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Strain differences in delay discounting using inbred rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A heightened aversion to delayed rewards is associated with substance abuse and numerous other neuropsychiatric disorders. Many of these disorders are heritable, raising the possibility that delay aversion may also have a significant genetic or heritable component. To examine this possibility, we compared delay discounting in six inbred strains of rats (Brown Norway, Copenhagen, Lewis, Fischer, Noble and Wistar Furth) using the adjusting amount procedure, which provides a measure of the subjective value of delayed rewards. The subjective value of rewards decreased as the delay to receipt increased for all strains. However, a main effect of strain and a strain × delay interaction indicated that some strains were more sensitive to the imposition of delays than others. Fitting a hyperbolic discount equation showed significant strain differences in sensitivity to delay ( k ). These data indicate that there are significant strain differences in delay discounting. All strains strongly preferred the 10% sucrose solution (the reinforcer in the delay discounting task) over water and the amount of sucrose consumed was correlated with sensitivity to delay. Locomotor activity was not correlated with delay discounting behavior. Additional research will be required to disentangle genetic influences from maternal effects and to determine how these factors influence the underlying association between heightened delay discounting and neuropsychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Delay discounting is steeper for individuals who drink heavily or are alcohol dependent, but the reasons for this are unclear. Given the substantial genetic component for alcohol dependence it is not unreasonable to ask whether discounting and alcohol dependence have a genetic relationship. For there to be a genetic relationship, delay discounting must have a genetic component (heritability). A review of the human and animal literature suggests that this is the case. Other literature examining whether discounting is a correlated phenotype in individuals who are genetically predisposed to drink (family history positive individuals and selected lines of rats and mice) is mixed, suggesting that networks of genes are critical for the relationship to be seen. The identities of the genes in this network are not yet known, but research examining polymorphisms associated with differences in discounting is beginning to address this issue.  相似文献   

Human discounting studies have frequently observed hyperbolic discounting of rewards that are delayed or probabilistic. However, no studies have systematically combined delay and probability in a single discounting procedure. Indifference points of hypothetical money rewards that are both delayed and probabilistic were determined. Probabilities were converted into comparable delays according to the h/k constant of proportionality determined by , and discounting rates were calculated. These data provided a very good fit to the hyperbolic model of discounting, suggesting that delay and probability can be combined into a single metric in studies of discounting. The inclusion of a magnitude condition found the Magnitude Effect commonly found in studies of temporal discounting. A temporal resolution of uncertainty condition found no effect. The present paper offers a novel statistical method, within an established framework, for the analysis of data from studies of discounting that combine delay and probability.  相似文献   

Individuals with ADHD often display an altered response to delay. To date, assessment of this has typically involved neuropsychological testing-however, such tests are designed specifically for children and may not be suitable for adults. They are also relatively time-consuming and expensive. In the current paper, we describe the initial validation of a short questionnaire to assess delay-related behaviour in adults. The Quick Delay Questionnaire (QDQ) is a 10-item scale. The questionnaire was administered to 575 participants from the normal population (ranging in age from 18 to 77 years). Forty of the original sample were selected at random and tested 1 week later. Data on ADHD, anxiety and depression were also collected. There were two five-item scales-(1) delay aversion; and (2) delay discounting. These had internal consistency and had good reliability. Subscales were differentially associated with ADHD, anxiety and depression. The QDQ is a potentially valuable way of assessing response to delay in adults. Further work is required to validate the scale against direct observation and neuropsychological assessment in clinically ascertained samples.  相似文献   

A new experiential discounting task (EDT) is presented. Unlike existing question-based measures of delay discounting, which rely on imagined consequences during task completion, this EDT requires that participants experience choice consequences (i.e. delays and pseudo consumatory responses) during the measurement period. As a preliminary examination of this task's sensitivity to variability in discounting, 12 participants (six females) completed a timing test (production and reproduction), a question-based measure of delay discounting, and the EDT during non-sleep-deprived (awake 7 h) and sleep-deprived (awake 21 h) conditions. Based on evidence that sleep deprivation increases impulsive behavior, it was hypothesized that participants would underrepresent time intervals in both production and reproduction procedures and discount significantly more with the discounting procedures while sleep deprived. Unfortunately, data from the question-based discounting procedure could not be reported due to invalid task completion. However, as hypothesized, certain production and reproduction intervals were underrepresented on the timing test, and discounting was significantly steeper on the EDT when participants were sleep deprived. Also, rate of discounting on the EDT was better characterized by a hyperbolic function than by exponential function, which is consistent with previous delay-discounting research. These preliminary results suggest this EDT may be a useful measure for assessing state changes in discounting processes.  相似文献   

Delay discounting (DD) and delay of gratification (DG) are two measures of impulsive behavior often viewed as reflecting the same or equivalent processes. However, there are some key differences in the contingencies of reinforcement between the procedures that may have implications for understanding impulsivity. This study used DD and DG procedures to determine if differences in contingencies of reinforcement specified by DD and DG alters how much organisms discount the value of delayed reinforcers. Twenty-four water-deprived rats performed one of two Adjusting Amount procedures, which consisted of repeated choices between a fixed amount of water (250 &mgr;l) delivered after a delay (0, 4, 8, 16, or 32 s) and an adjusting, usually lesser amount delivered immediately. Half of the rats (n=12) performed a DD procedure designed to assess preference for immediate over delayed reinforcers in which they had discrete choices between the immediate and delayed amounts of water. A DG procedure was used for the other half of the rats (n=12). In the DG procedure rats also selected between immediate and delayed alternatives, but if they chose the delayed alternative they could switch to and receive the immediate alternative at any time during the delay to the larger reward. In the DD procedure switching responses were not reinforced but were still recorded and used for analyses. The DD functions of the two groups did not differ significantly. However, at the longer delays, the DG group made significantly fewer switching responses than the DD group. A possible role of response inhibition in the DG procedure is discussed.  相似文献   

DELAY DISCOUNTING IN HUMANS WAS INVESTIGATED USING THREE DIFFERENT PROCEDURES: a frequently used discounting procedure with hypothetical rewards and delays; a procedure with hypothetical rewards and delays compressed down to much smaller values; and a contingent procedure in which each choice had a direct consequence. In the contingent procedure, on every trial, participants actually experienced the delay and obtained the reward amount associated with their choice. Each participant was exposed to all three procedures. Orderly temporal discounting patterns were obtained in all three procedures and described well by a hyperbolic model. Comparisons of the data revealed patterns unique to each procedure. The distributions of the discounting measures differed across the three procedures. In the contingent procedure, several subjects showed no discounting, e.g. complete self-control. Procedural factors in studies of impulsivity are discussed, and suggestions are offered for experiments in which the contingent-discounting procedure may prove useful.  相似文献   

Adult undergraduate men (n=38) and women (n=33) were categorized as erotica "users" (n=34) and "non-users" (n=37) based on their responses to screening questions and completed computerized delay and probability discounting tasks concerning hypothetical money and erotica. Erotica users discounted the value of erotica similarly to money on three of the four erotica tasks; erotica non-users discounted the value of money consistent with erotica users, but not the value of erotica. Erotica users were disproportionately male, scored higher on several psychometric measures of sexuality-related constructs, and exhibited more impulsive choice patterns on the delay discounting for money task than erotica non-users did. These findings suggest that discounting processes generalize to erotic outcomes for some individuals.  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution of response bias to measures of delay discounting in Long-Evans rats (n = 8) using the adjusting amount procedure. Under this procedure, we assessed preference for 150 μl of 10% sucrose solution delivered following a delay over a variable-amount alternative delivered immediately. Bias was calculated based on relative preference when reinforcers were delivered immediately from both alternatives. We extended this assessment procedure to examine preference when rewards from both alternatives were equally delayed (2, 4, 8, or 16 s) in addition to assessing a traditional delay discounting function. Relative preference was similar across delays and slightly larger than 150 μl. These results indicate that response bias was stable and suggests a relative aversion for the adjusting alternative, which may be due to the variability in reward size associated with that alternative.  相似文献   

Procedural variants in estimating delay discounting (DD) have been shown to yield significant differences in estimated degree of DD as well as variations in individual patterns of choice. For example, a recent study found significantly different degrees of DD between groups assessed using either an ascending or descending order of presentation of the immediately available rewards. The purpose of this study was to test for within-subject effects of order of presentation of the immediate rewards in a DD task. In a single session, college students (N = 29) were asked to complete two DD tasks, one with the immediate rewards presented in ascending order and one in descending order. Consistent with previous results, significantly larger mean area under the discounting curve (AUC) was observed when the descending sequence was used compared to the ascending order of presentation; and the correlation between both measurements was moderate. These results suggest that some DD assessment tasks may be sensitive to contextual variables such as order and range of the reward and delay values.  相似文献   

The present study used the discounting procedure to characterize choice behaviors regarding hypothetical sexual outcomes. Eighty-six adult undergraduate students completed computerized delay and probability discounting tasks concerning hypothetical money and hypothetical sexual activity. Consistent with other discounting findings, hyperbolic and hyperbola-like decay models described individual and group median indifference point data well. These findings contribute to a growing literature on the relevance of the discounting procedure to decision-making processes and suggest that the discounting procedure may be useful for understanding the processes that underlie social problem behaviors associated with impulsive sexual decisions.  相似文献   

Yu R 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e32595
A preference for immediate gratification is a central feature in addictive processes. However, the neural structures underlying reward delay tolerance are still unclear. Healthy participants (n = 121) completed a delay discounting questionnaire assessing the extent to which they prefer smaller immediate rewards to larger delayed reward after undergoing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning. Whole brain voxel-based morphometric analysis shows that delay discounting severity was negatively correlated with right prefrontal subgyral white matter volume and positively correlated with white matter volume in parahippocampus/hippocampus, after whole brain correction. This study might better our understanding of the neural basis of impulsivity and addiction.  相似文献   

Frith CD  Frith U 《Neuron》2006,50(4):531-534
Mentalizing refers to our ability to read the mental states of other agents and engages many neural processes. The brain's mirror system allows us to share the emotions of others. Through perspective taking, we can infer what a person currently believes about the world given their point of view. Finally, the human brain has the unique ability to represent the mental states of the self and the other and the relationship between these mental states, making possible the communication of ideas.  相似文献   

The neural basis of birdsong   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Songbirds represent an excellent model system for understanding the neural mechanisms underlying learning.  相似文献   

Peter Hervik 《Ethnos》2013,78(2):247-267
This article looks at the contestation of foreign presence in Denmark from the perspective of popular consciousness. I infer the cultural world of Danish host and non-Danish guests from a pool of 55 in-depth interviews about multicultural issues. In this culturally figured world the guests are constructed as widely different cultural bearers who refuse to downplay their cultural markers, therefore upsetting the guests. According to this reasoning, the racial outburst of the hosts is caused solely by the unruly guests. Blaming the guests for creating racist responses, I contend, can best be understood as a naturalization of racism. This denial of racism in the popular sphere builds on the same culturalist construction of unbridgeable differences between a ‘we-group’ of ‘alike’ (or invisible) Danes and a visible ‘out group’ that dominates both popular and political understandings of immigrants and refugees in Denmark in the end of the 1990s.  相似文献   

Learning by following explicit advice is fundamental for human cultural evolution, yet the neurobiology of adaptive social learning is largely unknown. Here, we used simulations to analyze the adaptive value of social learning mechanisms, computational modeling of behavioral data to describe cognitive mechanisms involved in social learning, and model-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to identify the neurobiological basis of following advice. One-time advice received before learning had a sustained influence on people's learning processes. This was best explained by social learning mechanisms implementing a more positive evaluation of the outcomes from recommended options. Computer simulations showed that this "outcome-bonus" accumulates more rewards than an alternative mechanism implementing higher initial reward expectation for recommended options. fMRI results revealed a neural outcome-bonus signal in the septal area and the left caudate. This neural signal coded rewards in the absence of advice, and crucially, it signaled greater positive rewards for positive and negative feedback after recommended rather than after non-recommended choices. Hence, our results indicate that following advice is intrinsically rewarding. A positive correlation between the model's outcome-bonus parameter and amygdala activity after positive feedback directly relates the computational model to brain activity. These results advance the understanding of social learning by providing a neurobiological account for adaptive learning from advice.  相似文献   

The neural basis of perceptual learning   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Gilbert CD  Sigman M  Crist RE 《Neuron》2001,31(5):681-697
Perceptual learning is a lifelong process. We begin by encoding information about the basic structure of the natural world and continue to assimilate information about specific patterns with which we become familiar. The specificity of the learning suggests that all areas of the cerebral cortex are plastic and can represent various aspects of learned information. The neural substrate of perceptual learning relates to the nature of the neural code itself, including changes in cortical maps, in the temporal characteristics of neuronal responses, and in modulation of contextual influences. Top-down control of these representations suggests that learning involves an interaction between multiple cortical areas.  相似文献   

Humans can recognize an object within a fraction of a second, even if there are no clues about what kind of object it might be. Recent findings have identified functional properties of extrastriate regions in the ventral visual pathway that are involved in the representation and perception of objects and faces. The functional properties of these regions, and the correlation between the activation of these regions and visual recognition, indicate that the lateral and ventral occipito-temporal areas are important in perceiving and recognizing objects and faces.  相似文献   

Ability in various cognitive domains is often assessed by measuring task performance, such as the accuracy of a perceptual categorization. A similar analysis can be applied to metacognitive reports about a task to quantify the degree to which an individual is aware of his or her success or failure. Here, we review the psychological and neural underpinnings of metacognitive accuracy, drawing on research in memory and decision-making. These data show that metacognitive accuracy is dissociable from task performance and varies across individuals. Convergent evidence indicates that the function of the rostral and dorsal aspect of the lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) is important for the accuracy of retrospective judgements of performance. In contrast, prospective judgements of performance may depend upon medial PFC. We close with a discussion of how metacognitive processes relate to concepts of cognitive control, and propose a neural synthesis in which dorsolateral and anterior prefrontal cortical subregions interact with interoceptive cortices (cingulate and insula) to promote accurate judgements of performance.  相似文献   

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