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A role for talin in presynaptic function   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Talin, an adaptor between integrin and the actin cytoskeleton at sites of cell adhesion, was recently found to be present at neuronal synapses, where its function remains unknown. Talin interacts with phosphatidylinositol-(4)-phosphate 5-kinase type Igamma, the major phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P(2)]-synthesizing enzyme in brain. To gain insight into the synaptic role of talin, we microinjected into the large lamprey axons reagents that compete the talin-PIP kinase interaction and then examined their effects on synaptic structure. A dramatic decrease of synaptic actin and an impairment of clathrin-mediated synaptic vesicle endocytosis were observed. The endocytic defect included an accumulation of clathrin-coated pits with wide necks, as previously observed after perturbing actin at these synapses. Thus, the interaction of PIP kinase with talin in presynaptic compartments provides a mechanism to coordinate PI(4,5)P(2) synthesis, actin dynamics, and endocytosis, and further supports a functional link between actin and clathrin-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

To isolate strains with new recA mutations that differentially affect RecA protein functions, we mutagenized in vitro the recA gene carried by plasmid mini-F and then introduced the mini-F-recA plasmid into a delta recA host that was lysogenic for prophage phi 80 and carried a lac duplication. By scoring prophage induction and recombination of the lac duplication, we isolated new recA mutations. A strain carrying mutation recA1734 (Arg-243 changed to Leu) was found to be deficient in phi 80 induction but proficient in recombination. The mutation rendered the host not mutable by UV, even in a lexA(Def) background. Yet, the recA1734 host became mutable upon introduction of a plasmid encoding UmuD*, the active carboxyl-terminal fragment of UmuD. Although the recA1734 mutation permits cleavage of lambda and LexA repressors, it renders the host deficient in the cleavage of phi 80 repressor and UmuD protein. Another strain carrying mutation recA1730 (Ser-117 changed to Phe) was found to be proficient in phi 80 induction but deficient in recombination. The recombination defect conferred by the mutation was partly alleviated in a cell devoid of LexA repressor, suggesting that, when amplified, RecA1730 protein is active in recombination. Since LexA protein was poorly cleaved in the recA1730 strain while phage lambda was induced, we conclude that RecA1730 protein cannot specifically mediate LexA protein cleavage. Our results show that the recA1734 and recA1730 mutations differentially affect cleavage of various substrates. The recA1730 mutation prevented UV mutagenesis, even upon introduction into the host of a plasmid encoding UmuD* and was dominant over recA+. With respect to other RecA functions, recA1730 was recessive to recA+. This demonstrates that RecA protein has an additional role in mutagenesis beside mediating the cleavage of LexA and UmuD proteins.  相似文献   

Non-optimal codons are defined by low usage and low abundance of corresponding tRNA, and have an established role in translational pausing to allow the correct folding of proteins. Our previous work reported a striking abundance of non-optimal codons in the signal sequences of secretory proteins exported via the sec-dependent pathway in Escherichia coli. In the current study the signal sequence of maltose-binding protein (MBP) was altered so that non-optimal codons were substituted with the most optimal codon from their synonymous codon family. The expression of MBP from the optimized allele (malE-opt) was significantly less than wild-type malE. Expression of MBP from malE-opt was partially restored in a range of cytoplasmic and periplasmic protease deficient strains, confirming that reduced expression of MBP in malE-opt was due to its preferential degradation by cytoplasmic and periplasmic proteases. These data confirm a novel role for non-optimal codon usage in secretion by slowing the rate of translation across the N-terminal signal sequence to facilitate proper folding of the secreted protein.  相似文献   

RecA protein-coated probe has been utilized to enrich genomic digests for desired genes in order to facilitate cloning from genomic libraries. Using a previously cloned HLA-B27 gene as the recA-coated enrichment probe, we obtained a mean 108x increase in the ratio of specific to nonspecific plaques in lambda libraries screened for B27 variant alleles of estimated 99% homology to the probe. Class I genes of lesser homology were less enriched: 6.7x for non-B27 genes of estimated greater than 95% homology and 3.7x for other-Class I genes of greater than 80% homology. Loss of genomic DNA during the enrichment procedure can, however, restrict application of this technique whenever starting genomic DNA is very limited. Nevertheless, the impressive reduction in cloning effort and material makes recA enrichment a useful new tool for cloning homologous genes from genomic DNA.  相似文献   

Kelley AE  Schiltz CA 《Neuron》2004,42(2):181-183
The prefrontal cortex mediates many aspects of addiction. In this issue of Neuron, Bowers et al. demonstrate that an activator of G protein signaling (AGS3) is persistently upregulated in the prefrontal cortex after cessation of chronic cocaine treatment. Furthermore, they find that AGS3 is responsible for altered behavior, such as enhanced drug seeking, and altered neurotransmission in cocaine-treated rats, representing a novel therapeutic target.  相似文献   

The DNA damage-inducible SOS response of Escherichia coli includes an error-prone translesion DNA replication activity responsible for SOS mutagenesis. In certain recA mutant strains, in which the SOS response is expressed constitutively, SOS mutagenesis is manifested as a mutator activity. Like UV mutagenesis, SOS mutator activity requires the products of the umuDC operon and depends on RecA protein for at least two essential activities: facilitating cleavage of LexA repressor to derepress SOS genes and processing UmuD protein to produce a fragment (UmuD') that is active in mutagenesis. To determine whether RecA has an additional role in SOS mutator activity, spontaneous mutability (tryptophan dependence to independence) was measured in a family of nine lexA-defective strains, each having a different recA allele, transformed or not with a plasmid that overproduces either UmuD' alone or both UmuD' and UmuC. The magnitude of SOS mutator activity in these strains, which require neither of the two known roles of RecA protein, was strongly dependent on the particular recA allele that was present. We conclude that UmuD'C does not determine the mutation rate independently of RecA and that RecA has a third essential role in SOS mutator activity.  相似文献   


Thiabendazole (TBZ) is a fungicide used in fruit-packaging plants. Its application leads to the production of wastewaters requiring detoxification. In the absence of efficient treatment methods, biological depuration of these effluents could be a viable alternative. However, nothing is known regarding the microbial degradation of the recalcitrant and toxic to aquatics TBZ. We report the isolation, via enrichment cultures from a polluted soil, of the first bacterial consortium able to rapidly degrade TBZ and use it as a carbon source. Repeated efforts using various culture-dependent approaches failed to isolate TBZ-degrading bacteria in axenic cultures. Denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and cloning showed that the consortium was composed of α-, β- and γ-Proteobacteria. Culture-independent methods including antibiotics-driven selection with DNA/RNA-DGGE, q-PCR and stable isotope probing (SIP)-DGGE identified a Sphingomonas phylotype (B13) as the key degrading member. Cross-feeding studies with structurally related chemicals showed that ring substituents of the benzimidazole moiety (thiazole or furan rings) favoured the cleavage of the imidazole moiety. LC-MS/MS analysis verified that TBZ degradation proceeds via cleavage of the imidazole moiety releasing thiazole-4-carboxamidine, which was not further transformed, and the benzoyl moiety, possibly as catechol, which was eventually consumed by the bacterial consortium as suggested by SIP-DGGE.


Summary We examined the possibility that the recA441 mutation, which partially suppresses the UV sensitivity of uvr recF mutant bacteria, exerts its effect by coding for an altered RecA protein that competes more efficiently than the RecA+ protein with SSB for ssDNA in vivo. Using an assay measuring recombination between UV-damaged DNA and intact homologous DNA, we found that the introduction of the recA441 mutation partially suppressed the defects in recombination in bacteria lacking RecF activity but not in bacteria with excess SSB, although recombination was affected more in recF mutants than in bacteria overproducing SSB. These results therefore do not support the hypothesis that RecA441 protein, or RecA protein with the help of RecF protein, is required during recombination of UV-damaged DNA to compete with SSB for ssDNA.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Characteristics and methodology of the C2H2-C2H4 assay forin situ measurement of N2 fixation are outlined. 2. Electron micrographic analysis of the developmental morphology of the natural soybean symbiosis and C2H2-C2H4 analysis indicate that increasing N2-fixing activity from 12–35 days of age is accompanied by an increase in bacteroid number per cell, bacteroid number per vesicle and inclusions per bacteroid. The mole ratio of leghemoglobin to nitrogenase also increases from 50 to a relatively constant plateau of 500 to 1500 during this period. The quantitative validity of the C2H2-C2H4 assay as a measure of N2 fixation during a complete growth cycle of soybeans on nitrogen-free medium is demonstrated by Σ (C2H2→C2H4)×28/3 values which are 75–95% of the values determined for N2 fixed by Kjeldahl analyses. 3. A technique for the establishment of the first callus N2-fixing symbiosis in mixed cultures ofRhizobium legume provides a defined experimental system for exploration of legume symbiosis. N2-fixing activity is about 1% of the natural system and is influenced by exogenous auxins and cytokinins. Morphology, including infection threads and vesicle enclosed bacteroids, is similar to the nodule system. 4. N2-fixing activity of field-grown soybeans, including varieties which differed in flowering characteristics and maturity dates, and of peanuts was determined biweekly with the C2H2-C2H4 assay. Activity extended from nodule initiation to senescence and correlated with the nitrogen demands of the plant and in most cases >90% of the N2 fixed during the 60–70 day period of fruit formation and maturation. A logarithmic relationship between N2-fixing activity and age, and N2 fixed and age was demonstrated as a fundamental characteristic of these annual symbionts,i.e. log N2 fixed =k(t−t 0), wheret 0 is age at activity initiation. The resultant parameters: 1) age at activity initiation, 2) calculated rate of daily increase (7–9% for soybeans and 7–10% for peanuts), 3) age at end of logarithmic phase (about 80 days for soybeans), and 4) total N2 fixed (about 250 mg per soybean plant) are useful bases for evaluation of environmental, bacterial and host effects on N2 fixation. Various N fertilizers applied at planting and flowering inhibited N2 fixation of soybeans by decreasing the rate of daily increase. 5. Physical and chemical characteristics of nitrogenase, including those of crystalline Mo-Fe protein, reactions of nitrogenase, and model studies are consistent with a proposed mechanism. 6. Potential utilities of N2 fixation research include increased food protein production via initially enhanced N2 fixation of legumes such as soybeans and eventually extension of N2-fixing symbioses to non-legumes and new chemistry of N2, including the direct incorporation of aerial N2 into important organic compounds. Contribution No. 1748.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, cell survival and genomic stability after UV radiation depends on repair mechanisms induced as part of the SOS response to DNA damage. The early phase of the SOS response is mostly dominated by accurate DNA repair, while the later phase is characterized with elevated mutation levels caused by error-prone DNA replication. SOS mutagenesis is largely the result of the action of DNA polymerase V (pol V), which has the ability to insert nucleotides opposite various DNA lesions in a process termed translesion DNA synthesis (TLS). Pol V is a low-fidelity polymerase that is composed of UmuD′2C and is encoded by the umuDC operon. Pol V is strictly regulated in the cell so as to avoid genomic mutation overload. RecA nucleoprotein filaments (RecA*), formed by RecA binding to single-stranded DNA with ATP, are essential for pol V-catalyzed TLS both in vivo and in vitro. This review focuses on recent studies addressing the protein composition of active DNA polymerase V, and the role of RecA protein in activating this enzyme. Based on unforeseen properties of RecA*, we describe a new model for pol V-catalyzed SOS-induced mutagenesis.  相似文献   

The attachment of pathogenic Neisseria species to human cells, in which type IV pili (Tfp) play a key but incompletely defined role, depends on the ability of these bacteria to establish contacts with the target cells but also interbacterial interactions. In an effort to improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of N. meningitidis adherence to human cells, we screened a collection of defined mutants for those presenting reduced attachment to a human cell line. Besides underscoring the central role of Tfp in this process, this analysis led to the identification of mutants interrupted in a novel gene termed pilX, that displayed an adherence as impaired as that of a non-piliated mutant but quantitatively and qualitatively unaltered fibres. Moreover, the pilX gene, which encodes a pilin-like protein that copurifies with Tfp fibres, was also found to be essential for bacterial aggregation. We provide here several piece of evidence suggesting that PilX has intrinsic aggregative but no adhesive properties and that the reduced numbers of adherent bacteria seen with a pilX mutant result from the absence of interbacterial interactions. These data extend the current model for Tfp-facilitated adherence of N. meningitidis to human cells by suggesting that the pili lead to an increase in net initial adherence primarily by mediating a cooperation between the bacteria, which is supported by the finding that a major effect on initial adherence could be observed in a wild-type (WT) genetic background after a mechanical removal of the bacterial aggregates.  相似文献   

The ability of conjugative plasmids from six different incompatibility groups to mobilize a set of mobilizable plasmids was examined. The mobilization frequencies of plasmids RSF1010, ColE1, ColE3, and CloDF13 varied over seven orders of magnitude, depending on the helper conjugative plasmid used. Mobilization of CloDF13 was unique in that it did not require TrwB, TraG or TraD (all members of the TraG family) for mobilization by R388, RP4 or F, respectively. CloDF13 itself codes for an essential mobilization protein (MobB) which is also a TraG homolog, only requiring a source of the genes for pilus formation. Besides, CloDF13 was mobilized efficiently by all conjugative plasmids, suggesting that TraG homologs are the primary determinants of the mobilization efficiency of a plasmid, interacting differentialy with the various relaxosomes. Previous results indicated that TraG and TrwB were interchangeable for mobilization of RSF1010 and ColE1 by PILW (the pilus system of IncW plasmids) but TraG could not complement conjugation of trwB mutants, suggesting that additional interactions were taking place between TrwB and oriT(R388) that were not essential for mobilization. To further test this hypothesis, we analyzed the mobilization frequencies of ColE1 and RSF1010 by the P, W, and F pili in the presence of alternative TraG homologs. The results obtained indicated that the frequency of mobilization was determined both by the particular TraG-like protein used and by the pilus system. Thus, TraG-like proteins are not generally interchangeable for mobilization. Therefore we suggest that the factors that determine the frequencies of transfer of different MOB regions are the differential interactions of TrwB with pilus and relaxosome. Received: 9 September 1996 / Accepted: 17 December 1996  相似文献   



Bacterial motility is a crucial factor in the colonization of natural environments. Escherichia coli has two flagella-driven motility types: swimming and swarming. Swimming motility consists of individual cell movement in liquid medium or soft semisolid agar, whereas swarming is a coordinated cellular behaviour leading to a collective movement on semisolid surfaces. It is known that swimming motility can be influenced by several types of environmental stress. In nature, environmentally induced DNA damage (e.g. UV irradiation) is one of the most common types of stress. One of the key proteins involved in the response to DNA damage is RecA, a multifunctional protein required for maintaining genome integrity and the generation of genetic variation.  相似文献   

Sterol carrier protein 2 (SCP2) is believed to play an important role in the intracellular movement of cholesterol in steroidogenic cells. We examined the distribution of SCP2 gene expression in the rat ovary and the role of gonadotropins and cyclic AMP in the regulation of SCP2 mRNA levels. In situ hybridization revealed that the most steroidogenically active ovarian compartments (e.g., corpora lutea and theca cells) contain significant amounts of SCP2 mRNA whereas granulosa cells have modest levels. Gonadotropins, which promote follicular growth and luteinization, increased the ovarian content of SCP2 mRNA as assessed by Northern blotting along with increases in cytochrome P450scc mRNA. Using steroidogenic transformed rat granulosa cells (Grs-21), a cyclic AMP analogue (8-Br-cAMP) was found to increase SCP2 mRNA and protein levels within 24 h of treatment. P450scc mRNA was also induced whereas actin mRNA levels were not affected. The 8-Br-cAMP stimulation of SCP2 mRNA accumulation was completely inhibited by actinomycin D and cycloheximide. The cyclic AMP analogue also increased SCP2 mRNA levels in a non-steroid hormone producing transformed rat granulosa cell line Gs-8. We conclude that SCP2 gene expression in the ovary is correlated with the state of differentiation of granulosa cells. Gonadotropic hormones which stimulate luteinization of the cells increase SCP2 gene expression. These actions of gonadotropins appear to be mediated at least in part by cyclic AMP through a mechanism requiring ongoing RNA and protein synthesis. However, SCP2 gene expression is not obligatorily coupled to steroidogenic activity, as cyclic AMP analogues can increase SCP2 mRNA in a line of transformed ovarian granulosa cells incapable of synthesizing hormones.  相似文献   

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