may be rate limiting for E1E2 oligomerization. Both HCV glycoproteins associated rapidly with calnexin, but dissociation was slow, consistent with the slow folding and assembly of E1E2 glycoprotein complexes. These results suggest a role for prolonged association with calnexin in the folding and assembly of HCV glycoprotein heterodimer complexes.  相似文献   

We examined folding and secretion of human lysozyme using four mutants each lacking two cysteines expressed in a yeast secretion system. Our results have revealed that the formation of the disulfide bond Cys6/Cys128 in human lysozyme is a prerequisite for correct folding in vivo in yeast. Substitution of Ala for Cys77 and Cys95 gave eight-fold greater secretion of a molecule with almost the same specific activity as that of the native enzyme. Substitutions of the other cysteines gave molecules that were secreted at a lower rate and had lower specific activities than the native enzyme. These are the first findings that the individual disulfide bonds of human lysozyme have different functions in folding and secretion in vivo.  相似文献   

Zhu Q  Liang S  Martin L  Gasparini S  Ménez A  Vita C 《Biochemistry》2002,41(38):11488-11494
The aim of this study is to investigate the contribution of each disulfide bond in the folding and function of leiurotoxin I, a short scorpion toxin that blocks small conductance K(+) channels. The structure of leiurotoxin I contains a motif conserved in all scorpion toxins, formed by a helix and a double-stranded beta-sheet and stabilized by three disulfide bridges. We synthesized three analogues, each presenting two alpha-aminobutyric acid (Abu) moieties replacing two bridged cysteine residues: LeTx1 ([Abu 3,21] Leiurotoxin I), LeTx2 ([Abu 8,26] Leiurotoxin I), and LeTx3 ([Abu 12,28] Leiurotoxin I). All three analogues fold into a major product containing two native disulfide bonds, while LeTx3 forms an additional isomer, containing non-native disulfides. In denaturing conditions, analogues LeTx2 and LeTx3 yield non-native isomers, while LeTx1 only forms the isomer with native disulfides. All isomers with native disulfides contain nativelike alpha-helical conformations and bind to synaptosomal membranes with affinities within a log of that shown by the native toxin. By contrast, the non-native LeTx3A analogue exhibits a disordered conformation and a decreased biological potency. Our results indicate that the "CxxxC, CxC" cysteine spacing, conserved in all scorpion toxins and preserved in LeTx1, may play an active role in folding, and that only two native disulfide bonds in leiurotoxin I are sufficient to preserve a nativelike and active conformation. Thus, in the scorpion toxin scaffold, modifications of conserved and interior cysteine residues may permit modulation of function, without significantly affecting folding efficiency and structure.  相似文献   

The folding mechanism of bovine pancreatic tripsin inhibitor (BPTI) is explained theoretically on the basis of the island model, where the driving force of folding is hydrophobic interaction. For this purpose, we take a look at the formation and breaking of disulfide bonds during the folding process of BPTI. The intermediate conformations and the native one are successfully obtained, which satisfy the so-called "lampshade" geometrical criterion for the formation of the disulfide bonds. The folding pathway is consistent with the renaturation experiment by Creighton. In addition, an elaborate treatment of side chains of amino acid residues by the software programme CHARMm confirms quantitatively the formation of disulfide bridges.  相似文献   

Sedimentation equilibrium analysis demonstrated that preparations of bovine lipoprotein lipase contain a complex mixture of dimers and higher oligomers of enzyme protein. Enzyme activity profiles from sedimentation equilibrium as well as from gel filtration indicated that activity is associated almost exclusively with the dimer fraction. To explore if the enzyme could be dissociated into active monomers, 0.75 M guanidinium chloride was used. Sedimentation velocity measurements demonstrated that this treatment led to dissociation of the lipase protein into monomers. Concomitant with dissociation, there was an irreversible loss of catalytic activity and a moderate change in secondary structure as detected by circular dichroism. The rate of inactivation increased with decreasing concentrations of active lipase, but addition of inactive lipase protein did not slow down the inactivation. This indicates that reversible interactions between active species precede the irreversible loss of activity. The implication is that dissociation initially leads to a monomer form which is in reversible equilibrium with the active dimer, but which decays rapidly into an inactive form, and is therefore not detected as a stable component in the system.  相似文献   

Previous studies have predicted five disulfide bonds in Aspergillus niger phytase (phy A). To investigate the role of disulfide bonds, intrinsic fluorescence spectra, far-ultraviolet circular dichroism (CD) spectra, and an enzyme activity assay were used to compare the differences of catalytic activity and conformational stability of phytase during denaturation in urea in the presence and absence of dithiothreitol (DTT). In the presence of 2 mM DTT, the inactivation and unfolding were greatly enhanced at the same concentration of denaturant. The fluorescence emission maximum red shift and decreases of ellipticity at 222 nm were in accord with the changes of catalytic activity. The kinetics of the unfolding courses were a biphasic process consisting of two first-order reactions in the absence of DTT and a monophasic process of a first-order reaction in the presence of DTT. The results suggested that the loss of enzymatic activity was most likely because of a conformational change, and that disulfide bonds played an important role in three-dimensional structure and catalytic activity.  相似文献   

The polymerization of aryl sulfatase A (aryl sulfate sulfohydrolase, EC has been studied by frontal gel chromatography on Sephadex G-200 and Bio-Gel A-5m under various conditions of pH, ionic strength, and temperature. The aryl sulfatase A molecule exists as a monomer and as a dimer at pH 7.5 and pH 4.5, respectively. The extent of dissociation is markedly pH-, protein concentration-, and ionic strength-dependent. Only a small effect of temperature was observed. The enthalpy change (ΔHo) for the dissociation was ?2.5 ± 1 kcal/mol at pH 5.5–5.6, and the entropy change for dissociation of the enzyme dimer to two monomeric units was ?47 cal mol?1 deg?1. Sulfate ion has little effect on the extent of dissociation of the enzyme at pH 5.6. The present studies suggest that the dissociation of rabbit liver aryl sulfatase A is regulated by the ionization of amino acid residues whose apparent pK is between pH 5 and 6. The driving force for the association of the subunits of the enzyme is primarily ionic and/or ionic/hydrogen bond formation. The small enthalpy change and the fact that dissociation is strongly favored by an increase in the ionic strength suggest that hydrophobic interactions play only a minor role in stabilizing the dimeric quaternary structure relative to the monomeric state. The monomeric form of the enzyme exhibits the anomalous kinetics often observed with sulfatase A but the dimer does not show anomalous kinetics. Since aryl sulfatase A is probably in the dimeric form in the lysosome, the anomalous kinetics of the enzyme are unlikely to be of physiological importance in the intact lysosome.  相似文献   

The NADPH-dependent enzymic reduction of disulfide bonds in human choriogonadotropin and its two subunits, alpha and beta, was examined with thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase from Escherichia coli. With 12 muM thioredoxin and 0.1 muM thioredoxin reductase at pH 7 all disulfide bonds in the alpha subunit could be reduced in 15 min. The reduction of disulfide bonds was recorded by a simple spectrophotometric assay at 340 nm, which allowed quantitation of the reduction rate and the number of disulfide bonds reduced. Partial reduction of the alpha subunit with thioredoxin followed by S-carboxymethylation with iodol[2-3H]acetic acid and analysis of tryptic peptides indicated that all S-S bonds in the alpha subunit were surface oriented and equally reactive. The usefulness of thioredoxin reduction of disulfide bonds as a chemical probe of protein structure was shown by the much slower reaction of disulfide bonds in the intact hormone as compared to its two biologically inactive subunits.  相似文献   

Solubilization of the gel phase of sputum by reduction with dithiothreitol and alkylation with iodoacetamide resulted in different gel filtration patterns when sputa from different patients were examined. Two extreme types of of behavior were identified; in one the glycoproteins were completely excluded from Sepharose 4B, and in the other all the glycoproteins penetrated the gel matrix to a certain extent. Pronase digestion of the products of reduction and alkylation of the former resulted in a gel filtration pattern similar to that obtained by reduction and alkylation alone in the latter. The disulfide bonds cleaved by dithiothreitol were labeled by reaction with [1-14C]iodoacetamide and the glycoproteins isolated. Pronase digestion of the labeled glycoproteins revealed that, although most of the cysteine residues occurred in peptide regions cleaved by Pronase, some were situated in resistant peptide regions. Structures are proposed for the bronchial glycoproteins isolated from the two extreme types of sputum. These structures consist of a glycoprotein subunit, resistant to Pronase and attached by covalent bonds to a “naked” peptide region. Whereas the glycoprotein subunits are similar in both types of sputum, the “naked” peptide is a continuous peptide chain in one type but a discontinuous peptide chain in the other.  相似文献   

Gliadins and glutenins are the major storage proteins that accumulate in wheat endosperm cells during seed development. Although gliadins are mainly monomeric, glutenins consist of very large disulfide-linked polymers made up of high molecular weight and low molecular weight subunits. These polymers are among the largest protein molecules known in nature and are the most important determinants of the viscoelastic properties of gluten. As a first step toward the elucidation of the folding and assembly pathways that lead to glutenin polymer formation, we have exploited an in vitro system composed of wheat germ extract and bean microsomes to examine the role of disulfide bonds in the structural maturation of a low molecular weight glutenin subunit. When conditions allowing the formation of disulfide bonds were established, the in vitro synthesized low molecular weight glutenin subunit was recovered in monomeric form containing intrachain disulfide bonds. Conversely, synthesis under conditions that did not favor the formation of disulfide bonds led to the production of large aggregates from which the polypeptides could not be rescued by the post-translational generation of a more oxidizing environment. These results indicate that disulfide bond formation is essential for the conformational maturation of the low molecular weight glutenin subunit and suggest that early folding steps may play an important role in this process, allowing the timely pairing of critical cysteine residues. To determine which cysteines were important to maintain the protein in monomeric form, we prepared a set of mutants containing selected cysteine to serine substitutions. Our results show that two conserved cysteine residues form a critical disulfide bond that is essential in preventing the exposure of adhesive domains and the consequent formation of aberrant aggregates.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are proteins of great interest not only because of their extreme toxicity but also paradoxically for their therapeutic applications. All the known serotypes (A-G) have varying degrees of longevity and potency inside the neuronal cell. Differential chemical modifications such as phosphorylation and ubiquitination have been suggested as possible mechanisms for their longevity, but the molecular basis of the longevity remains unclear. Since the endopeptidase domain (light chain; LC) of toxin apparently survives inside the neuronal cells for months, it is important to examine the structural features of this domain to understand its resistance to intracellular degradation. Published crystal structures (both botulinum neurotoxins and endopeptidase domain) have not provided adequate explanation for the intracellular longevity of the domain. Structural features obtained from spectroscopic analysis of LCA and LCB were similar, and a PRIME (PReImminent Molten Globule Enzyme) conformation appears to be responsible for their optimal enzymatic activity at 37 °C. LCE, on the other hand, was although optimally active at 37 °C, but its active conformation differed from the PRIME conformation of LCA and LCB. This study establishes and confirms our earlier finding that an optimally active conformation of these proteins in the form of PRIME exists for the most poisonous poison, botulinum neurotoxin. There are substantial variations in the structural and functional characteristics of these active molten globule related structures among the three BoNT endopeptidases examined. These differential conformations of LCs are important in understanding the fundamental structural features of proteins, and their possible connection to intracellular longevity could provide significant clues for devising new countermeasures and effective therapeutics.  相似文献   

A hydrophobic folding unit cutting algorithm, originally developed for dissecting single-chain proteins, has been applied to a dataset of dissimilar two-chain protein-protein interfaces. Rather than consider each individual chain separately, the two-chain complex has been treated as a single chain. The two-chain parsing results presented in this work show hydrophobicity to be a critical attribute of two-state versus three-state protein-protein complexes. The hydrophobic folding units at the interfaces of two-state complexes suggest that the cooperative nature of the two-chain protein folding is the outcome of the hydrophobic effect, similar to its being the driving force in a single-chain folding. In analogy to the protein-folding process, the two-chain, two-state model complex may correspond to the formation of compact, hydrophobic nuclei. On the other hand, the three-state model complex involves binding of already folded monomers, similar to the association of the hydrophobic folding units within a single chain. The similarity between folding entities in protein cores and in two-state protein-protein interfaces, despite the absence of some chain connectivities in the latter, indicates that chain linkage does not necessarily affect the native conformation. This further substantiates the notion that tertiary, non-local interactions play a critical role in protein folding. These compact, hydrophobic, two-chain folding units, derived from structurally dissimilar protein-protein interfaces, provide a rich set of data useful in investigations of the role played by chain connectivity and by tertiary interactions in studies of binding and of folding. Since they are composed of non-contiguous pieces of protein backbones, they may also aid in defining folding nuclei.  相似文献   

The formation of the disulfide bonds in the variable domains VH and VL of the antibody McPC603 was found to be essential for the stability of all antigen binding fragments investigated. Exposure of the Fv fragment to reducing conditions in vitro resulted in irreversible denaturation of both VH and VL. In vitro refolding of the reduced Fv fragment was only possible when the disulfide bonds were allowed to form under oxidizing conditions. The analysis of a series of mutants of the Fv fragment, the Fab fragment and the single-chain Fv fragment, all secreted into the periplasm of Escherichia coli, in which each of the cysteine residues of the variable domains was replaced by a series of other amino acids, showed that functional antigen binding fragments required the presence of both the disulfide bond in VH and the one in VL. These results were also used to devise an alternative expression system based on the production of insoluble fusion proteins consisting of truncated beta-galactosidase and antibody domains, enzymatic cleavage, and refolding and assembly in vitro. This strategy should be useful for providing access to unstable antibody domains and fragments.  相似文献   

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