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The scope of this investigation was to understand the role of aquaporin 5 (AQP5) for maintaining lens transparency and homeostasis. Studies were conducted using lenses of wild-type (WT) and AQP5 knockout (AQP5-KO) mice. Immunofluorescent staining verified AQP5 expression in WT lens sections and lack of expression in the knockout. In vivo and ex vivo, AQP5-KO lenses resembled WT lenses in morphology and transparency. Therefore, we subjected the lenses ex vivo under normal (5.6 mM glucose) and hyperglycemic (55.6 mM glucose) conditions to test for cataract formation. Twenty-four hours after incubation in hyperglycemic culture medium, AQP5-KO lenses showed mild opacification which was accelerated several fold at 48 h; in contrast, WT lenses remained clear even after 48 h of hyperglycemic treatment. AQP5-KO lenses displayed osmotic swelling due to increase in water content. Cellular contents began to leak into the culture medium after 48 h. We reason that water influx through glucose transporters and glucose cotransporters into the cells could mainly be responsible for creating hyperglycemic osmotic swelling; absence of AQP5 in fiber cells appears to cause lack of required water efflux, challenging cell volume regulation and adding to osmotic swelling. This study reveals that AQP5 could play a critical role in lens microcirculation for maintaining transparency and homeostasis, especially by providing protection under stressful conditions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report providing evidence that AQP5 facilitates maintenance of lens transparency and homeostasis by regulating osmotic swelling caused by glucose transporters and cotransporters under hyperglycemic stressful conditions.  相似文献   

An intraventricular neuronal complex has been identified with scanning and transmission electron microscopy at the base of the lamina terminalis of the mouse. The raspberry-shaped complex protrudes from a thickened bulge on the ependymal surface of the lamina terminalis or adjacent rostral floor of the third ventricle. Neurons and occasional ependymal cells cover the surface of the complex. Its core is made up of neurons, ependymal cells, and neuronal processes, which are usually compactly arranged. The core is continuous, through a breach in the ependymal layers, with the subependymal neuropil of the lamina terminalis. Within the core of the complex are large numbers of axodendritic synapses. Axonal varicosities and synaptic terminals are filled with vesicles and mitochondria. Synaptic endings have one of two populations of vesicles: exclusively clear, small, round or flattened vesicles. In view of the known structural and functional characteristics of the lamina terminalis, it is possible that the neuronal complex may participate in neurohormonal regulatory systems of the hypothalamus and hypophysis or in the network of circumventricular organs mediating angiotensin effects.  相似文献   

Myofilament length-dependent activation is a universal property of striated muscle, yet the molecular mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon are incompletely understood. Additionally, the rate by which sarcomere length (SL) is sensed and then transduced to form length-dependent activation is unknown. Here, using isolated guinea-pig myocardium, we employed a rapid solution-switch single myofibril technique that allows for the study of contractile action/relaxation dynamics in the virtual absence of diffusion delays. We compared contraction kinetics obtained at submaximal activation at steady-state SL with contractions observed after rapid SL ramps to that same SL just before activation. Neither the activation and relaxation kinetics nor the final submaximal force development differed significantly between the two contraction modes for SL ramps as fast as 5 ms. We conclude that the transduction of the length signal by the cardiac sarcomere to modulate thin filament activation levels occurs virtually instantaneously, possibly resulting from structural rearrangements of the contractile proteins.  相似文献   

During the elongation phase of spermiogenesis in the mouse, a layer of electron-dense material appears just below the posterior portion of the acrosomal zonule. Subsequently this material accumulates on the outer side of the nuclear envelope immediately subjacent to the caudal tip of the acrosomal zonule--the anlage of the future postnuclear band--as well as on the inner side of the plasma membrane vis-à-vis to this region--the anlage of the future postacrosomal dense lamina (PADL). Corresponding to further development the postacrosomal region of the nucleus becomes directly enveloped by the plasma membrane, and the PADL, situated on its inner side, grows adequately. The postnuclear band, however, staying the same size as in the preceding elongation phase, gets shifted to the caudal end of the PADL, where it closes the perinuclear space. Since the anlagen and the mature PADL and postnuclear band show the same cytochemical reactions as the dense basal plaque of the acrosomal zonule and the thin layer on the nuclear envelope vis-à-vis to it, a relationship between these structures can be assumed. Furthermore, the demonstration of ribonucleoproteins in all these structures is discussed in connection with a possible nucleolar genesis.  相似文献   

We have compared the organization of the nuclear lamina in adult and fetal mouse liver. Western blot analysis of the expression of lamins with specific antibodies indicates that lamin B is expressed throughout liver development, unlike lamins A and C which are absent in fetal liver. Using [125I]lamin in blot binding assays, we have observed that lamin B binds to at least three membrane proteins (96, 54 and 34 kDa) and to lamins A and C in adult nuclear envelopes, but only to the 54 and 34 kDa proteins and lamin B itself in fetal nuclear envelopes, where lamin B appears to be hyperphosphorylated.  相似文献   

Rodents have a toothless diastema region between the incisor and molar teeth which may contain rudimentary tooth germs. We found in upper diastema region of the mouse (Mus musculus) three small tooth germs which developed into early bud stage before their apoptotic removal, while the sibling vole (Microtus rossiaemeridionalis) had only a single but larger tooth germ in this region, and this developed into late bud stage before regressing apoptotically. To analyze the genetic mechanisms of the developmental arrest of the rudimentary tooth germs we compared the expression patterns of several developmental regulatory genes (Bmp2, Bmp4, Fgf4, Fgf8, Lef1, Msx1, Msx2, p21, Pitx2, Pax9 and Shh) between molars and diastema buds of mice and voles. In diastema tooth buds the expression of all the genes differed from that of molars. The gene expression patterns suggest that the odontogenic program consists of partially independent signaling cascades which define the exact location of the tooth germ, initiate epithelial budding, and transfer the odontogenic potential from the epithelium to the underlying mesenchyma. Although the diastema regions of the two species differed, in both species the earliest difference that we found was weaker expression of mesenchymal Pax9 in the diastema region than in molar and incisor regions at the dental lamina stage. However, based on earlier tissue recombination experiments it is conceivable that the developmental arrest is determined by the early oral epithelium. Received: 1 February 1999 / Accepted: 30 March 1999  相似文献   

The teratogenic effects of the dioxin 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) have previously been studied in several species, and hydronephrosis has been reported to be a frequent abnormality in near-term fetuses. C57BL/6N female mice, given 12 micrograms/kg TCDD, P.O., on day 10 of gestation were killed on days 14, 15, and 16; fetal kidneys were collected and prepared for either immunofluorescent localization of several extracellular matrix components (ECM) or transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The TCDD-treated and control kidneys showed the same pattern of staining for fibronectin, but TCDD-treated kidneys displayed a diminished overall intensity. The intensity of laminin and type IV collagen immunofluorescence also appeared to be decreased, and deviations in the pattern of antibody binding were detected for differentiating TCDD-treated nephrons. Binding of the laminin antibody to the basal lamina was decreased in the parietal layer of Bowman's capsules in more advanced stages of differentiation. TEM analysis focused on the basal lamina of the tubules and Bowman's capsule. In TCDD-exposed kidneys, ECM components adjacent to differentiating nephrons were less abundant, and the basal lamina of the developing Bowman's capsules had a diminished lamina densa. The earliest nephrons to develop display these defects and comprise the first functional filtration units of the metanephric kidney. These ultrastructural changes noted in TCDD-exposed nephrons may promote proteinuria, a condition normally observed in the developing kidney when the filtration barrier is immature.  相似文献   

Recent discovery of a supernumerary dental anomaly in two‐toed sloths led to an extensive review of extant sloth specimens to look for additional anomalies. In total, 881 museum specimens were examined. These revealed two primary types of anomalies, hyperdontia (extra teeth) and anodontia (loss of teeth), occurring at a rate of 2.4% (n = 21). Two‐toed sloths, Choloepus, were more likely to have hyperdontia in the anterior dentition, whereas three‐toed sloths, Bradypus, experienced anodontia more frequently with the upper caniniforms. Both genera experienced both anomalies. The majority affected the upper dentition, with only three specimens exhibiting mandibular anomalies. Beyond the patterns of tooth positioning, all anomalies were random with respect to age, sex and geography. A few specimens not counted in the initial assessment expressed incomplete anodontia, indicating that the loss occurred postnatally and was not an embryological anomaly. For Bradypus, the findings provide new support for the hypothesis that the taxon represents a neotenic lineage and opens new possibilities about its relationship to the extinct ground sloths with a suggested rooting above that of the basal position it typically occupies for Folivora.  相似文献   

Two specific regions of the future nasal and oral epithelial surfaces of the secondary palatal shelves increase in cell density during shelf reorientation. The relationships of mesenchymal cells to the basal lamina underlying these regions were examined and compared to those of cells underlying adjacent regions which did not change in cell density. CD-1 mouse fetuses were obtained on day 13.5 of gestation. Some palatal shelves were excised immediately and fixed for electron microscopy; other heads were partially dissected and incubated for 4 hr prior to fixation. Although shelf movement is detected only after 6 hr incubation, the shorter time period was selected in order to detect events which precede reorientation. Electron micrographs were taken of the epithelial-mesenchymal interface of nasal and oral regions known to increase in epithelial cell density (active segments) and of nasal and oral regions which did not increase (inactive segments). Several measurements were made in a 500-nm-wide zone delimited on photographic prints. Distinct differences in mesenchymal cell configuration were found between nasal and oral regions. Active and inactive segments of each region also differed. A filamentous layer attached to the undersurface of the lamina densa was observed to vary in thickness and character between regions as well. After 4 hr incubation, differences in mesenchymal cell configuration and ultrastructure of the sublaminar zone were apparent between regions. These results suggest that local epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, possibly mediated by the extracellular matrix, precede shelf reorientation. Whether these changes in mesenchymal cell configuration actually reflect mesenchymal cell activities that are necessary for shelf reorientation remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

When meiotic maturation of primary oocytes of the starfish Asterias forbesi is induced by 1-methyladenine, rapid and striking changes in the pattern of protein synthesis detectable by electrophoresis occur after germinal vesicle breakdown. These include a decline in relative labeling with [35S]methionine of several polypeptides synthesized in the oocyte, and increased labeling and new appearance of several polypeptides. Fertilization does not result in other detectable changes. The population of total mRNA translatable in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate cell-free system does not change, but the distribution of mRNAs between polysomes and the postribosomal supernatant reflects the changes observed in vivo. Thus these changes are regulated at the translational level. A review of the literature indicates that translationally mediated changes in patterns of protein synthesis during maturation of oocytes may be a widespread phenomenon.  相似文献   

During the successive interphases of cleaving mouse embryos the nuclear periphery diminishes its reactivity to anti-lamin A and C antibodies. This developmentally regulated characteristic can be modified by exposure of the blastomere nuclei to metaphase II (M II) oocyte cytoplasm followed by activation. In the current study we define the cytoplasmic conditions necessary for this modification of 8-cell and 16-cell stage nuclei in hybrids obtained by fusion with metaphase II arrested oocytes, oocytes at various time points after parthenogenetic activation, naturally fertilized eggs (zygotes) and interphase 2-cell embryo blastomeres. The intensity of fluorescence obtained with anti-lamins A/C in the blastomere nuclei increases as a result of fusion with freshly activated oocytes or early zygotes (first 3.0-5.5 h in the case of parthenogenetic activation), and not when eggs or 2-cell blastomeres advanced in interphase are used as partners for fusion. This transformation of the A/C lamin pattern is correlated with the ability to promote pronucleus-like growth of blastomere nuclei in hybrids. Blastomere nuclei introduced into M II-arrested oocytes undergo premature chromatin condensation and dissolution of the nuclear lamina. The results are discussed with regard to certain particularities of the first embryonic interphase of the mouse and the potential involvement of nuclear lamins in pronuclear growth.  相似文献   

The relationships of mesenchymal cells to the basal lamina underlying regions of the palatal-shelf epithelium that are known to increase in cell density during shelf reorientation are quantitatively different from those of cells underlying neighboring regions that do not increase in cell density. Chlorcyclizine-induced alterations of the extracellular matrix were used to investigate the possible contribution of extracellular matrix to these differences. Chlorcyclizine causes hyaluronate and the chondroitin sulfates to be degraded into pieces with smaller molecular weights and lower charge densities, with little or no effect on their synthesis, and also results in cleft palate. Pregnant CD-1 mice were gavaged with chlorcyclizine on days 10.5, 11.5, and 12.5 of gestation, and the fetuses were harvested on day 13.5. Some palatal shelves were excised immediately and fixed for electron microscopy; other heads were partially dissected and incubated for 4 hr prior to fixation. In normal heads differences in mesenchymal cell configurations are detectable after 4 hr in vitro. Electron micrographs were taken of the epithelial-mesenchymal interface in nasal and oral regions that increased in epithelial cell density and in nasal and oral regions which did not. Several variables of mesenchymal cell configuration were measured in a 500-nm-wide zone delimited on photographic prints. Chlorcyclizine-induced glycosaminoglycan alterations resulted in quantifiable, region-specific differences in mesenchymal cell relationships to the basal lamina and in the ultrastructural appearance of the zone immediately subjacent to the basal lamina. These results suggest that the epithelial-mesenchymal interface and sublaminar zone of the nasal and oral regions as well as their active and inactive segments may be constitutively different.  相似文献   

At the time of their ablation, human tonsils contained some lymphocytes which incorporated [3H]thymidine during short-term culture. The extent of proliferation seemed to be a characteristic of the individual organ pairs. Tonsil cells also secreted during culture at least three soluble factors. One factor suppressed proliferation of human PBL treated with Con A, another factor augmented the proliferation, and the third factor was mitogenic for unstimulated PBL. Mitogenic factor was demonstrable in the presence of supernatants which expressed suppressor activity, but the augmentor could not be demonstrated in such supernatants until it was physically separated from the suppressor by gel filtration or by anion-exchange chromatography. The dose-response curves for the augmentor and mitogenic factor, both of which were simultaneously present in the supernatant, were different. The expression of one of these activities, however, did not require expression of the other. Both augmentor and mitogenic factor were nondialyzable. The augmentor had a molecular weight of about 30,000 and eluted from DEAE-cellulose in 150–250 mM NaCl.  相似文献   

Trypsin-isolated dental epithelia, cultured on top of plasma or agar coagulum synthesized a new lamina densa-like structure. If enamel organs were cultured on Millipore filters or immersed in liquid medium at the bottom of plastic dishes, no basal lamina was deposited.  相似文献   

We have characterized a decrease in photic responsiveness of the mammalian circadian entrainment pathway caused by light stimulation. Phase delays of the running-wheel activity rhythm were used to quantify the photic responsiveness of the circadian system in mice (C57BL/6J). In an initial experiment, the authors measured the responsiveness to single "saturating" light pulses ("white" fluorescent light; approximately 1876 [microW; 15 min). In two additional experiments, the authors measured responses to this stimulus at several time points following a saturating pulse at CT 14 or CT 16. Data from these experiments were analyzed in two manners. Experiment 2 was analyzed assuming that the phase of the circadian pacemaker was unchanged by an initial pulse, and Experiment 3 was analyzed assuming that the initial pulse induced an instantaneous phase delay. Results reveal a significant reduction in responsivity to light that persists for at least 2 h and possibly up to 4 h after the initial stimulus. Immediately after the stimulus, the responsiveness of the photic entrainment pathway was reduced to levels < or = 12% of normal. After 2 h, the responsiveness was < or = 42% of normal, and by 4 h, responsiveness had recovered to levels that were < or = 60% of normal (levels not statistically different from controls). By the following circadian cycle, responsiveness was more completely recovered, although the magnitude of some phase delays remained < or = 85% of normal. These major reductions in the magnitude of phase delays (and phase response curve amplitude) caused by saturating light pulses confound interpretations of two-pulse experiments designed to measure the rate of circadian phase delays. In addition, the time course for this reduced responsiveness may reflect the time course of cellular and molecular events that underlie light-induced resetting of the mammalian circadian pacemaker.  相似文献   

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