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短头熊蜂Bombus breviceps是云南省优势蜂种,为更好地挖掘本土熊蜂资源,繁育农业授粉蜂群,本研究从云南3个地区(屏边、个旧和昆明)收集短头熊蜂蜂王后,在相同条件下饲养,统计分析其蜂王产卵前期、工蜂发育期、蜂群生长特性、群势、产卵蜂王率及蜂群可应用率等繁育特性指标。结果表明:3个地区工蜂的发育期相同,屏边地区的蜂王产卵前期最长,蜂群始见工蜂时间及工蜂数量达到6头、30头和60头的时间也最长,均显著高于个旧地区和昆明地区(P<0.05)。3个地区短头熊蜂的群势差异不显著(P>0.05),但昆明地区的工蜂数量最少,显著低于屏边地区和个旧地区(P<0.05),而子代蜂王数量显著高于屏边地区和个旧地区(P<0.05),雄性蜂数量显著高于屏边地区(P<0.05)。昆明地区的产卵蜂王率和蜂群可应用率高于屏边地区和个旧地区。总体而言,云南的短头熊蜂群势强,产卵蜂王率75%以上,蜂群可应用率均在63%以上,易于人工繁育,具有重要的授粉利用价值。  相似文献   

用60%蔗糖,60%蔗糖加EM原露,60%蔗糖加花粉,60%蔗糖加花粉加EM原露4种食料饲喂复苏熊蜂Bombus terrestris L.蜂王,研究EM原露对复苏蜂王产卵前期卵巢发育及卵子发生的影响。结果表明,EM原露对熊蜂蜂王产卵前期卵巢发育及卵子发生表现出一定抑制性,但影响不显著。虽然于第2天,EM原露对其开始发生显著抑制性影响(P=0.047),且EM原露与花粉的交互作用对其发育促进影响亦显著(P=0.014),但从第5天始,EM原露对其影响下降为不显著,而花粉开始表现出显著性促进熊蜂蜂王卵巢发育(P=0.000)。EM原露对熊蜂蜂王卵子发生并无促进或抑制作用,然而花粉的缺失促使熊蜂蜂王卵子发生停滞。  相似文献   

通过室内外饲养 ,观察了我国红光熊蜂蜂群的建立和发展动态。结果表明 ,在温度 2 8± 0 .5℃ ,相对湿度 70± 5 %和无光照的环境条件下 ,平均 84 .85 %越冬红光熊蜂蜂王在饲养后 11.83± 6 .13天开始产卵 ;加入欧洲熊蜂的幼工蜂能够刺激蜂王产卵 ,促使产卵期明显提前 ;健康且已受精的越冬蜂王一般在 2周内产卵 ;在开始饲养后 1个月左右开始出现工蜂 ,2月左右开始产生雄峰 ,雄峰出现后 7d左右产生蜂王。在采集并饲养的蜂王中 ,平均 78.79%的蜂王建立了蜂群 ,每群平均有蜂 180 .2 9± 80 .2 6头 ,其中工蜂 10 5 .90± 4 1.83头 ,雄蜂 6 5 .5 2± 4 5 .33头 ,蜂王 8.86± 12 .38头  相似文献   

火炬树抗螨性生物测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李中新  孙绪艮  李庆和  郭慧玲 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1309-1314
本文分别测定了二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae Koch和山楂叶螨Tetranychus viennensis Zacher对火炬树的选择性,以及限制性条件下火炬树对叶螨的生存及产卵的影响。结果表明:在火炬树叶和苹果叶之间,二斑叶螨和山楂叶螨在2 h, 6 h, 10 h, 12 h对火炬树的选择率分别为9.5%, 6.5%,5%,5%和2%,5%,1%和0,显著低于对苹果的选择率。被限制于火炬树叶上生存的山楂叶螨144 h后死亡率100%,产卵力随生存时间增加而下降,至96 h后产卵终止; 被限制于火炬树叶上生存的二斑叶螨240 h后全部死亡,整个观察期内(24~216 h)始终没有产卵。据此认为: 叶螨强烈拒食火炬树,火炬树对叶螨具有生存、产卵抑制作用,但这种抑制作用呈现种间差异。  相似文献   

授粉用明亮熊蜂的人工饲养技术   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
为提高授粉用熊蜂人工繁育效率,降低生产成本,对明亮熊蜂Bombus lucorumL.人工饲养中诱导蜂王产卵和人工控制下的交配2个技术环节进行了研究。结果表明,采用诱导器和伴饲2~3只蜜蜂工蜂的诱导方法,蜂王产卵率和蜂群成群率最高,成群时间最短;使用塑料诱导器和木制诱导器的效果没有显著差异。将8~9日龄的蜂王和11~12日龄的雄蜂放入交配笼时,其交配成功率最高。交配笼内的蜂王数量应控制在30只/m3左右。在晴天,交配笼放置在室外(758 000 lux),其交配成功率最高;在阴天,交配笼应放在交配室内,并开启荧光灯照明(35 000 lux),其交配成功率最高。  相似文献   

孙冬婷  董捷  黄家兴  和绍禹  吴杰 《昆虫学报》2015,58(12):1291-1299
【目的】头部是熊蜂感觉和取食中心,也是生理行为的指挥中心。microRNA(miRNA)参与重要生理行为的调控。本研究初步探索了产卵和未产卵兰州熊蜂Bombus lantschouensis蜂王头部差异表达miRNA及其靶基因,以期探明蜂王头部miRNA在产卵过程中作用。【方法】以本土优良蜂种兰州熊蜂 B. lantschouensis 为材料,利用Solexa高通量测序技术对产卵和未产卵蜂王头部miRNA进行测序,运用生物信息学软件对miRNA及其靶基因进行预测;并应用qPCR技术验证极显著差异表达的miRNA。【结果】共获得兰州熊蜂产卵和未产卵蜂王头部miRNA的clean data数,分别为14 228 864和21 431 031 条reads;长度分析表明,在19~24 nt序列中22 nt序列数量最多,分别占产卵和未产卵蜂王序列的45.8%和45.1%。miRNA预测结果显示,共获得297个miRNA,其中270个为已知miRNA,有92个存在于蜜蜂中,其余178个分别存在于蜜蜂以外的其他物种中;另外27个为新的miRNA。在蜜蜂92个已知的miRNA中,在产卵蜂王头部中表达的共有91个,特异表达的有2个;在未产卵蜂王头部中表达的共有90个,特异表达的有1个。27个新的miRNA中,在产卵蜂王头部中表达的共有22个,特异表达的有2个;未产卵蜂王头部中表达的共有25个,特异表达的有5个。miRNA差异表达分析表明,在产卵与未产卵蜂王头部,共有8个已知miRNA表达量达到差异极显著水平(P<0.01)。qPCR结果表明,这8个表达差异极显著的miRNA均存在于熊蜂体内。在8个差异极显著的miRNA中,3个miRNA进行靶基因预测,发现它们共同调控9个靶基因,这些基因主要参与GTP结合和转录调控。【结论】本研究首次利用高通量测序技术鉴定了熊蜂头部组织的miRNA,并发现蜂王产卵与否受到miRNA差异表达的调控。结果为今后深入开展熊蜂miRNA功能验证及产卵调控机制研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

中华真地鳖寄生螨的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
在地鳖虫的饲养中发现 ,中华真地鳖EupolyphagasinensisWalker被螨类寄生较严重 ,可造成巨大的损失。经鉴定该寄生螨为伯氏嗜木螨Caloglyphusberlesei,并对其进行了形态描述。通过饲养观察 ,总结了该寄生螨的发育历期、寄生部位、寄主带螨率和单头带螨量 ,并调查了该寄生螨在饲养土中的分布规律。根据该寄生螨的生物学特性 ,该文提出了几种防除该螨的措施和方法。  相似文献   

智利小植绥螨密度对朱砂叶螨产卵能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智利小植绥螨是朱砂叶螨的专性捕食者。本研究在室内,研究了智利小植绥螨密度对朱砂叶螨存活及生殖的影响。智利小植绥螨对朱砂叶螨存活干扰结果表明:干扰后24 h各处理朱砂叶螨的死亡率均显著高于对照,且死亡率随干扰密度增大而提高,10头捕食螨/叶碟处理高达76.67%,为对照处理的14.38倍。但是干扰48 h后对叶螨存活影响不大。对朱砂叶螨产卵干扰结果表明:干扰后各时间段朱砂叶螨单雌产卵量均随智利小植绥螨干扰密度的增加而降低。干扰24 h后,除1头捕食螨/叶碟处理与对照差异不显著外,其他各处理均与对照有显著差异。干扰48 h后,10头捕食螨/叶碟处理的叶螨单头产卵量是2.80粒,仅为对照的28.5%。但是干扰96h后,除10头捕食螨/叶碟处理与对照差异显著外,其余各处理与对照均差异不显著。本研究还分析了干扰对96 h内朱砂叶螨单雌总产卵量影响,处理5头/叶碟和10头/叶碟均显著低于对照,并且10头/叶碟显著低于5头/叶碟;1头/叶碟和3头/叶碟与对照相当,但是均显著高于10头/叶碟。结果显示,智利小植绥螨密度对朱砂叶螨有较强的生殖干扰作用,并且捕食螨密度越大,干扰作用越强,后代增殖潜能越小。  相似文献   

枸杞瘿螨姬小蜂Cirrospilus eniophyesiYang(新种)是枸杞瘿螨Aceria pallidaKeifer的重要天敌,以幼虫在虫瘿内取食枸杞瘿螨的成虫和若虫。在(25±1)℃下,该蜂完成1个世代需16~21d。成虫寿命及产卵量与补充营养有关,取食10%蜂蜜水的雌虫寿命为(6.94±0.67)d,雄虫为(5.14±0.49)d。不进行补充营养的雌雄成虫寿命分别为(1.96±0.27)d和(1.06±0.29)d;补充10%蜂蜜水和水可显著提高产卵量,每雌平均产卵量分别为(29.13±6.12)粒和(23.14±3.16)粒,产卵高峰期在羽化后的第2天。成虫羽化时间多集中在6:00~8:00am和4:00~6:00pm,羽化当天即可交尾。枸杞瘿螨姬小蜂自然种群消长与寄主虫口密度相关,在6月底7月初寄生率达到83.3%。  相似文献   

不同食物对普通钝绥螨发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵志模  陈艳 《蛛形学报》1992,1(2):49-56
分别用丝瓜花粉、桔全爪螨、朱砂叶螨、丝瓜花粉+桔全爪螨、丝瓜花粉+朱砂叶螨作为食物,测定普通钝绥螨(Amblyseius vulgaris)在不同食物条件下的发育历期、繁殖力、死亡率及子代性比,并组建其实验种群生命表。结果表明,普通钝绥螨取食有丝瓜花粉存在的食物比单独取食桔全爪螨或朱砂叶螨发育快,产卵量大,子代雌性比高。在前者情况下,普通钝绥螨种群的内禀增长力(r_m)为0.209—0.259,净增率(R_0)为18.918—35.771,由于雌成螨产卵期长,其平均世代时间(T)较长,为15.295—19.529天;在后者情况下,种群内禀增长力为0.165—0.191。净增率为7.091—17.113。由于雌成螨产卵期短,其平均世代历期亦较短,为11.50—14.23天。本研究还分别用丝瓜、党参、七里香、养麦、紫云英、玉米、兰花、栎树、西瓜、油菜、向日葵和益母草等12种植物的花粉饲养普通钝绥螨。结果表明,只有兰花花粉不能使该螨发育至成螨;后5种花粉虽能使其发育至成螨,但不能产卵;其余6种花粉能使其完成发育并产卵,其中丝瓜、党参和七里香花粉饲养效果较好。  相似文献   

Workers in eusocial insects usually tend the brood of the queenand so achieve representation in the next generation throughaiding relatives to reproduce. However, workers of some eusocialspecies, such as bumblebees, are capable of reproductive activityeven in the presence of the queen (in queen-right colonies),and worker reproduction is associated with aggressive behaviorsand egg cannibalism, both of which reduce colony efficiency.Thus, factors that affect worker ovariandevelopment, a preconditionfor reproduction, can influence social harmony and colony productivity.Parasites are a ubiquitous and important part of the bioticenvironment of all organisms. Here we show that parasites playan important role in the reproductive physiology of worker bumblebeesin queen-right colonies of Bombus terrestris, affecting thepattern and timing of ovarian development and oviposition. Workersfrom colonies parasitized with the intestinal trypanosome Crithidiabombi had less developed ovaries than workers of the same agefrom unparasitized colonies. In addition, parasitized colonieswere smaller than unparasitized colonies for about the firsthalf of colony development. This generated further demographiceffects such that workers were on average younger in parasitizedthan in unparasitized colonies around the time of the onsetof worker oviposition, and worker oviposition occurred significantlylater in parasitized colonies. Workers in parasitized coloniestherefore had lower individual reproductive potential and werecooperative for a larger proportion of the colony cycle thanthose in unparasitized colonies. In this system, where transmissionof the parasite between years probably occurs only in infested,young queens, this effect may represent an adaptation on thepart of the parasite to ensure its successful passage throughthe winter. Parasites, by reducing the cost of worker cooperation,may facilitate queen control over her worker force and playan important role in moderating the social organization of eusocialinsect colonies.  相似文献   

The large bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, indigenous to Europe and adjacent area, and used extensively for high‐value crop pollination, has been artificially introduced to several parts of the world. Here we show the interspecific hybridization between the bumblebee species, B. hypocrita sapporoensis and B. terrestris, under laboratory conditions. The mating and oviposition percentages resulting from the interspecific hybridization of a B. terrestris queen with a B. h. sapporoensis male were higher than those resulting from the intraspecific mating of B. h. sapporoensis. Furthermore, a competitive copulation experiment indicated that the mating of B. h. sapporoensis males with B. terrestris queens was 1.2‐fold more frequent than the mating of these males with B. h. sapporoensis queens. The interspecific hybridization of a B. terrestris queen with a B. h. sapporoensis male produced either B. terrestris workers or the B. terrestris male phenotype, and the hybridization of a B. h. sapporoensis queen with a B. terrestris male produced B. h. sapporoensis males. Our results indicated that interspecific hybridization occurred between B. h. sapporoensis and B. terrestris. The results suggest that such hybridization will have a negative competitive impact and will cause genetic contamination of native bumblebees.  相似文献   

Oviposition and host discrimination behaviour of unmated Anagyrus pseudococci (Girault), an endoparasitoid of the citrus mealybug Planococcus citri (Risso), were investigated in the laboratory. Female parasitoids were able to discriminate between parasitized hosts and healthy ones. The mean number of ovipositions was significantly higher in unparasitized than in parasitized hosts. Conspecific-superparasitism occurred more often than self-superparasitism. Changes in consecutive ovipositions over three hours by A. pseudococci suggested that egg load influenced the discrimination behaviour of the parasitoids, with females which had low egg loads mostly avoiding oviposition in already parasitized hosts at time intervals ranging from 0 h to 96 h, and distributing their eggs in the high quality (unparasitized) hosts. The parasitized hosts were rejected more commonly through antennal perception of external markers than during ovipositor probing which could have encountered internal markers but this relationship changed with increasing time after oviposition. The parasitoid's oviposition rate in unparasitized and conspecific-parasitized hosts varied at the different oviposition time intervals when the females had fewer eggs in the ovaries. Percentage emergence of parasitized offspring was not significantly influenced by whether they developed in single or superparasitized mealybugs. The significance of host discrimination by A. pseudococci is discussed.  相似文献   

Kazuo  Suzuki 《Plant Species Biology》1987,2(1-2):137-140
Abstract The followings are detected in the plants derived from hybridization between Epimedium diphyllum and E. sempervirens. Bombus ardens queen sucked nectar from flowers with spurs of which lengths correspond to those of the bees' proboscides. Queens of B. ardens and males and females of Tetralonia nipponensis sucked nectar indiscriminately from reddish purple and white flowers. B. hypocrita queens, which were not pollinators, perforated spurs and thieved nectar.  相似文献   

The fitness consequences of superparasitism and the mechanism of host discrimination in Cotesia flavipes, a larval parasitoid of concealed stemborer larvae was investigated. Naive females readily superparasitized and treated the already parasitized host as an unparasitized host by allocating the same amount of eggs as in an unparasitized host. However, there was no significant increase in the number of emerging parasitoids from superparasitized hosts due to substantial mortality of parasitoid offspring in superparasitized hosts. Furthermore, the developmental time of the parasitoids in a superparasitized host was significantly longer than in a singly parasitized host and the emerging progeny were significantly smaller (body length and head width). Naive females entered a tunnel in which the host was parasitized 4 h previously and accepted it for oviposition. Experienced females (oviposition experience in unparasitized host) refused to enter a tunnel with a host parasitized by herself or by another female. In experiments where the tunnel and/or host was manipulated it was demonstrated that the female leaves a mark in the tunnel when she parasitizes a host. The role of patch marking in C. flavipes is discussed in relation to the ecology of the parasitoid.  相似文献   

为揭示寄生蜂寄生对其寄主的生理调控机制, 室内对中红侧沟茧蜂Microplitis mediator寄生与未被寄生寄主粘虫Mythimna separata幼虫血淋巴中糖类、脂类和蛋白含量变化进行了测定。结果显示: 在滞育与非滞育条件下, 被寄生的粘虫血淋巴中糖原浓度均比未被寄生的粘虫高。滞育条件下寄生后12 d差异显著(P<0.05), 被寄生粘虫糖原含量为7.93 μg/mL, 未被寄生粘虫糖原含量为4.70 μg/mL; 非滞育条件下寄生后6 d差异显著(P<0.05), 被寄生粘虫糖原含量为14.35 μg/mL, 未被寄生粘虫糖原含量为5.47 μg/mL。海藻糖含量测定结果显示, 在滞育条件下寄生蜂对被寄生粘虫无明显影响, 而非滞育条件下影响效果差异显著(P<0.05), 寄生后4 d被寄生粘虫海藻糖含量为46.82 μg/mL, 未被寄生粘虫含量为26.72 μg/mL。在滞育与非滞育两种条件下, 寄生与未被寄生寄主脂类和蛋白含量没有显著性差异。结果说明: 寄生蜂的存在使寄主血淋巴中的糖原含量增高; 非滞育条件是影响被寄生粘虫海藻糖含量变化主要因素; 粘虫对中红侧沟茧蜂的寄生表现相当强的适应性和忍受力。  相似文献   

Most parasitoid female wasps can distinguish between unparasitized and parasitized hosts and use this information to optimize their progeny and sex allocation. In this study, we explored the impact of mating on oviposition behaviour (parasitism and self‐ and conspecific superparasitism) on both unparasitized and already parasitized hosts in the solitary parasitoid wasp Eupelmus vuilleti (Crw.) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae). Virgin and mated females had the same oviposition behaviour and laid eggs preferentially on unparasitized hosts. The sex ratio (as the proportion of females) of eggs laid by mated females in parasitism and conspecific superparasitism was 0.67 ± 0.04 and 0.57 ± 0.09, respectively. Likewise, females laid more eggs in conspecific superparasitism than self‐superparasitism under our experimental conditions. These experiments demonstrate that E. vuilleti females can (i) discriminate between unparasitized and parasitized hosts and adapt the number of eggs they lay accordingly, and (ii) probably discriminate self from conspecific superparasitized hosts. Finally, mating does not appear to influence the host discrimination capacity, the ovarian function, or the oviposition behaviour.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) has been commonly reported between predators and parasitoids used as biological control agents as predators consuming parasitoids within their hosts. However, the effect of parasitoid–mummy consumption on the fitness of the predator and subsequent oviposition site selection have not been well studied. In our study, we conducted two laboratory experiments to examine the influence of Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) mummies as prey on fitness and subsequently oviposition site selection of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Results indicate that when H. axyridis was reared on A. gifuensis mummies only, its larval development was prolonged, and body weight of the 4th instar larvae and newly emerged adults, and fecundity decreased. Moreover, H. axyridis did not exhibit oviposition preference on plants infested with unparasitized aphids or aphids parasitized for shorter than 9 days. However, compared with plants with mummies (parasitized ≥9 days), H. axyridis laid more eggs on plants with unparasitized aphids. In contrast, H. axyridis previously fed with A. gifuensis mummies did not show a significant oviposition preference between plants with unparasitized aphids and those with mummies (parasitized ≥9 days). Overall, our results suggest that mummy consumption reduced the fitness of H. axyridis. Although H. axyridis avoided laying eggs on plants with A. gifuensis mummies, prior feeding experience on A. gifuensis mummies could alter the oviposition site preference. Thus, in biological control practice, prior feeding experience of H. axyridis should be carefully considered for reduction of IGP and increase of fitness of H. axyridis on A. gifuensis.  相似文献   

以过冷却点和冰点为评价指标,对短舌熊蜂Bombus terrestris的幼虫,蛹,成年工蜂,成年雄蜂,处女蜂王,越冬后的蜂王及红光熊蜂Bombus ignitus的成年工蜂,成年雄蜂,处女蜂王的耐寒力进行检测。结果显示,短舌熊蜂幼虫期耐寒力最低,其次是蛹,工蜂和雄蜂,处女王较高。耐寒力最高的是越冬后的蜂王,其含水量也最低。将短舌熊蜂与红光熊蜂的成年工蜂,成年雄蜂和处女蜂王三型蜂分别进行对比,结果显示,红光熊蜂成年雄蜂与处女蜂王的耐寒力要比短舌熊蜂高。样本的湿重和含水量与过冷却点和冰点无显著相关性。  相似文献   

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