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The complete sequence of the two RNAs of a furovirus isolate from durum wheat in Italy was determined. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis were done to compare the Italian virus withSoilborne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) from the USA and with furovirus sequences recently published asEuropean wheat mosaic virus (EWMV), from wheat in France, andSoilborne rye mosaic virus (SBRMV), from rye and wheat in Germany. Over the entire genome, the Italian isolate RNA1 and RNA2 had respectively 97.5% and 98.6% nucleotide identity with EWMV, 95.5% and 85.8% with SBRMV-G and 70.6% and 64.5% with SBWMV. The Italian isolate was therefore clearly distinct from SBWMV The European isolates all appear to belong to the same virus and the nameSoilborne cereal mosaic virus may resolve earlier ambiguities.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the two RNAs of a furovirus isolate from durum wheat in Italy was determined. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis were done to compare the Italian virus with Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) from the USA and with furovirus sequences recently published as European wheat mosaic virus (EWMV), from wheat in France, and Soil-borne rye mosaic virus (SBRMV), from rye and wheat in Germany. Over the entire genome, the Italian isolate RNA1 and RNA2 had respectively 97.5% and 98.6% nucleotide identity with EWMV, 95.5% and 85.8% with SBRMV-G and 70.6% and 64.5% with SBWMV. The Italian isolate was therefore clearly distinct from SBWMV. The European isolates all appear to belong to the same virus and the name Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus may resolve earlier ambiguities.  相似文献   

Summary Soilborne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) is a member of the genusFurovirus of plant viruses. SBWMV is transmitted to wheat roots by the plasmodiophorid vectorPolymyxa graminis. Experiments were conducted to determine the path for SBWMV transport from roots to leaves. The results of immunogold labeling suggest that SBWMV enters and moves long distance through the xylem. SBWMV may enter primary xylem elements before cell death occurs and then move upward in the plant after the xylem has matured into hollow vessels. There is also evidence for lateral movement between adjacent xylem vessels.Abbreviations SBWMV Soilborne wheat mosaic virus - TMV Tobacco mosaic virus - BMV Brome mosaic virus - PMTV Potato mop-top virus - BNYVV Beet necrotic yellow vein virus - WSSMV Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus - WSMV Wheat streak mosaic virus  相似文献   

Wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV) isolate HC was used for viral cDNA synthesis and sequencing. The results show that the viral RNA1 is 7629 nueleotides encoding a polyprotein with 2407 amino acids, from which seven putative proteins may be produced by an autolytie cleavage processing besides the viral coat protein. The RNA2 is 3639 nueleotides and codes for a polypretein of 903 amino acids, which may contain two putative non-structural proteins. Although WYMV shares a similarity in genetic organization to wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV), the identities in their nucleotide sequences or deduced amino acid sequences are as low as 70% and 75 % respectively. Based on this result, it is confirmed that WYMV and WSSMV are different species within Bymovirus.  相似文献   

Two virus isolates, designated S1 and TL, were obtained from tomato and camellia root in China, respectively, and their host ranges, symptomatology, serological reactions and complete nucleotide sequences were determined. Isolate TL systemically infected Chenopodium amaranticolor causing leaf chlorosis, but the isolate S1 induced only local necrotic lesions. The complete nucleotide sequences of S1 and TL were determined and consisted of 6384 and 6383 nucleotides (Genbank accessions AJ132845 and AJ417701 ), respectively. Sequence analysis revealed that both isolates have the highest nucleotide sequence identity (over 92%) with Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), but less (80%) with other tobamoviruses. Phylogenetic analyses based on the amino acid sequences of 30‐kD and 17.5‐kD proteins also indicated that both the isolates form a cluster with the isolates of ToMV. These data suggest that S1 and TL are isolates of ToMV. The possible reasons that TL infected C. amaranticolor systemically but S1 induced only local necrotic lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

Leonie Noyce  Anita A. Piper 《Gene》1994,150(2):361-365
A highly conserved hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase processed pseudogene (KPH) has been isolated from a female kangaroo (Macropus robustus) λEMBL3 genomic library. The pseudogene contains only transcribed material with all of the introns precisely removed and has possible direct repeats at either end of the message. It has a 654-nucleotide open reading frame (ORF) from the Met start codon to the stop codon that contains no additions, deletions or premature stops relative to expressed HPRT genes and, therefore, the possibility exists that it is expressed in vivo. Possible CAAT and GC boxes are present in the region 5' to the ORF and a polyadenylation signal is present in the region 3' to the ORF. If not expressed, the age of the pseudogene is estimated to be 10.7 million years. We propose that integration into the genome occurred specifically in a homocopolymeric region within a highly repeated region unique to the kangaroo genome.  相似文献   

Ten different isolates of a carlavirus were detected by degenerate PCR from 12 garlic samples collected from 6 provinces in China, and the complete genome sequence of the Zhejiang isolate ZJ1 and 3’-terminal sequences of 9 other isolates were determined. The RNA genome of isolate ZJ1 consisted of 8363nts excluding the 3’-poly (A) tail, and the genome organization was similar to other carlaviruses with 6 open reading frames encoding a replicase, TGB1, TGB2, TGB3, CP and NABP respectively. Sequence comparisons showed that all 10 isolates were Garlic latent virus (GarLV). The variations in the TGB2, TGB3 and NABP were more significant than those in the CP. High homology was also detected between those isolates and Shallot latent virus (ShLV). Phylogenetic analysis suggested that GarLV isolates from garlic can be divided into 4 main groups and Chinese isolates belonged to each group. This is the first reported molecular analysis of members of the genus Carlavirus in China.  相似文献   

Structural data are presented on the protamine gene cluster (PGC) of human, mouse, rat, and bull. By restriction mapping we demonstrate that the organization of the protamine cluster is conserved throughout all four species, i.e., the genes are situated in a head to tail arrangement in the order: protamine l-protamine 2-transition protein 2. Further, we established the nucleotide sequence of the entire human PGC (25 kb in total) and the 3′ portion of the rat protamine cluster (PRM2 and TNP2 genes and intergenic region). In addition, a 1 kb fragment of the bovine and murine protamine cluster, situated between PRM2 and TNP2, was sequenced. This fragment is conserved regarding sequence, position, and orientation in all species examined, and was classified as likely coding region by gene recognition program GRAIL. Using the rat fragment as a probe in RNA blots, we detected a testis-specific signal of about 0.5 kb. Finally, we demonstrate a high density of Alu elements, both full and fragmented copies, in the human PGC and discuss their localization with respect to evolutionary and functional aspects. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

岳海梅  张荣  孙广宇 《菌物学报》2007,26(2):202-210
对供试小孢子链格孢菌株的内聚半乳糖醛酸酶(endoPG)基因进行扩增,大部分菌株都可获得PCR产物。核苷酸和氨基酸序列比较表明:不同种小孢子链格孢endoPG基因核苷酸序列存在明显差异,甚至表现在氨基酸水平,这些差异可以作为一些种如梨黑斑链格孢、长柄链格孢区分的分子性状。利用邻近结合法构建系统发育树,所有菌株被分为8个聚类组。在系统发育树上,链格孢的一些不同分离物被聚在不同组中,而细极链格孢、链格孢的部分菌株、苹果链格孢、柑橘链格孢、粗柠檬褐斑链格孢、橘树链格孢被聚为一组,显示根据形态学特征划分的这些种与分子性状的不一致性。endoPG基因核苷酸序列富于变化,为小孢子链格孢系统发育研究提供了一种有用的手段。  相似文献   

Summary Barley mild mosaic virus (BaMMV) is one of the agents causing the barley yellow mosaic disease. The sequence corresponding to the 3end of the BaMMV RNA1 of a German isolate was sequenced and the coding sequence for the 251 amino acid containing capsid protein was determined. Comparison of this sequence to other potyviral sequences and to the corresponding sequence of two Japanese isolates of BaMMV was done. The three different isolates of BaMMV show a high degree of similarity.Abbrevations BaMMV barley mild mosaic virus - BaYMV barley yellow mosaic virus; bp: base pair - IPTG isopropyl -D thiogalactopyranoside - kb kilo base - NTR nontranslated region - ORF open reading frame - PVDF polyvinylidene difluoride  相似文献   

对供试小孢子链格孢菌株的内聚半乳糖醛酸酶(endoPG)基因进行扩增,大部分菌株都可获得PCR产物。核苷酸和氨基酸序列比较表明:不同种小孢子链格孢endoPG基因核苷酸序列存在明显差异,甚至表现在氨基酸水平,这些差异可以作为一些种如梨黑斑链格孢、长柄链格孢区分的分子性状。利用邻近结合法构建系统发育树,所有菌株被分为8个聚类组。在系统发育树上,链格孢的一些不同分离物被聚在不同组中,而细极链格孢、链格孢的部分菌株、苹果链格孢、柑橘链格孢、粗柠檬褐斑链格孢、橘树链格孢被聚为一组,显示根据形态学特征划分的这些种与分子性状的不一致性。endoPG基因核苷酸序列富于变化,为小孢子链格孢系统发育研究提供了一种有用的手段。  相似文献   

Based on reported TMV-U1 sequence, primers were designed and fragments covering the entire genome of TMV broad bean strain (TMV-B) were obtained with RT-PCR. These fragments were cloned and sequenced and the 5' and 3' end sequences of genome were confirmed with RACE. The complete sequence of TMV-B comprises 6 395 nucleotides (nt) and four open reading frames, which correspond to 126 ku (1 116 amino acids), 183 ku (1 616 amino acids), 30 ku (268 amino acids) and 17.5 ku proteins (159 amino acids). The complete nucleotide sequence of TMV-B is 99.4% identical to that of TMV-U1. The two virus isolates share the same sequence of 5', 3' non-coding region and 17.5 K ORF, and 6, 1 and 3 amino acid changes are found in 126 K protein, 54 K protein and 30 K protein, respectively. The possible mechanism on the infection of TMV-B in Vicia faba is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA sequences are presented for two members of the wheat Em gene family. The sequences correspond to the two linked genes at the Xem-1AL locus. Comparisons of these sequences with that of another wheat Em gene and two Em cDNA clones reveals substantial homology within the protein-coding regions, and the presence in the 5-flanking regions of the genomic sequences of motifs characteristic of ABA-responsive cis-acting elements.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of WIS-2-1A,a retrotransposon-like element from wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
WIS-2-1A, a 8624 bp insertion in the Glu-1A-2 locus of chromosome 1A of wheat, consists of two 1755 bp long terminal repeats enclosing a 5114 bp internal region. No long open reading frames could be found, but inspection of the predicted amino acid sequence showed regions with homology to retrotransposon structures, including a methionine tRNA initiator binding site, a nucleotide binding domain, a protease, an integrase and a polymerase. DNA replication errors have resulted in frame-shifts in the protein coding region, suggesting that retrotransposition of WIS-2-1A, if it occurs, must be mediated by trans-acting factors.  相似文献   

Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) was isolated from the naturally infected bean plants collected from the Kafr El-Sheikh and El-Gharbia Governorates. BCMV induced sever mosaic, vein banding, malformation, leaf curling and stunting on bean plants cv. Giza 6. The isolated virus was propagated in bean plants cv. Giza 6. The identification of BCMV was carried out serologically by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using BCMV antiserum. Positive reaction indicated that the virus under study was related serologically to Potyvirus. The molecular biology techniques were used to identify and characterise the coat protein gene of BCMV. Oligonucleotide primers were designed for BCMV according to the published nucleotide sequences of BCMV and were successfully amplified with a DNA fragment (300 bp) from BCMV CP gene by RT-PCR. The total RNA was extracted from bean leaves and was reverse-transcribed and amplified using the oligonucleotide primer. The amplified product was analysed by gel electrophoresis. Also, Southern and dot blot hybridisations were used to establish the authenticity and specificity to the RT-PCR-amplified products of BCMV. The nucleotide sequences of the Egyptian isolate of BCMV/CP showed similarity with an isolate (BCMV-NY 15) which belongs to Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

李慧丽  韩兴杰  廖亮  徐玲玲 《广西植物》2016,36(9):1061-1067
光敏色素( phytochrome,简称PHY)是植物体内最重要的光受体,参与调节植物种子萌发、幼苗生长、茎的伸长、子叶伸展直至开花控制等许多生理过程。该研究通过RT-PCR方法首次从三叶木通( Akebia trifoli-ata)中获得了编码光敏色素A的cDNA序列(命名为AktrPHYA1,GenBank登录号为KP864055)。结果表明:该序列由3496 bp组成,包含一个3426 bp的完整开放阅读框,编码1141个氨基酸。 AktrPHYA1编码的蛋白N端为光感受区域,包括一个GAF结构域、一个PHY结构域;C端为光调节区域,C端包括两个PAS结构域、一个组氨酸激酶A结构域和一个类似组氨酸激酶的ATP 激酶结构。同源蛋白比对显示,AktrPHYA1与耧斗菜、荷花的同源蛋白序列一致性分别为83%和82%。遗传进化树分析表明,单子叶植物和双子叶植物的光敏色素A基因分别聚为两支;在双子叶植物中,AktrPHYA1与耧斗菜、荷花PHYA聚在一起,说明三叶木通与耧斗菜、荷花遗传关系较近。 AktrPHYA1在三叶木通茎、叶片、雄花、雌花、种子中均有表达,且在种子中表达最强,在叶片中表达量最低。 AktrPHYA1的组织表达谱暗示了其在植物中可能的功能。该研究结果为三叶木通光敏色素A基因的功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (GS) in the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is induced in the midgut following a blood meal. Mosquito GS message is detected as soon as 1 h post-blood feeding and remains stable for 18 h. Using a PCR product encoding mosquito GS, a λgt10 adult female mosquito cDNA library was screened. A cDNA clone, pCl5A2, encoding the full translation product of mosquito GS was isolated and sequence analyses performed. Mosquito GS cDNA is 2.5 kb in length and its putative translation product shares all the conserved regions characteristic of the GS gene family, including the presumed ATP biding site. Glutamine synthetase activity in the mosquito midgut is highest at 18 h post-blood feeding. Activity can be detected over a broad pH range, from 6.0 to 7.5. Unlike other cellular GS enzymes, mosquito GS is not active in the presence of ATP. Very low dosages (0.05 mM) of L-methionine S-sulfoximine are sufficient to partially inhibit mosquito GS activity. Inhibition of GS disrupts the normal formation of the midgut peritrophic matrix, suggesting that GS enzyme might be involved in the initial pathway of chitin synthesis. The unique expression pattern and inducible nature of the mosquito GS gene make it an interesting candidate for studying promoter function. Additionally, the blood meal activation of the GS gene makes this a potentially valuable tool in mosquito transformation studies.  相似文献   

石蕊属地衣初生地衣体鳞片状、次生果柄圆柱形,世界上报道了500多种,是地衣多样性的重要组成部分,并具有重要的生态功能。在深入研究中国石蕊属地衣过程中,基于形态学特征、化学特征和nrDNA ITS序列的系统发育分析,从采集于河北省和云南省的地衣标本中发现了石蕊属地衣2个中国新记录种——喀麦隆石蕊(Cladonia camerunensis)和覆瓦石蕊(C.imbricata)。该文提供了2种石蕊属地衣特征的详细描述和图片并与相近种类进行比较。  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of nine clones, pKA191/l-4 from Drosophila kitumensis and pMR.190/1–5 from D. microlabis, were determined. They represent a tandemly arranged and highly repetitive satellite DNA family, KM190, which is specific for the two species.  相似文献   

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