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蘑菇氨酸曾被怀疑具有潜在的致癌效应,但其生理作用目前还存在争议.为比较分析我国不同地区双孢蘑菇中蘑菇氨酸含量,本研究采用反相高效液相色谱法检测了我国5个双孢蘑菇产区30份新鲜双孢蘑菇样品中蘑菇氨酸的含量.结果显示,我国双孢蘑菇中蘑菇氨酸含量范围较广,为155.6~934.4mg/kg FW.在此基础上,分析了菌株类型、培养料类型和采收季节等因素对蘑菇氨酸含量的影响.结果表明,不同菌株、不同栽培条件下生产的双孢蘑菇中蘑菇氨酸的含量差异明显.  相似文献   

‘双孢106’是‘A20’通过单孢选育的品种。子实体散生,少量丛生,近半球形。菌盖白色,表面光洁,直径3.5-5.0cm,厚2.0-3.0cm,质地致密;菌柄白色,粗短,近圆柱形,基部略膨大,长2.0-2.8cm。发菌适温22-25℃,子实体生长发育温度10-24℃,最适温度16-18℃。鲜菇粗纤维含量1.00%,蛋白质含量3.54%,氨基酸总量2.84%。该品种出菇早,子实体圆整、结实,产量高,商品化等级高。适宜双孢蘑菇工厂化设施栽培。  相似文献   

张志群  许有德 《微生物学杂志》1999,19(4):64-64,F003
我们于1994年引进台湾双抱蘑菇菌种及相关的栽培技术,结合本地区的具体情况,经过大面积栽培试验,生物转化率为35%左右,最高可达50%,现将此技术介绍如下:1栽培料的质量要求稻草:新鲜并且干燥,水分含量18%以下。硫酸按:白色结晶,含氮量21%。尿素:白色结晶,含氮量46%。过磷酸钙:黄褐色或灰色粉末,PZq含量15%。轻质碳酸钙:白色至灰色粉末,op含量95%以上,pH7.0~8.so熟石灰:白色粉末,pH11Lll。大米糠:黄白色粉末,无酸臭味,且不得结决。2菇房结构和栽培床的搭建①菇房结构:利用空闲民房作菇房,也可建成大棚式…  相似文献   

报道中国3种尾孢类真菌,其中有1个新种,即寄生在柿Diospyros kaki上的湖南假尾孢Pseudocercospora hunanensis,2个中国新记录种是生于八宝景天Sedum spectabile上的假珈蓝菜尾孢Cercospora pseudokalancho?s和生在假蒟Piper sarmentosum上的胡椒假尾孢Pseudocercospora piperina。提供了各个种的形态描述、图及与近似种区别的讨论,研究的标本保存在中国科学院菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

在机械损伤过程中,白色双孢蘑菇极易被损伤并迅速褐变,使得机械采收的鲜菇质量低下,并且影响机械采收技术的应用和发展。机械采收双孢蘑菇的褐变程度(损伤敏感性)受栽培环境条件的影响。本文应用因子设计分析的方式研究多个因子对双孢蘑菇机械损伤敏感性的影响。以4个菌株为材料测试3个环境因子对双孢蘑菇损伤敏感性的影响,即覆土的厚度(分为2.5cm和5cm两个水平),覆土的湿度(分为干覆土和正常覆土两个水平),以及菇房内的相对湿度(分为80%和87%两个水平)。目的是找出能够在不敏感菌株和敏感菌株间产生最大敏感性差异的环境条件,由此得到的环境条件将应用到后续的群体分离分析中以得到最大的敏感性变异率。根据方差分析结果得出基因型(菌株)和覆土厚度是影响损伤敏感性的显著性因子,因子间相互作用显著。能够在不敏感菌株和敏感菌株间产生最大的损伤敏感性差异的环境条件为正常湿度的5cm厚覆土材料和87%的菇房内相对湿度。  相似文献   

双孢蘑菇遗传多样性分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
应用AFLP指纹技术对双孢蘑菇的20个野生菌株和5个栽培品种的遗传多样性进行了研究。AFLP指纹揭示出20个野生异核体菌株所固的基因型。5个商业品种表现出比较一致的AFLP指纹,但也显示出它们之间的一些差别。由单孢分离获得的同核体菌株携带着部分异核体菌株的AFLP指纹;由同一子实体分离得到的大部分单孢菌株是异核体菌株,它们具有与其亲本一致的AFLP指纹。UPGMA分析揭示出2个与地理分布(美洲、欧洲)和相对应的组。研究结果表明:(1)在野生菌株之间存在着明显的遗传差异;(2)大多数单孢分离的菌株具有与母本一致的遗传物质;(3)野生菌株间的遗传变异大于栽培品种间的变异;(4)在双孢蘑菇的遗传多样性分析中,AFLP技术是非常有效的工具。  相似文献   

双孢蘑菇子实体营养成分分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
测定了双孢蘑菇子实体中氨基酸、矿质元素、多糖、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、灰分、粗纤维、核苷酸、维生素C和SOD等含量。结果表明,粗蛋白含量为37.86%,在测定的18种氨基酸中含有17种氨基酸,8种必须氨基酸含量占氨基酸总量的42.30%;必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸比值(E/N)为0.73。还含有丰富的多糖、纤维素、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和核苷酸类物质。  相似文献   

磁场对双孢蘑菇2796生物学效应的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
用0.07T、0.1T、0.3T、0.4T磁场强度的磁场处理培养在PDA上双孢蘑菇2796菌丝体,经转接种培养后,测定其生长速度及生物学指标,结果显示:0.3T磁场强度对双孢蘑菇2796菌丝体损伤最严重,使其生长速度下降33.03%,差异极显著.核酸和可溶性蛋白的曲线均降至最低;EST的Rf<0.25的几条酶带消失,Rf=0.838和0.875的酶带酶活降低。蛋白质的色谱分析表明,不同剂量的磁场处  相似文献   

双孢蘑菇分子标记研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
双孢蘑菇(Agaricus bisporus)是世界上最重要的人工栽培的食用菌,近20年来双孢蘑菇分子标记研究发展迅速,取得了许多阶段性成果。本简要地对双孢蘑菇同工酶标记,电泳核型,RFLP,RAPD,AFLP等分子标记研究的发展状况进行了综述。  相似文献   

Agaricus bisporus is an edible basidiomycete cultivated industrially for food production. Different spawn and mushroom producers use genetically related A. bisporus strains frequently marketed as different products. In this paper we show that the use of suitable molecular markers reveals the high level of genetic homology of commercial strains of A. bisporus, and allows, at the same time, to distinguish between them. In the course of this work, a molecular marker potentially linked to the agronomic character 'mushroom weight' has been identified by bulked segregant analysis.  相似文献   

Abstract: Twenty-one wild isolates from two distinct sites and six cultivated strains of Agaricus bisporus were cultivated on a conventional mushroom compost. Their degradative abilities were studied by measuring 12 extracellular enzyme activities produced during mycelial growth. Differences in production of enzyme activities and in compost colonisation were observed between the three groups of strains and within each group. They were used to define the mechanisms of resource allocation in mushroom compost. The ability to grow and produce sporophores on mushroom compost appeared to be linked with the production of a balanced pool of enzymes including moderate levels of polysaccharidases active on straw cell walls and of enzymes able to degrade microbial biomass and microbial products.  相似文献   

When introduced into a mushroom crop at rates of 2, 20 or 200 larvae/tray (0.56 m2), the mushroom cecid, Heteropeza pygmaea, caused significant reductions in both yield and number of mushrooms in relation to the infestation level. The reductions were greater when the larvae were introduced at spawning rather than at casing. The yield and number of infested (unmarketable) mushrooms increased significantly in relation to the initial infestation level. Just two H. pygmaea larvae, introduced at spawning, resulted in cecid populations that caused a 12% loss in total yield in addition to a 7% loss due to spoilage. Loss assessment in the future, therefore, should take into account both yield suppression and spoilage. There was little effect of cecid infestation on flush timing and mushroom size was only affected in the fourth flush, when a significant reduction (27%) was shown at the highest infestation rate at spawning.  相似文献   

双孢蘑菇‘福蘑58'是W2000单孢分离筛选的新品种。菌落形态为贴生型,菌丝在10-32℃下均能生长,最适生长温度24-28℃。结菇温度10-22℃,最适结菇温度14-20℃。子实体单生为主,丛生少,较结实,不易开伞,菌盖扁半球形,表面光滑,颜色较白,直径3.5-5.0cm,高度2.4-2.8cm。在适宜栽培条件下,平均单产比亲本菌株W2000提高10%-15%,鲜菇质量与W2000相当,比W192提升明显,成品菇比例较高,品质优良,适合鲜销市场及罐头加工。该品种可用于周年工厂化、设施化及季节性农法栽培。  相似文献   

The changes in thermophilic fungi and biochemical characteristics, during windrow and bunker stages of phase I and phase II composts, were compared in this investigation. Composts prepared by the two phase I systems differed in a number of key parameters including mean straw length, population of Scytalidium thermophilum, dry matter, conductivity, nitrogen dry matter, ammonia, fibre content and ash. S. thermophilum populations in phase I composts were significantly higher in windrow compared to bunker‐composted materials as a result of the larger high temperature (65‐80°C) core in bunker treatment, which inhibited microbial activity. Assessment of the composts for loss of matter during composting has revealed that the bunker system can conserve fresh matter better than the windrow production system, possibly due to lower microbial activities during bunker composting. The productivity of the phase II composts prepared from windrow and bunker systems was compared in trials using commercial growers.  相似文献   

The effects of two types of mushroom (Agaricus bisporus; white, WM; brown, BM) powders on intestinal fermentation in rats were investigated in terms of the physical characteristics of animals and by bacterial and HPLC analyses of cecal contents. Short-chain fatty acid levels were found to be significantly higher in the WM group than in the BM and the control (CN) groups; coliform bacteria levels in the BM group were significantly lower than those in the CN group, with the WM group inducing an apparent but insignificant decrease in coliforms. Anaerobe levels in the WM group were significantly higher than those in the CN group and, compared with the CN group, the BM and WM groups exhibited significantly increased feces weight and cecum weight, respectively. These results indicate that the mushroom powders, and in particular the WM powder, have beneficial effects on the intestinal environment in rats.  相似文献   

Noble  R.  Dobrovin-Pennington  A.  Evered  C.E.  Mead  A. 《Plant and Soil》1999,207(1):1-13
Different combinations of peat and chalk or lime sources with differing moisture contents were used to determine how specific physical and chemical properties of the casing soil relate to the growth and water relations of the mushroom. The peat types varied in terms of decomposition and extraction method; the lime addition varied in terms of rate and type (chalk or sugar beet lime). During the colonisation of the casing soil before fruiting, the extension growth rate of mushroom mycelium was most closely correlated (negatively) with the volumetric moisture content of the casing soil. Scanning electron microscopy showed that mycelium growing at a lower casing soil matric potential (Ψm) had a much finer and branched structure than mycelium growing at a higher Ψm. Across all the peat and lime source treatments, a relationship was found between the mean Ψm of the casing soil and mushroom yield, with an optimum Ψm of -7.9 to -9.4 kPa. Mushrooms are produced in ‘flushes’ at about 8-day intervals and during the development of each flush of mushrooms, there was a significant decrease in casing soil Ψm . This decrease (to below -40 kPa) was greatest in the second flush, which was the highest yielding. There were no relationships between mushroom yield and casing soil osmotic potential Ψπ within the range -93 to -154 kPa or any of the other chemical properties and water and air holding characteristics of the casing soils which were determined. Across different casing soil treatments, mushroom dry matter content was negatively correlated with mushroom yield and positively correlated with mushroom tissue osmotic potential. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Thick fibres mainly located in longitudinal and parallel arrays were observed on the outer surface of vegetative mycelial walls of Agaricus bisporus treated to remove the polysaccharide mucilage. When thick fibres were removed from the cell wall, by alkali treatment, thin fibres with predominantly transverse orientation were observed. The former have been identified to be composed of α-glucan and the latter of chitin. Both different types of fibres constitute the skeletal components of the wall in which matrix materials are embedded.  相似文献   

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