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Members of the tetraspanin superfamily function as transmembrane scaffold proteins that mediate the assembly of membrane proteins into specific signaling complexes. Tetraspanins also interact with each other and concentrate membrane proteins into tetraspanin-enriched microdomains (TEMs). Here we report that lens-specific tetraspanin MP20 can form multiple types of higher-order assemblies and we present crystalline arrays of MP20. When isolated in the absence of divalent cations, MP20 is solubilized predominantly in tetrameric form, whereas the presence of divalent cations during solubilization promotes the association of MP20 tetramers into higher-order species. This effect only occurs when divalent cations are present during solubilization but not when divalent cations are added to solubilized tetrameric MP20, suggesting that other factors may also be involved. When purified MP20 tetramers are reconstituted with native lens lipids in the presence of magnesium, MP20 forms two-dimensional (2D) crystals. A projection map at 18 Å resolution calculated from negatively stained 2D crystals showed that the building block of the crystal is an octamer consisting of two tetramers related to each other by 2-fold symmetry. In addition to 2D crystals, reconstitution of MP20 with native lipids also produced a variety of large protein-lipid complexes, and we present three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of the four most abundant of these complexes in negative stain. The various complexes formed by MP20 most likely reflect the many ways in which tetraspanins can interact with each other to allow formation of TEMs.  相似文献   

Summary A number of lens fiber cell integral membrane proteins have been localized to junctional regions where they have been proposed to play a role in either mediating or controlling cell-to-cell communication. We have examined the effect of three lens fiber cell membrane proteins, MP20, MP26 and MP70, on the permeability properties of unilamellar phospholipid liposomes. This approach has been previously used to examine the channel-forming properties of MP26. Liposome permeability was determined by measuring the effect of Co2+ on the quenching of the fluorescence of N-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3 diazole phosphatidyl ethanolamine (NBD-PE)-containing liposomes as described previously by Scaglione and Rintoul (Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 30:961–966, 1989). The effect of all three proteins on liposome permeability was similar. Permeability was dependent on the protein/phospholipid ratio and was not significantly affected by agents known to modify gap junctional permeability in vivo. Glycophorin A, a non-channel-forming integral membrane protein derived from erythrocytes, was also shown to increase the permeability of unilamellar phospholipid liposomes. The ability of a non-channel membrane protein to increase Co2+ quenching of NBD-PE-containing liposomes (presumably in a nonspecific manner) indicates that reports describing the permeability of lens membrane protein-containing liposomes should be interpreted with caution in terms of their relationship to cell-to-cell communication.We would like to thank Dr. Rita Meyer for technical assistance with the freeze-fracture electron microscopy, Drs. Wolfgang Baumann and Barbara Malewicz for the purification of bovine lens lipids, and Dr. Gary Nelsestuen for the use of both the fluorescence and photon correlation spectrophotometers as well as for many helpful discussions. This research was supported by NIH grant EY 05684.  相似文献   

Cell cycle regulation by galectin-12, a new member of the galectin superfamily   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Galectins are a family of beta-galactoside-binding animal lectins with conserved carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs). Here we report the identification and characterization of a new galectin, galectin-12, which contains two domains that are homologous to the galectin CRD. The N-terminal domain contains all of the sequence elements predicted to form the two beta-sheets found in other galectins, as well as conserved carbohydrate-interacting residues. The C-terminal domain shows considerable divergence from the consensus sequence, and many of these conserved residues are not present. Nevertheless, the protein has lactose binding activity, most likely due to the contribution of the N-terminal domain. The mRNA for galectin-12 contains features coding for proteins with growth-regulatory functions. These include start codons in a context that are suboptimal for translation initiation and AU-rich motifs in the 3'-untranslated region, which are known to confer instability to mRNA. Galectin-12 mRNA is sparingly expressed or undetectable in many tissues and cell lines tested, but it is up-regulated in cells synchronized at the G(1) phase or the G(1)/S boundary of the cell cycle. Ectopic expression of galectin-12 in cancer cells causes cell cycle arrest at the G(1) phase and cell growth suppression. We conclude that galectin-12 is a novel regulator of cellular homeostasis.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent antigen-presenting cells and play an essential role for triggering T-cell-mediated immune responses. In search for novel cell surface molecules expressed on DCs involved in T cell priming by representational differential analysis, we identified a mouse homologue of Tspan-3 (mTspan-3), a novel member of the tetraspanin superfamily. The mTspan-3 consists of four hydrophobic, putative transmembrane regions, forming a small and a large extracellular loop, with short intracellular amino and carboxil tails. Although the mTspan-3 is expressed on a variety of immune cell types including resting DCs, its expression on DCs is downregulated during activation induced by cross-linking CD40 with anti-CD40 monoclonal antibody. These results suggest that mTspan-3 may be involved in the function of DCs in association with T cell stimulation.  相似文献   

The 18,000-dalton bovine lens fiber cell intrinsic membrane protein MP18 was phosphorylated on a serine residue by both cAMP-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase C. In addition, this protein bound calmodulin and was recognized by a monoclonal antibody (2D10). These different regions were localized using enzymatic and chemical fragmentation of electrophoretically purified MP18 that had been phosphorylated with either cAMP-dependent protein kinase or protein kinase C. Partial digestion of 32P-labeled MP18 with protease V8 resulted in a Mr = 17,000 peptide that bound calmodulin, but neither contained 32P or was recognized by the monoclonal antibody 2D10. Furthermore, the 17-kDa peptide had the same N-terminal amino acid sequence as MP18. Thus, the monoclonal antibody 2D10 recognition site and the protein kinase phosphorylation site(s) are close together and confined to a small region in the C terminus of MP18. This conclusion was confirmed in experiments where MP18 was fragmented with trypsin, endoproteinase Lys-C, or CNBr. The location of the phosphorylation site was confirmed by sequencing the small 32P-labeled, C-terminal peptide that resulted from protease V8 digestion of 32P-labeled MP18. This peptide contained a consensus sequence for cAMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

The beta-galactoside-binding protein galectin-3 has pleiotropic biological functions and has been implicated in cell growth, differentiation, adhesion, RNA processing, apoptosis, and malignant transformation. Galectin-3 may be phosphorylated at N-terminal Ser(6), but the role of phosphorylation in determining interactions of this endogenous lectin with its ligands remains to be elucidated. We therefore studied the effect of phosphorylation on binding of galectin-3 to two of its reported ligands, laminin and purified colon cancer mucin. Human recombinant galectin-3 was phosphorylated in vitro by casein kinase I, and separated from the native species by isoelectric focusing for use in solid phase binding assays. Non-phosphorylated galectin-3 bound to laminin and asialomucin in a dose-dependent manner with half-maximal binding at 1.5 microg/ml. Phosphorylation reduced saturation binding to each ligand by >85%. Ligand binding could be fully restored by dephosphorylation with protein phosphatase type 1. Mutation of galectin-3 at Ser(6) (Ser to Glu) did not alter galectin ligand binding. Metabolic labeling or separation by isoelectric focusing confirmed the presence of phosphorylated galectin-3 species in vivo in the cytosol of human colon cancer cells from which ligand mucin was purified. Phosphorylation significantly reduces the interaction of galectin-3 with its ligands. The process by which phosphorylation modulates protein-carbohydrate interactions has important implications for understanding the biological functions of this protein, and may serve as an "on/off" switch for its sugar binding capabilities.  相似文献   

Synthesis of MP26, the principal protein of lens fiber plasma membranes, was directed in the reticulocyte lysate system by poly A mRNA enriched from whole bovine lens RNA using oligo (dt)-cellulose chromatography. Synthesized MP26 was enriched by immune precipitation. The in vitro-synthesized MP26 had an electrophoretic mobility indistinguishable from that of the native molecule. MP26 showed a cotranslational requirement for dog pancreas microsomes in order for membrane association to occur. Microsome-associated in vitro- synthesized MP26 showed a sensitivity to digestion with chymotrypsin which was similar to the sensitivity of native MP26 in isolated lens fiber plasma membranes, indicating correct insertion of the MP26 into the microsome. Synthesis and membrane insertion of MP26 using N-formyl- [35S]methionyl tRNA as label demonstrated that no proteolytic processing or significant glycosylation accompanied membrane insertion. Chymotryptic cleavage of membrane-inserted, N-formyl-[35S]methionine- labeled MP26 resulted in loss of label, suggesting that the N-terminal of the in vitro-synthesized MP26 faces the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The 70-kDa peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP70) is one of the major integral membrane proteins of rat liver peroxisomes. cDNA clones for PMP70 were isolated and sequenced. The predicted amino acid sequence (659 amino acid residues) revealed that the carboxyl-terminal region of PMP70 has strong sequence similarities to a group of ATP-binding proteins such as MalK and Mdr. These proteins form a superfamily and are involved in various biological processes including membrane transport. Limited protease treatment of peroxisomes showed that the ATP-binding domain of PMP70 is exposed to the cytosol. The hydropathy profile, in comparison with those of several other members of the ATP-binding protein superfamily, suggests that PMP70 is a transmembrane protein possibly forming a channel. Based on these results, we propose that PMP70 is involved in active transport across the peroxisomal membrane.  相似文献   

The crystalline lens is an attractive system to study the biology of intercellular communication; however, the identity of the structural components of gap junctions in the lens has been controversial. We have cloned a novel member of the connexin family of gap junction proteins, Cx50, and have shown that it is likely to correspond to the previously described lens fiber protein MP70. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of MP70 closely matches the sequence predicted by the clone. Cx50 mRNA is detected only in the lens, among the 12 organs tested, and this distribution is indistinguishable from that of MP70 protein. A monoclonal antibody directed against MP70 and an anti-Cx50 antibody produced against a synthetic peptide identify the same proteins on western blots and produce identical patterns of immunofluorescence on frozen sections of rodent lens. We also show that expression of Cx50 in paired Xenopus oocytes induces high levels of voltage-dependent conductance. This indicates that Cx50 is a functional member of the connexin family with unique physiological properties. With the cloning of Cx50, all known participants in gap junction formation between various cell types in the lens are available for study and reconstitution in experimental systems.  相似文献   

Calf lens fiber plasma membranes, containing only the intrinsic membrane protein MP26 and its maturation product MP22 were treated with proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin, protease V8 from S. aureus or with chemical agents as CNBr in formic acid. The cleavage products, purified by electrophoresis, were analysed for their amino acid composition and N-terminal sequences. Proteolysis gave rise to peptides which were mainly shortened at the C-terminal end of the molecules. While the V8 protease produced a fragment with a similar N-terminal sequence as the maturation product MP22, trypsin yielded another cleavage product. Chemical hydrolysis yielded large fragments (11-15 kDa) with hydrophobic N-terminal sequences. Our results suggest that MP26 is characterised by an N-terminal signal sequence and possesses other hydrophobic domains which could function as untranslocated insertion sequences.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antisera were prepared in rabbits using both native and chymotrypsin-digested bovine lens fiber plasma membranes. MP26, the principal protein of lens fiber plasma membranes, and CT20, a chymotryptic fragment of MP26, were isolated electrophoretically and used to purify anti-MP26 and anti-CT20 activity from the respective antisera by affinity chromatography. These affinity-purified antisera were characterized by immunoreplica. Immunofluorescence microscopy localized MP26 on sections of methacrylate-embedded lenses in the lens fiber plasma membranes, but not the lens epithelium. Immunocytochemistry of isolated native or chymotrypsin-digested lens fiber plasma membranes localized both the MP26 and the CT20 only in the nonjunctional plasma membranes, with no detectable activity in the lens fiber junctions themselves. Electron microscopy revealed a second set of pentalaminar profiles, thinner by 4 nm than the lens fiber junctions, which contained demonstrable anti-MP26 and anti-CT20 activity following immunocytochemistry. These results indicate either that MP26 is not a component of the lens fiber junctions, or that significant conformational changes accompany assembly of MP26 into lens fiber junctions, resulting in the masking of MP26 antigenic determinants.  相似文献   

We have studied the interaction between lysozyme, destabilized by reducing its -S-S- bonds, and bovine eye lens alpha-crystallin, a member of the alpha-small heat shock protein superfamily. We have used gel filtration, photon correlation spectroscopy, and analytical ultracentrifugation to study the binding of lysozyme by alpha-crystallin at 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C. We can conclude that alpha-crystallin chaperones the destabilized protein in a two-step process. First the destabilized proteins are bound by the alpha-crystallin so that nonspecific aggregation of the destabilized protein is prevented. This complex is unstable, and a reorganization and inter-particle exchange of the peptides result in stable and soluble large particles. alpha-Crystallin does not require activation by temperature for the first step of its chaperone activity as it prevents the formation of nonspecific aggregates at 25 degrees C as well as at 37 degrees C. The reorganization of the peptides, however, gives rise to smaller particles at 37 degrees C than at 25 degrees C. Indirect evidence shows that the association of several alpha-crystallin/substrate protein complexes leads to the formation of very large particles. These are responsible for the increase of the light scattering.  相似文献   

The expression pattern of galectin-1 and galectin-3 in the human olfactory epithelium was investigated in relation to olfactory marker protein (OMP) using confocal laser immunofluorescence in human specimens and postmortem biopsies. OMP expression was found in olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) in the olfactory mucosa and in fibers of the olfactory nerve crossing the submucous connective tissue. Galectin-1 was expressed in both the connective tissue of the nasal cavity and in the basal layer of the olfactory epithelium. In contrast, galectin-3 expression was limited to cells of the upper one-third of the olfactory epithelium. Expression of galectin-3 occurred in a subset of OMP-positive cells. However, between areas of galectin-1 and galectin-3 expression in the lower and upper portion of the epithelium, OMP-positive ORNs did not stain for both galectins. Considering the potential role of galectin-1 and galectin-3 in cell differentiation and maturation, the differential localization of galectins in the olfactory epithelium appears to be consistent with a significant role of these molecules in the physiological turnover of ORNs. Accepted: 20 December 1999  相似文献   

The study of membrane protein structure and function requires their high-level expression and purification in fully functional form. We previously used a tetracycline-inducible stable mammalian cell line, HEK293S-TetR, for regulated high-level expression of G-protein coupled receptors. We here report successfully using this method for high-level expression of de novo oligo-DNA assembled human CD81 gene. CD81 is a member of the vital tetraspanin membrane protein family. It has recently been identified as the putative receptor for the Hepatitis C Virus envelope E2 glycoprotein (HCV-E2). In this study we used a single-step rho-1D4-affinity purification method to obtain >95% purity from HEK293S-TetR-inducible stable cell lines. Using ELISA assay we determined that the affinity of the purified CD81 receptor for HCV-E2 protein is 3.8+/-1.2 nM. Using fluorescent confocal microscopy we showed that the inducibly overexpressed CD81 receptor in HEK293S-TetR cells is correctly located on the plasma membrane. We demonstrated that the combination of high-level expression of CD81 with efficient single-step immunoaffinity purification is a useful method for obtaining large quantities of CD81 membrane receptor suitable for detailed structural analyses of this elusive tetraspanin protein. Furthermore, this simple single-step immunoaffinity purification to high purity of membrane protein could be useful broadly for other membrane protein purifications, thus accelerating the determination of structures for large numbers of difficult-to-obtain membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) is an essential cofactor for all forms of life. In Salmonella enterica, the thiH gene product is required for the synthesis of the 4-methyl-5-beta hydroxyethyl-thiazole monophosphate moiety of TPP. ThiH is a member of the radical S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) superfamily of proteins that is characterized by the presence of oxygen labile [Fe-S] clusters. Lack of an in vitro activity assay for ThiH has hampered the analysis of this interesting enzyme. We circumvented this problem by using an in vivo activity assay for ThiH. Random and directed mutagenesis of the thiH gene was performed. Analysis of auxotrophic thiH mutants defined two classes, those that required thiazole to make TPP (null mutants) and those with thiamine auxotrophy that was corrected by either L-tyrosine or thiazole (ThiH* mutants). Increased levels of AdoMet also corrected the thiamine requirement of members of the latter class. Residues required for in vivo function were identified and are discussed in the context of structures available for AdoMet enzymes.  相似文献   

Galectins are a growing family of animal lectins with common consensus sequences that bind beta-Gal and LacNAc residues. There are at present 14 members of the galectin family; however, certain galectins possess different structures as well as biological properties. Galectin-1 is a dimer of two homologous carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs) and possesses apoptotic and proinvasive activities. Galectin-3 consists of a C-terminal CRD and an N-terminal nonlectin domain implicated in the oligomerization of the protein and is often associated with antiapoptotic activity. Because many cellular oligosaccharide receptors are multivalent, it is important to characterize the interactions of multivalent carbohydrates with galectins-1 and -3. In the present study, binding of bovine heart galectin-1 and recombinant murine galectin-3 to a series of synthetic analogs containing two LacNAc residues separated by a varying number of methylene groups, as well as biantennary analogs possessing two LacNAc residues, were examined using isothermal titration microcalorimetry (ITC) and hemagglutination inhibition measurements. The thermodynamics of binding of the multivalent carbohydrates to the C-terminal CRD domain of galectin-3 was also investigated. ITC results showed that each bivalent analog bound by both LacNAc residues to the two galectins. However, galectin-1 shows a lack of enhanced affinity for the bivalent straight chain and branched chain analogs, whereas galectin-3 shows enhanced affinity for only lacto-N-hexaose, a naturally occurring branched chain carbohydrate. The CRD domain of galectin-3 was shown to possess similar thermodynamic binding properties as the intact molecule. The results of this study have important implications for the design of carbohydrate inhibitors of the two galectins.  相似文献   

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