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RasGRP1 and Sos are two Ras-guanyl-nucleotide exchange factors that link TCR signal transduction to Ras and MAPK activation. Recent studies demonstrate positive selection of developing thymocytes is crucially dependent on RasGRP1, whereas negative selection of autoreactive thymocytes appears to be RasGRP1 independent. However, the role of RasGRP1 in T regulatory (Treg) cell development and function is unknown. In this study, we characterized the development and function of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) and CD8(+)CD44(high)CD122(+) Treg lineages in RasGRP1(-/-) mice. Despite impaired CD4 Treg cell development in the thymus, the periphery of RasGRP1(-/-) mice contained significantly increased frequencies of CD4(+)Foxp3(+) Treg cells that possessed a more activated cell surface phenotype. Furthermore, on a per cell basis, CD4(+)Foxp3(+) Treg cells from mutant mice are more suppressive than their wild-type counterparts. Our data also suggest that the lymphopenic environment in the mutant mice plays a dominant role of favored peripheral development of CD4 Treg cells. These studies suggest that whereas RasGRP1 is crucial for the intrathymic development of CD4 Treg cells, it is not required for their peripheral expansion and function. By contrast to CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells, intrathymic development of CD8(+)CD44(high)CD122(+) Treg cells is unaffected by the RasGRP1(-/-) mutation. Moreover, RasGRP1(-/-) mice contained greater numbers of CD8(+)CD44(high)CD122(+) T cells in the spleen, relative to wild-type mice. Activated CD8 Treg cells from RasGRP1(-/-) mice retained their ability to synthesize IL-10 and suppress the proliferation of wild-type CD8(+)CD122(-) T cells, albeit at a much lower efficiency than wild-type CD8 Treg cells.  相似文献   

The transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase CD45 is differentially required for the development and function of B, T, and NK cells, with mice partially deficient for CD45 having a significant inhibition of T cell, but not NK or B cell, development. CD45-mediated signaling has also been implicated in the development of intrathymic, but not extrathymic, intestinal intraepithelial T lymphocytes (iIELs) in the CD45ex6(-/-) mouse. As NK1.1(+) CD3(+) (NK-T) cells can also develop through extrathymic pathways, we have investigated the role of CD45 in NK-T cell development. In mice with a complete absence of CD45 expression (CD45ex9(-/-)) the NK-T cell population was maintained in the iIEL compartment, but not in the spleen. Functionally, CD45-deficient NK-T cells were unable to secrete IL-4 in response to TCR-mediated signals, a phenotype similar to that of CD45-deficient iIELs, in which in vitro cytokine production was dramatically reduced. Using the CD45ex9(-/-) mouse strain, we have also demonstrated that only one distinct population of NK-T cells (CD8(+)) appears to develop normally in the absence of CD45. Interestingly, although an increase in cytotoxic NK cells is seen in the absence of CD45, these NK calls are functionally unable to secrete IFN-gamma. In the absence of CD45, a significant population of extrathymically derived CD8alphaalpha(+) iIELs is also maintained. These results demonstrate that in contrast to conventional T cells, CD45 is not required during the development of CD8(+) NK-T cells, NK cells, or CD8alphaalpha(+) iIELs, but is essential for TCR-mediated function and cytokine production.  相似文献   

The presentation of lipid and glycolipid Ags to T cells is mediated through CD1 molecules. In the mouse and rat only a single isoform, CD1d, performs these functions, while humans and all other mammals studied have members of both group I (CD1a, -b, and -c) and group II (CD1d) isoforms. Murine CD1d contains a cytoplasmic tyrosine-based sorting motif that is similar to motifs recognized by adaptor protein complexes that sort transmembrane proteins. Here we show that the adaptor protein complex, AP-3, directly interacts with murine CD1d and controls its targeting to lysosomes. AP-3 deficiency results in a redistribution of CD1d from lysosomes to the cell surface of thymocytes, B cell-depleted splenocytes, and dendritic cells. The altered trafficking of CD1d in AP-3-deficient mice results in a significant reduction of NK1.1(+)TCR-beta(+) and CD1d tetramer-positive cells, consistent with a defect in CD1d self-Ag presentation and thymocyte-positive selection. The AP-3 complex has recently been shown to associate with the human CD1b isoform, which has an intracellular distribution pattern similar to that of murine CD1d. We propose that lysosomal sampling may be so critical for efficient host defense that mice have evolved mechanisms to target their single CD1 isoform to lysosomes for sampling lipid Ags. Here we show the dominant mechanism for this trafficking is mediated by AP-3.  相似文献   

CD1d-restricted NKT cells expressing invariant TCR alpha-chains (iNKT cells) produce both proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines rapidly upon activation, and are believed to play an important role in both host defense and immunoregulation. To address the potential implications of iNKT cell responses for infectious or inflammatory diseases of the nervous system, we investigated the expression of CD1d in human peripheral nerve. We found that CD1d was expressed on the surface of Schwann cells in situ and on primary or immortalized Schwann cell lines in culture. Schwann cells activated iNKT cells in a CD1d-dependent manner in the presence of alpha-galactosylceramide. Surprisingly, the cytokine production of iNKT cells stimulated by alpha-galactosylceramide presented by CD1d+ Schwann cells showed a predominance of Th2-associated cytokines such as IL-5 and IL-13 with a marked deficiency of proinflammatory Th1 cytokines such as IFN-gamma or TNF-alpha. Our findings suggest a mechanism by which iNKT cells may restrain inflammatory responses in peripheral nerves, and raise the possibility that the expression of CD1d by Schwann cells could be relevant in the pathogenesis of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

Presentation of Ag to T lymphocytes in the absence of the requisite costimulatory signals leads to an Ag-specific unresponsiveness termed anergy, whereas Ag presentation in conjunction with costimulation leads to clonal expansion. B7/CD28 signaling has been shown to provide this critical costimulatory signal and blockade of this pathway may inhibit in vitro and in vivo immune responses. Although T cells from CD28-deficient mice are lacking in a variety of responses, they nonetheless are capable of various primary and secondary responses without the induction of anergy expected in the absence of costimulation. This suggests that there may be alternative costimulatory pathways that can replace CD28 signaling under certain circumstances. In this paper, we show that ICAM-1becomes a dominant costimulatory molecule for CD28-deficient T cells. ICAM-1 costimulates anti-CD3-mediated T cell proliferation and IL-2 secretion in CD28-deficient murine T cells. Furthermore, splenocytes from ICAM-1-deficient mice could not activate CD28-deficient T cells and splenocytes lacking both ICAM and CD28 fail to proliferate in response to anti-CD3-induced T cell signals. This confirms that not only can ICAM-1 act as a CD28-independent costimulator, but it is the dominant, requisite costimulatory molecule for the activation of T cells in the absence of B7/CD28 costimulation.  相似文献   

CD8 is needed for development of cytotoxic T cells but not helper T cells.   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
A mutant mouse strain without CD8 (Lyt-2 and Lyt-3) expression on the cell surface has been generated by disrupting the Lyt-2 gene using embryonic stem cell technology. In these mice, CD8+ T lymphocytes are not present in peripheral lymphoid organs, but the CD4+ T lymphocyte population seems to be unaltered. Cytotoxic response of T lymphocytes from these mice against alloantigens and viral antigens is dramatically decreased. Proliferative response against alloantigens and in vivo help to B lymphocytes, however, are not affected. These data suggest that CD8 is necessary for the maturation and positive selection of class I MHC restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes but is not required on any of the intermediate thymocyte populations (CD8+CD4-TcR- or CD4+CD8+TcRlow) during the development of functional class II MHC restricted helper T cells.  相似文献   

Mice lacking IFN-regulatory factor (IRF)-1 have reduced numbers of mature CD8+ T cells within the thymus and peripheral lymphoid organs, suggesting a critical role of IRF-1 in CD8(+) T cell differentiation. Here we show that endogenous Bcl-2 expression is substantially reduced in IRF-1(-/-)CD8+ thymocytes and that introduction of a human Bcl-2 transgene driven by Emu or lck promoter in IRF-1(-/-) mice restores the CD8(+) T cell development. Restored CD8+ T cells are functionally mature in terms of allogeneic MLR and cytokine production. In contrast to thymus-derived CD8+ T cells, other lymphocyte subsets including NK, NK T, and TCR-gammadelta(+) intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes, which are also impaired in IRF-1(-/-) mice, are not rescued by expressing human Bcl-2. Our results indicate that IRF-1 differentially regulates the development of these lymphocyte subsets and that survival signals involving Bcl-2 are critical for the development of thymus-dependent CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Although CD1d and MHC class Ia share similar overall structure, they have distinct levels and patterns of surface expression. While the expression of CD1d1 is known to be essential for the development of NKT cells, the contribution of CD1d1 to the development of CD8(+) T cells appears to be inconsequential. To investigate whether CD1d tissue distribution and expression levels confer differential capacity in selecting these two T cell subsets, we analyzed CD8 and NKT cell compartments in K(b)-CD1d-transgenic mice that lack endogenous MHC class Ia and CD1d, respectively. We found that MHC class Ia-like expression pattern and tissue distribution are not sufficient for CD1d to rescue the development of CD8(+) T cells, suggesting that unique structural features of CD1d preclude its active participation in selection of CD8(+) T cells. Conversely, cell type-specific CD1d surface density is important for the selection of NKT cells, as the NKT cell compartment was only partially rescued by the K(b)-CD1d transgene. We have previously demonstrated that increased CD1d expression on dendritic cells enhanced negative selection of NKT cells. In this study, we show that cell type-specific expression levels of CD1d establish a narrow window between positive and negative selection, suggesting that the distinct CD1d expression pattern may be selected evolutionarily to ensure optimal output of NKT cells.  相似文献   

Allergic asthma is characterized by Th2-driven eosinophilic airway inflammation and by a central feature called airway hyperreactivity (AHR), development of which requires the presence of classical type I invariant NK T (iNKT) cells. Allergen-induced AHR, however, develops in beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)m)(-/-) mice, which lack classical iNKT cells, suggesting that in some situations iNKT cells may be dispensable for the development of AHR. In contrast, our studies now suggest that a CD1d-restricted, NK1.1(+) noninvariant TCR NKT cell population is present in beta(2)m(-/-) mice and is responsible for the development of AHR but not for Th2 responses. Furthermore, treatment of beta(2)m(-/-) mice with anti-CD1d mAb or anti-NK1.1 mAb unexpectedly abolished allergen-induced AHR. The CD1-restricted NKT cells in these mice, which failed to respond to alpha-galactosylceramide and which therefore were not classical type I iNKT cells, appear to represent an NKT cell subset restricted by a beta(2)m-independent form of CD1d. These results indicate that, although classical type I iNKT cells are normally required for the development of AHR, under different circumstances other NKT cell subsets, including nonclassical NKT cells, may substitute for classical iNKT cells and induce AHR.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity of NK cells can be inhibited by classical and nonclassical MHC molecules. The CD1 system is formed by a family of glycoproteins that are related to classical MHC. CD1a, b, and c molecules present lipids or glycolipids to T cells and are involved in defense against microbial infections, especially mycobacteria. It has been shown recently that these molecules can inhibit target cell lysis by human NK cells. It has also been shown that mouse CD1d molecules can protect cells from NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. In the present study, we describe how human CD1d, orthologous to murine CD1 molecules, can inhibit NK cell-mediated cytolysis. We have expressed CD1d in the HLA class I-deficient cell lines L721.221 and C1R. The inhibitory effect is observed when effector NK cells from different donors are used, as well as in different cell lines with NK activity. The inhibitory effect was reversed by incubating the target cells with a mAb specific for human CD1d. Incubation of target cells with the ligands for CD1d, alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer), and beta-GalCer abolishes the protective effect of CD1d in our in vitro killing assays. Staining the effector cells using CD1d tetramers loaded with alpha-GalCer was negative, suggesting that the putative inhibitory receptor does not recognize CD1d molecules loaded with alpha-GalCer.  相似文献   

T cell-mediated autoimmune type-1 diabetes (T1D) in NOD mice partly results from this strain's numerical and functional defects in invariant NK T (iNKT) cells. T1D is inhibited in NOD mice treated with the iNKT cell superagonist alpha-galactosylceramide through a process involving enhanced accumulation of immunotolerogenic dendritic cells in pancreatic lymph nodes. Conversely, T1D is accelerated in NOD mice lacking CD38 molecules that play a role in dendritic cell migration to inflamed tissues. Unlike in standard NOD mice, alpha-galactosylceramide pretreatment did not protect the CD38-deficient stock from T1D induced by an adoptively transferred pancreatic beta cell-autoreactive CD8 T cell clone (AI4). We found that in the absence of CD38, ADP-ribosyltransferase 2 preferentially activates apoptotic deletion of peripheral iNKT cells, especially the CD4+ subset. Therefore, this study documents a previously unrecognized role for CD38 in maintaining survival of an iNKT cell subset that preferentially contributes to the maintenance of immunological tolerance.  相似文献   

Mouse CD1d-restricted Valpha14 NKT cells are a unique subset of lymphocytes, which play important roles in immune regulation, tumor surveillance and host defense against pathogens. DOCK2, a mammalian homolog of Caenorhabditis elegans CED-5 and Drosophila melanogaster myoblast city, is critical for lymphocyte migration and regulates T cell responsiveness through immunological synapse formation, yet its role in Valpha14 NKT cells remains unknown. We found that DOCK2 deficiency causes marked reduction of Valpha14 NKT cells in the thymus, liver, and spleen. When alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer), a ligand for Valpha14 NKT cells, was administrated, cytokine production was scarcely detected in DOCK2-deficient mice, suggesting that DOCK2 deficiency primarily affects generation of Valpha14 NKT cells. Supporting this idea, staining with CD1d/alpha-GalCer tetramers revealed that CD44- NK1.1- Valpha14 NKT cell precursors are severely reduced in the thymuses of DOCK2-deficient mice. In addition, studies using bone marrow chimeras indicated that development of Valpha14 NKT cells requires DOCK2 expression in T cell precursors, but not in APCs. These results indicate that DOCK2 is required for positive selection of Valpha14 NKT cells in a cell-autonomous manner, thereby suggesting that avidity-based selection also governs development of this unique subset of lymphocytes in the thymus.  相似文献   

During peripheral T cell deletion, lymphocytes accumulate in nonlymphoid organs including the liver, a tissue that expresses the nonclassical, MHC-like molecule, CD1. Injection of anti-CD3 Ab results in T cell activation, which in normal mice is followed by peripheral T cell deletion. However, in CD1-deficient mice, the deletion of the activated T cells from the lymph nodes was impaired. This defect in peripheral T cell deletion was accompanied by attenuated accumulation of CD8(+) T cells in the liver. In tetra-parental bone marrow chimeras, expression of CD1 on the T cells themselves was not required for T cell deletion, suggesting a role for CD1 on other cells with which the T cells interact. We tested whether this role was dependent on the Ag receptor-invariant, CD1-reactive subset of NK T cells using two other mutant mouse lines that lack most NK T cells, due to deletion of the genes encoding either beta(2)-microglobulin or the TCR element J alpha 281. However, these mice had no abnormality of peripheral T cell deletion. These findings indicate a novel role for CD1 in T cell deletion, and show that CD1 functions in this process through mechanisms that does not involve the major, TCR-invariant set of NK T cells.  相似文献   

These studies address the role of PU.1 in T cell development through the analysis of PU.1-/- mice. We show that the majority of PU.1-/- thymocytes are blocked in differentiation prior to T cell commitment, and contain a population of thymocyte progenitors with the cell surface phenotype of CD44+, HSAbright, c-kitint, Thy-1-, CD25-, Sca-1-, CD4-, and CD8-. These cells correspond in both number and cell surface phenotype with uncommitted thymocyte progenitors found in wild-type fetal thymus. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that PU.1 is normally expressed in this early progenitor population, but is down-regulated during T cell commitment. Rare PU.1-/- thymi, however, contained small numbers of thymocytes expressing markers of T cell commitment. Furthermore, almost 40% of PU.1-/- thymi placed in fetal thymic organ culture are capable of T cell development. Mature PU. 1-/- thymocytes generated during organ culture proliferated and produced IL-2 in response to stimulation through the TCR. These data demonstrate that PU.1 is not absolutely required for T cell development, but does play a role in efficient commitment and/or early differentiation of most T progenitors.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta1 (TGFbeta1) is a potent negative immunoregulatory molecule. We have previously shown that the autoimmune-mediated weaning-age lethality of Tgfb1-/- mice is reversed upon genetic combination with Scid or Rag null alleles. Here, we show that elimination of T but not B cells is sufficient for the reversal, but elimination of either CD4+ or CD8+ cells is not. Although elimination of B cells does not rescue TGFbeta1-deficient animals from autoimmunity, B cells are hyperresponsive to LPS in the absence of TGFbeta1. TGFbeta1 deficiency leads to activation of CD8+ T cells as suggested by down-modulation of CD8 even in the absence of CD4+ T cells. This study provides evidence that both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, but not B cells, have the ability to cause inflammation in the absence of TGFbeta1. However, though TGFbeta1-deficient B cells are hyperresponsive to stimulation, alone they are not sufficient to cause inflammation.  相似文献   

Unlike CD1d-restricted NK1.1(+)TCRalphabeta(+) (NKT) cells, which have been extensively studied, little is known about CD1d-independent NKT cells. To characterize their functions, we analyzed NKT cells in beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)m)-deficient B6 mice. They are similar to NK cells and expressed NK cell receptors, including Ly49, CD94/NKG2, NKG2D, and 2B4. NKT cells were found in normal numbers in mice that are deficient in beta(2)m, MHC class II, or both. They were also found in the male HY Ag-specific TCR-transgenic mice independent of positive or negative selection in the thymus. For functional analysis of CD1d-independent NKT cells, we developed a culture system in which CD1d-independent NKT cells, but not NK, T, or most CD1d-restricted NKT cells, grew in the presence of an intermediate dose of IL-2. IL-2-activated CD1d-independent NKT cells were similar to IL-2-activated NK cells and efficiently killed the TAP-mutant murine T lymphoma line RMA-S, but not the parental RMA cells. They also killed beta(2)m-deficient Con A blasts, but not normal B6 Con A blasts, indicating that the cytotoxicity is inhibited by MHC class I on target cells. IL-2-activated NKT cells expressing transgenic TCR specific for the HY peptide presented by D(b) killed RMA-S, but not RMA, cells. They also killed RMA (H-2(b)) cells that were preincubated with the HY peptide. NKT cells from beta(2)m-deficient mice, upon CD3 cross-linking, secreted IFN-gamma and IL-2, but very little IL-4. Thus, CD1d-independent NKT cells are significantly different from CD1d-restricted NKT cells. They have hybrid phenotypes and functions of NK cells and T cells.  相似文献   

Phosphomannomutases (PMMs) are crucial for the glycosylation of glycoproteins. In humans, two highly conserved PMMs exist: PMM1 and PMM2. In vitro both enzymes are able to convert mannose-6-phosphate (mannose-6-P) into mannose-1-P, the key starting compound for glycan biosynthesis. However, only mutations causing a deficiency in PMM2 cause hypoglycosylation, leading to the most frequent type of the congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG): CDG-Ia. PMM1 is as yet not associated with any disease, and its physiological role has remained unclear. We generated a mouse deficient in Pmm1 activity and documented the expression pattern of murine Pmm1 to unravel its biological role. The expression pattern suggested an involvement of Pmm1 in (neural) development and endocrine regulation. Surprisingly, Pmm1 knockout mice were viable, developed normally, and did not reveal any obvious phenotypic alteration up to adulthood. The macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of all major organs, as well as animal behavior, appeared to be normal. Likewise, lectin histochemistry did not demonstrate an altered glycosylation pattern in tissues. It is especially striking that Pmm1, despite an almost complete overlap of its expression with Pmm2, e.g., in the developing brain, is apparently unable to compensate for deficient Pmm2 activity in CDG-Ia patients. Together, these data point to a (developmental) function independent of mannose-1-P synthesis, whereby the normal knockout phenotype, despite the stringent conservation in phylogeny, could be explained by a critical function under as-yet-unidentified challenge conditions.  相似文献   

Severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice given spleen cells from immunocompetent donors resolve their pre-existing Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP). However, SCID mice given infusions of thymus cells or spleen cells depleted of cells positive for either immunoglobulin or immune response-associated antigen did not resolve their PCP. Immunofluorescence staining and mitogen responses of spleen cells from the recipient SCID mice confirmed that all groups of mice contained functional T cells but only the mice, reconstituted with nondepleted spleen cells, contained B cells. These results indicate, that T cells alone are not sufficient to resolve PCP in SCID mice and that B cells probably must also be present.  相似文献   

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