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This paper is a survey of the vegetation of the southeastern departments in the Province of Santa Fe (Argentina). The vegetation was analyzed following Braun-Blanquet's approach modified by Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg (1974). The most relevant species of the region were placed in 25 groups according to their requirements or general behaviour. Most of the communities are herbaceous, and apart from the woody and some other miscellaneous ones they were grouped into three ecologically and floristically defined sets. The first set, the Stipa grasslands and related communities, which are characterized by the more or less abundant presence of Stipa hyalina, Stipa neesiana and Stipa papposa, comprises five different communities. The second, the halophilous communities, comprises five communities, the two Spartina ssp. grasslands, the halophilous prairies of Distichlis spicata, the short sedge Scirpus americanus communities and the ‘pela-dales’. The third, the hygrophilous communities, comprises nine communities which are not so well defined as the ones in the other sets. Besides, two further communities have been included, the Paspalum quadrifarium and the Melica macra tall grasslands.  相似文献   

Kelsey G 《Cell Stem Cell》2011,9(3):177-178
Imprinted genes are the prototypical epigenetically regulated genes. On the basis of findings in adult lung stem cells, Zacharek et?al. (2011) suggest in this issue of Cell Stem Cell that epigenetic silencing of imprinted genes is a common requirement for maintaining self-renewal in adult stem cell populations.  相似文献   

Examination of modern gastropod associations from the low intertidal zone of Isla Santa Cruz suggests that fossil rocky intertidal deposits from this tropical locality will be taphonomically compromised in three ways: (1) Marine hermit crabs, by their use of empty gastropod shells, will mix the shells from varying tidal heights and habitats, thus facilitating mixed associations of such shells in the fossil record, (2) encrusting organisms on crab-inhabited shells are abundant, while boring organisms are almost non-existent, indicating possible differences in postmortem shell retention, and (3) intertidal shells are further taphonomically altered by terrestrial hermit crabs, which transport the shells onto land as well as physically modify the shells. Gastropod fossils from beach and terrace deposits on Isla Santa Fe are interpreted to be a mixed assemblage of rocky intertidal assemblage with few shells indicating influence from marine hermit crabs. Modification of the shell by marine and terrestrial hermit crabs was also evident. A unique polish to the shells at one locality is attributed to the marine iguanas and is only found in the terrace site biologically bulldozed by egg-laying iguanas. Few studies exist on modern rocky intertidal associations in the Galápagos, and the fossil record of rocky shores may provide a baseline for future studies in how community structure has changed over since the advent of humans. Galapagos, C oenobita C ompressus , gastropods, humans, Gulf of California, bionts, nutrients.
Sally E. Walker, Department of Geology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA; 8th September, 1994; revised 28th June, 1995.  相似文献   

Seventy two taxa of rotifers, belonging to 24 genera, are recorded from Saladillo river basin for the first time. Among them twelve are new for Argentina. These especies are described and illustrated. Ecological and biogeographical information is also given.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the fish populations of temporary lenitic water bodies along the Middle Paraná River in the Santa Fe and Corrientes areas, some 650 km apart, sampled during 1972. Comparisons are made among the fish faunas present in the various ponds in 1972, and also with data collected in the same areas in the previous four years. Differences in population size, structure, specific diversity and dominance of particular species, are established between the populations of the two areas. The main reasons for differences are considered in relation to the hydrological regime.  相似文献   

Seventy-two taxa of rotifers, belonging to 24 genera, are recorded from Saladillo river basin for the first time. Among them twelve are new for Argentina. These species are described and illustrated. Ecological and biogeographical information is also given. kw]Key words kw]Rotifera kw]Saladillo river basin kw]Argentina  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are capable of continuous proliferation and self-renewal and are proposed to play significant roles in oncogenesis, tumor growth, metastasis and cancer recurrence. CSCs are considered derived from normal stem cells affected by the tumor microenvironment although the mechanism of development is not clear yet. In 2007, Yamanaka's group succeeded in generating Nanog mouse induced pluripotent stem (miPS) cells, in which green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been inserted into the 5'-untranslated region of the Nanog gene. Usually, iPS cells, just like embryonic stem cells, are considered to be induced into progenitor cells, which differentiate into various normal phenotypes depending on the normal niche. We hypothesized that CSCs could be derived from Nanog miPS cells in the conditioned culture medium of cancer cell lines, which is a mimic of carcinoma microenvironment. As a result, the Nanog miPS cells treated with the conditioned medium of mouse Lewis lung carcinoma acquired characteristics of CSCs, in that they formed spheroids expressing GFP in suspension culture, and had a high tumorigenicity in Balb/c nude mice exhibiting angiogenesis in vivo. In addition, these iPS-derived CSCs had a capacity of self-renewal and expressed the marker genes, Nanog, Rex1, Eras, Esg1 and Cripto, associated with stem cell properties and an undifferentiated state. Thus we concluded that a model of CSCs was originally developed from miPS cells and proposed the conditioned culture medium of cancer cell lines might perform as niche for producing CSCs. The model of CSCs and the procedure of their establishment will help study the genetic alterations and the secreted factors in the tumor microenvironment which convert miPS cells to CSCs. Furthermore, the identification of potentially bona fide markers of CSCs, which will help the development of novel anti-cancer therapies, might be possible though the CSC model.  相似文献   

Changes in mortality and turnover of selected woody plants which dominate and characterise the arid vegetation of the island of Santa Fe, Galapagos, have been studied regularly during the period 1972–2003. After the eradication of feral goats from Santa Fe in 1971, the vegetation started to recover. The previously threatened small tree Scalesia helleri ssp. helleri recovered and some recruitment of the dominant trees Opuntia echios var. barringtonensis and Bursera graveolens took place. The dominant shrub species Cordia lutea, Encelia hispida and Lantana peduncularis increased in number, whereby the shrub layer is becoming denser and the structure of the predominant dry season deciduous steppe forest vegetation is changing. The strong impact of El Niño on the survival and recruitment of Opuntia indicates that recovery of Opuntia-dominated vegetation should be viewed on a time-scale of perhaps 150 years or more, in correspondence with the long life-expectancy of adult Opuntia individual. It is suggested that recruitment and survival of Opuntia may be hindered if future El Niño events are to occur with increased strength, and that this would alter the aspect of the Santa Fe vegetation.  相似文献   

A long-lived thymidine pool in epithelial stem cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. The labelling index (LI) of the individual basal cell positions of the anterior column of mouse tongue filiform papillae was assessed with time after an injection of [3H]TdR at 12.00 hours (the minimum point in the circadian LI rhythm). An initial doubling of the LI in the stem cell zone due to cell division was followed by a second rise of 14–16% 16 hr after injection and this occurred even in the presence of vincristine. Although the uptake of [3H]TdR and the initial LI doubling were largely prevented by a preceding injection of hydroxyurea, the 14–16% LI rise was still observed. The possible explanations are discussed, the favoured one being that an average of one of the six or seven cells (the stem cell) in each stem cell zone can store [3H]TdR in a long-lived precursor pool for at least 16 hr before being utilized for DNA synthesis. This complements previously published work which suggested that one cell in each stem cell zone may selectively segregate DNA at mitosis.  相似文献   

Detecting multiple paternity in wild populations of the broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris) has important implications for conservation efforts. We have applied microsatellite markers to examine genetic variation in C. latirostris and also have provided the first data concerning detection of multiple paternity in wild populations of this species. Blood samples from four nest-guarding C. latirostris females and their hatchlings were obtained from Santa Fe Province, Argentina. Amplified products were analyzed by electrophoresis on 10% polyacrylamide gels and visualized with silver staining. Four out of the eight markers tested reliably amplified and yielded useful data. Using polyacrylamide gels with silver staining provides high enough resolution to obtain individual genotypes. In order to assess the presence or absence of more than two parents in each nest, we used the single locus Minimum Method, and applied Cervus 3.0 and Gerud 2.0 software in parentage analyses. Our results indicate more than one father in at least two families. This behavior could be the consequence of high habitat variability in the area where our population was sampled. The ability to understand mating systems is important for maintaining viable populations of exploited taxa like C. latirostris.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic process result in silencing of one of the two alleles (maternal or paternal) based on the parent of origin. Dysregulation of imprinted genes results in detectable developmental and differential abnormalities. Epigenetics erasure is required for resetting the cell identity to a ground state during the production of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from somatic cells. There are some contradictory reports regarding the status of the imprinting marks in the genome of iPS cells. Additionally, many studies highlighted the existence of subtle differences in the imprinting loci between different types of iPS cells and embryonic stem (ES) cells. These observations could ultimately undermine the use of patient-derived iPS cells for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are essential for long-term spermatogenesis and are the subject of considerable clinical interest, as ‘SSC therapy’ has the potential to cure some forms of male infertility. Recently, we have learned more about SSCs and spermatogenesis in general from a plethora of studies that performed single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) analysis on dissociated cells from human, macaque, and/or mice testes. Here, we discuss what scRNAseq analysis has revealed about SSC precursor cells, the initial generation of SSCs during perinatal development, and their heterogeneity once established. scRNAseq studies have also uncovered unexpected heterogeneity of the larger class of cells that includes SSCs — undifferentiated spermatogonia. This raises the controversial possibility that multiple SSC subsets exist, which has implications for mechanisms underlying spermatogenesis and future SSC therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

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