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Under usual laboratory conditions, lysis by bacteriophage lambda requires only the holin and endolysin genes, but not the Rz and Rz1 genes, of the lysis cassette. Defects in Rz or Rz1 block lysis only in the presence of high concentrations of divalent cations. The lambda Rz and Rz1 lysis genes are remarkable in that Rz1, encoding an outer membrane lipoprotein, is completely embedded in the +1 register within Rz, which itself encodes an integral inner membrane protein. While Rz and Rz1 equivalents have been identified in T7 and P2, most phages, including such well-studied classic phages as T4, P1, T1, Mu and SP6, lack annotated Rz/Rz1 equivalents. Here we report that a search strategy based primarily on gene arrangement and membrane localization signals rather than sequence similarity has revealed that Rz/Rz1 equivalents are nearly ubiquitous among phages of Gram-negative hosts, with 120 of 137 phages possessing genes that fit the search criteria. In the case of T4, a deletion of a non-overlapping gene pair pseT.2 and pseT.3 identified as Rz/Rz1 equivalents resulted in the same divalent cation-dependent lysis phenotype. Remarkably, in T1 and six other phages, Rz/Rz1 pairs were not found but a single gene encoding an outer membrane lipoprotein with a C-terminal transmembrane domain capable of integration into the inner membrane was identified. These proteins were named "spanins," since their protein products are predicted to span the periplasm providing a physical connection between the inner and outer membranes. The T1 spanin gene was shown to complement the lambda Rz-Rz1- lysis defect, indicating that spanins function as Rz/Rz1 equivalents. The widespread presence of Rz/Rz1 or their spanin equivalents in phages of Gram-negative hosts suggests a strong selective advantage and that their role in the ecology of these phages is greater than that inferred from the mild laboratory phenotype.  相似文献   

Holin proteins are phage-induced integral membrane proteins which regulate the access of lytic enzymes to host cell peptidoglycan at the time of release of progeny viruses by host cell lysis. We describe the identification of the membrane-containing phage PRD1 holin gene (gene XXXV). The PRD1 holin protein (P35, 12.8 kDa) acts similarly to its functional counterpart from phage lambda (gene S), and the defect in PRD1 gene XXXV can be corrected by the presence of gene S of lambda. Several nonsense, missense, and insertion mutations in PRD1 gene XXXV were analyzed. These studies support the overall conclusion that the charged amino acids at the protein C terminus are involved in the timing of host cell lysis.  相似文献   

Flowering is a prerequisite for pear fruit production. Therefore, the development of flower buds and the control of flowering time are important for pear trees. However, the molecular mechanism of pear flowering is unclear. SOC1, a member of MADS-box family, is known as a flowering signal integrator in Arabidopsis. We identified eight SOC1-like genes in Pyrus bretschneideri and analyzed their basic information and expression patterns. Some pear SOC1-like genes were regulated by photoperiod in leaves. Moreover, the expression patterns were diverse during the development of pear flower buds. Two members of the pear SOC1-like genes, PbSOC1d and PbSOC1g, could lead to early flowering phenotype when overexpressed in Arabidopsis. PbSOC1d and PbSOC1g were identified as activators of the floral meristem identity genes AtAP1 and AtLFY and promote flowering time. These results suggest that PbSOC1d and PbSOC1g are promoters of flowering time and may be involved in flower bud development in pear.  相似文献   

Transposon insertions in the Rz gene of bacteriophage λ block lysis if the medium contains divalent cations at concentrations greater than 5 mM, but otherwise cause no change in phenotype. The Rz protein is thought to have an endopeptidase activity, previously reported in λ lysates, which might be involved in cleavage of oligopeptide crosslinks between glycosidic strands in the peptidoglycan and the Lpp lipoproteins of the outer bacterial membrane. Recently, a small lipoprotein has been reported as the product of a short reading frame, designated Rz1, in the +1 register within Rz. This protein has been detected in membranes of induced λ lysogens. To determine whether Rz1 has a function in the λ vegetative cycle, amber nonsense alleles of Rz and Rz1 have been constructed by site-directed mutagenesis and used for complementation and suppression analysis. Both Rzam and Rz1am alleles have phenotypes identical to those of the original Rz insertion alleles, and complement and are fully suppressed in a supE host, indicating that the two genes are independent, trans-acting genes encoding proteins required for lysis in the presence of cations. Moreover, supF suppresses Rzam but not the Rz1am mutation, and the defective Rz1am product in the supF host shows a partially dominant character and significantly retards lysis even in the absence of additional cations in the medium. Rz and Rz1 represent a unique example of two genes located in different reading frames in the same nucleotide sequence, which encode different proteins that are both required in the same physiological pathway. Received: 21 May 1999 / Accepted: 24 August 1999  相似文献   

Lipid-containing bacteriophage PRD1 has a double-stranded DNA genome of about 14,500 nucleotide base pairs. The phage can infect Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium as well as other gram-negative bacteria harboring an appropriate plasmid. [35S]methionine label is incorporated into the DNA band early in infection. The label remains associated with DNA through phenol extraction and boiling with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Nuclease treatment of the genome released a protein which migrated as an early phage-specific protein (P8). This protein is also necessary for phage DNA replication. By restriction enzyme analysis it was shown that protein was associated with the terminal restriction fragments. Extracts of infected cells catalyzed the labeling of protein P8 with [alpha-32P]dGTP.  相似文献   

Functional organization of the bacteriophage PRD1 genome.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Bacteriophage lambda has four adjacent genes -S, R, Rz and Rz1- dedicated to host cell lysis. While S, encoding the holin and antiholin, and R, encoding the endolysin, have been intensively studied, the products of Rz and Rz1 have not been characterized at either the structural or functional levels. Rz1 is an outer membrane lipoprotein and our results indicate that Rz is a type II signal anchor protein. Here we present evidence that an Rz-Rz1 complex that spans the periplasm carries out the final step in the process of host lysis. These results are discussed in terms of a model where endolysin-mediated degradation of the cell wall is a prerequisite for conformational changes in the Rz-Rz1 complex leading to the juxtaposition and fusion of the IM and OM. Fusion of the two membranes removes the last physical barrier to efficient release of progeny virions.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage PRD1 has remarkable structural similarities to adenovirus, but is unusual in containing a membrane beneath its icosahedral capsid. Its monomeric receptor-binding protein, P2, is part of a complex at each capsid vertex and so is the functional equivalent of adenovirus fiber. P2 has been crystallized by the "hanging-drop" method of vapor diffusion and two different crystal forms were obtained. Macroseeding, used to increase the size of the initial small needles, gave rod-shaped crystals. These grew to a size of 0.08 x 0.08 x 0.50 mm(3) and diffracted to 2.6 A resolution. They have the orthorhombic space group P222(1), with unit cell dimensions a = 137.8 A, b = 46.5 A, c = 136.4 A. A few single crystals of a second form were grown without seeding under slightly different conditions. A parallelepiped crystal (0.10 x 0.10 x 0.35 mm(3)), with space group C222(1) and unit cell dimensions a = 182.3 A, b = 204.8 A, c = 133.3 A, diffracted to 3.5 A resolution. A rotation function for the second form revealed that four monomers of P2 are related by a noncrystallographic twofold axis. The structure of P2 will reveal how this arrangement relates to the trimeric adenovirus fiber.  相似文献   

DNA packaging orders the membrane of bacteriophage PRD1.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
S J Butcher  D H Bamford    S D Fuller 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(24):6078-6086
Bacteriophage PRD1 contains a linear dsDNA genome enclosed by a lipid membrane lying within a protein coat. Determination of the structure of the detergent-treated particle to 2 nm by cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction has defined the position of the major coat protein P3. The coat contains 240 copies of trimeric P3 packed into positions of local 6-fold symmetry on a T = 25 lattice. The three-dimensional structures of the PRD1 virion and a DNA packaging mutant to a resolution of 2.8 nm have revealed specific interactions between the coat and the underlying membrane. The membrane is clearly visible as two leaflets separated by 2 nm and spanned by transmembrane density. The size of the coat does not change upon DNA packaging. Instead, the number of interactions seen between the protein shell and the membrane and the order of the membrane components increase. Thus the membrane of PRD1 plays a role in assembly which is akin to that played by the nucleocapsid in other membrane viruses.  相似文献   

The donor specific bacteriophage PRDI has been shown to mediate the genes transfer into Escherichia coli and Francisella tularensis cell under certain conditions. It is necessary for the process that the recipient cells inherit the plasmids determining absorbtion of bacteriophages on the cellular surface while the transferred genes are able to be expressed. The frequencies of the tet-gene transfer from the plasmid pSKFT5 into Escherichia coli and Francisella tularensis 15 cells inheriting the plasmid Sa are, correspondingly, 10(-6) and 10(-7) clones per bacteriophage plaque.  相似文献   

Establishment of a physical and genetic map for bacteriophage PRD1   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
DNA was isolated from the lipid-containing bacteriophage PRD1 and subjected to restriction endonuclease analysis. The total genome size is 14.7 kb. PRD1 DNA was resistant to cutting by fifteen restriction endonucleases with six base specificity. HaeII made thirty-seven cuts in the DNA, MboI made one cut, and MnlI made six cuts. DNA that was not treated with protease yielded two fewer fragments when treated with HaeII. Evidence is presented to indicate that the PRD1 DNA has protein at the ends of the DNA. The thirty-eight HaeII fragments were ordered using the ladder technique of Smith and Birnstiel (1976) on MboI and MnlI fragments of the genome. Clones of HaeII partial digests of PRD1 DNA in pBR322 were analyzed by HaeII digestion and were then assigned to specific regions of the genome by their HaeII fragment composition. A comparison of the marker rescue characteristics of the cloned DNA with the overall restriction fragment map generated a physical map of the genome. Some genes that have not been mapped because of a lack of mutants or leakiness at restrictive conditions were mapped by studying the in vitro protein synthesis of restriction endonuclease fragments.  相似文献   

Three anti-apoptosis genes, Ls-iap2, iap3 and p49 were found in Leucania separata multiple nuclear polyhedrovirus. Amino acid sequence homology of Ls-IAP2 and Ls-IAP3 with Op-IAP2 and Op-IAP3 from Orgyia pseddotsugata MNPV were 20% and 42%, while that of Ls-P49 is 28% with Sl-P49 from Spodoptera littorolis MNPV. Ls-IAP2 contains one baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR) domain followed by a RING domain, while Ls-IAP3 contains two BIRs and a RING. Ls-P49 contains a reactive site loop, predicted cleavage site (KKLD(74) downward arrow G) that is different from Sl-P49 (TVID(94) downward arrow G). Expressed Ls-iap3 or Ls-p49 under presence of actinomycin D in SF9 cells, DNA ladder assay revealed that Ls- IAP3 or Ls-P49 could block the apoptosis of SF9 cells induced by actinomycin D. Replication of p35 deficient-mutant Autographa californica MNPV in SF9 cells was also rescued when Ls-iap3 or Ls-p49 was expressed transiently. No anti-apoptotic activity was observed for Ls-IAP2. The results showed that both of Ls-IAP3 and Ls-P49 were functional apoptotic suppressors in SF9 cells.  相似文献   

The organization of the right-end early region of bacteriophage PRD1 genome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bacteriophage PRD1 is the only protein-primed DNA replication system known to operate in Escherichia coli. The left-genome end of PRD1 contains the early genes for the terminal protein and the DNA polymerase. These genes have been sequenced and the proteins have been produced separately. In this investigation we completed the analysis of the PRD1 early DNA regions by cloning and sequencing the right end genome containing early genes XII and XIX. We compared the structure of the right- and left-terminal regions. The genome organization of both ends was found to be rather uniform. The inverted terminal repeats, the first promoters and the first translation start codons are located almost exactly at the same distance from the genome ends. The PRD1 early gene products, P12 and P19, do not share similarities with proteins found in other protein-primed replication systems.  相似文献   

The genome of a lipid-containing phage, PRD1, is replicated by a protein-priming mechanism. We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the PRD1 gene 8 which specifies the terminal protein, the protein primer for DNA synthesis. The coding region is 780 base pairs long and encodes for 259 amino acids (29,326 daltons). The predicted amino acid sequence of the PRD1 terminal protein reveals no substantial homology with that of any known terminal protein. However, hydropathy profiles of the PRD1, phi 29, and Nf terminal proteins are remarkably similar, suggesting a common evolutionary origin. A particular tyrosine residue is predicted to be covalently linked to the 5' end of the PRD1 DNA. The initiation codon ATG of gene 8 is preceded by the identifiable ribosome binding site, and putative promoter sequences. There are unique palindromic sequences between the ribosome binding site and "-10" region.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage PRD1 shares many structural and functional similarities with adenovirus. A major difference is the PRD1 internal membrane, which acts in concert with vertex proteins to translocate the phage genome into the host. Multiresolution models of the PRD1 capsid, together with genetic analyses, provide fine details of the molecular interactions associated with particle stability and membrane dynamics. The N- and C-termini of the major coat protein (P3), which are required for capsid assembly, act as conformational switches bridging capsid to membrane and linking P3 trimers. Electrostatic P3-membrane interactions increase virion stability upon DNA packaging. Newly revealed proteins suggest how the metastable vertex works and how the capsid edges are stabilized.  相似文献   

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