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One new species and two new subspecies of fleas are described. These are S. sulawesiensis n. sp. from North and Central Sulawesi, S. alticola pilosus n. ssp. from Central Sulawesi, and S. alticola crassinavis n. ssp. from North Sulawesi. All three of these new taxa are ectoparasites of native, endemic murine rodents. Two of the new taxa, S. sulawesiensis and S. alticola crassinavis, coexist on the same mountain, Gunung Moajat, in North Sulawesi. The related S. alticola alticola, which becomes the nominate subspecies, parasitises the murine rodent Maxomys alticola in northern Borneo (Sabah) and it is hypothesized that Sigmactenus first colonized Sulawesi as an ectoparasite of ancestral Maxomys, or perhaps Rattus, as these murines dispersed from southeast Asia to Sulawesi; 15 endemic murine rodent species belonging to these two genera are known to currently inhabit Sulawesi. An identification key and distribution map are included for all known species and subspecies of Sigmactenus. In addition to the three new taxa and S. a. alticola, these include: S. celebensis from South Sulawesi, S. timorensis from Timor, S. toxopeusi from New Guinea, and S. werneri from the Philippines (Mindanao and Negros).  相似文献   

A new species, Ctenophthalmus (Euctenophthalmus) parthicus sp. n., is described from social vole (Microtus socialis Pallas) from four localities of the West Kopetdag Mountains of Turkmenia. The new species is close to C.(E.) secundus Wagner and C.(E.) congener nadimi Farhang-Azad. It differs from males of the other known species by the following characters. The movable process has an infra-acetabular process whose length is the same as the height of its supra-acetabular portion. The movable process has the straight front margin, right anterior apical angle. The anterior part of the dorsal margin of the movable process is elevated, the hind part is slightly concave. The posterior apical angle of the movable process is cut. The hind margin of the movable process is convex. The apex of the distal arm of sternum IX is straight, not oblique. The female differs by the following peculiarities. Sternum VII has a well developed dorsal lobe below which there is a smaller rounded lobe and a distinct small ventral process. Unciform sclerotization of tergum VIII (or the place of connection between tergum VIII and its internal lobe) resembles an arc. The front margin of the internal lobe of tergum VIII is not sclerotized. The bursa copulatrix is as long as the dorsal spines of pronotum.  相似文献   

In experiment, the mean diurnal fecundity of Leptopsylla segnis females increased during the first five days since the beginning of feeding on white mice and reached the maximum in the second five-day period (15.7-16.7 eggs per 1 female during a day). In subsequent period of stay on a host, an activity of egg laying gradually decreased. In flea females, which had lived on hosts for 40 days and more this index was 3.7 eggs. During the mean life longevity (23 days), the flea females lay about 260 eggs; the females, which have lived more than 40 days, produce above 400 eggs.  相似文献   

The new genus Cavifera is described to include two species, both new– C. abdita and C. senta
The hosts for these are from New Guinea and are believed to belong to the Columbiformes. The females are characterized by having a pair of abdominal tergal sense organs of a type unknown elsewhere in the Mallophaga or possibly in the insects.  相似文献   

A new species of flea of the genus Ctenidiosomus Jordan, 1931 (Siphonaptera: Pygiopsyllidae) is described from Phyllotis osilae J. A. Allen, 1901, from Salta Province, Argentina. This is the first time that Ctenidiosomus has been recorded in Argentina. A key to species of males of Ctenidiosomus is presented.  相似文献   

In experiments, the mean life duration of fleas Leptopsylla segnis on white mice (abundance of fleas within natural limits, up to 10 fleas per mouse) was 22.7 days in females and 18.8 day in males. Maximum life duration was 51 and 37 days respectively. In cases, when the initial numbers of fleas were 20 and 28-34 fleas, the duration of life was decreased. The maximum limit decreased greater than the mean duration of life. A survival dynamics of fleas depended upon the flea number. It was found out, that in cases of high abundance of fleas in the beginning of experiments, the mortality rate of males was lower than in females. During the stay on a host the fleas lost gradually an ability to endure a starvation. Possible mechanisms of the regulation of flea abundance are discussed.  相似文献   

Doasypsyllus (Neomipsyllus) aedon n. sp. is described from specimens obtained from Passeriform's nests (Troglodytidae and Furnariidae).  相似文献   

The males of three new and rare species of the Malagasy endemic genus Paractenopsyllus Wagner, 1938 are described. Paractenopsyllus beaucournui, P. oconnori and P. raxworthyi have been collected on endemic small mammals and the black rat. As for others species of the genus, biotopes are rain-forests of the central highlands or the northern mountains of Madagascar. Two of the described species were collected at elevations lower than typical for the genus and below the limits of the highland bioclimatic zone. Morphological affinities between these new species and those already described provide taxonomic framework for the genus. An updated identification key is provided for the diagnosis of all the 20 Malagasy species of Leptopsyllinae.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first faunal checklist for Cicadidae (Hemiptera) from Panay, Philippines, comprising five species belonging to five genera. A new species, Platypleura lourensi sp. nov., and a new genus, Ggomapsalta gen. nov., are described. Dundubia vaginata (Fabricius, 1787) and Ggomapsalta vernalis (Distant, 1916) are newly recorded from Panay. Information on geographic distributions is provided.  相似文献   

Acropoma boholensis sp. nov. is described on the basis of two specimens collected from Dumaguete city market, Negros Island, Philippines. It is distinguished from other species of Acropoma by the following combination of characters: anus situated closer to the origin of pelvic fin than to that of anal fin; luminous gland extending from isthmus to anal fin base; scales cycloid except weakly ctenoid scales around anterior part of lateral line and on ventral side of body; proximal radial of first anal fin pterygiophore lacking trough or hollow; body depth 31%–33% SL; head length 40%–42% SL; length of orbit 13%–14% SL. Received: November 14, 2000 / Revised: September 12, 2001 / Accepted: October 10, 2001  相似文献   

Medwayella independencia, a new species of flea, is described from the tupaiid host Urogale everetti (Thomas) from Mindanao Island, Philippines. Several other species of fleas are also recorded from the Philippines including a single male of Lentistivalius philippinensis Hastriter and Bush, 2013 (previously known only from two males), the bat fleas Thaumapsylla breviceps orientalis Smit and Thaumapsylla longiforceps Traub, a single unidentified female species of Macrostylophora Ewing collected from the murid Bullimus bagobos Mearns, and a pair of Medwayella robinsoni ssp. from Sundasciurus hoogstraali (Sanborn) from Busuanga Island, Philippines. Representatives of Medwayella Traub, 1972 and Macrostylophora have not previously been recorded from the Philippines. A key to the male sex of Medwayella is provided. Phoretic mites of the genus Psylloglyphus (family Winterschmidtiidae) were present under the abdominal sclerites of several male and female specimens of M. independencia. This is the second report of a phoretic mite on a species of Medwayella Traub. The co-evolutionary implications between phoretic mites and fleas are discussed.  相似文献   

鲁亮  吴厚永 《昆虫学报》2002,45(3):380-383
描述了窄板额蚤华北亚种的幼虫形态,并和同属幼虫进行比较。窄板额蚤华北亚种幼虫的形态和棕形额蚤指名亚种幼虫的形态比较相似,但肛梳刚毛数量可以区分,前者总数超过24根,后者总数不超过20根。再通过与其它5种(亚种)额蚤幼虫的形态比较,发现属于额蚤亚属5种幼虫的大颚齿数一般为5个齿,一龄幼虫的破卵器正面为鞋形;而属于鸟额蚤亚属前额蚤灰獭亚种的幼虫的大颚齿数达9个,一龄幼虫的破卵器正面为球拍形。这些差异可能是亚属间的形态差异。  相似文献   

A pair of Allopsylla lobayensis Beaucournu & Barrière, new species were collected the first of November 1999 in Ngotto forest, in the south-western part of the Lobaye basin, Central African Republic (CAR). The host specimen, a little known molossid bat (Myopterus whitleyi), constitutes the first record of this species in CAR. The new flea species appears taxonomically close to A. hetera Beaucournu & Fain, 1982, one of the two other Allopsylla species, previously know from other faunal regions (A. alloides in Nigeria and A. hetera in Democratic Republic of the Congo). The parasitism of three distinctly different hosts by the three known Allopsylla species raises questions regarding the host-parasite specificity of this group.  相似文献   

Parabrosmolus novaeguineae, a new genus and species of the subfamily Brosmophycinae (family Bythitidae) is described, based on a single specimen from Papua New Guinea. The genus is unique in the tribe Brosmophycini in having six branchiostegal rays and ten precaudal vertebrae, and is also similarly distinguished from two brosmophycine genera,Melodichthys andBeaglichthys, tribal allocations of the two latter being uncertain.Parabrosmolus also differs from all other genera in the subfamily by the following combination of characters: head scaly, anal fin origin slightly before midpoint of body, eye diameter shorter than snout length, three developed rakers on first gill arch and 16 (14+2) caudal fin rays.  相似文献   

A new tiger beetles species, Polyrhanis dabraensis sp. nov., is described from Dabra (Foja mountains region, Papua, New Guinea, Indonesia). Its elytral markings are similar to those of Polyrhanis funerata and P. barbata, but it is much smaller and its anteapical spot is more expanded on the disc and is connected with the apical lunule. The aedeagus has a thin straight hook (spur) directed perpendicularly on the dorsal side, like that of P. io, P. innocentior, P. excisilabris, P. olthofi, and P. vannideki. It is easily recognized by its distinctive elytral markings and small body size.  相似文献   

Gekkotaenia novaeguineaensis n. gen., n. sp. (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) from the small intestine and Cosmocerca zugi n. sp. (Nematoda: Cosmocercidae) from the large intestine of the ring-tailed gecko, Cyrtodactylus louisiadensis (Sauria: Gekkonidae) are described and illustrated. Gekkotaenia novaeguineaensis n. gen., n. sp. is unique among the acraspedote Linstowiinae in possessing a poral female reproductory system. Cosmocerca zugi n. sp. is the 22nd species to be assigned to the genus and differs from other species in the genus by possessing 4 pairs of rosette papillae on plectanes and having a gubernaculum longer than the spicules. It is the fifth species to be described from the Australian biogeographical region. Eight additional helminth species were found: the digenean, Allopharynx macallisteri; 2 cestodes, cysticercoids of Cyclophyllidea gen. sp. and tetrathyridia of Mesocestoides sp.; 5 nematodes, larvae in cysts of Abbreviata sp., Aplectana macintoshii, Oswaldocruzia bakeri, Parapharyngodon maplestonei, and an undescribed species of Physalopteroides. Cyrtodactylus louisiadensis represents a new host record for each of these helminths.  相似文献   

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