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限定因子诱导胎猪成纤维细胞重编程为多能性细胞   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尝试运用限定因子融合蛋白建立猪的诱导多能性干细胞.试验采用Oct4、Sox2、Klf4、c-Myc四种限定因子经慢病毒表达载体系统介导感染猪胎儿成纤维细胞,对表达外源限定因子的猪胎儿成纤维细胞进行培养传代,逐步分离培养出集落边缘界限清晰的细胞克隆,细胞集落生长状态稳定、核型正常、碱性磷酸酶检测为阳性,免疫细胞化学检测显示,Oct4、Nanog、SSEA-1蛋白表达为阳性,体内能够分化形成含有三个胚层的畸胎瘤.结果证实分离培养的细胞克隆为猪诱导多能性干细胞,为进一步完善诱导方案和深入研究应用猪诱导多能性干细胞奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Recent advances in reprogramming allow us to turn somatic cells into human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). Disease modeling using patient-specific hiPSCs allows the study of the underlying mechanism for pathogenesis, also providing a platform for the development of in vitro drug screening and gene therapy to improve treatment options. The promising potential of hiPSCs for regenerative medicine is also evident from the increasing number of publications (>7000) on iPSCs in recent years. Various cell types from distinct lineages have been successfully used for hiPSC generation, including skin fibroblasts, hematopoietic cells and epidermal keratinocytes. While skin biopsies and blood collection are routinely performed in many labs as a source of somatic cells for the generation of hiPSCs, the collection and subsequent derivation of hair keratinocytes are less commonly used. Hair-derived keratinocytes represent a non-invasive approach to obtain cell samples from patients. Here we outline a simple non-invasive method for the derivation of keratinocytes from plucked hair. We also provide instructions for maintenance of keratinocytes and subsequent reprogramming to generate integration-free hiPSC using episomal vectors.  相似文献   

肝脏疾病正逐渐成为全球棘手的医疗问题。肝细胞是肝脏生理活动的主要承担者,在肝脏疾病的研究以及药物的研发和测试方面有着举足轻重的作用。然而,体外分离培养的原代肝细胞面临在体外不能无限增殖和稳定表达肝脏特异基因等问题。有强大的自我更新能力和三胚层分化潜能的诱导性多能肝细胞(iPSCs)能被诱导因子、外源基因和小分子化合物等定向诱导分化为功能性肝细胞。同时,还避免了伦理、宗教以及免疫排斥等诸多问题。本文简要综述了从不同策略诱导iPSCs成为功能性肝细胞的研究方法和成果,并对该领域进行小结和展望。  相似文献   

Current methods of generating rat induced pluripotent stem cells are based on viral transduction of pluripotency inducing genes (Oct4, Sox2, c-myc and Klf4) into somatic cells. These activate endogenous pluripotency genes and reprogram the identity of the cell to an undifferentiated state. Epigenetic silencing of exogenous genes has to occur to allow normal iPS cell differentiation. To gain more control over the expression of exogenous reprogramming factors, we used a novel doxycycline-inducible plasmid vector encoding Oct4, Sox2, c-Myc and Klf4. To ensure efficient and controlled generation of iPS cells by plasmid transfection we equipped the reprogramming vector with a bacteriophage φC31 attB site and used a φC31 integrase expression vector to enhance vector integration. A series of doxycycline-independent rat iPS cell lines were established. These were characterized by immunocytochemical detection of Oct4, SSEA1 and SSEA4, alkaline phosphatase staining, methylation analysis of the endogenous Oct4 promoter and RT-PCR analysis of endogenous rat pluripotency genes. We also determined the number of vector integrations and the extent to which reprogramming factor gene expression was controlled. Protocols were developed to generate embryoid bodies and rat iPS cells demonstrated as pluripotent by generating derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers in vitro, and teratoma formation in vivo. All data suggest that our rat iPS cells, generated by plasmid based reprogramming, are similar to rat ES cells. Methods of DNA transfection, protein transduction and feeder-free monolayer culture of rat iPS cells were established to enable future applications.  相似文献   

Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from somatic cells using defined factors has potential relevant applications in regenerative medicine and biology. However, this promising technology remains inefficient and time consuming. We have devised a serum free culture medium termed iSF1 that facilitates the generation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells. This optimization of the culture medium is sensitive to the presence of Myc in the reprogramming factors. Moreover, we could reprogram meningeal cells using only two factors Oct4/Klf4. Therefore, iSF1 represents a basal medium that may be used for mechanistic studies and testing new reprogramming approaches.  相似文献   

Synapses are the basic structural and functional units for information processing and storage in the brain. Their diverse properties and functions ultimately underlie the complexity of human behavior. Proper development and maintenance of synapses are essential for normal functioning of the nervous system. Disruption in synaptogenesis and the consequent alteration in synaptic function have been strongly implicated to cause neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and schizophrenia (SCZ). The introduction of human‐induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) provides a new path to elucidate disease mechanisms and potential therapies. In this review, we will discuss the advantages and limitations of using hiPSC‐derived neurons to study synaptic disorders. Many mutations in genes encoding for proteins that regulate synaptogenesis have been identified in patients with ASDs and SCZ. We use Methyl‐CpG binding protein 2 (MECP2), SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 3 (SHANK3) and Disrupted in schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) as examples to illustrate the promise of using hiPSCs as cellular models to elucidate the mechanisms underlying disease‐related synaptopathy.  相似文献   

目的:比较不同组织来源的细胞生成iPS细胞的效率,获得高效制备iPS细胞的组织类型.方法:通过四种逆转录病毒(OCT4/SOX2/KLF4/c-MYC)转染羊水细胞、绒毛细胞和皮肤成纤维细胞,建立不同组织来源的iPS细胞系.结果:我们建立了羊水、绒毛细胞和皮肤细胞三个不同组织来源的iPS细胞系,并对其多能性基因Oct4、Nanog以及分子表面标记Tra-1.60以及体外分化为三个胚层能力进行鉴定,发现利用羊水细胞建立iPS细胞的效率显著高于绒毛细胞和皮肤细胞.结论:羊水细胞可能是制备iPS细胞的理想细胞类型.  相似文献   

椎间盘退变始发于髓核组织,获得足够有功能的髓核细胞是研究及治疗椎间盘退变的关键.而人诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cell,iPSC)不仅为建立疾病模型以研究疾病发生发展机制开辟了道路,还在再生医学领域展现出了广阔的应用前景.我们首先从椎间盘退变患者微创手术获得的髓核组织内分离髓核细胞,将携带OCT3/4、SOX2、KLF4和c-MYC的仙台病毒(Sendai virus,Se V)转染髓核细胞,重编程获得iPSC.通过检测多能细胞特异性标志、体内成瘤实验、甲基化及核型分析对所获得的iPSC进行鉴定.并以皮肤成纤维细胞来源iPSC作为对照,在二维和三维水凝胶中对iPSC进行定向分化,检测髓核细胞相关蛋白和基因的表达,比较分析2种iPSC向髓核细胞的分化效率.结果显示,iPSC能表达多能细胞特异性标志,具有正常的二倍体核型,畸胎瘤实验显示三个胚层的出现.诱导分化后的iPSC表达髓核相关基因和蛋白,在水凝胶中诱导培养后,iPSC表达更多的髓核相关基因和蛋白.髓核来源的iPSC与成纤维细胞来源的iPSC相比,可表达更多的髓核相关基因和蛋白.本研究首次将患者退变髓核细胞重编程成iPSC,并在水凝胶内将其诱导分化为髓核样细胞,为椎间盘退变个体化细胞治疗奠定基础.  相似文献   

肾是一种重要的人体器官,具有多种生理功能。然而,全球范围内约有10%的人口患有肾疾病。因此,建立一种接近人体肾的结构与功能的模型进行肾疾病的研究是十分必要的。多能干细胞体外定向诱导分化技术的兴起,为再生医学和精准医学领域注入了新的动力。本研究通过在体外条件下模拟体内肾发育的过程,将人多能干细胞包括胚胎干细胞和诱导多能干细胞,通过体外定向诱导分化形成肾的祖细胞,进而建立肾的结构与功能单位:肾元。该研究通过激活WNT信号通路,同时抑制TGF-β信号通路,将人多能干细胞从多能态定向诱导至原条阶段。之后通过细胞自分化的能力使其发育至中间中胚层,再通过激活FGF信号通路,将其分化至肾祖细胞阶段。流式细胞检测结果显示,肾祖细胞占总细胞数的51.5%~61.9%。通过免疫荧光检测发现:分化得到的结构中包含肾小球足细胞、近端小管、远端小管等肾组织结构。该研究建立的肾体外分化方法,具有稳定性好、分化效率高、重复性好的特点。为研究人类肾的早期发育机制,肾疾病模型构建,以及药物筛选提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) can differentiate into notochordal cell (NC)-like cells when cultured in the presence of natural porcine nucleus pulposus (NP) tissue matrix. The method promises massive production of high-quality, functional cells to treat degenerative intervertebral discs (IVDs). Based on our previous work, we further examined the effect of cell-NP matrix contact and culture medium on the differentiation, and further assessed the functional differentiation ability of the generated NC-like. The study showed that direct contact between hiPSCs and NP matrix can promote the differentiation yield, whilst both the contact and non-contact cultures can generate functional NC-like cells. The generated NC-like cells are highly homogenous regarding the expression of notochordal marker genes. A culture medium containing a cocktail of growth factors (FGF, EGF, VEGF and IGF-1) also supported the notochordal differentiation in the presence of NP matrix. The NC-like cells showed excellent functional differentiation ability to generate NP-like tissue which was rich in aggrecan and collagen type II; and particularly, the proteoglycan to collagen content ratio was as high as 12.5–17.5 which represents a phenotype close to NP rather than hyaline cartilage. Collectively, the present study confirmed the effectiveness and flexibility of using natural NP tissue matrix to direct notochordal differentiation of hiPSCs, and the potential of using the generated NC-like cells for treating IVD degeneration.  相似文献   

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