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We suggest a new phylogenetic hypothesis for the tripunctata radiation based on sequences of mitochondrial genes. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed by parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. We performed tests for hypotheses of monophyly for taxonomic groups and other specific hypotheses. Results reject the monophyly for the tripunctata group whereas monophyly is not rejected for the tripunctata radiation and other specific groups within the radiation. Although most of the basal nodes were unresolved we were able to identify four clusters within the tripunctata radiation. These results suggest the collection of additional data before a proper taxonomic revision could be proposed.  相似文献   

Modern environmental destruction through human action has had a big impact on biological diversity. In the Brazilian Cerrado, the second largest South American biome, more than 60% of the native vegetation has been devastated mainly due to anthropic activities. One of the consequences of these activities is the distinct dispersion patterns of endemic and colonizer species in urban environments. In this report we assess the colonizing potential of drosophilids in environments with different grades of urbanization, defined according to the vegetation cover, edifications and demographic density. We performed 12 monthly collections in the city of Brasília, the capital of Brazil, which is located in the core region of the Cerrado. Although we identified 16 species, 90% of the 22,509 captured specimens were Zaprionus indianus, a species recently introduced in Brazil, and the cosmopolitan D. simulans. We captured all the exotic species that occur in the Biome, with the exception of D. kikkawai, but only 8 from the 25 endemic species that occur in natural sites around Brasília. The abundance of four endemic species (D. nebulosa, D. sturtevanti, D. cardini and D. prosaltans) decreased as the grade of urbanization increased. D. immigrans, an exotic species, showed the opposite pattern. We concluded that most endemic species of Drosophilidae are not able to colonize the new environment represented by the city, and that some species of this family may detect not only environmental alteration, by their presence or absence, but also the grade of environmental disturbance, by their relative abundance.  相似文献   

Regardless of the well-documented virilis species group, most groups of the Drosophila virilis section have not been completely studied at molecular level since it was suggested. Therefore, phylogenetic relationships among and within species groups of the virilis section are generally unknown. In present paper, the complete mitochondrial ND2 gene and fragment of COI gene in combination with a nuclear gene, Adh coding region, were used to derive the most extensive molecular phylogeny to date for the Drosophila virilis section. A total of 111 individuals covering 61 species were sampled in this study. Novel phylogenetic findings included (1) support for the paraphyly of the melanica and robusta species group and at least two subgroups of the robusta species group, the lacertosa and okadai subgroups, were distinguished as paraphyletic taxa. In addition, (2) present results revealed the sister relationship between D. moriwakii and the robusta subgroup, conflicting with current taxonomy regarding D. moriwakii, which was shifted from the robusta species group to the melanica group. (3) In contrast to the robusta and melanica species groups, monophyly of the polychaeta species group, the angor group and the virilis group was confirmed, respectively. However, the monophyletic quadrisetata species group was resolved with uncertainty. (4) Our analyses of combined data set suggested close relationship between the quadrisetata species group and the unpublished clefta group, and the okadai subgroup is sister to the clade comprising of the quadrisetata and clefta species groups. Within the virilis section, D. fluvialis and three tropical species groups, the polychaeta group, the angor group and the repleta group, are found to branch off earlier than other ingroup taxa. This suggests that the virilis section might have originated in the Old World tropics. Besides, the derived status of the close affinities of the quadrisetata group, the clefta group, and the melanica and robusta groups is probably the result of their adaptation to forests between subtropical and cool-temperate climate. Based on the consideration of the phylogenetic placement of the species of the virilis section, we suggest that at least five independent migrations occurred from the Old World to the New World.  相似文献   

Drosophila (Sophophora) subpulchrella Takamori and Watabe, sp. nov., of the D. suzukii subgroup in the D. melanogaster species group, is described from Japan and southern China, and compared with its sibling species, D. pulchrella Tan et al. distributed in the Yun‐Gui Highland, south‐western China. The results of cross‐experiments show a complete pre‐mating isolation between D. subpulchrella and D. pulchrella.  相似文献   

Sexual selection and sexual signaling have been prominent topics in recent behavioral studies, but limited data have led to controversy regarding these topics. For example, the Hawaiian Drosophila are often cited as examples in which female choice has resulted in the evolution of elaborate male courtship signals, but relatively few data exist to test these claims adequately. We studied D. grimshawi, a lek-forming Hawaiian Drosophila, to determine whether there was evidence for female choice without male competition and to elucidate the possible cues females use to discriminate. Male mating success was found to be nonrandom and males that courted females intensely and deposited many pheromone-containing streaks on the substrate were the most successful. Hence, multiple cues seem to be involved in male mating success in this species. Some males performed only one display, however, and may represent an alternate male mating tactic. The protein content of the adult male diet significantly influenced the level of pheromone streak deposition, and thus, foraging environment may affect the outcome of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Cordeiro J  Robe LJ  Loreto EL  Valente VL 《Genetica》2008,134(3):335-344
The presence of the micropia retroelement from the Ty1-copia family of LTR retroelements was investigated in three species of the Drosophila cardini group. Southern blot analysis suggested the existence of at least four micropia copies in the genomes of D. cardinoides, D. neocardini and D. polymorpha populations. The high sequence similarity between dhMiF2 and Dm11 clones (micropia retroelements isolated from D. hydei and D. melanogaster, respectively) with micropia sequences amplified from D. cardini group genome supports the hypothesis that this retroelement plays an active role in horizontal transfer events between D. hydei and the D. cardini group. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Miroslav Barták 《Biologia》2006,61(5):503-508
Rhamphomyia (Lundstroemiella) cervi sp. n. (France), R. (L.) cimrmani sp. n. (Turkey) and R. (L.) speighti sp. n. (France) are described and illustrated. A key to the Palaearctic species of the subgenus Lundstroemiella Frey is given.  相似文献   

基于李彤等(2012)对冠果蝇属组(Stegana genous group)3个属间系统发育分析的结果,对亚洲东部冠果蝇属毛冠果蝇亚属(Orthostegana)进行了修订:将独冠果蝇亚属(Anastega)合并至毛冠果蝇亚属;记述了4新种:黄尾冠果蝇Stegana(O.)flavicaudua,密毛冠果蝇Stegana(O.)hirsutinna,林栖冠果蝇Stegana(O.)hylecoeta和多鬃冠果蝇Stegana(O.)multicaudua;补充描述了已知种弯脉冠果蝇Stegana(O.)curvinervis(Hendel,1914)和独冠果蝇Stegana(O.)singularis Sidorenko,1990;列表提供了上述6种毛冠果蝇间mtDNA COI & ND2基因序列的遗传距离。  相似文献   

Based on both previously published literature and results reported here, it appears thatDrosophila melanogaster meet the explicit assumptions of the Trivers and Willard offspring sex allocation model. However, contrary to the model's predictions, offspring sex ratio was not significantly affected when we manipulated factors that influence offspring quality. We suggest that contrary to implicit predictions of offspring sex ratio models,Drosophila may lack the genetic plasticity to readily alter sex ratio.  相似文献   

In 35 Hawaiian Drosophilaspecies collected from natural populations, all reproductively mature females were inseminated. Onset of receptivity to insemination broadly correlated with the vitellogenic stage of ovarian development, but species and species groups varied in the exact stage of vitellogenesis at which earliest insemination took place. A striking exception was observed in two picture-winged species of the adiastolasubgroup, which were precociously inseminated in previtellogenesis, close to the time of adult eclosion. For a given species, the range of ovarian stages from earliest receptivity to insemination of all females, termed the insemination period, also varied among species. This variability may be due to physiological variation between females in hormonal levels, low population densities, and lek behavior of males, or it may reflect variation in degree of female discrimination toward male courtship attempts. Consideration of the quantities of sperm observed stored in the female sperm storage organs, relative to the numbers of eggs produced, indicates obligatory multiple insemination for some species, notably the fungus breeders. In other species groups, there is no apparent necessity for remating, although it may occur.This paper is No. IV in the series Studies of Oogenesis in Natural Populations of Drosophilidae.  相似文献   

Size-related sexual selection (SRSS) was examined on four traits (thorax and wing length and head and face width) inDrosophila buzzatii, by scoring male copulatory status in two mass-mating experiments. Using axenic females, experiment 1 was carried out with axenic males, and experiment 2 with yeast-supplemented males. While there was no indication of SRSS in experiment 1, such selection was substantial in yeast-supplemented males, which transmitted yeasts to mating females. Multivariate analyses of selection indicated that face width is the measured trait on which directional SRSS essentially acted in yeast-supplemented males, resulting in indirect selection on body size. Because this selection was affected by yeast diet in males, its possible interaction with the yeast transmission from males to females during the courtship is discussed.  相似文献   

Drosophila antonietae is an endemic South American cactophilic species that uses Cereus hildmaniannus rotting cladodes as breeding sites. We assessed temporal and spatial intrapopulational allozyme variation of two natural populations. Our results suggest that environmental variation (rain precipitation) is probably influencing allozyme temporal variation. Moreover, it seems that D. antonietae does not have intrapopulation structure and has N ev (variance effective size) 83 and N ec (number of adult flies that colonize each rotting cladode) = 21. The deficiency of heterozygotes found must be due to null alleles, a temporal Wahlund effect, or selection against heterozygotes. Assortative mating and inbreeding are discarded. This is the first report on allozyme variation in D. antonietae. It gives some insight on intrapopulational genetics through space and time for this species. This is important to understand its general genetic variability and will be essential to future works on the natural history and evolution of this species.  相似文献   

We infer the phylogeny of fishes in the New World Cynoscion group (Cynoscion, Isopisthus, Macrodon, Atractoscion, Plagioscion) using 1603 bp of DNA sequence data from three mitochondrial genes. With the exception of Plagioscion, whose position was ambiguous, the Cynoscion group is monophyletic. However, several genera examined are not monophyletic. Atlantic and Pacific species of Cynoscion are interspersed in the tree and geminate species pairs are identified. Intergeneric relationships in the group are clarified. Our analysis is the first comprehensive phylogeny for the Cynoscion group based on molecular data and provides a baseline for future comparative studies of this important group.  相似文献   

Foraging-stage third-instar larvae from most wild-type (normal) Drosophila melanogaster stocks are generally repelled by light. To identify factors that affect the larval photoresponse, we elucidated the effects of age, temperature, and time on the photoresponse of larvae from a wild-type Canton-S stock. In addition, we analyzed the larvae from the LI2 isofemale line, which are unresponsive to light in a photoassay. To determine whether LI2 larvae behave abnormally on other behavioral paradigms, in comparison to Canton-S controls, we tested larvae in taste and olfactory assays and observed them to determine whether they dispersed in a food source. Like Canton-S larvae, LI2 larvae and other isofemale lines whose progenitors were collected from the same natural population are responsive to taste and olfactory stimuli. Moreover, LI2 larvae disperse in the food source, as do Canton-S larvae tested in the dark. Larvae expressing parasbl mutations, which respond normally to light but not to chemical stimuli, do not disperse normally in the food source, suggesting that dispersal may be mediated by perception of chemical cues.  相似文献   

Cardiocladius moreloensis sp. n. is described and figured based on adult males collected in Morelos State in Mexico. Males of C. brasiliensis Oliveira, 1949 and C. travassosi Oliveira, 1951 are redescribed and figured based on new material from São Paulo State in Brazil. The generic diagnosis is expanded, and a key to the males of the Neotropical Cardiocladius species is presented.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:EE8B2267-3362-4A1F-BED6-0A1E35D7D480  相似文献   

The courtship behavior and the effects of courtship song in inter- and intraspecific crosses were studied in the four sympatric species of the Drosophila auraria complex: D. auraria, D. biauraria, D. subauraria, and D. triauraria. Orientation, tapping, and vibration (the repertoires of male courtship) were observed in both inter- and intraspecific crosses, suggesting that signals from heterospecific females were enough to elicit such male behaviors. The crossability tests with wingless or winged heterospecific males (tests for wing effects) revealed that winged heterospecific males copulated less than wingless ones in all four species but not all the pairwise cases. Since the crossability tests with aristaless females (deaf) or normal females showed essentially the same results as the tests for wing effects, we concluded that the sound produced by wing vibration plays an important role and that the wing movement itself is less important. These findings suggest that courtship songs are of great importance in mate discrimination and the sexual isolation between the species of this complex.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that all populations of cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis prefer pitaya agria cactus, Stenocereus gummosus, over all other potential hosts for feeding and breeding, including populations that inhabit areas where no agria grows. We sampled five geographically isolated populations of D. mojavensis from nature to assess host choice within and between populations. Host choice tests were performed in a laboratory olfactometer by allowing adult D. mojavensis to choose between plumes of synthetic volatile cocktails of two widespread host cacti. Overall, each population showed significant preference for agria volatiles with one exception: a mainland Sonora population that uses organ pipe cactus in nature exhibited preference for organ pipe volatiles, suggesting a possible shift in host preference. The degree of preference for agria volatiles was greatest in a population from southern California that use California barrel cactus as a host. Since southern Californian populations of D. mojavensis are thought to be derived from those in Baja California, preference for agria volatiles is considered a retained ancestral trait. Three populations from Baja California and mainland Mexico that use agria in the wild expressed lower, but similar preferences for agria volatiles. Because populations of D. mojavensis are ancestral to those in mainland Mexico, Arizona, and California, the shift from agria to alternate hosts has not been accompanied by strong changes in host preference behavior.  相似文献   

Until now, phylogenetic studies of the mongooses (Carnivora, Herpestidae) have not included an exhaustive sampling of the Asian members of this family. In this study, we used mitochondrial (Cytochrome b and ND2), nuclear (β-fibrinogen intron 7 and Transthyretin intron 1) sequences from almost all of the recognized mongoose species to produce a well-resolved phylogeny of the Herpestidae. We also performed molecular dating analyses to infer divergence dates of the different lineages within the Herpestidae. Our results confirmed the paraphyly of the Herpestes genus and other phylogenetic relationships, which previously had only been moderately supported. The Asian herpestid species were found to form a monophyletic group within the Herpestidae. Within the Asian species, a cyto-nuclear conflict was discovered between the small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus), the Indian gray mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii) and the Javan mongoose (Herpestes javanicus), which may have occurred through interspecific hybridization. This study inferred an Early Miocene origin for the Herpestidae and a Middle Miocene origin for the Asian mongooses.  相似文献   

记述采自新疆地区网翅蝗科雏蝗属 Chorthippus 短翅亚属1新种,即果子沟雏蝗 Chorthippus (Altichorthippus) guozigouensis sp. nov.。新种近似于姜氏雏蝗Ch. charpini Chang, 1939 与积石山雏蝗 Ch. jishishanensis Zheng et Xie, 2000。与后两者的主要区别为:♂头侧窝长为宽的3.00倍;♂触角短,刚不到达后足股节基部;♂前翅到达第7节腹节背板后缘,其前缘脉域宽为中脉域宽0.67倍,前后肘脉合并,肘脉域消失;♂后翅到达第7节腹节背板中部;尾须顶端到达肛上板长的一半,膝部与后足胫节端部棕色,非黑色。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。  相似文献   

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