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Two populations of node monocilia initiate left-right asymmetry in the mouse   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
McGrath J  Somlo S  Makova S  Tian X  Brueckner M 《Cell》2003,114(1):61-73
The vertebrate body plan has conserved handed left-right (LR) asymmetry that is manifested in the heart, lungs, and gut. Leftward flow of extracellular fluid at the node (nodal flow) is critical for normal LR axis determination in the mouse. Nodal flow is generated by motile node cell monocilia and requires the axonemal dynein, left-right dynein (lrd). In the absence of lrd, LR determination becomes random. The cation channel polycystin-2 is also required to establish LR asymmetry. We show that lrd localizes to a centrally located subset of node monocilia, while polycystin-2 is found in all node monocilia. Asymmetric calcium signaling appears at the left margin of the node coincident with nodal flow. These observations suggest that LR asymmetry is established by an entirely ciliary mechanism: motile, lrd-containing monocilia generate nodal flow, and nonmotile polycystin-2 containing cilia sense nodal flow initiating an asymmetric calcium signal at the left border of the node.  相似文献   

Summary In male and female dd-mice at 4, 7, and 14 weeks of age and in 7 and 14-week-old mice gonadectomized at 4 weeks of age, the number of osteoclasts and the number and size of bone resorption areas along the surface of bone trabeculae in the distal metaphysis of the femur were determined. Osteoclasts were counted at the light-microscopic level in paraffin sections of decalcified femora. The number and size of the bone resorption areas were examined by scanning electron microscopy of femora after removing organic material by means of KOH and NaOCl treatment. In untreated mice, the number of osteoclasts and the number and size of bone resorption areas showed no sex differences at 4 weeks of age but were larger in females than males at 7 and 14 weeks of age. In gonadectomized mice, the number of osteoclasts and the bone resorption areas increased in males and decreased in females. The results of the gonadectomy experiments suggest that bone resorption in young adult mice is stimulated by female sex hormone and inhibited by male sex hormone.  相似文献   

Some studies suggest that mild winters decrease overwinter survival of small mammals or coincide with decreased cyclicity in vole numbers, whereas other studies suggest non-significant or positive relationships between mild winter conditions and vole population dynamics. We expect for the number of voles to be higher in the rich and low-lying habitats of the coastal areas than in the less fertile areas inland. We assume that this geographical difference in vole abundances is diminished by mild winters especially in low-lying habitats. We examine these relationships by generalized linear mixed models using prey remains of breeding tawny owls Strix aluco as a proxy for the abundance of voles. The higher number of small voles in the coastal area than in the inland area suggest that vole populations were denser in the coastal area. Vole populations of both areas were affected by winter weather conditions particularly in March, but these relationships differed between areas. The mild ends of winter with frequent fluctuations of the ambient temperature around the freezing point (“frost seesaw”) constrained significantly the coastal vole populations, while deep snow cover, in general after hard winters, was followed by significantly lowered number of voles only in the inland populations. Our results suggest that coastal vole populations are more vulnerable to mild winters than inland ones. We also show that tawny owl prey remains can be used in a meaningful way to study vole population dynamics.  相似文献   

Y-linked polymorphisms were studied in a number of African populations. The frequency of the alleles of a Y-specific Alu insertion polymorphism, termed the "Y Alu polymorphism," was determined in 889 individuals from 23 different African population groups. A trend in frequency was observed, with the insert largely absent in Caucasoid populations, at intermediate frequency in the Khoisan, and at high frequency in Negroids. The insert predates diversification of Homo sapiens, since it occurs in all groups. The Alu insertion is believed to result from a unique mutation event, and comparisons between this and several other Y-linked polymorphisms were carried out in an attempt to validate their usefulness in population and evolutionary studies. The p21A1/TaqI and pDP31/EcoRI polymorphisms and 49a/TaqI alleles were all shown to have arisen on more than one occasion, and evidence exists for a preraciation crossover event between the Y-linked pseudoautosomal XY275 locus and the Y chromosome pseudoautosomal boundary.  相似文献   

Animals are increasingly faced with human?induced stressors that vary in space and time, thus we can expect populati on-level diverge nee in behaviors that help animals to cope with en vironme ntal change. However, empirical evidenee of behavioral trait divergence across environmental extremes is lacking. We tested for variation in behavioral traits among 2 populations of an African cichlid fish (Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae Seegers, 1990) that experience extremes of dissolved oxygen (DO) and turbidity and are known to vary in a number of physiological and life history traits associated with these stressors. Using a comm on garden reari ng experime nt, F1 progeny from wild-caught parents originating from a swamp (low DO, clear) and a river (high DO, turbid) were reared in high DO, clear water. Predator simulation assays were conducted to test for (1) variation in boldness, general activity, and foraging activity between populations,(2) differences in correlations betwee n behaviors with in and across populati ons, and (3) repeatability of behaviors. There was strong evide nee for diverge nee betwee n populati ons, with swamp fish being more bold (i.e.z leaving refuge sooner after a simulated predator attack) and active (i.e., spent more time out of refuge) than river fish. Across populations there were positive correlations between foraging activity and both boldness and general activity;however, within populations, there was only a strong positive relationship between foraging activity and boldness in the river population. Here, we have demonstrated that populations that originate from drastically different environments can produce proge ny that exhibit measurable differences in behaviors and their correlated relati on ships eve n whe n reared un der comm on conditions.  相似文献   

Aim To describe the biogeography of the ascidian fauna of southern Africa, to compare the results obtained with those reported for other fauna and flora of the same region, and to speculate about the origin of ascidians in the region. Location Southern Africa extending over 4000 km from Mossâmedes (15° S–12° E) to Inhaca Island (26°30′ S–33° E), including Vema Seamount (31°40′ S–8 °20′ E), Amsterdam‐Saint Paul Islands (38° S–77°30′ E) and the Tristan‐Gough Islands (38° S–12°20′ W). Methods We constructed a presence/absence matrix of 168 species for 26 biogeographical divisions, 21 classical biogeographical regions described by Briggs (Marine zoogeography, McGraw‐Hill, New York, 1974) and five provinces within the southern African region. We considered the following limits and divisions into provinces for the southern African region: Namibia, Namaqua, Agulhas and Natal as proposed by Branch et al. (Two oceans. A guide to the marine life of southern Africa, David Philip Publishers, 1994), and the West Wind Drift Islands province (WWD) according to Briggs (Global biogeography, Elsevier Health Sciences, Amsterdam, 1995). To examine the biogeographical structure, species and divisions were classified using cluster analysis (based on UPGMA as the aggregation algorithm) with the Bray–Curtis index of similarity. This classification was combined with MDS ordination. Main conclusions Four main groups were obtained from the analysis of affinities among species: (1) species present in the WWD, separated by a high percentage of endemisms and a low number of species with a southern African distribution. Moreover, in the light of the species distribution and the results of further analysis, which revealed that they are completely separated and not at all related to the southern African region, it appears that there are no close relationships among the different islands and seamounts of the West Wind Drift Island province. This province was therefore removed from the remaining analyses; (2) species with a wide distribution; (3) species of colder waters present in Namaqua and Agulhas provinces, a transitional temperate area in which gradual mixing and replacement of species negate previous hypotheses on the existence of a marked distributional break at Cape of Good Hope; (4) species of warmer waters related to Natal province. The classification into biogeographical components was dominated by the endemic (47%), Indo‐Pacific (25%) and cosmopolitan (13%) components. The analysis of affinities among biogeographical areas separated Namibia from the rest of the southern African provinces and showed that it was related to some extent to the Antarctic region because of the cold‐temperate character of the province and the low sampling effort; Namaqua, Agulhas and Natal were grouped together and found to be closely related to the Indo‐West Pacific region. In general, our results were consistent with those obtained for other southern African marine invertebrates. The frequency distribution of solitary/colonial strategies among provinces confirmed the domination of colonial organisms in tropical regions and solitary organisms in colder regions. Finally, we speculate that the southern African ascidian fauna mainly comprises Indo‐Pacific, Antarctic and eastern Atlantic ascidians.  相似文献   

Humped African cattle, which are differentiated into zebu and sanga types, have traditionally been classified as Bos indicus . This paper discusses existing evidence and presents new evidence supporting the classification of southern African sangas as Bos taurus and East African zebus as ' taurindicus '. Classification is based on karyotype, frequencies of DNA markers and protein polymorphisms. The Boran, an East African zebu, has an acrocentric Y chromosome typical of Bos indicus . The southern African sanga breeds have a submetacentric Y chromosome typical of Bos taurus . Frequencies of four DNA markers support the hypothesis that the Tuli, a southern African sanga, had taurine ancestors and the Boran had both taurine and indicine ancestors. Frequencies for several protein polymorphisms strongly suggest that southern African sangas have more in common with taurine than with indicine breeds, while East African zebus are an admixture of African taurine and Asian indicine breeds.  相似文献   

Renal weights of 430 adult black subjects coming to medicolegal autopsy at the Diepkloof State Mortuary, a large urban area southwest of Johannesburg, South Africa, were analyzed. The subjects were from 10 southern African black ethnic groups-Zulu, Sotho, Tswana, Xhosa, Shangaan, Swazi, Venda, Ndebele, Kalanga, and Malawi. The aims of the study were: 1) to ascertain the anatomical "norm" as it pertains to renal weights in this diverse population group; 2) to formulate standard reference tables that might be of use to the practicing pathologist in the southern African arena; 3) to provide a range of values that take into account the variables of age, sex, race, body weight, and body height; and 4) to provide a standard of comparison with anthropological and anatomical studies conducted on North American black, North American Caucasian, Indian subcontinent, Burmese, and Jamaican population groups. In each of the 430 subjects, age, sex, ethnic group, supine body length, body weight, individual left and right renal weights, and causes of death were noted. The latter were divided into 6 categories: 1) penetrating incised wounds; 2) multiple injuries; 3) gunshot wounds; 4) craniocerebral injuries; 5) various miscellaneous nonnatural causes of death; and 6) natural causes of death. The above variables were analyzed by computer and compared with respect to renal weights. No statistically significant differences were observed between the sexes or the age groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Laboratory studies show that different photoperiods induce diapause in northern (Vermont) and southern (Maryland) larval strains of the butterfly Limenitis archippus. The northern strain responds to 12hr longer photoperiod thresholds and critical ranges than does the southern one. These responses are correlated with geographic differences in the ambient photoperiod of the two localities. In this facultative diapausing species, third instar larvae construct hibernacula within the basal portions of tubular leaves spun with silk, when daylength approaches either 13·5 hr (Vermont strain) or 13·0 hr (Maryland strain). When reared in total darkness some larvae develop directly to fourth inszar without diapause, although mortality is high. Among both strains different broods exhibit different incidences of diapause. Reciprocal inter-strain hybrids show intermediate diapause responses, suggesting that larval diapause is under the control of multiple genes.  相似文献   

The textbook version of sympatric host race formation in Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae) features an ancestral hawthorn-infesting race and a derived apple race differing in life-history timing and response to host fruit odor. However, previous research has focused largely on northeastern North America. To investigate life-history timing in poorly studied southeastern North American populations with very diverse hosts, we performed common garden experiments on emergence time on six southern R. pomonella populations and four other R. pomonella species-group populations. Findings were: (1) the diverse adult emergence times of southern populations resulted largely from genetic differences; (2) some southern populations had bimodal emergence curves; (3) correlations of allozyme markers and emergence times were uncommon in southern populations; and (4) mean emergence times from common garden rearings and dates of field collection of the populations were strongly correlated.  相似文献   

OLIVER, E. G. H., 1989. The Ericoideae and the southern African heathers. The subfamily Ericoideae (Ericaceae) containing the true heathers and heaths has been a group long recognized as a sound natural entity. With work on the southern African genera and species which comprise approximately 95% of the subfamily well in progress, a reassessment of the number of genera has become necessary because of the considerable variation recorded in, and the postulated polyphyletic origin of, the capsular genera. Changes envisaged will affect the whole concept of the heaths within Africa. The genus Philippia Klotzsch has been reduced to synonymy under Erica L. and it is shown that the case for a similar action is very strong for Blaeria L. and Ericinella Klotzsch. The position of the monotypic European genus, Bruckenthalia Reichb., is also affected but remains unresolved.  相似文献   

D Franklin  L Freedman  N Milne 《HOMO》2005,56(1):17-34
In order to compare linear dimensions made by traditional anthropometric techniques, and those obtained from three-dimensional coordinates, samples of four indigenous southern African populations were analysed. Linear measurements were obtained using mathematically transformed, three-dimensional landmark data on 207 male crania of Cape Nguni, Natal Nguni, Sotho and Shangaan. Univariate comparisons for accuracy of the transformed linear data were made with those in a traditional linear study by de Villiers (The Skull of the South African Negro: A Biometrical and Morphological Study. Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg) on similar samples and equivalent landmarks. Comparisons were not made with her Penrose (Ann Eugenics 18 (1954) 337) analysis as an apparently anomalous 'shape'-'size' statistic was found. The univariate comparisons demonstrated that accurate linear measurements could be derived from three-dimensional data, showing that it is possible to simultaneously obtain data for three-dimensional geometric 'shape' and linear interlandmark analyses. Using Penrose and canonical variates analyses of the transformed three-dimensional interlandmark measurements, similar population distances were found for the four indigenous southern African populations. The inter-population distance relationships took the form of three separated pairs of distances, with the within-pair distances very similar in size. The cranial features of the four populations were found to be overall very similar morphometrically. However the populations were each shown by CVA to have population specific features, and using discriminant analyses 50% or more of the individual crania (with the exception of the Sotho) could be referred to their correct populations.  相似文献   


Endotherms allocate large amounts of energy and water to the regulation of a precise body temperature (Tb), but can potentially reduce thermoregulatory costs by allowing Tb to deviate from normothermic levels. Many data on heterothermy at low air temperatures (Ta) exist for caprimulgids, whereas data on thermoregulation at high Ta are largely absent, despite members of this taxon frequently roosting and nesting in sites exposed to high operative temperatures. We investigated thermoregulation in free‐ranging rufous‐cheeked nightjars Caprimulgus rufigena and freckled nightjars Caprimulgus tristigma in the southern African arid zone. Individuals of both species showed labile Tb fluctuating around a single modal Tb (Tb‐mod). Average Tb‐mod was 39.7°C for rufous‐cheeked nightjars and 39.0°C for freckled nightjars. In both species, diurnal Tb increased with increasing Ta. At Ta ≥ 38°C, rufous‐cheeked nightjar mean Tb increased to 42°C, equivalent to 2.3°C above Tb‐mod. Under similar conditions, freckled nightjar Tb was on average only 1.1°C above Tb‐mod, with a mean Tb of 40.0°C. Freckled nightjars are one of the most heterothermic caprimulgids investigated to date, but our data suggest that during hot conditions this species maintains Tb within a narrow range above Tb‐mod, possibly reflecting an evolutionary tradeoff between decreased thermal sensitivity to lower Tb but increased sensitivity to high Tb. These findings reveal how general thermoregulatory patterns at similar Ta can vary even among closely related species.  相似文献   

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