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The objective of this study was to determine if simple, shoulder movements use the dual control hypothesis strategy, previously demonstrated with elbow movements, and to see if this strategy also applies in the absence of visual feedback. Twenty subjects were seated with their right arm abducted to 90 degrees and externally rotated in the scapular plane. Subjects internally rotated to a target position using a custom shoulder wheel at three different speeds with and without visual feedback. Kinematics were collected with a motion analysis system and electromyographic (EMG) recordings of the pectoralis major (PECT), infraspinatus (INFRA), anterior and posterior (ADELT, PDELT) deltoid muscles were used to evaluate muscle activity patterns during movements. Kinematics changed as movement speed increased with less accuracy (p<0.01). Greater EMG activity was observed in the PECT, PDELT, and INFRA with shorter durations for the ADELT, PDELT and INFRA. Movements with only kinesthetic feedback were less accurate (p<0.01) and performed faster (p<0.01) than movements with visual feedback. EMG activity suggests no major difference in CNS control strategies in movements with and without visual feedback. Greater resolution with visual feedback enables the implementation of a dual control strategy, allowing greater movement velocity while maintaining accuracy.  相似文献   

We address the issue of what proprioceptive information, regarding movement of the human arm, may be provided to the central nervous system by proprioceptors located within muscles of this limb. To accomplish this we developed a numerical simulation which could provide estimates of the length regimes experienced by a set of model receptors located within some of the principal muscles of the human arm during planar movement of this limb. These receptors were assumed to have characteristics analogous to those associated with a simple model of muscle spindle signalling of movement. To this end each spindle had proprioceptive ‘channels’ associated with it. These corresponded to primary and secondary spindle afferent fibers which could provide independent afferent output regarding the parent muscle the spindle monitored. The angles of the shoulder and elbow joints attained by subjects performing a task requiring movement of the right arm in a horizontal plane to a static visual target were recorded. For this angular data the lengths and rates of change of lengths experienced by muscle fascicles, and hence the model spindles, during movement were calculated by means of the numerical simulation. The discharge rates of the simulated spindles during the movement were calculated to derive a measure of the depth of modulation, induced by the movement, for each spindle. These values were then summed for all spindles to provide a first-order approximation of spindle ensemble coding of the movement. Significant correlations (0.0001, Spearman's rank order) were found between the resulting ensemble encodings and, in order of significance, the angular velocity of the shoulder joint (), the tangential velocity of the hand (), and the angular velocity of the elbow joint (). Correlations between the angular positions of the shoulder () and elbow () were lower. These findings indicate that the ensemble profiles of the simulated muscle spindles, encode information regarding kinematic parameters of movements related to both intrinsic and extrinsic coordinate systems. This suggests that motor structures capable of deriving such an ensemble encoding would be in a position to perform the sensory-motor transformations between intrinsic and extrinsic frames of reference necessary for controlling movements planned in extrinsic coordinates. Received: 12 August 1994 / Accepted in revised form: 17 June 1996  相似文献   

In tests on humans, we recorded EMG activity from the muscles flexing and extending the forearm and shoulder in the course of realization of sequential single-joint and simultaneous two-joint movements of the upper limb. As was shown, the shoulder muscles m. biceps brachii and m. triceps brachii are involved in flexion/extension of both elbow and shoulder joints. Central commands sent to the above muscles in the course of a two-joint movement could be considered a superposition of the central commands coming to the same muscles in realization of the corresponding sequential single-joint movements with the same changes in the angles of the elbow and shoulder joints. External loadings applied in the direction of extension of the elbow and shoulder joints induced, in general, similar changes in coordination of the activity of muscles moving the forearm and shoulder under conditions of both single-joint and two-joint movements. These facts allow us to suppose that coordination of the muscle activity in two-joint movements depends to a greater extent on the forces influencing limb links than on the mode of realization of the movements (two sequential single-joint movements vs a two-joint movement corresponding to the above motor events).  相似文献   

Information about head orientation, position, and movement with respect to the trunk relies on the visual, vestibular, extensive muscular, and articular proprioceptive system of the neck. Various factors can affect proprioception since it is the function of afferent integration, and tuning of muscular and articular receptors. Pain, muscle fatigue, and joint position have been shown to affect proprioceptive capacity. Thus, it can be speculated that changes in body posture can alter the neck proprioception. This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of body posture on cervicocephalic kinesthetic sense in healthy subjects. Cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility was measured by the kinesthetic sensibility test in healthy young adults while in (a) habitual slouched sitting position with arms hanging by the side (SS), (b) habitual slouched sitting position with arms unloaded (supported) (SS-AS), and (c) upright sitting position with arms hanging by the side (US) during maximum and 30 degree right, left rotations, flexion, and extension. Thirty healthy male adults (mean age 27.83; SD 3.41) volunteered for this study. The least mean error was found for the SS-AS position (0.48; SD 0.24), followed by SS (0.60; SD 0.43) and US (0.96; SD 0.71), respectively. For all test conditions, there was significant difference in mean absolute error while head repositioning from maximum and 30 degree rotation during SS and SS-AS positions (p?相似文献   

Muscle spindles provide critical information about movement position and velocity. They have been shown to act as stretch receptors in passive muscle, however, during active movements their behavior is less clear. In particular, spindle responses have been shown to be out-of-phase or phase advanced with respect to their expected muscle length-sensitivity. Whether this apparent discrepancy of spindle responses between passive and active movements is due to fusimotor (γ-drive) remains unresolved, since the activity of fusimotor neurons during voluntary non-locomotor movements are largely unknown. We developed a computational model to predict fusimotor activity and to investigate whether fusimotor activity could explain the empirically observed phase advance of spindle responses. The model links a biomechanical wrist model to length- and γ-drive-dependent transfer functions of type Ia and type II muscle spindle activity. Our simulations of two wrist-movement tasks suggest that (i) experimentally observed type Ia and type II activity profiles can to a large part be explained by appropriate, i.e. strongly modulated and task-dependent, γ-drive. That (ii) the empirically observed phase advance of type Ia or of type II profiles during active movement can be similarly explained by appropriate γ-drive. In summary, the simulation predicts that a highly task-modulated activation of the γ-system is instrumental in producing a large part of the empirically observed muscle spindle activity for voluntary wrist movements.  相似文献   

In humans, we tested targeted movements of the forearm and shoulder performed in the vertical direction (in a parallel manner with respect to the sagittal plane). Movements were realized, first, with the possibility for visual control of the coincidence of the angle of the limb link axis vs the vertical and the target angle value (using an optic system and video recording), and, second, in the absence of the above control. Movements including flexion (i.e., movement against the gravitation force) – extension of the limb link with an individually selected convenient velocity were initiated and terminated according to the presentation of permissive sound signals; simultaneously, EMGs were recorded from a few muscles flexing and extending the elbow and shoulder joints. We analyzed systematic errors of target positioning of the forearm and shoulder in movements realized exclusively under kinesthetic control. In the case of isolated flexion of the forearm for a 90 deg target angle, such errors in all members of the examined group (n = 11) were positive. These errors were, on average, 8.1 ± 0.7 deg without loading and reached 11.2 ± 0.9 deg with introduction of a 10 to 30 N additional loading on the forearm. Isolated movements of the shoulder for a 70 deg target angle (performed without loading, with full extension of the forearm and its voluntary fixation) were accompanied by positive errors of 18.3 ± 1.1 deg, on average. Both the movements and positioning were performed due to changes in the levels of activity of the flexor muscles, with minimum involvement of the antagonists. The nonlinear properties of the receptor apparatus responsible for the formation of a kinesthetic estimate of the joint angle (first of all, of muscle spindles) are a fundamental reason for positive errors of target positioning of the limb links realized under kinesthetic control in the absence of the visual one.  相似文献   

Neural Coding of Finger and Wrist Movements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Previous work (Schieber and Hibbard, 1993) has shown that single motor cortical neurons do not discharge specifically for a particular flexion-extension finger movement but instead are active with movements of different fingers. In addition, neuronal populations active with movements of different fingers overlap extensively in their spatial locations in the motor cortex. These data suggested that control of any finger movement utilizes a distributed population of neurons. In this study we applied the neuronal population vector analysis (Georgopoulos et al., 1983) to these same data to determine (1) whether single cells are tuned in an abstract, three-dimensional (3D) instructed finger and wrist movement space with hand-like geometry and (2) whether the neuronal population encodes specific finger movements. We found that the activity of 132/176 (75%) motor cortical neurons related to finger movements was indeed tuned in this space. Moreover, the population vector computed in this space predicted well the instructed finger movement. Thus, although single neurons may be related to several disparate finger movements, and neurons related to different finger movements are intermingled throughout the hand area of the motor cortex, the neuronal population activity does specify particular finger movements.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the motor cortex in behaving animals were focused on the relations between the activity of single cells, usually pyramidal tract neurons, and parameters of isometric contraction (e.g., intensity of force) or parameters of movement along one axis (e.g., flexion-extension) of a single joint (e.g., elbow or wrist). However, the commonly meaningful behavioral parameter is the trajectory of the hand in extrapersonal space, which is realized by simultaneous motions about two or three joints (e.g., elbow, shoulder, wrist) and concurrent engagement of several muscles. The spatial parameters of a straight trajectory are its direction and extent. We hypothesized that a major function of the motor cortex, among other possible roles, is the specification and control of the direction of the movement trajectory in space. This reference of motor cortical function to the control of spatial aspects of the trajectory differentiated our approach from the other approaches outlined above. We investigated the directional selectivity cells in the arm area of the motor cortex by recording their activity while monkeys moved their hands in various directions in space towards visual targets. There were two salient findings of these studies. First, the intensity of the discharge of single cells varies in an orderly fashion with the direction of movement in space, so that the discharge rate is highest with movements in a preferred direction, and decreases progressively with movements made in directions more and more away from the preferred one. Thus single cells are broadly tuned around a preferred direction which differs among different cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Several experimental studies in the literature have shown that even when performing purely kinesthetic tasks, such as reaching for a kinesthetically felt target with a hidden hand, the brain reconstructs a visual representation of the movement. In our previous studies, however, we did not observe any role of a visual representation of the movement in a purely kinesthetic task. This apparent contradiction could be related to a fundamental difference between the studied tasks. In our study subjects used the same hand to both feel the target and to perform the movement, whereas in most other studies, pointing to a kinesthetic target consisted of pointing with one hand to the finger of the other, or to some other body part. We hypothesize, therefore, that it is the necessity of performing inter-limb transformations that induces a visual representation of purely kinesthetic tasks. To test this hypothesis we asked subjects to perform the same purely kinesthetic task in two conditions: INTRA and INTER. In the former they used the right hand to both perceive the target and to reproduce its orientation. In the latter, subjects perceived the target with the left hand and responded with the right. To quantify the use of a visual representation of the movement we measured deviations induced by an imperceptible conflict that was generated between visual and kinesthetic reference frames. Our hypothesis was confirmed by the observed deviations of responses due to the conflict in the INTER, but not in the INTRA, condition. To reconcile these observations with recent theories of sensori-motor integration based on maximum likelihood estimation, we propose here a new model formulation that explicitly considers the effects of covariance between sensory signals that are directly available and internal representations that are ‘reconstructed’ from those inputs through sensori-motor transformations.  相似文献   

Muscle spindle discharge during active movement is a function of mechanical and neural parameters. Muscle length changes (and their derivatives) represent its primary mechanical, fusimotor drive its neural component. However, neither the action nor the function of fusimotor and in particular of γ-drive, have been clearly established, since γ-motor activity during voluntary, non-locomotor movements remains largely unknown. Here, using a computational approach, we explored whether γ-drive emerges in an artificial neural network model of the corticospinal system linked to a biomechanical antagonist wrist simulator. The wrist simulator included length-sensitive and γ-drive-dependent type Ia and type II muscle spindle activity. Network activity and connectivity were derived by a gradient descent algorithm to generate reciprocal, known target α-motor unit activity during wrist flexion-extension (F/E) movements. Two tasks were simulated: an alternating F/E task and a slow F/E tracking task. Emergence of γ-motor activity in the alternating F/E network was a function of α-motor unit drive: if muscle afferent (together with supraspinal) input was required for driving α-motor units, then γ-drive emerged in the form of α-γ coactivation, as predicted by empirical studies. In the slow F/E tracking network, γ-drive emerged in the form of α-γ dissociation and provided critical, bidirectional muscle afferent activity to the cortical network, containing known bidirectional target units. The model thus demonstrates the complementary aspects of spindle output and hence γ-drive: i) muscle spindle activity as a driving force of α-motor unit activity, and ii) afferent activity providing continuous sensory information, both of which crucially depend on γ-drive.  相似文献   

Unit response in the superior colliculus and underlying structures has been examined in the choralose-anaesthetized cat following passive movement of an occluded eye. One group of units was sensitive to small saccadic movements, responded regardless of the initial postion of the eye, and in most instances responded to movements in opposit directions. A second numerically smaller group also responded when they eye was moved at saccadic velocity but only when the eye passed a fixed point. Such units with fixed positional thresholds were found following movements in both nasal and temporal directions as well as to both upward and downward movement. Both types of unit response were found after transection of the optic nerve and were also recorded when individual extraocular muscles were subjected to controlled stretch. It is assumed that most unit activity seen after passive movement of the occluded eye is due to activity in extraocular muscle receptors. In the deep layers of the superior colliculus responses to small eye movements were found to be due to the activation of very low threshold receptors sensitive to vibration in the facial area.  相似文献   

The activity of certain muscles that cross the elbow joint complex (EJC) are affected by forearm position and forearm movement during elbow flexion/extension. To investigate whether these changes are based on the musculoskeletal geometry of the joint, a three-dimensional musculotendinoskeletal computer model of the EJC was used to estimate individual muscle activity in multi-degree-of-freedom (df) rapid (ballistic) elbow movements. It is hypothesized that this model could reproduce the major features of elbow muscle activity during multi-df elbow movements using dynamic optimal control theory, given a minimum-time performance criterion. Results from the model are presented and verified with experimental kinematic and electromyographic data from movements that involved both one-df elbow flexion/extension and two-df flexion/extension with forearm pronation/supination. The model demonstrated how the activity of particular muscles is affected by both forearm position and movement, as measured in these experiments and as previously reported by others. These changes were most evident in the flexor muscles and least evident in the extensor muscles. The model also indicated that, for specific one- and two-df movements, activating a muscle that is antagonistic or noncontributory to the movement could reduce the movement time. The major features of muscle activity in multi-df elbow movements appear to be highly dependent on the joint's musculoskeletal geometry and are not strictly based on neural influences or neuroanatomical substrates. Received: 9 May 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 8 December 1998  相似文献   

In unloading condition the degree of activation of the central stepping program was investigated during passive leg movements in healthy subjects, as well as the excitability of spinal motoneurons during passive and voluntary stepping movement. Passive stepping movements with characteristics maximally approximated to those during voluntary stepping were accomplished by experimenter. The comparison of the muscle activity bursts during voluntary and imposed movements was made. In addition to that the influence of artificially created loading onto the foot to the leg movement characteristics was analyzed. Spinal motoneuron excitability was estimated by means of evaluation of amplitude modulation of the soleus H-reflex. The changes of H-reflexes under the fixation of knee or hip joints were also studied. In majority of subjects the passive movements were accompanied by bursts of EMG activity of hip muscles (and sometimes of knee muscles), which timing during step cycle was coincided with burst timing of voluntary step cycle. In many cases the bursts of EMG activity during passive movements exceeded activity in homonymous muscles during voluntary stepping. The foot loading imitation exerted essential influence on distal parts of moving extremity during voluntary as well passive movements, that was expressed in the appearance of movements in the ankle joint and accompanied by emergence and increasing of phasic EMG activity of shank muscles. The excitability of motoneurons during passive movements was greater then during voluntary ones. The changes and modulation of H-reflex throughout the step cycle without restriction of joint mobility and during exclusion of hip joint mobility were similar. The knee joint fixation exerted the greater influence. It is supposed that imposed movements activate the same mechanisms of rhythm generation as a supraspinal commands during voluntary movements. In the conditions of passive movements the presynaptic inhibition depend on afferent influences from moving leg in the most degree then on central commands. It seems that afferent inputs from pressure receptors of foot in the condition of "air-stepping" actively interact with central program of stepping and, irrespective of type of the performing movements (voluntary or passive), form the final pattern activity.  相似文献   

Plots were made of multiunit activity versus ankle joint position for receptors in each of the 12 muscles crossing the cat ankle joint, except peroneus tertius, by recording from populations of afferent fibers in muscle nerves. The discharge was measured 15 or 30 sec after terminating the movements that altered the position of the joint. These recordings were dominated by large-spike activity that would be expected to originate mainly from primary spindle endings. Seven of the 12 muscles also cross other joints. Their responses at a given ankle joint position were so altered by changes in the position of the knee or toe joints that they could not reliably signal the position of the ankle joint. As judged from multiunit recording, receptors in each of the five muscles specific to the ankle joint were influenced by more than one axis of ankle joint displacement.

Single-unit recording from dorsal root filaments was used to determine whether primary or secondary spindle receptors in soleus and tibialis anterior could selectively signal one axis of ankle joint rotation. Individual soleus receptors were tested both on the flexion extension axis and with a combined adduction–eversion movement.

For 38 of the 70 soleus receptors examined (54%), firm adduction–eversion produced a level of activity greater than that caused by 10° of flexion, and for 77% the level of activity was greater than that caused by 5° of flexion. For 168 of the 184 tibialis anterior receptors studied (91%), firm abduction inversion produced a level of activity greater than that caused by 10° of extension. Thus few receptors were found that responded exclusively to one axis of rotation.

One way in which the position of the ankle joint could be specified in the face of multiaxial receptor activity is by examining the receptor discharge from more than one muscle. A suggestion for how the nervous system might do this is given in the discussion.  相似文献   

Summary The lower anterior thorax of the lobster contains a set of three proprioceptors, bilaterally arranged, that monitor the movements of structures in the area, in particular the mandible and the lower oesophagus.These proprioceptors have been named mouthpart receptors 1, 2 and 3 (MPR 1, 2, 3). They form a functional whole, with MPR 1 situated at the front, and MPR's 2, and 3, at the rear, of a single ligament that spans the region between, the anterior border of the lower thorax (at the base of the antennary insertion), and the posterior end of the oesophagus. MPR 1 is composed of 4 or 5 sense cells whose dendrites insert onto a small elastic receptor strand, that itself is attached to the main strand. MPR 2 and 3 also insert on receptor strands that attach at the rear of the main strand, but at somewhat different positions and angles.Physiologically these cells are mechanically sensitive, responding in a variety of ways to stretch and displacement of the main strand. In MPR 1 at least one and sometimes two units fire continuously for long periods at very constant frequency. This frequency is modulated by movement, the frequency either rising or falling depending upon whether the mandible is raised or lowered. Other units are phasic, and velocity sensitive. In MPR 2, and 3, phasic and phaso-tonic units are both present, but few continually firing receptors. MPR 1 seems more affected by mandibular movements, MPR 2 and 3 by oesophageal movements.The possible role of these receptors in the control of mouthpart movements, and the activity of the foregut, is discussed.  相似文献   

The possibility of muscle activation of passive arm during its cyclic movements, imposed by active movements of contralateral arm or by experimenter was studied, as well as the influence of lower extremities cyclic movements onto arm muscles activity. In addition to that the activity of legs muscles was estimated in dependence on motor task condition for arms. Ten healthy supine subjects carried out opposite movements of arms with and without stepping-like movements of both legs. The experiment included three conditions for arm movements: 1) the active movements of both arms; 2) the active movements of one arm, when other entirely passive arm participated in the movement by force; 3) passive arm movement caused by experimenter. In the condition 2) additional load on active arm was applied (30 N and 60 N). In all three conditions the experiment was carried out with arms movements only or together with legs movements. The capability of passive moving arm muscles activation depended on increasing afferent inflow from muscles of contralateral arm was demonstrated. Emerging electrical activity was modulated in the arms movements cycle and depended on the degree of active arm loading. During combined active movements of arms and legs the reduction of activity in the flexor muscles of shoulder and forearm was observed. Concomitant arms movements increased the magnitude ofelectromiographic bursts during passive stepping-like movements in the most of recorded muscles, and the same increasing was only observed in biceps femoris and tibialis anterior muscles during active legs movement. The increasing of loading of one arm caused essential augmentation of EMG-activity in the majority of recording legs muscles. The data obtained are the additional proof of existence of functionally significant neuronal interaction both between arms and between upper and lower extremities, which is evidently depend on the intraspinal neuronal connections.  相似文献   

Neurons in posterior parietal cortex of the awake, trained monkey respond to passive visual and/or somatosensory stimuli. In general, the receptive fields of these cells are large and nonspecific. When these neurons are studied during visually guided hand movements and eye movements, most of their activity can be accounted for by passive sensory stimulation. However, for some visual cells, the response to a stimulus is enhanced when it is to be the target for a saccadic eye movement. This enhancement is selective for eye movements into the visual receptive field since it does not occur with eye movements to other parts of the visual field. Cells that discharge in association with a visual fixation task have foveal receptive fields and respond to the spots of light used as fixation targets. Cells discharging selectively in association with different directions of tracking eye movements have directionally selective responses to moving visual stimuli. Every cell in our sample discharging in association with movement could be driven by passive sensory stimuli. We conclude that the activity of neurons in posterior parietal cortex is dependent on and indicative of external stimuli but not predictive of movement.  相似文献   

A major problem with the study of the control of movement and posture is to determine how specific brain areas contribute to the selection of those particular muscle patterns that underlie a coordinated movement. With this problem in mind, a selective review is presented of mapping studies of the primate motor cortex, whose results bear on the question of how the spatial organization of cortical efferent cells might contribute to the production of organized muscle synergies. More recent findings are also summarized, which appear to resolve previous controversies on the question of whether movements or muscles are the primary units of motor cortex organization. These same findings suggest also a form of spatial organization within the primate precentral gyrus that would allow spatially simple afferent inputs to evoke the muscle synergies that are necessary for a variety of simple movements of the arm and hand.  相似文献   

In 17 healthy subjects, we examined the characteristics of targeted movements of the forearm, flexion from the initial position of full extension taken as 0 deg to a 50 deg target angle in the elbow joint (flexor tests, FTs) and extension from the initial angle of 100 deg to the same target angle (extensor tests, ETs) with return to the initial positions. A standard movement (its trajectory corresponded to a simple trapezium) was performed under conditions of visual feedback (the value of the target angle and trajectory of the movement were visualized on the screen of a monitor); then, this movement should be reproduced by the subject (according to an acoustic signal) in the absence of visual control. Target-reaching test movements in the absence of visual feedback differed from the standard ones in a higher velocity. Blindfold reproduction of standard movements realized under kinesthetic control was accompanied in all subjects by noticeable positive systematic errors of targeted positioning (in the group, on average, 5.16 ± 0.55 and 4.83 ± 0.58 deg under FT and ET conditions, respectively). Vibrational stimulation of the muscles whose activity mainly provided the movement and positioning (m. biceps brachii in the FT cases and m. triceps brachii in the case of ETs) resulted in decreases of the errors of kinesthetic positioning; intragroup means of these errors were 2.55 ± 0.36 deg (FTs) and 2.26 ± 0.40 deg (ETs). The positioning errors demonstrated even greater decreases upon vibrational stimulation of the muscles, which were relatively inactive under conditions of the tests and underwent passive stretching in the course of the movements (m. triceps in FTs and m. biceps in ETs). Mean intragroup values of the errors in these cases were 0.46 ± 0.25 and 0.52 ± 0.31 deg, respectively. The nature of systematic positioning errors in the reproduction of targeted movements in the absence of visual control and the mechanisms underlying the influence of vibrational stimulation of the muscles involved in realization of these movements on the positioning errors under kinesthetic control are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether fatigue of postural muscles might influence the coordination between segmental posture and movement. Seven healthy adults performed series of fifteen fast wrist flexions and extensions while being instructed to keep a dominant upper limb posture as constant as possible. These series of voluntary movements were performed before and after a fatiguing submaximal isometric elbow flexion, and also with or without the help of an elbow support. Surface EMG from muscles Delto?deus anterior, Biceps brachii, Triceps brachii, Flexor carpi ulnaris, Extensor carpi radialis were recorded simultaneously with wrist, elbow and shoulder accelerations and wrist and elbow displacements. Fatigue was evidenced by a shift of the elbow and shoulder muscles EMG spectra towards low frequencies. Kinematics of wrist movements and corresponding activations of wrist prime-movers, as well as the background of postural muscle activation before wrist movement were not modified. There were only slight changes in timing of postural muscle activations. These data indicate that postural fatigue induced by a low-level isometric contraction has no effect on voluntary movement and requires no dramatic adaptation in postural control.  相似文献   

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