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秀丽隐杆线虫被广泛地用作研究基因与行为关系的绝佳模式生物.线虫的咽部神经元回路控制着复杂的进食行为.为了研究进食行为的分子机制,有必要对线虫进食行为表型分析鉴定.然而,目前为止,几乎所有的线虫进食行为表型鉴定都是通过人眼来判断.因为其泵入食物的肌肉运动频率高,该行为的分析是很困难而且效率低下的.为解决这个问题,我们设计了基于计算机视觉技术的自动化成像系统来高通量分析线虫进食行为表型.此成像系统对进食表型的检测准确率达到98%以上,并使得连续可靠地分析其表型细微变化成为可能.同时,在保证高准确率的前提下单位时间内分析数据的效率比人工分析提高了3倍.  相似文献   

在线虫中,钙成像技术已被广泛用于检测不同神经元的活性.然而,对于准确记录爬行中的活体线虫神经元钙信号仍然存在许多挑战,其中一个困难即来自于标记目标神经元。在同一个目标神经元中共同表达基因编码的钙指示蛋白和常量参考值荧光蛋白常常具有无法共表达的不确定性.另外,光谱的串扰影响存在于目前最常用的绿色钙指示蛋白系列G-CaMP与其参考值荧光蛋白DsRed系列之间,光谱的串扰有时会给信号记录带来假阳性结果.综上所述,本文首次提出应用双顺反子表达技术用于同一神经元的双蛋白标记,这不仅提高了共表达效率,更简化了线虫神经元标记的工作量.同时,本文还首次采用mKate2,一种与G-CaMP没有串扰的红色荧光蛋白作为参考量.以上改进已在感觉神经元ASH中得到验证.希望本文提出的方法能给线虫神经回路的研究提供一个更为方便、有效的途径.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been reported to exhibit thermotaxis, a sophisticated behavioral response to temperature. However, there appears to be some inconsistency among previous reports. The results of population-level thermotaxis investigations suggest that C. elegans can navigate to the region of its cultivation temperature from nearby regions of higher or lower temperature. However, individual C. elegans nematodes appear to show only cryophilic tendencies above their cultivation temperature. A Monte-Carlo style simulation using a simple individual model of C. elegans provides insight into clarifying apparent inconsistencies among previous findings. The simulation using the thermotaxis model that includes the cryophilic tendencies, isothermal tracking and thermal adaptation was conducted. As a result of the random walk property of locomotion of C. elegans, only cryophilic tendencies above the cultivation temperature result in population-level thermophilic tendencies. Isothermal tracking, a period of active pursuit of an isotherm around regions of temperature near prior cultivation temperature, can strengthen the tendencies of these worms to gather around near-cultivation-temperature regions. A statistical index, the thermotaxis (TTX) L-skewness, was introduced and was useful in analyzing the population-level thermotaxis of model worms.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans gene laf-1 is critical for both embryonic development and sex determination. Laf-1 is thought to promote male cell fates by negatively regulating expression of tra-2 in both hermaphrodites and males. We cloned laf-1 and established that it encodes a putative DEAD-box RNA helicase related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ded1p and Drosophila Vasa. Three sequenced laf-1 mutations are missense alleles affecting a small region of the protein in or near helicase motif III. We demonstrate that the phenotypes resulting from laf-1 mutations are due to loss or reduction of laf-1 function, and that both laf-1 and a related helicase vbh-1 function in germline sex determination. Laf-1 mRNA is expressed in both males and hermaphrodites and in both the germline and soma of hermaphrodites. It is expressed at all developmental stages and is most abundant in embryos. LAF-1 is predominantly, if not exclusively, cytoplasmic and colocalizes with PGL-1 in P granules of germline precursor cells. Previous results suggest that laf-1 functions to negatively regulate expression of the sex determination protein TRA-2, and we find that the abundance of TRA-2 is modestly elevated in laf-1/+ females. We discuss potential functions of LAF-1 as a helicase and its roles in sex determination.  相似文献   

Rim是囊泡分泌活性区中的重要组成蛋白,它与细胞分泌和突触可塑性相关.在秀丽隐感线虫中只存在一种编码Rim的基因即unc-10.我们的研究发现,在线虫中Rim的基因突变unc-10(md1117)会导致致密核心囊泡的分泌缺陷.在活体中,unc-10突变虫系的神经多肽分泌显著下降.此外,在主要分泌致密核心囊泡的ALA神经元内,钙光解释放促发的快相分泌也比野生型减少.运用全内反射荧光显微成像技术,我们观察在unc-10缺失的情况下ALA 神经元中致密核心囊泡的锚定过程,结果显示在细胞膜附近停留的囊泡数目减少,表明囊泡锚定受到阻碍.上述试验结果表明,UNC-10能够影响致密核心囊泡的分泌过程,其机制可能是影响了囊泡的锚定过程.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans is an important model organism for modern biologic research. An essential aspect of C. elegans research is the production of transgenic animals for study. These are often generated via microinjection, but biolistic bombardment has become increasingly popular. However, many of the plasmids previously generated for use in microinjection are not readily used for bombardment due to the lack of a convenient marker. The unc-119 gene is often used as a marker since unc-119 rescue can be observed at low magnification, allowing rescued animals to be easily distinguished from the larger number of non-rescued animals. Here we report the use of homologous recombination in Escherichia coli as a method to insert a cassette containing the unc-119 gene into commonly used plasmids at the site of the ampicillin resistance gene which is simpler than other methods like subcloning. These cassettes are flanked by regions homologous to the 5′ and 3′ ends of the ampicillin resistance gene and contain either the unc-119 gene and the kanamycin resistance gene or a unc-119:mCherry fusion gene and the kanamycin resistance gene. The resulting plasmids may be used for biolistic bombardment to yield animals that display unc-119 rescue, and also express the recipient plasmid transgene.  相似文献   

Understanding the links between developmental patterning mechanisms and force-producing cytoskeletal mechanisms is a central goal in studies of morphogenesis. Gastrulation is the first morphogenetic event in the development of many organisms. Gastrulation involves the internalization of surface cells, often driven by the contraction of actomyosin networks that are deployed with spatial precision—both in specific cells and in a polarized manner within each cell. These cytoskeletal mechanisms rely on different cell fate and cell polarity regulators in different organisms. Caenorhabditis elegans gastrulation presents an opportunity to examine the extent to which diverse mechanisms may be used by dozens of cells that are internalized at distinct times within a single organism. We identified 66 cells that are internalized in C. elegans gastrulation, many of which were not known previously to gastrulate. To gain mechanistic insights into how these cells internalize, we genetically manipulated cell fate, cell polarity and cytoskeletal regulators and determined the effects on cell internalization. We found that cells of distinct lineages depend on common actomyosin-based mechanisms to gastrulate, but different cell fate regulators, and, surprisingly, different cell polarity regulators. We conclude that diverse cell fate and cell polarity regulators control common mechanisms of morphogenesis in C. elegans. The results highlight the variety of developmental patterning mechanisms that can be associated with common cytoskeletal mechanisms in the morphogenesis of an animal embryo.  相似文献   

Changes in both behavior and gene expression occur in Caenorhabditis elegans following exposure to sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, and to bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogenic endocrine-disrupting compound. However, only one steroid hormone receptor has been identified. Of the 284 known nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs) in C. elegans, we selected nhr-14, nhr-69, and nhr-121 for analysis as potential estrogenic hormone receptors, because they share sequence similarity with the human estrogen receptor. First, the genes were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli, and then the affinity of each protein for estrogen was determined using a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor. All three NHRs bound estrogen in a dose-dependent fashion. To evaluate the specificity of the binding, we performed a solution competition assay using an SPR biosensor. According to our results, only NHR-14 was able to interact with estrogen. Therefore, we next examined whether nhr-14 regulates estrogen signaling in vivo. To investigate whether these interactions actually control the response of C. elegans to hormones, we investigated the expression of vitellogenin, an estrogen responsive gene, in an nhr-14 mutant. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR showed that vitellogenin expression was significantly reduced in the mutant. This suggests that NHR-14 is a C. elegans estrogenic hormone receptor and that it controls gene expression in response to estrogen.  相似文献   

线虫核糖核蛋白基因内含子与相应编码序列的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对线虫核糖核蛋白基因内含子序列与相应编码序列采用Smith-Waterman方法做局域比对分析,探讨两者之间的相互作用机制.发现内含子中部序列确实存在与相应编码序列的相互作用区域.第一内含子的最佳匹配分布在内含子15%~55%的区域内,第二内含子的最佳匹配分布在内含子30%~80%的区域内.对于长内含子,在与外显子序列比对时,最佳匹配分布在内含子5%~20% 区域内,在与整个编码序列比对时,出现了两个峰区,一个位于内含子15%~30%区域内,另一个位于内含子54%~78%区域内.推测第一个峰区与外显子内部序列有关,第二个峰区与外显子-外显子结合区域的序列有关.还发现编码序列上存在多个与内含子序列的相互作用域和一些禁配区域分布.推测这些禁配区域与蛋白质结合区域有关.结论印证了内含子序列与相应编码序列协同进化的观点.  相似文献   

目前,微重力导致肌萎缩的分子机制尚不清楚,重力感知是该事件发生的关键环节.为了回答这一问题,在此之前首先实施了太空线虫试验,这部分结果已经在本刊报道过.而本次研究主要是在地面上建立了模拟微重力环境,观察处理后秀丽隐杆线虫(C.elegans)体壁肌细胞结构和功能的变化,一方面用于验证太空试验,同时比较两种处理结果的异同,以便于评价地面模拟微重力的有效性.经过14天19.5h旋转模拟微重力处理后,对线虫生存率和运动能力进行了观察,并检测了几个重要的肌相关基因表达和蛋白质水平.模拟微重力下线虫生存率没有明显变化,但运动频率显著下降,爬行轨迹也发生了轻微改变,运动幅度降低,提示线虫运动功能出现障碍.从形态学上观察发现:肌球蛋白A(myosin A)免疫荧光染色显示模拟微重力组肌纤维面积缩小,而肌细胞致密体(dense-body)染色可见荧光亮度下降.这些结果直接提示模拟微重力使线虫出现了肌萎缩.随后Western blotting试验结果揭示,模拟微重力组线虫体壁肌的主要结构蛋白——myosin A含量减少,进一步确证了微重力性肌萎缩发生.在基因水平,旋转后抗肌萎缩蛋白基因(dys-1)表达明显上升,而hlh-1,unc-54,myo-3和egl-19的mRNA水平均下调,提示dys-1在骨骼肌感知和传导力学信息方面有重要作用,而hlh-1,unc-54,myo-3和egl-19则分别从结构和功能两个途径促进了微重力性肌萎缩的发生和发展.本次试验所得到的结果同太空飞行试验结果十分相似,一方面强化了太空试验结论,另一方面说明在地面上模拟微重力对生物体进行研究是有效可行的,将有助于提高太空试验的质量.  相似文献   

秀丽线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)是研究动物遗传、个体发育和行为活动的重要模式生物,其主要优点是能够研究从分子细胞水平到整体系统水平的相关生命活动的作用机理.其中基因显微注射和整合是该领域的核心技术,广泛应用于研究线虫的基因表达、功能和基因间的相互作用等.显微注射技术使用尖端开口直径为微米级的玻璃微管,将所研究的目的DNA注射进线虫的性腺.注射的DNA被成熟的卵细胞吸收,以染色体外遗传物质的形式存在.但这种形式并不能稳定遗传,可采用基因整合技术将外源基因整合到染色体上,得到稳定遗传的线虫种系.显微注射是一项精细的实验技术,影响实验成功与否的因素较多,实际操作需要有一定的经验.在实践过程中逐步改进和完善了这项技术,在此主要介绍线虫显微注射技术的操作过程、创新方法以及注意细节.  相似文献   

蛋白质稳态是生物细胞应对压力的核心。线粒体作为一种重要的细胞器,依赖复杂的蛋白质网络行使正常功能,因此蛋白质稳态对其十分重要。当生物体受到外界压力,产生了蛋白质稳态的改变,为了维持机体功能的正常运转,细胞会激活一种称为线粒体未折叠蛋白反应的转录应答机制,从而维持线粒体蛋白质稳态,恢复线粒体功能,以应对压力,保持机体健康。本文主要介绍了线粒体的特征,线粒体未折叠蛋白反应的概念,线虫中线粒体未折叠蛋白反应的信号转导机制,以及线粒体未折叠蛋白反应对线虫衰老的影响。  相似文献   

Galactofuranose (Galf), the furanoic form of d-galactose produced by UDP-galactopyranose mutases (UGMs), is present in surface glycans of some prokaryotes and lower eukaryotes. Absence of the Galf biosynthetic pathway in vertebrates and its importance in several pathogens make UGMs attractive drug targets. Since the existence of Galf in nematodes has not been established, we investigated the role of the Caenorhabditis elegans UGM homolog glf-1 in worm development. glf-1 mutants display significant late embryonic and larval lethality, and other phenotypes indicative of defective surface coat synthesis, the glycan-rich outermost layer of the nematode cuticle. The glf homolog from the protozoan Leishmania major partially complements C. elegans glf-1. glf-1 mutants rescued by L. major glf, which behave as glf-1 hypomorphs, display resistance to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum, a pathogen of rhabditid nematodes thought to bind to surface coat glycans. To confirm the presence of Galf in C. elegans, we analyzed C. elegans nucleotide sugar pools using online electrospray ionization–mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). UDP-Galf was detected in wild-type animals while absent in glf-1 deletion mutants. Our data indicate that Galf likely has a pivotal role in maintenance of surface integrity in nematodes, supporting investigation of UGM as a drug target in parasitic species.  相似文献   

The gonad in Caenorhabditis elegans is an important model system for understanding complex morphogenetic processes including cellular movement, cell fusion, cell invasion and cell polarity during development. One class of signaling proteins known to be critical for the cellular events underlying morphogenesis is the Rho family GTPases, particularly RhoA, Rac and Cdc42. In C. elegans orthologues of these genes have been shown to be important for gonad development. In our current study we have extended those findings by examining the patterns of 5′ cis-regulatory element (5′CRE) activity associated with nineteen putative guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) encoded by the C. elegans genome predicted to activate Rho family GTPases. Here we identify 13 RhoGEF genes that are expressed during gonadogenesis and characterize the cells in which their 5′CREs are active. These data provide the basis for designing experiments to examine Rho GTPase activation during morphogenetic processes central to normal gonad development.  相似文献   

目的 乙酰胆碱作为一种高度保守的神经递质,在动物的运动行为调控中起着至关重要的作用。乙酰胆碱信号转导异常可导致多种运动功能障碍。然而,乙酰胆碱在运动行为中的抑制性调控机制尚未完全清楚。本文以秀丽隐杆线虫为研究对象,探究乙酰胆碱门控氯离子通道受体亚基(ACC-1、ACC-2、ACC-3、ACC-4)在运动行为中的调控作用。方法 通过将运动追踪、分子遗传学和光遗传学技术相结合,对乙酰胆碱门控氯离子通道受体亚基突变线虫的运动进行分析。结果 研究发现,这些亚基突变会影响线虫前进、后退和转向运动的运动学特征,并且前进过程中线虫身体弯曲幅度也发生了变化。在这些突变线虫的后退过程中光激活RIB中间神经元会导致后退运动延迟终止。结论 这些结果提示,乙酰胆碱门控氯离子通道亚基的调控作用对于维持和调节秀丽隐杆线虫运动状态是必需的。同时,这些亚基可能参与介导RIB中间神经元在秀丽隐杆线虫后退运动中的抑制性调控。本研究为理解乙酰胆碱门控抑制性受体在运动行为中的调控机制提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Harry Schachter   《Carbohydrate research》2009,344(12):607-6164
There is a rich diversity of paucimannose N-glycans in worms and flies, and these may play a role in the survival of these organisms. Although paucimannose N-glycans are not expressed in vertebrates, complex N-glycans may take over some of the functions of paucimannose N-glycans. Identification of the target proteins of β-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GnTI) in worms and flies and elucidation of their functions may thus lead to a better understanding of the role of GnTI-dependent glycoproteins in the survival/longevity of both invertebrates and vertebrates.  相似文献   

衰老表现为随着时间推移而带来的功能上的衰退和死亡率的上升.利用模式生物,研究人员已经证明,衰老受高度保守的信号通路所调控,而且遗传与环境因素的改变可以显著延长寿命并延缓功能上的衰退.作为一种模式生物,秀丽线虫由于其遗传操作的简单性以及基因组的高度保守性,已被广泛应用于现代生物学研究中.许多关于衰老的分子机理最初是在秀丽线虫中被阐明的.本文总结了秀丽线虫中高度保守的胰岛素类生长因子(IGF-1)和雷帕霉素受体(TOR)这两条信号通路调控衰老的研究进展,并对未来的研究方向展开了评述.  相似文献   

单核细胞增生李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes,Lm)是李斯特菌病的病原细菌。用Lm野生株EGDe、弱毒株ΔprfA、毒力回复株+prfA和高毒株+prfA*喂饲模式生物秀丽隐杆线虫N2,并以线虫的良好食源大肠埃希菌OP50以及非致病的无害李斯特菌(Listeria innocua)作为对照,检测Lm对线虫发育周期、寿命和产卵数的影响。结果显示:当以无害李斯特菌、Lm野生株以及PrfA突变株为食时,线虫的产卵数虽有所下降,但线虫不仅能够正常产卵,而且其发育周期和寿命均较以OP50为食时显著延长(P≤0.05);线虫体表和消化道中均可检测到大量李斯特菌,但粪便中的活菌数极少。以上结果说明Lm不能杀死秀丽隐杆线虫,对线虫也没有显著致病性,不适合作为研究Lm致病机制的模型;Lm可在线虫体表和消化道存在,暗示Lm可借助线虫在土壤环境中生存和传播。  相似文献   

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