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The Arabidopsis genome sequence is scheduled for completion at the end of this year (December 2000). It will be the first higher plant genome to be sequenced, and will allow a detailed comparison with bacterial, yeast and animal genomes. Already, two of the five chromosomes have been sequenced, and we have had our first glimpse of higher eukaryotic centromeres, and the structure of heterochromatin. The implications for understanding plant gene function, genome structure and genome organization are profound. In this review, the lessons learned for future genome projects are reviewed as well as a summary of the initial findings in Arabidopsis. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosomes are made of two components, four ribosomal RNAs, and approximately 80 ribosomal proteins (r-proteins). The exact number of r-proteins and r-protein genes in higher plants is not known. The strong conservation in eukaryotic r-protein primary sequence allowed us to use the well-characterized rat (Rattus norvegicus) r-protein set to identify orthologues on the five haploid chromosomes of Arabidopsis. By use of the numerous expressed sequence tag (EST) accessions and the complete genomic sequence of this species, we identified 249 genes (including some pseudogenes) corresponding to 80 (32 small subunit and 48 large subunit) cytoplasmic r-protein types. None of the r-protein genes are single copy and most are encoded by three or four expressed genes, indicative of the internal duplication of the Arabidopsis genome. The r-proteins are distributed throughout the genome. Inspection of genes in the vicinity of r-protein gene family members confirms extensive duplications of large chromosome fragments and sheds light on the evolutionary history of the Arabidopsis genome. Examination of large duplicated regions indicated that a significant fraction of the r-protein genes have been either lost from one of the duplicated fragments or inserted after the initial duplication event. Only 52 r-protein genes lack a matching EST accession, and 19 of these contain incomplete open reading frames, confirming that most genes are expressed. Assessment of cognate EST numbers suggests that r-protein gene family members are differentially expressed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that Arabidopsis thaliana experienced a genome-wide duplication event shortly before its divergence from Brassica followed by extensive chromosomal rearrangements and deletions. While a large number of the duplicated genes have significantly diverged or lost their sister genes, we found 4222 pairs that are still highly conserved, and as a result had similar functional assignments during the annotation of the genome sequence. Using whole-genome DNA microarrays, we identified 906 duplicated gene pairs in which at least one member exhibited a significant response to oxidative stress. Among these, only 117 pairs were up- or down-regulated in both pairs and many of these exhibited dissimilar patterns of expression. Examination of the expression patterns of PAL1 and PAL2, ACD1 and ACD2, genes coding for two Hsp20s, various P450s, and electron transfer flavoproteins suggests Arabidopsis evolved a number of distinct oxidative stress response mechanisms using similar gene sets following the duplication of its genome.  相似文献   

High-diversity combinatorial libraries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The synthesis of complex chemical structures by combinatorial chemistry has gained considerable interest. New chemical methods have been developed that enable the synthesis of compound libraries exhibiting structural diversities similar to those of natural products. The concept of 'chemical genomics' has been introduced, reflecting a new quality of understanding and creating the relationship between diverse artificial chemical structures with the space of biological responses and possible protein ligands.  相似文献   

Expression of genes in eukaryotic genomes is known to cluster, but cluster size is generally loosely defined and highly variable. We have here taken a very strict definition of cluster as sets of physically adjacent genes that are highly coexpressed and form so-called local coexpression domains. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome was analyzed for the presence of such local coexpression domains to elucidate its functional characteristics. We used expression data sets that cover different experimental conditions, organs, tissues, and cells from the Massively Parallel Signature Sequencing repository and microarray data (Affymetrix) from a detailed root analysis. With these expression data, we identified 689 and 1,481 local coexpression domains, respectively, consisting of two to four genes with a pairwise Pearson's correlation coefficient larger than 0.7. This number is approximately 1- to 5-fold higher than the numbers expected by chance. A small (5%-10%) yet significant fraction of genes in the Arabidopsis genome is therefore organized into local coexpression domains. These local coexpression domains were distributed over the genome. Genes in such local domains were for the major part not categorized in the same functional category (GOslim). Neither tandemly duplicated genes nor shared promoter sequence nor gene distance explained the occurrence of coexpression of genes in such chromosomal domains. This indicates that other parameters in genes or gene positions are important to establish coexpression in local domains of Arabidopsis chromosomes.  相似文献   

The proportion of non-tandem duplicated loci detected by DNA hybridization and the segregation of RFLPs using 90 independent randomly isolated cDNA probes was estimated by segregation analysis to be 17%. The 14 cDNA probes showing duplicate loci in progeny derived from a cross between Arabidopsis-thaliana ecotypes Columbia x Landsberg erecta detected an average of 3.6 loci per probe (ranging from 2 to 6). The 50 loci detected with these 14 probes were arranged on a genetic map of 587 cM and assigned to the five A. Thaliana chromosomes. An additional duplicated locus was detected in progeny from a cross between Landsberg erecta x Niederzenz. The majority of duplicated loci were on different chromosomes, and when linkage between duplicate locus pairs was detected, these loci were always separated by at least 15 cM. When partial nucleotide sequence data were compared with GENBANK databases, the identities of 2 cDNA clones which recognized duplicate unlinked sequences in the A. Thaliana genome were determined to encode a chlorophyll a/b-binding protein and a beta-tubulin. Of the 8 loci carrying beta-tubulin genes 6 were placed on the genetic map. These results imply that gene duplication has been an important factor in the evolution of the Arabidopsis genome.  相似文献   

Ivashchenko AT  Atambaeva ShA 《Genetika》2004,40(10):1429-1431
In the nuclear genes of Arabidopsis thaliana, the length of introns and exons was shown to vary depending on the number of introns. With increasing number of introns per gene, the proportion of introns composed of 80-100 nucleotides increases whereas the proportion of introns with 400-nucleotide length decreases. Similar changes in exon length in genes result in predominance of exons of 60-120-nucleotides in length.  相似文献   

Annotation of the Arabidopsis genome   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The goal of our investigations is to define the genetic control of microtubule-based processes in a higher plant. The available evidence suggests that we have achieved our first objective: the characterization of the complete alpha-tubulin and beta-tubulin gene families of Arabidopsis. Four additional alpha-tubulin genes (TUA2, TUA4, TUA5, and TUA6) of Arabidopsis have been cloned and sequenced to complete the analysis of the gene structure for all six alpha-tubulin genes detectable on DNA gel blots of Arabidopsis genomic DNA hybridized with alpha-tubulin coding sequences. TUA1 and TUA3 were characterized earlier in our laboratory. Noncoding gene-specific hybridization probes have been constructed for all six alpha-tubulin genes and used in RNA gel blot analyses to demonstrate that all six genes are transcribed. The six genes encode four different alpha-tubulin isoforms; TUA2 and TUA4 encode a single isoform, as do TUA3 and TUA5. Two-dimensional protein gel immunoblot analyses have resolved at least four alpha-tubulin isoforms from plant tissues, suggesting that all of the predicted TUA gene products are synthesized in vivo.  相似文献   

The plant mitochondrial genome is complex in structure, owing to a high degree of recombination activity that subdivides the genome and increases genetic variation. The replication activity of various portions of the mitochondrial genome appears to be nonuniform, providing the plant with an ability to modulate its mitochondrial genotype during development. These and other interesting features of the plant mitochondrial genome suggest that adaptive changes have occurred in DNA maintenance and transmission that will provide insight into unique aspects of plant mitochondrial biology and mitochondrial-chloroplast coevolution. A search in the Arabidopsis genome for genes involved in the regulation of mitochondrial DNA metabolism revealed a region of chromosome III that is unusually rich in genes for mitochondrial DNA and RNA maintenance. An apparently similar genetic linkage was observed in the rice genome. Several of the genes identified within the chromosome III interval appear to target the plastid or to be targeted dually to the mitochondria and the plastid, suggesting that the process of endosymbiosis likely is accompanied by an intimate coevolution of these two organelles for their genome maintenance functions.  相似文献   

Extensive duplication and reshuffling in the Arabidopsis genome   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Systematic analysis of the Arabidopsis genome provides a basis for detailed studies of genome structure and evolution. Members of multigene families were mapped, and random sequence alignment was used to identify regions of extended similarity in the Arabidopsis genome. Detailed analysis showed that the number, order, and orientation of genes were conserved over large regions of the genome, revealing extensive duplication covering the majority of the known genomic sequence. Fine mapping analysis showed much rearrangement, resulting in a patchwork of duplicated regions that indicated deletion, insertion, tandem duplication, inversion, and reciprocal translocation. The implications of these observations for evolution of the Arabidopsis genome as well as their usefulness for analysis and annotation of the genomic sequence and in comparative genomics are discussed.  相似文献   

Operon-like arrangements of genes occur in eukaryotes ranging from yeasts and filamentous fungi to nematodes, plants, and mammals. In plants, several examples of operon-like gene clusters involved in metabolic pathways have recently been characterized, e.g. the cyclic hydroxamic acid pathways in maize, the avenacin biosynthesis gene clusters in oat, the thalianol pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana, and the diterpenoid momilactone cluster in rice. Such operon-like gene clusters are defined by their co-regulation or neighboring positions within immediate vicinity of chromosomal regions. A comprehensive analysis of the expression of neighboring genes therefore accounts a crucial step to reveal the complete set of operon-like gene clusters within a genome. Genome-wide prediction of operon-like gene clusters should contribute to functional annotation efforts and provide novel insight into evolutionary aspects acquiring certain biological functions as well. We predicted co-expressed gene clusters by comparing the Pearson correlation coefficient of neighboring genes and randomly selected gene pairs, based on a statistical method that takes false discovery rate (FDR) into consideration for 1469 microarray gene expression datasets of A. thaliana. We estimated that A. thaliana contains 100 operon-like gene clusters in total. We predicted 34 statistically significant gene clusters consisting of 3 to 22 genes each, based on a stringent FDR threshold of 0.1. Functional relationships among genes in individual clusters were estimated by sequence similarity and functional annotation of genes. Duplicated gene pairs (determined based on BLAST with a cutoff of E<10(-5)) are included in 27 clusters. Five clusters are associated with metabolism, containing P450 genes restricted to the Brassica family and predicted to be involved in secondary metabolism. Operon-like clusters tend to include genes encoding bio-machinery associated with ribosomes, the ubiquitin/proteasome system, secondary metabolic pathways, lipid and fatty-acid metabolism, and the lipid transfer system.  相似文献   

Yu P  Ma D  Xu M 《Genomics》2005,86(4):414-422
Here we studied one special type of gene, i.e., the nested gene, in the human genome. We collected 373 reliably annotated nested genes. Two-thirds of them were on the strand opposite that of their host gene. About 58% coding nested gene pairs were conserved in mouse and some were even maintained in chicken and fish, while nested pseudogenes were poorly conserved. Ka/Ks analysis revealed that nested genes were under strong selection, although they did not demonstrate greater conservation than other genes. With microarray data we observed that two partners of one nested pair seemed to be expressed reciprocally. A significant proportion of nested genes were tissue-specifically expressed. Gene ontology analysis demonstrated that quite a number of nested genes participated in cellular signal transduction. Based on these observations, we think that nested genes are a group of genes with important physiological functions.  相似文献   

Investigating ancient duplication events in the Arabidopsis genome   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The complete genomic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana has shown that a major fraction of the genome consists of paralogous genes that probably originated through one or more ancient large-scale gene or genome duplication events. However, the number and timing of these duplications still remains unclear, and several different hypotheses have been put forward recently. Here, we reanalyzed duplicated blocks found in the Arabidopsis genome described previously and determined their date of divergence based on silent substitution estimations between the paralogous genes and, where possible, by phylogenetic reconstruction. We show that methods based on averaging protein distances of heterogeneous classes of duplicated genes lead to unreliable conclusions and that a large fraction of blocks duplicated much more recently than assumed previously. We found clear evidence for one large-scale gene or even complete genome duplication event somewhere between 70 to 90 million years ago. Traces pointing to a much older (probably more than 200 million years) large-scale gene duplication event could be detected. However, for now it is impossible to conclude whether these old duplicates are the result of one or more large-scale gene duplication events. abbreviations dA, fraction of amino acid substitutions; Kn, number of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site; Ks, number of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site; MYA, million years ago  相似文献   

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