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Loxoscelism is a health problem caused by the bite of spiders of the genus Loxosceles. In Chile all cases are attributable to Loxosceles laeta. It has been suggested that the spitting spider Scytodes globula may be a predator of L. laeta and control its population, which is only possible if they share the microhabitat. This study compared the thermal preferences and tolerances of the two species. Later, spiders acclimated to 15 °C and 25 °C were exposed to decreasing and increasing temperatures to determine the lower and upper critical temperatures. The preferred temperatures were lower during the morning, but there were no differences between the species. The thermal niche breadths were similar for the species, with a large overlap. Both species showed tolerance to extreme temperatures, but L. laeta showed greater tolerance to low temperatures. Both species showed acclimation of the lower critical temperatures to changes in acclimation temperatures. The similarity of preferred and tolerated temperatures was partly an expected fact, since the species share the same macrohabitat; these spider species are very common in domestic environments of central Chile. However, the results imply that their microhabitat choices are also very similar, indicating a high probability of meeting and predation, which could have important consequences in loxoscelism epidemiology.  相似文献   



Loxoscelism is the envenomation caused by the bite of Loxosceles spp. spiders. It entails severe necrotizing skin lesions, sometimes accompanied by systemic reactions and even death. There are no diagnostic means and treatment is mostly palliative. The main toxin, found in several isoforms in the venom, is sphingomyelinase D (SMD), a phospholipase that has been used to generate antibodies intended for medical applications. Nucleic acid aptamers are a promising alternative to antibodies. Aptamers may be isolated from a combinatorial mixture of oligonucleotides by iterative selection of those that bind to the target. In this work, two Loxosceles laeta SMD isoforms, Ll1 and Ll2, were produced in bacteria and used as targets with the aim of identifying RNA aptamers that inhibit sphingomyelinase activity.


Six RNA aptamers capable of eliciting partial but statistically significant inhibitions of the sphingomyelinase activity of recombinant SMD-Ll1 and SMD-Ll2 were obtained: four aptamers exert ~17% inhibition of SMD-Ll1, while two aptamers result in ~25% inhibition of SMD-Ll2 and ~18% cross inhibition of SMD-Ll1.


This work is the first attempt to obtain aptamers with therapeutic and diagnostic potential for loxoscelism and provides an initial platform to undertake the development of novel anti Loxosceles venom agents.  相似文献   

In spitting spiders Scytodes globula collected in the field, anterior leg loss was more frequent on the left than on the right side, possibly as an outcome of predatory episodes. A laboratory study was performed in which intact adult females of S. globula were placed with individuals from three species of recluse spiders, Loxosceles intermedia, L. gaucho, and L. laeta. The frequency of probing touches by spitting spiders to their prey was significantly higher with left leg I than with right leg I. Left leg II and right leg II also differed in touching frequency, but in a less marked way. The results, which may represent the first evidence of behavioral laterality in a spider species, suggest that behavioral asymmetry may be an ancient evolutionary trait.  相似文献   

Karen  Bowden 《Journal of Zoology》1991,223(1):161-172
The intraspecific behaviour of the communal-territorial spitting spider, Scytodes fusca , from North Queensland, Australia, is described from laboratory observations. This spider is tolerant of most conspecific intruders on the web but adults, particularly females, do display aggression to other adults by charging, chasing and spitting. During courtship, both the male and the female tap on the web. Courtship in S. fusca is similar to that of a non-social scytodid Scytodes thoracica. Males often stay with the female for a time after mating. Adults appear to be more cannibalistic toward third than toward first and second instar juveniles, This finding is discussed in relation to the mechanisms of intraspecific recognition. The social behaviour of S. fusca is compared with that of other scytodids and the possible evolution of sociality in S. fusca from the parent offspring association is discussed.  相似文献   

  1. The white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) is globally endangered due to the impacts of habitat modification and fragmentation, water pollution, climate change, and invasive species, particularly the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). These pressures have caused the decline of A. pallipes populations in Europe, demonstrating the importance of predicting the species' potential distribution under current and future conditions. Focusing on the watercourses of mainland France, we aimed to identify suitable areas for A. pallipes to guide the conservation of current populations and future introduction actions or protection measures.
  2. We applied ecological niche modelling to model the potential distribution of both A. pallipes and P. leniusculus and identified locations suitable for A. pallipes only. We also assessed the potential distribution of the species under two representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios: RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5, respectively describing low-warming and high-warming conditions.
  3. We found that A. pallipes and P. leniusculus exploit equivalent niches in France. Despite this, under current conditions, about 5% of the study area simultaneously records a high suitability for A. pallipes and a low suitability for P. leniusculus and is therefore of significant conservation interest. This percentage remains relatively stable under RCP 2.6 for 2050 and 2100, but decreases to 2% under RCP 8.5 for 2100.
  4. Ecological niche modelling can supply crucial guidance for conservation actions aimed at protecting endangered species at a national scale by identifying sites most suitable for protection and sites where climate change and invasive species constitute a threat.

Climatic niche conservatism, the tendency of species‐climate associations to remain unchanged across space and time, is pivotal for forecasting the spread of invasive species and biodiversity changes. Indeed, it represents one of the key assumptions underlying species distribution models (SDMs), the main tool currently available for predicting range shifts of species. However, to date, no comprehensive assessment of niche conservatism is available for the marine realm. We use the invasion by Indo‐Pacific tropical fishes into the Mediterranean Sea, the world's most invaded marine basin, to examine the conservatism of the climatic niche. We show that tropical invaders may spread far beyond their native niches and that SDMs do not predict their new distributions better than null models. Our results suggest that SDMs may underestimate the potential spread of invasive species and call for prudence in employing these models in order to forecast species invasion and their response to environmental change.  相似文献   

秦岭冷杉群落主要种群生态位研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
基于对秦岭山区濒危植物秦岭冷杉(Abies chensiensis)分布群落的样地调查,采用定量分析的方法,研究了秦岭冷杉群落中主要种群的生态位宽度、生态位相似性比例和生态位重叠,结果表明:(1)分别用Levins和Shannon-weiner两指数测得的主要种群的生态位宽度结果基本一致,即乔木、灌木和草本层中生态位宽度最大的依次为秦岭冷杉、箭竹(Sinarundinaria nitida)和苔草(Carex lanceolata),秦岭冷杉与生态位宽度值大的种群易形成混交林;(2)生态位宽度较高的两个种群,种对相似性比例一般较高;(3)秦岭冷杉群落中各主要种群之间的生态位重叠程度较低,表明种群对群落环境资源的分享比较充分,群落处于相对稳定状态。  相似文献   

Niche construction in the light of niche theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecological niche construction, the process whereby an organism improves its environment to enhance its growth and persistence, is an important missing element of niche theory. Niche theory has mainly focused on niche-deteriorating processes, such as resource consumption, predation and competition, which have negative effects on population growth. Here, we integrate niche construction explicitly into modern niche theory. We use a graphical approach to analyse how a species' niche-improving impacts interplay with niche-deteriorating impacts to modify its response to the environment. In a model of two consumers that compete for one limiting resource and one predator, we show how niche construction modifies the traditional niche-deteriorating impacts of its agent or of competing species, and hence the potential for species coexistence. By altering the balance between intraspecific and interspecific competitive effects, niche construction can either generate net interspecific facilitation or strengthen interspecific competition. The adaptive benefit derived from niche construction also strongly affects the realized niche of a niche-constructing species.  相似文献   

太行山中段植物群落优势种生态位研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
李军玲  张金屯 《植物研究》2006,26(2):156-162
运用TWINSPAN把样方分为8个群落类型,用Levins、Shannon-wiener生态位宽度公式和Petraitis生态位特定重叠指数公式测定群落中主要种群生态位宽度和生态位重叠,并分析各种群生态位的生态学意义。在总群落中,披针苔草和草地早熟禾的生态位宽度最大,说明它们对群落环境的适应能力最强,对资源的利用能力也最强;在不同的群落里(群落Ⅰ到群落Ⅷ),相同种群生态位宽度有极大差别,草地早熟禾在群落Ⅱ中,B1为 2.753,B2为 15.561,在群落Ⅷ中,B1为0,B2为1;总群落中,各种群的生态位宽度明显大于其在其他群落里的生态位宽度。两个种群的生态位重叠值越大,说明它们占据越相似的资源空间,珠芽蓼和火绒草的生态位重叠值高达0.892(群落Ⅰ中),说明它们利用资源的相似性程度很高;在总群落中,各种群之间生态位重叠值都很低。  相似文献   

汾河水库及河道中优势硅藻生态位的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
采用Levins生态位宽度公式和Petrailis生态位特定重叠指数测定了汾河水库和河道中 5 0个主要硅藻种的生态位宽度和生态位重叠 ,并对生态位宽度和生态位重叠的关系进行了初步探讨 ,结果表明 ,着生硅藻中的原子舟形藻、眼斑小环藻、平卧桥弯藻、尖菱形藻、短小舟形藻、线形曲壳藻、阿尔夫舟形藻等生态位最大 ,浮游硅藻中 ,以具星小环藻、团聚小环藻、眼斑小环藻生态位最宽 ;同时表明 ,生态位宽度大的种与其它种的生态位重叠也较大。生态位重叠表明 ,着生硅藻中 ,生态位重叠普遍偏高 ,河道中 ,清洁水体指示种普通等片藻进攻性最强 ,水库中以α -中污和 β-中污带生物比索曲壳藻进攻性最高。从生态位普遍重叠指数分析 ,浮游硅藻明显小于着生硅藻 ,表明浮游生境下 ,硅藻分化明显 ,着生环境中 ,硅藻对资源利用充分  相似文献   

温州南部沿岸海域主要鱼类的生态位及种间联结性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国内对生态位和种间关联性的研究主要集中于植物、鸟类和游泳动物群落等方面,而针对鱼类生态位和种间关联性研究鲜有报道.本文基于2015年春季(5月)和秋季(9月)温州南部沿岸海域渔业资源调查与渔获物分析,运用生态位测定、方差比率(VR)、χ2检验、联结系数(AC)、种对共同出现百分率(PC)和点相关系数(Ф)等方法对主要鱼类间的关系进行研究.结果表明: 该海域共鉴定出鱼类47种,隶属于9目27科41属,其中优势种4种,重要种9种,共占17%.通过生态位宽度聚类分析,按生态位宽度将主要鱼类划分为2类:第1类广生态位种包括龙头鱼、棘头梅童鱼、日本鳀、镰鲳、白姑鱼、六指马鲅、蓝圆鲹和带鱼;第2类狭生态位种包括海鳗、六丝矛尾鰕虎鱼、宽体舌鳎、小黄鱼和鳓.主要鱼类间的生态位重叠值为0~0.90,表明物种对资源利用的相似程度存在差异.生态位宽度较窄的宽体舌鳎和海鳗,其重叠值相对较高,说明两个物种间存在一定的竞争.利用VR分析得出主要鱼类间的关联性呈显著正相关.鉴于Ф值能降低χ2检验、联结系数(AC)、种对共同出现百分率(PC)对联结性分析的影响,故采用Ф值测定,得出63个种对为正联结,种间联结性和生态位两者分别与群落结构稳定和群落更替具有不同程度的相关性.  相似文献   

1. Several mechanisms can mediate the coexistence of species, such as the neutral dynamic, niche filtering and niche partitioning. The present study investigated which of these mechanisms mediate the coexistence of closely related spider species at the scale of one locality. 2. The coexistence of three spider species of the genus Philodromus (Philodromidae) (Philodromus albidus, Philodromus aureolus and Philodromus cespitum) was studied. The study area comprised three habitat types, including a deciduous forest, a scrub and a plum tree stand. The spatial niche properties of the Philodromus species were explored by comparing their micro/macrohabitat preferences. The natural diet of these species was analysed. Laboratory experiments involving prey acceptance were conducted to investigate the trophic niche properties. The species' phenologies were studied to compare their temporal niches. 3. The philodromids had differentiated their trophic and habitat niches. The coexistence mechanisms were therefore assessed by studying the relationships between niche overlaps and the pairwise product of relative abundances. A negative relationship was observed between functional niche overlaps and the product of relative abundances, whereas a positive relationship was observed between spatial niche overlaps and the product of relative abundances. 4. The present results suggest that different mechanisms influence different niche dimensions. Niche partitioning influenced functional niches, whereas niche filtering influenced spatial niches. The results also suggest that the filtering process in one dimension was facilitated by niche differentiation in another dimension.  相似文献   

新疆阜康绿洲荒漠过渡带主要植物种的生态位分析   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
采用Levins公式和王刚生态重叠计测方法,对新疆阜康绿洲荒漠过渡带中的7个植物种,分别从群落梯度和3个单一生态因子(土壤水分维,土壤盐分维,土壤酸碱度维)上对其生态位分化进行了定量分析。结果如下:(1)在群落梯度上,生态位大小依次为红砂(0.7010),梭梭(0.6434),角果藜(0.4774),雾冰藜(0.3745),盐爪爪(0.3541),叉毛蓬(0.3354)和碱蓬(0.2769);(2)红砂在土壤水分、土壤盐分、土壤酸碱度维上的生态位分别为0.5274,0.6039和0.3620,梭梭在这3维上分别为03320,0.3083和0.5103,从生态位宽度看,红砂和梭梭处于优势种地位,其余为非优势种;(3)每个物种在群落梯度上的生态位宽度基本大于在上述3个资源轴上的平均生态位;(4)红砂与梭梭在土壤盐分维上的生态位重叠最大(0.4203)。表明了这两个优势种在利用土壤盐分方面有相似的特性。  相似文献   

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