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The effect of intermittent light stimulation (ILS) on the distribution of thiamine derivatives in three brain areas (occipital, motor, and premotor) was compared in photosensitive and nonphotosensitive baboons. ILS induces paroxysmal discharges in the motor and premotor areas of photosensitive animals only. In baboons submitted to ILS, thiamine triphosphate (TTP) decreases in both photosensitive and nonphotosensitive animals; thiamine monophosphate (TMP) increases in photosensitive animals, which present ILS-induced paroxysmal discharges, whereas it is unaffected in nonphotosensitive animals. The variations are the most significant in the occipital (visual) cortex. A consumption of TTP may result from electrical activity induced by light stimulation in the occipital area. No correlation between ILS-induced paroxysmal activity and a decrease in TTP contents was found. However, photosensitive animals are affected differently from nonphotosensitive animals, as their content of TMP in the cerebral cortex increases on stimulation. However, as long as the exact role of thiamine compounds in relation to membrane excitability in the nervous system remains unknown, it is impossible to conclude whether the differences observed in the metabolism of thiamine compounds are the cause or the consequence of the photosensitivity in the baboon Papio papio.  相似文献   

Abstract: The radionuclide determination of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) has been validated in man, but not in the primate. GFR, ERPF, and renal blood flow (RBF) were measured in a group of 12 adult male chacma baboons using radiopharmaceuticals. GFR was determined using 99mtechnetium-labelled diethylenetriamine-pentacetic acid. ERPF was measured with 131iodine-labelled hippuran. RBF, body surface area, and kidney weights were calculated using standard formulae. GFR was 49 ± 11 ml/min and ERPF was 237.9 ± 54.2 ml/min. Calculated RBF was 430.7 ± 111.9 ml/min and 507.4 ± 138.4 ml/min/100g of renal tissue. The results are in agreement with those obtained using more laborious nonradioisotopic techniques such as para-aminohippurate (PAH) and creatinine clearance and could serve as baseline normal values in the adult male chacma baboon.  相似文献   

Pair-bonding in the genus Papio seems to be the result of fusion of troops as well as fission. When troop segments regularly split and join again, males who permanently maintain exclusive access to a few females may have an advantage over males who compete for all females who are in estrus. When two or more troops regularly fuse, this advantage may be greatly increased.  相似文献   

Some demographic characteristics of a group of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus)in a natural environment in northern Botswana were monitored for an 8-year interval. The group size ranged from 73 to 43 individuals. After 3 years at a high density, the group size declined over a 2-year interval, then stabilized again at reduced numbers (−41 %) and biomass (−40%) for over 2 years. The reduction in group size and biomass was followed by an increase in fecundity, greater for high-ranking than for low-ranking females. At the larger group size, survival was lower for infants born to low-ranking than to high-ranking females. Infant survival rates by female rank were equal at the lower density. The mean weight of adult females increased as the density decreased, but there was no correlation between female rank and body mass. We conclude that there is a negative relationship of density to individual condition and reproductive success and that there are fitness advantages to high female rank.  相似文献   

种群外部及内部因子对东方田鼠巢区大小的效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨月伟  刘季科  刘震 《动物学报》2005,51(2):205-214
在野外围栏条件下, 采用重复的2×2×2析因实验, 测定外部和内部因子对东方田鼠(Microtus fortis)巢区大小的作用模式。研究结果表明, 雄体巢区大小显著大于雌体巢区大小。雄体巢区大小与体重存在显著的正相关, 而雌体巢区大小与体重的相关不显著; 雄体和雌体巢区大小与种群数量均呈显著的线性负相关。外部因子对东方田鼠雄体和雌体巢区大小的作用不一致。在排除内部因子种群数量及体重对雄体巢区大小作用的条件下, 食物对雄体巢区大小的作用显著; 而捕食及种间竞争的独立作用及其交互作用, 以及3 种外部因子的交互作用均不显著; 在排除种群数量对巢区大小作用的条件下, 食物与捕食的独立作用及3 种外部因子的交互作用对雌体巢区大小的效应均达到显著水平, 食物与种间竞争的交互作用接近显著, 而种间竞争的独立作用、食物和捕食的交互作用, 以及捕食与种间竞争的交互作用对雌体巢区大小的效应均不显著。本文结果验证了种群外部因子食物、捕食及种间竞争、种群内部因子种群数量及个体体重对田鼠种群巢区大小具有独立和交互作用的假设。  相似文献   

Differences in group size and habitat use are frequently used to explain the extensive variability in ranging patterns found across the primate order. However, with few exceptions, our understanding of primate ranging patterns stems from studies of single groups and both intra- and inter-specific meta-analyses. Studies with many groups and those that incorporate whole populations are rare but important for testing socioecological theory in primates. We quantify the ranging patterns of nine chacma baboon troops in a single population and use Spearman rank correlations and generalized linear mixed models to analyze the effects of troop size and human-modified habitat (a proxy for good quality habitat) on home range size, density (individuals/km(2) ), and daily path length. Intrapopulation variation in home range sizes (1.5-37.7 km(2) ), densities (1.3-12.1 baboons/km(2) ), and daily path lengths (1.80-6.61 km) was so vast that values were comparable to those of baboons inhabiting the climatic extremes of their current distribution. Both troop size and human-modified habitat had an effect on ranging patterns. Larger troops had larger home ranges and longer daily path lengths, while troops that spent more time in human-modified habitat had shorter daily path lengths. We found no effect of human-modified habitat on home range size or density. These results held when we controlled for the effects of both a single large outlier troop living exclusively in human-modified habitat and baboon monitors on our spatial variables. Our findings confirm the ability of baboons, as behaviorally adaptable dietary generalists, to not only survive but also to thrive in human-modified habitats with adjustments to their ranging patterns in accordance with current theory. Our findings also caution that studies focused on only a small sample of groups within a population of adaptable and generalist primate species may underestimate the variability in their respective localities.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of a marked yearly fluctuation in the number of estrous females, I studied the differences in mating success between troop males and non-troop males in an unprovisioned group of Japanese macaques. Fluctuation in the defendability of estrous females by troop males, as predicted by the operational sex ratio (the number of estrous females per troop male), strongly affected the mating with ejaculation (successful mating) per observation day of both troop and non-troop males. When operational sex ratio was low, troop males monopolized successful mating inside the troop. No successful mating of non-troop males was observed inside the troop. In contrast, both troop and non-troop males were able to mate often inside the troop when operational sex ratio was high. These findings suggest that troop males obtained the benefit of secured successful mating in the troop because troop males could mate successfully even in mating seasons with a low operational sex ratio, and the chance of successful mating for non-troop males will increase as the ability of troop males to monopolize estrous females decreases.  相似文献   

Eight hundred and seven bovine antral follicles from 2 mm to 20 mm in diameter were dissected free of stromal tissue, measured, qualified and divided into 36 groups according to size, quality and stage of cycle. The follicular fluid was collected and assayed by RIA for oestradiol-17beta, testosterone and progesterone. The steroid hormone concentrations vary with follicular size, degree of atresia and stage of the cylce. Non-atretic follicles of less than 8 mm are generally androgen-dominated and non-atretic follicles of more than 11 mm are oestrogen-dominated. Follicles betwen 8 mm and 11 mm are intermediate in this respect. Degeneration leads to a gradual decrease of oestradiol-17beta and testosterone concentration and increase of progesterone. It is suggested that the ratio of oestradiol-17beta/testosterone and oestradiol- 17beta/progesterone and oestradiol-17beta/testosterone + progesterone cannot generally be used to discriminate between non-atretic and atretic follicles. Large follicles present during the early luteal stage contain as much oestradiol-17beta in the follicular fluid as large follicles during the follicular stage, whereas large follicles of the luteal stage contain only 15% of the maximal amount of the latter's. This and other presented data support the statement that follicles present during the early luteal, late luteal and follicular stages of the cycle belong to different groups of growing follicles. It has been concluded that groups of macroscopically qualified follicles can be distinguished from each other by the steroid hormone concentration in the follicular fluid. It is therefore possible to predict the hormonal environment of the oocyte in any individual follicle of a defined size and quality.  相似文献   

Taxol content in the bark of Himalayan Yew in relation to tree age and sex   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Taxol content in the bark of Taxus baccata trees growing in a homogenous (uniform) environment at Jageshwar, District Almora in Central Himalaya has been quantified. The average taxol concentration in the bark of sampled trees was 0.0558+/-0.008% (of dry wt.) and was about 64% higher for male plants (averaged across tree age) in comparison to female trees. Maximum taxol content was recorded in the bark samples collected from trees of >110 yrs age. ANOVA indicates a significant difference in the taxol content of bark from trees of different ages, however, differences were not significant between sexes. Taxol was quantified by HPLC using a standard curve prepared with authentic taxol; the identification of bark taxol was confirmed by UV and mass spectrometry. The total taxol content of the bark of Taxus trees across an age series was found to range between 0.064 to 8.032 g/tree, and a tree of about 100 yrs age can yield 5.74 kg dry bark.  相似文献   

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