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蜉蝣属一新种(蜉蝣目:蜉蝣科)(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细描述了采自安徽黄土坑的一新种:黑翅蜉(Ephemeranigropterasp.nov)的形态特征,并对前人划分蜉蝣属各亚属的标准作了修订。认为将前翅MP2脉与CuA脉在基部连接与否作为划分蜉蝣亚属的标准比较可行。这样,黑翅蜉应归入到蜉蝣属叉蜉亚属(Dicrephemera)。黑翅蜉区别于蜉蝣属其它种的特征为:1)雄成虫前翅外侧大部分呈棕红色,半透明,雌成虫的前翅只具少许斑点,翅透明;2)后翅外侧缘具棕红色斑纹,半透明,而雌成虫后翅不具斑纹,透明,3)雄、雌成虫腹部背板上的斑纹形式及排列;4)雄成虫的尾铗大部分为黑色;5)雄成虫的阳茎的形状独特,且两阳茎紧靠。  相似文献   

对中国锯天牛族的后翅基部关节和后翅翅脉特征进行了研究,发现利用Kukalová-Peck和Lawrence (2004)的后翅命名系统能够很好地对中国锯天牛族后翅翅脉进行命名。但是在中国锯天牛族中,后中脉( MP)和前肘脉(CuA)在后缘并不合并;当前臀脉( AA3)和前肘脉(CuA3 +4)与后肘脉(CuP)相遇时,前臀脉(AA3)消失,前肘脉(CuA3 +4)和后肘脉(CuP)合并,因此楔室(W)仅由肘脉(Cu)的分支脉围成。尽管基部翅关节在研究的各属和各种之间没有表现出差异,但是后翅翅脉在土天牛属Dorysthenes和锯天牛属Prionus不同种类之间差异明显,这些特征包括径室的长宽比例和各边的长度关系、r3存在与否及其长度、后径脉的长度、楔室的长宽比例、以及后中脉(MP3 +4)和前肘脉(CuA3 +4)端部是否分叉等。因此,后翅翅脉特征在土天牛属Dorysthenes和锯天牛属Prionus分种时可能具有分类学意义。  相似文献   

柔裳蜉属Habrophlebiodes蜉蝣的亚洲种类因两阳茎在端部明显分叉而与北美种类有显著区别。本属在亚洲地区现已知4种,其中出众柔裳蜉H.prominens Ulmer的下唇须末节较长、后翅脉相独特以及翅面着色明显而易识别;吉氏柔裳蜉H.gilliesi Peters阳茎较细,两阳茎叶的基部2/3愈合;紫金柔裳蜉H.zijinensis You&Gui阳茎短粗,两阳茎叶在基部1/2愈合,端部突起也较大。与吉氏柔裳蜉相比,紫金柔裳蜉稚虫的鳃具有多而明显的气管分支;与娇弱柔裳蜉H.tenella Kang&Yang相比,紫金柔裳蜉的鳃分叉较深、气管分支更近基部,体色也较浅。柔裳蜉属稚虫的主要特征与拟细裳蜉属Paraleptophlebia和新细裳蜉属Neoleptophlebia相似,但其中舌叶具细毛簇。本属所在的细裳蜉亚科Leptophlebiinae各属之间的系统发育关系重建需要对更多材料进行更深入的研究。  相似文献   

记述采自新疆地区网翅蝗科雏蝗属 Chorthippus 短翅亚属1新种,即果子沟雏蝗 Chorthippus (Altichorthippus) guozigouensis sp. nov.。新种近似于姜氏雏蝗Ch. charpini Chang, 1939 与积石山雏蝗 Ch. jishishanensis Zheng et Xie, 2000。与后两者的主要区别为:♂头侧窝长为宽的3.00倍;♂触角短,刚不到达后足股节基部;♂前翅到达第7节腹节背板后缘,其前缘脉域宽为中脉域宽0.67倍,前后肘脉合并,肘脉域消失;♂后翅到达第7节腹节背板中部;尾须顶端到达肛上板长的一半,膝部与后足胫节端部棕色,非黑色。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。  相似文献   

湖南省节甲茧蜂属二新种(膜翅目:茧蜂科, 甲腹茧蜂亚科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
游兰韶  周至宏 《昆虫学报》1991,34(2):225-229
本文报道湖南省节甲茧蜂属 Sigalphus Latreille,1802两新种。节甲茧蜂属隶茧蜂科,甲腹茧蜂亚科 Chloninae(Shenefelt,1973),该属在我国为首次记录。主要特征是头横置,下颚须4节;胸部粗壮,不宽于头,中胸盾片盾纵沟深;前翅肘室3个,径脉终止在翅尖端之前,第2肘室矩形,肘脉自基脉伸出,迥脉前叉式,小脉后叉式,前翅臀叶基部具横脉,后翅径室横脉弱;腹部长于头胸之和,3节,第1、2节背板之间能活动,第3背板侧缘后方有2齿状突;产卵管短。该属已知7种,分布在新北区(美国)1种、非洲区(马达加  相似文献   

李铁生 《昆虫学报》1974,(3):353-355
库蠓属(Culicoides Latreille)是蠓科种类最多的一属,约占蠓科全部种类的四分之一。亦为重要的吸血昆虫。1972年夏,我所在内蒙伊克昭盟乌审旗采到本属一新种。 乌审库蠓Culicoides wushenensis新种 雌蠓 两复眼无毛并不连接,复眼间距离约为1小眼面直径,无上、下横缝;下颚须第3节明显扩展,长约为宽的2倍,感觉器聚合于一不太深而大的感觉窝内;触角除端部一节外,各节均有嗅觉窝。 中胸背板灰褐色,后盾区有一对暗色纵斑;翅明斑清楚,翅基部有一不规则形明斑,伸达臀室,翅前缘有3个明斑,第一前缘明斑覆盖径中横脉及第1径室基部,向后延伸达肘脉,再向翅端部伸展,斑呈形带状,伸达臀室和第4中室处,第2前缘明斑近圆形,位  相似文献   

棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera (H櫣bner)属鳞翅目异脉亚目夜蛾科 ,前翅副室在该科普遍存在。副室是指自前翅中室前缘或端部发出的 2条或 2条以上的分径脉间有一定距离的愈合 ,然后分开 ,最后又重新愈合 ,这样便形成了一个封闭的翅室 ,称之为副室 (acc  相似文献   

记述了我国绿纹蝗属5种,其中有1新种,即暗边绿纹蝗Aiolopus morulimarginis sp.nov,附有检索表和种类分布情况,模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。暗边绿纹蝗,新种Aiolopus morulimarginis sp.nov.(图1~3)新种近似于芒康绿纹蝗Aiolopus markamensis Yin,1984,主要区别为:1)头顶侧缘隆线在端部弯曲,到达复眼前缘;2)复眼纵径为眼下沟长的1.5倍;3)雌性产卵瓣端部钩状;4)前翅亚前缘脉域基半具白色纵纹;5.)后翅透明,沿外缘具烟色边;6)后足胫节黑色,中部具二宽黄色环。正模♀,陕西西安(陕西帅范大学长安校区),2007-08-30,孙慧敏;副模1♀,同正模。词源:种名以拉丁字"morul"及"marg"为名.  相似文献   

新疆天山地区雏蝗属一新种(直翅目,网翅蝗科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
记述采自新疆天山地区雏蝗属1新种,即天山雏蝗Chorthippus tianshanensis sp.nov.,新种近似于红胫雏蝗Chorthippus rufitibis Zheng,1989,主要区别为:1)前胸背板沟后区长为沟前区的1.1倍;2)前翅较狭长,翅长为宽的4.1倍;3)前缘脉域宽为径脉分支处宽的1.7倍;4)前缘脉域宽为亚前缘脉域宽的2.6倍;5)后足胫节黄褐色.模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室及山西大学生命科学与技术学院.  相似文献   

中国黄足毒蛾属记述(鳞翅目:毒蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵仲苓 《昆虫学报》1983,(3):336-337
黄足毒蛾属(lvela Swinhoe,1903)隶于毒蛾科(Lymantriidae)。模式种为lvelaauripes(Butler)。属征:下唇须细弱向前,第三节微小;后足胫节有一对距,前足跗节第一节短于胫节,爪腹面有齿;翅宽,被鳞片,翅基部有少量毛;前翅无径室,R_1、R_2脉起于中室前缘,R_3、R_4和R_5脉共柄,共柄长,起于中室上角,R_5比R_3脉接近中室,M_1脉起于中室上角,但与R_3 R_4 R_5脉分离,不起于一点;M_2脉接近中室横脉下端分出,M_3  相似文献   

Abstract Homology of the wing base structure in the Odonata is highly controversial, and many different interpretations of homology have been proposed. In extreme cases, two independent origins of insect wings have been suggested, based on comparative morphology between the odonate and other pterygote wing bases. Difficulties in establishing homology of the wing base structures between Odonata and other Pterygota result mainly from their extreme differences in morphology and function. In the present paper, we establish homology of the wing base structures between Neoptera, Ephemeroptera and Odonata using highly conservative and unambiguously identifiable characters (the basal wing hinge and subcostal veins) as principal landmarks. Homology of the odonate wing base structure with those of Ephemeroptera and Neoptera can be identified reliably. Based on this interpretation, the ancestral condition of the insect wing base structure is discussed.  相似文献   

The pattern of wing venation varies considerably among different groups of insects and has been used as a means of species-specific identification. However, little is known about how wing venation is established and diversified among insects. The decapentaplegic (Dpp)/bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathway plays a critical role in wing vein formation during the pupal stages in Drosophila melanogaster. A key mechanism is BMP transport from the longitudinal veins (LVs) to the posterior crossvein (PCV) by the BMP-binding proteins, short gastrulation (Sog) and twisted gastrulation2/crossveinless (Tsg2/Cv). To investigate whether the BMP transport mechanism is utilized to specify insect wing vein patterns in other than Drosophila, we used the sawfly Athalia rosae as a model, which has distinct venation patterns in the fore- and hindwings. Here, we show that Ar-dpp is ubiquitously expressed in both the fore- and hindwings, but is required for localized BMP signaling that reflects distinct wing vein patterns between the fore- and hindwings. By isolating Ar-tsg/cv in the sawfly, we found that Ar-Tsg/Cv is also required for BMP signaling in wing vein formation and retains the ability to transport Dpp. These data suggest that the BMP transport system is widely used to redistribute Dpp to specify wing venation and may be a basal mechanism underlying diversified wing vein patterns among insects.  相似文献   

Two new fossil species, Archaeohelorus polyneurus sp. n. and A. tensus sp. n., assigned to the genus Archaeohelorus Shih, Feng & Ren, 2011 of Heloridae (Hymenoptera), are reported from the late Middle Jurassic, Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia, China. Based on the well-preserved forewings and hind wings of these specimens, the diagnosis of the Archaeohelorus is emended: forewing 2cu-a intersecting Cu and Rs+M at the same point or postfurcal, and hind wing may have tubular veins C, Sc+R, R, Rs, M+Cu, M and Cu distinct, or simplified venation. The new findings also elucidate the evolutionary trend of forewing and hind wing venation and body size for the Heloridae from the late Middle Jurassic to now.  相似文献   

Two different patterns of wing venation are currently supposed to be present in each of the three orders of Paraneoptera. This is unlikely compared with the situation in other insects where only one pattern exists per order. We propose for all Paraneoptera a new and unique interpretation of wing venation pattern, assuming that the convex cubitus anterior gets fused with the common stem of median and radial veins at or very near to wing base, after separation from concave cubitus posterior, and re‐emerges more distally from R + M stem. Thereafter, the vein between concave cubitus posterior and CuA is a specialized crossvein called “cua‐cup,” proximally concave and distally convex. We show that despite some variations, that is, cua‐cup can vary from absent to hypertrophic; CuA can re‐emerge together with M or not, or even completely disappear, this new interpretation explains all situations among all fossil and recent paraneopteran lineages. We propose that the characters “CuA fused in a common stem with R and M”and “presence of specialized crossvein cua‐cup” are venation apomorphies that support the monophyly of the Paraneoptera. In the light of these characters, we reinterpret several Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic fossils that were ascribed to Paraneoptera, and confirm the attribution of several to this superorder as well as possible attribution of Zygopsocidae (Zygopsocus permianus Tillyard, 1935) as oldest Psocodea. We discuss the situation in extinct Hypoperlida and Miomoptera, suggesting that both orders could well be polyphyletic, with taxa related to Archaeorthoptera, Paraneoptera, or even Holometabola. The Carboniferous Protoprosbolidae is resurrected and retransferred into the Paraneoptera. The genus Lithoscytina is restored. The miomopteran Eodelopterum priscum Schmidt, 1962 is newly revised and considered as a fern pinnule. In addition, the new paraneopteran Bruayaphis oudardi gen. nov. et sp. nov. is described fromthe Upper Carboniferous of France (see Supporting Information). J. Morphol., 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To better understand insect evolution, fossils – mainly known by their wings – must be used as terminals in phylogenetic analyses. Such analyses are, however, rarely performed because of a lack of consensus on the homology of venation in insects. Researchers do not agree with the current concept on the exact number and identity of the main veins. Here, we confirm the presence, which has been in question since the early 20th century, of an independent main postcubital vein (PCu vein) between the cubital and anal veins (29 fossil and extant examined orders; > 85% of observed insects). The PCu vein corresponds to the so-called vein 1A or first anal vein. It is easily identified by the unique shape of its bulla. It may have several branches and be partially fused with the cubital and anal veins. Once the PCu vein was identified, we reconsidered as an example the particular case of the Phasmatodea, showing that extant stick insects have a unique venation among insects, with a reduced median vein and a simple cubital vein adjacent or fused to the PCu vein. This study is a new approach towards resolving wing vein homology issues, crucial for future large-scale phylogenetic analyses in insects combining extant and extinct taxa.  相似文献   

独叶草叶二叉分枝脉序中网结脉和盲脉的形态学研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
对独叶草营养叶二叉分枝脉序及其中的网结脉和盲脉的形态学研究表明:(1)网结脉中2条完全汇合的与靠近脉中完全分离的叶脉之间未发现任何形式的维管束汇合的中间类型及网结脉中具有不同程度的连接脉退化痕迹的事实表明,网结脉不可能由靠近脉产生,相反,由于网结脉中联结脉的退化而形成开放脉;(2)盲脉是通过伴随着齿退化的达齿脉的退化、网结脉中联结脉的间断、非网结脉由分枝处间断三种方式产生的;(3)越裂片脉的出现及其可以形成网结脉的现象表明独叶草营养叶可能曾具有较为复杂的脉序,这种叶脉也呈现出退化的趋势;(4)独叶草营养叶的二叉分枝脉序可能是一种退化性状,而网结脉的出现可能是这种退化过程中的残留痕迹。  相似文献   

Light, fluorescence, and electron microscopy were applied to cross sections and -breakage and whole-mount preparations of the anterior hindwing vein of the shield bug Graphosoma italicum. These analyses were complemented by investigations of the basal part of the forewing Corium and Clavus. The integration of structural, histological, and fluorescence data revealed a complex arrangement of both rigid and elastic structures in the wall of wing veins and provided insights into the constitution of transition zones between rigid and elastic regions. Beneath the exocuticular layers, which are continuous with the dorsal and ventral cuticle of the wing membrane, the lumen of the veins is encompassed by a mesocuticular layer, an internal circular exocuticular layer, and an internal longitudinal endocuticular layer. Separate parallel lumina within the anterior longitudinal vein of the hindwing, arranged side-by-side rostro-caudally, suggest that several veins have fused in the phylogenetic context of vein reduction in the pentatomid hindwing. Gradual structural transition zones and resilin enrichment between sclerotized layers of the vein wall and along the edges of the claval furrow are interpreted as mechanical adaptations to enhance the reliability and durability of the mechanically stressed wing veins.  相似文献   

A revision of the holotype of Triplosoba pulchella (Brongniart, 1883), the ‘oldest mayfly’, provides evidence for new attribution to Palaeodictyopterida sensu Bechly. New character states derived from the venation pattern, namely the basal connection of the median anterior with the radius and radius posterior in the forewing, the median anterior remote from the radius posterior and basally fused with the median posterior in the hindwing, and a strong costal margin formed by two connected or fused veins with a series of small spines (costa and subcosta anterior), support an ordinal placement of Triplosoba into Palaeodictyopterida (inclusive of Diphanopterodea sensu Bechly) versus Ephemeroptera as supposed by previous authors. It shares with Diaphanopterodea a potential synapomorphy in the presence of long curved connections between the three stems of the radius, media, and cubitus in the basal part of the forewing, a character not present in other groups of Palaeodictyopterida.  相似文献   

The insect wing is formed from an epithelial sheet that folds during development to establish a saclike tissue with an upper and a lower epithelial monolayer. The adult cuticle formed by the upper and lower monolayers has a distinctive pattern of thickened regions called veins. The venation pattern on the lower surface matches that on the upper surface. As demonstrated by transposition of grafts from the upper monolayer, determination of venation pattern occurs prior to pupation in both wing monolayers. However, the pattern is not expressed until later in adult development. Expression of this determined pattern occurs autonomously in most circumstances. One circumstance in which the pattern fails to be expressed is in pieces of the upper monolayer that are isolated from the lower monolayer before adult cuticle deposition and expression of venation pattern. The only evident interaction between the two monolayers of the wing occurs during a 3-day period, 6–8 days after pupation. During this time, the basal laminae segregating upper monolayer from lower monolayer disappear, and the basal ends of cells form desmosomal junctions at the interface between upper and lower monolayer. Transposition as well as isolation of tissue fragments from the upper monolayer suggest that this interaction between the basal surfaces of the two monolayers is a prerequisite for evocation of venation pattern.  相似文献   

Insect wings are great resources for studying morphological diversities in nature as well as in fossil records. Among them, variation in wing venation is one of the most characteristic features of insect species. Venation is therefore, undeniably a key factor of species-specific functional traits of the wings; however, the mechanism underlying wing vein formation among insects largely remains unexplored. Our knowledge of the genetic basis of wing development is solely restricted to Drosophila melanogaster. A critical step in wing vein development in Drosophila is the activation of the decapentaplegic (Dpp)/bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling pathway during pupal stages. A key mechanism is the directional transport of Dpp from the longitudinal veins into the posterior crossvein by BMP-binding proteins, resulting in redistribution of Dpp that reflects wing vein patterns. Recent works on the sawfly Athalia rosae, of the order Hymenoptera, also suggested that the Dpp transport system is required to specify fore- and hindwing vein patterns. Given that Dpp redistribution via transport is likely to be a key mechanism for establishing wing vein patterns, this raises the interesting possibility that distinct wing vein patterns are generated, based on where Dpp is transported. Experimental evidence in Drosophila suggests that the direction of Dpp transport is regulated by prepatterned positional information. These observations lead to the postulation that Dpp generates diversified insect wing vein patterns through species-specific positional information of its directional transport. Extension of these observations in some winged insects will provide further insights into the mechanisms underlying diversified wing venation among insects.  相似文献   

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