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Dibromothymoquinone (2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone) is reputed to be a plastoquinone antagonist which prevents the photoreduction of hydrophilic oxidants such as ferredoxin-NADP+. However, we have found that dibromothymoquinone inhibits only a small part of the photoreduction of lipophilic oxidants such as oxidized p-phenylenediamine. Dibromothymoquinone-resistant photoreduction reactions are coupled to phosphorylation, about 0.4 molecules of ATP consistently being formed for every pair of electrons transported. Dibromothymoquinone itself is a lipophilic oxidant which can be photoreduced by chloroplasts, then reoxidized by ferricyanide or oxygen. The electron transport thus catalysed also supports phosphorylation and the Pe2 ratio is again 0.4. It is concluded that there is a site of phosphorylation before the dibromothymoquinone block and another site of phosphorylation after the block. The former site must be associated with electron transfer reactions near Photosystem II, while the latter site is presumably associated with the transfer of electrons from plastoquinone to cytochrome f.  相似文献   

Steven P. Berg  S. Izawa 《BBA》1977,460(2):206-219
Three sites of silicomolybdate reduction in the electron transport chain of isolated tobacco chloroplasts are described. The relative participation of these sites is greatly influenced by the particular reaction conditions. One site (the only site when the reaction medium contains high concentrations of bovine serum albumin (> 5 mg/ml)) is associated with Photosystem I, since it supports phosphorylation with a P/e2 value close to 1 and the reaction is totally sensitive to both plastocyanin inhibitors and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. Two other sites of silicomolybdate reduction are associated with Photosystem II. One site is 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea insensitive and supports phosphorylation when the reaction mixture contains dimethyl sulfoxide and glycerol (protective agents). The P/e2 value routinely observed is about 0.2. Bovine serum albumin (1–2 mg/ml) can also act as a protective agent, but the efficiency of Photosystem II phosphorylation observed is lower. Silicomolybdate reduction supports virtually no phosphorylation, regardless of the reduction pathway, when the reaction mixture contains no protective agents. This is due to irreversible uncoupling by silicomolybdate itself. The silicomolybdate uncoupling is potentiated by high salt concentrations even in the presence of protective agents. Exposure of chloroplasts to silicomolybdate in the absence of protective agents rapidly inactivates both photosystems.  相似文献   

J. Michael Gould 《BBA》1975,387(1):135-148
1. The Photosystem I-mediated transfer of electrons from diaminodurene, diaminotoluene and reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol to methylviologen is optimal at pH 8–8.5, where phosphorylation is also maximal. In the presence of superoxide dismutase, the efficiency of phosphorylation rises from ? 0.1 at pH 6.5 to 0.6–0.7 at pH 8–8.5, regardless of the exogenous electron donor used.2. The apparent Km (at pH 8.1) for diaminodurene is 6·10?4 M and for diaminotoluene is 1.2·10?3 M. The concentrations of diaminodurene and diaminotoluene required to saturate the electron transport processes are > 2 mM and > 5 mM, respectively. At these higher electron donor concentrations the rates of electron transport are markedly increased by phosphorylation (1.5-fold) or by uncoupling conditions (2-fold).3. Kinetic analysis of the transfer of electrons from reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIPH2) to methylviologen indicates that two reactions with very different apparent Km values for DCIPH2 are involved. The rates of electron flux through both pathways are increased by phosphorylation or uncoupling conditions although only one of the pathways is coupled to ATP formation. No similar complications are observed when diaminodurene or diaminotoluene serves as the electron donor.4. In the diaminodurene → methylviologen reaction, ATP formation and that part of the electron transport dependent upon ATP formation are partially inhibited by the energy transfer inhibitor HgCl2. This partial inhibition of ATP formation rises to about 50% at less than 1 atom of mercury per 20 molecules of chlorophyll, then does not further increase until very much higher levels of mercury are added.5. It is suggested that exogenous electron donors such as diaminodurene, diaminotoluene and DCIPH2 can substitute for an endogenous electron carrier in donating electrons to cytochrome f via the mercury-sensitive coupling site (Site I) located on the main electron-transporting chain. If this is so, there would seem to be no reason for postulating yet another coupling site on a side branch of the electron transport chain in order to account for cyclic photophosphorylation.  相似文献   

Energy transfer inhibition by HgCl2 has been demonstrated to be selective for certain System I partial reactions. On the basis of different HgCl2 effects on the System I reactions, reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol → methylviologen, diaminodurene → methylviologen and N-phenazine methosulfate cyclic, two sites of energy conservation associated with System I are proposed. Furthermore, these sites are in parallel with each other, in series with the site closely associated with Photosystem II and are shared between non-cyclic and cyclic electron transport.  相似文献   

Susan Flores  Donald R. Ort 《BBA》1984,766(2):289-302
The maximum phosphorylation efficiency achieved with synchronous turnovers of Photosystem II (PS II) in spinach chloroplast lamellae is 0.3 molecules of ATP per pair of electrons transferred. This is the same as the efficiency observed for PS II operating alone in continuous light and would seem to indicate less than 50% coupling efficiency. Flash-induced ATP synthesis associated with both photosystems acting in unison closely approaches twice the flash-induced ATP synthesis associated with the Photosystem-I-dependent oxidation of duroquinol (itself 0.6) and comes close to equalling the highest efficiency observed in steady-state PS I + PS II electron transport. The anomalously low coupling efficiency seen when PS II is operating alone can be overcome by a ΔpH of two units imposed before flash illumination, or by a prior flash series involving the entire electron transfer chain. In contrast, prior electron transport through PS II alone is only slightly effective in enhancing the coupling efficiency of subsequent PS II turnovers. (It should be noted that in all cases where supplementary energy was provided, either by a proton gradient or by prior illumination, this supplementary energy was always below the energetic threshold for phosphorylation. Furthermore, the enhancement of PS II coupling efficiency by supplementary energy persisted even after a large number of subsequent PS II-inducing flashes). The efficiency of flash-induced ATP synthesis associated with whole-chain electron transfer or with PS-I-dependent duroquinol oxidation is also enhanced by the supplementary energy, but only during the first few inefficient flashes, suggesting that in this case the supplementary energy may simply be contributing to the initial build-up of an energetic threshold for ATP synthesis. This cannot be the case when the same supplementary energy contributes to the efficiency of the PS II reaction, since the enhancement then persists for a long time and contributes to an essentially constant flash yield of ATP. Our results imply that during electron transfer involving both photosystems, PS II participates in generating about half of the total ATP, whereas it operates inefficiently only when operating alone. Since hydrogen ions produced by PS I are able to raise the efficiency of subsequent PS-II-dependent phosphorylation, at least some cooperation between the two photosystems takes place and this suggests some donation of protons from PS I to PS II. However, the inability of PS II alone to achieve high efficiency, even with prolonged pre-illumination, would seem to indicate some functional distinction of protons from the two photosystems.  相似文献   

Electron transport, phosphorylation and internal proton concentration were measured in illuminated spinach chloroplast thylakoid membranes under a number of conditions. Regardless of the procedure used to vary these parameters, the data fit a simple chemiosmotic model. Protons from Photosystem II did not appear to be utilized differently from those derived from Photosystem I. The maximal phosphorylation efficiency (Pe2) for photophosphorylation in washed thylakoids under oxidizing conditions is likely to be 43. This value is consistent with a proton-to-electron-pair ratio of 4 for electron flow through both photosystems and a proton-to-ATP ratio of 3 for the chloroplast proton-ATPase.  相似文献   

Patrick M. Kelley  S. Izawa 《BBA》1978,502(2):198-210
1. Chloroplasts washed with Cl?-free, low-salt media (pH 8) containing EDTA, show virtually no DCMU-insensitive silicomolybdate reduction. The activity is readily restored when 10 mM Cl? is added to the reaction mixture. Very similar results were obtained with the other Photosystem II electron acceptor 2,5-dimethylquinone (with dibromothymoquinone), with the Photosystem I electron acceptor FMN, and also with ferricyanide which accepts electrons from both photosystems.2. Strong Cl?-dependence of Hill activity was observed invariably at all pH values tested (5.5–8.3) and in chloroplasts from three different plants: spinach, tobacco and corn (mesophyll).3. In the absence of added Cl? the functionally Cl?-depleted chloroplasts are able to oxidize, through Photosystem II, artificial reductants such as catechol, diphenylcarbazide, ascorbate and H2O2 at rates which are 4–12 times faster than the rate of the residual Hill reaction.4. The Cl?-concentration dependence of Hill activity with dimethylquinone as an electron acceptor is kinetically consistent with the typical enzyme activation mechanism: E(inactive) + Cl?ag E · Cl? (active), and the apparent activation constant (0.9 mM at pH 7.2) is unchanged by chloroplast fragmentation.5. The initial phase of the development of inhibition of water oxidation in Cl?-depleted chloroplasts during the dark incubation with NH2OH (12 H2SO4) is 5 times slower when the incubation medium contains Cl? than when the medium contains NH2OH alone or NH2OH plus acetate ion. (Acetate is shown to be ineffective in stimulating O2 evolution.)6. We conclude that the Cl?-requiring step is one which is specifically associated with the water-splitting reaction, and suggests that Cl? probably acts as a cofactor (ligand) of the NH2OH-sensitive, Mn-containing O2-evolving enzyme.  相似文献   

Two modes of chloroplast membrane post-illumination phosphorylation were detected, using the luciferin-luciferase ATP assay, one of which was not influenced by added permeable buffer (pyridine). That finding provides a powerful new tool for studying proton-membrane interactions during energy coupling. When ADP and Pi were added to the thylakoid suspension after a train of flashes [similar to the traditional post-illumination phosphorylation protocol (termed PIP here)], the post-illumination ATP yield was influenced by pyridine as expected, in a manner consistent with the ATP formation, in part, being driven by protons present in the bulk inner aqueous phase, i.e., through a delocalized protonmotive force. However, when ADP and Pi were present during the flash train (referred to as PIP+), and ATP formation occurred during the flash train, the post-illumination ATP yield was unaffected by the presence of pyridine, consistent with the hypothesis that localized proton gradients were driving ATP formation. To test this hypothesis further, the pH and flash number dependence of the PIP and PIP+ ATP yields were measured, the results being consistent with the above hypothesis of dual compartment origins of protons driving post-illumination ATP formation.Measuring proton accumulation during the attainment of the threshold energization level when no component was allowed to form (+ valinomycin, K+), and testing for pyridine effects on the proton uptake, reveals that the onset of ATP formation requires the accumulation of about 60 nmol H+ (mg Chl)–1. Between that level and about 110–150 nmol H+ (mg Chl)–1, the accumulation appears to be absorbed by localized-domain membrane buffering groups, the protons of which do not equilibrate readily with the inner aqueous (lumen) phase. Post-illumination phosphorylation driven by the dissipation of the domain protons was not affected by pyridine (present in the lumen), even though the effective pH in the domains must have been well into the buffering range of the pyridine. That finding provides additional insight into the localized domains, namely that protons can be absorbed by endogenous low pK buffering groups, and released at a low enough pH (5.7 when the external pH was 8, 4.7 at pH 7 external) to drive significant ATP formation when no further proton production occurs due to the redox turnovers. We propose that proton accumulation beyond the 110–150 nmol (mg Chl)–1 level spills over into the lumen, interacting with additional, lumenal endogenous buffering groups and with pyridine, and subsequent efflux of those lumenal protons can also drive ATP formation. Such a dual-compartment thylakoid model for the accumulation of protons competent to drive ATP formation would require a gating mechanism to switch the proton flux from the localized pathway into the lumen, as discussed by R. A. Dilley, S. M. Theg, and W. A. Beard (1987)Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 38, 348–389, and recently suggested by R. D. Horner and E. N. Moudrianakis (1986)J. Biol. Chem. 261, 13408–13414. The model can explain conflicting data from past work showing either localized or delocalized gradient coupling patterns.  相似文献   

1. Incubation of chloroplasts with HgCl2 at a molar ratio of HgCl2 to chlorophyll of about unity, induced a complete inhibition of the methyl viologen Hill reaction, as well as methyl viologen photoreduction with reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIP) as electron donor. Photooxidation of cytochrome ? was similarly sensitive towards HgCl2, whereas photooxidation of P700 was resistant to the poison. Photoreduction of cytochrome ? and light-induced increase in fluorescence yield were enhanced by the HgCl2 treatment of chloroplasts.  相似文献   

1. It was found that the P/2e ratio was independent of the degree of electron transport stimulation in the presence of ADP and Pi and exceeded 1.0 in the preparations with slight (30 %) as well as with high (80 %) stimulation.

2. Chloroplast preparations having a low content of endogenous Pi showed higher stimulation than those with higher contents.

3. Illumination of the chloroplasts in the presence of ADP and electron acceptor led to a decrease of endogenous Pi content that resulted in an increase of electron transport stimulation in the presence of exogenous Pi.

4. Electron transport in the absence of exogenous Pi was inhibited by both exogenous ADP and ATP.

5. It appears that the electron transport in the absence of exogenous Pi is coupled to phosphorylation, which occurs because isolated chloroplasts contain endogenous Pi. Stimulation of the electron transport by the addition of ADP and Pi seems to be caused by acceleration of the existing electron transport pathway, and not from the initiation of a new one.  相似文献   

Redox titrations of the fluorescence quenching components in chloroplasts indicate the presence of two components, one with Em7.6 = + 25 mV and the second with Em7.6 = -270 mV. These midpoint potentials are almost the same as those of two Photosystem II components previously shown to contribute to the chloroplast electrogenic reaction measured at 518 nm (R. Malkin, 1978, FEBS Lett.87, 329–333). Comparison of light-induced fluorescence yield changes with those obtained by redox titration suggests that both fluorescence quenchers are photoreduced. A direct demonstration of the photoreduction of the low-potential fluorescence quencher was observed in experiments at defined redox potentials. Fluorescence induction curves measured at low light intensity in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) also showed a contribution from both fluorescence quenchers. An additional electron acceptor, other than the two fluorescence quenchers, was also identified in the acceptor complex. These results are discussed in terms of several electron acceptors functioning in the Photosystem II reaction center complex, and the possible function of these acceptors is considered.  相似文献   

G. Renger  H.J. Eckert 《BBA》1981,638(1):161-171
The role of the protein matrix embedding the functionally active redox components of Photosystem II reaction centers has been studied by investigating the effects of procedures which modify the structure of proteins. In order to reduce the influence of the electron transport involving secondary donor and acceptor components, Triswashed chloroplasts were used which are completely deprived of their oxygen-evolving capacity. The functional activity was detected via absorption changes, reflecting at 334 and 690 or 834 nm the turnover of the primary plastoquinone acceptor, X320, and of the photochemically active chlorophyll a complex, Chl aII, respectively, and at 520 nm the transient formation of a transmembrane electric potential gradient. Under repetitive flash excitation of Tris-washed chloroplasts it was found that: (a) The relaxation kinetics at 690 nm become significantly accelerated in the presence of external electron donors. (b) Trypsin treatment blocks to a high degree the turnover of Chl aII and X320 unless exogenous acceptors are present, which directly oxidize X320?, such as K3Fe(CN)6. (c) In the presence of K3Fe(CN)6 the recovery kinetics of Chl aII and X320 are retarded markedly by trypsin, followed by a progressive decline in the extent thereof. (d) 2-(3-Chloro-4-trifluoromethyl)anilino-3,5-dinitrothiophene (ANT 2p), known to reduce the lifetime of S2 and S3 in normal chloroplasts, significantly accelerates the recovery of Chl aII. 10 μs kinetics are observed which correspond with the electron-transfer rate from D1 to Chl a+II. ANT 2p simultaneously retards the decay kinetics of X320? and of the electrochromic absorption changes. (e) The kinetic pattern of the electrochromic absorption changes is also affected by the salt content of the suspension. Under dark-adapted conditions, the 10 μs relaxation kinetics of the 834 nm absorption change due to the first flash are hardly affected by mild trypsinization of 5–10 min duration, whereas the amplitude decreases by approx. 30%. The data obtained in Tris-washed chloroplasts could consistently be interpreted as a modification of the back reaction between X320? and Chl a+II which is caused solely by a change in the reactivity of X320 due to trypsin-induced degradation of the native X320-B apoprotein. Furthermore, ADRY agents are inferred to stimulate cyclic electron flow, which leads to reduction of D+1 between the flashes. A simplified scheme is discussed which describes the functional organization of the reaction center complex.  相似文献   

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