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Mechanical probes of various sizes and shapes were used to determine thresholds for the perception of pressure, sharpness, and pain on the human finger. As force increased, perception changed from dull pressure to sharp pressure to sharp pain. With the smallest probe (0.01 mm2), sharpness threshold was very close to pressure threshold. As probe size increased, sharpness and pain threshold expressed in terms of force) increased in proportion to probe circumference (not probe area), whereas pressure threshold increased relatively little. Pain and sharpness thresholds also increased as probe angle became obtuse. There was a statistically significant increase in both thresholds with a probe angle change of 15 degrees. Thus, both size and shape are necessary to describe a mechanical stimulus adequately, and pressure (force/area) is not a sufficient metric for pain studies. Thresholds varied at different skin sites on the finger. The dorsal surface had lower thresholds than the volar surface, but the difference between the two areas was not always statistically significant. The compliance of the skin (e.g., the amount of indentation produced by a given force) exhibited no relation to sharpness or pain threshold, whether considered within subjects at various skin sites, or across subjects at the same skin site. Comparison of the perceptual thresholds with the thresholds for nociceptors determined in electrophysiological studies indicates that the sensation of nonpainful sharpness is likely to be mediated by nociceptors. Furthermore, considerably more than threshold activation of nociceptors is necessary for normal pain perception.  相似文献   

Sex differences in pain sensitivity have been found to vary between considerable and negligible. It has appeared that the pain stimulation method is critical in this context. It was assumed this might be due to the different degrees of spatial summation associated with the different pain stimulus modalities. Hence, sex differences were investigated in spatial summation of heat pain in 20 healthy women and 20 healthy men of similar age. Pain thresholds were assessed by a tracking procedure and responses to supra-threshold pain stimulation by numerical ratings. Heat stimuli were administered by a thermode with contact areas of 1, 3, 6 and 10 cm2. Pain thresholds were significantly higher with smaller areas stimulated than with larger ones. No significant effect of area was found for the ratings of the supra-threshold stimuli, the intensities of which were tailored to the individual pain threshold. Consequently, spatial summation of heat pain appeared to result mainly in a shift of the pain threshold on the ordinate and not a change of slope of the stimulus-response function in the pain range. In neither of the two pain parameters were there any sex differences. Therefore, the present study demonstrated that sex differences in spatial summation of heat pain are unlikely.  相似文献   

This paper reviews advances in our knowledge on the physiological properties of human nociceptors and their capacity to signal pain. Conventional microneurography was used in combination with intraneural microstimulation in subjects who estimated the magnitude of pain from nociceptor stimulation. The experimental evidence favours the notion that C polymodal nociceptors can provide a peripheral neuronal basis for determination of heat pain threshold and also an essential peripheral code for suprathreshold magnitude judgments of heat pain. Furthermore, sensitized C polymodal nociceptors can contribute to hyperalgesia after a mild heat injury to hairy skin. Temporal summation is documented for dull, delayed C fibre pain, which is different in quality and less accurately projected than the fast, sharp pain from high-threshold A delta nociceptors. A segmental organization is shown for projected and referred pain from deep structures. Examples are given of central inhibition of pain by a prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor, and by physical manoeuvres such as vibration and cooling. Recent reports on microneurographic findings after nerve injury indicate that the technique may be useful for future studies on pathophysiological pain mechanisms.  相似文献   

People with osteoarthritis (OA) can have significant pain that interferes with function and quality of life. Women with knee OA have greater pain and greater reductions in function and quality of life than men. In many cases, OA pain is directly related to sensitization and activation of nociceptors in the injured joint and correlates with the degree of joint effusion and synovial thickening. In some patients, however, the pain does not match the degree of injury and continues after removal of the nociceptors with a total joint replacement. Growth of new nociceptors, activation of nociceptors in the subchondral bone exposed after cartilage degradation, and nociceptors innervating synovium sensitized by inflammatory mediators could all augment the peripheral input to the central nervous system and result in pain. Enhanced central excitability and reduced central inhibition could lead to prolonged and enhanced pain that does not directly match the degree of injury. Psychosocial variables can influence pain and contribute to pain variability. This review explores the neural and psychosocial factors that contribute to knee OA pain with an emphasis on differences between the sexes and gaps in knowledge.  相似文献   

The aim was to study spatial summation within and between ipsi- and contralateral dermatomes at different painful temperatures. For heat stimulation we used a computer controlled thermofoil based thermode. The thermode area could be varied in five discrete steps from 3.14 to 15.70 cm2. When we applied the stimuli within a dermatome, the mean heat pain threshold decreased significantly from 45.6 to 43.5 C as the area was increased from minimum (3.14 cm2) to maximum (15.70 cm2). When the areas were increased involving different dermatomes (both ipsi- or contralateral), we found similar decreases in pain threshold. Spatial summation was also found within and between dermatomes at supra-threshold temperatures (46, 48, 50 C).The study shows that spatial summation of pain is most likely a mechanism acting across segments and is existing from pain threshold to tolerance.  相似文献   

The relationship between induction of central sensitization and facilitation of temporal summation to repetitive stimulation is still unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate temporal summation before and after the induction of secondary hyperalgesia by two different experimental methods: capsaicin injection and controlled heat injury. The effect of each injury model was assessed on a separate day with an interval of at least 5 days. Twelve healthy volunteers participated. Each experiment was performed using electrical, radiant heat, mechanical impact, and punctuate stimuli consecutively. The pain threshold (PT) to a single stimulus and the summation threshold to five repetitive stimuli for electrical (2?Hz) and radiant heat (0.83?Hz) were assessed within the secondary hyperalgesic area. The degree of temporal summation for stimulus intensities of 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2 times the baseline pain thresholds were evaluated by the increase in visual analogue scale (VAS) scores from the first to the fifth stimulus of the train. Further, the degrees of temporal summation were assessed for mechanical impact and punctuate stimuli within the primary and secondary hyperalgesic areas. The contra-lateral forearm served as control (no injury). The pain threshold and the summation threshold to electrical and heat stimuli decreased significantly within the secondary hyperalgesic area after the injury induced by both heat injury or capsaicin injection. However, there was no temporal summation for heat and electrical stimuli in either model. In contrast, for the mechanical impact and punctuate mechanical stimuli the degree of temporal summation was significantly facilitated in the secondary hyperalgesic areas compared with the baseline and the control arm in both models. In the primary hyperalgesic area, the degree of temporal summation was facilitated to mechanical impact and punctuate stimuli but only following the capsaicin injection. In conclusion, the temporal summation mechanism for mechanical stimuli was facilitated in the secondary hyperalgesic area.  相似文献   

The relationship between induction of central sensitization and facilitation of temporal summation to repetitive stimulation is still unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate temporal summation before and after the induction of secondary hyperalgesia by two different experimental methods: capsaicin injection and controlled heat injury. The effect of each injury model was assessed on a separate day with an interval of at least 5 days. Twelve healthy volunteers participated. Each experiment was performed using electrical, radiant heat, mechanical impact, and punctuate stimuli consecutively. The pain threshold (PT) to a single stimulus and the summation threshold to five repetitive stimuli for electrical (2 Hz) and radiant heat (0.83 Hz) were assessed within the secondary hyperalgesic area. The degree of temporal summation for stimulus intensities of 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2 times the baseline pain thresholds were evaluated by the increase in visual analogue scale (VAS) scores from the first to the fifth stimulus of the train. Further, the degrees of temporal summation were assessed for mechanical impact and punctuate stimuli within the primary and secondary hyperalgesic areas. The contra-lateral forearm served as control (no injury). The pain threshold and the summation threshold to electrical and heat stimuli decreased significantly within the secondary hyperalgesic area after the injury induced by both heat injury or capsaicin injection. However, there was no temporal summation for heat and electrical stimuli in either model. In contrast, for the mechanical impact and punctuate mechanical stimuli the degree of temporal summation was significantly facilitated in the secondary hyperalgesic areas compared with the baseline and the control arm in both models. In the primary hyperalgesic area, the degree of temporal summation was facilitated to mechanical impact and punctuate stimuli but only following the capsaicin injection. In conclusion, the temporal summation mechanism for mechanical stimuli was facilitated in the secondary hyperalgesic area.  相似文献   

Animal experiments have shown that the nociceptive reflex can be used as an indicator of central temporal integration in the nociceptive system. The aim of the present study on humans was to investigate whether the nociceptive reflex, evoked by repetitive strong electrical sural nerve stimuli, increased when summation was reported by the volunteers. The reflexes were recorded from the biceps femoris and rectus femoris muscles in eight volunteers following a series of stimulations at 0.1, 1, 2, and 3 Hz. Each series consisted of five consecutive stimuli. Using 0.1- and 1-Hz stimulation, the reflex was not facilitated in the course of the five consecutive stimuli. Following 2- and 3-Hz stimulation, the reflex size (root mean square amplitude) increased significantly during the course of the fifth stimulus. This reflex facilitation was followed by a significant increase (summation) in the pain magnitude when compared with 1- and 0.1-Hz stimulation. Furthermore, the threshold for psychophysical summation could be determined. This threshold (stimulus intensity) decreased when the stimulus frequency (1–5 Hz) of the five consecutive stimuli was increased. The nociceptive reflex and the psychophysical summation threshold might be used to clarify and quantify aspects of temporal summation within the human nociceptive system.  相似文献   

In a previous article in the Journal of Visualized Experiments we have demonstrated skin microdialysis techniques for the collection of tissue-specific nociceptive and inflammatory biochemicals in humans. In this article we will show pain-testing paradigms that are often used in tandem with microdialysis procedures. Combining pain tests with microdialysis provides the critical link between behavioral and biochemical data that allows identifying key biochemicals responsible for generating and propagating pain.Two models of evoking pain in inflamed skin of human study participants are shown. The first model evokes pain with aid of heat stimuli. Heat evoked pain as described here is predominantly mediated by small, non-myelinated peripheral nociceptive nerve fibers (C-fibers). The second model evokes pain via punctuated pressure stimuli. Punctuated pressure evoked pain is predominantly mediated by small, myelinated peripheral nociceptive nerve fibers (A-delta fibers). The two models are mechanistically distinct and independently examine nociceptive processing by the two major peripheral nerve fiber populations involved in pain signaling.Heat pain is evoked with aid of the TSA II, a commercially available thermo-sensory analyzer (Medoc Advanced Medical Systems, Durham, NC). Stimulus configuration and delivery is handled with aid of specific software. Thermodes vary in size and shape but in principle consist of a metal plate that can be heated or cooled at various rates and for different periods of time. Algorithms assessing heat-evoked pain are manifold. In the experiments shown here, study participants are asked to indicate at what point they start experiencing pain while the thermode in contact with skin is heated at a predetermined rate starting at a temperature that does not evoke pain. The thermode temperature at which a subject starts experiencing pain constitutes the heat pain threshold.Mechanical pain is evoked with punctuated probes. Such probes are commercially available from several manufacturers (von Frey hairs). However, the accuracy of von Frey hairs has been criticized and many investigators use custom made punctuated pressure probes. In the experiments shown here eight custom-made punctuated probes of different weights are applied in consecutive order, a procedure called up-down algorithm, to identify perceptional deflection points, i.e., a change from feeling no pain to feeling pain or vice versa. The average weight causing a perceptional deflection constitutes the mechanical pain threshold.  相似文献   

多觉型伤害性感受器是皮肤内专一性较强的痛觉感受器。本实验用剥制神经细束的技术,引导大鼠尾神经C类纤维的传入放电反映多觉型伤害性感受器的活动,以判定刺激交感神经对外周痛觉感受过程的调制作用。测试了57个该类感受器的单位放电,发现下述两个主要事实:(1)刺激腰骶部交感干外周端,可以显著抑制伤害性刺激(包括机械压力,直流电-钾离子,热烫等)诱发的多觉型伤害性感受器的单位放电,其作用出现较快,可使放电数减少1/3左右,后作用延续十多分钟。局部动脉注射去甲肾上腺素也产生类似的抑制效应。从而证实交感神经具有抑制痛觉感受器的作用。(2)交感神经对部分多觉型伤害性感受器活动的调制具有双重作用的特点,即对同一单位因外加刺激引起的诱发放电有抑制作用,对其自发放电则有易化作用。讨论了交感神经这一双重作用的临床意义以及针刺通过交感神经调制外周痛觉感受过程的设想。  相似文献   

Static contraction of skeletal muscle elicits a reflex increase in cardiovascular function. Likewise, noxious stimuli activate somatic nociceptors eliciting a reflex increase in cardiovascular function. On the basis of recent work involving spinothalamic cells in the dorsal horn, we hypothesized that the dorsal horn cells involved in the aforementioned reflexes would be sensitized by applying capsaicin (Cap) to a peripheral nerve. If correct, then Cap would enhance the cardiovascular increases that occur when these reflexes are evoked. Cats were anesthetized, and the popliteal fossa was exposed. Static contraction was induced by electrical stimulation of the tibial nerve at an intensity that did not directly activate small-diameter muscle afferent fibers, whereas nociceptors were stimulated by high-intensity stimulation (after muscle paralysis) of either the saphenous nerve (cutaneous nociceptors) or a muscular branch of the tibial nerve (muscle nociceptors). The reflex cardiovascular responses to these perturbations (contraction or nociceptor stimulation) were determined before and after direct application of Cap (3%) onto the common peroneal nerve, using a separate group of cats for each reflex. Compared with control, application of Cap attenuated the peak change in mean arterial pressure (MAP) evoked by static contraction (DeltaMAP in mmHg: 38 +/- 10 before and 24 +/- 8 after ipsilateral Cap; 47 +/- 10 before and 33 +/- 10 after contralateral Cap). On the other hand, Cap increased the peak change in MAP evoked by stimulation of the saphenous nerve from 57 +/- 8 to 77 +/- 9 mmHg, as well as the peak change in MAP elicited by activation of muscle nociceptors (36 +/- 9 vs. 56 +/- 14 mmHg). These results show that the reflex cardiovascular increases evoked by static muscle contraction and noxious input are differentially affected by Cap application to the common peroneal nerve. We hypothesize that a Cap-induced alteration in dorsal horn processing is the locus for this divergent effect on these reflexes.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Abdel Samad O  Zhang L  Duan B  Tong Q  Lopes C  Ji RR  Lowell BB  Ma Q 《Neuron》2010,68(3):543-556
Itch can be suppressed by painful stimuli, but the underlying neural basis is unknown. We generated conditional null mice in which vesicular glutamate transporter type 2 (VGLUT2)-dependent synaptic glutamate release from mainly Nav1.8-expressing nociceptors was abolished. These mice showed deficits in pain behaviors, including mechanical pain, heat pain, capsaicin-evoked pain, inflammatory pain, and neuropathic pain. The pain deficits were accompanied by greatly enhanced itching, as suggested by (1) sensitization of both histamine-dependent and histamine-independent itch pathways and (2) development of spontaneous scratching and skin lesions. Strikingly, intradermal capsaicin injection promotes itch responses in these mutant mice,?as opposed to pain responses in control littermates. Consequently, coinjection of capsaicin was no longer able to mask itch evoked by pruritogenic compounds. Our studies suggest that synaptic glutamate release from a group of peripheral nociceptors is required to sense pain and suppress itch. Elimination of VGLUT2 in these nociceptors creates a mouse model of chronic neurogenic itch.  相似文献   

胡三觉  翁志成 《生理学报》1988,40(5):437-443
在大鼠尾部,重复压力刺激皮肤感受野,当间隔时间小于2min时,多觉型伤害性感受器的单位放电数随间隔时间的缩短而减少。压力与辐射热交叉刺激同一感受野,随后刺激的放电数也显著减少。皮下注射致痛剂引起持续性放电的背景上,分别向感受野施加按压、辐射热或电针刺激,随着放电增多后出现一个放电减少的过程。刺激支配尾部的交感神经则使减少的放电显著增多。结果表明,多觉型伤害性感受器受到刺激兴奋后有个感受性降低的过程。本文讨论了这一过程在按摩、针灸缓解痛机制中的可能作用。  相似文献   

Signal summation and minimally adapting tactile stimulation techniques permit the resolution of a critical time domain of the somatosensory evoked response, recorded from human scalp, which is sensitive to the stimulus variables represented by the sensations of tapping and pinprick respectively. The variation of this time-domain suggests the influence of myelinated mechanical nociceptors in the Group III range.  相似文献   

Masked and quiet thresholds at several frequencies of vibratory stimuli were measured as a function of contactor area. The test site was the left index finger; the masking site was the left little finger. The quiet threshold data were consistent with previous investigations: Low-frequency stimuli showed no spatial summation, whereas high-frequency stimuli did. In the presence of a masker, spatial summation was reduced or eliminated for high-frequency stimuli, i.e., the masked threshold was, under some conditions, independent of contactor area. Low-frequency stimuli continued to show no spatial summation in the presence of a masker. The attenuation of spatial summation appears to be a direct function of the intensity of the masking stimulus. Additional measurements with the left thenar eminence as the test site showed that spatial summation could be attenuated by a masker placed on a contralateral body site. The implications of the results for quantifying the effectiveness of a masking stimulus, for the duplex mechanoreceptor hypothesis, and for the nature of spatial summation on the skin are discussed.  相似文献   

辣椒素及其受体   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Luo H  Wan Y  Han JS 《生理科学进展》2003,34(1):11-15
可以感受痛觉刺激的初级感觉神经元的周围末梢被称为伤害性感受器。这些小直径神经元的末梢可将化学、机械和热刺激信号转化为动作电位,并将这些信息上传到中枢,最后使机体产生痛觉或不舒服的感受。但到目前为止,人们对这些可探测到伤害性刺激的分子所知甚少。1997年成功克隆的辣椒素受体亚型1(vanilloid receptor subtype1,VR1)是近年来科学家们研究的“热点分子”,它是表达于伤害性感受器上的非选择性阳离子通道,已有诸多证据表明其可探测和整合诱发痛觉的化学和热刺激信号,基因敲除小鼠的研究分析也有力证明了该离子通道参与了疼痛及组织损伤后痛觉过敏的产生,而且是热诱发疼痛发生过程的关键分子。  相似文献   

The antinociceptive effect of capsaicin to noxious chemical stimuli has been invariably verified. As to thermal or mechanical nociception, however, routine pharmacological methods resulted in conflicting findings. Therefore, using new techniques the nociceptive thresholds of different stimuli were determined on the hindpaw of the rat. After systemic (400 mg/kg s.c.), perineural (1% on the sciatic nerve) and local (5 micrograms into the hindpaw) application of capsaicin the threshold for noxious heat (47.4 +/- 0.08) was shifted upwards by 3.3 degrees C, 4.1 degrees C and 2.9 degrees C, respectively. The changes in mechanonociceptive threshold evoked by pin prick (186 +/- 9 mN force) were more variable. The response to percutaneous xylene application was abolished or markedly inhibited. After systemic application the responsiveness to noxious heat recovered faster than the effect of xylene. C-polymodal nociceptors and some A-delta mechanoheat-sensitive nociceptors isolated from the saphenous nerve of the rat were activated by capsaicin in nanogram doses given close arterially. Five micrograms capsaicin excited few slowly adapting A mechanoreceptors after a long latency, but not A-delta mechanonociceptors or other cutaneous receptors. Proportion of C-polymodal nociceptors was decreased, that of the C-mechanoreceptors was increased after systemic treatment. The role of polymodal-type nociceptors, interaction of other nociceptors, as well as secondary dynamic changes are stressed to explain the antinociceptive effect of capsaicin.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate augmented pain processing in the cortical somatosensory system in patients with fibromyalgia (FM). Cortical evoked responses were recorded in FM (n = 19) and healthy subjects (n = 21) using magnetoencephalography after noxious intra-epidermal electrical stimulation (IES) of the hand dorsum (pain rating 6 on a numeric rating scale, perceptually-equivalent). In addition, healthy subjects were stimulated using the amplitude corresponding to the average stimulus intensity rated 6 in patients with FM (intensity-equivalent). Quantitative sensory testing was performed on the hand dorsum or thenar muscle (neutral site) and over the trapezius muscle (tender point), using IES (thresholds, ratings, temporal summation of pain, stimulus-response curve) and mechanical stimuli (threshold, ratings). Increased amplitude of cortical responses was found in patients with FM as compared to healthy subjects. These included the contralateral primary (S1) and bilateral secondary somatosensory cortices (S2) in response to intensity-equivalent stimuli and the contralateral S1 and S2 in response to perceptually-equivalent stimuli. The amplitude of the contralateral S2 response in patients with FM was positively correlated with average pain intensity over the last week. Quantitative sensory testing results showed that patients with FM were more sensitive to painful IES as well as to mechanical stimulation, regardless of whether the stimulation site was the hand or the trapezius muscle. Interestingly, the slope of the stimulus-response relationship as well as temporal summation of pain in response to IES was not different between groups. Together, these results suggest that the observed pain augmentation in response to IES in patients with FM could be due to sensitization or disinhibition of the cortical somatosensory system. Since the S2 has been shown to play a role in higher-order functions, further studies are needed to clarify the role of augmented S2 response in clinical characteristics of FM.  相似文献   

While genetic evidence shows that the Nav1.7 voltage-gated sodium ion channel is a key regulator of pain, it is unclear exactly how Nav1.7 governs neuronal firing and what biophysical, physiological, and distribution properties of a pharmacological Nav1.7 inhibitor are required to produce analgesia. Here we characterize a series of aminotriazine inhibitors of Nav1.7 in vitro and in rodent models of pain and test the effects of the previously reported “compound 52” aminotriazine inhibitor on the spiking properties of nociceptors in vivo. Multiple aminotriazines, including some with low terminal brain to plasma concentration ratios, showed analgesic efficacy in the formalin model of pain. Effective concentrations were consistent with the in vitro potency as measured on partially-inactivated Nav1.7 but were far below concentrations required to inhibit non-inactivated Nav1.7. Compound 52 also reversed thermal hyperalgesia in the complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) model of pain. To study neuronal mechanisms, electrophysiological recordings were made in vivo from single nociceptive fibers from the rat tibial nerve one day after CFA injection. Compound 52 reduced the spontaneous firing of C-fiber nociceptors from approximately 0.7 Hz to 0.2 Hz and decreased the number of action potentials evoked by suprathreshold tactile and heat stimuli. It did not, however, appreciably alter the C-fiber thresholds for response to tactile or thermal stimuli. Surprisingly, compound 52 did not affect spontaneous activity or evoked responses of Aδ-fiber nociceptors. Results suggest that inhibition of inactivated states of TTX-S channels, mostly likely Nav1.7, in the peripheral nervous system produces analgesia by regulating the spontaneous discharge of C-fiber nociceptors.  相似文献   

A group of functional characteristics of 103 neurons in visual cortical area 17 was investigated in acute experiments on curarized, light-adapted cats during a change in various parameters of the local photic stimuli. The average threshold sensitivity of the neuron population was 32 dB (0.052 nit), the sharpness of orientation tuning was 37°, the critical summation time was 57 msec, and the reactivity recovery time 190 msec. Photic sensitivity was lower during light adaptation than during dark adaptation, orientation selectivity of the neurons was increased, temporal summation was lengthened, and the time required by the neuron to recovery from after-inhibition was shortened. Several properties of the cortical neurons depended on the accentricity of their receptive fields: Cells with centrally localized receptive fields on average had lower thresholds and shorter summation time and they recovered their reactivity more quickly; their activity was of a higher frequency and they more often generated short phasic discharges than neurons with receptive fields in the peripheral part of the visual field. The mechanisms responsible for changes in the properties of neurons in the central and peripheral visual channels during dark and light adaptation are discussed. The presence of several inhibitory subsystems in the cortex regulating unit activity in the primary visual projection area is postulated.  相似文献   

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