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This study compared competition capacity and dominance relations between arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Experiments were carried out in semi-natural earthen floor enclosures using farm-bred colour types of both species (blue fox and silver fox) as subjects. Results of the dominance scoring and open field behaviour after weaning in August-September showed that blue foxes dominated over silver foxes. Thereafter, the situation gradually became reversed and silver foxes were dominant during the breeding and whelping seasons. Housing both species together from weaning produced more curious animals as compared to when these species were placed in common quarters after the autumn equinox. In the case of blue foxes, the male dominated highly over all females. In silver foxes, the difference in dominance between the sexes was, however, less pronounced. The most dominant individuals in the study groups were typically among the heaviest. Breedings and whelpings succeeded better in silver than in blue foxes. However, none of litters born survived more than one week. The present results support the conclusion that when both fox species are housed together, Vulpus vulpus tends to dominate over Alopex lagopus. Received: 22 March 1996/Accepted: 30 June 1996  相似文献   

This study sought to evaluate the effect of cage space and earthen flooring on the behaviour of individually caged, farmed blue foxes (Alopex lagopus). Three different cage sizes [80 cm long (CL80), 120 cm long (CL120), 240 cm long (CL240); each 105 cm wide×70 cm high] with wire-mesh flooring, and one two-level cage (CL240E) with both wire-mesh (240 cm long×105 cm wide×70 cm high) and earthen flooring (80 cm long×105 cm wide×70 cm high) were employed. Quantitative ethograms were obtained from ten males in each group by videotaping the animals for 144 h monthly from August through November. Altogether 30 different behaviours were described. These were rather similar in all study groups. Examples of behavioural differences included pacing around with a neighbour and the incidence of scratching, which both declined with increasing cage space. Only the foxes in the cage with an earthen flooring (CL240E) exhibited digging behaviour, which averaged 11 min/24 h. The wire-mesh section was distinctly preferred to the earthen-floor section for most behaviours. Foxes in all groups were at their most active from 0800 to 1600 hours. Total activity, including several separate behaviours, declined as winter approached. Locomotor and oral stereotypies were infrequent, and no significant differences were found between the various cage options. For several hours before feeding, the foxes showed increasing levels of stereotypies, but afterwards, stereotypies abruptly declined. Received in revised form: 28 March 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Recombinase encoded by the R gene of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii mediates reciprocal recombination between two specific recombination sites (RSs) to induce deletion or inversion of the DNA segment that is flanked by the RSs. The R gene under the control of the CaMV 35 S promoter was introduced into rice (Oryza sativa L.). R/RS-specific deletion was first demonstrated in transgenic rice callus carrying the R gene by transient introduction of a cryptic reporter gene that was designed to confer β-glucuronidase (GUS) expression once deletion between two RSs took place. The rice containing the R gene was subsequently crossed with transgenic rice carrying (I-RS/dAc-I-RS) T-DNA that contained RS sequences within the T-DNA and another RS in a modified Ac element that had been transposed to a new locus by Ac transposase. Deletion of the gemomic sequences flanked by the two RSs was detected by PCR analysis in somatic cells of F2 plants. These results demonstrate a technical advance in that the R/RS recombination system, in combination with the Ac transposable element, can be used to generate deletion in rice chromosomes. Received: 30 June 2000 / Accepted: 16 October 2000  相似文献   

Velvetbean (Mucuna sp.) is a self-pollinated crop classified within the Leguminosae. Using AFLP markers, gene diversity and phenetic relationships were estimated in a collection of 40 velvetbean accessions from cultivated species and different eco-geographic regions. Eleven selective primer combinations generated a total of 508 amplification products. The average number of scorable fragments was 23 per primer combination. A total of 251 polymorphic markers was detected. The polymorphisms obtained ranged from 36% to 61% with an average of 49%. The final phenetic trees were constructed using Nei and Li’s coefficient of similarity with UPGMA. Other clustering algorithms were examined and all had high co-phenetic correlations, indicating the goodness of fit for the resulting phylogenetic trees. The phenetic tree as well as principal component analysis (PCA) separated the 40 velvetbean accessions into two main clusters. Bootstrap and Jackknife analyses were completed and their values indicated strong to moderate support for the two main clusters. This grouping confirmed the existing phenological difference with regard to maturity. The high values of the similarity coefficients observed (0.87 to 0.97) imply that the accessions used in this study are similar. The level of genetic variability detected within the velvetbean accessions with AFLP analysis suggests that it is a reliable, efficient, and effective marker technology for determining genetic relationships in velvetbean. Received: 19 June 2000 / Accepted: 1 March 2001  相似文献   

Farmed blue foxes are willing to work to gain access to a sand floor from a wire mesh floor. It is not clear whether the foxes work for the sand floor because of its solidity or because it enables them to perform certain behaviours, e.g. exploration and digging. Here, we measured blue foxes’ motivation to gain access from a wire mesh floor to a floor with 15–30 cm deep sand, a floor with 3–4 cm deep sand, a solid concrete floor, and another wire mesh floor. In addition, we analysed the foxes’ behaviour on these floor materials. Seven male blue foxes were trained and tested in self-constructed operant apparatuses. In an apparatus, the fox could move a bottomless test cage from a wire mesh floor to a neighbouring, alternative floor material for a 4-min visit by pressing a lever in the test cage for a fixed number of times (Fixed Ratio, FR). The foxes worked for each floor material for 12 days. In each daily test session, the foxes were exposed to work on one of the four workloads (FR 6, 12, 24, 48), for 3 h. The behaviour of the foxes was analysed during the 4-min visits on each floor material. The results showed that there was no difference between the floor materials, either in the demand elasticity of the fragment of the demand curve (ranging from −0.46 to −0.33), or in the intensity of the demand. However, the foxes’ behaviour varied between the floor materials. More digging, play, rooting (exploration with the muzzle), and vole jumping were observed on the floor materials with sand, than on the concrete floor and the wire mesh floor. Both the presence and the depth of the sand layer stimulated these behaviours. It is concluded that juvenile blue foxes do not value solid floor materials more than a wire mesh floor. However, the sand floor stimulates more digging, play, vole jumping, and exploration than the concrete floor or wire mesh floor. Furthermore, the depth of sand may be an important factor in eliciting these behaviours. Access to a floor material with sand may improve the welfare of farmed blue foxes by providing the possibility to perform species-specific behaviours.  相似文献   

A partial promoter region of the high-molecular weight (HMW) glutenin genes was studied in two wheat specimens, a 300 year-old spelt (Triticum spelta L.) and an approximately 250 year-old bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Switzerland. Sequences were compared to a recent Swiss landrace T. spelta ’Oberkulmer.’ The alleles from the historical bread wheat were most similar to those of modern T. aestivum cultivars, whereas in the historical and the recent spelt specific alleles were detected. Pairwise genetic distances up to 0.03 within 200 bp from the HMW Glu-A1-2, Glu-B1-1 and Glu-B1-2 alleles in spelt to the most-similar alleles from bread wheat suggest a polyphyletic origin. The spelt Glu-B1-1 allele, which was unlike the corresponding alleles in bread wheat, was closer related to an allele found in tetraploid wheat cultivars. The results are discussed in context of the origin of European spelt. Received: 22 July 2000 / Accepted: 27 April 2001  相似文献   

  In the male sterile32(ms32)mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana, pollen development is affected during meiosis of pollen mother cells (PMCs). In normal wild-type (WT) anthers, callose is deposited around PMCs before and during meiosis, and after meiosis the tetrads have a complete callose wall. In ms32, PMCs showed initial signs of some callose deposition before meiosis, but it was degraded soon after, as was part of the cellulosic wall around the PMCs. The early dissolution of callose in ms32 was associated with the occurrence of extensive stacks of rough ER (RER) in tapetal cells. The stacks of RER were also observed in the WT tapetum, but at a later stage, i.e., after the tetrads were formed and when callose is normally broken down for release of microspores. Based on these observations it is suggested that: (1) callose degradation around developing microspores is linked to the formation of RER in tapetal cells, which presumably synthesize and/or secrete callase into the anther locule, and (2) mutation in MS32 disrupts the timing of these events. Received: 27 April 1999 / Revision accepted: 21 June 1999  相似文献   

Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) shares similar prey preferences and co-occurs with several other carnivores, and is together with pine marten (Martes martes), the most common mesocarnivore in the northern boreal forest. Voles are important prey for both species, but it is unclear to what extent they compete for the same food resources in winter. Here, we use 2139 km and 533 km of meticulous snow tracking of red foxes and pine martens to evaluate their food niches. We measured hunting and digging behaviour, whether successful or not, and the effect of snow depth and temperature. Pine martens were restricted to forested habitats, whereas red foxes used a wide range of habitats. Red foxes were found to dig more often than pine martens, 0.67 vs. 0.39 digging events per kilometre. Hunting was less common and similar in both species, about 0.1 hunting event per kilometre. Pine martens were more efficient in hunting and finding food remains compared to red foxes. Increasing snow depth reduced hunting success and also reduced dig success of red foxes. Food niche overlap was small. Red foxes used mostly voles and carrion remains of ungulates, whereas pine martens used cached eggs and small birds. We suggest that caching eggs is an important strategy for pine martens to survive winter in northern latitudes. Snow depth was important for capturing voles, and thick snow cover appeared to mask the effect of vole peaks. Intensified land use, as clear-cutting and leaving slaughter remains from harvest, will benefit red foxes on the expense of pine martens. The ongoing climate change with warmer winters and less snow will likely further benefit the red fox.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to characterize genomic relationships among cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) (2n=2x=24) and diploid (2n=2x=24) non-tuberous wild Solanum species (S. etuberosum Lindl.). Using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) of mitotic and meiotic chromosomes, we analyzed intergeneric somatic hybrids between tomato and S. etuberosum. Of the five somatic hybrids, two plants were amphidiploids (2n=4x=48) mostly forming intragenomic bivalents in their microsporocytes, with a very low frequency of multivalents involving the chromosomes of tomato and S. etuberosum (less than 0.2 per meiocyte). Tomato chromosomes showed preferential elimination during subsequent meiotic divisions of the amphidiploids. Transmission of the parental chromosomes into microspores was also evaluated by GISH analysis of androgenic plants produced by direct embryogenesis from the amphidiploid somatic hybrids. Of the four androgenic regenerants, three were diploids (2n=2x=24 or 2n=2x+1=25) derived from reduced male gametes of the somatic hybrids, and one plant was a hypertetraploid (2n=4x+4=52). GISH revealed that each anther-derived plant had a unique chromosome composition. The prospects for introgression of desirable traits from S. etuberosum into the gene pool of cultivated tomato are discussed. Received: 2 August 2000 / Accepted: 4 December 2000  相似文献   

The present study was designed to measure the use of various, simultaneously available resources in a complex housing environment in juvenile blue foxes. Twelve blue fox sibling (male–female) pairs were housed in two-section experimental cages from the age of 8 weeks until the age of 7 months (from June to December). Each experimental cage was furnished with two platforms, a nest box, a sand box and a wooden block. This housing set-up provided the foxes with social contact, and an opportunity for oral manipulation, scratching and nesting, as well as the choice of staying on a solid floor material or on an elevated location. The foxes’ behaviour was recorded at three time points during autumn (September, November and December). The foxes used all available resources. The most utilised resource was the nest box, possibly because it could be utilised in several ways (as a shelter, an elevated location, an object for scratching and for oral manipulation). The foxes also stayed more in the cage section containing the nest box than in the cage section containing a sand box. The foxes rested much on the cage floor, but they also used the interior of the nest box and elevated locations for resting. Social contact often occurred during resting. Thus, the nest box and elevated location, in conjunction with social contact seem to be valuable while resting. While active, the foxes utilised the cage floor and roof of the nest box instead of the platforms. Scratching, digging and an interaction with the wooden block were seldom observed. Activity occurred mainly on the ‘empty’ cage area. In conclusion, all studied resources provided blue foxes with a distinct value, as they all were used in the complex housing environment. The nest box is used most and for most variable behaviours.  相似文献   

Roots of Phragmites australis from three polluted soils and sediments (a periodically flooded stream bank containing organic pollutants, a high-pH drying sedimentation pond and an acidic, periodically flooded sand polluted by industrial effluents) were sampled over a 1-year cycle of plant growth to assess the degree of colonisation by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). At the dry sedimentation pond, root samples of Juncus effusus and Salix atrocinerea were also taken to assess the presence of AMF throughout the year. Root colonisation was low (<5% root length colonised) but arbuscule presence peaked in P. australis during the spring and autumn prior to flowering. These changes in arbuscule abundance were also seen in a parallel greenhouse trial using seed taken from one of the sites. Roots of J. effusus contained mainly vesicular colonisation but arbuscule activity peaked during the winter months (December–March). S. atrocinerea roots were found to be ectomycorrhizal throughout the year but the fine feeder roots were colonised by AMF. The results confirm that semi-aquatics, like P. australis, can become arbuscular mycorrhizal but that this status changes during the year depending on soil moisture content and plant phenology. The influence of AMF in these polluted soils is uncertain but the potential exists to establish a more diverse plant ecosystem during the landscaping of these areas (phytostabilisation) by management of adapted plant and AMF ecotypes. Accepted: 6 November 2000  相似文献   

An F1 hybrid (n=4x=28) between the tetraploid species Festuca arundinacea var. glaucescens (GGG′G′) and a synthetic tetraploid Lolium multiflorum (LmLmLmLm) was backcrossed to diploid L. multiflorum to produce triploid (2n=3x=21) BC1 hybrids (LmLmG). At metaphase I of meiosis the triploids had a preponderance of ring bivalents and univalents with some linear and frying-pan trivalents. Genomic in situ hybridisation (GISH) differentiated the Festuca chromosomes from Lolium and revealed that the bivalents were exclusively between Lolium homologues, while the univalents were Festuca. Despite the limited amount of homoeologous chiasmata pairing in the triploids, some recombinant chromosomes were recovered in the second backcross when the hybrids were further crossed to diploid L. multiflorum. The progeny from the second backcross was predominantly diploid. Genotypes with recombinant chromosomes and chromosome additions involving an extra Festuca chromosome were identified using GISH. Changes in plant phenotype were related to the presence of Festuca chromatin. Received: 20 September 2000 / Accepted: 05 January 2001  相似文献   

The (barn) swallow Hirundo rustica is a traditional harbinger of spring in many countries of the Northern Hemisphere. This paper uses information on the arrival and departure dates of the swallow in the Slovak Republic for the 30 years 1961–1985 and 1996–2000. Records were taken at 19 locations throughout the Republic representing an altitude range from 105 m to 760 m. Monthly temperature data were constructed from six meteorological stations. With the use of regression techniques, trends towards later arrival, earlier departure and the effects of latitude, altitude and temperature are all apparent. Received: 25 October 2000 / Revised: 23 April 2001 / Accepted: 23 April 2001  相似文献   

Winter ischaemic heart disease (IHD) mortality events (ME) were identified in order to establish their degree of meteorological sensitivity. Sensitivity was evaluated using regression of surface meteorological and large-scale atmospheric circulation variables on daily mortality for each mortality event. Critical meteorological variables affecting IHD mortality appear to be local surface dry-bulb and dew-point temperature and large-scale southerly and westerly wind components, atmospheric pressure and vorticity. The rate of change and departure from normal conditions of these variables appear to be especially important for engendering IHD mortality events. Associated with IHD mortality are two broad types of weather conditions: (1) blustery westerly flows and rapidly changing weather from the west and (2) climatologically strong northeasterly to southeasterly flows of cold air, which bring rapidly changing and anomalous thermal conditions to the study area. The general atmospheric circulation patterns that produce these conditions are identified and the implications of results for weather and health studies are discussed. Received: 24 October 2000 / Revised: 16 April 2001 / Accepted: 18 April 2001  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) were used to evaluate genetic relationships within cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] and to assess the organization of its genetic diversity. Nei’s genetic distances were estimated for a total of 117 accessions including 47 domesticated cowpea (ssp. unguiculata var. unguiculata), 52 wild and weedy annuals (ssp. unguiculata var. spontanea), as well as 18 perennial accessions of the wild subspecies pubescens, tenuis and alba. AFLP variation was also used to study genetic variation among and within domesticated and wild accessions based on their geographical origin (western, eastern and southern Africa). Wild annual cowpea (var. spontanea) (H T =0.175) was more diverse than domesticated cowpea (H T =0.108). Wild cowpea was more diverse in eastern (H S =0.168) than in western Africa (H S =0.129), suggesting an eastern African origin for the wild taxon. The AFLP data were consistent with earlier findings of a unique domestication event in cowpea in the northern part of the continent and suggested that domestication in eastern or southern Africa was unlikely. It did not allow a more precise localization of domestication due to extensive gene flow between wild and domesticated forms that has led to a large crop-weed complex distributed over the entire African continent. In addition, wild materials from northeastern Africa are still lacking. Overall, the superiority of the AFLP technique over isozymes resided in its ability to uncover variation both within domesticated and wild cowpea, and should be a powerful tool once additional wild material becomes available. Received: 11 September 2000 / Accepted: 14 June 2001  相似文献   

After two selfing generations of two different Triticum turgidum Aegilops ovata amphiploids carrying the Ph1 gene, or lacking it (ph1c mutant), karyotypes of their offspring were scored by GISH (genomic in situ hybridization). On average, the chromosome number was lower than expected (56 chromosomes) on the basis of the parental constitutions (T. turgidum, AABB, 2n=4x=28; Ae. ovata, MoMoUoUo, 2n=4x=28). The lost chromosomes belonged to the wild Aegilops species. The two families differed greatly by their number of intergenomic translocations, also detected by GISH. The ph1c family showed nine translocations over 12 plants while only one translocation was observed in the Ph1 family. All exchanges involved either the Mo and Uo chromosomes or the Mo and wheat chromosomes, the size of the exchanged segment ranging from 3% to 36% of the total chromosome length. The results suggest an epistatic effect of the ph1c deletion over the genetic diploidizing system that operates in Ae. ovata since translocated chromosomes are most-likely derived from homoeologous recombination. The potential of these results for wheat breeding programmes is also considered. Received: 28 November 2000 / Accepted: 20 March 2001  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to build up a picture of the influence of meteorological conditions on pollen and pollinosis, taking account of weather types, pollen concentrations in the air and pollinosis symptoms, with the aim of preventing allergic responses. The study took place in Burgundy from 1996 to 1998, during the pollination of the birch (Betula), which is the most important arborean allergen in this region. We used daily pollen data from four Hirst volumetric traps, identified weather types by Bénichou’s classification, and obtained data on the occurrence of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthma and coughing from a sample of 100 patients. These data were analysed by multiple-component analysis. The results show that pollen dispersal is favoured by windy conditions, low relative humidity, precipitation below 2 mm and temperatures above 6°C. Such weather also favours pollinosis, but other particular meteorological situations, even if they do not assist pollen dispersal, can act directly on the development of symptoms: a decrease of temperature (3°C) led to the development of rhinitis and conjunctivitis, while strong winds were associated with many cases of conjunctivitis and asthma, owing to the irritant effect of cold or wind; asthma was favoured by temperature inversions with fog, probably because such weather corresponds to high levels of pollution, which act on bronchial hyperreactivity. Because the weather types favouring pollination and pollinosis are predicted by the meteorological office, this can constitute a tool for reducing the effect of high-risk allergenic days. Received: 12 December 2000 / Revised: 24 April 2001 / Accepted: 9 May 2001  相似文献   

沿海群众为了增加收入挖掘林下滩涂海洋经济动物可口革囊星虫,这是导致中国红树林退化的一个重要原因.本文研究了挖掘深度、弧度和频率3个因素对1年生白骨壤幼苗的苗高、基径、单叶面积、比叶面积、生物量和死根干质量等生长指标的影响,了解挖掘活动对红树林生长的影响机理,并筛选出红树林健康状况的评估指标.结果表明:挖掘活动使白骨壤幼苗的苗高和基径增长量、单叶面积、比叶面积和生物量显著减少,而死根干质量显著增加;挖掘深度和弧度对幼苗生长具有明显影响,但频率的影响不显著;当挖掘深度<5 cm、弧度<240°、每月2次以下时,对幼苗的伤害较轻,而挖掘深度>5 cm则会对幼苗造成严重影响.  相似文献   

In order to develop a resistance management strategy to control tropical pests based on the co-expression of different toxins, a fully modified Bacillus thuringiensis cry1B gene and the translational fusion cry1B-cry1Ab gene have been developed. Both constructs were cloned under the control of a maize ubiquitin-1 or a rice actin-1 promoter and linked to the bar gene driven by the CaMV 35S promoter. Immature embryos from the tropical lines CML72, CML216, and their hybrids, were used as the target for transformation by microprojectile bombardment. Twenty five percent of the transformed maize plants with cry1B expressed a protein that is active against southwestern corn borer and sugarcane borer. Ten percent of the transgenic maize expressed single fusion proteins from the translational fusion gene cry1B-1Ab and showed resistance to these two pests as well as to the fall armyworm. Transgenic maize plants that carried the cry1B gene in T1 to T3 progenies transmitted trangenes with expected Mendelian segregation and conferred resistance to the two target insects. Molecular analyses confirmed the cry genes integration, the copy number, the size of protein(s) expressed in maize plants, the transmission, and the inheritance of the introduced cry gene. These new transgenic products will provide another recourse for reducing the build-up of resistance in pest populations. Received: 25 September 2000 / Accepted: 15 December 2000  相似文献   

Allozyme polymorphisms of maize populations from southwestern China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most-important food crops in southwestern China. The diversity of maize populations from southwestern China has been evaluated on the basis of agronomic and morphological data, but not on marker data. Our objectives were to evaluate the allozyme polymorphism of these populations, and group the populations on the basis of allozyme data. We analyzed 27 maize populations from southwestern China and two populations [BS13(S)C2 and Lancaster] from the USA for genetic variation at 18 allozyme loci. We found a total of 69 alleles at 18 allozyme loci with an average of 3.8 alleles per locus. Compared with inbreds, hybrids, and populations from the U.S. Corn Belt, the 27 Chinese populations had a significantly higher (p<0.01) number of allozyme alleles per locus. Maize populations from southwestern China have accumulated abundant genetic diversity, and might be valuable germplasm for broadening the genetic base of U.S. Corn Belt breeding germplasm. The analyses of allele-frequency distributions and the expected heterozygosity also reflected the differences between the Chinese and the U.S. germplasm. The Chinese populations might be valuable germplasm for complementing U.S. Corn Belt breeding germplasm. The analysis of gene diversity showed that 77% of the allozyme variation resided within populations and 23% between populations. This result suggested that breeders should identify one or a few Chinese populations with the best agronomic performance, and exploit the genetic variation within these selected populations. Cluster analysis classified the 29 populations into four main groups. Groupings based on allozyme data could be useful for classifying the populations into different heterotic groups and, consequently, exploiting them in hybrid breeding. Received: 12 October 2000 / Accepted: 13 March 2001  相似文献   

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