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Despite numerous studies of selection on position and number of spectral vision bands, explanations to the function of narrow spectral bands are lacking. We investigate dragonflies (Odonata), which have the narrowest spectral bands reported, in order to investigate what features these narrow spectral bands may be used to perceive. We address whether it is likely that narrow red bands can be used to identify conspecifics by the optical signature from wing interference patterns (WIPs). We investigate the optical signatures of Odonata wings using hyperspectral imaging, laser profiling, ellipsometry, polarimetric modulation spectroscopy, and laser radar experiments. Based on results, we estimate the prospects for Odonata perception of WIPs to identify conspecifics in the spectral, spatial, intensity, polarization, angular, and temporal domains. We find six lines of evidence consistent with an ability to perceive WIPs. First, the wing membrane thickness of the studied Odonata is 2.3 μm, coinciding with the maximal thickness perceivable by the reported bandwidth. Second, flat wings imply that WIPs persist from whole wings, which can be seen at a distance. Third, WIPs constitute a major brightness in the visual environment only second after the solar disk. Fourth, WIPs exhibit high degree of polarization and polarization vision coincides with frontal narrow red bands in Odonata. Fifth, the angular light incidence on the Odonata composite eye provides all prerequisites for direct assessment of the refractive index which is associated with age. Sixth, WIPs from conspecifics in flight make a significant contribution even to the fundamental wingbeat frequency within the flicker fusion bandwidth of Odonata vision. We conclude that it is likely that WIPs can be perceived by the narrow red bands found in some Odonata species and propose future behavioral and electrophysiological tests of this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Jodi N. Price  Meelis Pärtel 《Oikos》2013,122(5):649-656
Synthesis We used meta‐analyses to examine experimental evidence that functional similarity between invaders and resident communities reduces invasion. We synthesized evidence from studies that experimentally added seed to resident communities in which the functional group composition had been manipulated. We found communities containing functionally similar resident species reduced invasion of forb but not grass invaders. However, experimental design dramatically influenced the results – with evidence for limiting similarity only found in artificially assembled communities, and not when studies used functional group removal from more ‘natural communities’. We suggest that functional group similarity plays a limited role in biotic resistance in established communities. The principle of limiting similarity suggests that species must be functionally different to coexist; based on the assumption that inter‐specific competition should be greatest between functionally similar species. There has been controversy over the generality of this assembly rule for plant communities with some studies finding evidence for limiting similarity and others not. One approach to testing this is to examine the ‘invasion’ success of species into communities in which the functional group composition has been manipulated. Using a meta‐analysis approach, we examined the generality of limiting similarity for plant communities based on published experimental studies. We asked – is establishment of an invading species less successful if it belongs to a functional group that is already present in the community compared to a community in which that functional group is absent? We explored separately colonisation (i.e. germination, establishment or seedling survival) and performance (i.e. biomass, cover or growth) of different functional groups (forbs and grasses) and experimental designs (removal experiments of more or less natural communities and synthetic‐assemblage experiments). We found that communities containing functionally similar resident species did reduce invader colonisation and performance of forb invaders, but did not reduce colonisation or performance of grass invaders. Evidence in support of limiting similarity was only detected in synthetic‐assemblage experiments and not when studies used functional group removal from ‘natural’ communities. Functional similarity is an important aspect of biotic resistance for forb invaders, but was only found in artificial communities. This has implications for restoration ecology especially when communities are built de novo. However, we suggest that limiting similarity plays a limited role in biotic resistance, because no evidence was detected in established communities.  相似文献   

Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Diptera: Culicidae) is the most widespread vector of malaria in the Afrotropical Region. Because An. arabiensis feeds readily on cattle as well as humans, the insecticide-treatment of cattle--as employed to control tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae) and ticks (Acari: Ixodidae)--might simultaneously affect the malaria vectorial capacity of this mosquito. Therefore, we conducted field experiments in southern Ethiopia to establish whether Zebu cattle (Bos indicus L.) treated with a pour-on pyrethroid formulation of 1% deltamethrin, widely used to control ticks and tsetse, would be effective against An. arabiensis or cause the female mosquitoes to feed more frequently on humans, due to behavioural avoidance of insecticide-treated cattle. Contact bioassays (3 min exposure) showed that the insecticide remained effective for about 1 month (kill rate > 50%) against mosquitoes feeding on the flanks of treated cattle. A novel behavioural assay demonstrated that An. arabiensis readily fed on insecticide-treated cattle and were not deflected to human hosts in the presence of treated cattle. DNA-fingerprinting of bloodmeals revealed that An. arabiensis naturally feeds most frequently on older animals, consistent with the established practice of applying insecticide only to older cattle, while allowing younger untreated animals to gain immunity against infections transmitted by ticks. These encouraging results were tempered by finding that > 90% of An. arabiensis, An. pharoensis and An. tenebrosus females feed on the legs of cattle, farthest from the site of pour-on application along the animal's back and where the treatment may be least residual due to weathering. Observations of mosquitoes feeding naturally on insecticide-treated cattle showed that the majority of wild female anophelines alighted on the host animal for less than 1 min to feed, with significantly shorter mean duration of feeding bouts on insecticide-treated animals, and the effective life of the insecticide was only 1 week. Thus the monthly application of deltamethrin to cattle, typically used to control tsetse and ticks, is unlikely to be effective against An. arabiensis populations or their vectorial capacity. Even so, it seems likely that far greater impact on anopheline mosquitoes could be achieved by applying insecticide selectively to the legs of cattle.  相似文献   



Many tropical forest tree species delay greening their leaves until full expansion. This strategy is thought to provide newly flushing leaves with protection against damage by herbivores by keeping young leaves devoid of nutritive value. Because young leaves suffer the greatest predation from invertebrate herbivores, delayed greening could prevent costly tissue loss. Many species that delay greening also produce anthocyanin pigments in their new leaves, giving them a reddish tint. These anthocyanins may be fungicidal, protect leaves against UV damage or make leaves cryptic to herbivores blind to the red part of the spectrum.


A comprehensive survey was undertaken of seedlings, saplings and mature trees in two diverse tropical forests: a rain forest in western Amazonia (Yasuní National Park, Ecuador) and a deciduous forest in Central America (Barro Colorado Island, Panamá). A test was made of whether individuals and species with delayed greening or red-coloured young leaves showed lower mortality or higher relative growth rates than species that did not.

Key results

At both Yasuní and Barro Colorado Island, species with delayed greening or red young leaves comprised significant proportions of the seedling and tree communities. At both sites, significantly lower mortality was found in seedlings and trees with delayed greening and red-coloured young leaves. While there was little effect of leaf colour on the production of new leaves of seedlings, diameter relative growth rates of small trees were lower in species with delayed greening and red-coloured young leaves than in species with regular green leaves, and this effect remained when the trade-off between mortality and growth was accounted for.


Herbivores exert strong selection pressure on seedlings for the expression of defence traits. A delayed greening or red-coloured young leaf strategy in seedlings appears to be associated with higher survival for a given growth rate, and may thus influence the species composition of later life stages.  相似文献   

To see whether general practitioners could effectively carry out training in relaxation and management of stress to reduce mild hypertension a study was carried out with a subsample of phase 2 of the Medical Research Council''s treatment of mild hypertension trial.1 In the main mild hypertension trial patients had been receiving either an active drug or placebo for six years. In phase 2 a subsample of these patients were randomly allocated either to continue or to stop receiving the active drug or placebo. In a further subsample patients were again randomised to receive or not to receive relaxation therapy. This factorial design presented an additional opportunity to assess whether patients controlled with active drugs might have their blood pressure maintained by this behavioural therapy once drug treatment was stopped and to assess whether blood pressure might be further reduced by this therapy in patients who had been under regular medical supervision for as long as six years and who had already received non-pharmacological advice. The therapy was conducted by general practitioners in group sessions once a week for eight weeks. The training in relaxation was accompanied by galvanic skin resistance biofeedback. At one year follow up blood pressure in the relaxation subgroups was either maintained (in the group who had stopped receiving drugs) or reduced further (in the group who had continued receiving drugs and in both placebo groups), while in the control group it had increased in all the subgroups, but particularly in those who had stopped receiving drugs. Differences in changes in blood pressure between the relaxation and control groups were significant. There were five new cardiovascular events, including evidence of myocardial ischaemia in blindly coded electrocardiograms in the control group, compared with one in the treatment group.General practitioners, if motivated, can successfully apply this technique of training those with mild hypertension in relaxation and management of stress.  相似文献   

Coexistence of two organisms competing for the same nutrient is possible if one is an ‘uptake’, and the other a ‘predation defence’ specialist. In pelagic food webs this principle has been linked to cell size. Small osmotroph cells, with their high surface : volume ratio, have been argued to be uptake specialists, while larger osmotrophs avoiding the intense grazing pressure from small protozoan predators might represent ‘predation defence’ specialists. This may seem like an obligatory trade‐off situation that necessitates a choice of either being small or being large, and thus being potentially dominant in oligotrophic or in eutrophic environments, respectively. However, in a more precise form, the theory for nutrient diffusion states that it is the ‘surface : cell requirement of limiting element’ ratio, rather than the ‘surface : volume’ ratio, that is important. The distinction is crucial, since it opens up the possibility of there being life strategies that use a non‐limiting element to increase size. Hypothesized to maximize uptake and predator defence simultaneously, such strategies should be particularly successful. We suggest that this strategy is exploited by osmotrophs with different size and physiology, such as heterotrophic bacteria, unicellular cyanobacteria and diatoms. Since the strategy implies a shift in organism stoichiometry, the biogeochemical implications are strong, illustrating the tight relationships between physical micro‐scale processes, organism life strategies, biodiversity, food web structure, and biogeochemistry.  相似文献   

Facilitation of tree establishment by ectomycorrhizal (EM) networks (MNs) may become increasingly important as drought stress increases with climate change in some forested regions of North America. The objective of this study was to determine (1) whether temperature, CO(2) concentration ([CO(2)]), soil moisture, and MNs interact to affect plant establishment success, such that MNs facilitate establishment when plants are the most water stressed, and (2) whether transfer of C and water between plants through MNs plays a role in this. We established interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesiivar.glauca) seedlings in root boxes with and without the potential to form MNs with nearby conspecific seedlings that had consistent access to water via their taproots. We varied temperature, [CO(2)], and soil moisture in growth chambers. Douglas-fir seedling survival increased when the potential existed to form an MN. Growth increased with MN potential under the driest soil conditions, but decreased with temperature at 800 ppm [CO(2)]. Transfer of (13)C to receiver seedlings was unaffected by potential to form an MN with donor seedlings, but deuterated water (D(2)O) transfer increased with MN potential under ambient [CO(2)]. Chlorophyll fluorescence was reduced when seedlings had the potential to form an MN under high [CO(2)] and cool temperatures. We conclude that Douglas-fir seedling establishment in laboratory conditions is facilitated by MN potential where Douglas-fir seedlings have consistent access to water. Moreover, this facilitation appears to increase as water stress potential increases and water transfer via networks may play a role in this. These results suggest that conservation of MN potential may be important to forest regeneration where drought stress increases with climate change.  相似文献   

Biological control of greenhouse pests has been successfully developed and applied. In greenhouse crops, several entomophagous species (predators and parasitoids) are used simultaneously in the crop cycle. One important aspect of these crops, which represent modified ecosystems, is the interactions among complexes of species, including plants, phytophagous insects, and predators. The chemical relationships (semiochemicals: pheromones and kairomones) among these species likely play an important role in greenhouse crops; however, few studies have focused on these relationships. The aim of this study was to analyse the importance of semiochemicals. Three groups of laboratory trials were conducted with two predatory species: Nabis pseudoferus and Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Nabidae and Miridae, respectively). The results of the first group of trials indicated that the adult females of both species were more attracted to herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) than they were to the control plants or plants with artificial damage. Based on the second group of trials, pheromones triggered an attraction in adult females of both species for conspecifics. Finally, based on the interactions of the adult females of the same species, pheromones changed or modulated the predatory responses to HIPVs. The implications of these results for the biological control of pest species in greenhouses are further discussed.  相似文献   

Cancer viewed as a programmed, evolutionarily conserved life-form, rather than just a random series of disease-causing mutations, answers the rarely asked question of what the cancer cell is for, provides meaning for its otherwise mysterious suite of attributes, and encourages a different type of thinking about treatment. The broad but consistent spectrum of traits, well-recognized in all aggressive cancers, group naturally into three categories: taxonomy ("phylogenation"), atavism ("re-primitivization") and robustness ("adaptive resilience"). The parsimonious explanation is not convergent evolution, but the release of an highly conserved survival program, honed by the exigencies of the Pre-Cambrian, to which the cancer cell seems better adapted; and which is recreated within, and at great cost to, its host. Central to this program is the Warburg Effect, whose malign influence permeates well beyond aerobic glycolysis to include biomass interconversion and genomic heuristics. Warburg-type metabolism and genomic instability are targets whose therapeutic disablement is a major priority.  相似文献   

Lipase from Burkholderia cepacia (lipase BC) and lipase B from Candida antarctica (CALB) show an increase of the transesterification activity in toluene (up to 2.4- and 1.7-fold, respectively), when lyophilized with 18-crown-6. Nevertheless, the increase was observed only for low (less than 100) 18-crown-6/lipase molar ratio, while at higher ratios, the activity decreased for both enzymes to values lower than those obtained in the absence of the additive. In 1,4-dioxane, the activation is lower for lipase BC (1.7-fold) and for CALB (1.5-fold). Concerning enantioselectivity, tested in the kinetic resolution of 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol, only in the case of CALB, an effect of the additive (the E value varied from about 120 to 280) was observed. In water, 4% (w/w) of 18-crown-6 caused a loss of activity in the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl laurate of about 88 and 99.75%, compared to that observed in the absence of the crown ether for CALB and lipase BC, respectively. These data and the conformational analysis of both lipases, carried out by FT/IR spectroscopy indicate that the enzyme inactivation in water and in organic solvents at 18-crown-6/lipase molar ratios, higher than 100 might be due to conformational changes caused by the additive. Instead, at molar ratios lower than 100, 18-crown-6 might increase the activity - particularly, in toluene - thanks to the fact that in its presence, the enzyme has an hydrogen bonds pattern, more similar to that in water. This suggests that the additive would be able to provide the enzyme with more water.  相似文献   

Darwin recognized that biological diversity has accumulated as a result of both adaptive and nonadaptive processes. Very few studies, however, have addressed explicitly the contribution of nonadaptive processes to evolutionary diversification, and no general procedures have been established for distinguishing between adaptive and nonadaptive processes as sources of trait diversity. I use the diversification of flower colour as a model system for attempting to identify adaptive and nonadaptive causes of trait diversification. It is widely accepted that variation in flower colour reflects direct, adaptive response to divergent selective pressures generated by different pollinators. However, diversification of flower colour may also result from the effects of nonadaptive, pleiotropic relationships with vegetative traits. Floral pigments that have pleiotropic relationships to vegetative pigments may evolve and diversify in at least two nonadaptive ways. (1) Indirect response to selection on the pleiotropically related nonfloral traits may occur (indirect selection). (2) Divergent evolution in response to parallel selective pressures (e.g. selection by pollinators for visually obvious flowers) may occur because populations are at different genetic starting points, and each population follows its own genetic `line of least resistance.' A survey of literature suggests that pleiotropic relationships between flower colour and vegetative traits are common. Phylogenetically informed analyses of comparative data from Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae) and Acer (Aceraceae), based on trait‐transition probabilities and maximum likelihood, indicated that floral and vegetative pigments are probably pleiotropically related in these genera, and this relationship better explains the diversification of floral colour than does direct selection by pollinators. In Dalechampia pink/purple floral bract colour may have originated by indirect response to selection on stem and leaf pigments. In Acer selection by pollinators for visually obvious flowers may to have led to the evolution of red or purple flowers in lineages synthesizing and deploying red anthocyanins in leaves, and pale‐green or yellow flowers in species not deploying red anthocyanins in vegetative structures. This study illustrates the broader potential of indirect selection and parallel selection on different genetic starting points to contribute to biological diversity, and the value of testing directly for the operation of these nonadaptive diversifying processes.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the reaction kinetics of the Rubisco enzyme implies that, at the level of a chloroplast, the response of photosynthesis to rising atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca) will increase with increasing air temperature. Vegetation models incorporating this interaction predict that the response of net primary productivity (NPP) to elevated CO2 (eCa) will increase with rising temperature and will be substantially larger in warm tropical forests than in cold boreal forests. We tested these model predictions against evidence from eCa experiments by carrying out two meta‐analyses. Firstly, we tested for an interaction effect on growth responses in factorial eCa × temperature experiments. This analysis showed a positive, but nonsignificant interaction effect (95% CI for above‐ground biomass response = ?0.8, 18.0%) between eCa and temperature. Secondly, we tested field‐based eCa experiments on woody plants across the globe for a relationship between the eCa effect on plant biomass and mean annual temperature (MAT). This second analysis showed a positive but nonsignificant correlation between the eCa response and MAT. The magnitude of the interactions between CO2 and temperature found in both meta‐analyses were consistent with model predictions, even though both analyses gave nonsignificant results. Thus, we conclude that it is not possible to distinguish between the competing hypotheses of no interaction vs. an interaction based on Rubisco kinetics from the available experimental database. Experiments in a wider range of temperature zones are required. Until such experimental data are available, model predictions should aim to incorporate uncertainty about this interaction.  相似文献   

The inversion of configuration of L‐alanine can be carried out by combining its selective oxidation in the presence of NAD+ and L‐alanine dehydrogenase, electrochemical regeneration of the NAD+ at a carbon felt anode, and reductive amination of pyruvate, i.e., reduction of its imino derivative at a mercury cathode, the reaction mixture being buffered with concentrated ammonium/ammonia (1.28M / 1.28M). The dehydrogenase exhibits astonishing activity and stability under such extreme conditions of pH and ionic strength. The main drawback of the process is its slowness. At best, the complete inversion of a 10 mM solution of L‐alanine requires 140 h. A careful and detailed quantitative analysis of each of the key steps involved shows that the enzyme catalyzed oxidation is so thermodynamically uphill that it can be driven efficiently to completion only when both the coenzyme regeneration and the pyruvate reduction are very effective. The first condition is easily fulfilled. Under the best conditions, it is the rate of the chemical reaction producing the imine which controls the whole process kinetically. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 64: 101–107, 1999.  相似文献   

Plant‐insect herbivore‐entomopathogen interactions are one of the hot topics in biological control and humoral immunity, and biochemical metabolism are important responses of herbivores to pathogen infection. Entomopathogens are key biocontrol agents of caterpillars, but how plants affect the responses of caterpillars to these organisms is not well understood. We studied hormonal immunity (lysozyme and phenoloxidase activities) and biochemical metabolism (total protein and lipid contents) of Beauveria bassiana‐infected beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) larvae that feed on five different host plants (soya bean, Chinese cabbage, edible amaranth, water convolvulus and pepper). Results indicated that plant species differentially affected lysozyme and phenoloxidase activity and lipid content, but had no effect on protein content of pathogen‐infected caterpillars. Both lysozyme and phenoloxidase activities were generally higher in entomopathogen‐infected larvae that feed on edible amaranth or water convolvulus compared with the other three plants from days 1 to 5 after treatment. Plant species did not affect in regular changes during the 5 days in the lipid content of infected or non‐infected caterpillars. Our study reveals that plants fail to affect the biochemical metabolism but plants can mediate the humoral immunity of caterpillars to defend against pathogens. This study provides insight into plant‐mediated effects on the response of herbivores to pathogens.  相似文献   

Captive-reared fish often have poor survival in the wild and may fail to boost threatened populations. Enrichment during the nursery period can in some circumstances generate a broader behavioural repertoire than conventional hatchery production. Yet, we do not know if enrichment promotes survival after release into the wild. We conducted a field experiment during three field seasons using age 0+ year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar to investigate if enrichment during rearing, in the form of structural complexity (shelters), reduced immediate (within 2 days after release) predation mortality by piscine predators (brown trout Salmo trutta) and if such rearing environments improved long-term (2–3 months after release) post-release survival. In addition, we investigated if predation mortality of released fry was size-selective. S. salar fry were reared in a structurally enriched environment or in a conventional rearing environment and given otolith marks using alizarin during the egg stage to distinguish between enriched and conventionally-reared fry. The outcome from the field experiments showed that structural enrichment did not consistently reduce immediate predation mortality and it did not improve, or had a negative effect on, the recapture rate of fry from the river 2–3 months after release. The data also showed that enriched rearing tended to reduce growth. Additionally, we found that S. trutta predators fed on small individuals of the released fry. Overall, the data suggest that structural enrichment alone is not sufficient to improve long-term survival of hatchery-reared fish after release and that other factors might affect post-release survival.  相似文献   

Abstract. Snowdrop lectin ( Galanthus nivalis agglutinin, GNA) confers partial resistance to several aphid species when incorporated into an artificial diet and/or expressed in transgenic potato. First-tier laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to assess the potential effect of GNA on the longevity and fecundity of female parasitoid Aphelinus abdominalis (Dalman) that had developed in Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) fed artificial diet containing 0.1% GNA (w/v). In a previous study it was shown that GNA ingested by A. abdominalis larvae is not acutely toxic. It was also shown that GNA has a host-size mediated effect on parasitoid sex ratio and larval development, but no apparent direct effect.         In this study, we report that A. abdominalis larvae that developed in GNA-dosed aphids that were smaller than control aphids of the same age, produced smaller adults with a reduced longevity and fecundity. Aphelinus abdominalis larvae that developed in GNA-dosed aphids older than the control but of the same size, produced adults of similar size that lived as long as the control but had a reduced fecundity.         Our results suggest that GNA fed to aphids in artificial diet has both a host-mediated effect (via aphid-size) and a direct effect on adult parasitoid fecundity. It is not known how GNA affects parasitoid larval development and subsequently adult fecundity, but it is hypothesized that GNA acted as an antifeedant to parasitoid larvae, thus disturbing nutrient assimilation and conversion necessary for egg maturation.  相似文献   

Objectives : Despite the increasing availability of low‐ and reduced‐fat foods, Americans continue to consume more fat than recommended, which may be a contributing factor to the obesity epidemic. This investigation examined relationships between liking and household availability of high‐ and low‐fat foods and their association with dietary fat intake. Research Methods and Procedures : A food frequency questionnaire assessed percent calories from fat consumed over the past year in 85 men and 80 women. Participants reported their degree of liking 22 “high‐fat foods” (>45% calories from fat) and 22 “low‐fat foods” (<18% calories from fat), and the number and percentage (number of high‐ or low‐fat foods/total number of foods × 100) of these high‐ and low‐fat foods in their homes. Results : Hierarchical regression analyses examined the ability of liking and household availability of low‐ and high‐fat foods to predict percent dietary fat intake. After controlling for age, sex, and BMI, liking ratings for high‐ and low‐fat foods and the interaction of liking for low‐fat foods by the percentage of low‐fat foods in the household were significant predictors of percent dietary fat consumed. Greater liking of high‐fat foods and lower liking of low‐fat foods, both alone and combined with a lower percentage of low‐fat foods in the home, were predictive of higher dietary fat intake. Discussion : Interventions designed to reduce dietary fat intake should target both decreasing liking for high‐fat foods and increasing liking for low‐fat foods, along with increasing the proportion of low‐fat foods in the household.  相似文献   

Use of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplantation after myocardial infarction (MI) has been found to have infarct‐limiting effects in numerous experimental and clinical studies. However, recent meta‐analyses of randomized clinical trials on MSC‐based MI therapy have highlighted the need for improving its efficacy. There are two principal approaches for increasing therapeutic effect of MSCs: (i) preventing massive MSC death in ischaemic tissue and (ii) increasing production of cardioreparative growth factors and cytokines with transplanted MSCs. In this review, we aim to integrate our current understanding of genetic approaches that are used for modification of MSCs to enable their improved survival, engraftment, integration, proliferation and differentiation in the ischaemic heart. Genetic modification of MSCs resulting in increased secretion of paracrine factors has also been discussed. In addition, data on MSC preconditioning with physical, chemical and pharmacological factors prior to transplantation are summarized. MSC seeding on three‐dimensional polymeric scaffolds facilitates formation of both intercellular connections and contacts between cells and the extracellular matrix, thereby enhancing cell viability and function. Use of genetic and non‐genetic approaches to modify MSC function holds great promise for regenerative therapy of myocardial ischaemic injury.  相似文献   

Female bird song and combined vocal duets of mated pairs are both frequently associated with tropical, monogamous, sedentary natural histories. Little is known, however, about what selects for duetting behavior versus female song. Female song likely preceded duet evolution and could drive apparent relationships between duets and these natural histories. We compared the evolution of female song and male–female duets in the New World blackbirds (Icteridae) by investigating patterns of gains and losses of both traits and their relationships with breeding latitude, mating system, nesting pattern, and migratory behavior. We found that duets evolved only in lineages in which female song was likely ancestral. Both female song and duets were correlated with tropical breeding, social monogamy, territorial nesting, and sedentary behavior when all taxa were included; however, correlations between duets and these natural history traits disappeared when comparisons were limited to taxa with female song. Also, likelihood values supported stronger relationships between the natural history traits and female song than between these traits and duets. Our results suggest that the natural histories thought to favor the evolution of duetting may in fact be associated with female song and that additional selection pressures are responsible for the evolution of duets.  相似文献   

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