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Haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (Haplo-HSCT) has been employed worldwide in recent years and led to favorable outcome in a group of patients who do not have human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-matched donors. However, the high incidence of severe graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a major problem for Haplo-HSCT. In the current study, we performed a proof of concept mouse study to test whether induction of allogeneic tolerance between two different parental strains was able to attenuate GVHD in Haplo-HSCT to the F1 mice. We induced alloantigen tolerance in C3H mice (H-2k) using ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiated immature dendritic cells (iDCs) derived from the cultures of Balb/c bone marrow cells. Then, we performed Haplo-HSCT using tolerant C3H mice as donors to F1 mice (C3H × Balb/c). The results demonstrated that this approach markedly reduced GVHD-associated death and significantly prolonged the survival of recipient mice in contrast to the groups with donors (C3H mice) that received infusion of non-UVB-irradiated DCs. Further studies showed that there were enhanced Tregs in the tolerant mice and alloantigen-specific T cell response was skewed to more IL-10-producing T cells, suggesting that these regulatory T cells might have contributed to the attenuation of GVHD. This study suggests that it is a feasible approach to preventing GVHD in Haplo-HSCT in children by pre-induction of alloantigen tolerance between the two parents. This concept may also lead to more opportunities in cell-based immunotherapy for GVHD post Haplo-HSCT.  相似文献   

Neither the biological function nor a basic understanding of the enigmatic chromosome 1-encoded Mls locus of the mouse has yet been uncovered despite extensive investigations. The present report is a continuation of our genetic analyses of the Mls locus in an attempt to better define the system. Data presented here indicate that in contrast to cells of mice expressing either the Mlsa or Mlsc allele which respond in mixed leukocyte reactions to cells expressing the Mlsd allelic products, cells from (Mlsa X Mlsc)F1-hybrid mice do not. In addition, the nonresponder phenotype appears to segregate as a single autosomal genetic system in backcross animals. These findings fail to support two recently advanced hypotheses: first, that the Mls locus is nonpolymorphic, or second, that the Mls locus controls differential expression of Ia antigenic determinants. Although the mechanism by which a (responder X responder) converts to a nonresponder remains unknown, three models involving gene complementation are discussed.  相似文献   

Hydroxylation of coumarin to 7-hydroxycoumarin by liver microsomes from control or phenobarbital-pretreated mice is 5- to 10-fold higher in the DBA/2J strain compared to the AKR/J strain, while activities of nine other cytochrome P-450 mediated oxidations show only minor differences. Mixing experiments with whole liver homogenates and subcellular fractionations do not reveal the presence of enzyme activators or inhibitors or competing enzyme reactions in either strain. Comparisons of pH optima (pH 7.6), heat stability at 52 degrees C (6 to 8 min for 50% inactivation), and Km values (0.45 to 0.50 microM coumarin) for coumarin hydroxylase show no significant differences in the two strains of mice or their F1 hybrid. Similarly, only minor differences in inhibition of coumarin hydroxylase by carbon monoxide, SKF-525A, menadione, and several other inhibitors of microsomal mixed function oxidase reactions are observed in the two strains. In contrast to these data, aniline and metyrapone, two compounds which bind to the heme iron of cytochrome P-450 to form ferrihemochromes, show differential and opposite patterns of inhibition of enzyme activity in the DBA/2J and AKR/J mouse strains. This latter observation suggests that a structurally different cytochrome P-450 may hydroxylate coumarin in these two inbred mouse strains.  相似文献   

We have investigated the regulation of expression of two distinct intrastrain cross-reactive idiotypes, CRIA and CRIC, characteristic of anti-p-azophenylarsonate (anti-Ar) antibodies of the A/J and BALB/c strains, respectively, in (BALB/c x A/J)F1 (CAF1) mice. Such hybrid mice were found to synthesize antibodies with each idiotype when immunized against the Ar hapten group, although the expression of each was significantly reduced as compared with the parental strain. CAF1 mice were pretreated with idiotypic-specific antibody reagents and subsequently hyperimmunized against the Ar hapten. Analysis of the idiotypes present in immune sera showed that suppression of either CRI did not concomitantly suppress the expression of the other. Alteration of the expression of one idiotype was not, however, without influence on the other; the expression of CRIC was markedly enhanced in mice suppressed for CRIA.Abbreviations used in this paper anti-Id(A/J) idiotypic-specific antibodies against A/J serum Ar-specific antibodies - anti-Id(BALB/c) idiotypic-specific antibodies against BALB/c serum Ar-specific antibodies - Ar p-azophenylarsonate - BGG bovine -globulin - BSA bovine serum albumin - CAF1 F(BALB/c x A/J) - CFA complete Freund's adjuvant - CRIA the major cross-reactive idiotype of A/J Ar-specific antibodies - CRIC the major cross-reactive idiotype of BALB/c Ar-speck antibodies - CRIm the minor cross-reactive idiotype of A/J Ar-specific antibodies - DTH delayed-type hypersensitivity - HP hybridoma product(s) - KLH keyhole limpet hemocyanin  相似文献   

Hybrid resistance, which is observed in certain strain combinations when parent-strain bone marrow cells are grafted into lethally irradiated F1 hybrids, can be specifically overcome by the i.v. injection, 1 wk before the graft, of spleen cells syngeneic with the bone marrow graft. This phenomenon is due to a suppressor mechanism, induced in the spleen of the F1 hybrid by the injection of parent-strain spleen cells and mediated by a nylon-adherent Thy-1+Lyt-1+2- cell population of hybrid origin, because hybrid resistance can be inhibited by the transfer into a normal B6D2F1 of nylon-adherent Thy-1+Lyt-1+2- spleen cells from B6D2F1 mice pretreated with B6 spleen cells 1 wk earlier (B6-pretreated B6D2F1); spleen cells from B6-pretreated B6D2F1 mice not depleted of their nylon-adherent subpopulation cannot restore hybrid resistance when they are injected into a B6D2F1 rendered nonresistant by split-dose irradiation; and spleen cells from normal B6D2F1 mice cannot restore hybrid resistance when they are injected into B6-pretreated B6D2F1 hybrids. The suppressor cells specifically inhibit resistance against bone marrow cells syngeneic with the spleen cells used for pretreatment, because transfer of nylon-adherent B6-pretreated B6D2F1 spleen cells into a normal B6D2F1 does not enhance syngeneic B6D2F1 or parent-strain D2 bone marrow growth, and when injected into normal B6D2F1 hybrids, nylon-adherent spleen cells from B6D2F1 mice pretreated with D2 spleen cells 1 wk earlier (D2-pretreated B6D2F1) are not able to transfer the inhibition of hybrid resistance against B6 bone marrow cells. Moreover, the activity of the suppressor cells depends on the genetic environment of the hybrid host mice, because nylon-adherent B6-pretreated B6D2F1 spleen cells injected into normal B6C3F1 hybrids do not transfer an inhibition of hybrid resistance, and when injected into B6C3F1 hosts previously rendered nonresistant by split-dose irradiation, spleen cells from B6-pretreated B6D2F1 mice can, in contrast, transfer hybrid resistance.  相似文献   

The Ia.8 and 9 specificities detected either by conventional or monoclonal antisera (Ia.m3, 4) are present in strains bearing the b H-2 haplotype, but absent from those with the k haplotype. It would be expected that the (b x k)F1 hybrids would have approximately half the amount of these specificities found on the b parent, but the Ia.8 and 9 specificities are absent or reduced in this F1 hybrid, though not on F1 LPS blasts. Examination of appropriate H-2 congenic strains demonstrated that only the k haplotype confers the absence of these specificities on H-2 b — it was not observed with b, d, q, r or s haplotypes. In the k haplotype the gene(s) responsible for this effect is mapped to the I-A k subregion. The reason for this low expression effect is not clear but the observation has important implications for the relationship of Ia specificities and Ir genes and may serve to explain the low responder status of certain F1 hybrids, e. g., to TNP-mouse serum albumin, as observed elsewhere.  相似文献   

The incidence of nephritis in autoimmune NZB mice is low, but when they are crossed with normal SWR mice, almost 100% of the female F1 hybrids (SNF1) develop lethal glomerulonephritis. To define the contribution of the normal SWR strain to the development of nephritis, we analyzed 65 monoclonal anti-DNA autoantibodies derived from SNF1 mice and compared them with those obtained from the NZB parent. The majority of the SNF1-derived anti-DNA antibodies were IgG and cationic in charge. By contrast, 77% of the NZB-derived antibodies were IgM. Moreover, all three NZB-derived IgG anti-DNA antibodies were anionic. The cationic property of the SNF1-derived IgG autoantibodies was not restricted to any particular antigenic specificity pattern or IgG subclass, nor was there a preference for the allotype of either parent. However, we identified a set of highly cationic (pI at 8.2 to 8.8 pH) IgG2b anti-DNA antibodies from SNF1 hybrids that had the SWR allotype. Isoelectric focusing of intact antibodies and isolated heavy and light chains showed that the highly cationic charge of these antibodies was determined by the variable regions of their heavy chains. Because IgG anti-DNA antibodies with cationic charge are especially pathogenic, those antibodies bearing the allotype of the normal SWR parent may account for the high incidence of severe nephritis in the F1 hybrids. The results indicate that pathogenic autoantibodies, which are encoded by genes of the nonautoimmune SWR parent, are expressed in the SNF1 mice due to some cellular and genetic regulatory influence of the NZB parent.  相似文献   

Summary Oocytes from parental mice strains NMRI/Han, C57/bl and Balb/c and from F1 hybrid lines were analysed for aneuploidy due to non-disjunction after gonadotropin-stimulated ovulation. No hyperploid oocytes were present in five of the strains studied. F1 hybrids from crosses of NMRI/HanxC57/bl did ovulate, however, a significantly increased number of hyperploid oocytes, although females from their parental strains show a rather low incidence of non-disjunction. The evidence for a genetic basis for non-disjunction is assessed and possible causative factors are discussed.Dedicated to Professor Dr.P.E. Becker on the occasion of his 75th birthday  相似文献   

The conditions for evaluation of suppressor cell regulation of the pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-induced plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses of peripheral blood (PB) B cells in normal individuals using allogeneic cocultures is described. In 14 separate experiments, after preincubation with concanavalin A (Con A) for 2 days, PB cells suppressed the PWM-induced anti-sheep erythrocyte (SRBC) PFC response of fresh allogeneic PB cells to 17% of the expected PFC response (P < 0.05). In addition, control cells incubated for 2 days in the absence of Con A suppressed the PWM- induced PFC response of allogeneic cells in 6 of 14 experiments to the same extent as did the Con A-generated cells (P < 0.01). It was found that unstimulated control cells (without Con A activation) from normal subjects who themselves were nonresponders to PWM stimulation (< 50 PFC/106 cells) usually suppressed the PFC response of allogeneic cells (P < 0.05), while control cells from normal subjects who consistently had a good PFC response to PWM stimulation (> 75 PFC/106 cells) did not suppress the PFC response of allogeneic cells. The spontaneously occurring suppressor cell in nonresponder PB cell suspensions was sensitive to 3000-R irradiation, and the nonresponder state was not associated with a decreased blastogenic response to PWM. Thus, some normal subjects who themselves had a poor PWM-induced PFC response had irradiation-sensitive, spontaneously occurring suppressor cells which were capable of suppressing the PWM-induced PFC response of normal responders. The majority of normal subjects (90%) were good PFC responders to PWM stimulation and did not spontaneously suppress the PFC response of allogeneic cells to PWM, but did have PB cells which were capable of being activated by Con A to suppress.  相似文献   

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