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When small and large objects of equal weight are lifted, the small object feels heavier than the large one (the size-weight illusion) and requires more effort to lift (the size-effort illusion). It has been suggested that these illusions result from neural gain changes designed to maintain acuity under different working conditions. If this suggestion is correct, a given mass should produce a larger increase in perceived weight or effort when added to the small object. This was found to be the case.  相似文献   

We know much about mechanisms determining the perceived size and weight of lifted objects, but little about how these properties of size and weight affect the body representation (e.g. grasp aperture of the hand). Without vision, subjects (n = 16) estimated spacing between fingers and thumb (perceived grasp aperture) while lifting canisters of the same width (6.6cm) but varied weights (300, 600, 900, and 1200 g). Lifts were performed by movement of either the wrist, elbow or shoulder to examine whether lifting with different muscle groups affects the judgement of grasp aperture. Results for perceived grasp aperture were compared with changes in perceived weight of objects of different sizes (5.2, 6.6, and 10 cm) but the same weight (600 g). When canisters of the same width but different weights were lifted, perceived grasp aperture decreased 4.8% [2.2 ‒ 7.4] (mean [95% CI]; P < 0.001) from the lightest to the heaviest canister, no matter how they were lifted. For objects of the same weight but different widths, perceived weight decreased 42.3% [38.2 ‒ 46.4] from narrowest to widest (P < 0.001), as expected from the size-weight illusion. Thus, despite a highly distorted perception of the weight of objects based on their size, we conclude that proprioceptive afferents maintain a reasonably stable perception of the aperture of the grasping hand over a wide range of object weights. Given the small magnitude of this ‘weight-grasp aperture’ illusion, we propose the brain has access to a relatively stable ‘perceptual ruler’ to aid the manipulation of different objects.  相似文献   



Our expectations of an object''s heaviness not only drive our fingertip forces, but also our perception of heaviness. This effect is highlighted by the classic size-weight illusion (SWI), where different-sized objects of identical mass feel different weights. Here, we examined whether these expectations are sufficient to induce the SWI in a single wooden cube when lifted without visual feedback, by varying the size of the object seen prior to the lift.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Participants, who believed that they were lifting the same object that they had just seen, reported that the weight of the single, standard-sized cube that they lifted on every trial varied as a function of the size of object they had just seen. Seeing the small object before the lift made the cube feel heavier than it did after seeing the large object. These expectations also affected the fingertip forces that were used to lift the object when vision was not permitted. The expectation-driven errors made in early trials were not corrected with repeated lifting, and participants failed to adapt their grip and load forces from the expected weight to the object''s actual mass in the same way that they could when lifting with vision.


Vision appears to be crucial for the detection, and subsequent correction, of the ostensibly non-visual grip and load force errors that are a common feature of this type of object interaction. Expectations of heaviness are not only powerful enough to alter the perception of a single object''s weight, but also continually drive the forces we use to lift the object when vision is unavailable.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have established that inferior frontal cortex is active when hand actions are planned, imagined, remembered, imitated, and even observed. Furthermore, it has been proposed that these activations reflect a process of simulating the observed action to allow it to be understood and thus fully perceived. However, direct evidence for a perceptual role for left inferior frontal cortex is rare, and linguistic or motor contributions to the reported activations have not been ruled out. We used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over inferior frontal gyrus during a perceptual weight-judgement task to test the hypothesis that this region contributes to action understanding. rTMS at this site impaired judgments of the weight of a box lifted by a person, but not judgements of the weight of a bouncing ball or of stimulus duration, and rTMS at control sites had no impact. This demonstrates that the integrity of left inferior frontal gyrus is necessary to make accurate perceptual judgments about other people's actions.  相似文献   

The motor system adapts to novel dynamic environments by forming internal models that predict the muscle forces needed to move skillfully. The goal of this study was to determine how muscle fatigue affects internal model formation during arm movement and whether an internal model acquired while fatigued could be recalled accurately after rest. Twelve subjects adapted to a viscous force field applied by a lightweight robot as they reached to a target. They then reached while being resisted by elastic bands until they could no longer touch the target. This protocol reduced the strength of the muscles used to resist the force field by approximately 20%. The bands were removed, and subjects adapted again to the viscous force field. Their adaptive ability, quantified by the amount and time constant of adaptation, was not significantly impaired following fatigue. The subjects then rested, recovering approximately 70% of their lost force-generation ability. When they reached in the force field again, their prediction of the force field strength was different than in a nonfatigued state. This alteration was consistent with the use of a higher level of effort than normally used to counteract the force field. These results suggest that recovery from fatigue can affect recall of an internal model, even when the fatigue did not substantially affect the motor system's ability to form the model. Recovery from fatigue apparently affects recall because the motor system represents internal models as a mapping between effort and movement and relies on practice to recalibrate this mapping.  相似文献   

A growing body of neuroimaging and neurophysiology studies has demonstrated the motor system's involvement in the observation of actions, but the functional significance of this is still unclear. One hypothesis suggests that the motor system decodes observed actions. This hypothesis predicts that performing a concurrent action should influence the perception of an observed action. We tested this prediction by asking subjects to judge the weight of a box lifted by an actor while the subject either lifted or passively held a light or heavy box. We found that actively lifting a box altered the perceptual judgment; an observed box was judged to be heavier when subjects were lifting the light box, and it was judged to be lighter when they were lifting the heavy box. This result is surprising because previous studies have found facilitating effects of movement on perceptual judgments and facilitating effects of observed actions on movements, but here we found the opposite. We hypothesize that this effect can be understood in terms of overlapping neural systems for motor control and action-understanding if multiple models of possible observed and performed actions are processed.  相似文献   

A study was performed to determine the influence of load magnitude on the self selected technique of lifting. Specifically, it was hypothesized that with heavier weights a tendency would occur to lift more with the back and less with the legs. Flexion-extension moments at the L5/S1 level, hip and knee joints were calculated for subjects when lifting boxes weighing from 50 to 250 N. Lifts were performed using a freestyle technique at normal speed. The moment profiles (moment plotted vs time) were analyzed kinematically and as a function of the weight lifted. The kinematics of the lift changed as the weight increased. The moment at the L5/S1 level increased with increasing weight, however, the corresponding knee moment decreased. Thus, an inverse relationship was found between the moment at the L5/S1 level and the knee joint moment. An increase in weight lifted was also associated with an increase in the angular velocity at the knee while lifting. Apparently with heavier weights there is a tendency to extend the knees earlier during the lift than with lighter weights, confirming our hypothesis. This explains the reduced knee moment. Our findings lead to the hypothesis that quadriceps muscle strength limits the subjects' ability to lift with their knees flexed.  相似文献   

Magnetic and electrical stimulation at different levels of the neuraxis show that supraspinal and spinal factors limit force production in maximal isometric efforts ("central fatigue"). In sustained maximal contractions, motoneurons become less responsive to synaptic input and descending drive becomes suboptimal. Exercise-induced activity in group III and IV muscle afferents acts supraspinally to limit motor cortical output but does not alter motor cortical responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation. "Central" and "peripheral" fatigue develop more slowly during submaximal exercise. In sustained submaximal contractions, central fatigue occurs in brief maximal efforts even with a weak ongoing contraction (<15% maximum). The presence of central fatigue when much of the available motor pathway is not engaged suggests that afferent inputs contribute to reduce voluntary activation. Small-diameter muscle afferents are likely to be activated by local activity even in sustained weak contractions. During such contractions, it is difficult to measure central fatigue, which is best demonstrated in maximal efforts. To show central fatigue in submaximal contractions, changes in motor unit firing and force output need to be characterized simultaneously. Increasing central drive recruits new motor units, but the way this occurs is likely to depend on properties of the motoneurons and the inputs they receive in the task. It is unclear whether such factors impair force production for a set level of descending drive and thus represent central fatigue. The best indication that central fatigue is important during submaximal tasks is the disproportionate increase in subjects' perceived effort when maintaining a low target force.  相似文献   

This study compared the relationship between isokinetic lifting test (ILT) performance and a maximal operational lifting test (OLT) with that between an isoinertial progressive lifting test (PLT) and OLT. Fifty subjects performed the ILT, PLT and OLT after familiarization trials. OLT was defined as the weight of the heaviest crate that could be lifted to 1.34 m with a progressive, incremental test. ILT performance was the force generated during a single maximal simulated lift on an isokinetic dynamometer. PLT performance was the maximal weight lifted to 1.52 m with a progressive, incremental protocol on a weight stack. OLT was highly correlated with ILT (r = 0.96) and PLT (r = 0.97); the standard error was similar for both linear regression equations. The results demonstrate that a single maximal voluntary lift on an isokinetic dynamometer is as good a predictor of OLT as in the PLT presently used in military recruit centers.  相似文献   

Brachial arterial pressure was directly recorded in 31 healthy male volunteers through protocols examining the effects of the Valsalva maneuver, muscle size and strength, contraction force, contraction type (concentric, isometric, eccentric), changes in joint angle, and muscle fatigue on the blood pressure response to resistance exercise. Weight lifting at the same relative intensity produced similar increases in blood pressure, regardless of individual differences in muscle size or strength. Concentric, isometric, or eccentric exercise at the same relative intensity caused similar increases despite differences in force production. In weight lifting, the greatest increase in blood pressure occurred at the joint angle corresponding to the weakest point in the strength curve and the least at the angle corresponding to the strongest point. Isometric contractions of the same relative intensity at different joint angles produced identical blood pressures despite differences in absolute force production. When subjects attempted to maintain a maximum isometric contraction for 45 s, the blood pressure increase remained the same despite a marked diminution in force. Thus the magnitude of the blood pressure response depends on the degree of effort or central command and not actual force production. A brief Valsalva maneuver, which exaggerates the increase in blood pressure, is unavoidable when desired force production exceeds approximately 80% maximum voluntary contraction.  相似文献   

A prominent and influential hypothesis of vision suggests the existence of two separate visual systems within the brain, one creating our perception of the world and another guiding our actions within it. The induced Roelofs effect has been described as providing strong evidence for this perception/action dissociation: When a small visual target is surrounded by a large frame positioned so that the frame's center is offset from the observer's midline, the perceived location of the target is shifted in the direction opposite the frame's offset. In spite of this perceptual mislocalization, however, the observer can accurately guide movements to the target location. Thus, perception is prone to the illusion while actions seem immune. Here we demonstrate that the Roelofs illusion is caused by a frame-induced transient distortion of the observer's apparent midline. We further demonstrate that actions guided to targets within this same distorted egocentric reference frame are fully expected to be accurate, since the errors of target localization will exactly cancel the errors of motor guidance. These findings provide a mechanistic explanation for the various perceptual and motor effects of the induced Roelofs illusion without requiring the existence of separate neural systems for perception and action. Given this, the behavioral dissociation that accompanies the Roelofs effect cannot be considered evidence of a dissociation of perception and action. This indicates a general need to re-evaluate the broad class of evidence purported to support this hypothesized dissociation.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to find maximum acceptable weights in front, side, and back lifting. Fifteen college students participated in the experiment. Experimental trials for each type of lifting were conducted for 10 min for each subject at a rate of 4 lifts/min. Psychophysical methodology was used to find the acceptable weight based upon their perceived feeling of stress in the lower back. It was found that subjects are willing to lift the heaviest load using back lifting (average maximum acceptable weight: 41.5 lbs). Front lifting was the close second with 39.4 lbs. Also, there was a significant difference in maximum acceptable weight of lift between side lifting (average maximum acceptable weight: 25.5 lbs) and the other two types of lifting. It was also found that leg strength was a limiting variable for maximum acceptable weight in front lifting. Composite strength and shoulder strength were found to be limiting variables in side lifting. Composite strength was the limiting variable in the back lifting.  相似文献   

Visual illusions are valuable tools for the scientific examination of the mechanisms underlying perception. In the peripheral drift illusion special drift patterns appear to move although they are static. During fixation small involuntary eye movements generate retinal image slips which need to be suppressed for stable perception. Here we show that the peripheral drift illusion reveals the mechanisms of perceptual stabilization associated with these micromovements. In a series of experiments we found that illusory motion was only observed in the peripheral visual field. The strength of illusory motion varied with the degree of micromovements. However, drift patterns presented in the central (but not the peripheral) visual field modulated the strength of illusory peripheral motion. Moreover, although central drift patterns were not perceived as moving, they elicited illusory motion of neutral peripheral patterns. Central drift patterns modulated illusory peripheral motion even when micromovements remained constant. Interestingly, perceptual stabilization was only affected by static drift patterns, but not by real motion signals. Our findings suggest that perceptual instabilities caused by fixational eye movements are corrected by a mechanism that relies on visual rather than extraretinal (proprioceptive or motor) signals, and that drift patterns systematically bias this compensatory mechanism. These mechanisms may be revealed by utilizing static visual patterns that give rise to the peripheral drift illusion, but remain undetected with other patterns. Accordingly, the peripheral drift illusion is of unique value for examining processes of perceptual stabilization.  相似文献   

Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), force and electromyographic (EMG) activity from the abdominal (intra-muscular) and trunk extensor (surface) muscles were measured in seven male subjects during maximal and sub-maximal sagittal lifting and lowering with straight arms and legs. An isokinetic dynamometer was used to provide five constant velocities (0.12–0.96 m·s–1) of lifting (pulling against the resistance of the motor) and lowering (resisting the downward pull of the motor). For the maximal efforts, position-specific lowering force was greater than lifting force at each respective velocity. In contrast, corresponding IAPs during lowering were less than those during lifting. Highest mean force occurred during slow lowering (1547 N at 0.24 m·s–1) while highest IAP occurred during the fastest lifts (17.8 kPa at 0.48–0.96 m·s–1). Among the abdominal muscles, the highest level of activity and the best correlation to variations in IAP (r=0.970 over velocities) was demonstrated by the transversus abdominis muscle. At each velocity the EMG activity of the primary trunk and hip extensors was less during lowering (eccentric muscle action) than lifting (concentric muscle action) despite higher levels of force (r between –0.896 and –0.851). Sub-maximal efforts resulted in IAP increasing linearly with increasing lifting or lowering force (r=0.918 and 0.882, respectively). However, at any given force IAP was less during lowering than lifting. This difference was negated if force and IAP were expressed relative to their respective lifting and lowering maxima. It appears that the IAP increase primarily accomplished by the activation of the transversus abdominis muscle can have the dual function of stabilising the trunk and reducing compression forces in the lumbar spine via its extensor moment. The neural mechanisms involved in sensing and regulating both IAP and trunk extensor activity in relation to the type of muscle action, velocity and effort during the maximal and sub-maximal loading tasks are unknown.  相似文献   

Locomotor muscle fatigue, defined as an exercise-induced reduction in maximal voluntary force, occurs during prolonged exercise, but its effects on cardiorespiratory responses and exercise performance are unknown. In this investigation, a significant reduction in locomotor muscle force (-18%, P < 0.05) was isolated from the metabolic stress usually associated with fatiguing exercise using a 100-drop-jumps protocol consisting of one jump every 20 s from a 40-cm-high platform. The effect of this treatment on time to exhaustion during high-intensity constant-power cycling was measured in study 1 (n = 10). In study 2 (n = 14), test duration (871 +/- 280 s) was matched between fatigue and control condition (rest). In study 1, locomotor muscle fatigue caused a significant curtailment in time to exhaustion (636 +/- 278 s) compared with control (750 +/- 281 s) (P = 0.003) and increased cardiac output. Breathing frequency was significantly higher in the fatigue condition in both studies despite similar oxygen consumption and blood lactate accumulation. In study 2, high-intensity cycling did not induce further fatigue to eccentrically-fatigued locomotor muscles. In both studies, there was a significant increase in heart rate in the fatigue condition, and perceived exertion was significantly increased in study 2 compared with control. These results suggest that locomotor muscle fatigue has a significant influence on cardiorespiratory responses and exercise performance during high-intensity cycling independently from metabolic stress. These effects seem to be mediated by the increased central motor command and perception of effort required to exercise with weaker locomotor muscles.  相似文献   

When two eyes are simultaneously stimulated by two inconsistent images, the observer’s perception switches between the two images every few seconds such that only one image is perceived at a time. This phenomenon is named binocular rivalry (BR). However, sometimes the perceived image is a piecemeal mixed of two stimuli known as piecemeal perceptions. In this study, a BR task was designed in which orthogonal gratings are presented to the two eyes. The subjects were trained to report 3 states: dominant perceptions (two state matching to perceived grating orientation) and the piecemeal perceptions (third state). We explored the scale-freeness of the BR percept durations considering the two dominant monocular states as well as the piecemeal transition state using detrended fluctuation analysis. Our results reproduced the previous finding of memory in the perceptual switches between the monocular perception states. Moreover, we showed that such memory also exists in the transitory periods of dichoptic piecemeal perceptions. These results support our hypothesis that the pool of unstable piecemeal perceptions could be regarded as separate multiple low-depth basin in the perceptual state landscape. Likewise, the transitions from these piecemeal state basins and stable monocular state basins are faced with resistance. Therefore there is inertia and memory (i.e. positive serial correlation) for the piecemeal dichoptic perception states as well as the monocular states.  相似文献   

Proponents of chain training suggest that using chains hung from the ends of barbells rather than using conventional barbells alone enhances strength, power, and neuromuscular adaptations. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a conventional barbell with chains compared to a conventional barbell without chains would affect the performance of an Olympic Clean. The subjects were also asked regarding their perception of how chains affected their lifting. Four male and 3 female competitive weightlifters who used chains as part of their training participated in the study. The testing protocol compared the subjects' lifting 80% and 85% of their 1 repetition maximum (1RM) using conventional barbells and their lifting 80% and 85% of their 1RM using chains (75% conventional barbells + 5% chains and 80% conventional barbells + 5% chains, respectively). Video analysis evaluated the bar's vertical displacement and velocity and the rate of force production. Vertical ground reaction forces for the first-pull, unweighting, and second-pull phases of the lift were evaluated by using a force plate. After testing, the subjects completed a 2-item questionnaire asking individual perception of the effects of the chains. The results showed no significant difference for condition for any of the variables examined. In contrast, all subjects perceived that the chains required a greater effort. In conclusion, the results indicated that the addition of chains provided no greater value over lifting conventional barbells alone in the performance of the Olympic Clean, although the subjects perceived the chains to have a positive effect.  相似文献   

Changes in diaphragm motor unit EMG during fatigue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fatigue-related changes in the waveform and root-mean-square (rms) values of evoked motor unit electromyographic (EMG) responses were studied in the right sternocostal region of the cat diaphragm. Motor units were isolated by microdissection and stimulation of C5 ventral root filaments and then classified as fast-twitch fatigable (FF), fast-twitch fatigue intermediate (FInt), fast-twitch fatigue resistant (FR), or slow-twitch (S) based on standard physiological criteria. The evoked EMG responses of S and FR units showed very little change during the fatigue test. The evoked EMG waveform and rms values of FF and FInt units displayed variable changes during the fatigue test. When changes were observed, they typically included a prolongation of the EMG waveform, a decrease in peak amplitude, and a decrease in rms value. The changes in EMG amplitude and rms values were not correlated. In more fatigable units, the decrease in force during the fatigue test generally exceeded the decrease in EMG rms values. Changes in the evoked force and EMG responses of multiple units innervated by C5 or C6 ventral roots were also examined during the fatigue test. The decrease in diaphragm force during the fatigue test closely matched the force decline predicted by the proportionate contribution of different motor unit types. However, the observed reduction in diaphragm EMG rms values during the fatigue test exceeded that predicted based on the aggregate contribution of different motor unit types. It was concluded that changes in EMG do not reflect the extent of diaphragm fatigue.  相似文献   

A hallmark of voluntary motor control is the ability to stop an ongoing movement. Is voluntary motor inhibition a general neural mechanism that can be focused on any movement, including involuntary movements, or is it mere termination of a positive voluntary motor command? The involuntary arm lift, or ‘floating arm trick’, is a distinctive long-lasting reflex of the deltoid muscle. We investigated how a voluntary motor network inhibits this form of involuntary motor control. Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex during the floating arm trick produced a silent period in the reflexively contracting deltoid muscle, followed by a rebound of muscle activity. This pattern suggests a persistent generator of involuntary motor commands. Instructions to bring the arm down voluntarily reduced activity of deltoid muscle. When this voluntary effort was withdrawn, the involuntary arm lift resumed. Further, voluntary motor inhibition produced a strange illusion of physical resistance to bringing the arm down, as if ongoing involuntarily generated commands were located in a ‘sensory blind-spot’, inaccessible to conscious perception. Our results suggest that voluntary motor inhibition may be a specific neural function, distinct from absence of positive voluntary motor commands.  相似文献   

Occupations demanding frequent and heavy lifting are associated with an increased risk of injury. A personal lift assist device (PLAD) was designed to assist human muscles through the use of elastic elements. This study was designed to determine if the PLAD could reduce the level of general and local back muscle fatigue during a cyclical lifting task. Electromyography of two erector spinae sites (T9 and L3) was recorded during a 45-min lifting session at six lifts/lowers per minute in which male participants (n = 10) lifted a box scaled to represent 20% of their maximum back extensor strength. The PLAD device reduced the severity of muscular fatigue at both muscle sites. RMS amplitude increased minimally (22% and 26%) compared to the no-PLAD condition (104% and 88%). Minimal median frequency decreases (0.33% and 0.41%) were observed in the PLAD condition compared to drops of 12% and 20% in the no-PLAD condition. The PLAD had an additional benefit of minimizing pre–post changes in muscular strength and endurance. The PLAD also resulted in a significantly lower rate of perceived exertion across the lifting session. It was concluded that the PLAD was effective at decreasing the level of back muscular fatigue.  相似文献   

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