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Oxygen-sensing neurons in the central nervous system.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This mini-review summarizes the present knowledge regarding central oxygen-chemosensitive sites with special emphasis on their function in regulating changes in cardiovascular and respiratory responses. These oxygen-chemosensitive sites are distributed throughout the brain stem from the thalamus to the medulla and may form an oxygen-chemosensitive network. The ultimate effect on respiratory or sympathetic activity presumably depends on the specific neural projections from each of these brain stem oxygen-sensitive regions as well as on the developmental age of the animal. Little is known regarding the cellular mechanisms involved in the chemotransduction process of the central oxygen sensors. The limited information available suggests some conservation of mechanisms used by other oxygen-sensing systems, e.g., carotid body glomus cells and pulmonary vascular smooth muscle cells. However, major gaps exist in our understanding of the specific ion channels and oxygen sensors required for transducing central hypoxia by these central oxygen-sensitive neurons. Adaptation of these central oxygen-sensitive neurons during chronic or intermittent hypoxia likely contributes to responses in both physiological conditions (ascent to high altitude, hypoxic conditioning) and clinical conditions (heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, hypoventilation syndromes). This review underscores the lack of knowledge about central oxygen chemosensors and highlights real opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

The repulsive guidance molecule (RGM) is a membrane-bound protein that was originally identified as an axon guidance molecule in the visual system. Functional studies have revealed that it has roles in axon guidance and laminar patterning in Xenopus and chick embryos, and in controlling cephalic neural tube closure in mouse embryos. The recent identification of neogenin as a receptor for RGM has provided evidence of the diverse functions of this ligand-receptor pair. Re-expression of RGM is observed after injury in the adult human and rat central nervous systems. Inhibition of RGM enhances growth of injured axons and promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injury in rats. Thus, re-expression of embryonic repulsive cues in adult tissues contributes to failure of axon regeneration in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine which neural elements are excited by microstimulation of the central nervous system. A cable model of a neuron including an axon, initial segment, axon hillock, soma, and simplified dendritic tree was used to study excitation with an extracellular point source electrode. The model reproduced a wide range of experimentally documented extracellular excitation patterns. The site of action potential initiation (API) was a function of the electrode position, stimulus duration, and stimulus polarity. The axon or initial segment was always the site of API at threshold. When the electrode was positioned near the cell body, the site of excitation was dependent on the stimulus amplitude. With the electrode in close proximity to the neuron, short-duration cathodic pulses produced lower thresholds with the electrode positioned over the axon than over the cell body, and long-duration stimuli produced opposite relative thresholds. This result was robust to alterations in either the maximum conductances or the intracellular resistivities of the model. The site of maximum depolarization was not always an accurate predictor of the site of API, and the temporal evolution of the changes in membrane potential played a strong role in determining the site of excitation.  相似文献   

Recombinant HIV-1 Nef protein, but not Tat, gp120, and gp160, provoked leukocyte recruitment into the CNS in a rat model. The strong reduction of bioactivity by heat treatment of Nef, and the blocking effect of the mAb 2H12, which recognizes the carboxy-terminal amino acid (aa) residues 171-190 (but not of mAb 3E6, an anti-Nef Ab of the same isotype, which maps the aa sequence 168-175, as well as a mixture of mAbs to CD4) provided evidence for the specificity of the observed Nef effects. Using a modified Boyden chamber technique, Nef exhibited chemotactic activity on mononuclear cells in vitro. Coadministration of the anti-Nef mAb 2H12, as well as treatment of Nef by heat inhibited Nef-induced chemotaxis. Besides soluble Nef, chemotaxis was also induced by a Nef-expressing human astrocytoma cell line, but not by control cells. These data suggest a direct chemotactic activity of soluble Nef. The detection of elevated levels of IL-6, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma in rat cerebrospinal fluid 6 h after intracisternal Nef injection hint at the additional involvement of indirect mechanisms in Nef-induced leukocyte migration into rat CNS. These data propose a mechanism by which HIV-1 Nef protein may be essential for AIDS neuropathogenesis, as a mediator of the recruitment of leukocytes that may serve as vehicles of the virus and perpetrators for disease through their production of neurotoxins.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a stimulation method in which a magnetic coil generates a magnetic field in an area of interest in the brain. This magnetic field induces an electric field that modulates neuronal activity. The spatial distribution of the induced electric field is determined by the geometry and location of the coil relative to the brain. Although TMS has been used for several decades, the biophysical basis underlying the stimulation of neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) is still unknown. To address this problem we developed a numerical scheme enabling us to combine realistic magnetic stimulation (MS) with compartmental modeling of neurons with arbitrary morphology. The induced electric field for each location in space was combined with standard compartmental modeling software to calculate the membrane current generated by the electromagnetic field for each segment of the neuron. In agreement with previous studies, the simulations suggested that peripheral axons were excited by the spatial gradients of the induced electric field. In both peripheral and central neurons, MS amplitude required for action potential generation was inversely proportional to the square of the diameter of the stimulated compartment. Due to the importance of the fiber's diameter, magnetic stimulation of CNS neurons depolarized the soma followed by initiation of an action potential in the initial segment of the axon. Passive dendrites affect this process primarily as current sinks, not sources. The simulations predict that neurons with low current threshold are more susceptible to magnetic stimulation. Moreover, they suggest that MS does not directly trigger dendritic regenerative mechanisms. These insights into the mechanism of MS may be relevant for the design of multi-intensity TMS protocols, may facilitate the construction of magnetic stimulators, and may aid the interpretation of results of TMS of the CNS.  相似文献   

The ability of the soma of a spinal dorsal horn neuron, a spinal ventral horn neuron (presumably a motoneuron), and a hippocampal pyramidal neuron to generate action potentials was studied using patch-clamp recordings from rat spinal cord slices, the "entire soma isolation" method, and computer simulations. By comparing original recordings from an isolated soma of a dorsal horn neuron with simulated responses, it was shown that computer models can be adequate for the study of somatic excitability. The modeled somata of both spinal neurons were unable to generate action potentials, showing only passive and local responses to current injections. A four- to eightfold increase in the original density of Na(+) channels was necessary to make the modeled somata of both spinal neurons excitable. In contrast to spinal neurons, the modeled soma of the hippocampal pyramidal neuron generated spikes with an overshoot of +9 mV. It is concluded that the somata of spinal neurons cannot generate action potentials and seem to resist their propagation from the axon to dendrites. In contrast, the soma of the hippocampal pyramidal neuron is able to generate spikes. It cannot initiate action potentials in the intact neurons, but it can support their back-propagation from the axon initial segment to dendrites.  相似文献   

DNA content of neurons in rat central nervous system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) are implicated as regulators of axon growth and guidance. Genetic deletions in the fly have shown that type III RPTPs are important in axon pathfinding, but nothing is known about their function on a cellular level. Previous experiments in our lab have identified a type III RPTP, CRYP-2/cPTPRO, specifically expressed during the period of axon outgrowth in the chick brain; cPTPRO is expressed in the axons and growth cones of retinal and tectal projection neurons. We constructed a fusion protein containing the extracellular domain of cPTPRO fused to the Fc portion of mouse immunoglobulin G-1, and used it to perform in vitro functional assays. We found that the extracellular domain of cPTPRO is an antiadhesive, neurite inhibitory molecule for retinal neurons. In addition, cPTPRO had potent growth cone collapsing activity in vitro, and locally applied gradients of cPTPRO repelled growing retinal axons. This chemorepulsive effect could be regulated by the level of cGMP in the growth cone. Immunohistochemical examination of the retina indicated that cPTPRO has at least one heterophilic binding partner in the retina. Taken together, our results indicate that cPTPRO may act as a guidance cue for retinal ganglion cells during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

A new method of preparation of polyethylenimin substrate for cultivation of dissociated cells from different parts of the central nervous system is presented. The alcohol solution of polyethylenimin used for this substrate is easily prepared, needs no sterilization and can be stored unlimitedly. The substrate provides a good attachment, growth and differentiation of neurons and glial cells and possesses all the advantages of more expensive polyaminoacid substrates (polylysine, polyornithine). Our substrate is highly adhesive, displays good optical properties and no artefacts after histological and histochemical treatment.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the work of the heart was not a limiting factor in the attainment of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max). We measured cardiac output (Q) and blood pressures (BP) during exercise at two different rates of maximal work to estimate the work of the heart through calculation of the rate-pressure product, as a part of the ongoing discussion regarding factors limiting VO2 max. Eight well-trained men (age 24.4 +/- 2.8 yr, weight 81.3 +/- 7.8 kg, and VO2 max 59.1 +/- 2.0 ml x min(-1) x kg(-1)) performed two maximal combined arm and leg exercises, differing 10% in watts, with average duration of time to exhaustion of 4 min 50 s and 3 min 40 s, respectively. There were no differences between work rates in measured VO2 max, maximal Q, and peak heart rate between work rates (0.02 l/min, 0.3 l/min, and 0.8 beats/min, respectively), but the systolic, diastolic, and calculated mean BP were significantly higher (19, 5, and 10 mmHg, respectively) in the higher than in the lower maximal work rate. The products of heart rate times systolic or mean BP and Q times systolic or mean BP were significantly higher (3,715, 1,780, 569, and 1,780, respectively) during the higher than the lower work rate. Differences in these four products indicate a higher mechanical work of the heart on higher than lower maximal work rate. Therefore, this study does not support the theory, which states that the work of the heart, and consequently VO2 max, during maximal exercise is hindered by a command from the central nervous system aiming at protecting the heart from being ischemic.  相似文献   

Summary With the help of the highly specific and sensitive fluorescence method of Falck and Hillarp together with the histochemical and pharmacological criteria for the specificity of the fluorescence reaction convincing evidence has been obtained that the fine, varicose nerve fibres observed in a vast number of regions in the mammalian central nervous system (mouse, hamster, rat, guineapig, rabbit, cat), which exhibit a green or yellow fluorescence, contain primary catecholamines and 5-HT respectively. Strong support has been given for the view that CA fibres showing a rapid recovery after administration of -MMT contain DA, while those showing a slow recovery contain NA.There is little doubt that the monoamine-containing fibres in the brain represent the terminal ramifications of axons belonging to specific monoamine neurons and that they are true synaptic terminals. They seem to make their contacts via the varicosities which have extremely high concentrations of amines and in all probability represent the presynaptic structures, specialized for synthesis, storage and release of the amines. The central monoamine terminals thus have the same characteristic appearance as the adrenergic synaptic terminals in the peripheral nervous system.All the data strongly support the view that the specific central neurons giving rise to the terminals are monoaminergic, i.e. function by releasing their amines from the synaptic terminals. Consequently, DA, NA and 5-HT seem to be central neurotransmitters.Not only the median eminence but also the nuc. caudatus putamen, tuberculum olfactorium, nuc. accumbens and the small circumscribed areas medial to nuc. accumbens contain very fine (partly sublightmicroscopical) CA terminals. These areas react to treatment with reserpine, nialamide-dopa and -MMT in the same way and since the nuc. caudatus putamen and tuberculum olfactorium are known to have a high DA content it seems likely that abundant DA terminals are accumulated in these special areas.The Following Abbreviations are Used CA Catecholamine - DA Dopamine - dopa 3.4-Dihydroxy-phenylalanin - NA Noradrenaline - A Adrenaline - 5-HT 5-Hydroxytryptamine - -MMT -Methyl-meta-tyrosine - MAO Monoamine oxidase For generous supplies of drugs the author is indebted to the following companies: Swedish Ciba, Stockholm, Sweden (reserpine); Swedish Pfizer, Stockholm, Sweden (nialamide); Abbott Research Laboratories, Chicago, USA. (MO 911). This study has been supported by a Public Health Service Grant (NB 02854-04) from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness and by grants from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, and the Swedish Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

During the development of the nervous system, outgrowing axons often have to travel long distances to reach their target neurons. In this process, outgrowing neurites tipped with motile growth cones rely on guidance cues present in their local environment. These cues are detected by specific receptors expressed on growth cones and neurites and influence the trajectory of the growing fibres. Neurite growth, guidance, target innervation and synapse formation and maturation are the processes that occur predominantly but not exclusively during embryonic or early post-natal development in vertebrates. As a result, a functional neural network is established, which is usually remarkably stable. However, the stability of the neural network in higher vertebrates comes at an expensive price, i.e. the loss of any significant ability to regenerate injured or damaged neuronal connections in their central nervous system (CNS). Most importantly, neurite growth inhibitors prevent any regenerative growth of injured nerve fibres. Some of these inhibitors are associated with CNS myelin, others are found at the lesion site and in the scar tissue. Traumatic injuries in brain and spinal cord of mammals induce upregulation of embryonic inhibitory or repulsive guidance cues and their receptors on the neurites. An example for embryonic repulsive directional cues re-expressed at lesion sites in both the rat and human CNS is provided with repulsive guidance molecules, a new family of directional guidance cues.  相似文献   

Zebrafish is a powerful model system for investigations of vertebrate neural development. The animal has also become an important model for studies of neuronal function. Both in developmental and functional studies, transgenic zebrafish expressing fluorescent proteins in central nervous system neurons have been playing important roles. We review here the methods for producing transgenic zebrafish. Recent advances in transposon- or bacterial artificial chromosome-based transgenesis greatly facilitate the creation of useful lines. We also present our study on alx -positive neurons to reveal how transgenic zebrafish expressing fluorescent proteins in a specific class of neurons can be used to investigate their development and function.  相似文献   

This paper offers a technique for obtaining monoamine histofluorescence in the CNS by means of formaldehyde perfusion followed by cryostat sectioning. No freeze-drying is involved. Cryostat sections are exposed to formaldehyde vapor to complete the fluorophore formation. The fluorescence thus obtained is bright, well localized, and does not require loading the animals with precursors. The anatomical distribution of the pathways is identical to that obtained with the classical technique. Furthermore, the fluorescence is reversible by sodium borohydride, and exhibits the expected changes in intensity with pharmacological manipulations. The sections can be exposed to a cold aqueous medium for as long as 15 min with minimal diffusion of fluorophore; this suggests potential for combining monoamine histofluorescence with other visualization techniques.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids were once regarded as inert structural components of cell membranes. Now these metabolites are generally believed to be important bioactive molecules that control a wide repertoire of cellular processes such as proliferation and survival of cells. Along with these ubiquitous cell functions observed in many peripheral tissues sphingolipid metabolites, especially sphingosine 1-phosphate, exert important neuron-specific functions such as regulation of neurotransmitter release. This review summarizes physiological and pathological roles of sphingolipid metabolites emphasizing the role of sphingosine 1-phosphate in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

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