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Heterotetrameric adaptor protein complexes are important mediators of cargo protein sorting in clathrin-coated vesicles. The cell type–specific expression of alternate μ chains creates distinct forms of AP-1 with altered cargo sorting, but how these subunits confer differential function is unclear. Whereas some studies suggest the μ subunits specify localization to different cellular compartments, others find that the two forms of AP-1 are present in the same vesicle but recognize different cargo. Yeast have two forms of AP-1, which differ only in the μ chain. Here we show that the variant μ chain Apm2 confers distinct cargo-sorting functions. Loss of Apm2, but not of Apm1, increases cell surface levels of the v-SNARE Snc1. However, Apm2 is unable to replace Apm1 in sorting Chs3, which requires a dileucine motif recognized by the γ/σ subunits common to both complexes. Apm2 and Apm1 colocalize at Golgi/early endosomes, suggesting that they do not associate with distinct compartments. We identified a novel, conserved regulatory protein that is required for Apm2-dependent sorting events. Mil1 is a predicted lipase that binds Apm2 but not Apm1 and contributes to its membrane recruitment. Interactions with specific regulatory factors may provide a general mechanism to diversify the functional repertoire of clathrin adaptor complexes.  相似文献   

We had previously identified the mutant allele of apm1+ that encodes a homolog of the mammalian μ 1A subunit of the clathrin-associated adaptor protein-1 (AP-1) complex and demonstrated that the AP-1 complex plays a role in Golgi/endosome trafficking, secretion, and vacuole fusion in fission yeast. Here, we isolated a mutant allele of its4+/sip1+, which encodes a conserved AP-1 accessory protein. The its4-1/sip1-i4 mutants and apm1 -deletion cells exhibited similar phenotypes, including sensitivity to the calcineurin inhibitor FK506, Cl and valproic acid as well as various defects in Golgi/endosomal trafficking and cytokinesis. Electron micrographs of sip1-i4 mutants revealed vacuole fragmentation and accumulation of abnormal Golgi-like structures and secretory vesicles. Overexpression of Apm1 suppressed defective membrane trafficking in sip1-i4 mutants. The Sip1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) co-localized with Apm1-mCherry at Golgi/endosomes, and Sip1 physically interacted with each subunit of the AP-1 complex. We found that Sip1 was a Golgi/endosomal protein and the sip1-i4 mutation affected AP-1 localization at Golgi/endosomes, thus indicating that Sip1 recruited the AP-1 complex to endosomal membranes by physically interacting with each subunit of this complex. Furthermore, Sip1 is required for the correct localization of Bgs1/Cps1, 1,3-β-D-glucan synthase to polarized growth sites. Consistently, the sip1-i4 mutants displayed a severe sensitivity to micafungin, a potent inhibitor of 1,3-β-D-glucan synthase. Taken together, our findings reveal a role for Sip1 in the regulation of Golgi/endosome trafficking in coordination with the AP-1 complex, and identified Bgs1, required for cell wall synthesis, as the new cargo of AP-1-dependent trafficking.  相似文献   

A novel clathrin adaptor-like complex, adaptor protein (AP)-3, has recently been described in yeast and in animals. To gain insight into the role of yeast AP-3, a genetic strategy was devised to isolate gene products that are required in the absence of the AP-3 μ chain encoded by APM3. One gene identified by this synthetic lethal screen was VPS45. The Vps pathway defines the route that several proteins, including carboxypeptidase Y, take from the late Golgi to the vacuole. However, vacuolar alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is transported via an alternate, intracellular route. This suggested that the apm3-Δ vps45 synthetic phenotype could be caused by a block in both the alternate and the Vps pathways. Here we demonstrate that loss of function of the AP-3 complex results in slowed processing and missorting of ALP. ALP is no longer localized to the vacuole membrane by immunofluorescence, but is found in small punctate structures throughout the cell. This pattern is distinct from the Golgi marker Kex2p, which is unaffected in AP-3 mutants. We also show that in the apm3-Δ mutant some ALP is delivered to the vacuole by diversion into the Vps pathway. Class E vps mutants accumulate an exaggerated prevacuolar compartment containing membrane proteins on their way to the vacuole or destined for recycling to the Golgi. Surprisingly, in AP-3 class E vps double mutants these proteins reappear on the vacuole. We suggest that some AP-3–dependent cargo proteins that regulate late steps in Golgi to vacuole transport are diverted into the Vps pathway allowing completion of transfer to the vacuole in the class E vps mutant.The formation of vesicles for transport between membrane-bound organelles requires assembly of coat proteins that are recruited from the cytosol. These proteins direct the sequestration and concentration of cargo as well as invagination of the membrane. One of the best studied classes of coats involved in vesicle budding is comprised of clathrin and its adaptor proteins (APs)1, AP-1 and AP-2 (Schmid, 1997). In clathrin-mediated vesicle transport the AP complexes play the dual role of cargo selection and recruitment of clathrin to the membrane. These adaptors are heterotetramers containing two large chains (adaptins, α or γ and β), one medium chain (μ), and one small chain (σ). AP-1 (γ, β1, μ1, and σ1) functions in sorting at the TGN, whereas AP-2 (α, β2, μ2, and σ2) is involved in receptor capture at the PM during endocytosis.Although there is a great deal of evidence supporting the involvement of adaptors in clathrin-mediated vesicle budding, recent studies in animal cells have led to the discovery of a novel adaptor-like complex, AP-3, that seems to function independently of clathrin (Newman et al., 1995; Simpson et al., 1996). AP-3 has identical subunit architecture to AP-1 and AP-2, with two adaptin-like subunits (δ and β3), a medium chain (μ3), and a small chain (σ3) (Simpson et al., 1996, 1997; Dell''Angelica et al., 1997a , b ). AP-3 antibodies label a perinuclear region, perhaps the TGN, and punctate structures extending to the cell periphery, which may be endosomal compartments (Simpson et al., 1996, 1997; Dell''Angelica et al., 1997a ). However, the mammalian AP-3 complex does not colocalize with clathrin or AP-1 and AP-2 adaptors in cells and it does not copurify with brain clathrin-coated vesicles (Newman et al., 1995; Simpson et al., 1996, 1997; Dell''Angelica et al., 1997b ). Clues to the function of AP-3 have come from the discovery that the garnet gene of Drosophila encodes a protein closely related to δ adaptin (Ooi et al., 1997; Simpson et al., 1997). Mutations in garnet cause decreased pigmentation of the eyes and other tissues and a reduced number of pigment granules, which may be lysosome-like organelles (Ooi et al., 1997; Simpson et al., 1997). Thus, AP-3 is proposed to function in clathrin-independent transport between the TGN, endosomes and/or lysosomes, although its exact sorting function is still not known.Over the last several years, yeast homologues of the mammalian adaptor subunits have been identified, allowing for the examination of specific functions of these proteins in a genetically tractable organism. Genes encoding subunits sufficient for at least three complete AP complexes have been identified by sequence homology (Phan et al., 1994; Rad et al., 1995; Stepp et al., 1995) or by function (Panek et al., 1997). APL1-APL6 encode large chain/ adaptin-related subunits, APM1-APM4 encode μ-like chains, and APS1-APS3 are genes for σ-related proteins. Apl2p (β), Apl4p (γ), Apm1p (μ1), and Aps1p (σ1) are thought to be subunits of an AP-1–like complex that functions with clathrin at the late Golgi/TGN (Phan et al., 1994; Rad et al., 1995; Stepp et al., 1995; Payne, G., personal communication). Mutations in the yeast AP-1 genes enhance the growth and the α-factor processing defects of a temperature sensitive (ts) allele of the clathrin heavy chain gene (Phan et al., 1994; Rad et al., 1995; Stepp et al., 1995; Payne, G., personal communication). The latter phenotype is a hallmark of clathrin-deficient yeast, in which late Golgi/ TGN proteins, such as the α-factor processing enzymes Kex2p and dipeptidyl amino peptidase-A (DPAP)-A, are not retained in the late Golgi but escape to the cell surface (Seeger and Payne, 1992b ). To date, no yeast adaptor subunit has been shown to be important for endocytosis, although Apl3p, Apm4p, and Aps2p are most homologous to mammalian AP-2 α, μ2 and σ2, respectively.Recently, a yeast adaptor related to AP-3 of animal cells was described (Panek et al., 1997). It is comprised of Apl5p, Apl6p, Apm3p, and Aps3p, which show preferential homology to mammalian δ, β3, μ3, and σ3, respectively. Mutations in each of these subunits were isolated by their ability to suppress the lethality resulting from loss of function of PM casein kinase 1 encoded by a gene pair, YCK1 and YCK2. Yck activity was found to be required for constitutive endocytosis of the a-factor receptor (Ste3p), and AP-3 subunit mutations partially rescued this internalization defect (Panek et al., 1997). However, the AP complex itself is not necessary for endocytosis, nor is it required for sorting of carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) or retention of late Golgi proteins. Furthermore, unlike disruption of the yeast AP-1 complex, loss of AP-3 function causes no synthetic phenotype in combination with chc1 mutations, suggesting it may function independently of clathrin. Although these data indicated that Apl5p, Apl6p, Apm3p, and Aps3p comprise an AP-3-like adaptor, its precise sorting role was still not known.In this report we describe a genetic approach to determine the function of the yeast AP-3 complex. A colony sectoring screen was performed to identify genes that are essential in the absence of Apm3p, the yeast AP-3 μ chain. Such synthetic lethal screens can be used to identify functional homologues, genes whose proteins function in intersecting or parallel pathways, and genes whose proteins physically interact (Bender and Pringle, 1991). We have cloned the gene for the apm three synthetic lethal mutant, mts1-1, and found it encodes Vps45p, a protein involved in vacuolar protein sorting (Vps; Cowles et al., 1994; Piper et al., 1994). The Vps pathway is defined by >40 complementation groups whose proteins are required for the transport of a number of soluble and membrane-bound proteins, including CPY, protease A (PrA), and carboxypeptidase S (CPS) from the late Golgi/TGN to the vacuole (Stack et al., 1995; Cowles et al., 1997). This pathway is also essential for proper assembly of the vacuolar ATPase (Raymond et al., 1992). However, the type II vacuolar membrane protein alkaline phosphatase (ALP) follows an alternate intracellular pathway to the vacuole (Raymond et al., 1992; Nothwehr et al., 1995; Cowles et al., 1997; Piper et al., 1997). Few vps mutants prevent localization of ALP to the vacuolar membrane and its arrival at the vacuole is not dependent upon transport through the cell surface. The requirement for Apm3p in the absence of Vps45p suggested the possibility that at least one of these routes to the vacuole must be functional for survival and led us to examine ALP sorting in the AP-3 mutants. We show here that yeast AP-3 is essential for the transport of ALP via the alternative pathway to the vacuole.  相似文献   

Association of the Golgi-specific adaptor protein complex 1 (AP-1) with the membrane is a prerequisite for clathrin coat assembly on the trans-Golgi network (TGN). The AP-1 adaptor is efficiently recruited from cytosol onto the TGN by myristoylated ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) in the presence of the poorly hydrolyzable GTP analog guanosine 5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPγS). Substituting GTP for GTPγS, however, results in only poor AP-1 binding. Here we show that both AP-1 and clathrin can be recruited efficiently onto the TGN in the presence of GTP when cytosol is supplemented with ARF1. Optimal recruitment occurs at 4 μM ARF1 and with 1 mM GTP. The AP-1 recruited by ARF1·GTP is released from the Golgi membrane by treatment with 1 M Tris-HCl (pH 7) or upon reincubation at 37°C, whereas AP-1 recruited with GTPγS or by a constitutively active point mutant, ARF1(Q71L), remains membrane bound after either treatment. An incubation performed with added ARF1, GTP, and AlFn, used to block ARF GTPase-activating protein activity, results in membrane-associated AP-1, which is largely insensitive to Tris extraction. Thus, ARF1·GTP hydrolysis results in lower-affinity binding of AP-1 to the TGN. Using two-stage assays in which ARF1·GTP first primes the Golgi membrane at 37°C, followed by AP-1 binding on ice, we find that the high-affinity nucleating sites generated in the priming stage are rapidly lost. In addition, the AP-1 bound to primed Golgi membranes during a second-stage incubation on ice is fully sensitive to Tris extraction, indicating that the priming stage has passed the ARF1·GTP hydrolysis point. Thus, hydrolysis of ARF1·GTP at the priming sites can occur even before AP-1 binding. Our finding that purified clathrin-coated vesicles contain little ARF1 supports the concept that ARF1 functions in the coat assembly process rather than during the vesicle-uncoating step. We conclude that ARF1 is a limiting factor in the GTP-stimulated recruitment of AP-1 in vitro and that it appears to function in a stoichiometric manner to generate high-affinity AP-1 binding sites that have a relatively short half-life.  相似文献   

Vesicle formation at endomembranes requires the selective concentration of cargo by coat proteins. Conserved adapter protein complexes at the Golgi (AP-3), the endosome (AP-1), or the plasma membrane (AP-2) with their conserved core domain and flexible ear domains mediate this function. These complexes also rely on the small GTPase Arf1 and/or specific phosphoinositides for membrane binding. The structural details that influence these processes, however, are still poorly understood. Here we present cryo-EM structures of the full-length stable 300 kDa yeast AP-3 complex. The structures reveal that AP-3 adopts an open conformation in solution, comparable to the membrane-bound conformations of AP-1 or AP-2. This open conformation appears to be far more flexible than AP-1 or AP-2, resulting in compact, intermediate, and stretched subconformations. Mass spectrometrical analysis of the cross-linked AP-3 complex further indicates that the ear domains are flexibly attached to the surface of the complex. Using biochemical reconstitution assays, we also show that efficient AP-3 recruitment to the membrane depends primarily on cargo binding. Once bound to cargo, AP-3 clustered and immobilized cargo molecules, as revealed by single-molecule imaging on polymer-supported membranes. We conclude that its flexible open state may enable AP-3 to bind and collect cargo at the Golgi and could thus allow coordinated vesicle formation at the trans-Golgi upon Arf1 activation.

Eukaryotic cells have membrane-enclosed organelles, which carry out specialized functions, including compartmentalized biochemical reactions, metabolic channeling, and regulated signaling, inside a single cell. The transport of proteins, lipids, and other molecules between these organelles is mediated largely by small vesicular carriers that bud off at a donor compartment and fuse with the target membrane to deliver their cargo. The generation of these vesicles has been subject to extensive studies and has led to the identification of numerous coat proteins that are required for their formation at different sites (1, 2). Coat proteins can be monomers, but in most cases, they consist of several proteins, which form a heteromeric complex.Heterotetrameric adapter protein (AP) complexes are required at several endomembranes for cargo binding. Five well-conserved AP-complexes with differing functions have been identified in mammalian cells, named AP-1–AP-5, of which three (AP-1–AP-3) are conserved from yeast to human (3, 4). The three conserved adapter complexes function at different membranes along the endomembrane system. AP-1 is required for cargo transport between the Golgi and the endosome, AP-2 is required for cargo recognition and transport between the plasma membrane and the early endosome. Finally, AP-3 functions between the trans Golgi and the vacuole in yeast, whereas mammalian AP-3 localizes to a tubular endosomal compartment, in addition to or instead of the TGN (2, 5, 6).Each of the complexes consists of four different subunits: two large adaptins (named α−ζ and β1-5 respectively), a medium-sized subunit (μ1-5), and a small subunit (σ1-5). While μ- and σ-subunits together with the N-termini of the large adaptins build the membrane-binding core of the complex, the C-termini of both adaptins contain the ear domains, which are connected via flexible linkers (2). The recruitment of these complexes to membranes is not entirely conserved. They all require cargo binding, yet AP-1 binds Arf1-GTP with the γ and β1 subunit and phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI4P) via a proposed conserved site on its γ-subunit (7, 8). AP-2, on the other hand, interacts with PI(4,5)P2 at the plasma membrane via its α, β2, and μ2 subunits (9, 10, 11).Several studies have uncovered how AP-3 functions in cargo sorting in yeast. AP-3 recognizes cargo at the Golgi via two sorting motifs in the cytosolic segments of membrane proteins: a Yxxφ sorting motif, as found in yeast in the SNARE Nyv1 or the Yck3 casein kinase, which binds to a site in μ3, as shown for mammalian AP-3, which is similar to μ2 in AP-2 (12, 13, 14), and dileucine motifs as found in the yeast SNARE Vam3 or the alkaline phosphatase Pho8, potentially also at a site comparable to AP-1 and AP-2 (15, 16). Unlike AP-1 and AP-2-coated vesicles, which depend on clathrin for their formation (2, 17), AP-3 vesicle formation in yeast does not require clathrin or the HOPS subunit Vps41 (18), yet Vps41 is required at the vacuole to bind AP-3 vesicles prior to fusion (19, 20, 21, 22). Studies in metazoan cells revealed that Vps41 and AP-3 function in regulated secretion (23, 24, 25), and AP-3 is required for biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles (26). This suggests that the AP-3 complex has features that are quite different from AP-1 and AP-2 complexes, which cooperate with clathrin in vesicle formation (2).Among the three conserved AP complexes, the function of the AP-3 complex is the least understood. Arf1 is necessary for efficient AP-3 vesicle generation in mammalian cells and shows a direct interaction with the β3 and δ subunits of AP-3 (27, 28). In addition, in vitro experiments on mammalian AP-3 using liposomes or enriched Golgi membranes suggest Arf1 as an important factor in AP-3 recruitment, whereas acidic lipids do not have a major effect, in contrast to what was found for AP-1 and AP-2 (7, 11, 29, 30). Another study showed that membrane recruitment of AP-3 depends on the recognition of sorting signals in cargo tails and PI3P (31), similar to AP-1 recruitment via cargo tails, Arf1 and PI4P (32).However, since AP-1 and AP-3 are both recruited to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) in yeast (33), the mechanism of their recruitment likely differs. Even though Arf1 is required, yeast AP-3 seems to be present at the TGN before the arrival of the Arf1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Sec7 (33). This implies the necessity for additional factors at the TGN and a distinct mechanism to allow for spatial and temporal separation of AP-1 and AP-3 recruitment to membranes. Structural data on mammalian AP-1 and AP-2 “core” complexes without the hinge and ear domains of their large subunits revealed that both exist in at least two very defined conformational states: a “closed” cytosolic state, where the cargo-binding sites are buried within the complex, and an “open” state, where the same sites are available to bind cargo (7, 8, 10, 34, 35). Binding of Arf1 to AP-1 or PI(4,5)P2 in case of AP-2 induces a conformational change in the complexes that enables them to bind cargo molecules carrying a conserved acidic di-Leucine or a Tyrosine-based motif, as for all three AP complexes in yeast (8, 34). Additional conformational states and intermediates have been reported for both, mammalian AP-1 and AP-2 complex. AP-1, for example, can be hijacked by the human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) proteins viral protein u (Vpu) and negative factor (Nef), resulting in a hyper-open conformation of AP-1 (36, 37).An emerging model over the past years has suggested that APs have several binding sites that allow for the stabilization of membrane binding and the open conformation of the complexes, but there are initial interactions required that dictate their recruitment to the target membrane. Although these interaction sites for mammalian AP-1 and AP-2 have been identified in great detail based on interaction analyses and structural studies (8, 10, 11, 35, 36, 38, 39), structural data for AP-3 is largely missing. The C-terminal part of the μ-subunit of mammalian AP-3 has been crystallized together with a Yxxφ motif-containing a cargo peptide, which revealed a similar fold and cargo-binding site as shown for AP-1 and AP-2 (14). However, positively charged binding surfaces required for PIP-interaction were not well conserved. Although the “trunk” segment of AP-1 and AP-2 is known quite well by now, information on hinge and ear domains in context of these complexes is largely missing. Crystal structures of the isolated ear domains of α-, γ- and β2-adaptin have been published (40, 41, 42), and a study on mammalian AP-3 suggested a direct interaction between δ-ear and δ3 that interfered with Arf1-binding (43). Furthermore, during tethering of AP-3 vesicles with the yeast vacuole, the δ−subunit Apl5 of the yeast AP-3 complex binds to the Vps41 subunit of the HOPS complex as a prerequisite of fusion (18, 19, 21, 22).In this study, we applied single particle electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) to analyze the purified full-length AP-3 complex from yeast and unraveled the factors required for AP-3 recruitment to membranes by biochemical reconstitution. Our data reveal that a surprisingly flexible AP-3 complex requires a combination of cargo, PI4P, and Arf1 for membrane binding, which explains its function in selective cargo sorting at the Golgi.  相似文献   

Characterization of the Adaptor-related Protein Complex, AP-3   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
We have recently shown that two proteins related to two of the adaptor subunits of clathrincoated vesicles, p47 (μ3) and β-NAP (β3B), are part of an adaptor-like complex not associated with clathrin (Simpson, F., N.A. Bright, M.A. West, L.S. Newman, R.B. Darnell, and M.S. Robinson, 1996. J. Cell Biol. 133:749–760). In the present study we have searched the EST database and have identified, cloned, and sequenced a ubiquitously expressed homologue of β-NAP, β3A, as well as homologues of the α/γ and σ adaptor subunits, δ and σ3, which are also ubiquitously expressed. Antibodies raised against recombinant δ and σ3 show that they are the other two subunits of the adaptor-like complex. We are calling this complex AP-3, a name that has also been used for the neuronalspecific phosphoprotein AP180, but we feel that it is a more appropriate designation for an adaptor-related heterotetramer. Immunofluorescence using anti-δ antibodies reveals that the AP-3 complex is associated with the Golgi region of the cell as well as with more peripheral structures. These peripheral structures show only limited colocalization with endosomal markers and may correspond to a postTGN biosynthetic compartment. The δ subunit is closely related to the protein product of the Drosophila garnet gene, which when mutated results in reduced pigmentation of the eyes and other tissues. Because pigment granules are believed to be similar to lysosomes, this suggests either that the AP-3 complex may be directly involved in trafficking to lysosomes or alternatively that it may be involved in another pathway, but that missorting in that pathway may indirectly lead to defects in pigment granules.  相似文献   

The adaptor protein-2 (AP-2) complex is a heterotetramer involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis of cargo proteins from the plasma membrane in animal cells. The homologous genes of AP-2 subunits are present in the genomes of plants; however, their identities and roles in endocytic pathways are not clearly defined in plants. Here, we reveal the molecular composition of the AP-2 complex of Arabidopsis thaliana and its dynamics on the plasma membrane. We identified all of the α-, β-, σ-, and μ-subunits of the AP-2 complex and detected a weak interaction of the AP-2 complex with clathrin heavy chain. The μ-subunit protein fused to green fluorescent protein (AP2M-GFP) was localized to the plasma membrane and to the cytoplasm. Live-cell imaging using a variable-angle epifluorescence microscope revealed that AP2M-GFP transiently forms punctate structures on the plasma membrane. Homozygous ap2m mutant plants exhibited abnormal floral structures, including reduced stamen elongation and delayed anther dehiscence, which led to a failure of pollination and a subsequent reduction of fertility. Our study provides a molecular basis for understanding AP-2–dependent endocytic pathways in plants and their roles in floral organ development and plant reproduction.  相似文献   

COPI vesicles are essential to the retrograde transport of proteins in the early secretory pathway. The COPI coatomer complex consists of seven subunits, termed α-, β-, β′-, γ-, δ-, ε-, and ζ-COP, in yeast and mammals. Plant genomes have homologs of these subunits, but the essentiality of their cellular functions has hampered the functional characterization of the subunit genes in plants. Here we have employed virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) and dexamethasone (DEX)-inducible RNAi of the COPI subunit genes to study the in vivo functions of the COPI coatomer complex in plants. The β′-, γ-, and δ-COP subunits localized to the Golgi as GFP-fusion proteins and interacted with each other in the Golgi. Silencing of β′-, γ-, and δ-COP by VIGS resulted in growth arrest and acute plant death in Nicotiana benthamiana, with the affected leaf cells exhibiting morphological markers of programmed cell death. Depletion of the COPI subunits resulted in disruption of the Golgi structure and accumulation of autolysosome-like structures in earlier stages of gene silencing. In tobacco BY-2 cells, DEX-inducible RNAi of β′-COP caused aberrant cell plate formation during cytokinesis. Collectively, these results suggest that COPI vesicles are essential to plant growth and survival by maintaining the Golgi apparatus and modulating cell plate formation.  相似文献   

Polarized epithelial cells coexpress two almost identical AP-1 clathrin adaptor complexes: the ubiquitously expressed AP-1A and the epithelial cell–specific AP-1B. The only difference between the two complexes is the incorporation of the respective medium subunits μ1A or μ1B, which are responsible for the different functions of AP-1A and AP-1B in TGN to endosome or endosome to basolateral membrane targeting, respectively. Here we demonstrate that the C-terminus of μ1B is important for AP-1B recruitment onto recycling endosomes. We define a patch of three amino acid residues in μ1B that are necessary for recruitment of AP-1B onto recycling endosomes containing phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate [PI(3,4,5)P3]. We found this lipid enriched in recycling endosomes of epithelial cells only when AP-1B is expressed. Interfering with PI(3,4,5)P3 formation leads to displacement of AP-1B from recycling endosomes and missorting of AP-1B–dependent cargo to the apical plasma membrane. In conclusion, PI(3,4,5)P3 formation in recycling endosomes is essential for AP-1B function.  相似文献   

The human organic solute transporter (hOST) is a heterodimer composed of alpha and beta subunits. Physical association of hOSTα and β subunits is essential for their polarized basolateral plasma membrane localization and function in the export of bile acids and steroids. To understand the role of carboxyl- and amino-tails of OSTβ and mechanisms underlying membrane localization of hOST, the effects of tail deletion of the hOSTβ subunit and biological reagents on membrane distribution and transport function of hOST were investigated in stably transfected MDCK cells. After deletion of 35 amino acids from the amino-tail of hOSTβ, the efflux transport activity and polarized membrane distribution of the truncated hOSTβ was abolished. A co-immunoprecipitation study verified that the amino-tail of hOSTβ is essential for the association with hOSTα subunit. Treatments with acytochalasin D (interrupting ctin-filaments), bafilomycin A1 (inhibiting vacuolar H+-ATPase), brefeldin A (disrupting the Golgi complex), and calphostin C (inhibiting protein kinase C), significantly disrupted the polarized membrane distribution of hOST and markedly reduced transport activity in stably transfected MDCK cells. In summary, the 35 amino acid amino-terminal fragment of hOSTβ contains critical information for interaction with the hOSTα subunit and subsequent trafficking to the plasma membrane. These studies suggest that the membrane sorting process of hOST is mediated by a bafilomycin A1-sensitive vesicular pathway that is associated with the actin-cytoskeleton network. The membrane localization of hOST is also partially mediated through a brefeldin A sensitive mechanism, which controls its transit from the ER to Golgi and is regulated by PKC.  相似文献   

Tyrosine-based signals fitting the YXXØ motif mediate sorting of transmembrane proteins to endosomes, lysosomes, the basolateral plasma membrane of polarized epithelial cells, and the somatodendritic domain of neurons through interactions with the homologous μ1, μ2, μ3, and μ4 subunits of the corresponding AP-1, AP-2, AP-3, and AP-4 complexes. Previous x-ray crystallographic analyses identified distinct binding sites for YXXØ signals on μ2 and μ4, which were located on opposite faces of the proteins. To elucidate the mode of recognition of YXXØ signals by other members of the μ family, we solved the crystal structure at 1.85 Å resolution of the C-terminal domain of the μ3 subunit of AP-3 (isoform A) in complex with a peptide encoding a YXXØ signal (SDYQRL) from the trans-Golgi network protein TGN38. The μ3A C-terminal domain consists of an immunoglobulin-like β-sandwich organized into two subdomains, A and B. The YXXØ signal binds in an extended conformation to a site on μ3A subdomain A, at a location similar to the YXXØ-binding site on μ2 but not μ4. The binding sites on μ3A and μ2 exhibit similarities and differences that account for the ability of both proteins to bind distinct sets of YXXØ signals. Biochemical analyses confirm the identification of the μ3A site and show that this protein binds YXXØ signals with 14–19 μm affinity. The surface electrostatic potential of μ3A is less basic than that of μ2, in part explaining the association of AP-3 with intracellular membranes having less acidic phosphoinositides.  相似文献   

African trypanosomes are the causative agents of human trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness). The pathogenic stage of the parasite has unique adaptations to life in the bloodstream of the mammalian host, including upregulation of endocytic and lysosomal activities. We investigated stage-specific requirements for cytoplasmic adaptor/clathrin machinery in post-Golgi apparatus biosynthetic sorting to the lysosome using RNA interference silencing of the Tbμ1 subunit of adaptor complex 1 (AP-1), in conjunction with immunolocalization, kinetic analyses of reporter transport, and quantitative endocytosis assays. Tbμ1 silencing was lethal in both stages, indicating a critical function(s) for the AP-1 machinery. Transport of soluble and membrane-bound secretory cargoes was Tbμ1 independent in both stages. In procyclic parasites, trafficking of the lysosomal membrane protein, p67, was disrupted, leading to cell surface mislocalization. The lysosomal protease trypanopain was also secreted, suggesting a transmembrane-sorting receptor for this soluble hydrolase. In bloodstream trypanosomes, both p67 and trypanopain trafficking were unaffected by Tbμ1 silencing, suggesting that AP-1 is not necessary for biosynthetic lysosomal trafficking. Endocytosis in bloodstream cells was also unaffected, indicating that AP-1 does not function at the flagellar pocket. These results indicate that post-Golgi apparatus sorting to the lysosome is critically dependent on the AP-1/clathrin machinery in procyclic trypanosomes but that this machinery is not necessary in bloodstream parasites. We propose a simple model for stage-specific default secretory trafficking in trypanosomes that is consistent with the behavior of other soluble and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored cargos and which is influenced by upregulation of endocytosis in bloodstream parasites as an adaptation to life in the mammalian bloodstream.African trypanosomes (Trypanosoma brucei subspecies), the agents of African sleeping sickness, are alone among the kinetoplastid parasites (including Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp.) in having a pathogenic bloodstream stage that exists and replicates extracellularly in the mammalian host. This places unique constraints on the parasite in terms of dealing with host immune responses and on acquisition of essential nutrients. The parasite has evolved many strategies to deal with these constraints, the best known of which is the process of antigenic variation (9). Another is the lysosome, which impacts the host-pathogen balance in multiple ways. Trypanosomes have a single terminal lysosome that is the final repository of endocytic cargo acquired from the host serum for nutritional purposes (30), as well as for potentially lytic immune complexes removed from the cell surface (4, 8). Both endocytosis and lysosomal hydrolytic activities are differentially regulated through the trypanosome life cycle (11, 30), and there are stage-specific differences in the biosynthetic trafficking of essential lysosomal components (discussed below). The release of lysosomal proteases is a factor in the signature event of human infection, penetration of the central nervous system (36). Finally, lysosomal physiology is critical to the activity of an innate human serum resistance trait, trypanolytic factor, which limits the host range of Trypanosoma species (38).Clearly, given its multiple roles in pathogenesis, biogenesis of the lysosome is critical to the success of trypanosomes as human parasites. As in all eukaryotes, lysosomal biogenesis is a balance between the proper sorting of newly synthesized membranes and proteins and recycling of established membranes and proteins internalized from the cell surface. In each case, protein sorting involves recognition of specific signals in cargo molecules by cellular machinery for inclusion in nascent transport vesicles destined for downstream delivery. Unique sets of cytoplasmic coat complexes at discrete intracellular locations serve the dual purpose of simultaneously mediating vesicle formation and selective cargo loading. The best characterized of these machineries is the clathrin/adaptin system for formation of coated vesicles at the Golgi apparatus and the plasma membrane (10, 41). Adaptor complexes (APs) are cytosolic heterotetramers that interact with specific signals in the cytoplasmic domains of membrane cargo proteins, such as dileucine motifs ([E/D]XXXL[L/I]) and tyrosine motifs (YXXØ, where Ø is a bulky hydrophobic residue). The prototypic AP complexes are AP-1 and AP-2, which function at the trans-Golgi network and plasma membrane, respectively. Both are composed of two large subunits (γ/β1 in AP-1; α/β2 in AP-2) and two smaller subunits (σ1/μ1 in AP-1; σ2/μ2 in AP-2). YXXØ motifs interact with μ adaptins, and dileucine motifs interact with combinations of adaptin subunits in both AP-1 and AP-2 (26, 40, 42). It is the large subunits, particularly β adaptin, that mediate clathrin recruitment (19, 44). Other APs, AP-3 and AP-4, with discrete subunit compositions, also exist. AP-3 functions in trafficking to lysosome-related organelles, such as melanosomes, and AP-4 may be involved in basolateral trafficking in polarized epithelial cells (10). The genome of the African trypanosome, T. brucei, encodes a complete complement of orthologous subunits for AP-1, AP-3, and AP-4 but has no genes for AP-2, the major adaptor complex mediating endocytosis in vertebrate cells (16). This is likely due to evolutionary loss, since the closely related T. cruzi has orthologues of all four APs.Two major lysosomal cargo proteins have been studied in T. brucei, the LAMP (lysosome-associated membrane protein)-like protein p67 and the cathepsin L orthologue trypanopain. p67 is a type I membrane protein with a large glycosylated lumenal domain and a short cytoplasmic domain (1, 27). In procyclic insect stage (PCF) trypanosomes, the cytoplasmic domain is both necessary and sufficient for lysosomal targeting of a heterologous reporter, and its deletion results in mistargeting of p67 to the cell surface (1). The cytoplasmic domain contains two canonical dileucine motifs, mutation of which also results in delivery to the cell surface (47). These findings strongly indicate the existence of cognate cytoplasmic machinery for lysosomal delivery of p67 in PCF trypanosomes. Strikingly, however, the cytoplasmic domain, and its motifs, are totally dispensable for lysosomal targeting in bloodstream stage (BSF) trypanosomes (1). Deletion of the cytoplasmic domain results in minor mislocalization to the cell surface, but p67 is still overwhelmingly delivered to the lysosome. Ongoing lysosomal targeting cannot easily be attributed to misfolding of the lumenal domain, as suggested by others (3), since the normal transport-associated patterns of p67 glycosylation and cleavage prevail in these deletion constructs.Less is known about targeting of soluble trypanopain. In mammalian cells, soluble hydrolases are targeted to the lysosome by the addition of mannose-6-phosphate (M6P) moieties in the Golgi apparatus, which serve as ligands for recognition and lysosomal targeting by downstream M6P receptors (28). Soluble hydrolases can also be sorted by receptors that recognize polypeptide motifs, such as sortilins in mammalian cells (12) and Vps10 in yeast (13, 32). These receptors have lumenal cargo recognition domains and cytoplasmic domains containing signals for late endosomal targeting and recycling. M6P-modified N-linked glycans are not found in trypanosomes, and genes encoding the necessary enzymatic activities are absent from the genome (16), ruling out this possibility for trypanopain sorting. However, the T. cruzi orthologue, cruzipain, has been shown to rely on peptide motifs in the N-terminal prodomain for targeting (24), raising the possibility of a sortilin/Vps10p-like sorting receptor. Although there are no obvious orthologues of these proteins in the T. brucei genome, overexpression of trypanopain in PCF trypanosomes leads to secretion, an observation that is consistent with saturation of a specific sorting receptor (S. S. Sutterwala and J. D. Bangs, unpublished observations).Having previously studied the innate signals involved in p67 targeting (1, 47), we now turned our attention to the cognate machinery for post-Golgi apparatus sorting. Specifically, we investigate the role of trypanosomal AP-1 in stage-specific biosynthetic trafficking to the lysosome using RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated silencing of the Tbμ1 (geneDB no. Tb927.7.3180 [www.genedb.org]) subunit as our primary strategy. Our results demonstrate that AP-1 and clathrin are critical for lysosomal targeting of p67 and trypanopain in PCF trypanosomes but that they are essentially dispensable in BSF parasites. These data, in conjunction with the behavior of p67-targeting mutants (1) and other trypanosomal secretory reporters, lead us to propose a simple model for stage-specific default trafficking in African trypanosomes. Although in some respects our results are similar to those of a recent publication using RNAi silencing of the Tbγ1 subunit of AP-1 (3), they differ in key aspects, leading us to significantly different conclusions.  相似文献   

Observations of Golgi fragmentation upon introduction of G protein βγ (Gβγ) subunits into cells have implicated Gβγ in a pathway controlling the fission at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) of plasma membrane (PM)-destined transport carriers. However, the subcellular location where Gβγ acts to provoke Golgi fragmentation is not known. Additionally, a role for Gβγ in regulating TGN-to-PM transport has not been demonstrated. Here we report that constitutive or inducible targeting of Gβγ to the Golgi, but not other subcellular locations, causes phospholipase C- and protein kinase D-dependent vesiculation of the Golgi in HeLa cells; Golgi-targeted β1γ2 also activates protein kinase D. Moreover, the novel Gβγ inhibitor, gallein, and the Gβγ-sequestering protein, GRK2ct, reveal that Gβγ is required for the constitutive PM transport of two model cargo proteins, VSV-G and ss-HRP. Importantly, Golgi-targeted GRK2ct, but not a PM-targeted GRK2ct, also blocks protein transport to the PM. To further support a role for Golgi-localized Gβγ, endogenous Gβ was detected at the Golgi in HeLa cells. These results are the first to establish a role for Golgi-localized Gβγ in regulating protein transport from the TGN to the cell surface.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying the transport from the Golgi to the cell surface of G protein-coupled receptors remain poorly elucidated. Here we determined the role of Rab26, a Ras-like small GTPase involved in vesicle-mediated secretion, in the cell surface export of α2-adrenergic receptors. We found that transient expression of Rab26 mutants and siRNA-mediated depletion of Rab26 significantly attenuated the cell surface numbers of α2A-AR and α2B-AR, as well as ERK1/2 activation by α2B-AR. Furthermore, the receptors were extensively arrested in the Golgi by Rab26 mutants and siRNA. Moreover, Rab26 directly and activation-dependently interacted with α2B-AR, specifically the third intracellular loop. These data demonstrate that the small GTPase Rab26 regulates the Golgi to cell surface traffic of α2-adrenergic receptors, likely through a physical interaction. These data also provide the first evidence implicating an important function of Rab26 in coordinating plasma membrane protein transport.  相似文献   

The GTPase Rab1 regulates endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi and early Golgi traffic. The guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) or factors that activate Rab1 at these stages of the secretory pathway are currently unknown. Trs130p is a subunit of the yeast TRAPPII (transport protein particle II) complex, a multisubunit tethering complex that is a GEF for the Rab1 homologue Ypt1p. Here, we show that mammalian Trs130 (mTrs130) is a component of an analogous TRAPP complex in mammalian cells, and we describe for the first time the role that this complex plays in membrane traffic. mTRAPPII is enriched on COPI (Coat Protein I)-coated vesicles and buds, but not Golgi cisternae, and it specifically activates Rab1. In addition, we find that mTRAPPII binds to γ1COP, a COPI coat adaptor subunit. The depletion of mTrs130 by short hairpin RNA leads to an increase of vesicles in the vicinity of the Golgi and the accumulation of cargo in an early Golgi compartment. We propose that mTRAPPII is a Rab1 GEF that tethers COPI-coated vesicles to early Golgi membranes.  相似文献   

We have identified CALNUC, an EF-hand, Ca2+-binding protein, as a Golgi resident protein. CALNUC corresponds to a previously identified EF-hand/calcium-binding protein known as nucleobindin. CALNUC interacts with Gαi3 subunits in the yeast two-hybrid system and in GST-CALNUC pull-down assays. Analysis of deletion mutants demonstrated that the EF-hand and intervening acidic regions are the site of CALNUC's interaction with Gαi3. CALNUC is found in both cytosolic and membrane fractions. The membrane pool is tightly associated with the luminal surface of Golgi membranes. CALNUC is widely expressed, as it is detected by immunofluorescence in the Golgi region of all tissues and cell lines examined. By immunoelectron microscopy, CALNUC is localized to cis-Golgi cisternae and the cis-Golgi network (CGN). CALNUC is the major Ca2+-binding protein detected by 45Ca2+-binding assay on Golgi fractions. The properties of CALNUC and its high homology to calreticulin suggest that it may play a key role in calcium homeostasis in the CGN and cis-Golgi cisternae.  相似文献   

We have isolated new temperature-sensitive mutations in five complementation groups, sec31-sec35, that are defective in the transport of proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi complex. The sec31-sec35 mutants and additional alleles of previously identified sec and vacuolar protein sorting (vps) genes were isolated in a screen based on the detection of α-factor precursor in yeast colonies replicated to and lysed on nitrocellulose filters. Secretory protein precursors accumulated in sec31-sec35 mutants at the nonpermissive temperature were core-glycosylated but lacked outer chain carbohydrate, indicating that transport was blocked after translocation into the ER but before arrival in the Golgi complex. Electron microscopy revealed that the newly identified sec mutants accumulated vesicles and membrane structures reminiscent of secretory pathway organelles. Complementation analysis revealed that sec32-1 is an allele of BOS1, a gene implicated in vesicle targeting to the Golgi complex, and sec33-1 is an allele of RET1, a gene that encodes the α subunit of coatomer.  相似文献   

Adaptor protein complexes (APs) are evolutionarily conserved heterotetramers that couple cargo selection to the formation of highly curved membranes during vesicle budding. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, AP-3 mediates vesicle traffic from the late Golgi to the vacuolar lysosome. The HOPS subunit Vps41 is one of the few proteins reported to have a specific role in AP-3 traffic, yet its function remains undefined. We now show that although the AP-3 δ subunit, Apl5, binds Vps41 directly, this interaction occurs preferentially within the context of the HOPS docking complex. Fluorescence microscopy indicates that Vps41 and other HOPS subunits do not detectably colocalize with AP-3 at the late Golgi or on post-Golgi (Sec7-negative) vesicles. Vps41 and HOPS do, however, transiently colocalize with AP-3 vesicles when these vesicles dock at the vacuole membrane. In cells with mutations in HOPS subunits or the vacuole SNARE Vam3, AP-3 shifts from the cytosol to a membrane fraction. Fluorescence microscopy suggests that this fraction consists of post-Golgi AP-3 vesicles that have failed to dock or fuse at the vacuole membrane. We propose that AP-3 remains associated with budded vesicles, interacts with Vps41 and HOPS upon vesicle docking at the vacuole, and finally dissociates during docking or fusion.  相似文献   

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