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The fruit fly Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel) is an important pest of commercially significant plants such as chili, tomato and eggplant. The species is native to South and Southeast Asia, but has now invaded Japan, Hawaii and Africa. In this study, mitochondrial DNA sequences were used to infer genetic structure and demographic history of B. latifrons. The efficiency of DNA barcodes for identification of B. latifrons was also tested. Ninety‐three specimens infesting four host‐plant species were obtained from 11 sampling locations in Thailand. The mitochondrial haplotype network revealed no major divergent lineage, which was consistent with a phylogenetic analysis that found strong support for the monophyly of B. latifrons. Population pairwise FST revealed that most (65%) comparisons were not significantly different, suggesting a high rate of gene flow. Analysis of molecular variance (amova ) found no significant genetic differentiation among populations from different host‐plant species. Sharing of several haplotypes among flies from different host‐plants indicates that the flies were moved freely across the plant species. Demographic history analysis revealed that the population has undergone recent expansion dating back to the end of the last glaciation. Thus, the results indicate that both ongoing and historical factors have played important roles in determining the genetic structure and diversity of B. latifrons. DNA barcoding analysis revealed that B. latifrons specimens were clearly differentiated from other species with 100% correct identification. Therefore, cytochrome oxidase I (COI) barcoding sequences could be effectively used to identify this important pest species, which could encourage monitoring and control efforts for this species.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the genetic structure and population history of the high elevation black fly Simulium feuerborni in Thailand at both cytogenetic and molecular genetic levels. Cytological examination revealed two cytoforms differentiated by fixed chromosome inversions. The distributions of the cytoforms were associated with geographic origins. Cytoform A was found in the lower north and northeast, and cytoform B was found in the upper northern region of Thailand. Molecular data based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) barcoding sequence supports the separation of the cytoforms. The average sequence divergence between the two cytoforms was 3.75%, which is higher than the threshold value for the species level based on a COI barcoding sequence. Median joining network clearly differentiated the haplotypes of the cytoforms into different lineages. Population pairwise FST and amova analyses reveal significant genetic differentiation between cytoforms. This indicates that the low land areas separating these populations act as a gene flow barrier. No genetic differentiation was detected within cytoforms. This could be due to a recent sharing of population history. Mismatch distribution analysis revealed population expansion in the northern lineage of the cytoform B approximately 220 000 years ago. More recent expansion (32 000 years ago) was found in the lower north and northeast (cytoform A) lineage. The demographic history of S. feuerborni mirrored previous findings in black flies and other insect species in Thailand. This indicates the important role of Pleistocene climatic change on genetic structure and diversity of Southeast Asian mainland species.  相似文献   

Range expansions are a potential outcome of changes in habitat suitability, which commonly result as a consequence of climate change. Hypotheses on such changes in the geographic distribution of a certain species can be evaluated using population genetic structure and demography. In this study we explore the population genetic structure, genetic variability, demographic history of, and habitat suitability for Amblyomma americanum, a North American tick species that is a known vector of several pathogenic microorganisms. We used a double digestion restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing technique (dd‐RAD seq) and discovered 8,181 independent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 189 ticks from across the geographic range of the species. Genetic diversity was low, particularly when considering the broad geographic range of this species. The edge populations were less diverse than populations belonging to the historic range, possibly indicative of a range expansion, but this hypothesis was not statistically supported by a test based on genetic data. Nonetheless, moderate levels of population structure and substructure were detected between geographic regions. For New England, demographic and species distribution models support a scenario where A. americanum was present in more northern locations in the past, underwent a bottleneck, and subsequently recovered. These results are consistent with a hypothesis that this species is re‐establishing in this area, rather than one focused on range expansion from the south. This hypothesis is consistent with old records describing the presence of A. americanum in the northeastern US in the early colonial period.  相似文献   

Understanding the distribution of genetic diversity in the light of past demographic events linked with climatic shifts will help to forecast evolutionary trajectories of ecosystems within the current context of climate change. In this study, mitochondrial sequences and microsatellite loci were analysed using traditional population genetic approaches together with Bayesian dating and the more recent approximate Bayesian computation scenario testing. The genetic structure and demographic history of a commercial fish, the black scorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus, was investigated throughout the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The results suggest that the species recently underwent population expansions, in both seas, likely concomitant with the warming period following the Last Glacial Maximum, 20 000 years ago. A weak contemporaneous genetic differentiation was identified between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. However, the genetic diversity was similar for populations of the two seas, suggesting a high number of colonizers entered the Black Sea during the interglacial period and/or the presence of a refugial population in the Black Sea during the glacial period. Finally, within seas, an east/west genetic differentiation in the Adriatic seems to prevail, whereas the Black Sea does not show any structured spatial genetic pattern of its population. Overall, these results suggest that the Black Sea is not that isolated from the Mediterranean, and both seas revealed similar evolutionary patterns related to climate change and changes in sea level.  相似文献   

1. Using a portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene, we evaluated the population genetic structure of a geographically rare black fly (Metacnephia coloradensis) that is a habitat specialist in outlet streams of large, productive, alpine lakes in Colorado, U.S.A. Given its rarity and life history traits that restrict dispersal, we hypothesised that genetic structure would show a signature of allopatric fragmentation associated with climatic warming since Pleistocene glaciations. 2. We tested for genetic isolation by distance (IBD) and applied nested clade analysis (NCA) to ask whether current genetic structure is primarily a consequence of historic fragmentation or if there is evidence of ongoing gene flow. 3. Only four populations were located despite a thorough search of potential sites, and they demonstrated a significant degree of genetic structure (FST = 0.17). However, there was some evidence of IBD in a plot of genetic versus geographic distance, and NCA further supported IBD and restricted ongoing gene flow in clades at all nested levels. Compared with a more widespread alpine black fly (Prosimulium neomacropyga) in the same region, M. coloradensis demonstrated significantly less population genetic structure. 4. Although these results counterintuitively implicate limited ongoing gene flow driving current population structure, significant IBD may be a signature of historic gene flow, especially if migration–drift equilibrium has not yet been reached since a late‐Pleistocene fragmentation event. Extraordinarily dense local populations probably allowed M. coloradensis to maintain large effective population sizes and minimise genetic drift rates. 5. Despite large local populations, M. coloradensis is vulnerable to continued rapid environmental change because of its limited geographic distribution and high habitat specificity.  相似文献   

Intraspecific phylogeography has been used widely as a tool to infer population history. However, little attention has been paid to Southeast Asia despite its importance in terms of biodiversity. Here we used the cytochrome oxidase I gene of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for a phylogeographic study of 147 individuals of the black fly Simulium tani from Thailand. The mtDNA revealed high genetic differentiation between the major geographical regions of north, east and central/south Thailand. Mismatch distributions indicate population expansions during the mid-Pleistocene and the late Pleistocene suggesting that current population structure and diversity may be due in part to the species' response to Pleistocene climatic fluctuations. The genealogical structure of the haplotypes, high northern diversity and maximum-likelihood inference of historical migration rates, suggest that the eastern and central/southern populations originated from northern populations in the mid-Pleistocene. Subsequently, the eastern region had had a largely independent history but the central/southern population may be largely the result of recent (c. 100,000 years ago) expansion, either from the north again, or from a relictual population in the central region. Cytological investigation revealed that populations from the south and east have two overlapping fixed chromosomal inversions. Since these populations also share ecological characteristics it suggests that inversions are involved in ecological adaptation. In conclusion both contemporary and historical ecological conditions are playing an important role in determining population genetic structure and diversity.  相似文献   

M. H. Colbo 《Hydrobiologia》1985,121(1):77-82
Five years of monthly samples taken from three sites in the Broad Cove River, two at lake outlets and one a kilometer downstream from an outlet were analyzed. Considerable variations in the population of each species between sites and years were observed. Fluctuations in the populations were not always consistent from site to site or between species at the same site from one year to the next. As all sites were on the same stream and within 3 km of each other with only slight altitude differences climatic factors were not a major factor producing variations observed between sites. Also the previous years population level did not appear to be directly related to the following seasons population level. Apparently localized conditions at a site were exerting a marked influence on the larval simuliid population at each site.  相似文献   

Knowledge of population structure, connectivity, and effective population size remains limited for many marine apex predators, including the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas. This large‐bodied coastal shark is distributed worldwide in warm temperate and tropical waters, and uses estuaries and rivers as nurseries. As an apex predator, the bull shark likely plays a vital ecological role within marine food webs, but is at risk due to inshore habitat degradation and various fishing pressures. We investigated the bull shark's global population structure and demographic history by analyzing the genetic diversity of 370 individuals from 11 different locations using 25 microsatellite loci and three mitochondrial genes (CR, nd4, and cytb). Both types of markers revealed clustering between sharks from the Western Atlantic and those from the Western Pacific and the Western Indian Ocean, with no contemporary gene flow. Microsatellite data suggested low differentiation between the Western Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific, but substantial differentiation was found using mitochondrial DNA. Integrating information from both types of markers and using Bayesian computation with a random forest procedure (ABC‐RF), this discordance was found to be due to a complete lack of contemporary gene flow. High genetic connectivity was found both within the Western Indian Ocean and within the Western Pacific. In conclusion, these results suggest important structuring of bull shark populations globally with important gene flow occurring along coastlines, highlighting the need for management and conservation plans on regional scales rather than oceanic basin scale.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the amount and patterns of genetic variation within and among populations of mangrove trees is essential for devising optimum genetic management strategies for their conservation and sustainable utilization. Ceriops tagal is a widespread viviparous mangrove. Genetic diversity in the species was examined with inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR). Nine natural populations were collected from Thailand and China. The estimates of genetic variation were extremely low (HT = 0.0179 ± 0.005, HS = 0.0084 ± 0.001), and only 47% of the total gene diversity was maintained within populations (GST = 0.529). The eastern coastal populations of Thailand were more similar to populations from China than to populations from the western coastline of Thailand. A high level of Nei's genetic identity exists between populations of C. tagal (I = 0.989), suggesting their common ancestry. The low levels of genetic diversity in the species may result from a series of genetic bottlenecks during several glacial epochs.  相似文献   

本研究基于多个线粒体基因(包括COI、Cyt b、tRNA-Thr、tRNA-Pro、D-loop控制区部分序列共计2417bp)对间颅鼠兔(Ochotona cansus)的种群遗传结构和历史演化动态进行了研究。基于线粒体基因联合数据构建的贝叶斯树显示,间颅鼠兔分为两大支系:来自岷山山系东部的甘肃白水江和四川唐家河的种群组成了支系一;其余采样点的种群组成了支系二。基于以上基因所构建的单倍型网络图显示的遗传结构与贝叶斯树一致。贝叶斯聚类分析(BAPS)将间颅鼠兔分为4个地理种群。A种群包括甘肃白水江(BSJ)和四川唐家河(TJH)的样本;B种群仅包括四川卧龙(WL)的样本;C种群包括青海北部种群(GC、MY、QL)、青海南部-四川北部种群(JW、JZ、ZK、RE)、四川康定(KD)和陕西太白山(TB)的样本;D种群包括山西娄烦(LF)以及陕西吴起(WQ)的样本。基于线粒体基因构建的物种树进行支系分化时间的推测,结果显示4个地理种群的分化时间约为0.72 Ma、0.32 Ma、0.12 Ma, 这与造成青藏高原剧烈隆起的昆黄运动(1.10-0.60Ma)和共和运动(0.15Ma)发生时间基本吻合。采用中性检验、错配分布、扩展贝叶斯天际线(EBSPs)3种方法对间颅鼠兔的种群历史动态进行预测,分析结果显示间颅鼠兔在历史上并没有经历过显著的种群扩张,而且在末次盛冰期后开始衰减。生态位模型(ENM)预测结果表明:末次盛冰期时间颅鼠兔的潜在分布区比其现今分布区小,末次盛冰期比末次间冰期潜在分布区略大,表明间颅鼠兔受末次盛冰期影响较大。气候因子分析显示降水比温度对间颅鼠兔种群影响更大,推测降水对植被的演化影响显著,从而影响间颅鼠兔的食物来源和栖息环境。  相似文献   

Intraspecific phylogenies can provide useful insights into how populations have been shaped by historical and contemporary processes. Taiwan formed around 5 million years ago from tectonic uplift, and has been connected to mainland Asia several times since its emergence. A central mountain range runs north to south, bisecting the island, and potentially impedes gene flow along an east-west axis. The Formosan lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus monoceros) is endemic to Taiwan, where it is found mainly at low altitude. To determine the population structure and the demographic and colonization history of this species, we examined variation in the mitochondrial DNA control region in 203 bats sampled at 26 sites. We found very high haplotype and nucleotide diversity, which decreased from the centre to the south and north. Population differentiation followed a pattern of isolation by distance, though most regional genetic variance was attributable to differences between the relatively isolated southern population and those from other regions. A haplotype network was consistent with these findings and also suggested a southward colonization, followed by subsequent secondary contact between the south and other regions. Mismatch distributions were used to infer a past population expansion predating the last glacial maximum, and a neighbour-joining tree showed that R. monoceros formed a monophyletic grouping with respect to its sister taxa. Taken together, our results suggest that this taxon arose from a single period of colonization, and that demographic growth followed in the late Pleistocene. Current genetic structure reflects limited gene flow, probably coupled with stepwise colonization in the past. We consider explanations for the persistence of the species through multiple glacial maxima.  相似文献   

Fat greenling (Hexagrammos otakii) is an important commercial fish in the Northwestern Pacific, being distributed along the coastal waters of the East/Japan Sea and the Yellow Sea. To investigate population genetic structure and demographic history of this species, one hundred and fifty five individuals were collected from five localities in the distribution range of the species and sequence variations in the mitochondrial genes COI, COIII-ND3-ND4L, and cytochrome b were examined. For all the genes in every sampling location, the nucleotide diversities were very low (0.001 ~ 0.005) although the haplotype diversities were relatively high, 0.55 ~ 0.81 for COI, 0.79 ~ 0.84 for COIII-ND3-ND4L, and 0.95 ~ 0.97 for cytochrome b. Hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), the conventional population statistic FST, and exact test of population differentiation revealed no significant genetic structuring among the samples, indicating that fat greening is panmictic throughout the range of its distribution. Neutrality tests such as Tajima’s D and Fu’s FS statistics and mismatch distribution analyses suggested that fat greening has undergone the demographic history of population expansion during the late Pleistocene period approximately 91,000 ~ 327,000 years ago. The star-burst patterns of haplotype networks and low nucleotide diversities also indicated recent population expansion. These results help establish the fisheries management strategy for fat greenling in the Northwestern Pacific.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We analyzed 725 Ixodes ricinus ticks (the principal vector of Lyme disease in Europe) collected in Switzerland in 1995 and 1996 (three and eight samples, respectively) and in Tunisia in 1996 (one sample) with five microsatellite markers. We found highly significant genetic differentiation between Swiss and Tunisian samples but detected almost no differentiation within Switzerland, even between those samples separated by the Alps. Interestingly, we found that I. ricinus females were more genetically related to one another than were males at a local scale, which would indicate a higher dispersal rate of immature males. Possible explanations for these findings in terms of sex-specific association of ticks with certain hosts (e.g., birds) and their epidemiological consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

The northern pike Esox lucius L. is a freshwater fish exhibiting pronounced population subdivision and low genetic variability. However, there is limited knowledge on phylogeographical patterns within the species, and it is not known whether the low genetic variability reflects primarily current low effective population sizes or historical bottlenecks. We analysed six microsatellite loci in ten populations from Europe and North America. Genetic variation was low, with the average number of alleles within populations ranging from 2.3 to 4.0 per locus. Genetic differentiation among populations was high (overall θST = 0.51; overall ρST = 0.50). Multidimensional scaling analysis of genetic distances between populations and spatial analysis of molecular variance suggested a single phylogeographical race within the sampled populations from northern Europe, whereas North American and southern European populations were highly distinct. A population from Ireland was monomorphic at all loci, presumably reflecting founder events associated with introduction of the species to the island in the sixteenth century. Bayesian analysis of demographic parameters showed differences in θ (a product of effective population size and mutation rate) among populations from large and small water bodies, but the relative differences in θ were smaller than expected, which could reflect population subdivision within the larger water bodies. Finally, the analyses showed drastic population declines on a time scale of several thousand years within European populations, which we ascribe to either glacial bottlenecks or postglacial founder events.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 91–101.  相似文献   

Comparative genetic differences for the phosphoglucomutase and trehalase loci were surveyed in larval and adult blackfly populations of the onchocerciasis vectors Simulium yahense Vajime and Dunbar, and S.sanctipauli Vajime and Dunbar. Genotype frequencies for each stage and all populations were at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, indicating that S.yahense and S.sanctipauli remain genetically distinct. S.yahense populations from three different locations were found to be genotypically comparable. The larval population of S.yahense found in closest proximity to a S.sanctipauli population was found to express the phosphoglucomutase allele 1.33, characteristic of S.sanctipauli, with significantly greater frequency than other larval populations of S.yahense. This may constitute evidence of limited genetic introgression of S.sanctipauli with the S.yahense population.  相似文献   

In polymorphic species, population divergence in morph composition and frequency has the potential to promote speciation. We assessed the relationship between geographic variation in male throat colour polymorphism and phylogeographic structure in the tawny dragon lizard, Ctenophorus decresii. We identified four genetically distinct lineages, corresponding to two polymorphic lineages in the Northern Flinders Ranges and Southern Flinders Ranges/Olary Ranges regions respectively, and a monomorphic lineage in the Mt Lofty Ranges/Kangaroo Island region. The degree of divergence between these three lineages was consistent with isolation to multiple refugia during Pleistocene glacial cycles, whereas a fourth, deeply divergent (at the interspecific level) and monomorphic lineage was restricted to western New South Wales. The same four morphs occurred in both polymorphic lineages, although populations exhibited considerable variation in the frequency of morphs. By contrast, male throat coloration in the monomorphic lineages differed from each other and from the polymorphic lineages. Our results suggest that colour polymorphism has evolved once in the C. decresii species complex, with subsequent loss of polymorphism in the Mt Lofty Ranges/Kangaroo Island lineage. However, an equally parsimonious scenario, that polymorphism arose independently twice within C. decresii, could not be ruled out. We also detected evidence of a narrow contact zone with limited genotypic admixture between the polymorphic Olary Ranges and monomorphic Mt Lofty Ranges regions, yet no individuals of intermediate colour phenotype. Such genetic divergence and evidence for barriers to gene flow between lineages suggest incipient speciation between populations that differ in morph composition.  相似文献   

The olive fly, Bactrocera oleae, is the major pest of olives in most commercial olive-growing regions worldwide. The species is abundant in the Mediterranean basin and has been introduced recently into California and Mexico, creating problems for quarantine protection and international trade. Here, we use nuclear microsatellite markers and mitochondrial sequences to examine the history of olive fly range expansion and colonization. Sampled populations span the current distribution of the olive fly worldwide, including South and Central Africa, Pakistan, Mediterranean Europe and Middle East, California, and Mexico. The Pakistani populations appear to be genetically well differentiated from the remaining populations, though rooting the origins of the species is problematic. Genetic similarity and assignment tests cluster the remaining populations into two genetic groups--Africa and a group including the Mediterranean basin and the American region. That Africa, and not the Mediterranean, is the origin of flies infesting cultivated olive is supported by the significantly greater genetic diversity at microsatellite loci in Africa relative to the Mediterranean area. The results also indicate that the recent invasion of olive flies in the American region most likely originated from the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

The effects of Pleistocene environmental fluctuations on the distribution and diversity of organisms in Southeast Asia are much less well known than in Europe and North America. In these regions, the combination of palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and inferences about population history from genetic data has been very powerful. In Southeast Asia, mosquitoes are good candidates for the genetic approach, with the added benefit that understanding the relative contributions of historical and current processes to population structure can inform management of vector species. Genetic variation among populations of Anopheles minimus was examined using 144 mtDNA COII sequences from 23 sites in China, Thailand and Vietnam. Haplotype diversity was high, with two distinct lineages that have a sequence divergence of over 2% and exhibit different geographical distributions. We compare alternative hypotheses concerning the origin of this pattern. The observed data deviate from the expectations based on a single-panmictic population with or without growth, or a stable but spatially structured population. However, they can be readily accommodated by a model of past fragmentation into eastern and western refugia, followed by growth and range expansion. This is consistent with the palaeoenvironmental reconstructions currently available for the region.  相似文献   

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