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The translocation of pleckstrin homology (PH) domain-containing proteins from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane plays an important role in the chemotaxis mechanism of Dictyostelium cells. The diffusion of three PH domain-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions (PH2-GFP, PH10-GFP, and PH-CRAC (cytosolic regulator of adenylyl cyclase)-GFP) in the cytoplasm of vegetative and chemotaxing Dictyostelium cells has been studied using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to gain a better understanding of the functioning of the domains and to assess the effect of initiation of chemotaxis on these domains in the cell. PH2-GFP was homogeneously distributed in vegetative as well as chemotaxing cells, whereas PH10-GFP and PH-CRAC-GFP showed translocation to the leading edge of the chemotaxing cell. The diffusion characteristics of PH2-GFP and PH-CRAC-GFP were very similar; however, PH10-GFP exhibited slower diffusion. Photon counting histogram statistics show that this slow diffusion was not due to aggregation. Diffusion of the three PH domains was affected to similar extents by intracellular heterogeneities in vegetative as well as chemotaxing cells. From the diffusion of free cytoplasmic GFP, it was calculated that the viscosity in chemotaxing cells was 1.7 times lower than in vegetative cells. In chemotaxing cells, PH2-GFP showed increased mobility, whereas the mobilities of PH10-GFP and PH-CRAC-GFP remained unchanged.  相似文献   

The HMK model (Hunter et al. in Prog Biophys Mol Biol 69:289–331, 1998) proposes mechanobiological equations for the influence of intracellular calcium concentration \(\hbox {Ca}_\mathrm{i}\) on the evolution of bound calcium concentration \(\hbox {Ca}_\mathrm{b}\) and the tropomyosin kinetics parameter z, which model processes in the active component of the tension in cardiac muscle. The inelastic response due to actin-myosin crossbridge kinetics is modeled in the HMK model with a function Q that depends on the history of the rate of total stretch of the muscle fiber. Here, an alternative model is proposed which models the active component of the muscle fiber as a viscoplastic material. In particular, an evolution equation is proposed for the elastic stretch \(\lambda _\mathrm{a} \) in the active component. Specific forms of the constitutive equations are proposed and used to match experimental data. The proposed viscoplastic formulation allows for separate modeling of three processes: the high rate deactivation of crossbridges causing rapid reduction in active tension; the high but lower rate reactivation of crossbridges causing recovery of active tension; and the low rate relaxation effects characterizing the Hill model of muscles.  相似文献   

A Dictyostelium discoideum DNA fragment isolated on the basis of its ability to complement the ural mutation of yeast, codes for a dihydroorotate dehydrogenase activity. The complete nucleotide sequence of this 1898 bp fragment has been determined and reveals an open reading frame capable of coding for a 369 amino acid polypeptide of molecular mass 47.000. The gene shows preferential use of codons with weak pairing forces. Eleven codons, mainly those with a G in the third position, are absent. The flanking sequences are unusually rich in A + T (80%). Several direct and inverted repeats exist in the 5' flanking sequence.  相似文献   

We have identified the three-dimensional ultrastructure of actin gels that are formed in well-characterized cell extracts and mixtures of purified actin and the 120K actin-binding protein and compared these to the ultrastructure of the cytoplasmic matrix in regions of nonextracted Dictyostelium amoebae that are rich in actin and 120K. This ultrastructural characterization was achieved by using critical-point-dried whole-mount preparations. All three preparations--gelled extracts, purified proteins, and cortical cytoplasm--are composed of filament networks. The basic morphological feature of these networks is the presence of contacts between convergent filaments resulting in "T" or "X" shaped contacts. The finding that actin-containing gels are composed of filament networks, where the primary interaction occurs between convergent filaments, reconciles the known requirement of F actin for gelation with the amorphous appearance of these gels in thin sections. Increasing the molar ratio of 120K dimer to actin monomer increases the number of contacts between filaments per unit volume and decreases the lengths of filaments between contacts. This indicates that 120K stabilizes interactions between filaments and is consistent with biochemical evidence that 120K crosslinks actin filaments. The cortical network in situ resembles more closely networks formed in 120K-rich extracts than networks assembled in mixtures of purified 120K and actin. The heterogeneity of filament diameters and variation of network density are properties shared by extracts and the cytomatrix in situ while networks found in purified 120K-actin gels have filament diameters and densities that are more uniform. These differences are certainly due to the more complex composition of cell extracts and cortical cytoplasm as compared to that of purified 120K-actin gels.  相似文献   

Skp1 is a subunit of the SCF-E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets cell cycle and other regulatory factors for degradation. In Dictyostelium, Skp1 is modified by a pentasaccharide containing the type 1 blood group H trisaccharide at its core. To address how the third sugar, fucose alpha1,2-linked to galactose, is attached, a proteomics strategy was applied to determine the primary structure of FT85, previously shown to copurify with the GDP-Fuc:Skp1 alpha 1,2-fucosyltransferase. Tryptic-generated peptides of FT85 were sequenced de novo using Q-TOF tandem mass spectrometry. Degenerate primers were used to amplify FT85 genomic DNA, which was further extended by a novel linker polymerase chain reaction method to yield an intronless open reading frame of 768 amino acids. Disruption of the FT85 gene by homologous recombination resulted in viable cells, which had altered light scattering properties as revealed by flow cytometry. FT85 was necessary and sufficient for Skp1 fucosylation, based on biochemical analysis of FT85 mutant cells and Escherichia coli that express FT85 recombinantly. FT85 lacks sequence motifs that characterize all other known alpha 1,2-fucosyltransferases and lacks the signal-anchor sequence that targets them to the secretory pathway. The C-terminal region of FT85 harbors motifs found in inverting Family 2 glycosyltransferase domains, and its expression in FT85 mutant cells restores fucosyltransferase activity toward a simple disaccharide substrate. Whereas most prokaryote and eukaryote Family 2 glycosyltransferases are membrane-bound and oriented toward the cytoplasm where they glycosylate lipid-linked or polysaccharide precursors prior to membrane translocation, the soluble, eukaryotic Skp1-fucosyltransferase modifies a protein that resides in the cytoplasm and nucleus.  相似文献   

The organisation of fruiting body formation in Dictyostelium minutum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The process of culmination was investigated in three strains of the species Dictyostelium minutum. After aggregates have been formed a pulsatile signalling mechanism arises; the centre of signal emission becomes the apex of the developing fruiting structure. In the late aggregate, all cells differentiate into prespore cells. Cells that have reached the apex of the culminating cells mass redifferentiate into stalk cells. In two of the three D. minutum strains, interruption of regular stalk formation, more or less random formation of stalk cells and the synthesis of stalk supporting material from cell debris often takes place. The formation of multiple apices on aggregates and early fruiting structures is characteristic for these two strains. Within the species D. minutum, the exhibition of a marked pulsatile signalling mechanism is correlated with a capacity to form a regularly shaped stalk and to organize relatively large cell masses. The possible function of pulsatile signalling in the culmination process is discussed.  相似文献   

The haploid social soil amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum has been established as a host model for several pathogens including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Cryptococcus neoformans, Mycobacterium spp. and Legionella pneumophila. The research areas presently pursued include (i) the use of Dictyostelium wild-type cells as screening system for virulence of extracellular and intracellular pathogens and their corresponding mutants, (ii) the use of Dictyostelium mutant cells to identify genetic host determinants of susceptibility and resistance to infection and (iii) the use of reporter systems in Dictyostelium cells which allow the dissection of the complex host-pathogen cross-talk. The body of information presented in this review demonstrates that the availability of host cell markers, the knowledge of cell signalling pathways, the completion of the genome sequencing project and the tractability for genetic studies qualifies Dictyostelium for the study of fundamental cellular processes of pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Human cathepsin K (EC is a member of the cysteine protease family with high primary sequence homology to cathepsins S, L, and B. It has been shown that cathepsin K plays a major role in the resorption of the bone matrix by osteoclasts. Cathepsin K has a potential as a drug target for the diseases related to bone matrix metabolism such as osteoporosis. We have expressed recombinant human procathepsin K in Escherichia coli as inclusion bodies. Purified procathepsin K had size of 38kDa which is in agreement with the predicted mass of the construct. Refolding was done by rapid dilution into 50mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 buffer containing 5mM EDTA, 10 mM GSH, 1mM GSSG, 0.7 M L-arginine, 0.5 M NaCl, and 1% CHAPS and further dialysis against 25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 containing 0.5 M NaCl. Mature active cathepsin K was prepared from refolded procathepsin K by incubating at 40 degrees C in pH 4.0 buffers with or without pepsin or cysteine. The presence of pepsin or cysteine in autocatalysis buffer did not have effect on the degree of conversion of nascent to mature cathepsin K, but reduced the autocatalysis time slightly. Proteolytic activity was confirmed using synthetic substrate, and Western blotting identified mature cathepsin K. Active cathepsin K had type I and II collagenolytic activities which could be inhibited by E-64.  相似文献   

dutA is a gene specifically expressed during the development of Dictyostelium discoideum. Toward understanding its possible role in development, we isolated and characterized the gene and its complete cDNA. We found that dutA is encoded by the nuclear genome as a single copy gene without introns. In addition, the following unique and interesting features of dutA RNA (1322 nt) emerged: (1) it has no sustained ORFs (MAX = 126 nt) (2) it is extremely AU-rich (83%) (3) it contains peculiar sequence motifs (large palindromes, long AU-stretches and GC-clusters) (4) it is localized in the cytoplasm but completely absent from ribosomes. These features suggest that dutA RNA functions without being translated into protein. Disruption of the dutA gene did not cause phenotypic changes, suggesting that the function of dutA is redundant.  相似文献   


Mononucleosomes released from Dictyostelium discoideum chromatin by micrococcal nuclease contained two distinctive DNA sizes (166-180 and 146 bp). Two dimensional gel electrophoresis suggested a lysine-rich protein protected the larger mononucleosomes from nuclease digestion. This was confirmed by stripping the protein from chromatin with Dowex resin. Subsequently, only the 146 bp mononucleosome was produced by nuclease digestion. Reconstitution of the stripped chromatin with the purified lysine-rich protein resulted in the reappearance of the larger mononucleosomes. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed the protein was associated with mononucleosomes. Hence, the protein functions as an H1 histone in bringing the two DNA strands together at their exit point from the nucleosome. Trypsin digestion of the lysine-rich protein in nuclei resulted in a limiting peptide of approx. 10 kilodaltons. Trypsin concentrations which degraded the protein to peptides of 12-14 kilodaltons and partially degraded the core histones did not change the DNA digestion patterns obtained with micrococcal nuclease. Thus, the trypsin-resistant domain of the lysine-rich protein is able to maintain chromatosome structure.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins, the most potent of all toxins, induce lethal neuromuscular paralysis by inhibiting exocytosis at the neuromuscular junction. The light chains (LC) of these dichain neurotoxins are a new class of zinc-endopeptidases that specifically cleave the synaptosomal proteins, SNAP-25, VAMP, or syntaxin at discrete sites. To facilitate the structural and functional characterization of these unique endopeptidases, we constructed a synthetic gene for the LC of the botulinum neurotoxin serotype A (BoNT/A), overexpressed it in Escherichia coli, and purified the gene product from inclusion bodies. Our procedure can provide 1.1 g of the LC from 1 L of culture. The LC product was stable in solution at 4°C for at least 6 months. This rBoNT/A LC was proteolytically active, specifically cleaving the Glu-Arg bond in a 17-residue synthetic peptide of SNAP-25, the reported cleavage site of BoNT/A. Its calculated catalytic efficiency k cat/K m was higher than that reported for the native BoNT/A dichain. Treating the rBoNT/A LC with mercuric compounds completely abolished its activity, most probably by modifying the cysteine-164 residue located in the vicinity of the active site. About 70% activity of the LC was restored by adding Zn2+ to a Zn2+-free, apo-LC preparation. The LC was nontoxic to mice and failed to elicit neutralizing epitope(s) when the animals were vaccinated with this protein. In addition, injecting rBoNT/A LC into sea urchin eggs inhibited exocytosis-dependent plasma membrane resealing. For the first time, results of our study make available a large amount of the biologically active toxin fragment in a soluble and stable form.  相似文献   

The polyketide DIF-1 induces Dictyostelium amoebae to form stalk cells in culture. To better define its role in normal development, we examined the phenotype of a mutant blocking the first step of DIF-1 synthesis, which lacks both DIF-1 and its biosynthetic intermediate, dM-DIF-1 (des-methyl-DIF-1). Slugs of this polyketide synthase mutant (stlB) are long and thin and rapidly break up, leaving an immotile prespore mass. They have ∼ 30% fewer prestalk cells than their wild-type parent and lack a subset of anterior-like cells, which later form the outer basal disc. This structure is missing from the fruiting body, which perhaps in consequence initiates culmination along the substratum. The lower cup is rudimentary at best and the spore mass, lacking support, slips down the stalk. The dmtA methyltransferase mutant, blocked in the last step of DIF-1 synthesis, resembles the stlB mutant but has delayed tip formation and fewer prestalk-O cells. This difference may be due to accumulation of dM-DIF-1 in the dmtA mutant, since dM-DIF-1 inhibits prestalk-O differentiation. Thus, DIF-1 is required for slug migration and specifies the anterior-like cells forming the basal disc and much of the lower cup; significantly the DIF-1 biosynthetic pathway may supply a second signal - dM-DIF-1.  相似文献   

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