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Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a receptor tyrosine kinase, is commonly altered in different tumor types, leading to abnormally regulated kinase activity and excessive activation of downstream signaling cascades, including cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration. To investigate the EGFR signaling events in real time and in living cells and animals, here we describe a multidomain chimeric reporter whose bioluminescence can be used as a surrogate for EGFR kinase activity. This luciferase-based reporter was developed in squamous cell carcinoma cells (UMSCC1) to generate a cancer therapy model for imaging EGFR. The reporter is designed to act as a phosphorylated substrate of EGFR and reconstitutes luciferase activity when it is not phosphorylated, thereby providing a robust indication of EGFR inhibition. We validated the reporter in vitro and demonstrated that its activity could be differentially modulated by EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibition with erlotonib or receptor activation with epidermal growth factor. Further experiments in vivo demonstrated quantitative and dynamic monitoring of EGFR tyrosine kinase activity in xenograft. Results obtained from these studies provide unique insight into pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of agents that modulate EGFR activity, revealing the usefulness of this reporter in evaluating drug availability and cell targeting in both living cells and mouse models.  相似文献   

We have characterized the expression of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) and its receptor, the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R), in normal and malignantly transformed human mammary epithelial cells. Human mammary epithelial cells were derived from a reduction mammoplasty (184), immortalized by benzo-a-pyrene (184A 1N4), and further transformed by the oncogenes simian virus 40 T (SV40 T), v-Ha-ras, and v-mos alone or in combination using retroviral vectors. 184 and 184A 1N4 cells require EGF for anchorage-dependent clonal growth. In mass culture, they secrete TGF alpha at high concentrations and exhibit an attenuated requirement for exogenous EGF/TGF alpha. SV40 T transformed cells have 4-fold increased EGF-R, have acquired the ability to clone in soft agar with EGF/TGF alpha supplementation, but are not tumorigenic. Cells transformed by v-mos or v-Ha-ras are weakly tumorigenic and capable of both anchorage dependent and independent growth in the absence of EGF/TGF alpha. Cells transformed by both SV40 T and v-Ha-ras are highly tumorigenic, are refractory to EGF/TGF alpha, and clone with high efficiency in soft agar. The expression of v-Ha-ras is associated with a loss of the high (but not low) affinity binding component of the EGF-R. Malignant transformation and loss of TGF alpha/EGF responsiveness did not correlate with an increase in TGF alpha production. Thus, TGF alpha production does not appear to be a tumor specific marker for human mammary epithelial cells. Differential growth responses to EGF/TGF alpha, rather than enhanced production of TGF alpha, may determine the transition from normal to malignant human breast epithelium.  相似文献   

The transferrin (Tf) receptor is a major transmembrane protein which provides iron for normal and malignant cell growth. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been reported to rapidly and transiently alter the number of surface Tf receptors in normal and transformed epithelial cells. To investigate mechanisms of EGF-induced changes in surface Tf display, EGF effects on surface Tf receptors were compared in two cell lines which differ in their number of EGF receptors and growth responses to EGF. In cloned A431 cells with high receptor numbers which are growth-inhibited by EGF, EGF caused a 50% decrease in Tf receptor expression after 30 min. In contrast, EGF induced a rapid, transitory increase (within 5 min) in the number of surface Tf receptors on KB carcinoma cells which returned to basal levels by 15 min. The observed changes in Tf receptor display were due to altered receptor distribution and not changes in ligand affinity or total cellular transferrin receptor pools. Anti-EGF receptor monoclonal antibody blocked effects of EGF on transferrin receptor expression. Since the antibody is internalized and causes EGF receptor down-regulation, effects on transferrin receptor expression were independent of these events. EGF-induced alterations in Tf receptor display occurred even when cells were pretreated with colchicine, suggesting that changes in surface Tf binding were not mediated by cytoskeletal components. Na orthovanadate, which mimics some early cellular effects of EGF, duplicated EGF's effects on A431 Tf receptors, but had no effect on KB cells, suggesting these responses occur by differing mechanisms. To determine whether EGF caused changes in Tf receptor phosphorylation, 32P-labelled Tf receptors were immunoprecipitated after EGF treatment. After exposure to EGF, A431 cells showed no change in Tf phosphorylation, but KB cells showed a transient, 6-fold increase in transferrin receptor phosphorylation on serine residues. In both A431 and KB cells, phorbol ester (PMA) also increased phosphorylation on transferrin receptors, but had little effect on surface Tf receptor expression. In malignant cell lines, EGE induces rapid, variable changes in transferrin receptor expression and phosphorylation which differ from the effects of PMA. These early responses to EGF appear to differ with the cell type and correlate poorly with alterations in Tf receptor phosphorylation. These results suggest Tf receptor phosphorylation does not regulate Tf receptor display in all cells.  相似文献   

Regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor gene expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synthesis and metabolism of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor are extensively regulated to modulate cellular responses to ligand. To study regulation of EGF receptor gene expression, the 5' region of the gene was isolated from a human placental genomic library. A 5' proximal 1.1-kilobase fragment (-1100 to -19 relative to the ATG translation start site) and subfragments of this were subcloned in both forward and reverse orientations into the luciferase expression vector pSVOAL delta 5' and transfected into human cell lines. Luciferase activity was stimulated by treatment of transfected HeLa cells with EGF, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA), (Bu)2 cAMP, retinoic acid, and dexamethasone. Deletion analysis indicated full retention of activity after removal of the -1100 to -485 region (-485 to -19 fragment), but a 5-fold reduction in activity on removal of the -485 to -153 region (-153 to -19 fragment). Despite a reduction in basal activity, the proximal 134-basepair fragment retained responses to all inducers. Additivity was observed in response to maximal concentrations of TPA plus retinoic acid and of TPA plus (Bu)2 cAMP; the response to a combination of four inducers exceeded that to the RSV-LTR strong promoter. Differences in stimulated responses were observed in various recipients, with hepatoma HepG2 cells lacking responses to (Bu)2 cAMP and glioblastoma T98G cells lacking responses to EGF and TPA. These results indicate that a 134-basepair DNA fragment closely adjacent to the translation start site contains elements responsible for directing basal and stimulated expression of the EGF receptor gene.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor protein kinase activity, estimated by the use of peptide substrates, was reduced by as much as 70% after the treatment of intact A431 human carcinoma cells with EGF. The apparent decrease in protein kinase activity was observed after immunoprecipitation of the receptor or after purification of the receptor by lectin chromatography. By the use of [35S]methionine, it was determined that the total amount of receptor obtained was the same whether or not cells were treated with EGF. EGF stimulated the purified receptor protein kinase activity in vitro; however, the EGF-stimulated activity of receptor from EGF-treated cells continued to be reduced by as much at 70% compared to the EGF-stimulated activity from untreated cells. The reduction in receptor protein kinase activity induced by EGF may represent a feedback mechanism by which responsiveness to the growth factor is regulated.  相似文献   

The ability of transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) to interact with the gastric mucosal epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor was investigated using a mucosal membrane preparation. TGF-alpha inhibited specific binding of [125I]EGF to its receptor, but the IC50 for TGF-alpha was at least 100 fold greater than that observed for unlabeled EGF. Cross-linking studies revealed no attachment of [125I]TGF-alpha to EGF-receptor size components, and the unlabeled TGF-alpha was only weakly effective in inhibiting cross-linking of [125I]EGF to the 170 kDa receptor. However, when the cytosolic fraction was reconstituted with the membrane preparation, an enhancement in binding of [125I]TGF-alpha to the EGF receptor occurred in a manner dependent on the concentration of cytosolic protein. Hence the binding characteristics of TGF-alpha to the EGF receptor in gastric mucosa are different from those for EGF.  相似文献   

1. Ethanol treatment caused a 47% decrease in [125I]EGF binding to the membrane preparations of buccal mucosa resulting from the decrease of binding sites rather than the affinity of high affinity receptor. 2. The immunoblot revealed a protein band of 170 kDa in the control sample, while a barely detectable 200 kDa protein was observed in the ethanol-treated sample. 3. Protein kinase assays using [32P]ATP as probe showed an EGF-stimulated phosphorylation band of 170 kDa in the control but not in ethanol-treated sample. 4. Ethanol did not change the basal incorporation of [3H]thymidine and [35S]methionine, but caused a 38% and 57% decrease of EGF-stimulated thymidine and methionine incorporation, respectively. 5. The data suggest that EtOH decreases EGF receptor binding through modification of the receptor molecule, thereby impairing receptor kinase activity and its physiological function.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a potent inducer of motility in epithelial cells. Since we have previously found that activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is an absolute prerequisite for induction of motility of corneal epithelial cells after wounding, we investigated whether induction of motility in response to HGF is also dependent on activation of the EGFR. We now report that HGF induces transactivation of the EGFR in an immortalized line of corneal epithelial cells, in human skin keratinocytes, and in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. EGFR activation is unconditionally required for induction of motility in corneal epithelial cells, and for induction of a fully motile phenotype in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Activation of the EGFR occurs through amphiregulin and heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor. Early after HGF stimulation, blocking EGFR activation does not inhibit extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) activation by HGF, but the converse is seen after approximately 1 h, indicating the existence of EGFR-dependent and -independent routes of ERK1/2 activation. In summary, HGF induces transactivation of the EGFR in epithelial cells, and this is a prerequisite for induction of full motility.  相似文献   

The expression of the keratinocyte growth factor receptor (KGFR) has been analyzed on intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells upon confluence-induced spontaneous differentiation. Western blot and immunofluorescence analysis showed that the expression of functional KGFRs, differently from that of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), was up-modulated in post-confluent differentiated cultures compared with the pre-confluent cells. Confocal microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the up-regulated KGFRs displayed a basolateral polarized distribution on the cell surfaces in the monolayer. In vivo immunohistochemical analysis on normal human colon tissue sections showed that KGFRs, differently from EGFRs, were mostly distributed on the more differentiated cells located on the upper portion of the intestinal crypt. Bromodeoxyuridine incorporation assay and Ki67 labeling indicated that the differentiated cells were able to proliferate in response to the two ligands of KGFR, KGF and FGF-10, whereas they were not stimulated by the EGFR ligands TGFalpha and EGF. Western blot and quantitative immunofluorescence analysis of the expression of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in post-confluent cells revealed that incubation with KGF induced an increase of cell differentiation. Taken together these results indicate that up-modulation of KGFR may be required to promote proliferation and differentiation in differentiating cells and that, among the cells componing the intestinal epithelial monolayer, the target cells for KGFR ligands appear to be different during differentiation from those responsive to EGFR ligands.  相似文献   

Epithelial damage and airway remodeling are consistent features of bronchial asthma and are correlated with disease chronicity, severity, and bronchial hyperreactivity. To examine the mechanisms that control bronchial epithelial repair, we investigated expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (c-erbB1, EGFR) in asthmatic bronchial mucosa and studied repair responses in vitro. In biopsies from asthmatic subjects, areas of epithelial damage were frequently observed and exhibited strong EGFR immunostaining. EGFR expression was also high in morphologically intact asthmatic epithelium. Using image analysis, EGFR immunoreactivity (% of total epithelial area, median (range) was found to increase from 9.4 (4.1-20.4) in normal subjects (n=10) to 18.4 (9.3-28.9) in mild asthmatics (P<0.01, n=13) and 25.4 (15.4-31.8) in severe asthmatics (P<0.00, n=5). Epithelial EGFR immunoreactivity remained elevated in patients treated with corticosteroids and was positively correlated with subepithelial reticular membrane thickening. Using 16HBE 14o- bronchial epithelial cells, we found that EGF accelerated repair of scrape-wounded monolayers and that the EGFR-selective inhibitor, tyrphostin AG1478, inhibited both EGF-stimulated and basal wound closure whereas dexamethasone was without effect. Intrinsic activation of the EGFR was confirmed by analysis of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins, which revealed a rapid, damage-induced phosphorylation of the EGFR, irrespective of the presence of exogenous EGF. To assess the relationship between EGFR-mediated repair and tissue remodeling, release of the profibrogenic mediator TGF-beta2 was also measured. Scrape wounding increased release of TGF-beta2 from epithelial monolayers and EGF had no additional stimulatory effect. However, when repair was retarded with AG1478, the amount of TGF-beta2 increased significantly. These data indicate that the EGFR may play an important role in bronchial epithelial repair in asthma and that impairment of this function may augment airway remodeling.  相似文献   

We have previously found that bronchial epithelial cells express CCR3 whose signaling elicits mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activation and cytokine production. Several investigators have focused on the signaling crosstalk between G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in cancer cells. In this study, we investigated the role of EGFR in CCR3 signaling in the bronchial epithelial cell line NCI-H292. Eotaxin (1-100 nM) induced dose-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR in NCI-H292 cells. Pretreatment of the cells with the EGFR inhibitor (AG1478) significantly inhibited the MAP kinase phosphorylation induced by eotaxin. Eotaxin stimulated IL-8 production, which was inhibited by AG1478. The transactivation of EGFR through CCR3 is a critical pathway that elicits MAP kinase activation and cytokine production in bronchial epithelial cells. The delineation of the signaling pathway of chemokines will help to develop a new therapeutic strategy to allergic diseases including bronchial asthma.  相似文献   

Overexpression and autocrine activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) cause transformation of cultured cells and correlate with tumor progression in cancer patients. Dimerization and transphosphorylation are crucial events in the process by which receptors with tyrosine kinase activity generate normal and transforming cellular signals. Interruption of this process by inactive receptor mutants offers the potential to inhibit ligand-induced cellular responses. Using recombinant retroviruses, we have examined the effects of signalling-incompetent EGF-R mutants on the growth-promoting and transforming potential of ligand-activated, overexpressed wild-type EGF-R and the v-erbB oncogene product. Expression of a soluble extracellular EGF-R domain had little if any effect on the growth and transformation of NIH 3T3 cells by either tyrosine kinase. However, both a kinase-negative EGF-R point mutant (HERK721A) and an EGF-R lacking 533 C-terminal amino acids efficiently inhibited wild-type EGF-R-mediated, de novo DNA synthesis and cell transformation in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, coexpression with the v-erbBES4 oncogene product in NIH 3T3 cells resulted in transphosphorylation of the HERK721A mutant receptor and reduced soft-agar colony growth but had no effect in a focus formation assay. These results demonstrate that signalling-defective receptor tyrosine kinase mutants differentially interfere with oncogenic signals generated by either overexpressed EGF-R or the retroviral v-erbBES4 oncogene product.  相似文献   

T Gui  K Shen 《Cancer epidemiology》2012,36(5):490-496
A majority of patients with ovarian carcinoma who receive conventional treatment of surgical staging and platinum-based chemotherapy recur and ultimately succumb to their diseases. Novel therapies that target specific pathways involved in ovarian tumorigenesis are rapidly emerging. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is overexpressed in 30-98% of epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC), and the signaling cascades activated are related with cell proliferation, migration and invasion, and angiogenesis, as well as resistance to cell apoptosis. Various trials are ongoing focusing on EGFR as an attractive target in treatment of EOC. Anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), cetuximab and panitumumab, and tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), erlotinib and gefitinib, are the most advanced in clinical development. The available data suggests that MAbs and TKIs only show marginal activity when they are used alone, but combination with platinum-based chemotherapy can induce elevated overall response rate in recurrent EOC patients. Consequently, mechanisms for intrinsic and extrinsic resistance have been explored due to the poor clinical response to EGFR-targeted therapy. Careful consideration of these clinical studies and the possible mechanisms involved in resistance can provide evidence for improvements in subsequent research. Identification of responder profiles and development of rational regimen of combination therapy of EGFR-targeted therapy with other effective treatment modalities may eventually bring about substantial progress in the treatment of epithelial ovarian cancers.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a member of the receptor tyrosine kinase family. Ligand (epidermal growth factor or EGF) binding to the EGFR results in the coordinated activation and integration of biochemical signaling events to mediate cell growth, migration, and differentiation. One mechanism the cell utilizes to orchestrate these events is ligand-mediated endocytosis through the canonical clathrin-mediated endocytic pathway. Identification of proteins that regulate the intracellular movement of the EGF.EGFR complex is an important first step in dissecting how specificity of EGFR signaling is conferred. We examined the role of the small molecular weight guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G-protein) rab7 as a regulator of the distal stages of the endocytic pathway. Through the transient expression of activating and inactivating mutants of rab7 in HeLa cells, we have determined that rab7 activity directly correlates with the rate of radiolabeled EGF and EGFR degradation. Furthermore, when inhibitory mutants of rab7 are expressed, the internalized EGF.EGFR complex accumulates in high-density endosomes that are characteristic of the late endocytic pathway. Thus, we conclude that rab7 regulates the endocytic trafficking of the EGF.EGFR complex by regulating its lysosomal degradation.  相似文献   

Three site-directed mutants of human epidermal growth factor, Leu-26----Gly, Leu-47----Ala, and Ile-23----Thr, were examined for their ability to stimulate the protein-tyrosine kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor. The receptor binding affinities of the mutant growth factors were 20- to 50-fold lower, as compared to wild-type growth factor. At saturating concentrations of growth factor, the velocities of the phosphorylation of exogenously added substrate and receptor autophosphorylation were significantly lower with the mutant analogs, suggesting a partial 'uncoupling' of signal transduction. The mutant analogs were shown to compete directly with the binding of wild-type, resulting in a decrease in growth factor-stimulated kinase activity.  相似文献   

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