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Fennel JA 《Bioethics》2008,22(2):84-91
Recent developments allow for the creation of human stem cells without the creation of human embryos, a process called alternate nuclear transfer ('ANT'). Pursuing this method of stem cell research makes sense for pro-lifers if arguments for the sanctity of the human embryo do not apply to ANT. However, the technology that makes ANT possible undermines the erstwhile technical barrier between human embryos and somatic cell DNA. These advances bring home the force of hypothetical arguments about the potential of the DNA in somatic cells, showing that there is not a morally relevant difference between the potential of an embryo and the potential of the DNA in a somatic cell. Therefore, the supposed distinction between entities that are potential human life and entities that are human life does not give any support to arguments for the sanctity of the human embryo because those arguments extend value to too many entities.  相似文献   

Cloning methods are now well described and becoming routine. Yet the frequency at which cloned offspring are produced remains below 2% irrespective of nucleus donor species or cell type. Especially in the mouse, few laboratories can make clones from adult somatic cells, and most mouse strains never succeed to produce cloned mice. On the other hand, nuclear transfer can be used to generate embryonic stem (ntES) cell lines from a patient's own somatic cells. We have shown that ntES cells can be generated relatively easily from a variety of mouse genotypes and cell types of both sexes, even though it may be more difficult to generate clones directly. Several reports have already demonstrated that ntES cells can be used in regenerative medicine in order to rescue immune deficient or infertile phenotypes. However, it is unclear whether ntES cells are identical to fertilized embryonic stem (ES) cells. In general, ntES cell techniques are expected to be applicable to regenerative medicine, however, these techniques can also be used for the preservation of the genetic resources of mouse strains instead of preserving such resources in embryos, oocytes or spermatozoa. This review seeks to describe the phenotype, application, and possible abnormalities of cloned mice and ntES cell lines.  相似文献   

To solve the problem of immune incompatibility, nuclear transplantation has been envisaged as a means to produce cells or tissues for human autologous transplantation. Here we have derived embryonic stem cells by the transfer of human somatic nuclei into rabbit oocytes. The number of blastocysts that developed from the fused nuclear transfer was comparable among nuclear donors at ages of 5, 42, 52 and fi0 years, and nuclear transfer (NT) embryonic stem cells (ntES cells) were subsequently derived from each of the four age groups. These results suggest that human somatic nuclei can form ntES cells independent of the age of thedonor. The derived ntES cells are human based on karyotype, isogenicity, in situ hybridization, PCR and immunocytochemistry with probes that distinguish between the various species. The ntES ceils maintainthe capability of sustained growth in an undifferen tiated state, and form embryoid bodies, which, on furtherinduction, give rise to cell types such as neuron and muscle, as well as mixed cell populations that expressmarkers representative of all three germ layers. Thus, ntES cells derived from human somatic cells by NTto rabbit eggs retain phenotypes similar to those of conventional human ES ceils, including the ability toundergo multilineage cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

康岚  陈嘉瑜  高绍荣 《遗传》2018,40(10):825-840
近几十年是干细胞领域飞速发展的重要时期。随着中国经济实力的发展壮大,科研实力也在稳步增强,干细胞研究领域达到了国际并跑甚至领跑的水平。本文从体细胞核移植、诱导多能干细胞、单倍体多能干细胞和胚胎早期发育研究4个方面,对中国细胞重编程和干细胞领域的研究进展进行了历史性回顾,总结了中国科学家在相关领域所取得的重要科研成果。随着单细胞测序技术的发展,各种发育过程将实现更为深入的解读,干细胞的临床应用在中国也会大放异彩。  相似文献   

Fadel HE 《Bioethics》2012,26(3):128-135
Stem cell research is very promising. The use of human embryos has been confronted with objections based on ethical and religious positions. The recent production of reprogrammed adult (induced pluripotent) cells does not - in the opinion of scientists - reduce the need to continue human embryonic stem cell research. So the debate continues. Islam always encouraged scientific research, particularly research directed toward finding cures for human disease. Based on the expectation of potential benefits, Islamic teachings permit and support human embryonic stem cell research. The majority of Muslim scholars also support therapeutic cloning. This permissibility is conditional on the use of supernumerary early pre-embryos which are obtained during infertility treatment in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics. The early pre-embryos are considered in Islamic jurisprudence as worthy of respect but do not have the full sanctity offered to the embryo after implantation in the uterus and especially after ensoulment. In this paper the Islamic positions regarding human embryonic stem cell research and therapeutic cloning are reviewed in some detail, whereas positions in other religious traditions are mentioned only briefly. The status of human embryonic stem cell research and therapeutic cloning in different countries, including the USA and especially in Muslim countries, is discussed.  相似文献   

Reprogramming mediated by stem cell fusion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Advances in mammalian cloning prove that somatic nuclei can be reprogrammed to a state of totipotency by transfer into oocytes. An alternative approach to reprogram the somatic genome involves the creation of hybrids between somatic cells and other cells that contain reprogramming activities. Potential fusion partners with reprogramming activities include embryonic stem cells, embryonic germ cells, embryonal carcinoma cells, and even differentiated cells. Recent advances in fusion-mediated reprogramming are discussed from the standpoints of the developmental potency of hybrid cells, genetic and epigenetic correlates of reprogramming, and other aspects involved in the reprogramming process. In addition, the utility of fusion-mediated reprogramming for future cell-based therapies is discussed.  相似文献   

Many “rising powers” such as India, China, Argentina, Singapore, and Brazil are investing in stem cell technology, joining the traditional leaders in the field, such as the UK, Germany, USA, and Japan. Malaysia is also entering this sector because of the potential medical and economic benefits that the use of stem cell technologies could provide. Like other countries, Malaysia faces the challenge of how to encourage scientific progress and innovation in an ethical manner while at the same time ensuring a safe and accessible market for regenerative therapies. This paper reports on the research findings of semi-structured interviews with local stakeholders to investigate how they perceived and evaluated the current regulatory framework for human stem cell research in Malaysia, and what might be at stake if the state continues with its current regulatory approach.  相似文献   

Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) research, otherwise known as therapeutic cloning, requires large numbers of research oocytes, placing pressure on an already limited supply. In the UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and most of Western Europe, oocytes are made available through modestly reimbursed donation, and, owing to the onerous nature of donation, the existing demand for reproductive oocytes far outstrips availability. SCNT research will place this system under even greater pressure. This paper investigates the growth in a global market for oocytes, where transnational IVF clinics broker sales between generally poor, female vendors and wealthy purchasers, beyond the borders of national regulation, and with little in the way of clinical or bioethical scrutiny. It considers the possible impact that SCNT research will have on this global market. It argues that oocyte vending could be understood as a kind of reproductive labor in the bioeconomy, and suggests some ways to improve the protection, security and power of vendors.  相似文献   

Cell therapy is one of the important therapeutic approaches in the treatment of many diseases such as cancer, degenerative diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. Among various cell types, which could be used as cell therapies, stem cell therapy has emerged as powerful tools in the treatment of several diseases. Multipotent stem cells are one of the main classes of stem cells that could originate from different parts of the body such as bone marrow, adipose, placenta, and tooth. Among several types of multipotent stem cells, tooth-derived stem cells (TDSCs) are associated with special properties such as accessible, easy isolation, and low invasive, which have introduced them as a good source for using in the treatment of several diseases such as neural injuries, liver fibrosis, and Cohrn’s disease. Here, we provided an overview of TDSCs particular stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth and clinical application of them. Moreover, we highlighted molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of dental stem cells fate.  相似文献   

RNA interference is a mechanism displayed by most eukaryotic cells to rid themselves of foreign double-stranded RNA molecules. In the six years since the initial report, RNA interference has now been demonstrated to function in mammalian cells to alter gene expression, and has been used as a means for genetic discovery as well as a possible strategy for genetic correction. An equally popular topic over the past six years has been the proposal to utilize embryonic stem cells or adult stem cells as cell-based therapies for human diseases. The aim of this review is to provide a general overview of how RNA interference suppresses gene expression and to examine some published RNA interference approaches that have resulted in changes in stem cell function and suggest the possible clinical relevance of this work.  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cells derived from somatic cells through such processes as nuclear transfer or induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells present an important model for biomedical research and provide potential resources for cell replacement therapies. However, the overall efficiency of the conversional nuclear transfer is very low and the safety issue remains a major concern for iPS cells. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) generated from parthenogenetic embryos are one attractive alternative as a source of histocompatible cells and tissues for cell therapy. Recent studies on human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells (hPG ESCs) have revealed that these ESCs are very similar to the hESCs derived from IVF or in vivo produced blastocysts in gene expression and other characteristics, but full differentiation and development potential of these hPG ESCs have to be further investigated before clinical research and therapeutic interventions. To generate various pluripotent stem cells, diverse reprogramming techniques and approaches will be developed and integrated. This may help elucidate the fundamental mechanisms underlying reprogramming and stem cell biology, and ultimately benefit cell therapy and regenerative medicine. Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2006AA02A101).  相似文献   

Stem cell lines would be very valuable for the repair of diseased or damaged organs. Stem cells derived from adult tissues raise few ethical problems, and would not be rejected if derived from the patient. They show considerable plasticity and might be appropriate for some clinical conditions, but they tend not to grow well in culture. Stem cells derived from the early human embryo proliferate indefinitely in culture and can give rise to many different tissues, but their derivation requires destruction of the embryo, which is not ethically acceptable in some countries. Other countries allow strictly regulated destructive research on human embryos, usually those that have been produced for infertile couples in infertility clinics. Embryos that are no longer required for the couple's own reproductive project could be donated for research rather than just discarded. Different approaches are being developed to avoid immunological rejection of embryonic stem cells used for therapy. Derivation of embryonic stem cell lines by somatic cell nuclear transfer ('cloning') from the patients themselves might be one possible approach, but is unlikely to be used in routine clinical practice if more cost-effective methods are available.  相似文献   

“Cyborg” entities do not easily fit into pre-existing categories and can therefore be useful in deconstructing these categories and showing their contingency and political power. In this paper, some cyborg stem cells are examined. They were discussed in Australian public debates as well as during interviews with scientists. Multiple ways of making sense of them are possible, but one became dominant, was inscribed in Australian parliamentary documents and may now seem to be a simple reflection of nature. By showing other possible categorizations and highlighting the contingency and ambiguity of concepts such as “embryo,” or “fetus,” the established definition of these cells is contested. In particular, the way it can displace conversations about women's bodies and the use in research of material from terminations is highlighted. Alternative stem cell categorizations are put forward; these are not “innocent” either, but may offer fruitful ways of talking about this area of techno-science in public.  相似文献   

DiSilvestro R 《Bioethics》2006,20(3):146-157
Massimo Reichlin, in an earlier article in this journal, defended a version of the 'argument from potential' (AFP), which concludes that the human embryo should be protected from the moment of conception. But R. Alto Charo, in her essay entitled 'Every Cell is Sacred: Logical Consequences of the Argument from Potential in the Age of Cloning', claims that versions of the AFP like Reichlin's are vulnerable to a rather embarrassing problem: with the advent of human cloning, such versions of the AFP entail that every somatic cell in the human body ought to be protected. Since this entailment is clearly absurd, Charo argues, these versions of AFP should be rejected. I argue that the reasons Charo cites for believing in this entailment are inconclusive. For example, the four reasons she gives for doubting any differences between the nature of skin cells and zygotes are ultimately unconvincing. Against Charo, I maintain that there is a relevant distinction between the sort of potential possessed by the somatic cell and the sort of potential possessed by the early human embryo. Since only the latter sort of potential falls within the scope of the AFP, the alleged absurd entailment Charo invites us to consider is no entailment at all. Hence the AFP cannot be rejected on the grounds Charo advances. Even in an age of cloning, the claim that some cells are 'sacred' because of their potential does not entail the claim that every cell is sacred.  相似文献   

An improved cryopreservation method for a mouse embryonic stem cell line   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Embryonic stem (ES) cell lines including the C57BL/6 genetic background are central to projects such as the Knock-Out Mouse Project, North American Conditional Mouse Mutagenesis Program, and European Conditional Mouse Mutagenesis Program, which seek to create thousands of mutant mouse strains using ES cells for the production of human disease models in biomedical research. Crucial to the success of these programs is the ability to efficiently cryopreserve these mutant cell lines for storage and transport. Although the ability to successfully cryopreserve mouse ES cells is often assumed to be adequate, the percent post-thaw recovery of viable cells varies greatly among genetic backgrounds and individual cell lines within a genetic background. Therefore, there is a need to improve the efficiency and reduce the variability of current mouse ES cell cryopreservation methods. To address this need, we employed the principles of fundamental cryobiology to improve the cryopreservation protocol of a C57BL/6 mouse ES cell line by characterizing the membrane permeability characteristics and osmotic tolerance limits. These values were used to predict optimal cooling rates, warming rates, and type of cryoprotectant, which were then verified experimentally. The resulting protocol, generated through this hypothesis-driven approach, resulted in a 2-fold increase in percent post-thaw recovery of membrane-intact ES cells as compared to the standard freezing protocol, as measured by propidium iodide exclusion. Additionally, our fundamental cryobiological approach to improving cryopreservation protocols provides a model system by which additional cryopreservation protocols may be improved in future research for both mouse and human ES cell lines.  相似文献   

The gingiva, the masticatory portion of the oral mucosa, is excised and discarded frequently during routine dental treatments and following tooth extraction, dental crown lengthening, gingivectomy and periodontal surgeries. Subsequent to excision, healing eventually happens in a short time period after gingival surgery. Clinically, the gingival tissue can be collected very easily and, in the laboratory, it is also very easy to isolate gingival-derived mesenchymal stem cells (GMSCs) from this discarded gingival tissue. GMSCs, a stem cell population within the lamina propria of the gingival tissue, can be isolated from attached and free gingiva, inflamed gingival tissu-es, and from hyperplastic gingiva. Comparatively, they constitute more attractive alternatives to other dental-derived mesenchymal stem cells due to the availability and accessibility of gingival tissues. They have unique immunomodulatory functions and well-documented self-renewal and multipotent differentiation properties. They display positive signals for Stro-1, Oct-4 and SSEA-4 pluripotency-associated markers, with some co-expre-ssing Oct4/Stro-1 or Oct-4/SSEA-4. They should be considered as the best stem cell source for cell-based therapies and regenerative dentistry. The clinical use of GMSCs for regenerative dentistry represents an attrac-tive therapeutic modality. However, numerous biological and technical challenges need to be addressed prior to considering transplantation approaches of GMSCs as clinically realistic therapies for humans.  相似文献   

Characteristic features like self-renewal, multilineage differentiation potential, and immune-modulatory/anti-inflammatory properties, besides the ability to mobilize and home distant tissues make stem cells (SCs) a lifeline for an individual. Stem cells (SCs) if could be harvested and expanded without any abnormal change may be utilized as an all-in-one solution to numerous clinical ailments. However, slender understanding of their basic physiological properties, including expression potential, behavioral alternations during culture, and the effect of niche/microenvironment has currently restricted the clinical application of SCs. Among various types of SCs, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are extensively studied due to their easy availability, straightforward harvesting, and culturing procedures, besides, their less likelihood to produce teratogens. Large ruminant MSCs have been harvested from various adult tissues and fetal membranes and are well characterized under in vitro conditions but unlike human or other domestic animals in vivo studies on cattle/buffalo MSCs have mostly been aimed at improving the animals’ production potential. In this document, we focused on the status and potential application of MSCs in cattle and buffalo.  相似文献   

Most cases of ischemic heart disease and stroke occur as a result of atherosclerosis. The purpose of this study was to produce a new Nippon Institute for Biological Science (NIBS) miniature pig model by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) for studying atherosclerosis. The human apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)) genes were transfected into kidney epithelial cells derived from a male and a female piglet. Male cells were used as donors initially, and 275 embryos were transferred to surrogates. Three offspring were delivered, and the production efficiency was 1.1% (3/275). Serial female cells were injected into 937 enucleated oocytes. Eight offspring were delivered (production efficiency: 0.9%) from surrogates. One male and 2 female transgenic miniature pigs matured well. Lipoprotein(a) was found in the male and one of the female transgenic animals. These results demonstrate successful production of human apo(a) transgenic NIBS miniature pigs by SCNT. Our goal is to establish a human apo(a) transgenic NIBS miniature pig colony for studying atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

近年来,生命科学和医学的基础研究已深入到单细胞阶段。单细胞研究为揭示生命活动的基本规律、探索细胞异质性、提高对疾病发病机制的认识等提供了重要的线索和依据,同时,单细胞技术已被应用于日常实践中,如法医学和临床生殖医学。单细胞研究中使用的技术也在不断变化,并越来越复杂。文中主要介绍单细胞分离技术,包括手工挑取、激光捕获显微切割和微流控技术,以及单细胞中DNA、RNA和蛋白质分析方法的各种技术。此外,文中总结了近年来生命科学和医学领域的主要单细胞研究成果,讨论了单细胞相关技术和研究的不足,并介绍了其未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

Regenerative medicine and cell therapy are emerging clinical disciplines in the field of stem cell biology. The most important sources for cell transplantation are human embryonic and adult stem cells. The future use of these human stem cell lines in humans requires a guarantee of exhaustive control with respect to quality control, safety and traceability. Genetic instability and chromosomal abnormalities represent a potential weakness in basic studies and future therapeutic applications based on these stem cell lines, and may explain, at least in part, their usual tumourigenic properties. So, the introduction of the cytogenetic programme in the determination of the chromosomal stability is a key point in the establishment of the stem cell lines. The aim of this review is to provide readers with an up-to-date overview of all the cytogenetic techniques, both conventional methods and molecular fluorescence methods, to be used in a stem cell bank or other stem cell research centres. Thus, it is crucial to optimize and validate their use in the determination of the chromosomal stability of these stem cell lines, and assess the advantages and limitations of these cutting-edge cytogenetic technologies.  相似文献   

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