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The mode of action of the phosphatidylcholine exchange protein from bovine liver has been studied by using unilamellar vesicles and multilamellar liposomes both of which membranes contain phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidic acid. The protein-mediated exchange of phosphatidylcholine between vesicles and liposomes fit the kinetic model presented in a previous study [V.D. Besselaar et al. (1975) Biochemistry, 1j, 1852]. Kinetic analysis of the rates of exchange indicate that the apparent dissociation constant of the exchange protein-vesicle complex decreases with an increasing phosphatidic acid content of the vesicles. Both vesicles and liposomes of 10 mol% phosphatidic acid show the same dissociation constant; on the other hand, both the formation and the disruption of the protein-membrane complex was 50--100-times higher for the vesicles than for the liposomes. This implies that the exchange protein can discriminate between vesicles and liposomes. Equilibrium gel chromatography of a column of Bio Gel A-5m confirmed that the exchange protein binds more strongly to vesicles of an increased phosphatidic acid content. The protein-mediated exchange of phosphatidylcholine in the vesicle-liposome system demonstrates a pH optimum at 4.0 to 5.5. The kinetic analysis at pH 5.0 as compared to pH 7.4 indicates that the enhanced exchange at pH 5.0 can solely be accounted for by altered interaction of the exchange protein with the liposomes.  相似文献   

Sonicated unilamellar and large multilamellar liposome suspensions have been treated with the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100, and the subsequent changes in turbidity have been studied as a function of time. Sonicated liposome suspensions exhibit an increase in turbidity that takes place in two stages, a fast, low-amplitude one is completed in less than 100 ms, and a slow large-amplitude one occurs in 20-40 s. The first increase in turbidity is associated to detergent incorporation into the bilayer, and the second one, to vesicle fusion. The fast stage may be detected at all detergent concentrations, while the slow one is only seen above the critical micellar concentration of Triton X-100. Both processes may be interpreted in terms of first-order kinetics. Studies of the variation of kexp with lipid and detergent concentration suggest a complex multi-step mechanism. In the case of multilamellar liposomes, a fast increase in turbidity is also seen after detergent addition, which is followed by a slow (20-60 s) decrease in turbidity and a very slow (up to 12 h) large scale decrease in turbidity. These processes do not conform to single-exponential patterns. The fast stage is also thought to reflect surfactant incorporation, while the decrease in turbidity is interpreted as bilayer solubilization starting with the outer bilayer (slow stage) and proceeding through the remaining ones (very slow stage).  相似文献   

The interaction of the cationic tridecapeptide -melanocyte stimulating hormone (-MSH) and the biologically more active analog [Nle4, DPhe7]--MSH with lipid membranes was investigated by means of ESR of spin probes incorporated in the bilayer, and NMR of deuterated lipids. All spin labels used here, stearic acid and phospholipid derivatives labeled at the 5th and 12th position of the hydrocarbon chain, and the cholestane label, incorporated into anionic vesicles of DMPG (1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol) in the liquid-crystalline phase, indicated that both peptides decrease the motional freedom of the acyl chains. No peptide effect was detected with neutral lipid bilayers. Changes in the -deuteron quadrupolar splittings and spin lattice relaxation time of DMPG deuterated at the glycerol headgroup paralleled the results obtained with ESR, showing that the peptides cause a better packing both at the headgroup and at the acyl chain bilayer regions. The stronger effect caused by the more potent analog in the membrane structure, when compared to the native hormone, is discussed in terms of its larger lipid association constant and/or its deeper penetration into the bilayer.  相似文献   

When protoplasts from Bacillus subtilis are incubated with sonicated liposomes made from egg-yolk phosphatidylcholine, this phospholipid is incorporated into the protoplast membranes. Biochemical, fluorescence and ultrastructural data suggest that incorporation occurs through membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Molar partition coefficients for amphiphilic N-[2-(2-alkyl-oxyphenyl-carbamoyloxy)-ethyl]-piperidinium chlorides (PAA) between small unilamellar egg yolk phosphatidyl choline liposomes and saline, as determined by ultraviolet difference spectroscopy at 22 degrees C, pH 5-6, v = 34640 cm-1, and at 100 mumol/l PAA concentration, were 149, 1990, and 7474 for PAA with 5, 7, and 9 carbon atoms in the alkyloxy substituent, respectively. At the PAA concentration used, the cut-off in biological activities of PAAs with long alkyloxy substituents could not be caused by the self-association of PAA molecules in the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

The effect of the positive surface charge of unilamellar liposomes on the kinetics of their interaction with rat peritoneal macrophages was investigated using three sizes of liposomes: small unilamellar vesicles (approx. 25 nm diameter), prepared by sonication, and large unilamellar vesicles (100 nm and 160 nm diameter), prepared by the Lipoprep dialysis method. Charge was varied by changing the proportion of stearylamine added to the liposomal lipids (egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol, molar ratio 10:2.5). Increasing the stearylamine content of large unilamellar vesicles over a range of 0-25 mol% enhanced the initial rate of vesicle-cell interaction from 0.1 to 1.4 microgram lipid/min per 10(6) cells, and the maximal association from 5 to 110 micrograms lipid/10(6) cells. Cell viability was greater than 90% for cells incubated with large liposomes containing up to 15 mol% stearylamine but decreased to less than 50% at stearylamine proportions greater than 20 mol%. Similar results were obtained with small unilamellar vesicles except that the initial rate of interaction and the maximal association were less sensitive to stearylamine content. The initial rate of interaction, with increasing stearylamine up to 25 mol%, ranged from 0.5 to 0.7 microgram lipid/min per 10(6) cells, and the maximal association ranged from 20 to 70 micrograms lipid/10(6) cells. A comparison of the number and entrapped aqueous volume of small and large vesicles containing 15 mol% stearylamine revealed that although the number of large vesicles associated was 100-fold less than the number of small vesicles, the total entrapped aqueous volume introduced into the cells by large vesicles was 10-fold greater. When cytochalasin B, a known inhibitor of phagocytosis, was present in the medium, the cellular association of C8-LUV was reduced approx. 25% but association of SUV increased approx. 10-30%. Modification of small unilamellar vesicles with an amino mannosyl derivative of cholesterol did not increase their cellular interaction over that of the corresponding stearylamine liposomes, indicating that cell binding induced by this glycolipid may be due to the positive charge of the amine group on the sugar moiety. The results demonstrate that the degree of liposome-cell interaction with macrophages can be improved by increasing the degree of positive surface charge using stearylamine. Additionally, the delivery of aqueous drugs to cells can be further improved using large unilamellar vesicles because of their greater internal volume. This sensitivity of macrophages to vesicle charge and size can be used either to increase or reduce liposome uptake significantly by this cell type  相似文献   

The location of isoniazid and rifampicin, two tuberculostatics commonly used for the treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium complex infectious diseases, in bilayers of dimyristoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dimyristoyl-L-a-phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) have been studied by 1H NMR and fluorimetric methods. Steady-state fluorescence intensity and fluorescence energy transfer studies between rifampicin and a set of functionalized probes [n-(9-anthroyloxy)stearic acids, n=2, 12] reveal that, in both systems, isoniazid is located at the membrane surface whereas rifampicin is deeply buried inside the lipid bilayers. Steady-state fluorescence anisotropy studies performed with the probes 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) and trimethylammonium-diphenylhexa-triene (TMA-DPH), not only corroborate the above results, but also show that no changes in membrane fluidity were detected in either liposome. The 1H NMR results, in DMPC liposomes, confirm the location of rifampicin near the methylene group of the acyl chains of the lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

The interaction of the antineoplastic agent adriamycin with sonicated liposomes composed of phosphatidylcholine alone and with small amounts (1-6%) of cardiolipin has been studied by fluorescence techniques. Equilibrium binding data show that the presence of cardiolipin increases the amount of drug bound to liposomes when the bilayer is below its phase transition temperature and when the ionic strength is relatively low (0.01 M). At higher ionic strength (0.15 M) and above the Tm (i.e. conditions which are closer to the physiological state) the binding of the drug to the two liposome types is nearly the same. Thus the differences in the interactions of adriamycin with cardiolipin-containing membranes, as opposed to those composed of phosphatidylcholine alone, are not due simply to increased binding but rather to an altered membrane structure when this lipid is present. Quenching of adriamycin fluorescence by iodide shows that bound drug is partially, but not completely, buried in the liposomal membrane. Both in the presence and absence of cardiolipin the bulk of the adriamycin is more accessible to the quencher below the Tm than above it; that is, a solid membrane tends to exclude the drug from deep penetration. Above the Tm, the presence of cardiolipin alters the nature of liposome-adriamycin interaction. Here the fluorescence quenching data suggest that the presence of small amounts of cardiolipin (3%) in a phosphatidylcholine matrix creates two types of binding environments for drug, one relatively exposed and the other more deeply buried in the membrane. The temperature dependence of the adriamycin fluorescence and the liposome light scattering reveal that cardiolipin alters the thermal properties of the bilayer as well as its interaction with adriamycin. At low ionic strength lateral phase separations may occur with both pure phosphatidylcholine and when 3% cardiolipin is present; under these conditions the bound adriamycin exists in two kinds of environment. It is notable that only adriamycin fluorescence reveals this phenomenon; thebulk property of liposome light scattering reports only on the overall membrane phase change. These data suggest that under certain conditions the drug binding sites in the membranes are decoupled from the bulk of the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The selectivity of lipid-protein interaction for various spin-labelled cardiolipin analogues in Na+/K+-ATPase membranes from Squalus acanthias has been investigated by ESR spectroscopy. Cardiolipin derivatives with different numbers of acyl chains, or in which the headgroup charge has been removed by methylation of the phosphate groups, all show a pronounced selectivity relative to phosphatidylcholine. Maximally three times more of the cardiolipin analogue is associated with the protein, than is phosphatidylcholine. The selectivity pattern in the absence of salt is in the order: cardiolipin approximately monolysocardiolipin greater than or equal to acylcardiolipin greater than dimethylcardiolipin much greater than phosphatidylcholine, where acylcardiolipin has the spin label chain attached to the centre-OH group of the headgroup. The degree of association of the negatively charged cardiolipins with the protein is reduced by salt, corresponding to the lower selectivity for dimethylcardiolipin. It is concluded that the selectivity of the Na+/K+-ATPase for cardiolipin is not solely of electrostatic origin, nor is it likely to originate in the larger number of fatty acid chains relative to diacyl phospholipids.  相似文献   

M Lüscher-Mattli 《Biopolymers》1987,26(9):1509-1526
The nonspecific interaction of the mitogenic lectin Concanavalin A (Con A) with glycosyl-free liposomes of various composition has been investigated by microcalorimetric titration measurements. The results obtained show the following features of main interest: (1) the affinity constants (Ka) of the interaction of Con A with liposomal bilayers are in the order of magnitude 105–106M?1. The reaction enthalpies (ΔH) are positive, and small (approximately 0.1 KJ mol?1 lipid), compared to the free energy terms (?ΔG = 30–40 KJ mol?1 lipid). All lectin–lipid interactions are strongly entropy-controlled (ΔH/TΔS < 1.0). These thermodynamic features are characteristic for hydrophobic interaction processes. (2) The liposomal head-group charge does not significantly affect the lipid-affinity of Con A. Electrostatic forces thus appear to play a minor role in lectin–lipid interactions. (3) The lipid affinity of Con A is sensitive to the fluidity of the liposomal bilayers, increasing with increasing fluidity. Below the gel to liquid-crystal phase transition temperature, the lectin binding to liposomal bilayers is inhibited. (4) The binding isotherms, corresponding to the interaction of Con A with liposomes, composed of tightly packed, saturated phospholipids, exhibit pronounced positive cooperativity. This phenomenon is absent in the binding curves, corresponding to the interaction of Con A with more fluid liposomal bilayers. (5) The Con A specific inhibitor α-D -methylmannopyranoside (50 mM) drastically increases the molar reaction enthalpy. The Ka term is significantly reduced in presence of the inhibitor sugar. Urea induces analogous changes in the thermodynamic parameters of the lectin–lipid interaction. The effects of α-D -methylmannopyranoside are thus not Con A specific, but are attributable to solvent effects. (6) It was shown that the binding of one Con A molecule affects a large number (approximately 1000) of phospholipid molecules in the liposomal bilayer. (7) The affinity constants (Ka) of the interaction of Con A with glycosyl-free lipids are smaller by a factor of approximately 10, compared to the Ka terms, reported for Con A binding to biological membranes. The presence of glycosidic receptor groups thus controls the specificity of lectin–membrane interactions, whereas the nonspecific lectin–lipid interactions appear to represent the main driving force for the strong attachment of the lectin to membrane surfaces.  相似文献   

Spin label studies upon phosphorylase B have revealed that the temperature-dependent equilibria between different conformational states are strongly influenced by the presence of substrate or allosteric modifier. In the absence of substrate or modifier, the equilibrium involves only two states, while at least three are involved in their presence. Removal of pyridoxal-5′-phosphate produces a conformational change reflected by increased mobility of the label. The apo-enzyme undergoes a structural change in the presence of the allosteric modifier AMP.  相似文献   

The interaction of gramicidin A with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine liposomes is investigated by Laser-Raman spectroscopy. As revealed by the methylene CH stretching mode the phase transition of the hydrocarbon chains near 40°C is eliminated in the presence of gramicidin A. Liposomes prepared from a mixture of lecithin and cholesterol seem to be unaffected by gramicidin A and show only the normal broadened phase transition.  相似文献   

Zeins are maize storage proteins that accumulate inside large vesicles called protein bodies. gamma-Zein lines the inner surface of the protein body membrane, and its N-terminal, proline-rich, repetitive domain with the sequence (VHLPPP)(8) appears to be necessary for the accumulation of the protein within the organelle. Synthetic (VHLPPP)(8) adopts an amphipathic polyproline II conformation and forms cylindrical micelles in aqueous solution. Here we explore the interaction of (VHLPPP)(8) with soybean phosphatidylcholine unilamellar lipid vesicles and examine its effect on the stability and permeability of the liposome membrane. The amphipathic N-terminal domain of gamma-zein interacts with the membrane and assembles to form extended domains over the phospholipid membrane. The interaction between the peptide and the membrane increases the stability and permeability of the liposome membrane. The spontaneous amphipathic aggregation of (VHLPPP)(8) on the membrane suggests a mechanism of gamma-zein deposition inside maize protein bodies.  相似文献   

Micelles of hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTABr) have been investigated with the use of a faty acid spin label and its methyl ester derivative. The esr * spectra provided information about the degree of motion of the probes in the micelles as evaluated from calculation of rotational correlation times. Evidence is presented for the formation of pre-micellar aggregates at concentrations below the cmc. The effect of addition of thiophenoxide on the structure of CTABr micelles was to decrease the rate of motion of the spin probes, probably due to a tighter packing of the hydrophobic core as a consequence of charge neutralization at the micelle surface by the substrate. Decreasing values of the isotropic hyperfine splitting of the spin probe with increasing concentration of thiophenoxide were taken as indicating that the latter causes a decrease of the degree of hydration of the polar head region of the detergent.  相似文献   

Liposomes composed of rat-liver phosphatidylcholine rapidly lose entrapped sucrose when incubated in presence of blood or of solutions of bovine serum albumin. The phenomenon can not be ascribed to phospholipase A activity, since no such activity towards phosphatidylcholine substrates could be detected in various albumin preparations. Upon gel filtration on Sepharose 4B or Sephadex G-100 of incubated mixtures of radioactive liposomes and albumin, association of phosphatidylcholine with the albumin could be demonstrated. No measurable quantities of protein were found associated with liposomes. The albumin-associated phosphatidylcholine is hydrolyzed by pancreatic phospholipase A more slowly than free liposomal phosphatidylcholine, indicating a non-lamellar orientation of the associated phospholipid. The binding of phosphatidylcholine to albumin proceeds at a slow rate: increase of the amount of phosphatidylcholine bound continues over a period of several hours reaching a maximum at approx. 1 mol of phosphatidylcholine per mol of albumin. The process is reversible as indicated by transfer of albumin-associated radioactive phosphatidylcholine to unlabeled liposomes. The association between albumin and phosphatidylcholine is believed to be of the same type as described recently by Jonas) Jonas, A. (1976) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 427, 325–336)). The consequences of these observations are discussed with respect to the use of liposomes as carriers to introduce substance into cells.  相似文献   

The interactions of a series of amphipathic alpha-helical peptides containing from 6 to 18 amino acid residues with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) were studied by optical and calorimetric methods. Several peptides rapidly decreased the turbidity of DMPC and DPPC liposomes when mixed at the phase transition temperatures of the lipids. The extent of the clearing depended upon the chain length of the peptides, with the most effective clearing attained with peptides 10-12 residues in length. An eight-residue peptide was somewhat less effective and a six-residue peptide had no effect on liposome structure. The peptides formed small micellar structures, as judged by gel filtration chromatography. The effects of the peptides on the phase transitions of the lipids were examined by differential scanning calorimetry. The peptides that were most effective in disrupting the liposomes and forming clear micelles were also most effective in reducing the enthalpy of the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition of the lipid. The addition of DMPC or DPPC liposomes to the peptides increased the magnitude of the negative bonds at 208 and 222 nm in circular dichroism measurements, consistent with the expected formation of alpha-helical structure on binding to lipid. The extent of burial of the single tryptophan residue in the peptides was determined by fluorescence spectroscopy. In peptides that bound to lipid, the tryptophan was in a less solvent-exposed environment in the presence of lipid, as evidenced by a blue shift in the fluorescence emission maximum of the peptide.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cherry L  Menhart N  Fung LW 《FEBS letters》2000,466(2-3):341-345
Spectrin, a vital component in human erythrocyte, is composed of alpha- and beta-subunits, which associate to form (alphabeta)2 tetramers. The tetramerization site is believed to involve the alpha-spectrin N-terminus and the beta-spectrin C-terminus. Abnormal interactions in this region may lead to blood disorders. It has been proposed that both termini consist of partial structural domains and that tetramerization involves the association of these partial domains. We have studied the N-terminal region of a model peptide for alpha-spectrin by making a series of double spin-labeled peptides and studying their dipolar interaction by electron paramagnetic resonance methods. Our results indicate that residues 21-42 of the N-terminus region exhibit an alpha-helical conformation, even in the absence of B-spectrin.  相似文献   

The interaction of gramicidin A with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine liposomes is investigated by Laser-Raman spectroscopy. As revealed by the methylene C-H stretching mode the phase transition of the hydrocarbon chains near 40 degree C is eliminated in the presence of gramicidin A. Liposomes prepared from a mixture of lecithin and cholesterol seem to be unaffected by gramicidin A and show only the normal broadened phase transition.  相似文献   

The effects of tetraphenylboron (TFB) on the molecular organization of lipids within phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposomes were investigated using the spin-labeled method. Perturbations at the surface of the lipid were probed using stearamide and cholestane spin labels; perturbations in the hydrophobic-portion were probed with spin-labeled amphiphilic fatty esters.  相似文献   

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