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BACKGROUND: Male mating behavior of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans offers an intriguing model to study the genetics of sensory behavior, cilia function, and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). The C. elegans polycystins LOV-1 and PKD-2 act in male-specific sensory cilia required for response and vulva-location mating behaviors. RESULTS: Here, we identify and characterize a new mating mutant, sy511. sy511 behavioral phenotypes were mapped to a mutation in the klp-6 locus, a gene encoding a member of the kinesin-3 family (previously known as the UNC-104/Kif1A family). KLP-6 has a single homolog of unknown function in vertebrate genomes, including fish, chicken, mouse, rat, and human. We show that KLP-6 expresses exclusively in sensory neurons with exposed ciliated endings and colocalizes with the polycystins in cilia of male-specific neurons. Cilia of klp-6 mutants appear normal, suggesting a defect in sensory neuron function but not development. KLP-6 structure-function analysis reveals that the putative cargo binding domain directs the motor to cilia. Consistent with a motor-cargo association between KLP-6 and the polycystins, klp-6 is required for PKD-2 localization and function within cilia. Genetically, we find klp-6 regulates behavior through polycystin-dependent and -independent pathways. CONCLUSION: Multiple ciliary transport pathways dependent on kinesin-II, OSM-3, and KLP-6 may act sequentially to build cilia and localize sensory ciliary membrane proteins such as the polycystins. We propose that KLP-6 and the polycystins function as an evolutionarily conserved ciliary unit. KLP-6 promises new routes to understanding cilia function, behavior, and ADPKD.  相似文献   

BimC kinesins are required for mitotic spindle assembly in a variety of organisms. These proteins are localized to centrosomes, spindle microtubules, and the spindle midzone. We have previously shown that the Caenorhabditis elegans Aurora B kinase AIR-2 is required for the localization of the ZEN-4 kinesin protein to midzone microtubules. To determine whether the association of BimC kinesins with spindle microtubules is also dependent on AIR-2, we examined the expression pattern of BMK-1, a C. elegans BimC kinesin, in wild-type and AIR-2-deficient embryos. BMK-1 is highly expressed in the hermaphrodite gonad and is localized to meiotic spindle microtubules in the newly fertilized embryo. In mitotic embryos, BMK-1 is associated with spindle microtubules from prophase through anaphase and is concentrated at the spindle midzone during anaphase and telophase. In the absence of AIR-2, BMK-1 localization to meiotic and mitotic spindles is greatly reduced. This is not a consequence of loss of ZEN-4 localization because BMK-1 is appropriately localized in ZEN-4-deficient embryos. Furthermore, AIR-2 and BMK-1 directly interact with one another and the C-terminal tail domain of BMK-1 is specifically phosphorylated by AIR-2 in vitro. Together with our previous data, these results suggest that at least one function of the Aurora B kinases is to recruit spindle-associated motor proteins to their sites of action.  相似文献   

A novel gene, prom-1, was isolated in a screen for Caenorhabditis elegans mutants with increased apoptosis in the germline. prom-1 encodes an F-box protein with limited homology to the putative human tumor suppressor FBXO47. Mutations in the prom-1 locus cause a strong reduction in bivalent formation, which results in increased embryonic lethality and a Him phenotype. Furthermore, retarded and asynchronous nuclear reorganization as well as reduced homologous synapsis occur during meiotic prophase. Accumulation of recombination protein RAD-51 in meiotic nuclei suggests disturbed repair of double-stranded DNA breaks. Nuclei in prom-1 mutant gonads timely complete mitotic proliferation and premeiotic replication, but they undergo prolonged delay upon meiotic entry. We, therefore, propose that prom-1 regulates the timely progression through meiotic prophase I and that in its absence the recognition of homologous chromosomes is strongly impaired.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells are polarized, with apical and basal compartments demarcated by tight and adherens junctions. Proper establishment of these subapical junctions is critical for normal development and histogenesis. We report the characterization of the gene let-413 which has a critical role in assembling adherens junctions in Caenorhabditis elegans. In let-413 mutants, adherens junctions are abnormal and mislocalized to more basolateral positions, epithelial cell polarity is affected and the actin cytoskeleton is disorganized. The LET-413 protein contains one PDZ domain and 16 leucine-rich repeats with high homology to proteins known to interact with small GTPases. Strikingly, LET-413 localizes to the basolateral membrane. We suggest that LET-413 acts as an adaptor protein involved in polarizing protein trafficking in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Conventional centrosomes are absent from the spindle in female meiosis in many species, but it is not clear how multiple chromosomes form one shared bipolar spindle without centrosomes. We identified a female sterile mutant in which each bivalent chromosome often forms a separate bipolar metaphase I spindle. Unlike wild type, prophase I chromosomes fail to form a single compact structure within the oocyte nucleus, although the integrity of metaphase I chromosomes appears to be normal. Molecular analysis indicates that the mutant is defective in the conserved kinase nucleosomal histone kinase-1 (NHK-1). Isolation of further alleles and RNA interference in S2 cells demonstrated that NHK-1 is also required for mitotic progression. NHK-1 itself is phosphorylated in mitosis and female meiosis, suggesting that this kinase is part of the regulatory system coordinating progression of mitosis and meiosis.  相似文献   

Autophagy is the main process for bulk protein and organelle recycling in cells under extracellular or intracellular stress. Deregulation of autophagy has been associated with pathological conditions such as cancer, muscular disorders and neurodegeneration. Necrotic cell death underlies extensive neuronal loss in acute neurodegenerative episodes such as ischemic stroke. We find that excessive autophagosome formation is induced early during necrotic cell death in C. elegans. In addition, autophagy is required for necrotic cell death. Impairment of autophagy by genetic inactivation of autophagy genes or by pharmacological treatment suppresses necrosis. Autophagy synergizes with lysosomal catabolic mechanisms to facilitate cell death. Our findings demonstrate that autophagy contributes to cellular destruction during necrosis. Thus, interfering with the autophagic process may protect neurons against necrotic damage in humans.  相似文献   

A key step in pollen formation is the segregation of the products of male meiosis into a tetrad of microspores, each of which develops into a pollen grain. Separation of microspores does not occur in tetraspore (tes) mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, owing to the failure of male meiotic cytokinesis. tes mutants thus generate large 'tetraspores' containing all the products of a single meiosis. Here, we report the positional cloning of the TES locus and details of the role played by the TES product in male cytokinesis. The predicted TES protein includes an N-terminal domain homologous to kinesin motors and a C-terminus with little similarity to other proteins except for a small number of plant kinesins. These include the Arabidopsis HINKEL protein and NACK1 and two from tobacco (Nishihama et al., 2002), which are involved in microtubule organization during mitotic cytokinesis. Immunocytochemistry shows that the characteristic radial arrays of microtubules associated with male meiotic cytokinesis fail to form in tes mutants. The TES protein therefore is likely to function as a microtubule-associated motor, playing a part either in the formation of the radial arrays that establish spore domains following meiosis, or in maintaining their stability.  相似文献   

Mutations in eat-2 and eat-18 cause the same defect in C. elegans feeding behavior: the pharynx is unable to pump rapidly in the presence of food. EAT-2 is a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit that functions in the pharyngeal muscle. It is localized to the synapse between pharyngeal muscle and the main pharyngeal excitatory motor neuron MC, and it is required for MC stimulation of pharyngeal muscle. eat-18 encodes a small protein that has no homology to previously characterized proteins. It has a single transmembrane domain and a short extracellular region. Allele-specific genetic interactions between eat-2 and eat-18 suggest that EAT-18 interacts physically with the EAT-2 receptor. While eat-2 appears to be required specifically for MC neurotransmission, eat-18 also appears to be required for the function of other nicotinic receptors in the pharynx. In eat-18 mutants, the gross localization of EAT-2 at the MC synapse is normal, suggesting that it is not required for trafficking. These data indicate that eat-18 could be a novel component of the pharyngeal nicotinic receptor.  相似文献   

In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, sperm entry into the oocyte triggers the completion of meiosis and the establishment of the embryonic anteroposterior (AP) axis. How the early embryo makes the transition from a meiotic to a mitotic zygote and coordinates cell cycle changes with axis formation remains unclear. We have discovered roles for the C. elegans puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase PAM-1 in both cell cycle progression and AP axis formation, further implicating proteolytic regulation in these processes. pam-1 mutant embryos exhibit a delay in exit from meiosis: thus, this peptidase is required for progression to mitotic interphase. In addition, the centrosomes associated with the sperm pronucleus fail to closely associate with the posterior cortex in pam-1 mutants, and the AP axis is not specified. The meiotic exit and polarity defects are separable, as inactivation of the B-type cyclin CYB-3 in pam-1 mutants rescues the meiotic exit delay but not the polarity defects. Thus PAM-1 may regulate CYB-3 during meiotic exit but presumably targets other protein(s) to regulate polarity. We also show that the pam-1 gene is expressed both maternally and paternally, providing additional evidence that sperm-donated gene products have important roles during early embryogenesis in C. elegans. The degradation of proteins through ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis has been previously shown to regulate the cell cycle and AP axis formation in the C. elegans zygote. Our analysis of PAM-1 requirements shows that a puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase is also required for proteolytic regulation of the oocyte to embryo transition.  相似文献   

Gut granules are specialized lysosome-related organelles that act as sites of fat storage in Caenorhabditis elegans intestinal cells. We identified mutations in a gene, glo-3, that functions in the formation of embryonic gut granules. Some glo-3(−) alleles displayed a complete loss of embryonic gut granules, while other glo-3(−) alleles had reduced numbers of gut granules. A subset of glo-3 alleles led to mislocalization of gut granule contents into the intestinal lumen, consistent with a defect in intracellular trafficking. glo-3(−) embryos lacking gut granules developed into adults containing gut granules, indicating that glo-3(+) function may be differentially required during development. We find that glo-3(+) acts in parallel with or downstream of the AP-3 complex and the PGP-2 ABC transporter in gut granule biogenesis. glo-3 encodes a predicted membrane-associated protein that lacks obvious sequence homologs outside of nematodes. glo-3 expression initiates in embryonic intestinal precursors and persists almost exclusively in intestinal cells through adulthood. GLO-3GFP localizes to the gut granule membrane, suggesting it could play a direct role in the trafficking events at the gut granule. smg-1(−) suppression of glo-3(−) nonsense alleles indicates that the C-terminal half of GLO-3, predicted to be present in the cytoplasm, is not necessary for gut granule formation. Our studies identify GLO-3 as a novel player in the formation of lysosome-related organelles.  相似文献   

Phytochelatins (PCs), (gamma-Glu-Cys)n Gly polymers that were formerly considered to be restricted to plants and some fungal systems, are now known to play a critical role in heavy metal (notably Cd2+) detoxification in Caenorhabditis elegans. In view of the functional equivalence of the gene encoding C. elegans PC synthase 1, ce-pcs-1, to its homologs from plant and fungal sources, we have gone on to explore processes downstream of PC fabrication in this organism. Here we describe the identification of a half-molecule ATP-binding cassette transporter, CeHMT-1, from C. elegans with an equivalent topology to that of the putative PC transporter SpHMT-1 from Schizosaccharomyces pombe. At one level, CeHMT-1 satisfies the requirements of a Cd2+ tolerance factor involved in the sequestration and/or elimination of Cd x PC complexes. Heterologous expression of cehmt-1 in S. pombe alleviates the Cd2+-hypersensitivity of hmt- mutants concomitant with the localization of CeHMT-1 to the vacuolar membrane. Suppression of the expression of ce-hmt-1 in intact worms by RNA interference (RNAi) confers a Cd2+-hypersensitive phenotype similar to but more pronounced than that exhibited by ce-pcs-1 RNAi worms. At another level, it is evident from comparisons of the cell morphology of ce-hmt-1 and cepcs-1 single and double RNAi mutants that CeHMT-1 also contributes to Cd2+ tolerance in other ways. Whereas the intestinal epithelial cells of ce-pcs-1 RNAi worms undergo necrosis upon exposure to toxic levels of Cd2+, the corresponding cells of ce-hmt-1 RNAi worms instead elaborate punctate refractive inclusions within the vicinity of the nucleus. Moreover, a deficiency in CeHMT-1 does not interfere with the phenotype associated with CePCS-1 deficiency and vice versa. Double ce-hmt-1; ce-pcs-1 RNAi mutants exhibit both cell morphologies when exposed to Cd2+. These results and those from our previous investigations of the requirement for PC synthase for heavy metal tolerance in C. elegans demonstrate PC-dependent, HMT-1-mediated heavy metal detoxification not only in S. pombe but also in some invertebrates while at the same time indicating that the action of CeHMT-1 does not depend exclusively on PC synthesis.  相似文献   

The product of the Caenorhabditis elegans ORF F18E2.3 is homologous to the cohesin component Scc3p. By antibody staining the product of F18E2.3 is found in interphase and early meiotic nuclei. At pachytene it localizes to the axes of meiotic chromosomes but is no longer detectable on chromatin later in meiosis or in mitoses. Depletion of the gene product by RNAi results in aberrant mitoses and meioses. In meiosis, homologous pairing is defective during early meiotic prophase and at diakinesis there occur univalents consisting of loosely connected sister chromatids or completely separated sisters. The recombination protein RAD-51 accumulates in nuclear foci at higher numbers during meiotic prophase and disappears later than in wild-type worms, suggesting a defect in the repair of meiotic double-stranded DNA breaks. Embryos showing nuclei of variable size and anaphase bridges, indicative of mitotic segregation defects, are frequently observed. In the most severely affected gonads, nuclear morphology cannot be related to any specific stage. The cytological localization and the consequences of the lack of the protein indicate that C. elegans SCC-3 is essential for sister chromatid cohesion both in mitosis and in meiosis.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by bone-marrow failure, congenital abnormalities, and cancer susceptibility. There are 11 FA complementation groups in human where 8 genes have been identified. We found that FancD2 is conserved in evolution and present in the genome of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The gene Y41E3.9 (CeFancD2) encodes a structural ortholog of human FANCD2 and is composed of 10 predicted exons. Our analysis showed that exons 6 and 7 were absent from a CeFancD2 EST suggesting the presence of a splice variant. In an attempt to characterize its role in DNA damage, we depleted worms of CeFANCD2 using RNAi. When the CeFANCD2(RNAi) worms were treated with a crosslinking agent, a significant drop in the progeny survival was noted. These worms were also sensitive, although to a lesser extent, to ionizing radiation (IR). Therefore, these data support an important role for CeFANCD2 in DNA damage response as for its human counterpart. The data also support the usefulness of C. elegans to study the Fanconi anemia pathway, and emphasize the biological importance of FANCD2 in DNA damage response throughout evolution.  相似文献   

The netrins and slits are two families of widely conserved cues that guide axons and cells along the dorsal-ventral (D-V) axis of animals. These cues typically emanate from the dorsal or ventral midlines and provide spatial information to migrating cells by?forming gradients along the D-V axis. Some cell types, however, extend processes to both the dorsal and ventral midlines, suggesting the existence of additional guidance cues that are secreted from both midlines. Here, we report that a previously uncharacterized protein called MADD-4 is secreted by the dorsal and ventral nerve cords of the nematode C.?elegans to attract sensory axons and muscle?membrane extensions called muscle arms. MADD-4's activity is dependent on UNC-40/DCC, a netrin receptor, which functions cell-autonomously to direct membrane extension. The biological role of MADD-4 orthologs, including ADAMTSL1 and 3 in mammals, is unknown. MADD-4 may therefore represent the founding member of a family of guidance proteins.  相似文献   

The centromere plays a critical role in the segregation of chromosomes during mitosis. In mammals, sister centromeres are resolved from one another in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. During prophase, chromosomes condense with sister centromeres oriented in a back to back configuration enabling only one chromatid to be captured by each half spindle. To study this process, we identified a centromere protein (CENP)-C-like protein, holocentric protein (HCP)-4, in Caenorhabditis elegans based on sequence identity, loss of function phenotype, and centromeric localization. HCP-4 is found in the cytoplasm during interphase, but is nuclear localized in mitosis, where it localizes specifically to the centromere. The localization of HCP-4 to the centromere is dependent on the centromeric histone HCP-3; in addition, HCP-3 and HCP-4 are both required for localization of a CENP-F-like protein, HCP-1, indicating an ordered assembly pathway. Loss of HCP-4 expression by RNA-mediated interference resulted in a failure to generate resolution of sister centromeres on chromosomes, suggesting that HCP-4 is required for sister centromere resolution. These chromosomes also failed to form a functional kinetochore. Thus, the CENP-C-like protein HCP-4 is essential for both resolution sister centromeres and attachment to the mitotic spindle.  相似文献   

Centrosomes mature as cells enter mitosis, accumulating gamma-tubulin and other pericentriolar material (PCM) components. This occurs concomitant with an increase in the number of centrosomally organized microtubules (MTs). Here, we use RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) to examine the role of the aurora-A kinase, AIR-1, during centrosome maturation in Caenorhabditis elegans. In air-1(RNAi) embryos, centrosomes separate normally, an event that occurs before maturation in C. elegans. After nuclear envelope breakdown, the separated centrosomes collapse together, and spindle assembly fails. In mitotic air-1(RNAi) embryos, centrosomal alpha-tubulin fluorescence intensity accumulates to only 40% of wild-type levels, suggesting a defect in the maturation process. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that AIR-1 is required for the increase in centrosomal gamma-tubulin and two other PCM components, ZYG-9 and CeGrip, as embryos enter mitosis. Furthermore, the AIR-1-dependent increase in centrosomal gamma-tubulin does not require MTs. These results suggest that aurora-A kinases are required to execute a MT-independent pathway for the recruitment of PCM during centrosome maturation.  相似文献   

Crossing over and chiasma formation during Caenorhabditis elegans meiosis require msh-5, which encodes a conserved germline-specific MutS family member. msh-5 mutant oocytes lack chiasmata between homologous chromosomes, and crossover frequencies are severely reduced in both oocyte and spermatocyte meiosis. Artificially induced DNA breaks do not bypass the requirement for msh-5, suggesting that msh-5 functions after the initiation step of meiotic recombination. msh-5 mutants are apparently competent to repair breaks induced during meiosis, but accomplish repair in a way that does not lead to crossovers between homologs. These results combine with data from budding yeast to establish a conserved role for Msh5 proteins in promoting the crossover outcome of meiotic recombination events. Apart from the crossover deficit, progression through meiotic prophase is largely unperturbed in msh-5 mutants. Homologous chromosomes are fully aligned at the pachytene stage, and germ cells survive to complete meiosis and gametogenesis with high efficiency. Our demonstration that artificially induced breaks generate crossovers and chiasmata using the normal meiotic recombination machinery suggests (1) that association of breaks with a preinitiation complex is not a prerequisite for entering the meiotic recombination pathway and (2) that the decision for a subset of recombination events to become crossovers is made after the initiation step.  相似文献   

During the maturation of Xenopus oocytes, Cdc6 expression is necessary to establish replication competence to support early embryonic DNA replication. However, Cdc6 is expressed before the completion of MI, at a time when its function as a replication factor is not required, suggesting additional roles for Cdc6 in meiosis. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that Cdc6 protein was distributed around the spindle precursor at the time of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), and localized to the margin of the nascent spindle early in prometaphase. Cdc6 subsequently localized to spindle poles in late prometaphase, where it remained until metaphase arrest. Microinjection of antisense oligonucleotides specific for Cdc6 mRNA disrupted spindle assembly, resulting in defects including delayed spindle assembly, misoriented and unattached anaphase spindles, monasters, multiple spindles, microtubule aggregates associated with condensed chromosomes, or the absence of recognizable spindle-like structures, depending on the level of residual Cdc6 expression. Furthermore, Cdc6 co-localized with γ-tubulin in centrosomes during interphase in all somatic cells analyzed, and associated with spindle poles in mitotic COS cells. Our data suggest a role for Cdc6 in spindle formation in addition to its role as a DNA replication factor.  相似文献   

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