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Sericin is the silk protein that covers fibroin fibers and functions as a `glue' in the cocoons of silkworms, and its most abundant component, Ser1, contains repeats of Ser- and Thr-rich 38 amino acid residues. The viability of Sf9 insect cells was 20, 57 and 49% on the fifth day and 41, 91 and 70% on the ninth day after serum deprivation in the presence of no additives, 3000 g sericin hydrolysate and 350 g SerD (the peptide containing the two repetitive units) ml–1, respectively. Thus, the sericin samples were useful in preventing cell death and promoting cellular growth after acute serum deprivation.  相似文献   

【目的】对污损生物膜细菌YT1305-1进行菌种鉴定;研究其作为污损生物膜优势菌之一的代谢产物。【方法】通过16S rRNA基因序列分析,结合系统进化树和细菌生理生化实验对菌种进行鉴定,通过硅胶柱层析分离方法和核磁共振检测技术分析其代谢物的化学成分。【结果】发现生物膜中存在明显的优势菌株,假交替单胞菌属为优势菌属之一。16S rRNA序列比对分析表明Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii为优势菌种之一,将目标菌种命名为Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii YT1305-1,对其代谢物化学成分进行分析,共得到10个化合物,其中包括5个二酮哌嗪(DKPs)类信号分子,环(甘氨酸-丙氨酸)(1)、环(脯氨酸-甘氨酸)(2)、环(脯氨酸-酪氨酸)(3)、环(4-羟基-脯氨酸-亮氨酸)(4)和环(4-羟基-脯氨酸-丙氨酸)(5),以及尿嘧啶(6)、胸腺嘧啶(7)、胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷(8)、己二酸二(2-乙基己)酯(9)和邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己)酯(10)。【结论】污损生物膜中存在明显的优势菌,其中之一为P.issachenkonii YT1305-1,在其代谢产物中发现了疑似信号分子的物质DKPs,有研究表明该物质能调控生物膜的形成,进而影响生物污损的形成,为探究生物污损现象奠定了物质基础。  相似文献   

The ability of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to undergo surface modification allows them to form nanocomposites (NCs) with materials such as polymers, metal nanoparticles, biomolecules, and metal oxides. The biocidal nature, protein fouling resistance, and fouling release properties of CNT-NCs render them the perfect material for biofouling prevention. At the same time, the cytotoxicity of CNT-NCs can be reduced before applying them as substrates to promote biofilm formation in environmental biotechnology applications. This paper reviews the potential prospects of CNT-NCs to accomplish two widely varying objectives in environmental engineering applications: (i) preventing biofouling, and (ii) promoting the formation of desirable biofilms on materials surface. This paper addresses practical issues such as costs, risks to human health, and ecological impacts that are associated with the application, development and commercialization of CNT-NC technology.  相似文献   

为了探讨家蚕Bombyx mori丝素蛋白重链信号肽序列在中部丝腺组织中是否具有功能活性,根据家蚕丝蛋白基因的启动子活性高、丝蛋白具有高效分泌的特性,构建了带有丝素重链基因fib-H信号肽的家蚕丝胶-1(ser-1)启动子(ser-HS),用ser-HS驱动DsRed基因构建了分泌型瞬时表达载体pSK-SerHS-DsRed-polyA。转染细胞实验显示,该载体能在家蚕BmN细胞中瞬时表达DsRed。家蚕注射载体后,可在中部丝腺腔中检测到红色荧光,表明瞬时表达的DsRed已分泌到丝腺腔内。据此提出克隆的fib-H信号肽序列在家蚕中部丝腺组织中具有信号肽的功能。  相似文献   

Biodeterioration of mortars by the photosynthetic microorganisms is affected by their intrinsic properties such as porosity, roughness and surface pH. The influence of these parameters was examined using an accelerated fouling test in laboratory and a natural fouling test in the real-world (in situ). Based on color measurement and image analysis, the impact of each intrinsic parameter was evaluated. The results differed from a scale to the other one. No influence of porosity was measured on the algal colonization rate in the laboratory test whereas, a high porosity seemed to increase slightly the bioreceptivity of the mortars exposed outdoor. The roughness, in both tests, promoted the microbial colonization. However, the discrimination of roughness grades was better in the laboratory test than in the in situ one. The surface pH influenced remarkably on the accelerated biofouling test but not on the in situ one. These dissimilarities resulted from the differences in experimental configurations of the two tests.  相似文献   

Sericin was extracted from three strains of Thai Bombyx mori silk cocoons (white shell Chul1/1, greenish shell Chul3/2, and yellow shell Chul4/2) by a high-pressure and high-temperature technique. The characteristics of sericin extracted from different fractions (15, 45, and 60 min extraction process) were compared. No differences in amino acid composition were observed among the three fractions. For all silk strains, sericin extracted from a 15-min process presented the highest molecular weight. The biological potential of the different sericin samples as a bioadditive for 3T3 fibroblast cells was assessed. When comparing sericin extracted from three silk strains, sericin fractions extracted from Chul4/2 improved cell proliferation, while sericin from Chul 1/1 activated Type I collagen production to the highest extent. This study allows the natural variability of sericin obtained from different sources and extraction conditions to be addressed and provides clues for the selection of sericin sources.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was immobilized onto a membrane of the regenerated silk fibroin (RSF) from waste milk. The structure of the blend membrane of RSF and HRP was characterized by the use of IR spectra. A second generation of H2O2 sensor on the basis of the immobilized HRP was fabricated, in which tetrathiafulvalene acts as mediating electron transfer between the immobilized enzyme and a glassy carbon electrode. Dependencies of pH and temperature on the H2O2 biosensor were checked by utilizing cyclic voltammetry. The sensor exhibits high sensitivity, good reproducibility and storage stability.  相似文献   

Using a combination of laboratory and field investigations, this study examined embryo mortality in the southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis as a function of egg mass size, the substrate upon which the mass is attached, the position of the embryo within the mass, and the degree of biofouling. Egg mass size ranged from 2 to 1,241 egg strands, however most masses consisted of 200–299 strands. Small egg masses (<300 strands) were generally attached to soft-sediment vegetation (Amphibolis antarctica, Heterozostera tasmanica, Caulerpa sp.), whereas larger masses (>300 strands) were either securely attached to robust macroalgae holdfasts (Ecklonia sp., Marcocystis pyrifera, Sargassum sp.) or unattached. Rates of embryo mortality were highly variable ranging from 2 to 25%. Both laboratory and field results indicated a positive relationship between egg mass size and embryo mortality. Larger, unattached egg masses contained twice as many dead embryos than those securely attached to a substrate. Mortality rates were significantly affected by the embryos’ relative position within the mass and were highest in embryos located near the attachment point of the egg strand, within the interior of the mass, and in close contact with the substrate. This was attributed to the inability of the embryos to respire adequately and eliminate metabolic wastes. Biofouling did not strongly influence embryo mortality, but colonisation occurred in areas conducive to growth, photosynthesis, and respiration indicating ‘healthy’ regions within the mass.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were performed to determine the factors which contribute to the transmembrane pH gradient (pH) and the potential gradient () in apical plasma membrane vesicles isolated from bovine tracheal epithelium. As indicated by the accumulation of14C-methylamine, the vesicles maintained a pH (inside acidic) which was dependent upon the external pH. The pH was also proportional to the ionic strength of the suspending medium, suggesting that the H+ distribution was dictated by a Donnan potential. Measurements of the distribution of86Rb+ demonstrated an electrical potential gradient across the vesicle membrane, inside negative which was proportional to the medium ionic strength. pH changed in parallel with in response to a variety of imposed conditions. These results are compatible with the existence of a H+ conductance in the vesicle membrane. Thus the endogenous electrical and proton gradients may be manipulated and used as a general experimental tool to complement kinetic analysis in investigations of transport mechanism using isolated vesicle preparations.  相似文献   

A brief outline is presented of the structure of clays and of modern views on the structure of water. The interactions between clays and water are discussed, together with the effect of hydration on the adsorption and catalytic properties of clays.From these considerations an attempt is made to show that the hydrated silica surfaces of clay-water systems could have provided the necessary environment for the abiogenesis of primitive macromolecules.The transfer of catalytic functions to abiopolymers is outlined, and a possible route to growing, dividing coacervate droplets is described.Finally, attention is drawn to analogies between the clay-water system and living matter, and the suggestion is made that the structural properties of water could be the basis for the cellular communication network on which life depends.  相似文献   

Liu  Wei  Xu  Mengzhen  Zhang  Jiahao  Zhang  Tongyu 《Limnology》2020,21(2):245-255
Limnology - The golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) has caused worldwide problems for the eco-environment and man-made structures. There have been many control strategies proposed, which have...  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of cell turgor pressure, cell osmotic pressure and relative elemental growth rate were measured in growing tall fescue leaves ( Festuca arundinacea ). Cell turgor pressure (measured with a pressure probe) was c . 0.55 MPa in expanding cells but increased steeply (+0.3 MPa) in cells where elongation had stopped. However, cell osmotic pressure (measured with a picolitre osmometer) was almost constant at 0.85 MPa throughout the leaf. The water potential difference between the growth zone and the mature zone (0.3 MPa) was interpreted as a growth-induced water potential gradient. This and further implications for the mechanism of growth control are discussed.  相似文献   

Probing the role of water in protein conformation and function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Life began in a bath of water and has never escaped it. Cellular function has forced the evolution of many mechanisms ensuring that cellular water concentration has never changed significantly. To free oneself of any conceptual distinction among all small molecules, solutes and solvents, means that experiments to probe water's specific role in molecular function can be designed like any classical chemical reaction. Such an 'osmotic stress' strategy will be described in general and for an enzyme, hexokinase. Water behaves like a reactant that competes with glucose in binding to hexokinase, and modulates its conformational change and activity. This 'osmotic stress' strategy, now applied to many very different systems, shows that water plays a significant role, energetically, in most macromolecular reactions. It can be required to fill obligatory space, it dominates nearest non-specific interactions between large surfaces, it can be a reactant modulating conformational change; all this in addition to its more commonly perceived static role as an integral part of stereospecific intramolecular structure.  相似文献   

The subsurface riparian zone was examined as an ecotone with two interfaces. Inland is a terrestrial boundary, where transport of water and dissolved solutes is toward the channel and controlled by watershed hydrology. Streamside is an aquatic boundary, where exchange of surface water and dissolved solutes is bi-directional and flux is strongly influenced by channel hydraulics. Streamside, bi-directional exchange of water was qualitatively defined using biologically conservative tracers in a third order stream. In several experiments, penetration of surface water extended 18 m inland. Travel time of water from the channel to bankside sediments was highly variable. Subsurface chemical gradients were indirectly related to the travel time. Sites with long travel times tended to be low in nitrate and DO (dissolved oxygen) but high in ammonium and DOC (dissolved organic carbon). Sites with short travel times tended to be high in nitrate and DO but low in ammonium and DOC. Ammonium concentration of interstitial water also was influenced by sorption-desorption processes that involved clay minerals in hyporheic sediments. Denitrification potential in subsurface sediments increased with distance from the channel, and was limited by nitrate at inland sites and by DO in the channel sediments. Conversely, nitrification potential decreased with distance from the channel, and was limited by DO at inland sites and by ammonium at channel locations. Advection of water and dissolved oxygen away from the channel resulted in an oxidized subsurface habitat equivalent to that previously defined as the hyporheic zone. The hyporheic zone is viewed as stream habitat because of its high proportion of surface water and the occurrence of channel organisms. Beyond the channel's hydrologic exchange zone, interstitial water is often chemically reduced. Interstitial water that has not previously entered the channel, groundwater, is viewed as a terrestrial component of the riparian ecotone. Thus, surface water habitats may extend under riparian vegetation, and terrestrial groundwater habitats may be found beneath the stream channel.  相似文献   

Xerogel films with uniform surface topogrophy, as determined by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry, were prepared from aminopropylsilyl-, fluorocarbonsilyl-, and hydrocarbonsilyl- containing precursors. Young's modulus was determined from AFM indentation measurements. The xerogel coatings gave reduced settlement of zoospores of the marine fouling alga Ulva compared to a poly(dimethylsiloxane) elastomer (PDMSE) standard. Increased settlement correlated with decreased water wettability as measured by the static water contact angle, θWs, or with decreased polar contribution (γP) to the surface free energy (γS) as measured by comprehensive contact angle analysis. The strength of attachment of 7-day sporelings (young plants) of Ulva on several of the xerogels was similar to that on PDMSE although no overall correlation was observed with either θWs or γS. For sporelings attached to the fluorocarbon/hydrocarbon-modified xerogels, the strength of attachment increased with increased water wettability. The aminopropyl-modified xerogels did not follow this trend.  相似文献   

Epithelial cell adhesion molecule EpCAM is expressed on a subset of normal epithelia and overexpressed on malignant cells from a variety of different tumor entities. This overexpression is even more pronounced on so-called tumor-initiating cells (TICs) of many carcinomas. Taking this rather ubiquitous expression of EpCAM in carcinomas and TICs into account, the question arises how EpCAM can serve as a reliable marker for tumor-initiating cells and what might be the advantage for TICs to express this molecule. Furthermore, several approaches for therapeutic strategies targeting exclusively EpCAM on cancer cells were undertaken over the past decades and have recently been transferred to pre-clinical attempts to eradicate TICs. In the present review, we will depict potential functions of EpCAM in tumor cells with a special focus on TICs and therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

Epithelial cell adhesion molecule EpCAM is expressed on a subset of normal epithelia and overexpressed on malignant cells from a variety of different tumor entities. This overexpression is even more pronounced on so-called tumor-initiating cells (TICs) of many carcinomas. Taking this rather ubiquitous expression of EpCAM in carcinomas and TICs into account, the question arises how EpCAM can serve as a reliable marker for tumor-initiating cells and what might be the advantage for TICs to express this molecule. Furthermore, several approaches for therapeutic strategies targeting exclusively EpCAM on cancer cells were undertaken over the past decades and have recently been transferred to pre-clinical attempts to eradicate TICs. In the present review, we will depict potential functions of EpCAM in tumor cells with a special focus on TICs and therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

In metazoans, many developmental and disease-related processes are mediated by Wnt proteins, which are secreted by specific cells to regulate cellular programmes in the surrounding tissue. Although the Wnt-induced signal-transduction cascades are well studied, little is known about how Wnts are secreted. The discovery of Porcupine, an endoplasmic-reticulum-resident acyltransferase, led to closer inspection of the secretory routes of Wnts, and the analysis of Wnt secretion has become an exciting new area of research. Wnt post-translational modifications, interaction partners and subcellular localizations now indicate that Wnt release is tightly regulated. In this review, we summarize recent advances in the field of Wnt secretion and discuss the possibility that separate pathways might regulate the release of lipid-linked morphogens for short-range and long-range signalling.  相似文献   

Paul J. Molino 《Biofouling》2013,29(5):365-379
Diatoms are a major component of microbial slimes that develop on man-made surfaces placed in the marine environment. Toxic antifouling paints, as well as environmentally friendly, fouling-release coatings, tend to be effective against most fouling organisms, yet fail badly to diatom slimes. Biofouling diatoms have been found to tenaciously adhere to and colonise even the most resistant of artificial surfaces. This review covers the basic biology of fouling marine diatoms, their mechanisms of adhesion and the nature of their adhesives, as well as documenting the various approaches that have been utilised to understand the formation and maintenance of diatom biofouling layers.  相似文献   

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