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Anecdotal evidence abounds that conflicts between two individuals can spread across networks to involve a multitude of others. We advance a cultural transmission model of intergroup conflict where conflict contagion is seen as a consequence of universal human traits (ingroup preference, outgroup hostility; i.e. parochial altruism) which give their strongest expression in particular cultural contexts. Qualitative interviews conducted in the Middle East, USA and Canada suggest that parochial altruism processes vary across cultural groups and are most likely to occur in collectivistic cultural contexts that have high ingroup loyalty. Implications for future neuroscience and computational research needed to understand the emergence of intergroup conflict are discussed.  相似文献   

Lactation constitutes a major focus for research in international health because of its dramatic impact on child survival; evolutionary biology has investigated lactation as an important aspect of parenting strategy, with implications for understanding parent-offspring conflict. These perspectives are brought together in an attempt to develop integrated models for an issue of key international health concern: the duration of exclusive breast-feeding and the timing of weaning. This analysis highlights the relevance of evolutionary theory for practical problems in public health, and it suggests the utility of public health outcomes for addressing evolutionary questions. Thomas McDade received his Ph.D. degree in anthropology from Emory University in 1999 and is currently an assistant professor in the anthropology department at Northwestern University. His research interests include biocultural perspectives on issues related to health and human development, with current attention focused on the cultural and evolutionary ecology of human immune function.  相似文献   

In connection with the author's previous studies on the effects of imitation in social behavior it is shown how, owing to such effects, two societies which are both characterized by the same distribution functions for different abilities and tastes may differ very greatly in their respective outputs of scientific and inventive work. The course of development which occurs in a given society may be determined by purely accidental initial conditions. A theory of quantitative relations between some cultural and socioeconomic quantities is suggested.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict occurs when the evolutionary interests of the sexes differ and it broadly applies to decisions over mating, fertilization and parental investment. Recently, a narrower view of sexual conflict has emerged in which direct selection on females to avoid male-imposed costs during mating is considered the distinguishing feature of conflict, while indirect selection is considered negligible. In this view, intersexual selection via sensory bias is seen as the most relevant mechanism by which male traits that harm females evolve, with antagonistic coevolution between female preferences and male manipulation following. Under this narrower framework, female preference and resistance have been synonymized because both result in a mating bias, and similarly male display and coercion are not distinguished. Our recent work on genital evolution in waterfowl has highlighted problems with this approach. In waterfowl, preference and resistance are distinct components of female phenotype, and display and coercion are independent male strategies. Female preference for male displays result in mate choice, while forced copulations by unpreferred males result in resistance to prevent these males from achieving matings and fertilizations. Genital elaborations in female waterfowl appear to function in reinforcing female preference to maintain the indirect benefits of choice rather than to reduce the direct costs of coercive mating. We propose a return to a broader view of conflict where indirect selection and intrasexual selection are considered important in the evolution of conflict.  相似文献   

All organisms face two fundamental trade-offs in the allocation of energetic resources: one between many small versus a few large offspring, and the second between present and future reproduction. Nowhere are these trade-offs more apparent than in the vast range of variation in the sizes of eggs and offspring exhibited among species of marine invertebrates. It has become increasingly clear that, in many taxa of marine organisms, there is also substantial intraspecific variation in the size of eggs and hatchings. This variation has largely been attributed to adaptive maternal effects. In theory, however, the inevitable conflicts of interest that arise in families of sexually reproducing organisms over the optimal distribution of parental resources among siblings could also account for much of this variation in egg and offspring size. Here, we explore the potential impacts of family conflict on offspring traits by comparing the life histories of two exemplar species of marine organisms, the polychaete Boccardia proboscidea and the gastropod Solenosteira macrospira, emphasizing how differences in modes of fertilization and parental care might influence the phenotype and, consequently, the fitness of offspring.  相似文献   

Evans MJ 《Nature medicine》2001,7(10):1081-1083

The evolution of molecular biology into systems biology   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Systems analysis has historically been performed in many areas of biology, including ecology, developmental biology and immunology. More recently, the genomics revolution has catapulted molecular biology into the realm of systems biology. In unicellular organisms and well-defined cell lines of higher organisms, systems approaches are making definitive strides toward scientific understanding and biotechnological applications. We argue here that two distinct lines of inquiry in molecular biology have converged to form contemporary systems biology.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict is a fundamentally important aspect of male–female interactions. In this opinion piece, we emphasize two approaches that warrant significantly greater attention. First, we review the importance of understanding the ‘economics’ (costs and benefits) of sexual interactions and note surprisingly large, unrecognized gaps in our knowledge. Second, we highlight the novel obstacles and opportunities afforded by the dependence of sexually antagonistic (SA) selection on both the local environment and condition of the interacting individuals. We conclude that more research in these two areas is essential to fully understand the evolution of SA interactions and will provide significant new insights into the extent to which coevolution of the sexes is shaped by conflict. We argue that these approaches, although not new to the field, are undervalued and under-represented.  相似文献   

Inter-locus sexual conflict occurs by definition when there is sexually antagonistic selection on a trait so that the optimal trait value differs between the sexes. As a result, there is selection on each sex to manipulate the trait towards its own optimum and resist such manipulation by the other sex. Sexual conflict often leads additionally to the evolution of harmful behaviour and to self-reinforcing and even perpetual sexually antagonistic coevolution. In an attempt to understand the determinants of these different outcomes, I compare two groups of traits-those related to parental investment (PI) and to mating-over which there is sexual conflict, but which have to date been explored by largely separate research traditions. A brief review suggests that sexual conflict over PI, particularly over PI per offspring, leads less frequently to the evolution of manipulative behaviour, and rarely to the evolution of harmful behaviour or to the rapid evolutionary changes which may be symptomatic of sexually antagonistic coevolution. The chief determinants of the evolutionary outcome of sexual conflict are the benefits of manipulation and resistance, the costs of manipulation and resistance, and the feasibility of manipulation. All three of these appear to contribute to the differences in the evolutionary outcome of conflicts over PI and mating. A detailed dissection of the evolutionary changes following from sexual conflict exposes greater complexity than a simple adaptation-counter-adaptation cycle and clarifies the role of harm. Not all of the evolutionary changes that follow from sexual conflict are sexually antagonistic, and harm is not necessary for sexually antagonistic coevolution to occur. In particular, whereas selection on the trait over which there is conflict is by definition sexually antagonistic, collateral harm is usually in the interest of neither sex. This creates the opportunity for palliative adaptations which reduce collateral harm. Failure to recognize that such adaptations are in the interest of both sexes can hinder our understanding of the evolutionary outcome of sexual conflict.  相似文献   

The biology of endotoxin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) is the major component of the outer leaflet of Gram-negative bacteria and has profound immunostimulatory and inflammatory capacity. The septic shock syndrome caused by endotoxin still has an unacceptably high mortality rate and, owing to increasing numbers of resistant strains, remains an ongoing threat throughout the world. However, the past years have provided new insights especially into the receptors of the innate immune system that are involved into the recognition of LPS and the initial signal transduction pathways that are engaged after the primary recognition on the cell surface. The knowledge about the molecular basis for the responses to endotoxin may eventually lead to the development of new drugs to fight the fatal effects of bacterial infections.  相似文献   

The twentieth century has witnessed a geometrization of physics, that is, a reduction of the basic concepts of physics to geometric concepts. The topological approach to biology, recently proposed and to some extent developed by the author, is a small step in the direction of geometrization of biology, but is unable to achieve the main purpose of such a geometrization of biology, namely, the reduction to geometric concepts of such purely biological concepts as ingestion, digestion, assimilation, etc. To achieve this purpose we must find geometric structures or spaces, in which different geometric properties stand to each other in the same formal logical relation, as the different concepts of biology stand to each other. If this were possible, then a set of geometric theorems could be “translated” by an appropriate “glossary” into a set of biological laws. While not offering a solution to this problem, the present paper illustrates the possibility of such an approach on several examples. Certain new types of topological spaces are introduced, which are used for illustration purposes only. It is shown, however, how from a theorem about such spaces a verifiable biological prediction could be made, if these spaces were to be taken seriously. A possible application to biology of E. Artin's theory of braids is outlined.  相似文献   

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