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The influence of alcoholic intoxication on the resistance of albino mice to bacterial toxins and staphylococcus cultures was investigated. Five-day administration of 40% ethyl alcohol to the animals was accompanied by a significant increase of their resistance to the intoxication caused by C1. perfringens toxins and staphylococcus. Thirty-day alcoholic intoxication promoted a marked reduction of albino mice resistance to the both toxins used and the staphylococcus cultures.  相似文献   

The influence of nonspecific immunomodulation on the course of experimental infection was examined in larval cestodosis (Mesocestoides corti) and ascaridosis (Ascaris suum) in mice. Immunosuppressive treatment (with azathioprine or hydrocortisone) resulted in a decrease of resistance in both models. The subsequent administration of T-activin to immunosuppressed mice led to the restoration of resistance to a level equal to that of untreated control mice. The administration of different immunomodulators partially protected mice against M. corti (T-activin, thymomodulin) or A. suum (T-activin, thymomodulin, thymosin fr.5, bursa-activin) infection. The protective effect of different treatments did not correlate with the level of specific antibody in the sera of infected mice. These results, which confirmed the decisive role of T-cell immunity in the resistance to the helminth infections, raise the possibility of the use of immunomodulators (thymic preparations) in the immunoprophylaxis of helminthoses.  相似文献   

The results of surveying 140 patients with severe purulent and septic infections of staphylococcal etiology, when compared with the distribution of the blood groups (as classified according to the ABO system) in 180 healthy donors, revealed that generalized purulent infections occurred most frequently in patients with blood groups A (II) and AB (IV), and more seldom in patients with blood groups O (I) and B (III). The average content of lysozyme, complement and normal antibodies to E. coli, as well as the average level of general bactericidal activity in the blood sera of the patients were considerably lower than in the blood sera of healthy donors; at the same time content of lysozyme, complement and normal antibodies in the blood sera of patients having different groups of blood did not reflect the degree of their predisposition or resistance to staphylococcal infections. The general bactericidal activity of the blood serum was found to correlate with the degree of predisposition or resistance to purulent septic infections of staphylococcal etiology to a greater extent than other characteristics.  相似文献   

TLR3 recognizes dsRNA and activates antiviral immune responses through the production of inflammatory cytokines and type I IFNs. Genetic association studies have provided evidence concerning the role of a polymorphism in TLR3 (rs3775291, Leu412Phe) in viral infection susceptibility. We genotyped rs3775291 in a population of Spanish HIV-1-exposed seronegative (HESN) individuals who remain HIV seronegative despite repeated exposure through i.v. injection drug use (IDU-HESN individuals) as witnessed by their hepatitis C virus seropositivity. The frequency of individuals carrying at least one 412Phe allele was significantly higher in IDU-HESN individuals compared with that of a matched control sample (odds ratio for a dominant model = 1.87; 95% confidence interval, 1.06-3.34; p = 0.023). To replicate this finding, we analyzed a cohort of Italian, sexually HESN individuals. Similar results were obtained: the frequency of individuals carrying at least one 412Phe allele was significantly higher compared with that of a matched control sample (odds ratio, 1.79; 95% confidence interval, 1.05-3.08; p = 0.029). In vitro infection assays showed that in PBMCs carrying the 412Phe allele, HIV-1(Ba-L) replication was significantly reduced (p = 0.025) compared with that of Leu/Leu homozygous samples and was associated with a higher expression of factors suggestive of a state of immune activation (IL-6, CCL3, CD69). Similarly, stimulation of PBMCs with a TLR3 agonist indicated that the presence of the 412Phe allele results in a significantly increased expression of CD69 and higher production of proinflammatory cytokines including IL-6 and CCL3. The data of this study indicate that a common TLR3 allele confers immunologically mediated protection from HIV-1 and suggest the potential use of TLR3 triggering in HIV-1 immunotherapy.  相似文献   

The effect of intraperitoneal injection of Dextran Sulfate 500 (DS-500, 500,000 Mr) on the intravenous clearance and host resistance to Rhodococcus equi in mice was studied. Contrary to the results seen with Listeria monocytogenes, DS-500 enhanced murine resistance to R. equi and altered organ distribution and clearance.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to develop tomato plants with broad resistanceto tospoviruses which are a major limiting factor to tomato productionworldwide. A nontransgenic tomato line Stevens-Rodale (S-R), six transgenictomato lines expressing the nucleocapsid (N) protein gene of the lettuceisolate of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV-BL), and progeny of the crosses between S-Rand three of the transgenic lines homozygous for the N gene were evaluated fortheir resistance to tospovirus infection in greenhouse inoculation tests. S-Rhas the Sw-5 gene that confers resistance to several TSWVisolates. The six transgenic lines showed high levels of resistance wheninoculated with either TSWV-BL or a tomato isolate from Hawaii (TSWV-H).However, these same plants were highly susceptible to the Brazilian isolate ofgroundnut ringspot virus (GRSV-BR). Plants with the Sw-5gene were resistant to TSWV-BL and GRSV-BR, but were susceptible to TSWV-H.When inoculated with any of the three viruses, the F1 progeny of thecrosses exhibited a susceptible, tolerant, or resistant phenotype with a higherproportion of the plants being either tolerant or resistant. When F2progeny from F1 resistant plants of each cross were inoculated withany of the three viruses, a higher proportion of tolerant and resistant plantswas observed compared to the F1 progeny. Our results show thepotential to obtain broad resistance to tospoviruses by combining transgenicand natural resistance in a single plant.  相似文献   

Infection of sheep with Cysticerus tenuicollis for 12 weeks generated a high level of protection (> 95%) against intra-ruminal challenge with metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica as measured by recovery of flukes from liver and bile ducts and counts of fluke eggs in faeces. The animals were resistant to Fasciola whether challenge was superimposed upon the cestode infection or after removal of the cestode with mebendazole.Previous infection with C. tenuicollis also protected against the pathogenic effects of challenge infection with F. hepatica. Liver fibrosis was much less extensive in resistant sheep than controls and PCV's were not affected although these were reduced during fluke infection in the control animals.  相似文献   

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