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孙林峰  王佳伟  颜宁 《生命科学》2011,(11):1052-1056
主要协助转运蛋白超家族(major facilitator superfamily,MFS)是一个主要的次级膜转运蛋白超家族。MFS超家族蛋白转运底物的多样性使得它们在细胞物质交换和能量代谢过程中起着重要作用。从2003年第一个高分辨率的LacY蛋白三维结构的解析到现在,已经有5个细菌MFS超家族的蛋白结构被解析出来,结合大量的生化研究结果,使得对其转运的分子机制有了更为深入的理解。将对MFS超家族蛋白的三维结构和转运机理进行阐述。  相似文献   

Periplasmic adaptor proteins are key components of bacterial tripartite efflux pumps. The 2.85 Å resolution structure of an MFS (major facilitator superfamily) pump adaptor, Aquifex aeolicus EmrA, shows linearly arranged α-helical coiled-coil, lipoyl, and β-barrel domains, but lacks the fourth membrane-proximal domain shown in other pumps to interact with the inner membrane transporter. The adaptor α-hairpin, which binds outer membrane TolC, is exceptionally long at 127 Å, and the β-barrel contains a conserved disordered loop. The structure extends the view of adaptors as flexible, modular components that mediate diverse pump assembly, and suggests that in MFS tripartite pumps a hexamer of adaptors could provide a periplasmic seal.  相似文献   

The major facilitator superfamily (MFS) revisited   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The major facilitator superfamily (MFS) is the largest known superfamily of secondary carriers found in the biosphere. It is ubiquitously distributed throughout virtually all currently recognized organismal phyla. This superfamily currently (2012) consists of 74 families, each of which is usually concerned with the transport of a certain type of substrate. Many of these families, defined phylogenetically, do not include even a single member that is functionally characterized. In this article, we probe the evolutionary origins of these transporters, providing evidence that they arose from a single 2-transmembrane segment (TMS) hairpin structure that triplicated to give a 6-TMS unit that duplicated to a 12-TMS protein, the most frequent topological type of these permeases. We globally examine MFS protein topologies, focusing on exceptional proteins that deviate from the norm. Nine distantly related families appear to have members with 14?TMSs in which the extra two are usually centrally localized between the two 6-TMS repeat units. They probably have arisen by intragenic duplication of an adjacent hairpin. This alternative topology probably arose multiple times during MFS evolution. Convincing evidence for MFS permeases with fewer than 12?TMSs was not forthcoming, leading to the suggestion that all 12?TMSs are required for optimal function. Some homologs appear to have 13, 14, 15 or 16 TMSs, and the probable locations of the extra TMSs were identified. A few MFS permeases are fused to other functional domains or are fully duplicated to give 24-TMS proteins with dual functions. Finally, the MFS families with no known function were subjected to genomic context analyses leading to functional predictions.  相似文献   

The major facilitator superfamily (MFS) transporter Pho84 and the type III transporter Pho89 are responsible for metabolic effects of inorganic phosphate in yeast. While the Pho89 ortholog Pit1 was also shown to be involved in phosphate-activated MAPK in mammalian cells, it is currently unknown, whether orthologs of Pho84 have a role in phosphate-sensing in metazoan species. We show here that the activation of MAPK by phosphate observed in mammals is conserved in Drosophila cells, and used this assay to characterize the roles of putative phosphate transporters. Surprisingly, while we found that RNAi-mediated knockdown of the fly Pho89 ortholog dPit had little effect on the activation of MAPK in Drosophila S2R+ cells by phosphate, two Pho84/SLC17A1-9 MFS orthologs (MFS10 and MFS13) specifically inhibited this response. Further, using a Xenopus oocyte assay, we show that MSF13 mediates uptake of [(33)P]-orthophosphate in a sodium-dependent fashion. Consistent with a role in phosphate physiology, MSF13 is expressed highest in the Drosophila crop, midgut, Malpighian tubule, and hindgut. Altogether, our findings provide the first evidence that Pho84 orthologs mediate cellular effects of phosphate in metazoan cells. Finally, while phosphate is essential for Drosophila larval development, loss of MFS13 activity is compatible with viability indicating redundancy at the levels of the transporters.  相似文献   

X-ray structures are known for three members of the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS) of membrane transporter proteins, thus enabling the use of homology modeling to extrapolate to other MFS members. However, before employing such models for, e.g., mutational or docking studies, it is essential to develop a measure of their quality. To aid development of such metrics, two disparate MFS members (NupG and GLUT1) have been modeled. In addition, control models were created with shuffled sequences, to mimic poor quality homology models. These models and the template crystal structures have been examined in terms of both static and dynamic indicators of structural quality. Comparison of the behavior of modeled structures with the crystal structures in molecular dynamics simulations provided a metric for model quality. Docking of the inhibitor forskolin to GLUT1 and to a control model revealed significant differences, indicating that we may identify accurate models despite low sequence identity between target sequences and templates.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Both intrinsic and acquired multidrug resistance play an important role in the insurgence of tuberculosis. Detailed knowledge of the molecular basis of drug recognition and transport by multidrug transport systems is required for the development of new antibiotics that are not extruded or of inhibitors that block the multidrug transporter and allow traditional antibiotics to be effective. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We have undertaken the inventory of the drug transporters subfamily, included in the major facilitator superfamily (MFS), encoded by the complete genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). These proteins were identified on the basis of their characteristic stretches of amino acids and transmembrane segments (TMS) number. CONCLUSIONS: Genome analysis and searches of homology between the identified transporters and proteins characterized in other organisms revealed 16 open reading frames encoding putative drug efflux pumps belonging to MFS. In the case of two of them, we also have demonstrated that they function as drug efflux proteins.  相似文献   

The major facilitator superfamily (MFS) effluxers are prominent mediators of antimicrobial resistance. The biochemical characterization of MFS proteins is hindered by their complex membrane environment that makes in vitro biochemical analysis challenging. Since the physicochemical properties of proteins drive the fitness of an organism, we posed the question of whether we could reverse that relationship and derive meaningful biochemical parameters for a single protein simply from fitness changes it confers under varying strengths of selection. Here, we present a physiological model that uses cellular fitness as a proxy to predict the biochemical properties of the MFS tetracycline efflux pump, TetB, and a family of single amino acid variants. We determined two lumped biochemical parameters roughly describing Km and Vmax for TetB and variants. Including in vivo protein levels into our model allowed for more specified prediction of pump parameters relating to substrate binding affinity and pumping efficiency for TetB and variants. We further demonstrated the general utility of our model by solely using fitness to assay a library of tet(B) variants and estimate their biochemical properties.  相似文献   

The structures of membrane transporters are still mostly unsolved. Only recently, the first two high-resolution structures of transporters of the major facilitator superfamily (MFS) were published. Despite the low sequence similarity of the two proteins involved, lactose permease and glycerol-3-phosphate transporter, the reported structures are highly similar. This leads to the hypothesis that all members of the MFS share a similar structure, regardless of their low sequence identity. To test this hypothesis, we generated models of two other members of the MFS, the Tn10-encoded metal-tetracycline/H(+) antiporter (TetAB) and the rat vesicular monoamine transporter (rVMAT2). The models are based on the two MFS structures and on experimental data. The models for both proteins are in good agreement with the data available and support the notion of a shared fold for all MFS proteins.  相似文献   

The major facilitator superfamily includes a large collection of evolutionarily related proteins that have been implicated in the transport of a variety of solutes and metabolites across the membranes of organisms ranging from bacteria to humans. We have recently reported the three-dimensional structure, at 6.5 A resolution, of the oxalate transporter, OxlT, a representative member of this superfamily. In the oxalate-bound state, 12 helices surround a central cavity to form a remarkably symmetrical structure that displays a well-defined pseudo twofold axis perpendicular to the plane of the membrane as well as two less pronounced, mutually perpendicular pseudo twofold axes in the plane of the membrane. Here, we combined this structural information with sequence information from other members of this protein family to arrive at models for the arrangement of helices in this superfamily of transport proteins. Our analysis narrows down the number of helix arrangements from about a billion starting possibilities to a single probable model for the relative spatial arrangement for the 12 helices, consistent both with our structural findings and with the majority of previous biochemical studies on members of this superfamily.  相似文献   

The major facilitator superfamily (MFS) of transporters represents the largest family of secondary active transporters and has a diverse range of substrates. With structural information for four MFS transporters, we can see a strong structural commonality suggesting, as predicted, a common architecture for MFS transporters. The rate for crystal structure determination of MFS transporters is slow, making modeling of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic transporters more enticing. In this review, models of eukaryotic transporters Glut1, G6PT, OCT1, OCT2 and Pho84, based on the crystal structures of the prokaryotic GlpT, based on the crystal structure of LacY are discussed. The techniques used to generate the different models are compared. In addition, the validity of these models and the strategy of using prokaryotic crystal structures to model eukaryotic proteins are discussed. For comparison, E. coli GlpT was modeled based on the E. coli LacY structure and compared to the crystal structure of GlpT demonstrating that experimental evidence is essential for accurate modeling of membrane proteins.  相似文献   


Penicillium marneffei is a thermally dimorphic fungus that causes penicilliosis, and become the third-most-common opportunistic fungal infection in immunocompromised patients in Southeast Asia. Azoles and amphotericin B have been introduced for the treatment, however, it is important to investigate possible mechanisms of azole resistance for future treatment failure. We identified 177 putative MFS transporters and classified into 17 subfamilies. Among those, members of the Drug:H+ antiporter 1 subfamily are known to confer resistance to antifungals. Out of 39 paralogs, three (encoded by PmMDR1, PmMDR2, and PmMDR3) were heterologously overexpressed in S. cerevisiae AD? conferred resistance to various drugs and compounds including azoles, albeit to different degrees. PmMDR1-expressing strain showed resistance to the broadest range of drugs, followed by the PmMDR3, and PmMDR2 conferred weak resistance to a limited range of drugs. We conclude that PmMDR1 and PmMDR3, may be able to serve as multidrug efflux pumps.  相似文献   

Holdsworth SR  Law CJ 《Biochimie》2012,94(6):1334-1346
Multidrug resistance (MDR) occurs when bacteria simultaneously acquire resistance to a broad spectrum of structurally dissimilar compounds to which they have not previously been exposed. MDR is principally a consequence of the active transport of drugs out of the cell by proteins that are integral membrane transporters. We characterised and purified the putative Escherichia coli MDR transporter, MdtM, a 410 amino acid residue protein that belongs to the large and ubiquitous major facilitator superfamily. Functional characterisation of MdtM using growth inhibition and whole cell transport assays revealed its role in intrinsic resistance of E. coli cells to the antimicrobials ethidium bromide and chloramphenicol. Site-directed mutagenesis studies implied that the MdtM aspartate 22 residue and the highly conserved arginine at position 108 play a role in proton recognition. MdtM was homologously overexpressed and purified to homogeneity in dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside detergent solution and the oligomeric state and stability of the protein in a variety of detergent solutions was investigated using size-exclusion HPLC. Purified MdtM is monomeric and stable in dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside solution and binds chloramphenicol with nanomolar affinity in the same detergent. This work provides a firm foundation for structural studies on this class of multidrug transporter protein.  相似文献   

Several pleiotropic drug sensitivities have been described in yeast. Some involve the loss of putative drug efflux pumps analogous to mammalian P-glycoproteins, others are caused by defects in sterol synthesis resulting in higher plasma membrane permeability. We have constructed a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain that exhibits a strong crystal violet-sensitive phenotype. By selecting cells of the supersensitive strain for normal sensitivity after transformation with a wild-type yeast genomic library, a complementing 10-kb DNA fragment was isolated, a 3.4-kb subfragment of which was sufficient for complementation. DNA sequence analysis revealed that the complementing fragment comprised the recently sequenced SGE1 gene, a partial multicopy suppressor of gal11 mutations. The supersensitive strain was found to be a sge1 null mutant. Overexpression of SGE1 on a high-copy-number plasmid increased the resistance of the supersensitive strain. Disruption of SGE1 in a wild-type strain increased the sensitivity of the strain. These features of the SGE1 phenotype, as well as sequence homologies of SGE1 at the amino acid level, confirm that the Sge1 protein is a member of the drug-resistance protein family within the major facilitator superfamily (MFS).  相似文献   

A defense-inducible maize gene was discovered through global mRNA profiling analysis. Its mRNA expression is induced by pathogens and defense-related conditions in various tissues involving both resistant and susceptible interactions. These include Cochliobolus heterostrophus and Cochliobolus carbonum infection, ultraviolet light treatment, the Les9 disease lesion mimic background, and plant tissues engineered to express flavonoids or the avirulence gene avrRxv. The gene was named Zm-mfs1 after it was found to encode a protein related to the major facilitator superfamily (MFS) of intregral membrane permeases. It is most closely related to the bacterial multidrug efflux protein family, typified by the Escherichia coli TetA, which are proton motive force antiporters that export antimicrobial drugs and other compounds, but which can be also involved in potassium export/proton import or potassium re-uptake. Other related plant gene sequences in maize, rice, and Arabidopsis were identified, three of which are introduced here. Among this new plant MFS subfamily, the characteristic MFS motif in cytoplasmic TM2-TM3 loop, and the antiporter family motif in transmembrane domain TM5 are both conserved, however the TM7 and the cytoplasmic TM8-TM9 loop are divergent from those of the bacterial multidrug transporters. We hypothesize that Zm-Mfs1 is a prototype of a new class of plant defense-related proteins that could be involved in either of three nonexclusive roles: (1) export of antimicrobial compounds produced by plant pathogens; (2) export of plant-generated antimicrobial compounds; and (3) potassium export and/or re-uptake, as can occur in plant defense reactions.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of drug efflux pumps have great potential as pharmacological agents that restore the drug susceptibility of multidrug resistant bacterial pathogens. Most attention has been focused on the discovery of small molecules that inhibit the resistance nodulation division (RND) family drug efflux pumps in Gram-negative bacteria. The prototypical inhibitor of RND-family efflux pumps in Gram-negative bacteria is MC-207,110 (Phe-Arg-β-naphthylamide), a C-capped dipeptide. Here, we report that C-capped dipeptides inhibit two chloramphenicol-specific efflux pumps in Streptomyces coelicolor, a Gram-positive bacterium that is a relative of the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Diversity-oriented synthesis of a library of structurally related C-capped dipeptides via an Ugi four component reaction and screening of the resulting compounds resulted in the discovery of a compound that is threefold more potent as a suppressor of chloramphenicol resistance in S. coelicolor than MC-207,110. Since chloramphenicol resistance in S. coelicolor is mediated by major facilitator superfamily drug efflux pumps, our findings provide the first evidence that C-capped dipeptides can inhibit drug efflux pumps outside of the RND superfamily.  相似文献   

Here we report the successful three-dimensional crystallization of GlpT, the glycerol-3-phosphate transporter from Escherichia coli inner membrane. GlpT possesses 12 transmembrane alpha-helices and is a member of the major facilitator superfamily. It mediates the exchange of glycerol-3-phosphate for inorganic phosphate across the membrane. Approximately 20 phospholipid molecules per protein, identified as negatively charged phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, and cardiolipin, were required for the monodispersity of purified GlpT. Analytical size-exclusion chromatography proved to be efficient in identifying detergents for GlpT monodispersity. Nine such detergents were later used for GlpT crystallization. Screening for crystal nucleation was carried out with a variety of polyethylene glycols as the precipitant over a wide pH range. Subsequent identification of a rigid protein core by limited proteolysis and mass spectroscopy resulted in better-ordered crystals. These crystals exhibited order to 3.7 A resolution in two dimensions. However, the stacking in the third dimension was partially disordered. This stacking problem was overcome by using a detergent mixture and manipulating the ionic interactions in the crystallization solution. The resulting GlpT crystals diffracted isotropically to 3.3 A resolution and were suitable for structure determination by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the Escherichia coli gene ydeA, which encodes a member of the major facilitator superfamily, decreased the efflux of L-arabinose, thereby affecting the expression of AraC-regulated genes. In addition, overexpression of ydeA decreased the expression of genes regulated by isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside.  相似文献   

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