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The dynamic regulation of mammalian folliculogenesis is a key component of the reproductive process. Traditionally, the rodent had been used as a model to study ovarian function and reproductive physiology due to the availability of animals, their relatively short cycle length, high rate of fecundity and short generation interval. We maintain that much basic information can be determined using domestic cat ovaries retrieved from local veterinary clinics following routine spaying, without having the expense of maintaining a colony of laboratory cats. Studies of normal feline reproductive physiology and advances in reproductive technology may be extrapolated for use in endangered non-domestic felids. Increased understanding of feline reproduction will be beneficial to veterinary medicine, and to groups working to control feral cat populations. It is important to examine reproductive mechanisms in alternative animal models as there are a vast number of threatened and endangered species in which we lack the critical reproductive information needed to assist in preserving their long-term survival.  相似文献   

为在胚胎共培养过程中添加相关激素提高哺乳动物胚胎发育的研究提供理论依据,本研究探讨了促卵泡生成素(FSH)对牦牛输卵管上皮细胞分泌特异性糖蛋白的影响。体外分离培养牦牛输卵管上皮细胞,并在细胞中添加不同浓度的FSH,作用6 h后运用荧光定量PCR分析输卵管特异性糖蛋白mRNA的表达水平,并用细胞免疫标记对其分泌输卵管蛋白的部位进行分析。结果显示,FSH的浓度为0.5-5.0μg/m L时,输卵管蛋白的表达量随着FSH浓度的上升而增加,在5.0μg/m L的FSH作用后,输卵管蛋白的mRNA表达量最高;浓度超过10.0μg/m L时,输卵管蛋白基因的表达量降低。结果表明,FSH具有促进输卵管上皮细胞分泌输卵管特异性糖蛋白的作用,且具有剂量依赖性,其最佳作用浓度为5.0μg/m L,输卵管蛋白主要由细胞质分泌。  相似文献   

Horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis was performed on domestic cat blood and stained for 6-phosphogluconic dehydrogenase (6-PGD), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and tetrazolium oxidase. A polymorphism was found for 6-PGD; LDH and tetrazolium oxidase were monomorphic. These systems were tested on cats of English, Mexican and American origin.  相似文献   

Duodenal samples were taken from similar locations in six cats, processed, stained, and examined via light microscope. There were no prominent circular folds (plicae circulares) or stratum compactum (lamina subglandularis). The 1072 microns x 201 microns villi were covered by 46 microns high columnar epitheliocytes proximally which decreased in height (41 microns) distally and displayed a 1.1-1.7 microns striated border. Globular leukocytes, mononuclear cells, and twenty-eight goblet cells (exocrinocytus calciformis) per villus were seen. The intestinal gland (crypt of Lieberkuhn) epithelium was 20 microns tall and had a less distinct striated border. The 515 microns simple straight tubular intestinal gland layer displayed distal branching. Many mitotic figures, 12 goblet cells per gland, and occasional columnar to triangular cells with red cytoplasmic granules were seen. The thickness of the lamina propria mucosa (glandular portion) decreased from proximal to distal (563-465 microns). The lamina muscularis mucosa had two layers and decreased in thickness distally (71-28 microns). The proximal muscularis mucosa was penetrated by the ducts of submucosal (Brunner's, duodenal) glands. The tela submucosa decreased in thickness distally (593-192 microns) and contained submucosal glands with 11.5-75 microns lumina for the first 1.5-2.5 cm. However, submucosal glands could be found to a distance of 8 cm. The glandular epithelium ranged from 7.5-22.5 microns in height. Only one type of secretory cell was observed, with both mucous and serous properties. The tunica muscularis ranged from 190-1425 microns (median thickness of 557 microns) and had two layers.  相似文献   

Oviductin is known to be a key player providing a convenient environment for the process of fertilization affecting this by direct interaction with oocytes and sperm. As in vitro embryo production in the context of assisted reproduction for endangered felids is still in the process of optimization, oviductin might be used to improve IVF results. Recombinant His-tagged feline oviductin was expressed by transformed Escherichia coli BL21DE3 cells. The protein was purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography. The effect of the recombinant protein was characterized in three experiments: a hemizona assay for sperm binding analysis, the IVF outcome, and the relative mRNA expression levels in blastocysts after IVF. A significant higher number of bound sperm cells were found after incubation in oviductin. No significant effect on cleavage, morula, and blastocyst rates with or without oviductin incubation during IVF could be observed. However, the relative mRNA abundance of GJA1, a gene, whose expression level is known to be a marker of embryo quality, was significantly increased (P value less than 0.05) in blastocysts after oviductin treatment. In contrast to this, expression of OCT4, HSP70, DNMT1, DNMT3A, BAX, IGF1R, and GAPDH was not significantly affected. We assume that our recombinant oviductin in its current nonglycosylated form is able to enhance sperm binding. Despite of a missing significant effect on IVF outcome, embryo quality in terms of relative GJA1 expression is influenced positively. These promising results demonstrate the value of recombinant oviductin for the IVF in cats.  相似文献   

Five feline-derived microsatellite markers were genotyped in a large pedigree of cats that segregates for ventral white spotting. Both KIT and EDNRB cause similar white spotting phenotypes in other species. Thus, three of the five microsatellite markers chosen were on feline chromosome B1 in close proximity to KIT; the other two markers were on feline chromosome A1 near EDNRB. Pairwise linkage analysis supported linkage of the white spotting with the three chromosome B1 markers but not with the two chromosome A1 markers. This study indicates that KIT, or another gene within the linked region, is a candidate for white spotting in cats. Platelet-derived growth factor alpha (PDGFRA) is also a strong candidate, assuming that the KIT-PDGFRA linkage group, which is conserved in many mammalian species, is also conserved in the cat.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of cat embryos derived from three subfertile queens were studied 4 weeks postcoitum. The incidence of spontaneous chromosome anomalies was 15% and type of abnormality observed was autosomal mosaicism. The significance of this finding and the developmental fate of the chromosomally aberrant embryos is discussed. The absence of polyploidy and (nonmosaic) autosomal trisomy, which are the most common observations in previous studies on mammalian embryos, suggests that the difference between the present observations and previous studies may be related to the difference in gestational stage studied, or to the difference in ovulatory patterns between domestic cats and other mammals. Polyploidy through ageing of the gametes is less likely in the cat than in spontaneous ovulators since ovulation in cats is induced only after coitus. It is speculated that chromosome analysis of earlier stages of embryonic development may reveal more severe forms of karyotype alteration.  相似文献   

Of the nonprimate mammalian species with developing comparative gene maps, the feline gene map (Felis catus, Order Carnivora, 2N = 38) displays the highest level of syntenic conservation with humans, with as few as 10 translocation exchanges discriminating the human and feline genome organization. To extend this model, a genetic linkage map of microsatellite loci in the feline genome has been constructed including 246 autosomal and 7 X-linked loci. Two hundred thirty-five dinucleotide (dC. dA)n. (dG. dT)n and 18 tetranucleotide repeat loci were identified and genotyped in a two-family, 108-member multigeneration interspecies backcross pedigree between the domestic cat (F. catus) and the Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis). Two hundred twenty-nine loci were linked to at least one other marker with a lod score >/=3.0, identifying 34 linkage groups. Representative markers from each linkage group were assigned to specific cat chromosomes by somatic cell hybrid analysis, resulting in chromosomal assignments to 16 of the 19 feline chromosomes. Genome coverage spans approximately 2900 cM, and we estimate a genetic length for the sex-averaged map as 3300 cM. The map has an average intragroup intermarker spacing of 11 cM and provides a valuable resource for mapping phenotypic variation in the species and relating it to gene maps of other mammals, including human.  相似文献   

Seventeen commercial and research laboratories participated in two comparison tests under the auspices of the International Society for Animal Genetics to develop an internationally tested, microsatellite-based parentage and identification panel for the domestic cat (Felis catus). Genetic marker selection was based on the polymorphism information content and allele ranges from seven random-bred populations (n = 261) from the USA, Europe and Brazil and eight breeds (n = 200) from the USA. Nineteen microsatellite markers were included in the comparison test and genotyped across the samples. Based on robustness and efficiency, nine autosomal microsatellite markers were ultimately selected as a single multiplex 'core' panel for cat identification and parentage testing. Most markers contained dinucleotide repeats. In addition to the autosomal markers, the panel included two gender-specific markers, amelogenin and zinc-finger XY, which produced genotypes for both the X and Y chromosomes. This international cat parentage and identification panel has a power of exclusion comparable to panels used in other species, ranging from 90.08% to 99.79% across breeds and 99.47% to 99.87% in random-bred cat populations.  相似文献   

Oviductins are high-molecular-weight glycoproteins specifically secreted by the oviduct. These proteins bind to the zona pellucida of the ovulated oocyte and remain associated with the embryo during its transit in the oviduct. They may be involved in fertilization and early embryonic development. In order to explore their putative biological function, the cDNA sequence corresponding to oviductin in the golden hamster was determined. We found that the deduced amino acid sequence of this heavily O-glycosylated protein presents characteristics typical of mucins, including serine- or threonine-rich tandem repeats. Analysis of several cDNA clones and of genomic DNA revealed the presence of a single copy gene with two frequent alleles differing in the number of repeats. Comparison with oviductin sequences from other mammals indicates a high degree of conservation amongst species, except for the repeat region which shows divergence, notably in the number of repeats. Based on its biochemical and genetic properties, hamster oviductin can now be classified as a secretory mucin. This concept provides a new insight in the elucidation of its biological role: oviductin could possibly provide the oviduct and the oocyte with a protective coating ensuring normal tubal function and embryonic development. © 1995 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hormonal changes, behaviour, ovulation and fertility were examined in response to coitus at two different times during oestrus in the female domestic cat housed in conditions of natural light (N = 13). On Day 2 or Day 4/5 of oestrus females were allowed 1 copulation in 15 min (single matings) or 2-3 copulations in 30 min (multiple matings). Plasma LH, oestradiol-17 beta and progesterone concentrations during the 24-h period after coitus were measured by radioimmunoassay; ovulation was assumed to have occurred if progesterone values were elevated 7-30 days after coitus. With the exception of 2 out of 3 animals receiving single matings on Day 2 of oestrus, all animals showed subsequent elevated progesterone values. Females receiving multiple matings had significantly greater releases of LH as measured by the area under the curve than those receiving single matings. There was significantly greater variability in the LH response of queens on Day 2 of oestrus compared to those on Day 4/5 for peak values and area under the curve; the only failure in release of LH was in queens on Day 2. Oestradiol levels did not differ significantly between Day 2 and Day 4/5 of oestrus. Progesterone values remained less than 1 ng/ml for 24 h after coitus. Both LH peak values and area under the curve were significantly greater for animals that became pregnant. There were also significant differences in coital behaviour between queens on Day 2 and those on Day 4/5 of oestrus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We investigated the social function of tail up in order to verify its possible relationship with the hierarchical organization of a social group. Domestic cats live at higher densities than their ancestor which is a solitary species. Since the signals needed by solitary animals have different properties than those needed by group-living individuals, signalling pattern utilised by the domestic cat has inevitably changed. Kittens displayed the tail up when greeting their mother; this behaviour can also be observed in wild species. But, in domestic cat the tail up can be also observed when an adult individual meets another one and it signals the intention to interact amicably. Rank order affected the display of tail up posture: it was more frequently displayed by low-ranking cats, and high-ranking individuals received it more often than other members of the social group. Then, tail up seems to be a signal by means of which a cat shows the recognition of the higher social status of the individual to whom is directed. We confirmed the association between tail up and other affiliative behavioural patterns and the individual variability in displaying them. Considerations on the evolution of the tail up as a visual signal will be discussed.  相似文献   

The Siamese cat has a highly recognized coat colour phenotype that expresses pigment at the extremities of the body, such as the ears, tail and paws. This temperature-sensitive colouration causes a 'mask' on the face and the phenotype is commonly referred to as 'pointed'. Burmese is an allelic variant that is less temperature-sensitive, producing more pigment throughout the torso than Siamese. Tyrosinase (TYR) mutations have been suspected to cause these phenotypes because mutations in TYR are associated with similar phenotypes in other species. Linkage and synteny mapping in the cat has indirectly supported TYR as the causative gene for these feline phenotypes. TYR mutations associated with Siamese and Burmese phenotypes are described herein. Over 200 cats were analysed, representing 12 breeds as well as randomly bred cats. The SNP associated with the Siamese phenotype is an exon 2 G > A transition changing glycine to arginine (G302R). The SNP associated with the Burmese phenotype is an exon 1 G > T transversion changing glycine to tryptophan (G227W). The G302R mutation segregated concordantly within a pedigree of Himalayan (pointed) Persians. All cats that had 'pointed' or the Burmese coat colour phenotype were homozygous for the corresponding mutations, respectively, suggesting that these phenotypes are a result of the identified mutations or unidentified mutations that are in linkage disequilibrium. Because the same mutations were identified in different breeds with similar phenotypes, the mutations are likely to be identical by descent rather than multiple mutation events occurring at the same site.  相似文献   

Tsutsui T 《Theriogenology》2006,66(1):122-125
Artificial insemination (AI) in cats represents an important technique for increasing the contribution of genetically valuable individuals in specific populations, whether they be highly pedigreed purebred cats, medically important laboratory cats or endangered non-domestic cats. Semen is collected using electrical stimulation, with an artificial vagina or from intact or excised cauda epididymis. Sperm samples can be used for AI immediately after collection, after temporary storage above 0 degrees C or after cryopreservation. There have been three and five reports on intravaginal and intrauterine insemination, respectively, and one report on tubal insemination with fresh semen. In studies using fresh semen, it was reported that conception rates of 50% or higher were obtained by intravaginal insemination with 10-50x10(6) spermatozoa, while, in another report, the conception rate was 78% after AI with 80x10(6) spermatozoa. After intrauterine insemination, conception rates following deposition of 6.2x10(6) and 8x10(6) spermatozoa were reported to be 50 and 80%, respectively. With tubal insemination, the conception rate was 43% when 4x10(6) spermatozoa were used, showing that the number of spermatozoa required to obtain a satisfactory conception rate was similar to that of cats inseminated directly into the uterus. When frozen semen was used for intravaginal insemination the conception rate was rather low, but intrauterine insemination with 50x10(6) frozen/thawed spermatozoa resulted in a conception rate of 57%. Furthermore, in one report, conception was obtained by intrauterine insemination of frozen epididymal spermatozoa. Overall, there have been few reports on artificial insemination in cats. The results obtained to date show considerable variation, both within and among laboratories depending upon the type and number of spermatozoa used and the site of sperm deposition. Undoubtedly, future studies will identify the major factors required to consistently obtain reliable conception rates, so that AI can become a practical technique for enhancing the production of desirable genotypes, both for laboratory and conservation purposes.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of the two hemoglobin components of the domestic cat (Felis catus) is presented. The major component (A) accounts for 60-70% whereas the minor component (B) constitutes 30-40% of the total hemoglobin. Separation of the polypeptides was carried out in buffers containing 8M urea on CM-Cellulose. The sequence was studied by Edman degradation of tryptic and cyanogen bromide cleavage products in a liquid phase sequencer. The sequence is compared for homology with human hemoglobin. The beta-chain of the minor components (beta B) has a blocked N-terminal residue identified as acetylserine whereas that of the major component (beta A) is free glycine. The two hemoglobins have identical alpha-chains and differ with respect to their beta-chains at the following positions (beta B/beta A): beta NA1 Ac-Ser/Gly, beta A1 Ser/Thr, beta H17 Ser/Asn and beta HC1 Arg/Lys. The structural and functional aspects of these exchanges are discussed.  相似文献   

Many theoretical studies have proposed different causal mechanisms by which the structure of a host population could have important implications for life history traits of pathogens. However, little information is available from real systems to test these hypotheses. The domestic cat, Felis silvestris catus, whose populations exhibit a great variability in social and spatial structure, represent an ideal case study to assess this question. In the present article, we show how cat population structure may have influenced the evolution of feline viruses and, in return, how these viruses may have modified the genetic structure of cat populations. To cite this article: D. Pontier et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine morphological and functional characteristics of semen retrieved from the feline epididymis before and after cooling. Sixteen adult male cats were orchiectomized. The distal portion of the epididymis and proximal part of the deferent ducts were dissected and squeezed to obtain their content. After centrifugation, the supernatant was removed, sperm were resuspended in a 0.9 mL Tris-fructose-citric acid extender containing 20% egg yolk, aliquoted into three 0.3 mL samples, placed in a refrigerator (4.8 degrees C) and cooled (0.5 degrees C/min). Semen evaluations were performed on four occassions: immediately after epididymal sperm retrieval (T0), and at 24 h (T1), 48 h (T2) and 72 h (T3) after cooling. On each occasion, progressive motility, vigor and sperm morphology were determined. Mean motility and vigor decreased (P < 0.05) between each successive examination. Although the majority of sperm cell damage occurred within the first 24 h, there was a decrease (P < 0.05) in mean percentage of morphologically normal sperm between T0 and each evaluated time (T1, T2, T3) after cooling, due to an increase in coiled and bent sperm tails. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effects of cooling on the fertilizing capacity of cat epididymal spermatozoa in assisted reproduction programs.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether the ovarian follicles of the domestic cat which normally ovulates following copulation, were similar to those of the rabbit steroidogenically, the following experiments were carried out. Follicles were dissected out of ovaries from nine estrous cats throughout the year and incubated in medium alone or with luteinizing hormone (LH) or human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Media were removed every 15 min and stored frozen until analyzed for testosterone using established radioimmunoassay procedures. Although LH and HCG caused slight increases in testosterone production the amounts produced were much less than that produced by rabbit follicles under identical conditions. However, when follicles were incubated for a total of 8 h without removal of media, marked changes in testosterone and estradiol production occurred. These data suggest that the ovarian follicles of the estrous cat are steroidogenically active.  相似文献   

Mastication has been studied by cinematography with synchronized electromyography (computer quantified and analyzed), while unanesthetized, freely feeding cats (Felis catus) were reducing equivalent-sized chunks of raw and cooked beef and cooked chicken. Cats reduce food on one side at a time, and their chewing cycles show both horizontal and anteroposterior deflections. Food objects are shifted from side to side by lateral jerks of the head and movements of the tongue. During the opening phase, the lower jaw is rotated relatively straight downward, and the digastric muscles are active in bilateral symmetry. Near the end of opening, the head jerks upward, both zygomaticomandibulares start to fire, and opening acceleration of the mandible decreases. Closing starts with horizontal displacement of the mandibular canines toward the working side, accompanied by asymmetrical activities from the working side deep temporalis and the balancing side medial pterygoid, as well as a downward jerk of the head. As closing proceeds, the mandibular canines remain near the working side and the working side zygomaticomandibularis and deep masseter are very active. Near the end of closing, the mandibular canine on the working side moves toward the midline, and adductors, digastrics, and lateral pterygoids of both sides are active. The adductors of the working side are generally more active than those of the balancing side. During a reduction sequence, the number and shape of the masticatory cycles, as well as movements of the head, during a reduction sequence are affected significantly by food type. As reduction proceeds, the duration of bite and the muscular activity (as characterized by number and amplitude of spikes) change significantly among muscles of the working and balancing sides. The adductors of the working side are generally most active when cats chew raw beef, less for cooked beef, and least for cooked chicken. In general, the adductor activity reflects food consistency, whereas that of the digastrics and lateral pterygoids reflects more the vertical and lateral displacements of the mandible. Statistical analysis documents that the methods of electrode insertion and test give repeatable results for particular sites in different animals. Thus, it should be possible to compare these results with those produced while other mammalas are masticating.  相似文献   

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