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We describe here morphological and functional analyses of the spermatogenic process in sexually mature white-lipped peccaries. Ten sexually mature male animals, weighing approximately 39 kg were studied. Characteristics investigated included the gonadosomatic index (GSI), relative frequency of stages of the cycle of seminiferous epithelium (CSE), cell populations present in the seminiferous epithelium in stage 1 of CSE, intrinsic rate of spermatogenesis, Sertoli cell index, height of seminiferous epithelium and diameter of seminiferous tubules, volumetric proportion of components of the testicular parenchyma and length of seminiferous tubules per testis and per gram of testis. The GSI was 0.19%, relative frequencies of pre-meiotic, meiotic and post-meiotic phases were, respectively 43.6%, 13.8% and 42.6%, general rate of spermatogenesis was 25.8, each Sertoli cell supported an average 18.4 germinative cells, height of seminiferous epithelium and diameter of seminiferous tubules were, respectively, 78.4 microm and 225.6 microm, testicular parenchyma was composed by 75.8% seminiferous tubules and 24.2% intertubular tissue, and length of seminiferous tubules per gram of testis was 15.8m. These results show that, except for overall rate of spermatogenesis, the spermatogenic process in white-lipped peccaries is very similar to that of collared peccaries, and that Sertoli cells have a greater capacity to support germinative cells than most domestic mammals.  相似文献   

Housing animals in groups that are typical of the normal social system can be very important to the success of captive husbandry. Collared peccaries normally live in mixed-sex territorial groups of 13–40 individuals with little evidence for movement between groups. We recorded 21–30 cases of infanticide in a captive group composed of animals from several wild groups. In five observed cases, the attacker was a female unrelated to the mother, but related females helped defend neonates. Victims did not differ in sex ratio or size from individuals that survived. We recommend that peccaries be housed as related female lineages.  相似文献   

We surveyed 49 free-living collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) in Brazil for antibodies against bluetongue virus (BTV) and porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2). Antibodies against BTV were detected in 19/49 (39%) samples. All samples were negative for PCV2. The importance of antibodies to BTV in collared peccaries remains to be determined.  相似文献   

In this study, the microsatellite technique was used to evaluate the genetic variability in populations of collared and white-lipped peccaries kept in captivity. Six primers developed for domestic pigs were used and amplified in both species. They revealed the presence of five polymorphic loci and one monomorphic locus. The polymorphic loci included 4 of the 16 alleles in collared peccaries, and 3 of the 10 alleles in the white-lipped peccaries. Polymorphic information content (PIC) in both species and all the loci was highly informative. The probability of paternity exclusion (PEC), if one of the parents is known, was almost as high in white-lipped peccaries (95.53%) as in the collared (99,48%). The Fst values for collared (0.042) and white-lipped (0.1387) peccaries showed that both populations are not structured. The Fis values for all loci, except ACTG2 in white-lipped peccaries (-0.0275) and in both species (0.1985 to 0.9284 in collared peccaries and 0.3621 to 0.4754 in the white-lipped), revealed a high level of homozygosis, probably caused by inbreeding. Data on heterologous amplification and genetic variability in collared and white-lipped peccaries are presented for the first time.  相似文献   

The diets of Tayassu tajacu and T. pecari were assessed by means of direct observations, stomach content, and faecal analyses. The study was conducted in a dry forest located in the central Llanos region, Venezuela, where both species coexist. Peccaries were observed during one week of every month from August 1986 to May 1987. Fruits and seeds of Pithecellobium saman and Guazuma ulmifolia and roots and stems of Cissus rhombifolia comprised most of the diet of both peccary species. Proportions of these items differed significantly between species. There was no Acacia macracantha in stomachs nor in faeces of T. tajacu , but it was one of the most important items found in stomachs of T. pecari. Leaves appeared in all stomachs but in very low proportions (<1%). Insect pupae and larvae were found in small quantities. Results suggest that peccaries behave as frugivores and seed predators as most seed remains appeared cracked. Differences in the diet and behavioural traits described elsewhere may allow these similar species to coexist in the tropical dry forest of central Venezuela.  相似文献   

This study analyses reproductive parameters resulting from 74 parturitions in a population of captive collared peccaries in the eastern Amazon (Belém, State of Pará, Brazil) during a 65-month survey. Parturitions were homogeneously distributed throughout the year. The average litter size was 1.85 newborns per parturition. Collared peccary females had a newborn sex ratio of 52.6% females and 47.4% males. The mean age at first parturition was 639, although, the earliest first parturition occurred at age of 381 days. Estimated parturition-conception interval was 58 days. Mean farrowing interval was 196 days and mean production was 1.03 litters and 1.86 newborns per year per female. Mortality rate in newborns less than 2 months old was 26.9% of the total newborn population. Most identified causes of death were abandonment by the mother (22.2%) and trauma due to aggression (13.9%). Newborn deaths occurred mainly during the first two days of life. This study suggests that the collared peccary possesses interesting reproductive parameters for its introduction in captive breeding programmes in the Amazon region.  相似文献   

Serum vitamin A concentrations were determined for 24 adult female collared peccaries from 1 captive and 2 wild populations during the period 30 January-15 March, 1983. Normal serum vitamin A concentrations of well-fed captive peccaries (mean = 39.0 micrograms/dl) were slightly higher than the reported range of values for domestic swine. Mean vitamin A concentrations of blood serum did not differ among the captive and 2 wild populations. However, a few individuals from the wild populations had low serum levels of vitamin A which suggested a possible vitamin A deficiency for these females.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Physiological responses of 13 adult female collared peccaries (Tayassu tajacu) to high quality and low quality diets, fed for 15 weeks, were examined. The low quality diet simulated energy and protein intake of peccaries during poor range conditions resulting from drought. Blood samples were collected after 10 and 15 weeks of dietary treatment; urine samples were collected after 15 weeks of treatment.
  • 2.2. Females receiving the low quality diet for 15 weeks lost 27.4% of their original body weight, compared to no weight change among high quality-fed females.
  • 3.3. Red blood cell counts, hematocrits, and hemoglobin concentrations were significantly greater among females fed a high quality diet compared to those receiving a low quality diet. High quality-fed females also had a higher mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. Plasma fibrinogen concentration was nearly twice as great among females receiving the low quality diet compared to the high quality group.
  • 4.4. Consumption of the low quality diet resulted in significantly elevated serum levels of nonesterified fatty acids, alkaline phosphatase, phosphorus, alpha-2 globulin and alpha globulin: beta globulin ratio.
  • 5.5. Consumption of the low quality diet resulted in significantly lowered serum levels of urea nitrogen, calcium, zinc, calcium: phosphorus, urea index, beta-1 flobulin, beta globulin: albumin ratio, thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
  • 6.6. Serum levels ofcreatinine, total bilirubin, glucose, cholesterol, gamma glutamyltransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, potassium, copper, magnesium, sodium chloride, total protein and gamma globulin were unaffected by diet quality.
  • 7.7. Urine chemistry results suggested pH, osmolarity, albumin, creatinine phosphokinase, calcium and phosphorus concentrations might be useful indices for assessing nutritional status in female peccaries.

Hematological and serum biochemical responses to two levels of dietary energy (high energy [HE], 3300 kcal digestible energy [DE]/kg; moderate energy [ME], 2300 kcal DE/kg) and protein (high protein [HP], 16.0% crude protein; moderate protein [MP], 8.4% crude protein) during gestation in 15 collared peccaries (Tayassu tajacu) were examined. Dietary energy and protein levels influenced body weight gain during gestation. Red blood cell counts and lymphocyte concentrations were higher and neutrophil concentrations were lower among females fed an HP diet compared to those fed an MP diet. Alkaline phosphatase and alpha-2 globulin concentrations were higher among females fed an MP diet. Aspartate aminotransferase and cholesterol concentrations were higher and calcium and thyroxine concentrations were lower among females fed ME diets compared to those fed HE diets. These results suggest that physiological indices used in combination with morphological measurements can be useful in assessing collared peccary nutritional health during gestation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to characterize the stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle by the tubular morphology method, and to determine the number of differentiated spermatogonia generations in the adult white-lipped peccary. Twenty adult white-lipped peccaries, obtained from commercial slaughterhouse, were used. Fragments of the testicular parenchyma were fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde and embedded into a methacrylate resin. The number of germ and Sertoli cells was estimated by the analysis of cell populations in 50 transversal sections of seminiferous tubules in different stages of the cycle. The tubular morphology method allowed the identification of cellular associations characteristic of the eight stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle in white-lipped peccaries. The results showed the presence of six generations of differentiated spermatogonia in white-lipped peccaries, and that the cell composition of the eight stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle in this species is very similar to that described for collared peccaries.  相似文献   

The present study is aimed at evaluating the effect of centrifugation for seminal plasma removal and the supplementation of fructose or glucose to the Tris-based extender on the kinematic patterns of the motility parameters of frozen–thawed semen obtained from captive collared peccaries (Tayassu tajacu). Semen samples (n = 14) were collected from 10 sexually mature male collared peccaries by electroejaculation. These samples were further evaluated for parameters such as motility, vigor, sperm viability, membrane integrity, and sperm morphology. The samples were divided into four aliquots, and only two of these aliquots were centrifuged. The semen aliquots (centrifuged and raw semen samples) were diluted in Tris-based extenders supplemented with fructose or glucose. Egg yolk (20%) and glycerol (3%) were added to all the samples which were cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen and thawed at 37 °C/1 min. The frozen–thawed semen was evaluated for the same parameters described for the fresh semen. On the other hand, the kinematic motility patterns were evaluated by a computer-aided system. After thawing, it was observed that the values for the total sperm motility were around 30% for all the samples. A negative effect of centrifugation was verified for parameters such as sperm morphology, linearity, straightness, and beat cross frequency (P < 0.05). However, no differences between fructose and glucose were verified for any semen end point (P > 0.05). In conclusion, it is not recommended to centrifuge the ejaculates from collared peccaries prior to conducting the cryopreservative procedures using a Tris-based extender supplemented with fructose or glucose.  相似文献   

The present study is aimed at evaluating the effect of centrifugation for seminal plasma removal and the supplementation of fructose or glucose to the Tris-based extender on the kinematic patterns of the motility parameters of frozen–thawed semen obtained from captive collared peccaries (Tayassu tajacu). Semen samples (n = 14) were collected from 10 sexually mature male collared peccaries by electroejaculation. These samples were further evaluated for parameters such as motility, vigor, sperm viability, membrane integrity, and sperm morphology. The samples were divided into four aliquots, and only two of these aliquots were centrifuged. The semen aliquots (centrifuged and raw semen samples) were diluted in Tris-based extenders supplemented with fructose or glucose. Egg yolk (20%) and glycerol (3%) were added to all the samples which were cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen and thawed at 37 °C/1 min. The frozen–thawed semen was evaluated for the same parameters described for the fresh semen. On the other hand, the kinematic motility patterns were evaluated by a computer-aided system. After thawing, it was observed that the values for the total sperm motility were around 30% for all the samples. A negative effect of centrifugation was verified for parameters such as sperm morphology, linearity, straightness, and beat cross frequency (P < 0.05). However, no differences between fructose and glucose were verified for any semen end point (P > 0.05). In conclusion, it is not recommended to centrifuge the ejaculates from collared peccaries prior to conducting the cryopreservative procedures using a Tris-based extender supplemented with fructose or glucose.  相似文献   

White-lipped peccaries are non-seasonal breeders in South America, but little is known about their reproduction in Central America. There are few studies about the sex ratio of this species in the field. We studied the reproduction and sex ratio of white-lipped peccaries during 200 hours of field observation of four radiomarked and two unmarked herds, from July 1996 to April 1997, in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica. Sex ratio data of three additional, radiomarked herds observed in 1998 were also included. We recorded numbers of mountings, presence of newborns and numbers of nursing interactions. The peccaries showed a distinct reproductive seasonality, with one mating peak in February and another in July. The greatest number of newborns and the peak in nursing activity were observed during July and August, when fruit availability for the peccaries was high. The adult sex ratio was significantly female biased (1.4:1-1.8:1), also in contrast with South American populations.  相似文献   

Composition of collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) milk was described for samples obtained from a group of four captive females maintained on a high quality diet and four wild-caught females inhabiting semiarid rangelands in southern Texas. The gross composition of peccary and porcine milks are fairly similar, with some differences in mineral composition. Results suggest that bottle formulations developed for domestic swine piglets would provide adequate nutrition for hand-rearing nursling peccaries.  相似文献   

The onset of sexual cycle postpartum was described in the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu). Serum progesterone and 17beta-estradiol profiles, vaginal smears and external genitalia were analyzed in 20 animals housed with their piglets during the first postpartum month. The appearance of external genitalia showed no variation in any of the females: a shallow, reddish vulva, and vaginal mucus were constant features throughout the study. Based on hormonal profiles and vaginal smear cell patterns, 16 (80%) of the 20 peccaries showed signs of estrus and were considered cycling. The remaining four females (20%) did no show signs of estrus confirmed by low levels of progesterone (0.9+/-0.4 ng/mL) during the first postpartum month. In the cycling peccaries, a serum 17beta-estradiol peak (53.4+/-8.1 pg/mL) was observed on Day 7+/-1 postpartum, along with a linear increase in progesterone concentration from 3 (4.3+/-2.6 ng/mL) to 11 (30.8+/-4.9 ng/mL) days after this estradiol peak. Proportions of the different cells of the vaginal epithelium also changed in these females: superficial plus intermediate cells amounted to 76% of the cell total between Days 6 and 9 postpartum, corresponding to the estradiol peak. Nine (56%) of the 16 cycling females mated, indicated by the presence of sperm cells in their vaginal smears, and 6 (67%) became pregnant, reaching term. Non-pregnant cycling females (n=10) showed a steady decrease in serum progesterone concentration from 11 to 23 days after the estradiol peak, when basal levels were attained and a new estradiol peak registered, indicating the resumption of cyclicity in these females. The time interval between the two estradiol peaks was 23.5+/-2.1 days in these females. In pregnant females, progesterone concentrations continued to rise to levels of 60 ng/mL (n=6) 23 days after mating. These findings indicate that the lactating collared peccary female can become cycling and fertile during the early postpartum period, and that a predominance of superficial plus intermediate vaginal cells can be taken as the first sign of estrus.  相似文献   

The Suidae and the Dicotylidae (or Tayassuidae) are related mammalian families, both belonging to the artiodactyl suborder Suiformes, which diverged more than 37 million years ago. Cross-species chromosome painting was performed between the domestic pig (Sus scrofa; 2n = 38), a representative of the Suidae, and two species of the Dicotylidae: the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu; 2n = 30) and the white-lipped peccary (T. pecari; 2n = 26). G-banded metaphase chromosomes of the two peccaries were hybridized with whole chromosome painting probes derived from domestic pig chromosomes 1-18 and X. For both peccary species, a total of 31 autosomal segments that are conserved between pig and peccary could be identified. The painting results confirm conclusions inferred from G-band analyses that the karyotypes of the collared peccary and the white-lipped peccary are largely different. The karyotypic heterogeneity of the Dicotylidae contrasts with the relative homogeneity among the karyotypes of the Suidae. For this difference between the Dicotylidae and the Suidae, a number of explanations are being postulated: 1) the extant peccaries are phylogenetically less closely related than is usually assumed; 2) the peccary genome is less stable than the genome of the pigs; and 3) special (e.g. biogeographical or biosocial) circumstances have facilitated the fixation of chromosome rearrangements in ancestral dicotylid populations.  相似文献   

In the Peruvian Amazon, the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) is a desirable game species and is important for the local rural economy. Blood samples from 101 white-lipped peccaries from Peru were collected from 3 different conservation areas located in the municipalities of Manu and Tambopata, southeastern region of the Peruvian Amazon. Antibodies were assayed using the modified agglutination test (MAT, cut of value of 25). Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were found in 89.1% (90 of 101) of animals, with titers of 1 ∶ 25 in 9, 1 ∶ 50 in 25, 1 ∶ 100 in 20, 1 ∶ 200 in 14, 1 ∶ 400 in 12, 1 ∶ 800 in 9, and 1 ∶ 3,200 in 1; 87.7% and 89.2% of males and females, respectively, tested positively, and no association (P ≥ 0.05) with gender and occurrence of antibodies was observed.  相似文献   

In the seminiferous epithelium, spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are located in a particular environment called the "niche" that is controlled by the basement membrane, key testis somatic cells, and factors originating from the vascular network. However, the role of Leydig cells (LCs) as a niche component is not yet clearly elucidated. Recent studies showed that peccaries (Tayassu tajacu) present a peculiar LC cytoarchitecture in which these cells are located around the seminiferous tubule lobes, making the peccary a unique model for investigating the SSC niche. This peculiarity allowed us to subdivide the seminiferous tubule cross-sections in three different testis parenchyma regions (tubule-tubule, tubule-interstitium, and tubule-LC contact). Our aims were to characterize the different spermatogonial cell types and to determine the location and/or distribution of the SSCs along the seminiferous tubules. Compared to differentiating spermatogonia, undifferentiated spermatogonia (A(und)) presented a noticeably higher nuclear volume (P < 0.05), allowing an accurate evaluation of their distribution. Immunostaining analysis demonstrated that approximately 93% of A(und) were GDNF receptor alpha 1 positive (GFRA1(+)), and these cells were preferentially located adjacent to the interstitial compartment without LCs (P < 0.05). The expression of colony-stimulating factor 1 was observed in LCs and peritubular myoid cells (PMCs), whereas its receptor was present in LCs and in GFRA1(+) A(und). Taken together, our findings strongly suggest that LCs, different from PMCs, might play a minor role in the SSC niche and physiology and that these steroidogenic cells are probably involved in the differentiation of A(und) toward type A(1) spermatogonia.  相似文献   

Long-term studies in a 2,178 ha fragment of semideciduous Atlantic Forest demonstrated important interactions between white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and the common palms, Syagrus romanzoffiana and Euterpe edulis. We conducted fruit removal and medium-to-large-sized mammalian exclusion experiments to: (1) quantify seasonal fruit consumption from high-density patches beneath parent trees by T. pecari and other consumers, and (2) measure impacts of T. pecari rooting and foraging activities on seedling dynamics in E. edulis stands. A diverse array of fauna consumed S. romanzoffiana fruits. During the dry season, when S. romanzoffiana palms provided 68% of fruit dry weight in the fragment, T. pecari consumed significantly greater amounts than other consumers, and along with Pecari tajacu and Tapirus terrestris, were potential seed dispersers. The rodents, Sciurus ingrami and Agouti paca, consumed most S. romanzoffiana fruits in the wet season, acting as both seed dispersers and predators. More than 95% of E. edulis fruit removal was due to seed predation by T. pecari. Intense removal during the dry season was closely linked with previously documented range shifts and habitat preferences by T. pecari. Exclusion plot experiments in E. edulis (palmito) stands showed that the number and proportion of nonpalmito (not E. edulis) seedlings increased dramatically in the absence of T. pecari rooting and foraging activities that disturbed soil and thinned seedlings. We discuss the importance of these ecosystem engineering activities and palm-peccary trophic interactions for long-term maintenance of E. edulis stands and T. pecari populations, as well as water balance, in the forest fragment.  相似文献   

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