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Human peripheral blood lymphocytes have been shown to resist staining with the DNA binding fluorochrome Hoechst 33342 by the cellular membrane. The rate of uptake of the dye is strongly temperature-dependent with minimal uptake rate below 16 degrees C. The activation energy of dye transport was found to be 135 kJ/mol above 20 degrees C and about 20 kJ/mol below 16 degrees C. Metabolic inhibitors accelerated, instead of inhibiting, the transport of the dye. Dead cells have been shown to stain promptly in contrast with the gradually staining viable cells. The uptake process in the vital staining conditions is suggested to involve a carrier mediated mechanism. Application of Hoechst 33342 as a fluorescent indicator of viability is proposed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spermatogenesis in adult is a complex stepwise process leading to terminally differentiated spermatozoa. The cellular heterogeneity of testis renders complex the studies on molecular aspects of this differentiation process. Analysis of the regulation of adult spermatogenesis would undoubtedly benefit from the development of techniques to characterize each germinal differentiation step. METHODS: Hoechst 33342 staining of mouse testicular cells allows characterization of an enriched population in germinal stem cell and spermatogonia, called side population. In this study, we examined the definition of the various germinal populations stained by Hoechst 33342, notably meiotic and postmeiotic cells. RESULTS: Preleptotene spermatocytes, spermatocyte I, spermatocyte II, and round and elongated spermatids were discriminated by Hoechst 33342 staining. In addition, we associated differentiation of spermatocyte I through leptotene to diplotene with changes in Hoechst 33342 red fluorescence pattern. CONCLUSIONS: Hoechst 33342 staining of viable germinal cells constitutes a valuable tool to study normal and impaired mouse adult spermatogenesis or to isolate viable cells from various differentiation stages for studies of molecular mechanisms regulating spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

The in vitro response of murine lymphocytes to allogeneic and mitogenic stimulation has been studied by using the nontoxic fluorescent DNA probe, Hoechst 33342, and a fluorescence flow cytometer-cell sorter. Under appropriate conditions, two peaks of fluorescent intensity, not related to cellular DNA content, can be seen. As early as 12 hr after culture set up, lymphocyte activation can be identified. It appears that Hoechst-labeled lymphocytes of higher fluorescence intensity represent those cells activated by allogeneic stimulation whereas cells obtained from the lower intensity peak are nonresponding lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Bovine spermatozoa were stained with Hoechst 33342. The fluorescence distribution of stained spermatozoa was complex. Non-motile spermatozoa displayed a higher fluorescence than did motile spermatozoa. The fluorescence profile of the motile spermatozoa was bimodal. Sort and reanalysis, and orientation experiments suggested that there are two distinct populations of motile spermatozoa.  相似文献   

This paper describes a flow-cytometric application of the quenching of fluorescence from 33258 Hoechst stained Chinese hamster ovary-line cells due to the incorporation of 5-bromo-deoxyuridine (BrdU) into the cellular deoxyribonucleic acid. Cells were grown for 24 hr in medium containing BrdU in concentrations ranging from 1 x 10(-8) to 1 x 10(-4) M. For each concentration we measured the average fluorescence as determined by flow cytometry, the extent of BrdU substitution and the effect of the BrdU on cell growth. We determined that a BrdU concentration of 1 x 10(-5) M resulted in sufficient substitution to quench the fluorescence from 33258 Hoechst by a factor of 4, allowing discrimination between cycling and noncycling cells. The extent of BrdU substitution after growth for 24 hr in this concentration of BrdU was 64%. These data indicate the feasibility of detecting deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in whole cells using the 33258 Hoechst-BrdU methodology.  相似文献   

The fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342 is able to differentiate F9 EC cells at low concentrations. This differentiation is accompanied by synthesis of large amounts of laminin, production of a well-developed cytoskeleton, disappearance of the SSEA-1 antigen, and synthesis of large amounts of fibronectin, all characteristics of the primitive endoderm. The dye immediately blocks the cells at the S/G2 phase of the cell cycle and produces a complete arrest in proliferation. This effect is not specific for the nullipotent F9 cell line, as multipotent EC cell lines like PCC3, P19, and PCC4 can also be easily differentiated into the same pathway by treatment with the Hoechst dye. In contrast, the dye has no remarkable effects on terminal differentiated, immortalized cells like NIH 3T3 or the parietal endoderm-like cell PYS-2.  相似文献   

Cultures of L cells were grown in medium containing 2.0 mg/l bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) and stained with the fluorescent dye 33258 Hoechst for flow cytometric analysis. During exposure to BUdR, The cells replace thymidine by BUdR in the newly synthesized DNA. The new DNA is not stainable with 33258 Hoechst, which is highly specific for thymidine. The temporal development of the fluorescence distributions after addition of BUdR to the growth medium has been investigated in the flow cytometer, and the data were used to calculate the mean durations of the phases G1, S and G2 + M in exponentially growing cultures as well as the cycle transit times in synchronized cultures. The percentage of non-cycling cells was determined in each experiment.  相似文献   

H M Shapiro 《Cytometry》1981,2(3):143-150
The addition of RNA content estimation to flow cytometric measurement of DNA content provides valuable information concerning cells' transitions between quiescent and proliferative states. Equilibrium staining methods employing acridine orange have been used for DNA/RNA content measurement but are difficult to apply to intact cells and impractical for use in conjunction with fluorescent antibodies or ligands for demonstration of cell surface structures. I have used a combination of Hoechst 33342 (HO342) and pyronin Y (PY) to stain intact cells for DNA/RNA content estimation with a dual source flow cytometer using UV and blue-green or green excitation, measuring HO342 fluorescence at 430--470 nm and PY fluorescence at 590--650 nm. Results obtained with cultured cells and stimulated lymphocytes are in good agreement with those obtained using acridine orange for DNA/RNA staining; about half of the PY fluorescence can be removed from ethanol-fixed cells stained with HO342 and PY by RNAse digestion. The HO342/PY method can be combined with fluorescein immunofluorescence for detection of cell surface markers. HO342 can be combined with other tricyclic heteroaromatic dyes for DNA/RNA estimation; the combination of HO342 and oxazine 1 can be excited in a dual source instrument using a mercury arc lamp and a helium-neon laser. The staining procedure is simple; cells in medium are incubated with 5 microM HO342 at 37 degrees C for 45 min, 5 microM PY (or oxazine 1) is then added and cells are analyzed without washing after an additional 45 min incubation. Suitability of these dye combinations for vital cell staining and sorting remains to be determined.  相似文献   

目的:探讨流式细胞仪上405 nm激光激发Hoechst33342染色细胞DNA的效果及影响检测结果的因素。方法:SW480和A549两种细胞经Hoechst33342染色后,流式细胞仪405 nm激光激发检测DNA含量,利用软件计算出处于G0/G1期、S期和G2/M期细胞的百分比,以PI染色法结果作为对照。结果:SW480和A549细胞经Hoechst33342染色后各期的细胞百分比与PI染色法基本一致,无明显差异(P0.05)。结论:405 nm激光激发Hoechst33342染色细胞DNA结果可靠,可作为紫外检测的替代方法。  相似文献   

Hoechst-33342-stained chicken thymocytes were analysed simultaneously on two fluorescence wavelength bands (green and violet) in our custom-built flow cytometer, and two major subsets were identified. In one subset (33% of the total) the emission spectrum remained constant with time, with little change in the respective green and violet fluorescence intensities. In the other subset (42% of the total) the green fluorescence increased during staining, resulting in a considerable change in the green-to-violet ratio, due to a change in the "shape" of the fluorescence emission with time. The data indicate that two binding sites, or two types of binding at the same site, exist in DNA for this dye and that these have different binding energies and, consequently, different fluorescence emission properties.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Many methods in flow cytometry rely on staining DNA with a fluorescent dye to gauge DNA content. From the relative intensity of the fluorescence signature, one can then infer position in cell cycle, amount of DNA (i.e., for sperm selection), or, as in the case of flow karyotyping, to distinguish individual chromosomes. This work examines the staining of murine thymocytes with a common DNA dye, Hoechst 33342, to investigate nonlinearities in the florescence intensity as well as chromatic shifts. METHODS: Murine thymocytes were stained with Hoechst 33342 and measured in a flow cytometer at two fluorescence emission bands. In other measurements, cells were stained at different dye concentrations, and then centrifuged. The supernatant was then used for a second round of staining to test the amount of dye uptake. Finally, to test for resonant energy transfer, we measured fluorescence anisotropy at two different wavelengths. RESULTS: The fluorescence of cells stained with Hoechst 33342 is a nonlinear process that shows an overall decrease in intensity with increased dye uptake, and spectral shift to the red. Along with the spectral shift of the fluorescence to the longer wavelengths, we document decreases in the fluorescence anisotropy that may indicate resonant energy transfer. CONCLUSIONS: At low concentrations, Hoechst 33342 binds to the minor groove of DNA and shows an increase in fluorescence and a blue shift upon binding. At higher concentrations, at which the dye molecules can no longer bind without overlapping, the blue fluorescence decreases and the red fluorescence increases until there is approximately one dye molecule per DNA base pair. The ratio of the blue fluorescence to the red fluorescence is an accurate indicator of the cellular dye concentration.  相似文献   

Summary The cell types in Sertoli cell-enriched cultures can be identified by using the DNA-specific fluorochrome Hoechst 33342 staining. This simple, rapid and reproducible procedure can be used with fixed and living cells. The peritubular myoid cells can be distinguished from the Sertoli cells in Sertoli cell-enriched cultures by the characteristic staining pattern obtained using Hoechst 33342 dye. Those cells identified as peritubular myoid cells by the characteristic DNA staining also interacted with the anti-fibronectin antibody determined by an immunocytochemical method while the Sertoli cells did not. The described staining method is valuable in assessing the presence of peritubular myoid cells in Sertoli cell-enriched cultures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mitochondria are key players in many forms of cell death, and mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), membrane depolarization, permeability changes, and release of apoptogenic proteins are involved in these processes. Flow cytometric analysis of isolated mitochondria enables parallel analysis of mitochondrial structure and function in individual mitochondria, and small mitochondrial samples are sufficient for analysis. This article describes a well-characterized protocol for flow cytometric analysis of isolated liver mitochondria that can be used to detect mitochondrial alterations relevant to cell death. METHODS: Fluorescent probes were used to selectively stain mitochondria (nonyl acridine orange), and to measure membrane potential (tetramethylrhodamine-methyl-ester, 1,1',3,3,3',3'-hexamethylindodicarbocyanine-iodide), as well as production of ROS (2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein-diacetate). Calcium-induced mitochondrial swelling was detected as a decrease in SSC. To ensure optimal concentrations of all probes, the effect on mitochondrial respiration was evaluated. RESULTS: This protocol can be used to determine the purity of the mitochondrial preparation, to detect calcium-induced morphological changes, small mitochondrial de- and hyperpolarizations, as well as physiological changes in ROS generation. CONCLUSIONS: Flow cytometry is a very useful tool to simultaneously analyze several mitochondrial parameters that are important in the induction of mitochondria-mediated cell death.  相似文献   

The cell types in Sertoli cell-enriched cultures can be identified by using the DNA-specific fluorochrome Hoechst 33342 staining. This simple, rapid and reproducible procedure can be used with fixed and living cells. The peritubular myoid cells can be distinguished from the Sertoli cells in Sertoli cell-enriched cultures by the characteristic staining pattern obtained using Hoechst 33342 dye. Those cells identified as peritubular myoid cells by the characteristic DNA staining also interacted with the anti-fibronectin antibody determined by an immunocytochemical method while the Sertoli cells did not. The described staining method is valuable in assessing the presence of peritubular myoid cells in Sertoli cell-enriched cultures.  相似文献   

Heat-induced alterations in CHO-10B cell Hoechst 33342 (Ho342) permeability in vitro were analyzed by flow cytometry. Immediately after 45.5 degrees C heating, uptake was decreased in a dose-dependent manner with cytotoxicity. Kinetic analysis indicated that a treatment that reduced cell survival to approximately 10%, reduced the maximal velocity, Vmax, to 53% of control and increased the dissociation constant, Km, to 156% of control. Also, little change in Ho342 efflux was found to occur from control up to 90 min after heating. Upon incubation at 37 degrees C after the heat treatment from 1 to 24 hr (depending on the severity of the dose) diffuse heterogeneity of Ho342 staining developed which was not evident immediately after heating. The altered staining was not due to the presence of trypan blue staining cells. Membrane permeabilization and nuclei isolation studies indicated that the lesion responsible was most likely a plasma membrane event. Induction of the heterogenous staining was not inhibited by either actinomycin D or hydroxyurea but was inhibited by incubation at 4 degrees C. An inverse correlation existed between Ho342 permeability and clonogenicity, with nearly a 10-fold difference in survival between the high and low fluorescence intensity sorted cells. Also, larger fractions of heat-sensitive S and G2M-phase cells were found in the highly fluorescent sorted fractions. These results are discussed in terms of the putative molecular events that may be involved in hyperthermic modulation of Ho342 permeability.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric cell cycle analysis was recorded in gastric biopsy specimens from patients with normal gastric mucosa (GM), superficial gastritis (SG) and chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG). Cell-cycle analysis showed significantly higher percentages of cells in S- and S+G2/M-phase in CAG than in SG and normal GM (P < 0.0001). Moreover, CAG with severe or moderate atrophy showed significantly higher percentages of cells in S-phase (P < 0.05) and S+G2/M-phase (P < 0.02) than CAG with mild atrophy in antrum. In fundus, even if this increase was observed, it did not reach statistical significance. Consideration of concomitant pathologic findings such as oesophagite, gastric or duodenal ulcer, duodenite or benign polyp allowed a better differentiation of CAG both in antrum and in fundus. Significantly higher S-phase was observed in CAG with severe or moderate atrophy than in CAG with mild atrophy (P < 0.05). No statistically significant results were observed in patients with normal gastric mucosa or chronic gastritis and a concomitant pathologic finding.  相似文献   

Single-cell analysis by flow cytometry has enabled us to analyze the effects of a phorbol ester and known tumour promoter, TPA, on the phenotypes of four tumour lines. TPA is capable of triggering a variety of cellular alterations that can affect gene expression and the biochemical balance of intracellular events. We have investigated the effect of TPA on such properties as rate of proliferation, differentiation, expression of cell surface molecules, and susceptibility to natural killer (NK) cell-mediated cytolysis. Four human leukemia and lymphoma cell lines; K562, MOLT 4, Raji, and HL60, were studied in their response to TPA treatment. Based on measurements of the defined cellular properties, we have characterized the pleiotropic responses of each tumour cell line to the phorbol ester in relation to intensity and time of onset of each response. The effects of TPA are highly varied, ranging in time of onset from minutes to days, and in intensity from strong to weak within the four cell lines studied. However, within all the processes that are affected, the activation of protein kinase C appears to be a common initiating event of phorbol ester induction.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry offers the possibility to simultaneously analyze, on a cell by cell basis, different parameters related to cell viability i.e. cell size, morphology and incorporation of dyes. Different types of analysis: light absorption of unstained/stained cells, forward angle light scattering (FALS), right angle light scattering (RALS) or both, cell fluorescence based on dye retention or dye exclusion (due to erythrosin B, ethidium bromide, fluorescein diacetate, rhodamine 123) were tested and compared, with the classical Trypan blue exclusion test, for their effectiveness in the determination of cell viability. Two types of cells in monolayer cultures (L929, SIRC) and a freshly isolated suspension of mouse splenocytes were used. For each dye, the optimal dose, incubation time and conditions for analysis were determined. Viability indications by different techniques for the three type of cell line and their reliability as compared with Trypan blue were analyzed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Combined analysis of DNA content and immunofluorescence on single cells by flow cytometry provides information on the proliferative response of subpopulations to stimuli in mixed cell preparations; however, in low-viability cell preparations, dead cells interfere with accurate flow cytometric data analysis because of nonspecific binding of antibodies and altered DNA-staining profiles. Light scatter differences between nonviable and viable cells are unreliable, particularly after the cell permeabilization step that is necessary for DNA staining. We developed a method for identification of nonviable cells by fluorescence in cell preparations that are stained simultaneously for cell surface or intracellular immunofluorescence and DNA content. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nonviable cells that have lost membrane integrity are identified by uptake of 7-amino-actinomycin D (7-AAD). Transfer of 7-AAD from stained nonviable cells to unstained viable cells after permeabilization is prevented by blocking DNA binding with nonfluorescent actinomycin D (AD). Pyronin Y(G) (PY) is used for DNA staining because the orange spectral emission of PY can be separated from the green fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) emission and the red emission of 7-AAD, respectively. RESULTS: Application of the method to the analysis of the T-cell leukemia cell line Molt-4f and of cultured human peripheral blood mononuclear cells is presented. In both cell preparations, 7-AAD staining permitted reliable dead cell exclusion. Live, 7-AAD-negative Molt-4f cells showed higher expression levels of cell surface CD4 and of intracellular CD3, showed a higher proportion of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, and showed a lower coefficient of variation of the G1 peak compared with data obtained from all the cells in the preparation. Live, CD8+ lymphocytes from OKT3-stimulated cultures of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells showed a specific proliferative response as measured by DNA content analysis. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that cells stained with FITC-labeled antibodies can be analyzed by single-laser flow cytometry for DNA content combined with dead cell discrimination. Furthermore, they emphasize the need for exclusion of dead cells from the analysis of cell preparations with low viability to obtain reliable data on immunofluorescence and cell-cycle distributions.  相似文献   

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