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The essential pre-mRNA splicing factor, U2AF(65), guides the early stages of splice site choice by recognizing a polypyrimidine (Py) tract consensus sequence near the 3' splice site. Since Py tracts are relatively poorly conserved in higher eukaryotes, U2AF(65) is faced with the problem of specifying uridine-rich sequences, yet tolerating a variety of nucleotide substitutions found in natural Py tracts. To better understand these apparently contradictory RNA binding characteristics, the X-ray structure of the U2AF(65) RNA binding domain bound to a Py tract composed of seven uridines has been determined at 2.5 A resolution. Specific hydrogen bonds between U2AF(65) and the uracil bases provide an explanation for polyuridine recognition. Flexible side chains and bound water molecules form the majority of the base contacts and potentially could rearrange when the U2AF(65) structure adapts to different Py tract sequences. The energetic importance of conserved residues for Py tract binding is established by analysis of site-directed mutant U2AF(65) proteins using surface plasmon resonance.  相似文献   

Spliceosomes assemble on pre-mRNA splice sites through a series of dynamic ribonucleoprotein complexes, yet the nature of the conformational changes remains unclear. Splicing factor 1 (SF1) and U2 auxiliary factor (U2AF65) cooperatively recognize the 3′ splice site during the initial stages of pre-mRNA splicing. Here, we used small-angle X-ray scattering to compare the molecular dimensions and ab initio shape restorations of SF1 and U2AF65 splicing factors, as well as the SF1/U2AF65 complex in the absence and presence of AdML (adenovirus major late) splice site RNAs. The molecular dimensions of the SF1/U2AF65/RNA complex substantially contracted by 15 Å in the maximum dimension, relative to the SF1/U2AF65 complex in the absence of RNA ligand. In contrast, no detectable changes were observed for the isolated SF1 and U2AF65 splicing factors or their individual complexes with RNA, although slight differences in the shapes of their molecular envelopes were apparent. We propose that the conformational changes that are induced by assembly of the SF1/U2AF65/RNA complex serve to position the pre-mRNA splice site optimally for subsequent stages of splicing.  相似文献   

U2 snRNP auxiliary factor (U2AF) is an essential heterodimeric splicing factor composed of two subunits, U2AF(65) and U2AF(35). During the past few years, a number of proteins related to both U2AF(65) and U2AF(35) have been discovered. Here, we review the conserved structural features that characterize the U2AF protein families and their evolutionary emergence. We perform a comprehensive database search designed to identify U2AF protein isoforms produced by alternative splicing, and we discuss the potential implications of U2AF protein diversity for splicing regulation.  相似文献   

The polypyrimidine-tract (Py-tract) adjacent to 3' splice sites is an essential splicing signal and is recognized by several proteins, including the general splicing factor U2AF65 and the highly specific splicing repressor Sex-lethal (SXL). They both contain ribonucleoprotein-consensus RNA-binding motifs. However, U2AF65 recognizes a wide variety of Py-tracts, whereas SXL recognizes specific Py-tracts such as the nonsex-specific Py-tract of the transformer pre-mRNA. It is not understood how these seemingly similar proteins differentially recognize the Py-tract. To define these interactions, we used chemical interference and protection assays, saturation mutagenesis, and RNAs containing modified nucleotides. We find that these proteins recognize distinct features of the RNA. First, although uracils within the Py-tract are protected from chemical modification by both of these proteins, modification of any one of seven uracils by hydrazine, or any of eight phosphates by ethylnitrosourea strongly interfered with the binding of SXL only. Second, the 2' hydroxyl groups or backbone conformation appeared important for the binding of SXL, but not U2AF65. Third, although any of the bases (cytosine > adenine > guanine) could substitute for uracils for U2AF65 binding, only guanine partially substituted for certain uracils for SXL binding. The different dependence on individual contacts and nucleotide preference may provide a basis for the different RNA-binding specificities and thus functions of U2AF65 and SXL in 3' splice site choice.  相似文献   

SURP domains are exclusively found in splicing‐related proteins in all eukaryotes. SF3A1, a component of the U2 snRNP, has two tandem SURP domains, SURP1, and SURP2. SURP2 is permanently associated with a specific short region of SF3A3 within the SF3A protein complex whereas, SURP1 binds to the splicing factor SF1 for recruitment of U2 snRNP to the early spliceosomal complex, from which SF1 is dissociated during complex conversion. Here, we determined the solution structure of the complex of SURP1 and the human SF1 fragment using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods. SURP1 adopts the canonical topology of α1–α2–310–α3, in which α1 and α2 are connected by a single glycine residue in a particular backbone conformation, allowing the two α‐helices to be fixed at an acute angle. A hydrophobic patch, which is part of the characteristic surface formed by α1 and α2, specifically contacts a hydrophobic cluster on a 16‐residue α‐helix of the SF1 fragment. Furthermore, whereas only hydrophobic interactions occurred between SURP2 and the SF3A3 fragment, several salt bridges and hydrogen bonds were found between the residues of SURP1 and the SF1 fragment. This finding was confirmed through mutational studies using bio‐layer interferometry. The study also revealed that the dissociation constant between SURP1 and the SF1 fragment peptide was approximately 20 μM, indicating a weak or transient interaction. Collectively, these results indicate that the interplay between U2 snRNP and SF1 involves a transient interaction of SURP1, and this transient interaction appears to be common to most SURP domains, except for SURP2.  相似文献   

The role of U2AF35 and U2AF65 in enhancer-dependent splicing.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Splicing enhancers are RNA sequence elements that promote the splicing of nearby introns. The mechanism by which these elements act is still unclear. Some experiments support a model in which serine-arginine (SR)-rich proteins function as splicing activators by binding to enhancers and recruiting the splicing factor U2AF to an adjacent weak 3' splice site. In this model, recruitment requires interactions between the SR proteins and the 35-kDa subunit of U2AF (U2AF35). However, more recent experiments have not supported the U2AF recruitment model. Here we provide additional evidence for the recruitment model. First, we confirm that base substitutions that convert weak 3' splice sites to a consensus sequence, and therefore increase U2AF binding, relieve the requirement for a splicing activator. Second, we confirm that splicing activators are required for the formation of early spliceosomal complexes on substrates containing weak 3' splice sites. Most importantly, we find that splicing activators promote the binding of both U2AF65 and U2AF35 to weak 3' splice sites under splicing conditions. Finally, we show that U2AF35 is required for maximum levels of activator-dependent splicing. We conclude that a critical function of splicing activators is to recruit U2AF to the weak 3' splice sites of enhancer-dependent introns, and that efficient enhancer-dependent splicing requires U2AF35.  相似文献   

U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxiliary factor (U2AF) is an essential component of the splicing machinery that is composed of two protein subunits, the 35 kDa U2AF35 (U2AF1) and the 65 kDa U2AF65 (U2AF2). U2AF interacts with various splicing factors within this machinery. Here we expand the list of mammalian splicing factors that are known to interact with U2AF65 as well as the list of nuclear proteins not known to participate in splicing that interact with U2AF65. Using a yeast two-hybrid system, we found fourteen U2AF65-interacting proteins. The validity of the screen was confirmed by identification of five known U2AF65-interacting proteins, including its heterodimeric partner, U2AF35. In addition to binding these known partners, we found previously unrecognized U2AF65 interactions with four splicing-related proteins (DDX39, SFRS3, SFRS18, SNRPA), two zinc finger proteins (ZFP809 and ZC3H11A), a U2AF65 homolog (RBM39), and two other regulatory proteins (DAXX and SERBP1). We report which regions of U2AF65 each of these proteins interacts with and we discuss their potential roles in regulation of pre-mRNA splicing, 3′-end mRNA processing, and U2AF65 sub-nuclear localization. These findings suggest expanded roles for U2AF65 in both splicing and non-splicing functions.  相似文献   

U2 snRNP auxiliary factor (U2AF) promotes U2 snRNP binding to pre-mRNAs and consists of two subunits of 65 and 35 kDa, U2AF(65) and U2AF(35). U2AF(65) binds to the polypyrimidine (Py) tract upstream from the 3' splice site and plays a key role in assisting U2 snRNP recruitment. It has been proposed that U2AF(35) facilitates U2AF(65) binding through a network of protein-protein interactions with other splicing factors, but the requirement and function of U2AF(35) remain controversial. Here we show that recombinant U2AF(65) is sufficient to activate the splicing of two constitutively spliced pre-mRNAs in extracts that were chromatographically depleted of U2AF. In contrast, U2AF(65), U2AF(35), and the interaction between them are required for splicing of an immunoglobulin micro; pre-RNA containing an intron with a weak Py tract and a purine-rich exonic splicing enhancer. Remarkably, splicing activation by U2AF(35) occurs without changes in U2AF(65) cross-linking to the Py tract. These results reveal substrate-specific requirements for U2AF(35) and a novel function for this factor in pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

Essential, protein-protein complexes between the large subunit of the U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor (U2AF65) with the splicing factor 1 (SF1) or the spliceosomal component SF3b155 are exchanged during a critical, ATP-dependent step of pre-mRNA splicing. Both SF1 and the N-terminal domain of SF3b155 interact with a U2AF homology motif (UHM) of U2AF65. SF3b155 contains seven tryptophan-containing sites with sequence similarity to the previously characterized U2AF65-binding domain of SF1. We show that the SF3b155 domain lacks detectable secondary structure using circular dichroism spectroscopy, and demonstrate that five of the tryptophan-containing SF3b155 sites are recognized by the U2AF65-UHM using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence experiments with SF3b155 variants. When compared with SF1, similar spectral shifts and sequence requirements indicate that U2AF65 interactions with each of the SF3b155 sites are similar to the minimal SF1 site. However, thermodynamic comparison of SF1 or SF3b155 proteins with minimal peptides demonstrates that formation the SF1/U2AF65 complex is likely to affect regions of SF1 beyond the previously identified, linear interaction site, in a remarkably distinct manner from the local U2AF65 binding mode of SF3b155. Furthermore, the complex of the SF1/U2AF65 interacting domains is stabilized by 3.3 kcal mol-1 relative to the complex of the SF3b155/U2AF65 interacting domains, consistent with the need for ATP hydrolysis to drive exchange of these partners during pre-mRNA splicing. We propose that the multiple U2AF65 binding sites within SF3b155 regulate conformational rearrangements during spliceosome assembly. Comparison of the SF3b155 sites defines an (R/K)nXRW(DE) consensus sequence for predicting U2AF65-UHM ligands from genomic sequences, where parentheses denote residues that contribute to, but are not required for binding.  相似文献   

PUF60: a novel U2AF65-related splicing activity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
We have identified a new pyrimidine-tract binding factor, PUF, that is required, together with U2AF, for efficient reconstitution of RNA splicing in vitro. The activity has been purified and consists of two proteins, PUF60 and the previously described splicing factor p54. p54 and PUF60 form a stable complex in vitro when cotranslated in a reaction mixture. PUF activity, in conjunction with U2AF, facilitates the association of U2 snRNP with the pre-mRNA. This reaction is dependent upon the presence of the large subunit of U2AF, U2AF65, but not the small subunit U2AF35. PUF60 is homologous to both U2AF65 and the yeast splicing factor Mud2p. The C-terminal domain of PUF60, the PUMP domain, is distantly related to the RNA-recognition motif domain, and is probably important in protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation ensures the accurate and controlled expression of the genome, for instance by regulating the activities of pre-mRNA splicing factors. Here we report that splicing factor 1 (SF1), which is involved in an early step of intronic sequence recognition, is highly phosphorylated in mammalian cells on two serines within an SPSP motif at the junction between its U2AF65 and RNA binding domains. We show that SF1 interacts in vitro with the protein kinase KIS, which possesses a 'U2AF homology motif' (UHM) domain. The UHM domain of KIS is required for KIS and SF1 to interact, and for KIS to efficiently phosphorylate SF1 on the SPSP motif. Importantly, SPSP phosphorylation by KIS increases binding of SF1 to U2AF65, and enhances formation of the ternary SF1-U2AF65-RNA complex. These results further suggest that this phosphorylation event has an important role for the function of SF1, and possibly for the structural rearrangements associated with spliceosome assembly and function.  相似文献   

Kielkopf CL  Rodionova NA  Green MR  Burley SK 《Cell》2001,106(5):595-605
U2 auxiliary factor (U2AF) is an essential splicing factor that recognizes the 3' splice site and recruits the U2 snRNP to the branch point. The X-ray structure of the human core U2AF heterodimer, consisting of the U2AF35 central domain and a proline-rich region of U2AF65, has been determined at 2.2 A resolution. The structure reveals a novel protein-protein recognition strategy, in which an atypical RNA recognition motif (RRM) of U2AF35 and the U2AF65 polyproline segment interact via reciprocal "tongue-in-groove" tryptophan residues. Complementary biochemical experiments demonstrate that the core U2AF heterodimer binds RNA, and that the interacting tryptophan side chains are essential for U2AF dimerization. Atypical RRMs in other splicing factors may serve as protein-protein interaction motifs elsewhere during spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

Two sequences important for pre-mRNA splicing precede the 3' end of introns in higher eukaryotes, the branch point (BP) and the polypyrimidine (Py) tract. Initial recognition of these signals involves cooperative binding of the splicing factor SF1/mammalian branch point binding protein (mBBP) to the BP and of U2AF(65) to the Py tract. Both factors are required for recruitment of the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (U2 snRNP) to the BP in reactions reconstituted from purified components. In contrast, extensive depletion of ST1/BBP in Saccharomyces cerevisiae does not compromise spliceosome assembly or splicing significantly. As BP sequences are less conserved in mammals, these discrepancies could reflect more stringent requirements for SF1/BBP in this system. We report here that extensive depletion of SF1/mBBP from nuclear extracts of HeLa cells results in only modest reduction of their activity in spliceosome assembly and splicing. Some of these effects reflect differences in the kinetics of U2 snRNP binding. Although U2AF(65) binding was reduced in the depleted extracts, the defects caused by SF1/mBBP depletion could not be fully restored by an increase in occupancy of the Py tract by exogenously added U2AF(65), arguing for a role of SF1/mBBP in U2 snRNP recruitment distinct from promoting U2AF(65) binding.  相似文献   

The human telomeric protein TRF1 is a component of the six-subunit protein complex shelterin, which provides telomere protection by organizing the telomere into a high-order structure. TRF1 functions as a negative regulator of telomere length by controlling the access of telomerase to telomeres. Thus, the cellular abundance of TRF1 at telomeres should be maintained and tightly regulated to ensure proper telomere function. Here, we identify U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) auxiliary factor 65 (U2AF65), an essential pre-mRNA splicing factor, as a novel TRF1-interacting protein. U2AF65 interacts with TRF1 in vitro and in vivo and is capable of stabilizing TRF1 protein by inhibiting its ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. We also found that U2AF65 interferes with the interaction between TRF1 and Fbx4, an E3 ubiquitin ligase for TRF1. Depletion of endogenous U2AF65 expression by short interfering RNA (siRNA) reduced the stability of endogenous TRF1 whereas overexpression of U2AF65 significantly extended the half-life of TRF1. These findings demonstrate that U2AF65 plays a critical role in regulating the level of TRF1 through physical interaction and ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis. Hence, U2AF65 represents a new route for modulating TRF1 function at telomeres.  相似文献   

Highlights? Splicing factor SF1 phosphorylation on a conserved SPSP motif is required in vivo ? SPSP phosphorylation (P) induces local folding within an SF1/U2AF65 interface ? Phosphorylation promotes an acutely bent (P)SF1/U2AF65/RNA conformation  相似文献   

We have analyzed the interaction between the U2AF subunits U2AF35 and U2AF65 in vivo using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy. U2 snRNP Auxiliary Factor (U2AF) is an essential pre-mRNA splicing factor complex, comprising 35-kDa (U2AF35) and 65-kDa (U2AF65) subunits. U2AF65 interacts directly with the polypyrimidine tract and promotes binding of U2 snRNP to the pre-mRNA branchpoint, while U2AF35 associates with the conserved AG dinucleotide at the 3' end of the intron and has multiple functions in the splicing process. Using two different approaches for measuring FRET, we have identified and spatially localized sites of direct interaction between U2AF35 and U2AF65 in vivo in live cell nuclei. While U2AF is thought to function as a heterodimeric complex, the FRET data have also revealed a novel U2AF35 self-interaction in vivo, which is confirmed in vitro using biochemical assays. These results suggest that the stoichiometry of the U2AF complex may, at least in part, differ in vivo from the expected heterodimeric complex. The data show that FRET studies offer a valuable approach for probing interactions between pre-mRNA splicing factors in vivo.  相似文献   

The U2 auxiliary factor large subunit (U2AF65) is an essential pre-mRNA splicing factor for the initial stages of spliceosome assembly. Tandem RNA recognition motifs (RRM)s of U2AF65 recognize polypyrimidine tract signals adjacent to 3' splice sites. Despite the central importance of U2AF65 for splice site recognition, the relative arrangement of the U2AF65 RRMs and the energetic forces driving polypyrimidine tract recognition remain unknown. Here, the solution conformation of the U2AF65 RNA binding domain determined using small angle x-ray scattering reveals a bilobal shape without apparent interdomain contacts. The proximity of the N and C termini within the inter-RRM configuration is sufficient to explain the action of U2AF65 on spliceosome components located both 5' and 3' to its binding site. Isothermal titration calorimetry further demonstrates that an unusually large enthalpy-entropy compensation underlies U2AF65 recognition of an optimal polyuridine tract. Qualitative similarities were observed between the pairwise distance distribution functions of the U2AF65 RNA binding domain and those either previously observed for N-terminal RRMs of Py tract-binding protein that lack interdomain contacts or calculated from the high resolution coordinates of a U2AF65 deletion variant bound to RNA. To further test this model, the shapes and RNA interactions of the wild-type U2AF65 RNA binding domain were compared with those of U2AF65 variants containing either Py tract-binding protein linker sequences or a deletion within the inter-RRM linker. Results of these studies suggest inter-RRM conformational plasticity as a possible means for U2AF65 to universally identify diverse pre-mRNA splice sites.  相似文献   

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