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Studies of sexual dimorphism have traditionally focused on the static differences in size and shape between adult males and females. In this paper, I suggest that an investigation of the ontogenetic bases of sexual dimorphism can provide new insights and information unobtainable from studies concerned only with adult endpoints. While growth is often viewed as simply the developmental pathway utilized to attain final adult size and shape, we must recognize that it is the entire pattern of sex-differentiated growth, and not merely the adult endpoints, which is adaptive and the target of natural selection. The importance of an ontogenetic approach to the analysis of sexual dimorphism is also demonstrated by the fact that a given morphologicalresult (e.g., a certain degree of adult weight dimorphism) may be attained by very different developmentalprocesses, signalling selection for quite different factors. The need to analyze the ontogenetic bases of sexual dimorphism in size and shape has recently been recognized by Jarman, in his study of dimorphism in large terrestrial herbivores. Here I combine aspects of Jarman’s approach with those of allometry and heterochrony in an analysis of sexual dimorphism in selected anthropoid primates. It is demonstrated that although all dimorphic anthropoids appear to be characterized by somebimaturism, the degree varies significantly. Marked weight dimorphism in certain species is primarily produced by an increased differentiation of female and male growthrates, while in other species the primary change involves differences in thetime or duration of growth between the sexes. These variations are illustrated with anthropoid genera such asMiopithecus, Cercopithecus, Erythrocebus, Macaca, Papio, Pan, andGorilla. It is suggested that additional ontogenetic investigations of other anthropoids will help clarify some of the socioecological bases of this variation in the ways of attaining an adult dimorphic state. This will contribute to our understanding of the complex factors underlying and producing sexual dimorphism in primates and other mammals.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is expressed as median of the female values in percent of the median of the male values, of 4 length measurements, 3 circumferences, and 5 measurements of corpulence respectively fat. Data were obtained from a cross-sectional sample of more than 41.000 German subjects, aged from birth to age 62. The pattern of sexual dimorphism is similar in the length measurements. Girls are shorter at birth, but they increase in length at higher rates than boys and even temporarily overgrow the boys up to age 12. Thereafter, males show an obvious growth advantage leading to some 6 to 9% more length in adult males. In contrast, female circumferences are always smaller, from birth to senescence. Though, the differences between the sexes are low in circumferences, up to age 13, sexual dimorphism increases to 17% in the thoracic circumference at adulthood. Sexual dimorphism in weight and BMI is comparably with that in length measurements while subcutaneous fat and total body fat content are always higher in females. The results highlight that sexual dimorphism develops at different pace in the various components of the body and that it associates with a sex specific growth tempo.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is widespread in animals, especially in lizards (Reptilia: Squamata), and is driven by fecundity selection, male–male competition, or other adaptive hypotheses. However, these selective pressures may vary through different life history periods; thus, it is essential to assess the relationship between growth and SSD. In this study, we tracked SSD dynamics between a “fading‐tail color skink” (blue tail skink whose tail is only blue during its juvenile stage: Plestiodon elegans) and a “nonfade color” tail skink (retains a blue tail throughout life: Plestiodon quadrilineatus) under a controlled experimental environment. We fitted growth curves of morphological traits (body mass, SVL, and TL) using three growth models (Logistic, Gompertz, and von Bertalanffy). We found that both skinks have male‐biased SSD as adults. Body mass has a higher goodness of fit (as represented by very high R2 values) using the von Bertalanffy model than the other two models. In contrast, SVL and TL for both skinks had higher goodness of fit when using the Gompertz model. Two lizards displayed divergent life history tactics: P. elegans grows faster, matures earlier (at 65 weeks), and presents an allometric growth rate, whereas P. quadrilineatus grows slower, matures later (at 106 weeks), and presents an isometric growth rate. Our findings imply that species‐ and sex‐specific trade‐offs in the allocation of energy to growth and reproduction may cause the growth patterns to diverge, ultimately resulting in the dissimilar patterns of SSD.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is widespread among diverse animal taxa and has attracted the attention of evolutionary biologists for over a century. SSD is likely to be adaptive and the result of divergent selection on different size optima for males and females, given their different roles in reproduction. The developmental trajectory leading to SSD may help us to understand how selection acts on male and female size. Here, we describe the growth and development of two Australian praying mantids, Pseudomantis albofimbriata and Hierodula majuscula including the number of moults, time to adulthood, size at each moult, and the degree of SSD. While both species exhibit the common pattern of female-biased SSD, the number of moults required for individuals to reach adulthood differed between males and females and between species. Despite their larger adult size, P. albofimbriata females require fewer moults and less time than males to reach adulthood, but are significantly larger than males from the second instar onwards. In contrast, H. majuscula males reached adulthood in fewer moults, and less time than females, however males and females did not differ in size until females went through their final moult into adulthood. H. majuscula also required more time and more moults to reach adulthood than 17. albofimbriata. We discuss these different developmental pathways in light of the existing knowledge of reproductive biology for each species. We also suggest that these differences may relate to the different phenologies that occur in strongly seasonal temperate environments compared with those in the tropics. This study provides evidence that SSD can result from two different patterns of growth and development in closely related species.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic chromosomes segregate by attaching to microtubules of the mitotic spindle through a chromosomal microtubule binding site called the kinetochore. Kinetochores assemble on a specialized chromosomal locus termed the centromere, which is characterized by the replacement of histone H3 in centromeric nucleosomes with the essential histone H3 variant CENP-A (centromere protein A). Understanding how CENP-A chromatin is assembled and maintained is central to understanding chromosome segregation mechanisms. CENP-A nucleosome assembly requires the Mis18 complex and the CENP-A chaperone HJURP. These factors localize to centromeres in telophase/G1, when new CENP-A chromatin is assembled. The mechanisms that control their targeting are unknown. In this paper, we identify a mechanism for recruiting the Mis18 complex protein M18BP1 to centromeres. We show that depletion of CENP-C prevents M18BP1 targeting to metaphase centromeres and inhibits CENP-A chromatin assembly. We find that M18BP1 directly binds CENP-C through conserved domains in the CENP-C protein. Thus, CENP-C provides a link between existing CENP-A chromatin and the proteins required for new CENP-A nucleosome assembly.  相似文献   

本文对中国现代人群的两性身高差异分布状况及其影响因素进行了分析。选用152处中国现代人群(含69处汉族人群和83处少数民族人群)的男、女性身高数据,计算两性身高差异指数,并对比该指数在南、北方汉族和少数民族人群间的分布差异,同时分析纬度、气候、体格大小与城乡环境因素对两性身高差异程度的影响。结果表明,中国男性的平均身高比女性高出约7.16%(4.72%~9.26%);南、北方汉族和少数民族之间的两性身高差异程度相似,北方汉族和南方汉族两性身高差异程度相似,但北方少数民族的两性身高差异明显大于南方少数民族。此外,两性身高差异程度与纬度、气温年较差和年均风速呈低度线性正相关,与年均气温、年均降水量和年均相对湿度呈低度线性负相关,而与体格大小和城乡环境并无显著关联。这提示遗传和自然环境因素在中国现代人群两性身高差异的区域化演变中更趋主导性,而社会环境因素的影响程度相对较低。  相似文献   

Patterns, such as bars and spots, are common in birds. Some patterns can function in camouflage and/or communication and can benefit both males and females, paving the way for elaboration in sexual dimorphism. Historically, sexual dichromatism was predominantly considered to be a consequence of mating systems. However, the distribution of traits between the sexes is not always indicative of function; genetic correlation may cause traits to evolve in both sexes and traits may serve a social function in males and/or females. In addition, sexual dichromatism in bird plumage patterns can be composed of multiple types of patterns within and/or between the sexes. Therefore, there can be more than one type of dimorphism and some are more elaborate than others. Under classical models of genetic correlation, patterns evolve in both sexes followed by a loss of patterning in one sex. Elaborate types of sexual dimorphism in plumage patterns may be due to selection acting on existing patterns and are perhaps derived. Waterfowl (Anseriformes) and gamebirds (Galliformes) arguably have the most striking plumage patterns. Using 288 species from these orders I reconstructed the evolutionary history of plumage pattern dimorphism. There was little support for genetic correlation but elaborate types of dimorphism are probably derived. Backward and forward evolutionary transitions between different types of dimorphism can occur by loss or elaboration. These results demonstrate that plumage patterns are evolutionary labile and current forms may represent shifting adaptations to a changing environment. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 262–273.  相似文献   

Adult craniofacial morphology is quantified and compared using Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA), a three-dimensional morphometric method for the comparison of forms, which localizes form differences between comparative groups. Results indicate that the number and magnitude of differences between male and female crania are striking. The face, basicranium and neurocranium exhibit the most dimorphism, while the palate shows the least. Significant differences also exist between young adult and fully adult individuals, especially males, supporting the delayed onset of sexual maturity and secondary sex characteristics in males. As one of the many new morphometric techniques available, EDMA was useful for identifying local form difference and provides insights into the understanding of sexual dimorphism in this species beyond that obtained from traditional statistical methods based on linear caliper measurements.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is responsible for a substantial part of human facial variability, the study of which is essential for many scientific fields ranging from evolution to special biomedical topics. Our aim was to analyse the relationship between size variability and shape facial variability of sexual traits in the young adult Central European population and to construct average surface models of adult males and females. The method of geometric morphometrics allowed not only the identification of dimorphic traits, but also the evaluation of static allometry and the visualisation of sexual facial differences.Facial variability in the studied sample was characterised by a strong relationship between facial size and shape of sexual dimorphic traits. Large size of face was associated with facial elongation and vice versa. Regarding shape sexual dimorphic traits, a wide, vaulted and high forehead in combination with a narrow and gracile lower face were typical for females. Variability in shape dimorphic traits was smaller in females compared to males. For female classification, shape sexual dimorphic traits are more important, while for males the stronger association is with face size.Males generally had a closer inter-orbital distance and a deeper position of the eyes in relation to the facial plane, a larger and wider straight nose and nostrils, and more massive lower face. Using pseudo-colour maps to provide a detailed schematic representation of the geometrical differences between the sexes, we attempted to clarify the reasons underlying the development of such differences.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is a ubiquitous serine/threonine phosphatase regulating many cellular processes. PP1alpha and -gamma are closely related isoforms with distinct localization patterns, shown here by time-lapse microscopy of stably expressed fluorescent protein fusions. A pool of PP1gamma is selectively loaded onto chromatin at anaphase. Using stable isotope labeling and proteomics, we identified a novel PP1 binding protein, Repo-Man, which selectively recruits PP1gamma onto mitotic chromatin at anaphase and into the following interphase. This approach revealed both novel and known PP1 binding proteins, quantitating their relative distribution between PP1alpha and -gamma in vivo. When overexpressed, Repo-Man can also recruit PP1alpha to chromatin. Mutating Repo-Man's PP1 binding domain does not disrupt chromatin binding but abolishes recruitment of PP1 onto chromatin. RNA interference-induced knockdown of Repo-Man caused large-scale cell death by apoptosis, as did overexpression of this dominant-negative mutant. The data indicate that Repo-Man forms an essential complex with PP1gamma and is required for the recruitment of PP1 to chromatin.  相似文献   

Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) is a rare congenital malformation disorder. About half of the patients with CdLS carry mutations in the NIPBL gene encoding the NIPBL protein, a subunit of the Cohesin loading complex. Recent studies show association of Cohesin with chromatin-remodeling complexes, either by establishing cohesion or by recruiting Cohesin to specific chromosome locations. In yeast two-hybrid assays, we identified an interaction of NIPBL with the histone deacetylases -1 and -3. These interactions were confirmed in mammalian cells by coimmunoprecipitation and a critical region for interaction was defined to a stretch of 163 amino acids of a highly conserved region of NIPBL, which is mutated in patients with CdLS. Utilizing reporter gene assays, we could show that NIPBL fused to the GAL4-DNA-binding domain (GAL4-DBD) represses promoter activity via the recruitment of histone deacetylases. Interestingly, this effect is dramatically reduced by both NIPBL missense mutations identified in CdLS and by chemical inhibition of the histone deacetylases. Our data are the first to indicate a molecular and functional connection of NIPBL with chromatin-remodeling processes via the direct interaction with histone deacetylases.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究运用几何形态测量学方法对黄蜻Pantala flavescens Fabricius前翅和后翅的雌雄二态性进行分析,探讨黄蜻雌雄性在翅上的形态差异。【方法】通过对黄蜻的前翅和后翅做数字化标点,获得翅的形态信息。经主成分分析(PCA)和薄片样条法(TPS)获得雌雄性在翅型和翅脉上的差异性。【结果】PCA结果表明,黄蜻雌雄性的前翅和后翅在翅型、翅脉结构上存在着明显差异,而且后翅间的差异更大。经TPS分析可知,雌雄性黄蜻前翅上的差异部位主要发生在亚翅结和三角室,后翅的差异部位主要发生在亚翅结、肘脉域和臀角区域。对黄蜻前后翅的大小分析(CS)可知,雌性黄蜻前后翅较大,雄性黄蜻前后翅较小。【结论】黄蜻雌雄性间的翅型结构差异性表明雌雄性在其各自生活史中履行不同的职责,特定的飞行模式逐渐形成特定的翅型、翅脉结构。  相似文献   

Body size is one of the most important quantitative traits under evolutionary scrutiny. Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in a given species is expected to result if opposing selection forces equilibrate differently in both sexes. We document variation in the intensity of sexual and fecundity selection, male and female body size, and thus SSD among 31 and 27 populations of the two dung fly species, Scathophaga stercoraria and Sepsis cynipsea, across Switzerland. Whereas in S. cynipsea females are larger, the SSD is reversed in S. stercoraria. We comprehensively evaluated Fairbairn and Preziosi's (1994) general, three-tiered scenario, hypothesizing that sexual selection for large male size is the major driving force of SSD allometry within these two species. Sexual selection intensity on male size in the yellow dung fly, S. stercoraria, was overall positive, greater, and more variable among populations than fecundity selection on females. Also, sexual selection intensity in a given population correlated positively with mean male body size of that population for both the field-caught fathers and their laboratory-reared sons, indicating a response to selection. In S. cvnipsea, sexual selection intensity on males was lower overall and significantly positive, about equal in magnitude, but more variable than fecundity selection on females. However, there was no correlation between the intensity of sexual selection and mean male body size among populations. In both species, the laboratory-reared offspring indicate genetic differentiation among populations in body size. Despite fulfillment of all key prerequisites, at least in S. stercoraria, we did not find hypoallometry for SSD (Rensch's rule, i.e., greater evolutionary divergence in male size than female size) for the field-caught parents or the laboratory-reared offspring: Female size was isometric to male size in both species. We conclude that S. cynipsea does not fit some major requirements of Fairbairn and Preziosi's (1994) scenario, whereas for S. stercoraria we found partial support for it. Failure to support Rensch's rule within the latter species may be due to phylogenetic or other constraints, power limitations, erroneous estimates of sexual selection, insufficient genetic isolation of populations, or sex differences in viability selection against large size.  相似文献   

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