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The family Caryophyllaceae includes world-wide 86 genera and approximately 2100 species. Greece is one of its most important centres of diversity and endemism. A total of 428 Caryophyllaceae taxa are distributed in Greece, 161 of them being endemic to the Greek political territory. The endemic element represents approximately 5% of the global diversity of the family at the species level. The aim of this paper is to discuss the distribution patterns of the Greek endemic Caryophyllaceae, as well as those with a limited distribution range to the neighbouring areas of the Balkans and Anatolia, on the basis of the phytogeographical regions of Greece in order to identify the important regions for their conservation. The majority of the Greek endemic Caryophyllaceae (64.6%) are distributed in only one single phytogeographical region, or even a smaller area indicating the extremely restricted distribution ranges of the endemic plants in Greece. Actually 83 Greek endemic Caryophyllaceae can be grouped on cytotaxonomic criteria. Most of them belong to the category of schizoendemics (91.6%), indicating that the endemism of Caryophyllaceae in Greece has mainly originated in an active way. Cluster analysis has been used to classify the phytogeographical regions according to their floristic similarities. Two iterative complementarity methods were used to evaluate the importance of each phytogeographical region in the conservation of the endemic Caryophyllaceae in Greece. Peloponnisos, Kriti-Karpathos and Sterea Ellas are the most important phytogeographical regions in this respect, followed by North Central and North East. When adding the Balkan-Aegean-Anatolian endemics to the analysis, Peloponnisos, North Central, Kriti-Karpathos, North East and Eastern Aegean result as the most important areas. In every case, an elevated number of sites are required for the conservation of Caryophyllaceae in Greece, reflecting the great dissimilarities in the floristic composition of the various phytogeographical regions. The results provided by the different methods are compared. A catalogue of the Greek endemic Caryophyllaceae is appended.  相似文献   

An analysis of the distribution patterns of 124 Mexican gymnosperm species was undertaken, in order to detect the Mexican areas with high species richness and endemism, and with this information to propose areas for conservation. Our study includes an analysis of species richness, endemism and distributional patterns of Mexican species of gymnosperms based on three different area units (states, biogeographic provinces and grid-cells of 1° × 1° latitude/longitude). The richest areas in species and endemism do not coincide; in this way, the Sierra Madre Oriental province, the state of Veracruz and a grid-cell located in the state of Oaxaca were the areas with the highest number of species, whereas the Golfo de México province, the state of Chiapas and a grid-cell located in this state were the richest areas in endemic species. A weighted endemism and corrected weighted endemism indices were calculated, and those grid-cells with high values in both indices and with high species richness were considered as hotspots; these grid-cells are mainly located in Southern and Central Mexico.  相似文献   

The Poaceae family includes approximately 700 genera and 10000 species, and Mexico is considered one of its most important centers of diversity and endemism. A total of 256 taxa (including 16 subspecific taxonomic units), belonging to 65 genera, are endemic to Mexico. Some of them are close relatives of important crops, while others are used in different ways all over the country. The aim of this paper is to discuss the distribution patterns at state level of the Mexican endemic species of Poaceae. Using cluster strategies, the states are classified according to their floristic similarities. Later, hotspots of endemism are identified, in order to discuss their role in conservation strategies. To evaluate the importance of each state in the conservation of the Mexican endemic Poaceae, two iterative complementarity methods were also used. Our results show that the largest concentration of endemic taxa occurs in a few states, such as Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacán, Durango, Oaxaca, Veracruz, San Luis Potosi, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Puebla, and Coahuila. The results also show that there are some patterns in the relationship to its endemism that seem to reflect important diversification trends in the family. Accordingly, 31% of the grass genera of Mexico have at least one endemic species, and 16.7% of the genera have only one endemic species. In contrast, six genera contribute 47.2% of the total number of grass endemics in Mexico. The Chloridoideae contributes 42.9% of the total grass endemic species of Mexico, whereas the Panicoideae includes 24.6%, and the Pooideae 19.8%. Thus, these three subfamilies contribute about 87% of the species endemism. On the basis of the habitat and distribution patterns of these subfamilies, two main areas of endemicity can be identified. The first area is located in warm habitats, whereas the second is related to temperate and high regions. The cluster analyses indicate the occurrence of four state groups whose phytogeographical explanation is discussed on the basis of a floristic regionalization of Mexico. The results also indicate the need to establish a relatively high number of sites and states for the conservation of 256 endemic taxa. The elevated number of sites required to conserve the Mexican endemic Poaceae is mainly due to the fact that many taxa have a restricted distribution pattern. On the basis of the patterns obtained, a few proposals are presented for undertaking the establishment of conservation priorities of these taxa.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the usefulness of collection of location specific data for assessing patterns of species diversity and endemism based on a dataset for the 10 temperate flowering plant families from the Indian Himalaya Region. Analysis was based on 818 grid cells (15 × 15′) representing throughout the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR). Based on the existing information on diverse aspects of the selected plant families four indices, i.e., species richness, weighted endemism, 1–4 cell endemism and corrected weighted endemism were developed and mapped for selected plant families. Analysis revealed that endemism is significantly (P < 0.001) correlated with species richness (1–4 cell endemic index: r = 0.85; weighted endemism; r = 0.58). On the basis of four different indices, potential areas have been identified for conservation. Data of each indices have been overlaid to each other for identification and prioritization of endemic rich areas in the Indian Himalayan Region.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that microbial taxa will not exhibit endemism because their enormous populations remove dispersal as an effective constraint on geographical range. Here we review evidence that challenges this ubiquity hypothesis for the most speciose group of microbial eukaryotes, the diatoms. Detailed taxonomic inventories using fine-grained morphological characteristics, molecular markers, and crossing experiments have revealed that the geographic distribution of diatoms ranges from global to narrow endemic. Records of human-mediated introductions of exotic species further provide a strong indication that geographic dispersal was limiting in the past. Finally, recent studies have revealed that diatom community structure and diversity are influenced by geographical factors independent of environmental conditions. Diatom communities are thus regulated by the same processes that operate in macro-organisms, although possibly to a different degree, implying that dispersal limitation is significant and the endemism observed in isolated areas is real. These results underscore the pressing need to (1) continue research into diatom biology, ecology and the factors driving diatom species diversity and geographic distributions, and (2) protect relatively isolated areas against further introductions of exotic species. Special Issue: Protist diversity and geographic distribution. Guest editor: W. Foissner.  相似文献   

The genus Isoetes L. in India is represented by 14species, of which eight species are recognized as being local endemics [confinedto one particular phyto-geographical division (PGD)] while the remaining sixoccur in more than one PGD and are described as endemic to a wider range. Thelocal endemic species are Isoetes dixitei,Isoetes panchganiensis and Isoetessahyadriensis in Western Ghats region; Isoetespantii, Isoetes bilaspurensis, Isoetesreticulata and Isoetes tuberculata inChotanagpur Malwa Vindhya Plateau and Isoetes debii innortheastern India. The wider endemic species are Isoetespanchananii, Isoetes sampathkumaranii,Isoetes rajasthanensis, Isoetesmahadevensis, Isoetes indica andIsoetes coromandelina. Our studies on the patterns ofendemism suggest that the radiation of quillworts advanced from dry lowlandareas to the rainy uplands and mountains. Isoetescoromandelina is the first Indian quillwort to colonize in lowlandsof the coastal zone (Coromandel), from where it spread to different parts of thesub-continent and gave rise to new species. Thus this species is a key Indianspecies which has played an important role in the radiation of quillwort in thecountry and appeared as the connecting link among the quillwort flora of variousPGDs. The centres of diversity for almost all the presently known Indianquillworts species are recognized.  相似文献   

Larvae of almost all of the 5,680 species of the insect order Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) are dependent on freshwater habitats. Both larvae and adults are predators. The order is relatively well studied, and the actual number of species may be close to 7,000. Many species have small distributional ranges, and are habitat specialists, including inhabitants of alpine mountain bogs, seepage areas in tropical rain forests, and waterfalls. They are often successfully used as indicators for environmental health and conservation management. The highest diversity is found in flowing waters in rain forests of the tropics, the Oriental and Neotropical regions being the most speciose. This paper discusses diversity, summarises the biogeography of dragonflies in the different biogeographical regions and gives the total number of species and genera per family per biogeographical region. Examples are given of areas of particular diversity, in terms of areas of endemism, presence of ancient lineages or remarkable recent radiations but no well-based review of areas with high endemism of dragonflies is available so far. The conservation status of dragonflies is briefly discussed. Species confined to small remnants of forest in the tropics are most under threat of extinction by human activities. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers and K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

The not yet uploaded Trichoptera World Checklist (TWC) [], as at July 2006, recorded 12,627 species, 610 genera and 46 families of extant and in addition 488 species, 78 genera and 7 families of fossil Trichoptera. An analysis of the 2001 TWC list of present-day Trichoptera diversity at species, generic/subgeneric and family level along the selected Afrotropical, Neotropical, Australian, Oriental, Nearctic and Palaearctic (as a unit or assessed as Eastern and Western) regions reveals uneven distribution patterns. The Oriental and Neotropical are the two most species diverse with 47–77% of the species in widespread genera being recorded in these two regions. Five Trichoptera families comprise 55% of the world’s species and 19 families contain fewer than 30 species per family. Ten out of 620 genera contain 29% of the world’s known species. Considerable underestimates of Trichoptera diversity for certain regions are recognised. Historical processes in Trichoptera evolution dating back to the middle and late Triassic reveal that the major phylogenetic differentiation in Trichoptera had occurred during the Jurrasic and early Cretaceous. The breakup of Gondwana in the Cretaceous led to further isolation and diversification of Trichoptera. High species endemism is noted to be in tropical or mountainous regions correlated with humid or high rainfall conditions. Repetitive patterns of shared taxa between biogeographical regions suggest possible centres of origin, vicariant events or distribution routes. Related taxa associations between different regions suggest that an alternative biogeographical map reflecting Trichoptera distribution patterns different from the Wallace (The Geographical Distribution of Animals: With a Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct Faunas as Elucidating the Past Changes of the Earth’s Surface, Vol. 1, 503 pp., Vol. 2, 607 pp., Macmillan, London, 1876) proposed biogeography patterns should be considered. Anthropogenic development threatens biodiversity and the value of Trichoptera as important functional components of aquatic ecosystems, indicator species of deteriorating conditions and custodians of environmental protection are realised.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to document the biogeographical patterns, current status and conservation of 24 species of vascular plants in Mexico, all of them recorded in some risk category in the Mexican official publication named ‘Norma Oficial Mexicana 059’ (NOM-059) and some of them in the IUCN red lists (the World Conservation Union) and CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species); many of these species are linked to Mexican cloud forests and other temperate vegetation types. Distribution maps of these 24 species were generated with information obtained from specialized literature, herbarium specimens, institutional databases, and field work; with this information, the patterns of richness and endemism of these species were obtained. For this, the Mexican territory was divided using a grid system based on a chart index (scale 1:50,000 system composed by grids of 15' × 20'). Also, we up to date the knowledge of these species and their populations and current habitats, and evaluate their geographic distribution in relation to the current Mexican National Parks and Reserves System and Mexican Priority Regions for Conservation. We also discuss some changes of categories in the NOM-059 and suggest the urgent incorporation of some of the species in the recent IUCN Red Data List of Threatened Species (2003). Most of the species studied require special policies for their conservation due to problems that affect their natural populations; also we consider that these taxa are underrepresented in the current Mexican System of Natural Protected Areas, especially those with restricted distributions.  相似文献   

The specialised flora of serpentine outcrops in Tuscany (Italy) is analysed in terms of species richness and geographic variation, in order to identify main centres of diversity and provide a basis for conservation programmes. Five edaphic groups are distinguished, among which obligate endemics, serpentine-preferential taxa, facultative basiphilous and facultative calcifuge serpentinophytes. Relatively low diversity (87 taxa) and high taxonomic distinctiveness (28.7% of endemics plus preferentials) underscore the insular condition of the ophiolitic outcrops. Hemicryptophytes and chamaephytes are the dominat life-forms, in line with the mainly continental character revealed by the phytogeographical analysis. Presence/absence of the taxa in 10 serpentine island systems was assessed using literature and original field data. Number of species and surface of the areas are significantly correlated. Cluster analysis identifies five groups of areas, while ordination indicates the species which are more effective in determining the floristic differences among the areas. Cecina valley, Monte Ferrato, Murlo hills and upper Tiber valley are the main centres of endemism and taxonomic diversity. However, the positive relationship between floristic and geographic distances and the remarkable proportion of species with frequency < 50% highlights a considerable among-area variation. To ‘catch’ such variation, a network of distant protected sites appears more effective than to search for single areas with high diversity. At least one site in each of the five clusters should be included in a ‘Important Plant Area’ network which would ensure the conservation of such a peculiar component of the Italian vascular flora.  相似文献   

In recent years, use of databases of the labels of specimens deposited in museums and herbaria is becoming increasingly common as a tool for addressing biodiversity conservation and management problems. These databases are often large in size and complex in structure, and their application to conservation deserves a wider appreciation of some of the biases, gaps and potential pitfalls common to them. In this paper, we discuss some of the problems associated with using such databases for obtaining lists of species for arbitrary sites, as well as for the estimation of the distribution area of single species. The possibility of obtaining these closely related variables using specimen databases is shown to be scale-dependent. A tool based on mark-recapture techniques is applied to the problem of: (i) detecting sites with low number of species due to lack of adequate in-site sampling and, (ii) species with small estimated areas due to poor spatial coverage of samples.  相似文献   

Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy is a weedy annual diploid (2n = 14, VV genomes) allogamous grass species (Poaceae, Triticeae). Genetic variation for 12 traits was studied in 43 natural populations (31 from Italy and 12 from Croatia and Montenegro of former Yugoslavia) grown in a common field environment in California. Although 7 of 12 traits followed the theoretical prediction that a larger proportion of genetic variation was distributed within populations than among populations, exceptions were found for spike length, plant height, and days to flag-leaf emergence, heading, and anthesis. Covariate analysis showed that developmentally closely related characters were more likely correlated at both population and family within population levels. Geographically closer populations shared more genetic similarity than distant populations as indicated by mean coefficients of variation and cluster analysis of the Euclidean distances among populations. As few as five populations, each population with five or more half-sib seeds taken randomly from 5 plants, is expected to capture more than 95% of the total genetic variation of this species in the region sampled, but sampling a much larger number of seeds per population (> 1000) for long-term storage would supply research and plant breeding needs for several decades. If seed regeneration is required, populations can be sampled from clusters having similar genetic variation, and grown in reproductive isolation or bulked seed samples from all populations of each cluster group can be grown in isolation. The former is recommended if population integrity is desired while the latter is sufficient to provide genetic resources for plant-breeding purposes.  相似文献   

Acacia is a pantropical genus comprising > 1450 species. Following Vassal's treatment Acacia is considered as a single genus with three subgenera (Acacia, Aculeiferum and Phyllodineae). Acacia caven, A. curvifructa and A. farnesiana belong to subgenus Acacia and the relationship between them is controversial. The aim of this study was to elucidate the relationship between the three species using amplified fragment length polymorphism, analysing 15 populations of these species, and to compare the results obtained with those from a morphological analysis. Genetic diversity indices (percentage of polymorphic loci, genetic diversity) showed that genetic variation in A. caven is higher than that in A. curvifructa and A. farnesiana. Of the total genetic diversity in A. caven and A. farnesiana, most is found within populations (∼70%). Analysis with STRUCTURE showed that the optimal number of clusters (K) was ten, and in all cases where populations were grouped they were geographically close and/or belong to the same variety. The morphological canonical discriminant analysis did not result in a separation between all individuals, indicating that they do not harbour consistent morphological discontinuities. Altogether, the results of our molecular analyses showed the existence of significant differences between A. caven, A. curvifructa and A. farnesiana, which argues for recognizing them as different species. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 593–606.  相似文献   

Grimmia curviseta Bouman is a moss species endemic to the Canary Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, which has a very restricted distribution across the summit areas of Tenerife and La Palma islands. Using massive sequencing, we developed ten polymorphic microsatellite markers for this species. The pattern of microsatellite alleles per locus provides preliminary evidence that G. curviseta is allodiploid. The average number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 7, and observed heterozygosities varied from 0.022 to 1.000. A significant genetic differentiation was observed between the Tenerife and La Palma populations, suggesting that there are some limitations to dispersal. This set of microsatellites constitutes a valuable tool to investigate patterns of genetic diversity across the distribution range of G. curviseta, information that may eventually be used to establish conservation strategies for the species. Owing to the cross-amplification with the closely related species Grimmia montana Bruch & Schimp., our study also demonstrates the utility of these markers for population-level genetic analyses in the genus Grimmia.  相似文献   

Spore morphology of 25 Mexican and Central American species in Pteris were studied. This was accomplished using scanning electron and light microscopy. Spores are trilete, tetrahedral, with plane or slightly convex proximal faces, concave only occasionally, and convex or hemispherical distal faces. In addition to these general features and size, we also considered the following traits: (a) cingulum; (b) presence of a commissural flange; (c) types of macro-ornamentation; (d) ornamentation in distal and proximal faces. In general, distal and proximal faces of Pteris spores are divided by a circumfluent cingulum, lacking ornamentation, infrequently not well defined, or interrupted. The laesura have a commissural flange in almost half of the studied species. The most common macro-ornamentation is muriform, less frequently steliform or buliform. Ornamentation is usually different on both sides of the spore. In most of the studied species occasional to abundant globules are present on the spore surface. The combination of these traits allows us to recognise six spore types, which are described in detail. These spore types disagree with groups of species of Neotropical Pteris previously studied using other characteristics (mainly frond architecture and molecular data). Our results show that the use of spore characteristics can help clarify infrageneric taxonomy in Pteris.  相似文献   

General ecological methods and models that require a minimum amount of information yet are still able to inform conservation planning are particularly valuable. Nested subset analysis has been advocated as such a tool for the prediction of extinction-prone species and populations. However, such advocacy has not been without skepticism and debate, and in the majority of published examples assessing extinction vulnerability, actual extinctions are based on assumptions rather than direct evidence. Here, we empirically test the power of nested subset analysis to predict extinction-prone species, using documented Holocene insular mammal extinctions on three island archipelagos off the west coast of North America. We go on to test whether the introduction of invasive mammals promotes nestedness on islands via extinction. While all three archipelagos were significantly nested before and after the extinction events, nested subset analysis largely failed to predict extinction patterns. We also failed to detect any correlations between the degree of nestedness at the genus-level with area, isolation, or species richness and extinction risk. Biogeography tools, such as nested subset analysis, must be critically evaluated before they are prescribed widely for conservation planning. For these island archipelagos, it appears detailed natural history and taxa-specific ecology may prove critical in predicting patterns of extinction risk.  相似文献   

Biogeography and conservation of the genus Ficus (Moraceae) in Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim The main objective of this study is to document the biogeographical patterns, endemism and degree of conservation of the species of Ficus (Moraceae) in Mexico. There are over 750 species of the genus Ficus distributed worldwide, and Mexico practically represents its northernmost limit in the American continent. Detailed studies at regional scales may help to understand the biogeography of large genera such as Ficus. Location Mexico. Methods The biogeographical patterns of Mexican Ficus were obtained from information of fig specimens available in two of the main herbaria of Mexico (2140 vouchers), collecting figs throughout this country, and revising the specialized literature. The presence of each species of Ficus was recorded for every one of Mexico's states and several tropical countries of America. Besides, the Mexican territory was divided into cells of 1° × 1° and the presence or absence of all species of the genus was recorded. Rarity of species was classified based on the width of geographic distribution, habitat specificity and population size. Results A total of 21 species of Ficus occur in Mexico, including six species (28.6%) that are endemic to this country. Five species are included in subgenus Pharmacosycea and 16 species are documented under subgenus Urostigma. Affinities of Ficus flora with other tropical countries in America generally decreased as geographical distances from Mexico increased. Mexican states and cells with highest values of Ficus species richness (both total and endemic species) were located. Ten species, including three endemics, presented a wide distribution. Five species, including two endemics, possess the three attributes of rarity (narrow geographical distribution, high habitat specificity and scarce local populations). Three species of Ficus, including the endemic and very rare Ficuslapathifolia (Liebm.) Miq., are not recorded in any protected area existing in Mexico. Main conclusions Most of the Mexican Ficus show a great morphological variation and occupy different habitats along their geographic distribution. The biogeographical patterns described here establish a fundamental scenario for ongoing studies on Ficus–pollinator interactions. However, many local populations are considered to be at risk, as there have been significant reductions in the number and size of local populations. Further studies are needed to understand the process of colonization, maintenance and persistence of fig–pollinator mutualism in species with different patterns of geographic distribution. Mexican Ficus require special policies for conservation due to their complex degree of rarity, particularly their geographic distribution in different types of vegetation, ranging from dry scrublands to tropical rain forests.  相似文献   

The new genus Mexicaphorura, and its type species Mexicaphorura guerrerensissp. n. are described from marine littoral sand. The new genus is similar to Sensilatullbergia Thibaud & Ndiaye, 2006 in having very big sensilla on sensorial organ of antennal segment III, but of different shape, the kind of postantennal organ, with simple vesicles in Mexicaphorura versus composed vesicles in Sensilatullbergia and formulae of the pseudocelli.  相似文献   

Butterflies are the beautiful creatures and need to be conserved. The present survey was conducted to explore the biodiversity of butterflies of District Battagram Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan, from March to September 2021. During this study the butterflies were collected from 2 Tehsil including 12 localities using line transect method. A total of 572 specimens were collected from all localities. Species identified were belonging to 3 families and 7 genera. The species were Cynthia cardui. Danaus chrysippus, Junonia orithya, Papilio demoleus, Papilio polytes, Colias croceus, Pieris ajaka, Pontia daplidice and Pieris napi. In the recorded 9 species Papilo demoleus was the most common species of the district Battagram and the most rear specie was Pieris ajaka during this study. The current study is new detailed work on the butterflies from district Battagram . It is concluded from the present study that district Battagram is rich in flora and provide a much suitable environment and place for biodiversity to insects. As this study is the first survey of butterflies population in the district and recorded rich diversity, so more explorative work is needed for its population estimation and specie abundance.  相似文献   

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