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Two new species of the genus Eumyllocerus Sharp, 1896, of the subfamily Entiminae Schoenherr, 1823, are described from China. Eumyllocerus longisetus sp. n. may be distinguished from other species of the genus by its long bristle-like, erect setae on the intervals, each of which is longer than the width of the second interval, the setae arrangedin double rows, and its shell-like, shiny, dense, metallic green scales. Eumyllocerus rotundicorpus sp. n. may be distinguished from any other Eumyllocerus species by its oval and inflated elytral shape, short stout metepisternum, small humeri, elytral setae shorter than 0.5 times the width of the second interval, the setae arranged in double rows, and its golden copper and pearl gray scales. The taxonomy of the genus is discussed. The two new species are described and habitus photographs and figures of diagnostic characters are provided. The type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (holotype and paratypes) and the Korean Entomological Institute, Korea University, Seoul, Korea (paratypes).  相似文献   

庞虹 《昆虫分类学报》1998,20(3):185-193
本文记述了中国隐胫瓢虫亚科Aspidimerinae3属34种,其中包括1亲记录属:拟隐胫瓢虫属Pseudaspidimerus;1新记录种:棕环拟隐胫瓢虫Pseudaspidimerus lombatus Hoang,1983和3新种:舌端隐势瓢虫Cryptogonus linguilatus,曲斑隐势瓢虫Cryptogonus fractemaculatus及短叶隐势瓢虫Cryptogonus  相似文献   

记述食植瓢虫属Epilachna Chevrolat3种中国新记录种及其2种幼虫形态,编制了该属中国已知幼虫类检索秀。新记录种和幼虫标本均保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

本文回顾了小基瓢虫属Diomus分类研究的历史沿革以及中国该属的研究简况,描述了小基瓢虫的分布情况及鉴别特征。对保存于华南农业大学、中国农业大学、中国科学院动物研究所、德国慕尼黑动物博物馆的一些标本及作者近年来采集的标本进行了研究,共鉴定出我国小基瓢虫属昆虫3种,其中包括2新种,即产于河北的长叶基瓢虫D.longilobus,sp.nov.和产于广东的膨囊基瓢虫D.tumefactus,sp.nov.,给出了种类检索表,每种都附以详细的特征图。新种模式标本存北京市农林科学院植保环保研究所  相似文献   

Abstract The ladybeetle, Delphastus catalinae (Horn), is one of the most commonly used predacious natural enemies being commercially reared for controlling whiteflies, including Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B (= B. argentifolii Bellows & Perring), on various ornamental and vegetable crops under greenhouse conditions. The development, survivorship, and fecundity of D. catalinae feeding on B. tabaci biotype B on collard plants were determined in the laboratory, and the age-specific life table parameters were analyzed based on the life history data. Developmental time was 4.0, 1.9, 1.1, 1.4, 5.2, and 5.3 days for eggs, first, second, third, fourth instars, and pupae, respectively, with an average of 18.9 days from oviposition to adult emergence for both sexes, 19.0 days for females, and 18.8 days for males. Adult longevities averaged 146.6 days for both sexes, 122.6 days for females, and 170.5 days for males. After an average 4.9 days preoviposition period, females laid a mean of 5.6 eggs per day over a 97.0-day period. Net reproductive rate ( R 0) and gross reproductive rate (ΣM mx ) were estimated by life table analysis at 276.8 and 325.1, respectively. Generation time (T) and doubling time (DT) were 35.6 and 4.8 days respectively, and the intrinsic rate of natural population increase ( rm ) was estimated at 0.158, or l = 1.171 for the finite rate of increase. The rm value of D. catalinae is similar to or higher than those of the whitefly feeding on most vegetable and ornamental crops, indicating that the ladybeetle is capable of regulating populations of B. tabaci biotype B and other whiteflies under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

记述食植瓢虫1新种:锤端食植瓢虫Epilachna malleforma sp.nov.,采自湖北省武当山南岩,模式标本存中国热带农业科学研究院植物保护研究所。  相似文献   

This paper describes a new species, Micropeplus dentatus, sp. nov., of the rove beetle subfamily Micropeplinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Zhejiang Province, China. The new species belongs to tesserula group of the genus Micropeplus and is characterized mainly by two discal costae on elytron and no punctures on dorsal surface, strong carina on vertex, strong pseudepipleura and its special genitalia. It is similar to Micropeplus sharpi Sawada from Japan. The type specimens are deposited at the Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

An understanding of the relative importance of extrinsic and intrinsic factors in determining the potential distribution and mating success of individuals is critical for the successful monitoring and management of pest species. Using a combination of field observations and a caged field experiment, we explored the roles of environmental and individual variation on the formation of mating aggregations and mating success in the buprestid beetle Capnodis tenebrionis (Linnaeus, 1767), a pest species of stone fruit trees. Our field observations revealed that the formation of aggregations is influenced by a range of environmental factors including temperature, photoperiod, and population density. However, aggregations were not at random and were more likely to occur on the section of the plant with highest incidence of solar radiation and thus higher temperatures. Data from our experiment with caged beetles in the field further indicate that the reproductive behavior of this species varies with temperature. The probability of a successful mating occurring was also positively related to both male and female size. Females of C. tenebrionis mate several times over a 4-h period, but generally not with the same male. Information obtained from these studies is useful to define the most appropriate time for pest control, especially adopting strategies that interfere with reproduction.  相似文献   

Presence of amino acid neurotransmitters gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate (Glu) in ant brains was reported in very few studies. To learn more about factors influencing GABA and Glu levels in ant brains, we applied high-performance liquid chromatography to measure levels of these compounds in single brains of workers of 2 ant species, Myrmica ruginodis (subfamily Myrmicinae) and Formica polyctena (subfamily Formicinae) taken from queenright/queenless colony fragments and tested in dyadic aggression tests consisting of an encounter with a nestrnate, an alien conspecific or a small cricket. Brain glutamate levels were higher than those of GABA in both tested species. Brain GABA levels (in μmol/brain) and GABA : Glu ratio were higher in M. ruginodis (a submissive species) than in E polyctena (a dominant, aggressive species) in spite of smaller brain weight of M. ruginodis. Brain glutamate levels (in μmol/brain) did not differ between the tested species, which implies that glutamate concentration (in μmol/mg of brain tissue) was higher in M. ruginodis. Queen absence was associated with increased worker brain GABA levels in E polyctena, but not in M. ruginodis. No significant effects of opponent type were discovered. As GABA agonists enhance friendly social behavior in rodents, we hypothesize that elevated brain GABA levels of orphaned workers of F.polyctena facilitate the adoption of a new queen. This is the first report providing information on GABA and glutamate levels in single ant brains and documenting the effects of queen presence/absence on brain levels of amino acid neurotransmitters in workers of social Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

温度和光周期对两种瓢虫捕食习性和发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]在农业上,气候变化影响作物产量、蚜虫动态以及捕食性瓢虫对蚜虫的调节作用.一些瓢虫为广布种,而另一些瓢虫种类却只在特定地理范围内分布,而有关气候因子如何影响瓢虫分布了解甚少.[方法]评价不同温度(15℃,20℃,25℃,30℃和35℃)和光周期(8L:16D,12L:12D和16L: 8D)对两种瓢虫[七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata (Linnaeus)(一种广布种)和狭臀瓢虫Coccinella transversalis Fabricius(一种东方/南亚瓢虫)]幼虫取食和利用豌豆蚜Acyrthosiphon pisum(Harris)的影响.[结果]尽管两种瓢虫的捕食作用和发育速率均在25℃时最高,但是随着日长的增加(即光周期从8L:16D增加到16L:8D)捕食作用进一步增强.与狭臀瓢虫相比,在所有温度和光周期下,七星瓢虫幼虫的取食量更高,生长和发育速率更快,其新羽化的成虫体重更重.非线性回归模型显示,七星瓢虫和狭臀瓢虫的最低发育温度分别为11℃和10.5℃左右,最高发育温度分别为41℃和43℃左右.狭臀瓢虫的幼虫捕食和发育速率对气候因子的依赖性强于七星瓢虫.[结论]本研究表明,广布种瓢虫对气候因子的敏感性比土著种瓢虫弱,因而可以广泛分布于不同的地理区域.因此,与土著种瓢虫相比,广布种瓢虫更适于作为生防因子.  相似文献   

The potential of four co-occurring ladybirds, Coccinella septempunctata (L.), Coccinella transversalis (F.), Cheilomenes sexmaculata (F.), and Propylea dissecta (Mulsant), as predators of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) was investigated. Larger ladybirds were more voracious while smaller ones had higher consumption indices and were more efficient converters of food.  相似文献   

Growth, development and reproduction of a ladybird beetle, Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius) were investigated in relation to seven aphid species, viz. Aphis craccivora Koch, Aphis gossypii Glover, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch), Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Uroleucon compositae (Theobald), Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) and Aphis nerii Boyer de Fonscolombe on specific hosts. Maximum prey consumption, percent larval survival, developmental rate, weight of different life stages, percent adult emergence, adult longevity and fecundity of C. sexmaculata were recorded on A. craccivora, and minimum on A. nerii. A linear relationship was found between development rate and weight of adult, daily prey consumption and relative growth rate, log weights of adult males and females, and female longevity and total fecundity. On the basis of overall performance of ladybird the order of suitability of prey species was A. craccivora>A. gossypii>R. maidis>M. persicae>U. compositae>L. erysimi>A. nerii.  相似文献   

【目的】印度次大陆是世界上最脆弱的地理景观。气候条件的略微变动可能对其季节周期可能产生不良影响,并引起农业生态系统中蚜虫的大暴发。七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata L.和狭臀瓢虫C.transversalis Fab.是该次大陆上广泛分布、同域发生的两种食蚜性瓢虫。【方法】设计异地试验,来探究同种和/或异种组合时的这两种瓢虫用共同的猎物资源(豌豆蚜)饲养时,对增加的温度(15,20,25,30和35℃)和光周期(8L∶16D,12L∶12D和16L∶8D)的响应。【结果】结果表明,在这5个不同温度和3个不同光周期条件下,同种或异种组合时这两种瓢虫表现出了拮抗作用。尽管表现出拮抗作用,但是同种或异种组合的两捕食动物在25℃和长光周期(16L∶8D)条件下消耗、转化和利用的猎物生物量最大。然而,它们的猎物消耗率、转化效率和生长速率在异种组合中最高。在5个不同温度下,4龄幼虫均更有效地利用猎物生物量,将其转变成自身生物量,而雌成虫在3个不同光周期条件下也是如此。【结论】因此可以推断,增加的温度和光周期条件可能不会阻止同种和异种组合中的瓢虫发生拮抗作用,但是在25℃和长光周期(16L∶8D)条件下,相互作用的瓢虫的猎物消耗量和利用率为最佳。  相似文献   

In the present study, stage- and age-specific predatory patterns and nutritional ecology attributes of four co-occurring aphidophagous ladybirds, namely, Coccinella septempunctata (L.), Coccinella transversalis F., Cheilomenes sexmaculata (F.) and Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) on pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) were investigated. Despite their lower consumption rates, smaller ladybirds (C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta) and earlier instars were efficient converters of aphid prey with higher relative growth rates, over the respective larger ladybirds (C. septempunctata and C. transversalis) and fourth instars. The consumption rates of pea aphids by the larvae increased with stage, but with a decline in the later part of the fourth instars, just prior to pupation. Adult females of early age groups (between 2 and 7 days) had higher consumption rates than later age groups in all the four species. Further in adult females, consumption rates decrease with increase in age, but without significant changes in conversion efficiencies and relative growth rates.  相似文献   

Abstract Ovarian development and oviposition dynamics of two species of lady beetle, Coccinella septempunctata L. and C. transversoguttata richardsoni Brown, are examined in laboratory experiments in which pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) are provided ad libitum and then removed. Both species respond to prey removal by stabilizing at lower body weights, and by laying progressively fewer and smaller eggs of reduced viability, until oviposition ceases altogether after several days of starvation. Dissections of females after prey removal reveal similar patterns of oosorption in both species. However, C. septempunctata reduces oviposition more rapidly after prey removal than does C. transversoguttata. When prey are again provided, C. septempunctata soon lay as many eggs as previously but C. transversoguttata lay fewer. Females, especially of C. septempunctata, that stop producing and resorb eggs in the absence of prey lay more eggs subsequently than do females that feed continually on prey provided ad libitum and lay eggs throughout the experiment. Thus, although both species are responsive to a rapid change in prey availability, C. septempunctata appears to be especially responsive. Rapid responses to changes in prey availability may contribute to the greater abundance and reproductive success of this introduced species relative to the native C. transversoguttata in western North American alfalfa fields that exhibit widely varying pea aphid densities. However, both species engage in oosorption as a means of reserving resources under poor prey conditions and enhancing future reproductive effort when prey conditions improve.  相似文献   

Complete and diel ovipositional rhythms have been observed in three aphidophagous ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus, Coccinella transversalis Fabricius and Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) for the first time. The complete ovipositional rhythm could be described in terms of a polynomial curve and daily fluctuations in all three species. In the diel cycle, all three ladybird species oviposited significantly in the scotophase. C. septempunctata females preferred to oviposit at the end of scotophase in the early morning hours (0300-0700), P. dissecta laid most eggs in the middle of scotophase during the night (2100-2300), and C. transversalis laid most at the beginning of the scotophase at dusk (1700-1900). While the diel ovipositional rhythm of C. septempunctata and P. dissecta did not differ between days, that of C. transversalis changed dramatically; there was a single peak on the first and second day of observation, and four oviposition peaks on the fifth day with the peaks being situated in the two hours preceding and succeeding the onset and end of the scotophase. Diel rhythms of C. septempunctata and P. dissecta appear to be endogenous in nature while that of C. transversalis is partly modified by exogenous factors.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study investigated prey consumption, egg production, percent progeny loss, reproductive, pre- and post-reproductive periods, reproductive time ratio, reproductive rate and bioconversion efficiency of four aphidophagous ladybirds, viz. Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius), Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus, Coccinella transversalis Fabricius and Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) on Dolichos lablab Linnaeus infested with cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch. C. sexmaculata had the highest bioconversion efficiency, reproductive rate and reproductive time ratio followed in rank order by P. dissecta , C. transversalis and C. septempunctata . This study indicates that C. sexmaculata has a narrow ecological relationship with A. craccivora . The increased allocation of resources to reproduction as indicated through a high reproductive time ratio and high bioconversion efficiency of C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta suggest that they may be better adapted to compete for this prey with larger species like C. transversalis and C. septempunctata .  相似文献   

The effect of both male and female age was investigated on certain reproductive attributes, viz. mating incidence, mating duration, fecundity, percent egg viability, ratio of reproductive and non‐reproductive periods and reproductive rate, of an aphidophagous ladybird, Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius). Females started mating at the age of 8 hours post‐emergence (PE) and males at the age of 2 days PE. Mating in the laboratory was a male‐dominated phenomenon. The mating duration and reproductive rate of 10‐day‐old females when mated with males of varying ages increased up to the male age of 60 days, and thereafter decreased, whereas, fecundity, egg viability and ratio of reproductive and non‐reproductive periods increased up to the male age of 50 days, and thereafter declined. However, when females of varying ages were mated with 10‐day‐old males, fecundity and reproductive rate increased up to 40 days of female age, respectively, then decreased. The ratio of reproductive and non‐reproductive periods increased with increasing age of females. Mating age for optimal reproductive output was 10J50‐day‐old males and NE to 40‐day‐old females. Reproductive cessation in males was recorded after 50 days PE, whereas in females at the age of 40 days PE. Higher mating durations lead to elevated reproductive rates. Delay in the reproductive phase was positively correlated with longevity. The results of this study may aid mass multiplication of this ladybird by identifying and promoting usage of adults of optimal age. Our results also enhance our understanding of the effect of age on reproductive attributes in ladybirds.  相似文献   

An artificial diet was developed for continuous maintenance of ladybird beetle (Coccinella septempunctata) adults. This beetle is an important biocontrol agent for greenhouse crops. Several biological parameters were measured and compared between colonies fed the artificial diet over eight successive generations, and colonies fed aphids. Weight, survival rates from 1st to 4th instar, pupation rate, and emergence rate were similar for both colonies, but the sex ratio (♀:♂) of the artificial diet-fed colony was higher than that of the aphid-fed colony. These results suggest that this artificial diet could meet the basic needs for the successive rearing of C. septempunctata adults. The prepared diet, which is semi-solid, provides suitable moisture for C. septempunctata, and the diet ingredients are inexpensive and relatively easy to prepare. This diet and rearing technique offers a very useful approach for mass production of C. septempunctata.  相似文献   

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